Incubus Dreams

Ashlin huddled around the up he was holding, the words not helping. Actually making it hurt worse because it made him think f something."Said he loved me to..I'm not wrong.I'm not."He muttered, so absently present that it was like he'd been reverted to a year ago, still reeling in the aftermath of losing sara.."Doesnt accept me...cant acept anything about me being not evil..."He said blinking slowly looking up, panicked."He wont take connor away will he?I dont want to lose him!"He said sounding desperate. even distraught through the potion,because he loved harry, but the idea of loving connor was what was really undoing him. Shuddering as the potion made him calm down again."Want harry. Want to go home."He said huddling, whimpering quietly.
Draco sighed a little. “Harry loves you Ash.” he stated simply. “he's not going to leave you, he thought you where evil, and he wont leave you now that he's been faced with something like this. He won't take Connor away, he loves you and Connor does too.” he stated calmly come on, lets get you home.” he stated calmly, ordering a house elf to watch the boys, shaking his head a little as he apparated his lover right into his bedroom, Harry gasping when he saw the other, wrapping his arms tightly around his lover. “oh Ashlin I'm sorry.” Harry whispered softly stroking the others hair. “i didn't mean it.. I was just upset.. I know your not evil.” he promised, hunching over Asher, cradling him tightly, offering the other as much comfort as he could offer, gently kissing the man's neck. “please don't be upset with me... I didn't mean it... I just don't... understand any of whats happening.. everything is turned over my head and I'm drowning... I need you to show me the truth... because your the only person, who I can really trust...”
Ashlin slumped against him, resting his head against the man's chest, cuddling against him. "Dont go....cant take onnor away...cant lose someone else..."He muttered shuddering a little."I'll show you whatever you want...draco drugged me.."He whined realizing that he wasn't making nearly enough sense. Even if he knew that he was in no shape to handle discussions about tom, because only tom and draco had manged to pull him back from the brink, so he totally lost his mind when he thought someone was having issues with either of them.So between harry's denial and him saying he was evil, he'd lost it."Dont' be mad..."He muttered nuzzling him, trying to focus through the calming drought that was making him somewhat drunk.
Harry smiled as he stroked Ashlin's hair, shaking his head. “it's alright Ash.” he muttered softly. “i won't leave, and I won't take Connor away.” he promised stroking the others hair gently. “i love you, alright?” he asked smiling a little. “i won't leave.” he promised softly. “just sleep.” he ordered gently. “sleep and I'll be here in the morning alright?” he asked calmly smiling a little at him as he laid the other down in the bed before laying down next to him, Glaring at Draco. “did you leave my son alone!?” “no.” Draco stated looking amused as he vanished to entertain the kids once more, Harry singing a soft lullaby to Ashlin to calm him down, singing and stroking the others hair until he was certain that the man was asleep.
In the morning Ashlin sighed softly as he opened his eyes, blinking at the cieling as he laid on his back. Rubbing his aching eyes he looked at the cieling, wondering why his head hurt to much.Closing hsi eyes again he smiled slightly when he felt harry resting against him, smiling slightly."Morning."He muttered raising a hand, gently brushing harry's hair with nervous fingers, as if despite remembering what the man had said, he wasn't sure of his welcome.
Harry smiled at him as he kissed the others forehead, sighing softly. “morning.” he murmured smiling a little. “i asked Draco to keep the boys until Lunch.” he admitted softly. “he said he'd start teaching Connor today.” he admitted nuzzling the other. “so there's really no telling when they'll be back.” he admitted sighing a little, he smiled at the other. “i love you, you know.” he muttered snuggling into the other. “i'm sorry about what I said... I really didn't mean it...” he hesitated a moment then. “when...when is the next death eater meeting?”
Ashlin winced a little at the words, though he didn't pull away, still staring at the cieling."Tonight."He smiled slightly, "Love you to."He muttered stroking harry's hair, amused at the idea of draco being so attatched to connor that the boy wasnt going to be home till later.Cause he knew it was true.Kier and draco were as attatched to the young incubus as he was. The heart easing the painful hurt at Harry's words,that....that he felt easier with the world now that harry had said sorry.While h knew it was still a problem,maybe..maybe they could work this out.
Harry nodded a little then. “i'll tell Draco to keep Connor for today and tonight then.” he decided. “i'll go to this meeting.” he decided. “i'll disguise myself as Draco and sneak in with you, then not even Voldemort will know I'm there, I'll claim that I'm watching the boys.” he smirked a little, pleased with the idea of fooling Tom. He looked over at Ashlin, his head tilted as he stroked the others cheek. “do you want to talk about it?” he asked softly. “we both freaked out pretty good last night, I'm sure Draco explained why I did... but I want to know why you did too.” he admitted softly. “so I can avoid it in the future.” so Harry did want a future with Ashlin, wasn't that lucky?
Ashlin smiled slightly turning his head, pressing a kiss to Harry's fingers, his heart easing at the idea of having a future with him. Closing his eyes as he sighed quietly, trying to sort through the heartache before he answered. The soft broken whisper that emerged was from a man who'd lost everything, that he'd cared for, until he found harry and connor. "I... Dumbledore's men killed Sara while she was to pregnant to run away."He muttered squeezing his eyes shut."I'd gone out the day before and hadn't been home yet. Tom,me and the malfoy men were up to our necks in fighting. We hadn't been able to would have been different if I had been able to come home."He shuddered a little."When I got home I found my impedio'd wife waiting for me.... with words straight from dumbledore how all this was my fault for being a evil amoral bastard....well, in a nutshell anyways. The words were different, but thats what it came to."
Harry was tense as he listened to the story a small snarl filling the room as he wrapped his arms tightly around the other, nuzzling him gently. “i'm so sorry love, I'm so sorry.” he murmured softly. “i knew Dumbledore was capable of Evil, greater evil than anything everyone had told me Tom had done. But that's...that's just...sick, and wrong and just.... the Devil himself wouldn't even do that...” he whispered gently kissing the others cheek, forehead, eyes, trying to comfort his poor distraught lover who certainly didn't deserve that. Never deserved that. “she loved you, she never would have said it at all if Dumbledore wasn't a jackass and we both know it.” he muttered kissing his lover again. “she loved you, and still does, you know that right?” he asked smiling at the other. “i know, because I love you, and I'll never stop.”
Something tight and painful relaxed at his words. While he had believed that his wife would have felt, it was different hearing it from someone else. Swallowing hard as he closed his eyes, shifting to cuddle against the man,shivering slightly. Even knowing how sara had felt, dumbledore had managed to strip him of something, the assuridty of what his wife felt for him, tainting his final moments with her. He laughed softly, though the sound was pained, he was slightly amused."Tom nearly blew up riddle manor when Draco told him.Damned ballroom nearly came crashing down when he realized he was going to be burying Sara."He said laughing a little. Sara was one of those women, who everyone loved And as such, had been fierecely protected by the death eaters who knew her. And as such, her death had hit a lot of men under the belt, and started the fighting in earnest again.
Harry smiled as he wrapped his arms tightly around the other, gently stroking his hair. “i can imagine.” he teased smirking a little. “Tom seams.” he hesitated, swallowed thickly then. “he seams like the kind of person who cares very deeply for his friends...” it felt strange to be complimenting The Dark Lord, but if it made Ashlin feel better Harry was willing to do anything, and who knew, they might prove it to be true for all Harry knew. “do you want me to make you some more Hot Cocoa?” he asked smiling at him a little. “and then we really should get ready for this meeting, if I'm going to pretend to be Draco I have to look my best you know.” he teased mimicking Draco's voice perfectly.
Ashlin whimpered softly sitting up, rubbing his face."Oh bloody hell.One of him is bad enough, don't give me two draco's."He whined stealing a kiss,gently running his fingers through his hair before hopping out of the bed."Come on. We'll go get food and hot cocoa, and get ready."He smirked a little stealing a kiss, knowing how much it had taken the man to compliment Tom."thank you."He muttered nuzzling him.
Harry laughed as he got up and made the food, and later that night he walked through the halls of Riddle Manor, disguised perfectly as Draco down the the boys swagger as he watched the Death eaters gathering, fighting back a snarl when he caught sight of Bellatrix, and even worse, the fucking Rat that had betrayed his godfather and his parents... well, if what Harry had been told was the truth. For all Harry knew now, it was actually Sirius and Lupin who where the traitors... Harry just didn't know anymore. “Draco! You made it!” Lucius stated sounding surprised. “who's watching Kier?” “an old friend.” Draco stated smiling at Lucius. “someone I would trust more than anything, and Ashley even votes for him so you know their trustworthy.” Lucius looked a little puzzled as he examined his 'son' before chuckling a little. “well it's good to see you making friends Draco.” he stated calmly. “did you hear the rumors? Potter's been spotted in Muggle London.” Harry felt his blood run cold and Lucius nodded. “Dumbledore's sent men to scour all of Muggle London, but they haven't found anything yet. The Papers are saying that Potters a runaway criminal.” Harry felt his chest grow cold. “that old fraud is blaming Harry for Cedric Diggory's death... son? Are you alright? You've gone pale...”
Ashlin snorted slightly as he walked up behind him, ruffling the 'blond's' hair friendly as he looked at lucius."He's having thoughts of Azkaban. You know how he is. Always worrying, even if he didn't like the man.'he yawned slightly before raising eyebrow looking around the room at the other death eaters, trying to decide just what tonight's meeting was going to include. And wondering where the hell tom was, since he hadn't appeared yet. Looking t the blond again, he sighed."What's the ministry say to dumbledore's accusations?"He said, wondering how the public as a whole was reacting to the thought of their golden boy being a murderer. Not that it really bothered him,since he had no plans of letting harry out of the house in the near future, but he better then anyone, knew that no where was really safe from dumbledore.He just had the illusion that he could protect everyone.
'Draco' Jumped a little and then chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head. “sorry Father, you know how I always obsess...” Lucius nodded. “and after you where in there I suppose it has a lot of bad memories.”Lucius muttered softly, worry for his sun shining in those deep gray orbs, and for a moment Harry realized that despite public appearance Lucius Malfoy was really a good person. “unfortunately no one is sure what to believe, no ones seen Harry in over six years. Some think he's hiding, some think he's running, there's a few that even think he has a kid and that's why he never resurfaced.” “a kid? You MUST be joking father.” Harry drawled rolling hi eyes. “we all know Harry isn't capable of murder, Dumbledore is up to something again and we should strive to find out what.” he paused. “well, you should anyway, I have to watch Kier, he gets lonely when I'm gone.” he admitted shaking his head a little, Lucius laughing. “you always hide behind your son Dray! Letting US do all of the dirty work.” “of course? Isn't that how Slytherin's work?” 'Draco teased slyly, Lucius laughing and Harry felt a surge of glee. Even Lucius was fooled by his act. “So Ashlin, just who is this anyway?” Lucius asked his voice a low whisper, Harry resisting the urge to groan as Lucius wasn't fooled in the least. “he's really a very good actor, if it hadn't been for the fact that he hasn't called me Papa yet I might never have known.” Harry had to snort. “he calls you Papa?”
Ashlin gave the former gryffindor a look, rolling his eyes a little. "Yes."He sounded defensive, as if he was defending his own use of the nickname...which he was. Amused that that had been all it took to tip lucius off to something being wrong."Oh.Well...did you hear about the wiffle bat?"He said scratching the back of his head, blushing slightly. Looking as awkward and embarassed as he did when Lucius had caught him having sex for the first time. "No, I do not advertise when I get hit by a wiffle bat.Espcially by HIM."Tom muttered as he breezed past the two, snickering slightly."Hello Draco."He said, the slight sneer saying the man wasn't fooled at all, ignoring the rest of death eaters startled to find their lord suddenly among them.
Harry snickered a little and snagged a glass of white whine from a house elf, Lucius leaning over to whisper in Harry's ear the Draco didn't drink either, Harry sighing softly as he handed the glass to Ashlin, Lucius chuckling a little. “Wiffel Ball Bat my lord?” Lucius asked, sounding amused. “why the only person brave enough to do that would be Kier, and I highly doubt Draco would allow him to come here.” Harry snorted a little. “please, there are plenty of people brave enough to beat on My Lord.” he sneered back at the other smirking. “Tommy Boy.” he whispered just loud enough that only the four of them could hear him. “My Lord, what is this meeting about? Or is it another surprise.” he paused, Hesitating “it's about the Potter boy isn't it?” he asked, indicating the paper laying on the table, Harry examining as much as he could from a distance. It was a picture of him, clutching the dead hand of Cedric Diggory... he felt sick again.
Tom nodded a little, sighing as he looked around."I want him found.And soon.The sooner we can talk to him, the sooner Dumbledore finds himself facing one more enemy."he said before sighing."Also, I wanted to hear what the ministry and the world was saying, and a idea where to start looking." Ashlin snorted laughing as he sipped his wine, "Im sure the lst place to find him should be the first place to look." Tom rolled his eyes looking at the younger man."You,ashlin, are a pain in my ass."He stated before looking at harry, "Are you sure that wasnt beat off, instead of beat on?"He said raising a eyebrow.
Harry scowled a little before smirking as he realized that Tom was sending all of his men on a wild goose chase, he nearly laughed but managed to keep quite as he watched one of the Order Members he was so familiar with...wait.. WHAT!? He stared as Tonks stood up and coughed a little. “My Lord, the ministry is in a panic, their terrified that Harry potter vanished because he joined you. Their looking desperately for the boy but have found nothing. My own personal intel says that Harry potter was last seen with a man by the name of Fredrick Garciel, who went missing about six years ago.” Harry nearly winced at how accurate her information was. “he was last seen in an alleyway with a man, apparently Harry has taken up whoring for a living.” she admitted shaking her head. “poor boy, I can't imagine the terrible life he's been living...” “what about the rumors of him being an Incubus? Perhaps he's only whoring for a decent food supply? I would do the same thing.” a nameless Death eater suggested, Harry lifting an eyebrow at Ashlin. He had to be impressed, clearly these people where much more organized than the Order was. “how long has Tonks been working for Voldemort?” he asked curiously glancing at Lucius who smirked. “since the beginning.” he admitted sipping at a glass of whine.
"He's a incubus. Search london, and liverpool.All the best whores go there."Ashlin said misleading before raising a hand, cursing the nameless death eater for a moment before letting it drop, ignoring the look tom was giving him.Despite confirming the supicion, but he didn't like the idea of his lover being talked about as such, so he cursed him. Even if tom would let it stand that he cursed the man for speaking without asking permission, he was sure he was going to get a earfull of it later. "Now. Get out. Ashlin, draco,lucius. Stay."Tom ordered dismissing everyone with a nod of his head before looking at the three."You're going to give me a heart attack sometime." "'s better then a wiffle bat."He said amused. before shaking his head.
Harry chuckled as the nameless death eater was cursed and helped himself to a glass of wine once everyone was Gone, Harry lounging against the wall. “i only hit you with a wiffel ball bat because I thought it was something a lot harder. I'll be better prepared next time.” Harry promised sipping at his wine, Lucius lifting a shocked eyebrow as he realized what his 'son' had said. “your the one that beat Our Lord up with a wiffel ball bat?” “yes, I thought it was an aluminum one, their very hard and I always keep one next to the bed back home, I forgot I was at Ashlin's.” “ tried to kill the Dark lord... with a Wiffel ball bat...” “yup.” he stated smirking a little. “i can't wait for Lucius to realize who I am.” “a whore I'm guessing.” Lucius teased Harry smirking. “well, I'll tell you one thing Tommy Boy your Intel is certainly a great deal better than Dumbledore's is.” “yes, we make sure of that.” Lucius admitted with a small smirk.
Ashlin growled quietly raising a hand and snapping a stinging hex at Lucius, just enough to startle him."No teasing."He sulked. Tom snorted laughing, looking at lucius."You know I was just getting used to him not being overprotective, over everything."He smiled before nodding."Our intel has to be better. We tend to get killed by everyone if it's not."He mused shaking his head, making a mental not to make sure ashlin had no bats in his house before he visited again.
Harry snickered a little as he looked at Tom. “you know I'm still not convinced that your not an evil git.” he pointed out his head tilted a little as he examined Asher, smiling as he took his hand gently. “oh do calm down love, he doesn't know any better. Malfoy's are idiot's and Blonds are dumb, he just has no chance.” Lucius gaped at 'Draco, suddenly realizing who the other was. “you little wretch! I want my house elf back!” “you can't have him, he's mine now.” he stated with a small sniff. “besides if you can't play nice with your things you shant have them at all.” Harry stated simply Lucius glaring at him angrily. “if you didn't have Ashlin's protection you wouldn't be so lippy.” “yes I would.” Harry stated examining Draco's fingernails. “Ashlin can't even punish me unless I allow it, how do you expect to?” he asked smirking at Lucius who snarled. “there is no way your that powerful!” “i've had five years to gather up enough magical power to blow up all of England Lucius.” he stated smirking darkly. “careful what you say, just because Ashlin likes you won't stop me from Crucioing your ass.”
"CHILDREN!Stop being a harassment."Tom ordered snickering as ashlin responded like a child, turning and looked abashed at getting yelled at. Ashlin pouted looking at his lover sidelong."Look what you did. I didn't do anything and I got yelled at."He pouted before sighing."Your son likes him lucius.Just let it go."He said shaking his head. Tom smirked a little. "As much as we'd like to indulge Ashlin's tastes for...well everything, there is a reason potter's not getting kicked out of here. He'll be helpful.And he'll keep dumbledore's attention on him,while we take care of ripping apart dumbledore's power base."he said thoughtfully, wondering if his top liuenint and the best assest he could have could work together.
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