Incubus Dreams

Harry bared teeth at Tom at the order to behave but snickered as he watched Ashlin bowing his head as if it was him who was in trouble, kissing his cheek. “and who the hell says I'm even willing to help you people?” Harry demanded lifting an eyebrow at Tom, Lucius pausing then. “you hate Dumbledore right? Help us kill him and if your not convinced that we're the good guys then at least you have a chance to kill us too.” Lucius was a bad one for gambling, but his gambles usually worked, as it did this time as Harry pondered that and finally nodded. “yes, your right.” he agreed smirking a little. “i'll help.” he decided. “until Dumbledore is dead at the very least.” he decided smirking a little before glaring at them all. “but you stay the hell away from me, and that means you stay the hell out of Asher's house.” he ordered with a growl, Lucius rolling his eyes. “i WILL kill you if you pop up out of nowhere again Voldemort, remember that.” Harry hissed softly, smirking at the man before he Apparated away, having said his bit he had this intense need to check on Connor.
Ashlin rolled his eyes looking at the two,"Don't look at me to control him. I enjoy his brashness."He snickered apparating out of the room heading for malfoy manor himelf. Smirking as he found Harry standing in the front hall.Wrapping a arm around him, he hauled him towards the stairs."Come on, they'll be upstairs. Kier's got the world's biggest toy room up there."He snickered smiling wider when he could hear the kids playing in the room. "No no no no!Papa that's not how uncle ashley does it!He makes a good space alien.When's uncle ashley coming?"Kier said looking up at his papa
Draco sighed a little and shook his head. “after his meeting with Uncle Tom.” he stated smiling at Kier. “besides, I'm no good at playing space Aliens, I make a better Dragon.” he unleashed a massive Roar and tickled Kier, Connor laughing a he leaped onto Draco to save his friend, pausing when he caught sight of another Draco in the doorway. “u...uncle Draco... there's a man that looks just like you...” Harry laughed a little and let his real form take shape. “it's ok Connor it's just me.” Harry promised Connor squealing with laughter as he clapped his hands and leaped into his fathers arms. “daddy! Your here! Come play Space Aliens with us!” he ordered giggling happily. “look at all the toys Kier is going to let me borrow for the castle!” he stated indicating the pile of toys that Kier had insisted Connor take back with him.
Kier laughed happily."They'll be perfect for the castle!"He chirped, squirming away from his father and pouncing on his uncle as the blond walked in after harry."Umph.Draco, I think you're feeding him to much."Ashlin said tickling kier, a smile dimpling his cheek as the boy squealed with laughter. For a man who'd gone out of his way to not be with the boy or children in general he was amazingly good with them.
Harry laughed a little as Connor leaped onto Ashley. “Papa Ashley!” he crowed snuggling into the man. “come play space aliens with us!” Draco and Harry both looked amazed at Ashlin's new title, Harry chuckling a little. “well damn... tell the boy your not his mother and he decides your gonna be his papa instead.” he teased Ashlin, smiling a little, looking at the other lovingly, not at all minding that Connor had called him Papa, in fact, wondering if it wouldn't help Ashlin a little more.
Ashlin blushed, ducking his head, for once shy and confused on how to react before smiling."Ahhh I'm a good papa.Come on space alien,I have brains to steal."He grinned as he dove into playing with the kids. Looking like a big kid himelf. "They're good for him."Narcissa said as she appeared behnd harry, smiling gently at the sight of the boys playing so well with the usually closed off ashlin. having already talked to her husband, and since she always knew when draco was hiding things from her, she'd known ashlin was hiding something.Or at least someone in his house. And now that she knew who he was hiding...she approved of how happy they made him.
Connor giggled a little and squealed as he was chased around by Ashlin Harry chuckling as he smiled at Draco, pleased that Connor loved Ashlin so much, Tensing visibly when he heard Narcissa behind him, narrowing his eyes. “easy Harry, Mother isn't going to tell anyone that you have a son, not even my father, though he already has his suspicions.” Draco admitted. “and if you ask nice I'm sure he'll refrain from telling Tom.” “there's no need to ask I won't tell, that's the quickest way for me to get killed.” Lucius stated calmly, Harry snarling, Connor looking over to see what had his Father upset, squealing in terror when he caught sight of the strange new adults and hid behind Ashlin, trembling lightly. The poor shy boy so terrified of strange adults that even someone who looked exactly like Draco had him terrified. “it's alright Connor, these people won't hurt you.” Draco promised Harry smiling. “it's alright son, come and say hello to your grandma ans grandpa.” Lucius looked startled by the title and smiled when Connor hesitantly inched his way over. “you look like Uncle Draco...” “that's right, I'm uncle Draco's father.” Lucius admitted smiling as Connor examined Narcissa. “are you a lady like Aunty Luna.” Harry bit back a laugh, but couldn't stop the snicker.
Narcissa raised a pale eyebrow as she crouched down in front of the boy, smiling slightly, blond hair falling easily around her shoulders as she glanced back at ashlin and kier who were hovering protetively behind connor, before looking at her 'grandson' amused."I am."She said with dignity before smiling wider, hoping to make him feel easier. "Grandma wont hurt you. She'll give you candies.And presents. And books like the ones she gives me that papa-"Kier stuttered to a stop, paling a little as he moved to hide behind Ashlin's leg. Ashlin smirked looking at his blond friend,"I think you're mother's been reading grimm's fairytales again." He said remembering the rant draco'd had about her scaring her grandson, even though the boy had loved them.
Harry laughed a little as Connor brightened up. “i LOVE the Grimms!” he chirped Harry snickering a little. “he likes them almost as much as he liked Turtle Time.” he admitted looking amused as Connor pretended to be the Big Bad Wolf who ate little red and grandma, letting Kier, as always, take the best part and be the woodsmen. “you know, I think he just likes pretending to die.” Harry admitted chuckling a little as he watched Draco's eye twitch. “ can't read children stuff like that!!!” he finally complained Harry lifting an eyebrow. “why not? They live in a world that's FAR scarier.” “Harry.” Lucius stated suddenly. “why is Connor so terrified of strangers?” Harry fell silent and he swallowed, closing his eyes. “he was kidnapped once.” he explained softly. “a pimp, you know what those are?” Draco and Lucius nodded. “he wanted me to work for him and I refused, so he kidnapped my son to try and force me to... he had Connor tied to the end of a bed, like he was a dog, and there was a whore and a man going at it right above him... I slaughtered the entire house before I could think of what would happen. He's been terrified of strangers ever since.”
Narcissa paled at the explanation, stepping forward resting a hand on harry's arm, looking sorry for him before stepping past, looking up at the growling ashlin."No.Don't get pissed ash. It's not worth it.HE's not worth it." "But...he scared connor!" Narcissa sighed quietly, shaking his head."He did, but all you can do is take care of him now."She said before gaspng, looking at all of the men."Oh!You three must be starving!Tom always forgets to feed you." "No he doesn't.Its his way of making sure no one, espcially bellatrix, doesn't stay to eat with him."
Harry smiled and patted her hand, Lucius looking just about to murder someone as well. “their already dead, all of them.” Harry promised chuckling a little. “nothing fucks with a potter.” “daddy, whats fucks mean?” Connor asked, Harry grimacing. “it's a very bad adult word Connor, like when Daddy drops the heavy chicken on his foot.” Connor pondered that the took his fathers hand and gave it a smack. “no saying naughty words!” he ordered Harry laughing a little as he shook his head a little. “i'm sorry Connor I won't say it again.” “you dropped a chicken on your foot?” Draco asked looking startled. “frozen one, twenty pounds, shattered the arch and broke three toes.” Harry admitted looking amused his stomach growling loudly. “actually.. I am kind of hungry.” he admitted Connor poking his head up. “i want steak!” “you had steak for dinner Connor, how about trying some chicken?” Draco offered Connor hesitating. “no I don't like chicken, can I have pig instead?” “pork?” Harry asked lifting an eyebrow. “i don't see why not, do you have any raw pork?” “Raw!?” Lucius demanded, horrified. “your feeding your child raw food!?” “he needs it, he's not human Lucius.” Harry stated looking amused. “i eat raw meat occasionally too, he just needs more than I do since he's still developing.” “...that's nasty.” Lucius muttered “i agree.” Draco admitted with a laugh.
Ashlin smirked a little as he slipped a arm through narcissa's,"MAlfoy men and their sensitive stomachs, you'd been better marrying a potter." Narcissa laughed softly,"It seems I would.But I do love my weak stomached husband.Which amazes me considering he's a death eater." "Yes, it would seem tom needs to start recruiting more."Ashlin snickered grinning as Kier jumped on his back,wanting a pony back ride downstairs."Okay okay, no need to kill me kid."He snickered wrinkling his nose a little as he shifted him, walking downstairs. Narcissa smiled looking at lucius as they walked downstairs."Poor lucius. Everyone makes fun."She teased.
Harry snickered a little as he shook his head Connor giggling as he leaped onto Draco's back, Draco grunting as he shifted Connor and carried him downstairs too, Harry rolling his eyes a little as Lucius actually crossed his arms and sulked a little watching Harry walk down, glancing at his wife. “Potter's hiding something.” he stated simply. “he said Connor wasn't human, that he was ingesting meat because he needs it... but Incubi don't need to eat meat, they live off of sex and only after puberty.” he stated simply his eyes narrowed. “i think I might look into this Fredrick person Tonks was talking about.” he admitted kissing his wife gently before wrapping his fingers with her and walking downstairs for Lunch, Draco thawing some pork chops as he set lunch on the table, baked chicken.
Narcissa looked at her husband worriedly, tugging him to a stop before they followed the others into th dinning room."Love,be careful. If harry's keeping things to himself, Ashlin's not going to appericiate you digging into them."She said before following he boys into the kitchen. Ashlin grinned as he sat down at the table, tugging kier into his lap with a sigh, leaning back as he looked at harry, studying him.How are you?"He asked tilting his head wondering how harry really was handling his introduction to the death eaters.
Lucius nodded. “i'll be careful.” he promised smirking a little. “Tom did after all, tell me to find Potter, just because I know where he is, doesn't mean I can't look.” he teased chuckling a little as he walked into the room just in time to see Connor digging into his raw pork chops, turning a slight shade of green as Harry stole snippet of meat from his son's plate, Connor squealing indignantly when he caught his father, Harry laughing as Connor smacked his hand again, Harry smiling at Ashlin. “i'm alright.” he promised sighing a little. “a bit...confused... a little upset but... I'm not going to freak out if that's what your asking.” he teased smiling as he held Ashlin's hand chuckling a little. “as long as you don't expect me to be nice to that bitch Belladara.” “DADDY! No bad words!” “sorry Connor.” Harry stated obediently holding his hand out to be smacked. “or that fat rat Pittigrew I'll be fine.”
Narcissa laughed at the man's words, dissolving into girlish giggles, ignoring how everyone turned to stare at her before she calmed down. Still giggling a little."Oh, no one's nice to them.Tom only keeps them alive for the sheer....amusement value." Ashlin snickered stealing a piece of connor's meat while he wasn't paying attention,just to make draco and lucius even more green, eating it before he added to the conversation."They make perfect fodder for dumbledore. If we ever get in trouble toss those two in the way while we get away."He said laughing.
Harry lifted an eyebrow. “so he keeps them around to torture them?” he asked shaking his head. “normally, I would call him a disgusting bastard for that but right now the only thing I can manage is pleased.” he admitted smirking as Connor glared at him. “you have a filthy mouth daddy.” he complained, Draco laughing brightly. “it's ok Connor, Papa Asher will punish your father later.” Connor pondered that and then nodded holding out his plate to Draco. “may I have more?” he asked hopefully Draco chuckling a little. “you sure do eat a lot Kiddo.” he teased smiling a little as he unthawed some more Pork and cut it up for Connor, Harry helping himself to some more chicken. “Harry, what are you going to do about these allegations? About you and...Cedric...” “i'm going to ignore them.” Harry stated simply. “i ran away, for all the world knows I'm dead. Dumbledore is trying to draw me out, if I do anything about what their saying I'll be caught as a traitor. Well, that's how people will see it anyway.” he shrugged. “besides I'm sure this isn't the first time they've said terrible things since I've gone missing.”
"No, not the first thing. But the only one that is remotely possible"Ashlin said, rubbing a hand over his face. smiling slightly at the sight of connor eating so well, it was just a few days ago that he hadn't been eating at all. Looking slightly concerned himself he frowned, trying to figure out what was bothering him. Before realizing what it was."bloody hell. Who knows mills in st. mungo's?"He said already considering it. it was a well known fact draco malfoy and harry potter didn't get along, so if dumbledore was looking in the most remote places to find harry, where better then to strike out both at the possibility harry was with the malfoy's, and a death eater's wife? despite how he hated her for hurting Kier, he did care for her, because despite everything, draco loved his wife. Biting his lip as he considered it. thoughts of sara making him worry for all the wives."We probably should tell tom to let everyone move their wives into riddle manor if they want."he said bemusedly, not really paying attention thtat he was talking. More talking to himself.
Draco gasped a little, his eyes wide. “Millicent!” he whispered, horrified, apparating without a word more, rushing to rescue his wife Harry grimacing a little as he closed his eyes. “hey Kier, do you want to come and sleep at our house tonight?” Harry offered smiling at the boy as Connor squealed excitedly. “YEAH! We could sleep in the castle!” he chirped excitedly, Lucius swallowing thickly as he glanced at Narcissa, worried about his son, Millicent, and Kier. “that's a good idea, but will they be safe there?” Harry asked frowning a little. “doesn't Dumbledore know where Riddle Mannor is?” for once, he was trusting tom of all people. Some part of Harry knew that Voldemort wouldn't hurt the families of his death eaters, but if Dumbledore knew where it was, then they where all walking into what could be a death trap if Dumbledore decided it.
"Riddle manor yes."Ashlin snorted laughing."Slytherin manor, no. Damned thing is actually well within the wards of hogwarts, in the forbidden forest. No one but slytherin's bloodline can get in. When...when we're hiding someone, we usually hide them there. it makes it difficult to travel, since Tom has to apparate individual people in with him,but damned if the wards don't make it worth it. We'll leave those who volunteer at riddle manor, just to make it look like we're panicking, in case Dumbledore thinks to look,but most of the wives and kids will go to slytherin manor"Ashlin said ducking his head, letting his hair hide his face, his heart hurting. Wondering why he hadn't been smart enough to hide sara there,but he hadn't thought about it. Kier frowned climbing in ashln's lap,wrapping him in a hug."Its okay uncle ashley. We'll protect you. Don;t worry. Me and connor are strong!We'll help." NArcissa smiled sadly, amused at kier's words even as ashlin kissed his head, smiling a little. Before looking at her husband, pointing at him."Don't even think about it lucius.You wont leave here, because tom needs you to be out and about.Well, I wont leave you"
Harry gaped a little, looking shocked before laughing a little and shaking his head a little. “seriously? That's perfect.” he admitted smiling a little. “and before you ask NO I am NOT going to let you send me and Connor there.” he stated simply with a small yawn. “we might send Millicent to Riddle Manor though, don't want her around any kids if she acts... you know.” he looked at Asher, setting his hand on Asher's, gently squeezing his hand, chuckling as Connor picked up a butter knife. “yeah Papa Ashley! We'll protect you!” he promised giggling a little as Harry chuckled and looked at Narcissa and Lucius. “please, don't tell anyone about my son... there are spies even in Voldemort's group, and if Dumbledore found Connor, he would have my son, and me, killed simply because of what we are.” he sighed a little. “incubi are supposedly Dark Creatures, because we need to feed off of people... and that alone warrants death these days...even children.” he admitted softly, looking at them both. “please, don't tell anyone.” he muttered before he gathered the two in his arms, blowing raspberries on their bellies before smiling at Ashlin. “i'll meet you at home.” he promised before he vanished to take the kids to the Lego castle for more fun.
Ashlin snickered a little looking at th two malfoy's, knowing they would keep his son to theirselves. Tiling his head he bid them goodbye befoe apparating back to his manor smiling as he headed to wear he could hear the boys playing, leaning in the doorway as he watched the three play. IT was so good to hear laughter here."I'm going to bed."He called,grinning as kier pouted."But-but uncle ashlin!You have to play!You're merlin!"
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. “Uncle Ashley has had a very long day boys, he's very tired and very old.” he teased smirking a little. As Connor's eyes widened. “oh no! Papa Ashley you have to sleep! Old people need lots of sleep.” he stated with a nod, Harry snickering into his hand as he smirked at his lover. “come on Papa Ashley! You can sleep in the castle! We put beds in there!” he admitted giggling a little. “it will be lots of fun!”
Ashlin looked at harry, sulking as he climbed in the castle, feeling awkward as he moved around the castle that was scaled to hold much littler people."I am not old."He whined stealing a kiss before shuddering, looking at harry with a smile."don't call me papa ashley harry.You should be calling me master."He muttered in the incubus's ear, smirking slowly as he let kier and connor settle him into bed.
Harry smirked a little and kissed Ashlin's forehead. “yes you are.” he purred smirking a little. “compared to Connor anyway.” he admitted laughing a little before growling at the order to call him Master, lust rushing through his eyes, but he shoved it back and gave his lover a kiss. “yes master.” he purred chuckling a little. “get some sleep.” he ordered grinning a little as he turned to the boys. “alright kiddies! What game shall we play now that Ashley is in bed? We have to play something quiet now.' he ordered Connor pondering then. “lets play hide and seek!” he decided giggling as he took off, dragging Kier with him, Harry groaning a little but obediently starting to count to ten.

In the morning, Connor was shaking Ashlin's shoulder trying to wake him up. “Papa Ashlin? I can't get daddy to wake up...” he whined. “and I'm really hungry...” Harry was laying in the hallway, panting softly, eyes closed and unconscious, sweating and sick. Connor had left Kier next to Harry to 'stand guard' while Connor got Ashlin.
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