Incubus Dreams

Harry snorted a little and smirked, Connor tilting his head. “what's a Deaf Eater? Are they people who eat deaf people?” he asked looking confused, Harry laughing a little. “no no honey DEATH eater. Their called Death because they laugh in the face of Danger, wahahaa!” Harry teased poking the others nose, chuckling a little. “no no Papa! You have to spend time with Kier AND me!” he protested giggling as he was tickled and plopped into a chair, beaming happily. “after dinner will you teach me to wrestle some more!?” he asked hopefully. “and throw me up in the air REAL high?” he asked squirming in his seat, Harry lifting an eyebrow. “have you bean beating on my son?” he teased sounding amused. “yeah! He beats me up real good!” Connor teased. “but I beat him up better!” “oh do you now? You'll have to show me.” Harry teased snickering a little.
"No he wont, unless you don't want some attention tonight."ashlin said pouting a little as he cooked, before giving connor his plate of chicken,sitting down to start eating.Smiling a little as he looked at connor."Of course I'll wrestle you. Can't have kier getting better, when he convinces draco to teach him more things."He said laughing.
Connor giggled and scarfed down his plate of raw chicken eagerly, Harry smiling a little. “aaw how cute, getting beaten up by a little boy.” he teased smirking at Ashlin Connor giggling a little. “i like to pull on his hair and ride him like a horsy!” Connor admitted giggling happily, Harry snickering a little at that mental image, shaking his head a little. “sounds like you two had a lot of fun while I was away.” he teased grinning as he roughed Connor's hair. “did Kier wrestle with uncle Ashlin too?” “.. no. Kier is really sad...” Connor admitted softly. “so is uncle Draco, but they wouldn't say why, uncle Draco got a letter in the mail and he got really upset and went home and took Kier with him." that had only been two days ago, and draco wasn't responding to any letter, summons, firecalls, or knocking on doors. it was rather worrisome.
Ashlin winced a little, he had hoped to ease the idea in easier. "I'm going to go badager him into seeing me now that you're home. The wards wont keep me out, since I'm kier's godfather, he made it so I could get in, even if the wards are in lockdown."He said looking worried himself as he looked at harry.Biting his lip, looking worried enough that he was ready to go."Would you mind if I went now?"He asked looking at harry. hating to abandon him when they had had so many problems, but he needed to know what happened, since draco hadn't even bothered to tell him either.
Harry looked worried as he bit his lip, clearly wondering what could have Draco so upset and he nodded, pulling Ashlin down for a kiss. “go see him, if he's this upset he needs you.” he ordered softly stroking the other's hair. “stay for as long as you need but if your staying the night there send word ok?” he asked softly his head tilted. “try not to yell at Draco in front of Kier.” he ordered smiling a little. “if you have to send him over here and I'll watch both the boys, we'll make cookies.” “REALLY!?” Connor asked excitedly. “i LOVE making cookies! Kier's never made them before! It's lots of fun!” Connor hoped that Kier did come, he knew that no matter what was wrong, making cookies always made someone feel better. “of course we'll make cookies, even if Kier doesn't come.” Harry promised. “we can always make cookies again the next time Kier comes to play.” Connor cheered happily and scarfed down the last of his lunch and then skipped off to play with the thousands of lego's that Harry had made Tom and Theo buy for Connor, as payment for scaring the boy. “be careful ok?” Harry asked smiling at Ashlin, kissing him again. “and good luck.” he knew how stubborn Draco could be when he was upset.
"I will be."he said leaning down to kiss harry lightly, hugging him."I'll keep a shield charm handy."He said laughing before he let go, apparating him. Heading for the manor he frowned as he looked around the seemingly empty house, tracking draco down, tilting his head as he studied his friend."Draco, you shoudl know better then to try and hide. I'm actually amazed tom's not in here dragging you out,kicking and screaming."
Draco was sitting in what had once been Milicent's room, looking very upset, his eyes red rimmed and puffy as he stared at a picture of her, swallowing hard. “i locked down the wards.” he stated simply. “no one can get in.. Tom tried I think...” he admitted softly. “Millie's dead.” he whispered softly biting his lip. “they said she committed suicide but she didn't... I read the suicide letter, it wasn't her words... they where too lucid...” he muttered softly. “used words she wouldn't use before she went insane... let alone after...” he set his hand over his eyes. “Kier won't believe me... I told him his mommy was gone and he just...” he choked on a sob and shook his head hard. “she's dead Ashlin... she...she's Dead!” he broke down into fresh tears, the same thing he'd been doing since he'd found out.
Ashlin cursed to himselfwrapping his arms around draco, pressing a akiss to his head."Do you want me to take kier to my house?We could all go. me and you, we'll get roaring drunk and discuss the end of dumbledore's life, and harry can take care of the boys and make cookies. connor's under the impression cookies fixes everything. come on love, we'll go to my house."He said needing to do what he'd done for him.Get him away from the memories."Let's go get kier."He said picking the other up bridal style, going to find kier. Needing to take care of them both.
Draco just shook his head but made no protests when he was picked up, hiding his face so Kier wouldn't see him crying. Not saying anything as they gathered Kier up and took him to Harry, who grinned at Kier and flung the boy up onto his shoulders, Connor giggling eagerly. “Kier! We're gonna make cookies!!!” he chirped eagerly. “and then we're gonna decorate them! We gots frosting, an sprinkles, and syrup! And you can use all the best frosting if you want?” Draco just watched them silently, in no mood to converse with anyone, or even smile, he just watched with blank eyes as Harry took Kier into the kitchen to get messy and have some fun.
"Okay. We're going to go get drunk.We'll even break open Sarah's whiskey bottles.You know how she ewas about the good alchol. Just had to have it all."He said pressing a kiss to the other's hair as he walked into the study, setting about numbing his friend's heart to the point he wouldn't feel. Finally resorting, when draco refused to drink, using a sleeping charm, knowing he probably hadn't slept. Laying out on the couch he sighed, teh smaller man curled up on his chest as he gently stroked his hair. Hours passing until he lifted his head, smiling sleepily at harry as he came in."The boys asleep?"
Draco looked upset even as he slept, Harry walking in, covered in flour and with cookie dough and frosting in his hair. “yes, finally.” he admitted smiling as he settled down next to the couch, stroking Draco's hair gently. “Kier told me what happened.” he admitted sighing a little. “poor Draco...” he muttered softly shaking his head. “i never thought he could get to her at the hospital.” he admitted softly. “Kier is upset, but I don't think Connor will let him feel sad for too long, he was lavishing Kier with attention today, I think Kier got more kisses today than you me and Draco did in our entire lifetimes combined!” he admitted looking amused as he shook his head. “Draco wouldn't drink would he?” he asked realizing that neither of them smelled like whiskey.
Ashlin snorted a little, tiltign his head towards the bottle and glasses sitting on the desk."Wouldn't let me drink any of it either."He said pouting a little."Thats not fair kier got more kisses.You've been gone the longest.I want kisses."He pouted more before looking at draco."He wont drink. And I'm going to kill however helped dumbledore kill her in st. mungo's."He said paling a little, realizing he needed to do something."We need to let tom know, to let everyone else know, that it's probably not safe anymore to go to st. mungo's for medical care. If he killed millie there..."He trailed off looking scared.
Harry smiled and kissed the other gently. “you don't need to drink when your upset anyway.” he ordered as he popped the cork back into the bottle and put it back with the others. “and I already sent a letter to Tom explaining what happened and why Draco wasn't responding to anything.” he explained calmly. “Tom's ordered everyone to fall in behind closed wards, all the women and children are behind Slytherin wards and all the men and death eaters are in Riddle Manor.” he promised smiling at him. “i thought about sending Connor and Kier to Slytherin Manor but... Connor would have a fit.” he admitted shaking his head. “everyone is safe.”
Ashlin nodded looking relieved as he pressed a kiss to draco's head, calming down as he closed his eyes, really just wanting to sleep."We could go stay at slytherin manor. Tom wouldn't mind.And we'd all be safer staying there."He said biting his lip thinking about it."And draco... I think we nee to go to slytherin manor. Millie was never there, she was here a few times, and riddle manor more. There's no where else that's safe that wont hold memories...we need to make sure he feels safe, so he can mourn in peace."He said shaking his head a little slowly sitting up, making sure not to disturb draco to much.
Harry grimaced a little and shook his head a bit. “i don't want to stay anywhere but here.” he grumbled. “the Death Eaters are terrible and rude.” he growled baring his teeth before sighing a little. “we'll stay at Riddle manor, Kier and Connor will stay with us and anyone who badmouths me or the boys will be killed. Whether you or tom Like them or not.” he growled. “we'll leave Draco in Slytherin Manor for now, he won't want us around until he feels better anyway.” he sulked a little though. “you make sure tom knows I'll kick anyone's ass who DARES call me a whore this time, whether they know I'm there or not!”
"I will but I don't think anyone will try anything with both of us rhere." he said hoping that it was true. "you get the boys I'll get Tom to take Draco over to slytherin manor and meet you there." he said getting up and apparating out

By the time Harry and the boys got to the manor boy Tom and asylum looked tired and stressEd."Draco woke up when we got there and wouldn't calm down. Threw things screamed... Bad night." ashlin muttered resting his head on harry's shoulder
he nodded and gathered up both the boys and apparated to Riddle Manor, laying them gently on the bed with a small smile as he kissed both their forehead, shutting and locking the door so no one would bother them, blinking in the morning when he finally saw Ashlin, wrapping his arms around the man, kissing his forehead. “he probably doesn't want to stay there.” he admitted softly. “poor Ashlin.” he murmured smiling a little. “he didn't hurt you did he? Do you need another massage?” he asked smiling a little. “the boys are still sleeping, and I informed EVERYONE that if ANYONE even LOOKED at them cross-eyed i'd take their throats out with my bare hands.” he admitted smirking a little. “they are all very afraid of me now.”
"Ohh good.Well, between being terrified Draco's going to throw things at them, and you, tom's going to have no one rational enough to do things.'He muttered before pulling away, favoring his side a little as he led harry to the bedroom he usually used while at the manor."broke my ribs. Tom healed them,but they're still sore."He muttered smiling a little as he looked at the other, strippign down to go to bed."I'm going to go see him tomorrow, god knows he'll be pissed when he realizes we really did lock him in."
Harry snorted a little. “good! They should be scared of me!” he growled before gently making the other lay down on the bed, pressing a small kiss to Ashlin's ribs, muttering softly before setting his hands on Ashlin's pained ribs, his hands hot, pleasantly so as he carefully massaged the sore muscles so they would hurt less. “feel better?” Harry asked smiling softly. “Draco will calm down eventually, he just needs time to adjust, i'd rather see him pissed than depressed anyway.”
Ashlin smiled a little, sighing quietly as the pained muscles relaxed, gently stroking harry's hair."Thanks."He said before he nodded."True. Though I do wish he'd not throw things. Damned if he didn't throw everything that wasn't attatched to the ground. including a hairbrush."He said with a little snicker.
Harry snickered a little and shook his head, massaging his lovers sides and then rolling him onto his belly and massaging his lovers back, kissing his ear gently. “well at least he's not that strong, he wasn't able to throw the really heavy things I'm sure.” no, Draco hadn't been able to throw the bed or the dresser or the heavy armchairs and couch but he had been able to throw the end table and the coffee table, no doubt Tom and Theo where facing just as many broken bones. “he'll calm down a little, and then we can take the boys to visit him.”
Ashlin nodded smiling sleepily,"We will."he said falling asleep. In the morning the man sighed as he dressed, leaning down to kiss harry awake."Come on.Time to get up harry."He said, wanting to get him up and moving before the boys so that they could go see draco before the boys demanded that they get to go with them.
Harry groaned as he rubbed his eyes, getting up and getting dressed, yawning a little as he shook his head. “i don't want to leave the boys here alone...” he complained frowning a little before pausing. “it Lucius here?” he asked hopefully. “it might do him some good to babysit.” he admitted shaking his head a little. “besides, their probably already up.”
"Yea, lucius is here. He already said he'd watch them.'He said snickering a little at the idea of how very interesting that was going to be to see. Sighing quietly,"Well, lets try and go before they pounce on us. If they figure out where we're going, they're going to want to go with us."He said stealing a kiss, sighing quietly. He was so worried about his friend.
he sighed a little, relaxing as he nodded, glad that someone he trusted was there to watch the boys, leaning into the other before heading out to find Tom, grabbing the man and ordering him to take them to Draco, glaring viciously at the Death eaters when they protested 'Thomas's lack of respect for their lord. They winced at the glare and cringed away, giving both Tom and Ashlin the idea that Harry had done a lot more than just threaten them.
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