Incubus Dreams

Ashlin snorted a little."It was important, even if we all already knew where you were."He smiled a little stealing a kiss"Though the disguise is a good idea."He sighed quietly."harry, even if it doesn't matter to you to the world as a whole, and dumbledore, you are very important."he sighed rubbing a hand over his face before nuzzling harry's shoulder.
Harry sighed a little and shook his head. “i know.” he grumbled softly closing his eyes. “i just wish... that it wasn't me.. you know? And even worse my bad luck seams to have gone on to Connor... all I ever wanted was a peaceful, calm life. With a loving girlfriend... well boyfriend after I realized Girls where all fleshy and emotional, and some kids and maybe a few pets... I'm never going to have a peaceful life because of two bastards fighting...” he sighed again. “i don't know who got me involved but as far as I car...their both to blame for my horrible life... at least Tom seams a little sorry about it.” he admitted shaking his head before kissing his lovers forehead, smiling a little. “i suppose I should thank them though... if it wasn't for them chasing me out of the wizarding world I might never have met you.”
Ashlin snorted laughing a little as he kissed him lightly before leaning back again."Hmmm I'm sure I would have blown up something to get your attention."He snickered,"After all, picking up people on the street is something I'm good at."He teased. "Tom feels more sorry abou things then people give him credit for. Granted, he's probably enjoying the hell out of jerking the death eaters around over your identity but still, he does feel bad for things sometimes"
Harry snorted a little and shook his head, smirking at the other. “if you'd blown something up I probably would have ran away.” he teased chuckling a little. “despite popular belief I don't normally go looking for trouble.” he admitted sighing a little. “it feels so strange.. but.. I don't hate Tom any more... I should, after all the things he's done but... I don't... I can't.. his life and mine are... too similar.” he admitted shaking his head. “we where both Dumbledore's pawn...” he muttered softly sighing a little before he smirked viciously. “i think I might pretend to know where Harry is, just to fuck with these people even more.” he decided with a snicker. “we should think of a fake name, can't walk in to a death eater meeting calling myself Harry...” he pondered and then. “well I could always call myself Thomas hmm? Thomas James. Hows that sound?”
Ashlin snorted laughing."If you call yourself thomas, tom's going to box you around the ears. I like it."He said amused stroking the other's hair, stealing a kiss as he pulled his lover close."Now sleep. We do have a busy day tomorrow, I think it's time I go reassure everyone I'm sane, and that you really are real.It'll be perfect. Not a real meeting, but a introduction before one so that tom doesnt have to go insane trying to keep everyone calm at a real meeting. Since I have a feeling you'd stir up interest no matter what, we'd never get any work done if they don't know about you beforehand."
he chuckled a little and shook his head as he snuggled down, sighing a little. “mmm how exciting.” he purred smirking a little. “this is going to be so exciting.” he purred chuckling a little. “of course I'll stir up interest, I'm beautiful.” he purred smirking as he snuggled in for sleep, yawning a little. “we'll leave Connor with Draco.” he decided settling down to sleep.

And in the morning, he'd dropped Kier and Connor off on Draco and had gone home to do his hair in intricate braids and beads and even a few little bells so he made pretty sounds every time he moved, smirking as he put on eyeliner, making his now icy blue eyes pop even more, and reddened his lips slightly with lip gloss before he dressed provocatively, but polity in an elegant, very form fitting robe that glimmered in the light with a blue sheen. No one was going to be able to resist staring at the slightly feminine, ever so gorgeous Thomas James, who even wore feathered earrings and a gorgeously elegant necklace made out of black feathers and silver beads. “how do I look love?” 'Thomas' asked his head tilted at the other, smirking, clearly very pleased with himself.
Ashlin pouted a litte as he looked him over from his point of view perched on hte bed, tilting his head. "I don't think I want you around anyone else."He whined a little before getting up, stealing a kiss, before stepping bak. Pulling on his boots with a smile, "Thomas, we better be going. Tom shall be ever so worried."He sai stroking the incubus' hair, pulling him closer, cuddling him a little.
he laughed a little and kissed the other, smirking as he pulled on his high healed boots, humming happily as he examined his painted nails, licking his lips a little. “Tom is going to be so pissed off.” he purred with a snigger as he kissed the others neck again, smirking a little as he apparated them both to the Riddle Manor, the group pausing to stare at Thomas and Ashlin, most of them shocked as they realized that, yes, Thomas's lover was real, it was a man, and yes he was utterly gorgeous. “oh my god!” one of them whispered in astonishment. “he really does have a lover!” Thomas turned his attention to the death eater who had spoken and smirked rather viciously. “you doubted my existence? Of course you did. Now where is the man who took my son? I have an intense desire to slap him.” Thomas admitted smirking a little as he studied the group.
Ashlin snorted,"Rumors of my insanity have been greatly exaggerated."He said smirking."Oh, I think you know our kidnapper." "Oh thanks Ash."Theo whined a little before walking through the crowd, tilting his head slightly."I'm sorry.I thought..."he shrugged."I didn't mean to scare him. I was worried ashlin'd lost it." Ashlin smiled a little as he wrapped a arm around thomas' waist, nuzzling his neck a little."I think they're shocked your male."He said amused. But he knew why he had gone for males since sara died. Beause he couln't love another woman with the same desperate passion he had sara, so he'd found a man that he could. He loved harry with that desperate loving passion, because it didn't feel like he was beraying sara's memory by doing so.
Thomas laughed a little and scowled at Theo. “you know, you could have just ASKED!” he pointed out crossing his arms at the other. “my son has started sucking his thumb again thanks to you! And poor little Kier nearly had a heart attack when he found out Connor was kidnapped.” he complained before pouting at Ashlin when he was nuzzle. “lover don't distract me.” he whined, relaxing into Ashlin's arms. “i'm being bitchy.” he whined smiling a little. “i'm not surprised their shocked, but I AM gorgeous.” he teased kissing Ashlin gently, smirking a little before scowling at Ashlin. “i suppose I can forgive you.” he smirked darkly. “but only because I know you needed stitches after my son bit you.” there was a small chuckle as Lucius arrived, glancing at Harry. “are you tormenting people again?” he demanded wondering why the boy wasn't pretending to be Draco this time. “oh pleas Lucy darling I don't torment ANYONE!” but Lucius's eye twitched at being called 'Lucy darling'
Ashlin nearly choked on his tongue at the words, before nearly falling over with laughter at being called lucy."L-lucy may I introduce Thomas? He wanted to meet everyone." Tom's eye twitched a little as he looked around the room in varying degrees of shock and amusement at lucius' nickname. It wasn't everyday one got to see the normally controlled lucius being called lucy. Tom sighed quietly, "Thomas"-twich oh he was going to injure him for that- "I would appericiate it if you didn't cause a sudden outbreak of heart ttacks among my men."
Thomas smirked a little as he wiggled his fingers at the twitching blond before beaming at Tom. “aaw aren't you cute?” he teased. “come on Voldy! Live a little! Life is about having FUN!” Thomas chirped laughing at all the shocked faces of the death eaters, chuckling a little as he answered before Ashlin or Voldemort could chastise him. “oh very well I shall attempt to behave.” he promised smiling a little as he rested his head on Ashlin's shoulder, Lucius sighing a little. “Ashlin... why do you attract such annoying people?” he demanded, remembering fondly all the 'trouble' that Sarah had caused. “aah Lucy..” a twitch. “annoying people are the BEST! At least I'll keep you on your toes.” Thomas teased snickering a little.
Ashlin smirked a little."Sarah wasn't that bad. She never called you lucy. Only darling. Or sweetie...or-" "Stop!Before you totally destroy any respect he has."Tom ordered a smile twitching his lips before he smothered it. It wouldn't do to encourage the children. "Now. What did you two want with me?I assume thomas you're here for a reason beyond this game?" Ashlin snorted laughing."No. Just wanted to see how the hunt for harry potter was going. Surely someone had seen the brat reccently." "Oh, well. It seems he really was working as a whore, and the last anyone saw him, was with a blond man. both disappeared after."
Harry smirked a little his head titled. “he has respect?” Thomas asked curiously snickering a little before smirking. “i happen to know Harry potter.” he admitted crossing his arms. “your never going to find him, he's very talented in that regard. I only know him because Connor liked him.” 'Thomas' admitted shaking his head. “we where both whores on the street.” he admitted. “i left with Ashlin before Harry disappeared so I don't know where he's gone, but he probably just relocated. He does that every couple of years, or if a Wizard catches sight of him. He's very good at staying hidden, and he's wonderful at glamors, your never going to find him unless he wants to be found. I'd just give it up.”
Tom raised a eyebrow, looking at lucius."You heard him. You're good at lost causes. Why don't you go search."He said, sounding amused. Because he knew lucius cared about the biggest lost cause of all, trying to help his daughter in law. While he felt sympathy for millie, he knew she wouldn't get better and it did no good to let draco batter his heart to pieces trying to do it. Ashlin rolled his eyes a little looking at the rest of the death eaters."You heard him.Do you think we should keep looking?" "Yes.Even if we have no chance of finding him, us searching will keep dumbledore focused on what we're doing looking for his golden boy, instead of what we're doing to undercut hiim."Theo said logically.
Thomas blinked at Lucius with a smirk before he chuckled as he nodded. “you might try china then.” he stated calmly. “Harry told me once that he's always wanted to go to china, he was even learning Chinese.” he lied effortlessly with a graceful shrug of his shoulder. “he might call from time to time to check on Connor, he likes my little brat.” Thomas admitted affectionately. If I hear from him I'll be sure to let you know, so long as you promise that Harry won't be hurt.” Harry felt like laughing his little ass off. This was a lot more amusing than he had originally expected.
Ashlin looked amused, though he was strugglign to not laugh. This realy was so amusing."He wont be. We just want to not give dumbledore the chance to use him."Tom said, turning away from the group when he couldn't hide the smirk anymore. Looking way to amused."Oh, and lucy, now that you and ashley share girl names, don't think you can sit around and braid each other's hair."he said turning back, smirking as he looked at the two men's soft wavy long hair."Now. Off you go lucius. China it is."
Harry snickered into his hand as he watched Lucius turning purple, glaring at 'Thomas' before he sighed and scowled at Tom. “you are NOT helping!” Lucius complained shaking his head, Thomas giggling. “aaw there are spells for that you know, here let me show you.” he teased braiding Lucius's, Theo's, an Ashlin's hair with a small snicker, shaking his head a little. “aaah don't you all look cute? It's a shame we can't braid Voldy's hair, you MUST grow it out!” Thomas teased smirking at his once enemy Lucius actually letting out a strangled sound of outrage before he vanished to go look in China for someone he knew wasn't going to be there.
theo made a strangled noise of surprise, before looking at ashlin."He's a menace.But good for you."He said grinning at his friend, glad to see him happy before apparating out. Tom smirked looking at the two he was alone with, "Now. Are you two done terrorizing my followers?Did you need something?"He asked looking slightly worried, wondering if the man had managed to convince harry to move into slytherin manor for his own protection.
Harry snickered a little as he shook his head. “i will NEVER be done terrorizing your followers.” he teased smirking a little. “and no we don't need anything, we just wanted to prove to everyone that Asher actually had a lover so they'd stop coming over.” he kicked at tom's shin. “i blame you for Connor's nightmares by the way!” he complained, not that Connor was actually having nightmares but Harry wanted to make the dark Lord feel guilty. “i'm half tempted to let Connor bite you again!” he admitted glaring at the other. “stop sending people over! If Asher doesn't respond it's because he's BUSY!”
"I was-"Tom stopped. Rethought the question."Draco had said you were sick. I sent Theo over to make sure you both didn't drop dead."He said, still unable to admit to being worried. Ashlin snorted laughing "well don't." Tom sighed nodding a little, wincing as he rubbed his shin."Don't kick me."He ordered before pausing." he really having nightmares?"He said,actually sounding guilty for terrozing the child even if he'd gotten hurt for it. Maybe...maybe he should write a apology to him?Was that a normal thing?He frowned thoughtfully trying to figure it out.Human emotion wasnt high on his list of things.
Harry sighed and shook his head. “no he's not having nightmares.” he admitted. “but he has started his thumb and he won't sleep alone.” he admitted crossing his arms. “and since you know about him now you will come over and I'll introduce him to you, so that if it happens again by some insane lack of communication he knows your not going to hurt him.” he decided. “but your to CALL first!” he growled. “because if you interrupt my sex old man you'll get a LOT worse than a kick in the shin!” he growled in annoyance before he sniffed a little. “but, you are forgiven for now.” he decided crossing his arms. “now, if you'll excuse me I have a false image of myself to make in America so that Dumbledore has something to find.” he stated as he vanished with a CRACK, feeling chipper and happy as he set about making a bath for himself and his lover, since Connor wasn't going to be home.
Ashlin grinned at tom."You heard the man. No visiting without calling. And tell lucy he can come home."He said before apparating. Grinning as he heard harry in the bathroom."Hmm you know, you're going to get tired of baths with me if you keep it up."He teased leaning against the door, tilting his head a little.
Harry smirked as he filled the bathtub with strange beads. “i bought something special.” he teased smirking a little. “it's called Bath Jelly.” he admitted with a smirk. “the soap is in the jelly so don't eat it.” he ordered chuckling a little. “it's supposed to be very erotic.” he admitted with a small snicker as he ran his hand through the foamy material, purring happily. “it's also supposed to make lovely lube.” he admitted with a bright chuckle as he sighed softly. “i even got a recipe so I can make my own if we decide we like it.”
ashlin snickered watching the beads become bubbles, stripping with a smirk."Is that so?Well, I might have to share with draco.I'm sure he'l enjoy exprimenting with different things."He said smiling as he sank into the tub with a grin.
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