Incubus Dreams

"Bloody hell, what did you do to them?"Tom asked before apparating them, sighing amused that the death eaters were cringing in fear of someone besides himself. Ashlin snorted laughing, amused and worried about them, before looking at harry."Okay, before we go find draco, what did you do to everyone?"He asked heading for the stairs, intendign to drag draco out of bed.
Harry smirked a little as he shook his head. “i kicked both the Lestrange's asses.” he stated simply. “they where lipping off, saying that I couldn't do shit to the Death Eaters.” he shrugged. “so I beat the shit out of them.” the Lestrange brothers where not only Tom's favorites, or one of them anyway, they where also one of the strongest wizards in the group besides Tom and Marvos. It was no wonder the other Death Eaters where so terrified, Harry didn't have so much as a bruise on him. He must have kicked the brothers asses almost ruthlessly. “now, are we going to go see Draco or not?”
Tom sighed looking over at the man, shaking his head."You know, I do enjoy rabastian's company on occasion."He said rolling his eyes as he headed up the stairs. Ashlin snickered a little looking at harry, kissing him lightly."oh good. Now he's goign to sulk."He said amused as he knocked on draco's bedroom door, opening it after a moment, bracing to get hit with something."draco?"He said softly, not wanting to startle him more then they had to.
Harry shrugged a little. “then he shouldn't have called me a cock sucking slut who would be out on his ass before the weak was through.” he stated simply. “and Rudolphus CERTAINLY shouldn't have offered to 'pick me up' once Ashlin was through with me.” he stared at tom with angry blue eyes. “and they sure as hell should NEVER have said it to my face.” he almost seamed to be threatening tom. “i don't know if Ashlin is going to get bored with me, hell he might, I am difficult to deal with sometimes, but I doubt it, and even if he does I will not tolerate people telling me that I'm a whore, or that I'll be gone within a week, and ANYONE who DARES so much as LOOK at me funny will suffer my wrath from now on.” he stated sternly before they where apparated.

Draco was laying on his bed, facing the wall, but he wasn't sleeping, you could tell because he was breathing too hard and his shoulders where shaking. “just go away.” he demanded. “your all backstabbing Traitors. I hate you all!” he hissed Harry blinking a little as he lifted his eyebrow, glancing over at Ashlin. “lemme talk to him.” he ordered shoving the other two out and shutting the door, locking and silencing it even as he comforted Draco, coming out an hour later with a black eye and a busted lip, but with Draco looking much calmer now as he followed Harry out the door, still looking depressed but not so hateful.
Ashlin pouted, looking pitiful as he wrapped his arms around harry, looking over at tom. "I see how it is. We're not special enough to beat up any more." Tom, who was looking just as pouting, smirked a little. "Did you miss the whole ribs thing last night?And the concussion I had to heal from that book?"He said rollign his eyes before looking at draco."remind me to let you go to the gym."He said smiling amused as he studied draco, looking worried about him despite teasing ashlin.
Draco glared at them furiously, anger in those eyes before he returned to his room, slamming the door, Harry sighing a little. “come on you guys.” he ordered frowning at them. “he's having a hard enough time not trying to choke you for taking him away from his home, don't mock him too.” Harry ordered shaking his head a little. “just leave him alone for a while so he can cry himself out and then we'll bring the boys to cheer him up, hows that?” Harry suggested his head tilted a little. “i want to go check on Connor anyway, he likes Lucius but there are a lot of strangers there and if he sees any of them he's bound to freak out...”
Tom winced a little at the door slamming shut, reaching out to grab both of them so that they could apparate back, wincing as ashlin disappeared into the bedroom.He looked at harry."He's safe enough if you want to go ahead and go back.It'll give me a chance to make sure the death eaters aren't giving them a hard time to."He said looking slightly worried at the idea.

Ashlin sighed as he looked at the blond, leaning back against the door, refusing to be kicked out. Running his fingers through his hair, lookign upset because he hated upseting draco,but he found it hard to be around someone else's pain."The boys are worried about you."He said moving to sit on teh bed next to draco,playing with a fold in his pantleg.
Harry shook his head and glanced at Tom, looking a little worried. “i don't know if Draco can recover from this.” Harry admitted softly, licking his lips nervously. “yeah take me back... Ashlin can protect himself. Connor can't.” he decided sighing a little. “i'm going to slaughter Dumbledore, I hope you know that. The bastard is mine now.” he growled his eyes narrowed a little. “he's all mine.”

Draco had laid back down in bed, and for a long moment he didn't even seam to realize that Ashlin was even in the room before he shifted and looked over at the other. “the boys will be fine.” he stated turning away again. “just go away Ashlin.. I don't want comfort right now.. my wife is dead... the only woman I have ever loved is never going to come back... I just want to be sad for a little while...” he stated softly, curling up in a ball. “she deserves to be mourned...”
Tom nodded a little apparating them goinhg in earch of the boys and lucius."considering wo's wife he juust killed, wo your dating, and wat you did to the lestranges i dont think you'll have ayone protesting that."

ashlin sighed crossing the room crouching down in front of the blond."wen sarh died ou said she woudln want me to be alone.well millie wouldnt want you to be alone.and i grieve because i liked we're going to be alone together." he said biting his lip wnderting if his talent woukld work on millie and let draco said goodbye.looking pained as he trid to figure ou how to suggest it.
Harry nodded, his eyes narrowing a little. “good.” he growled popping into the room where Lucius was reading both boys to sleep for their nap, Connor sucking his thumb yet again making Harry grimace a little. “what happened?” Harry asked calmly. Connor had been racing around the halls with Kier, mostly ignoring the many strangers, braver since Kier and 'uncle Lucius' was there, but he'd slammed into Fenrir grayback. Fen was used to Kier, and had been away on a mission so he knew nothing of Connor, and had assumed it had been Kier running into him, so he growled, to make Kier giggle, Kier thought it was funny when 'uncle fen' growled ever so fiercely, but it had scared the lights out of Connor who had began to scream and cry, freaking Fenrir out as well since he had no idea what to do with a crying kid, and had tried to give Connor handfuls of candy to get him to stop, which hadn't worked.

Draco sniffled a little and shook his head. “you didn't like Millie, none of you did.” he protested but settled into Ashlin's lap anyway, seeking the familiar comfort of Ashlin's strong arms and calm words as he began to shake with sobs once more. “it's... not...fair! She was... getting better!” he sobbed shaking his head. “she...recognized me the last time.. I went to see her!” Millie rarley had moments of lucidity, so it was a big deal that she had recognized Draco.

(can't...remember... who...plays.. Lucius ><)
tom sighed quietly as he listened ti lucius explain before excusing himself to make sure femrir understood whaat as going on. lucius sighed qiuetly looking at harry looking tired wrried and only having been watching the boys but planning millie's funeral."fenri wants to talk to you later and apologize for yupsetting him." kier sniffled a little upet that hi rien was upset."its okay connor. i'm here."h .uttered reassuringly.

ashlin sighed a little kissing his head as he held raco close.biting his lip." you want me to ry..."he traildoff."it wont be the same...nothing will beth same...but you could say goodbye..."he said sounding choked wanting to helphis frien and brother in all but blood any way h could.
Harry nodded a little. “it's fine, I'll talk to Fenrir later.” he promised gently nudging Lucius's shoulder with his own. “go sleep.” he ordered calmly as Connor smiled at Kier. “i'm ok.” he murmured softly. “i just got scared.” he muttered softly snuggling into his best friend. “he growled... I didn't mean to make him mad... it was an accident...”

Draco sniffled a little as he hesitated, looking up at the other. “c...can we... can you do that?” he asked looking a little astonished. “i thought it only worked on s..sarah.” he admitted resting in Ashlin's arms. “ca...can you...really let me see her? Just one more time?”
lucius nodded pessng a kiss to each boys head looking sleepy as he headed back to the manor to sleep.kier nodded hugging him."he asnt mad connor.he growls at me to play. he didn know you were here.he thouiht you werem."he said ounding upset because hi uual game made connor upset.

"'ve never does work for sarah bt i'll try..."he said resting his head on the others shoulder shudering as he felt reality dhift.the headache hitting him like a punch as millie wavered in front of them.closuinghis eyes to concetrate on holding someone who wasnt his.struggling to do what draco needed to do so hopingthe otherwas so fistracted at the woman's appearance he wouldn't notice.
Connor blinked a little and looked up at Kier his head tilted a little. “it was a game?” he asked, sounding confused. “he sounded so angry...” he muttered laying his head on Kier's lap. “i'm not so scared no more.” he promised smiling a little. “you make me feel better.”

Draco smiled a little when he saw Millie his eyes widening as he stood up and reached for Millie, stroking her cheek gently. “mills... I'm so sorry.” he whispered softly, uncaring that she wavered. “don't be sorry.” Millie ordered, smiling at him. “you always loved me, even when I couldn't feel love anymore.. you loved me even when I tried to kill you and our beautiful little boy... your more than I ever could have asked for.” she promised kissing his forehead. “now stop sulking, your a man, act like it.” she ordered sternly, Draco choking as he tried to sob and laugh at the same time. “ok mills... I love you, I always will.” “good, but don't let that stop you from finding other people to love, I fully expect you to find a new mommy for Kier someday.” Millie ordered with a smile before glancing at Ashlin. “thank you, you can stop now.” she promised, Draco looking over at Ashlin and nodding, pulling the man into a tight hug. “thank you Ashlin... thank you.” he whispered softly. “thank you so much.”
kier nodded stroking connor's hair smiling up harry."yes it was a game. I'm sorry it mde you feel bad but I'm glad to know that you are feeling better."

ashlin winced his body aching as much as hi head did."your welcome.Glad you could have that."he said strugging not to wnder why his experiences with arah was more like a echo of the meemory intead of her thre.wonderng if by the tim he'd come by the power that she' been dead to long. his heart hurting but glad for raco."want to go see kier?he sad hiin just how much he was hurtin.
Connor smiled as he nuzzled Kier gently looking up at him. “we're gonna be best friends forever right Kier?” Connor asked hopefully. “when we get married we're gonna get married right?” he asked his head tilted. “just like in the castle?” they had pretended to get married in there, Connor's teddy had been the priest. “i love you Kier.” Connor promised smiling as he kissed Kier's cheek before he yawned and snuggled back into the bed. “so sleepy...”

Draco smiled as he shook his head. “no, not just yet.” he decided kissing Ashlin's cheek. “i'm going to take a nap first... you should take a nap too, you can't hide your pain from me.” he teased shaking his head a little as he wiped his eyes.
"We will...and we'll have teddy there again...forever..."He yawned muttering as he settled down against the boy to go to sleep. wrapping the other in a hug as he did so, not about to let him go.""Love you...lovv..."He muttered drifting off to sleep.

Ashlin smiled a little, pouting as he stretched out next to him, closing his eyes to go to sleep."Nosy little brat..."he muttered drifting off to sleep quickly as pain and sleep claimed him..

a few hours later Ashlin yawned, nudging the blond sleepign next to him, rubbing his face. he felt better, even if his head felt like a dragon had stepped on it. Smirking inwardly at the joke, well if he thought about it, a dragon had been the cause of his pain. Poking draco he smiled wider."Draco!wake up.i want to go home. And eat."He said his stomach growling.
Draco whined when Ashlin woke him up, but he rubbed his eyes and sat up, offering Ashlin a small smile. “thank you Ash... for everything... it... it really meant a lot to me.” he admitted softly, gently kissing the others cheek before he stood up and headed to the fireplace to order Tom to come get them. He had to grin when he saw Harry sleeping in front of the door in a chair, making sure no one could get in without waking him first, but sighed a little when he saw the boys curled up tightly into each other. “dammit.. I'm doomed.” he complained shaking his head a little. “i just hope Connor doesn't end up maturing faster than Kier or something.” “mmm he won't.” Harry promised sleepily, rubbing his eyes. “Connor will mature at the 'zact same rate as Kier, he'll just live longer... I think...”
Ashlin laughed a little."If nothing else, it will be a interesting either way."Ashlin said moving over, wrwapping harry in a hug, kissing him."Why are you sleeping in a chair?" "Hes waitin for you uncle asshlin.."Kier muttered yawning as he snuggled into connor, not wanting to get up just yet. To comfortable to move. Tom snickered a little as he shook his head, studying ashlin."You look like death warmed over.Do you want food?" "Maybe.Harry?"He asked looking down at his lover.
Harry smiled a little as he snuggled into Ashlin. “they where giving me looks. The death eaters.” he mumbled yawning a little. “didn't want them to try 'n sneak in while I was sleeping.” he admitted softly, too tired to lie, Draco wincing a little. “i didn't realize that Harry was that paranoid...” he muttered, looking rather amazed, but it made sense, six years of running and struggling to protect his son would lead to very paranoid habits that Harry probably didn't realize was unnecessary. “i need food.” Draco decided to de-stress the air a little, Harry dozing on Ashlin's chest. “slip Harry onto the bed and we'll all go to the kitchen and get some food for everyone and we'll all eat it together, how's that sound?” he asked eager to have a nice family dinner, all five of them for the first time.
Ashlin nodded as he left the room, for once obeying the order without protest. Tom grinned a little as he hussled the boys awake, tilting his head towards draco."Your parents are here somewhere if you want to invite them to eat with us.'He said smiling as he walked downstairs, making quite a sight with a young boy cradled in each arm, the boys sleepily complaining about having to move.
Harry staggered after Ashlin, letting Tom take care of the boys, trusting Tom despite his hatred of the man he did know that Tom would never hurt the boys. Draco looked surprised that both his parents where there and smiled as he bounced off to find the Malfoy seniors, ordering them to come have dinner with them, Lucius chuckling as he followed Draco, his arms around Narcissa's shoulders as they joined Harry and the boys and Tom for breakfast, Connor having demanded that 'papa' make the breakfast, because he made better waffles. Harry was glad he didn't have to cook that morning, he wasn't sure he could make some Pancake art.
narcissa laughed quietly as she looked at the waffles she was eating, raising a eyebrow at the oddly shaped dog."Feeling artistic are we ash?" Ashlin blushed, glancing at his plate as he gave everyone their plates that contained animal shaped waffles."Connor likes the shapes." Kier giggled a little looking at his own papa worriedly, "Papa, do you like animal shaped waffles?Uncle ashley could make something else if you want it." tom laughed quietly at the kid's volunteering of ashlin to make something else, smiling a little."Ah, lucius, I am glad to see you taught ashlin how to cook so well."he said amused, having always found it amusing that the elder malfoy could cook, even if he didn't do it often.
Harry chuckled a little as Connor giggled happily. “i have a owl!” he chirped happily, piling fruit onto his Waffle and tucking in Harry chuckling as Draco smiled at his cat shaped... or was it a dog?... a bear? He didn't know but he was hungry so he wouldn't question Ashlin's skills. “i like animal shaped waffles just fine.” Draco promised, kissing Kier on the forehead. “i'm sorry Daddy was so sad the last few days, I feel much better now.” he promised ruffling his son's hair. “well, it was either teach him or let the poor thing starve, I just couldn't have that, Kier would have been sad.” Lucius stated with a smirk as Harry snorted in amusement and nibbled on his own food, too sleepy to really be all that hungry, but eating anyway because he knew Connor would complain if he didn't.
"I wouldn't have starved. Sarah could cook you now."ashlin said as he woofed down the food in front of him, now that his headache from misusing his power was gone, his hunger had returned with a vengence. "And after that, draco kept bringing me food." Keir giggled a little looking happy that his father was better, eating before looking at his plate."You have a horsey papa. Uncle ashley, can I have a horsey?" Tom snickered a little as he looked at ashlin, who was to distracted at the sight of eating his food, to even realize he'd been asked something. "i'll make it.'He said smiling a little as he started making the waffle. Narcissa smiled a litle looking at her husband, raising a eyebrow."Tom's being nicer then normal.'She pointed out with a mutter. Wondering what it was about ashlin, or harry, that made the dark lord so much nicer and calmer to be around.Granted, the man was usually nice, but he was actually being pleasant.
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