Incubus Dreams

Ashlin snickered a little as they settled the boys into the bed before walking across the hall with draco, into the guest room, laying down after pouring them both drinks, handing one to draco."Poor baby. You know, when they're older, you'll be complaining that they don't want to spend time with you anymore."
Draco snorted a little and shook his head. “don't I know it.” he complained with a small chuckle, shaking his head a little as he smiled. “go to bed Ashley before I find an even more feminine nickname for you.” he ordered snickering as he settled Kier into bed next to Connor before retiring to the spare bedroom.

Harry snorted a little and shook his head. “the only reason why I ate it raw was to convince you people that Connor eating raw meat was normal, how was I supposed to know I was going to get sick!?” he complained sulking a little. “if you people would just stay out of my damn business...” “that comment, I'm sure, was meant for me.” Lucius admitted looking amused as he walked in. “Draco informed me that the boys where ill, what are you doing here?” “dying apparently.” Harry stated simply. “i've never had the Dragon Pox so I'm not allowed near the boys until their completely free of spots.”
"Which means Ashley's sulking over not having his sex mate for the new few days, which means NO ONE is going to visit him. Or draco. The two are liable to be climbing the walls."tom snorted laughing as he divided the plates up, setting one in front of the other two before sitting down with his own, starting to eat."So, how was china this time of year? Did you bring back soemthing for kier?I know he'll feel better with a present from his grandpa."He teased the younger man, finding it amusing that despite being older and looking younger, he had no children of his own. though if you think about it, he did take care of all the death eaters.and they were childish enough as it was.
Harry glared at tom furiously. “you know I'm not just his fuck toy.” he complained scowling a little as Lucius chuckled a little and set two Chinese lanterns, two packages of Chinese candies, two Chinese Dragon kites, and two Chinese Dragon Top's. “it went well, of course I did, and your all assholes.” he stated simply Harry actually snickering a little as he shook his head. “you deserved it and I'm sure Connor and Kier will loves those, tom! Feed me I'm hungry!” he ordered scowling at the other Lucius chuckling a little as he shook his head a little. “someone's in a bad mood.” “of course I'm in a bad mood! I won't see Ashlin for two or three weeks! How pissed would YOU be if you couldn't see Narcissa for three weeks!?” “...point taken...”
Tom smiled as he sat harry's plate in front of him, starting to eat as he rolled his eyes a little as he ate."Oh stop complaining."He said before lookign at lucius."Just think, his mood is only going to get worse the longer he'd deprieved of ash's company."He said, not about to comment on the fuck toy statement.while he believed that it was true, he wasn't about to make a fight over it. not when he knew harry wanted to fight
Harry glared at Tom and kicked him in the shin from under the table, Lucius grimacing as he watched the toe of Harry's shoe connect with his lords leg, Harry getting up and stalking off, pissed off and unwilling to speak with Voldemort anymore, and even worse, some part of him was now worried if he wasn't just a sex toy to Ashlin... the man never had actually said he loved harry... and the man was still very much in love with Sarah, Harry knew that and it hadn't bothered him... until now.

“was that very wise sir?” Lucius asked blinking at Voldemort. “Harry has been used for a long time and you just implied that Ashlin is doing the same thing... Ashlin is going to be really pissed off if he finds out your fucking with H... Thomas's head. Or even that you pissed Harry off, you know how protective Ashlin is over his lovers, the entire TWO that he's had. You can't honestly think that Harry is just a fuck toy to Ashlin?”
Tom shook his head eating, looking slightly amused."No, not really. When he was picking up whores in london, and came home with one, I was worried he was just going through a stage."He said looking thoughtful, because he thought he was the only one who knew about ashlin's phase of picking up whores after raids, just to work through the memories and temper. But even if he believed it was real, he was more worried about that now then he was if harry wasjust someone he was sleeping with. Ashlin wouldn't survive being hurt again."No, I really don't. But if...thomas is pissed, he wont think about why he has to stay here. He'll be annoyed with me, instead of worried about connor."
Lucius shook his head. “Ashlin wouldn't just pick up a whore Tom.” he stated sternly, unaware that Ashlin did...often. “and that is not why you pissed Thomas off, you don't like him and we all know it.” he stated sternly crossing his arms. “your afraid Thomas is going to hurt Ashlin, but if we're all being Honest here you KNOW Thomas would never leave Ashlin or hurt him on purpose, Thomas loves too much to be capable of doing that... in all honesty the person I most worry about is Thomas, especially now that you pointed out that Ashlin might not actually love him! Thomas is so insecure and your not helping things tom, if you want to prove to Thomas that your not the evil bastard everyone has spent their life telling him that you are? I'd suggest that you stop acting like one.” it wasn't often that Lucius stood up for someone, the fact that he had said a lot about what Lucius thought of Harry, Lucius liked Harry, the boy was lively and honest and loving, and his son was so adorable it was so hard not to hug him into a coma. “you should probably apologize tom, before Thomas goes after someone who won't be able to defend themselves, like Nott, or the Lestrange brothers.”
Tom scowled at him, not about to relieve lucius of his dillusion of ashlin not picking up whores. Shaking his head a little he frowned harder at the blond before stalking otu of the room, finding the other man quickly in his house. Quite amused that even the death eaters who usually stayed here, had vacated the house when they realized who was staying. wondering if it was fear of harry, or fear of ashlin that wascausing it. sighing as he found the other in the library, he frowned a little."I'm sorry. Ashlin...ashlin dating again worries me. And I don't like you, never have. It makes me nervous to have you with him.'He said willing to admit to it... sometimes anyways. harry really did make him nervous to have a emotionally fragile ashlin with the boy who seemed to attract danger and attention."I apologize,Ashlin treats you like he did sara, that you hung the stars and moon, that you are all that matters in his life. That is by far better then a fuck buddy."
Harry was staring at nothing in the library and he wiped his eyes as soon as he realized Tom was in the room with him, turning away from Tom and pretending to ignore him. “you where right... I'm just a whore.” Harry muttered softly. “Asher doesn't love me and I doubt he ever did.” he muttered softly getting up and leaving the room, not willing to listen to Tom anymore, finding a room and pulling the covers over his head, wanting to sleep and wonder what he would do if Ashlin really didn't love him... if the man was going to kick him out some day, Harry wasn't sure what he and Connor would do. “oh Sarah.... what can I do, when I'm up against you?”
Tom growled watching him go. Wondering exactly what he was going to do now.

Two weeks later ashking growled sleepily as he walked into the riddle manor, annoyed at not being able to find his lover quickly, and wondering where the hell he was.Growling as he heard the man yelling at tom he snarled as he stepped into the room, frownign hard at them both."I show up finally, after so long beign gone, and I don't even get a hello?"He growled walking over to harry, wrapping his arms around him, pressing a kiss to his head. His heart, that had been breaking at not being able to see him, felt easier at finally being able to hold him again."You can come home."He said smiling wider.
Harry had been feeling worse and worse, especially with certain death eaters making comments about 'Asher's toy' when they didn't think he was there or listening. with every passing Day harry felt more and more terrified that he really was just a toy to Asher, more and more certain that this was all just a sick game. Harry finally blew up at Tom when the man said something about whores and was screaming at Tom when Ashlin suddenly arrived, Harry swallowing thickly as he suddenly burst into tears, pressing his face into Ashlin's chest, not saying anything, not brave enough to ask Ashlin if he really was just a fuck toy, so instead he just broke down into tears and sought comfort from the reason why he was so upset in the first place, wrapping his arms tightly around Ashlin and swallowing hard. “i wanna go home.. I hate it here... take me home...”
"Hey okay, okay we're going home."Ashlin muttered looking so confused as he apparated home, appearing in his study, wanting the privacy, having a feeling whatever was going on was going to be very ugly. Pressing a kiss to harry's head he sighed, closign his eyes a little. Wanting to know what was going on, angry burning at him for everyone he thought was coming next. Afraid harry wanted out. Wanted away from him and his emotional issues."Harry, what's wrong?"He asked leaning back to look down at him.
Harry sniffled, relaxing once they where in private, nuzzling Asher. “you love me right?” he asked softly. “i'm... I'm not just a toy right? They all said... they all said I'm just your fuck toy... I'm not just a fuck toy right? I... I'm not just your personal whore?” he asked softly, broken and hurt that everyone could think that, after all if everyone thought it... it must be true right? “they said you where going to get tired of me soon, and throw me away... like Garbage... I'm not your Garbage right? You... you won't kick me out?” Harry was so terrified, that after two weeks of not being home, Asher had realized what everyone else saw, that Harry was just a whore, and that Asher didn't really love him.
Ashlin looked so confused and hurt as he looked down at the boy, he frowned al ittle.'What are you talking about?Of course your not going anywhere.I love you."He said his voice breaking over the words, sounding so hurt and sad, happy to though. It was the first time since he'd said I love you that it hurt to say it, the words sounding like they were painful, but no less true."I love you."He said cupping hte other's face in his hands, sounding desperate, because he wouldn't survive if harry didn't believe him.
Harry sniffled and looked up at the other, his wide green eyes still filled with tears. “you... you said you loved me.” he whispered looking so astonished it was almost painful to look at before he smiled a little and kissed the other happily, sniffling a little. “i'm sorry... I know I shouldn't have doubted you but everyone was saying it.” he muttered softly. “first it was tom, and then it was Bellatrix and Pittigrew and then everyone was saying it... only tom and Bellatrix where brave enough to actually say it to my face though.” he muttered scowling a little. “can I kill them?”
Ashlin scowled a little, pressing a kiss to the other's head, wrapping his arms around him."No. don't kill them, I do like them.somtimes."He said laughing before sighing, closing his eyes as he rested his head on the other's shoulder."Tom's probably worried, because....he actually worries about his followers. even if he wont say it. And bellatrix...bellatrix is just a bitch."He said pressing a kiss to the other's neck.
Harry sighed a little and shook his head. “and all the rest of the death eaters?” he demanded. “they might not have said it to my face but I still heard them say it.” he growled scowling a little. “they all think I' a fuck toy Ashlin... a fuck hole to use and then discard.” he complained pressing his face against the others knee. “it's worse than when all my friends found out I was an incubus.” he admitted softly. “i don't like it that...” he sighed a little. “that they might be right... I'm not... I'm a wore... and I just don't deserve you... I never did...” he admitted nuzzling the other. “what if they see something that we don't?”
Ashlin looked startled, and hurt at the words. Wondering what he had done to make the other doubt him. Feeling to torn, like something had been broken in their seperation, that they would need to fix, if ashlin would ever be himself again. After all he'd done, ashlin was easily hurt, always had been, but it had gotten worse since sara had died."Who would know better then us,what we want, what we deserve?"He said, starting to get angry, just to hide just how hurt he was feeling at the man's doubt in him.he sighed quietly closing his eyes."Connor wants to see you.He's been driving me up the walls with demands that you come visit. Apparently papa ashley isn't enough.He's up with kier and draco...excited your coming home."He said shrugging a little, as if teh child's rejections of his desperate attempts to help hadn't hurt. That connor's demands to see harry hadn't cut deep.
Harry nuzzled the other. “that's the problem.” he admitted softly. “i know what I want.... but... I've never known what I deserved....” he admitted sighing a little. “i guess this is all just the Dursley's coming back... I'm sorry I just... all my life other people have told me how to live my life and now that there's no one to do that anymore I just... take cues from the wrong people.” he admitted smiling a little. “Connor is very dependent. When your gone I'm not any good, he always wants you.” he admitted chuckling as he wiped his eyes, kissing the other. “i'm sorry I'm so delusional.” he muttered before smiling again as he laid his head on the others shoulder, your the best thing that ever happened to me, no matter what anyone says.. and even if I doubt, I never doubt my love for you.” he promised softly.
Ashlin's answering smile was small and happy, as if not sure to trust the other, but willign to try. He knew harry loved him,but it hurt to hear him so torn up about things. Snorting amused as he gently brushed the other's tears away, heading for the door. not willing to voice just how badly this had hurt him, or connor's dependancy had hurt. Even if he understood why the boy was like that."Ah well, I think he's tired of beign with me. After all, I made him take a oatmeal bath,."he said smiling."Connor!Your dad's here!"He called as they walked up the stairs.
Harry smiled a little as he laid his head on the others shoulder. “do me a favor?” he asked hopefully. “beat Tom up for making me cry?” he asked hopefully smiling at him and sniffling. “i never cry... I have no idea what all that was... I never care what other people think...” he admitted sighing a little. “i think the stress is getting to me.” he admitted. “i was so worried about you and Connor...” he shook his head and then laughed when Connor suddenly launched himself into the air and into Harry's arms. “i thought you where DEAD!” Connor complained sniffling as he buried his face in Harry's chest, Harry smiling a little. “oh Connor, I'm not going to die.” he promised stroking the boy's hair. “i know aunt Luna died Connor but that doesn't mean Ashlin or I are going to die.” he promised shaking his head. “promise?” Connor asked softly Harry sighing a little. “i can't promise that Big Bear.” he admitted setting the boy down and holding the little hands in his own. “death is apart of life, but just because you can't see them anymore, doesn't mean the dead have left us.” he promised smiling. “you can still hear Luna singing to you at night sometimes right? That's her watching over you, and making sure you have good dreams.” he explained smiling a little as he kissed Connor's forehead. “besides, If I died someone would tell you.” “promise?” “that, I can promise you.” he, well promised, smiling at Ashlin. “ever since Luna died.. if someone is gone more than a few hours he fears the worst.”
Ashlin nodded a little, "He's pounced on me when I'm asleep to make sure I wasn't dead or something."He said, not about to tell harry how close he'd come to injuring the boy a few times when he was jolted awake. No matter how much it had scared him at the moment, he couldn't keep the boy from doing it, because it seemed to calm him when ashlin jerked awake with a shout. Smiling a little at connor he ruffled the boys hair."Come on, you hungry, love?"
Harry chuckled and nodded. “he does that to me too, only he doesn't jump on me anymore after he woke me up from a nightmare and I accidentally chucked him across the room.” he admitted snickering a little, Connor giggling. “i remember that! I broke my arm and daddy was CRYING.” “i felt so bad!” Harry admitted with a laugh. “i got anything I asked for for MONTHS!” Connor admitted with a bright giggle. 'it was fun!” “for you maybe.” Harry teased Connor's belly growling loudly. “come on bud, we need to get you food.” “i want Papa to do it!” Connor whined, Harry snorting a little as he smirked. “alright, Papa Ashley can do it.” he agreed snickering a little. “i'm SO glad he loves you.” Harry admitted smirking a little. “the last time I tried to bring a guy home Connor pelted him with Lego's.” he teased snickering brightly. “it took Connor an entire half hour to realize that Daddy wasn't bringing home a new mommy.” he admitted snickering again. “i don't think that Policeman ever recovered either.” he admitted looking VERY amused.
Ashlin smirked, teasing and amused."Ah, lovely, you should know lawmen aren't good for you.You gotta date death eaters."he said stealing a kiss before scooping connor up, tossing him in the air a little before heading for the kitchen, the boy tossed over his shoulder like a bag of potatos, having discovered the boy didn't mind roughhousing."I see how it is.Only want me when daddy's not here. I'll get you for that.Maybe spend time with kier."he said tickling him laughing a little as he dropped him down into a chair, starting to make some chicken and salad for dinner.
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