Incubus Dreams

Draco sighed softly. “you found him then? Thank Merlin.” Draco muttered softly smiling at him. “i'll go put your study in order.” he promised softly. Well aware he was one of the only people allowed in there, and he was also the only person who knew exactly how to put it back together. “i'll check on Connor and Kier too and make them dinner, you just sleep, I'll wake you when it's time to give Harry his potions alright?” he offered smiling at Ashlin, gently kissing his forehead. “your a wonderful person Ash.” he admitted smiling before he vanished, Harry breathing softly as he slept, calm and peaceful now that he had been told they'd won and the battle was over. It was another two days before Harry finally opened his eyes, and was Lucid, groaning softly as he shuddered. “Ash?... it's cold... close the window.” Harry groaned softly. “god I feel terrible... did I get cursed? Where's Connor and Kier?” he asked blinking a little. They where over at Draco's, playing in Kier's room so no one would try and 'kidnap' him again, and so that Ashlin could focus on caring for Harry.
Ashlin whined at the other's talk,pressing his face tighter against the pillow. "Not cursed.Food posioning."he said his voice muffled by the pillow under his cheek. sighing quietly, cracking a eye to look at the brunette, before closing his eyes again."They're at draco's playing. They were working themselves up more then was good for them."He said waving a hand so that the window slammed shut at the silent spell.
Harry blinked a little. “food poisoning?” he asked his head titled a little. “really? Damn...” he groaned softly, slipping carefully out of bed, standing on shaking legs and heading for the bathroom. “i feel nasty.” he muttered shaking his head. “i hate being sick.” he complained as he turned the water on, moving slowly, careful not to over exert himself as he filled the tub, well aware he wouldn't be able to stand up for a shower. He;d sit and bath and then go back to bed. “have you been taking care of me Ashlin?” Harry asked suddenly, remembering the small flashes of lucidity in his hallucinatory dreaming, a small smile on his lips. “no one's ever cared for me when I was sick before...”
Ashin smiled tiredly."Draco has. I've been hovering, and mostly gotten in his way."He said rolling on his back. Rubbing a hand over his face before he followed the man into the bathroom,sitting on the toliet, resting his head on his arms. Looking slightly amused though the strain of taking care of harry showed in the slightly hollow look on his face, and the sleepiness showing on his face.Knowing he still had to tell harry about the detah eaters knowing about connor but he had no idea how to bring it up.
Harry smiled a little and nodded, kissing Ashlin's forehead. “well thank you.” he muttered softly as he stripped carefully and sank into the hot water with a small groan. “oh this is nice.” he muttered smiling a little. “do you want to join me?” he asked smiling at the other. “you look exhausted, I'll wash your back for you.”
Ashlin smiled undressing climbing in iwth him with a sigh. Leaning against the others chest as he settled between his legs. Looking content."Hmm I am."he muttered smiling slightly."Well...we have a problem."he said biting his lip, wondering how to bring it up."Tom...tom was worried when I didn't show up...he knows Connor exists.Everyone does...they wont talk,but the inner circle was informed, not who's son he is.But that my lover is living with me here, with his son.So that no one would show up here uninvited again."He said bracing himself to wait to get yelled at for being careless enough to let it haappen.
he smiled a little as he wrapped his arms around the other snuggling him, Tensing when he realized they knew about Connor. “... how much do they know?” he asked softly, sighing a little. “knowing him he freaked out and transformed so Tom and Lucius at least know he's part Veelim...” he sighed a little and nuzzled the other. “it's ok... I knew they would find out eventually, I just... hoped it wouldn't be so soon...” he muttered softly swallowing thickly. “will they try to take Connor away? Voldemort won't... won't try to use him right?” because Harry knew Dumbledore would, so was it such a stretch that Voldemort would?
Ashlin snorted laughing at the idea."He did transform. Scared the crap out of lucius to."He smiled a little."Tom's already decided that he's better off not trying to mess with the kid. Damned near ripped his spleen out through his nose. And he's going to have a set of teeth marks in his arm for life."He smirked a little. "He's also sent a letter that said if you wanted to move into slyhterin manor so connor had better wards, he'd move himself out of it."He sighed a little."The rest of the inner circle know I'm seeing someone and him and his son are living with me, but that's it."
he chuckled a little and nodded. “good.” he growled smirking a little. “Connor did exactly what I told him to.” he purred smirking a little. “and I am NOT moving into that damn place.” he growled. “i am staying here.” he hissed smiling as he nuzzled the other. “tom can kiss my ass.” he admitted smirking a little. “besides Connor likes it here and so do I.”
Ashlin smiled,relaxing as he realized the other wasn't mad at him, before snickering a little."I like having you here, even if I'd feel better with you two behind slytherin's wards."He teased before shaking his head, hoping that no one would tell harry that connor had left the house. At least, maybe then, his lover wouldn't yell at him for being reckless, for not being fast enough to protect him.
Harry snorted a little and shook his head. “i'd rather be behind Gryffindor wards honestly.” he teased smirking a little. “so how long was Connor at Riddles? Not long I hope... he hasn't started sucking his thumb again has he?” Harry asked sleepily, well aware that if the inner circle knew, then Connor had left the house. Harry wasn't upset in the least, well aware that Tom would never allow a child to be hurt, remnants of his own abused childhood. “he has started sucking his thumb again hasn't he? Ah damn...” Harry grumbled a little as he snuggled Gabe. “i'm all tired again.” he muttered softly. “come back to bed with me? We can lay naked and pretend we had sex, even though we're both too tired, and I'm too weak for it.”
Ashlin snickered getting out of the tub, drying off before his mind processed what the other was saying."Uh..."He stuttered a little, actually having the grace to blush before answering."He is sucking his thumb, though I think Draco's gotten him to stop.And well...he was gone long enough I torn my house apart looking for him."He rubbed a hand over his face as he dried off harry after getting him out of bed, tucking them both into bed."Lucius' is still grumbling about having to clean up."
he smiled and nodded. “good, he'll ruin his teeth doing that.” he admitted shaking his head a little before he smiled. “aaw you destroyed your house for him? That's so sweet.” he murmured smiling as he let his lover dry him off, glad for it because he wasn't sure he could manage it on his own. He felt like a giant wet noodle, or maybe some jello. “it's good for Lucius to clean.” he purred smirking a little as he yawned a little and snuggled into bed. “mmm... so tired.” he mumbled closing his eyes just as Connor ran in, naked as the day he was born with bubbles in his hair and clinging to his skin. “Papa!” he squealed giggling a little. “i went POP!” he explained. “Uncle Draco was yelling at a person named 'Dammit Theo! And I got scared and went POP!” he chirped crawling into bed with them. “i'm all bubbly!” he stated with a giggle. “what do you mean you went pop?” Harry asked softly, frowning a little, Connor yelling happily as he snuggled into his father. “Daddy! Your not dying anymore!” “no, I never was Connor calm down.” he stated with a chuckle. “tell me what you mean by Pop.” “well I was taking a bath with Kier with LOOOOTSA bubbles, and they was yelling downstairs about something, keepin secretes I guess, I got scared and wished I was with Papa and I went POP and gotted squeezed through a straw an I was here!” “oh my god he Apparated!”
Ashlin paled, looking at the young boy, before yelping as he found himself with kier in his lap,"Keir...." "CONNOR WENT POP!I wanted to pop to!I had to find connor!" Ashlin winced,"Bloody hell."He muttered looking at harry, before gently settling kier on top of harry."This is making my head hurt..."He whined a little before apparating himself out, wincing as he apparated in the middle of theo and draco's arguement. "Bloody hell Draco! I thought he'd lost it finally!" Ashlin winced rubbing his ears,"You made connor go pop."He whined looking at the two."NOW!Shut up, and go away. I'll talk to you later theo."He said glaring until the other death eater left before looking at draco."We have a problem."
Connor giggled as he leaped onto Kier, naked and slippery he ended up sliding off the bed with wild giggles Harry laughing a little as he shook his head watching Ashlin pop away himself. “Shut up Theo it's non of your business anyway! If we had wanted people to know we would have told them!” Draco hissed. “it took me two days to get Connor to calm down to sleep at night without Kier there to protect him! You just about...” he paused when Ashlin told them to shut up and watched Theo vanish blinking at Ashlin. “a problem!? I'll say! The death eaters want to know who the hell Connor is, they want to meet your boyfriend, they want to know all this shit that we can't tell them and tom isn't helping at ALL!” he paused then., “that isn't what you where talking about though was it?”
"Tom never helps with anything. I bet he's staring at them all and refusing to answer questions until they get annoying and crucio their asses."Ashlin said looking thoughtful before shaking his head."No, that's not what we have a problem now. That'll eventaully be dealt with. Draco, both connor and kier apparated into my bedroom when they heard you in here arguing with theo. Apparently you scared connor, and he apparated to his papa,and kier needed to be with him so...."He shrugged helplessly looking at his friend.
he snorted a little. “he's actually confusing the hell out of them!” he complained scowling a little. “he's practically egging them on with their guesses. Right now they think your with me, which I nearly killed them for, one of the Weasley's, which is kind of funny, they think you might be with the missing, and dead, Frederick which was the only person they could think of that had Veelim blood, and most of them think you've made this person up and have dragged me into their delusions.” he admitted rolling his eyes before he froze.”oh no, I frightened Connor?” he asked worried before shaking his head. “i don't like this.” he complained sighing. “Kier and Connor are already so dependent on each other... “ he sighed a little. “at least we know Connor can apparate when he's frightened.” he muttered. “now if he gets kidnapped again he should vanish and return to you.” he admitted nodding. “now that he knows what to do.”
Ashlin whined quietly, shaking his head."No he doesn't. Neither of them realized what they did. At least beyond not wanting to be where they were."He sighed a little."Draco, I don't think you could pry kier away from connor with a crowbar."He snorted laughing a little, before shaking his head, looking amused as he thought about what tom was doing. Well at least that would keep them busy from really prying into his life. Heading upstairs with Draco."Come on, we better go talk to them. I'm sure you didn't scare him to badly."
Draco shook his head, a little annoyed. “this is true I suppose.” he grumbled smiling a little, “well, I suppose I should be amazed but honestly? I'm not. I knew Connor was pretty powerful and Kier has good strong blood running through him...” he chuckled a little and shook his head as he headed upstairs, smiling as Connor and Kier snuggled into Harry, all three of them sleeping and covered in bubbles. “that is SO cute.” Draco stated smirking a little.
Ashlin's eye twitched a little as he surveyed the sight."...They''re getting bubbles everywhere."He whined looking at his friend before grinning."You can stay tonight, or go home. Or hell, to slytherin manor. I'm sure your wife's driving tom up the walls by now."He snickered, while he loved/ hated millie, and fear her presence in kier's life, he cared more for his friend's feelings, which meant accepting his wife.
he Hesitated and then nodded. “i.. I might go visit Milli.” he admitted softly. “if you don't mind sitting Kier?” he asked softly smiling as he watched the boys, in unison shove their thumbs into their mouths. “oh for Merlin's sake!!!” he complained moving over to tug their thumbs out of their mouths. “now their both doing it! Ashlin your son is a bad influence on mine!” he complained scowling at his best friend, pouting at him.
Ashlin snickered at the man's reacion, kissing his head."Go.I'lll make sure all bad behavior is gone by the time you get back."He teased before gently shoving him towards the door. "Go.Millie'll be glad to see you, I'll be fine with them."he said, a smile curling his lips a little.
he smiled a little and hugged Marvos tightly. “thanks Mar...” he muttered before vanishing silently, Harry smiling as he slept, Connor whining as he shoved his thumb back into his mouth, sucking on it peacefully as he snuggled even more into Harry, who blinked as he woke up, looking over at Ashlin and smiling a little. “Connor said the bad kidnapper was there and that's why he got scared.” he admitted chuckling. “i take it Theo was there? Or Tom?”
"Theo.Apparently tom's enjoying himself about the idea of who my lover is, and theo decided to come see if Draco was buying into the illusion."He smiled slightly climbing in the bed,yelping a little as kier latched onto him tightly, stroking his hair a little."Tom's convinced them that Im dating a death eater, dumbledore, or some other illusion that made me kidnap a kid, and convince draco to go along with it....all in all my brilliant and annoying boss, is enjoying himself, knowing something no one else does."
he snorted a little and smirked a bit. “you know, I could always show up at a Death eater meeting.” he admitted smirking a little. “i've changed quite a bit, no one would recognize me. All I gotta do is this.” he ran his fingers over his forehead, the scar vanishing in an instant, hidden by pale flesh. “and this.” he ran his hand over his eyes, turning them from green to blue. “and no one will know who I am.” he stated with a smirk. “then people stop asking who your boyfriend is, and I can attend whenever I want.” he decided. “i am rather curious about how most meetings go. The last one didn't seem to be all that important.” of course to Harry it didn't seam to be all that important, but Harry Potter was still, to the wizarding populace, still the person who would end the war. So whoever 'owned' Harry, had the support of most of the wizarding populace.
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