Incubus Dreams

Ashlin pouted a little as he picked the inubus up, smirking a little as he backed him into a wall, sliding between his legs, wrapping harry's legs arund his waist."Hmm I think I will fuck you, only after I get a promise of being allowed to screw you against the wall sometimes."He said smiling as he nibbled at the other's neck, deft fingers playing along his cock.
Harry moaned as he was pinned against the wall, smirking a little as he arched against the other, tangling his fingers into Ashlin's hair and pulling him into an eager kiss, shuddering at the fingers on his cock. “a..aah yes... fine... anytime.. so long as Connor's not home... oooh god... please, now, fuck me into the wall now.” he pleaded bucking into the fingers on his dick. “aaha, yesss...” he groaned trying to yank Ashlin's shirt off, wanting skin to skin contact, wanting them both to be naked.
Ashlin smirked as he took his time magicking the rest of his clothes and harry's off looking at the incubus in his arms as he slid into him slowly, "Lovely, are you in a rush?"He eased closing his fingers around the man's cock, stroking him slowly. Enjoying teasing the sexual creature. After all it wasn't often one got to tease a incubus.
he groaned squirming against the other, panting hard. “please, oh Ashlin don't tease!” he pleaded arching against the other, panting hard. “please fuck me, I can't stand being teased.” a drop dead lie and they both knew it. “nnng.... wanna feel you deep inside of me! Please!” he pleaded rubbing his balls along the others belly.
"Liar liar pants on fire."Ashlin teased as he forced himself to be still even as the muscles in his stomach jumped under the touch of the other's balls. Growling slightly s he shifted him after a few minutes, giving in. He might have withstood his own lust, or harry's, but not both together. Sighing as he slid into him with a smile."Deep enough love."He muttered thrusting hard into him, kissing him again.
Harry groaned loudly as soon as he felt the other slip deep inside of himself groaning eagerly. “please, oh YES thank you, mm fuck, fuck oh god it's wonderful, Ashlin it's wonderful.” he groaned rocking his hips into the other panting hard as he kissed the other intently wrapping his arms around the others shoulders holding him tight as he panted hard nuzzling the other. “fuck, fuck so good.” he groaned wriggling against the other. “mmmm fuck.” he growled arching as he came, and came hard, spilling his seed across the others belly panting hard and happy.
Ashlin groaned resting his head against the other's shoulder as he came, panting quietly as he held the other up. Shuddering as he sighed softly. Closing his eyes as he calmed down, nuzzling the man's neck a little. "Will you sleep in my room tonight?"He asked, even knowing the man had spent the night with him, he needed to consciously make the choice to allow someone else in his room, and in the process, let Sara go.
Harry groaned, smiling a little as he nuzzled the other. “are you sure your alright with that?” Harry asked softly, blinking at him, his head tilted. “don't force yours Ashlin, I can wait.” Harry promised, stroking the others cheek smiling a little as he examined the other, kissing him eagerly, wrapping his arm tightly around him and smirking. “you know, I was afraid to say it before, but I really think I might love you Ashlin.” he admitted softly.
Ashlin smiled, shuddering a little at the words, not saying anything right away already trying not to react badly. Even if he did love the other back, it was still a shock to hear someone else say it."Yes. I can let you stay in my room,cause I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you to."He muttered smiling pulling back, letting the othrstand up.
Harry smiled a little as he watched the other leaning forward and kissing him happily even as he was set on his feet. “we're still not having sex if Connor might walk in.” he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head a little, wrapping his fingers around the others hand and leading him to the bathroom. “you made me all dirty.” he teased chuckling a little as he nibbled on the others neck before he paused and hesitated. “but...first I need to show you something.” he looked very worried, very very worried but determined as he altered course and headed for Connors room, glancing at the other before he lifted a section of the floor up using magic, and shifted a pile of dirt out of the way before lifting a box out of the dirt. “this, is what Dumbledore wants so badly, not me... this is why people broke into my apartment, and why I change locations every time I see a wizard who recognizes me.” he admitted looking at Ashlin. “please...don't tell anyone that these are here.”
Ashlin stared at the man, before nodding."Do you want a wizards oath or something?"He asked, sounding not serious but the look on his face said he was serious about promising it. Studying the box as he tried to figure out what was in there."If you say its his porn collection I'm going to beat you to death with my shoe."Ashlin said, a joke, trying to make the man feel better about showing him.
Harry chuckled and shook his head a little. “no, nothing that serious, if you have to tell or die i'd rather you tell.” he admitted before smacking Ashlin's knee with a laugh. “no I am not collecting porn you ass.” he chuckled as he carefully opened the box and revealing a large amount of tissues to protect what was inside before he shifted them out of the way and revealed two crystal balls, one marked with 'Dark Lord and (?) Harry potter, and the other etched with 'Magic's Savior'. “these are Prophecies that I stole from the department of mysteries in the Ministry of Magic. The first is mine.” he admitted lifting the first one. “this is what caused my life to be...well, bad.” he gently pushed his magic into it, and the words of Trelwany echoed in the room. "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches ... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies ... And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not ... And either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives ... The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies..."

Harry put it back in the box and pulled out the other one. “and this one, both Dumbledore, and Voldemort want.” he admitted shaking his head. “i think it talks about Connor, since I was only able to take it when I was pregnant with him, and once I gave birth I can't make it work. Only the magic of someone who the prophecy is of can make them work.” he admitted setting the ball back. “but it speaks of both Dumbledore and Voldemort, so either of them could listen to the prophecy.” he admitted blinking at his lover. “if they find out I've hidden these here... this house could be attacked... I thought it would be better to let you know... in case you want me to hide them somewhere else.”
Ashlin looked thoughtful as he smiled a little. Thinking it over before nodding to himself. Straightening as he pulled the incubus up with him."Come on. We can't leave them in here, and I have the perfect place for them.Somewhere...not completely there."He said, a wicked smirk twisting his lips as he pulled the other towards the door, his mind turning over the words. While he had known about the first prophecy, hearing it was tugging at his mind. Something was wrong with it, and he had no idea what. But for the moment, he'd figure out what it was later."What did it say about connor?"He asked worriedly, feeling scared for the boy.
Harry blinked as he was hauled to his feat, carefully wrapping up the glass spheres again and closing the box, lifting an eyebrow at Ashlin. “here but not here? That doesn't make any sense love.” he pointed out before biting his lip. “A boy child will be born, as the 12th month dies, born of two fathers, and of two bloodlines of not wizarding lines. A Two wizard War strains the lines, and Magic itself will fail. Hope shines in the light, as the child grows, as his seventh year dies, the war will end, and magic will be reborn. a sacrifice from the boy, his greatest hope, his greatest fear, and that he holds most dear will save the wizarding world. A child born, a chosen warrior, and magic's only hope.” Harry recited, closing his eyes. “if it really does speak of Connor.... then I fear what he will have to sacrifice to save a world he knows nothing about...” he swallowed hard. “and if he's five now... we only have two years to try and save the wizarding world before he has to give up everything to do it for us...”
Ashlin growled slightly."Well, we'll just make sure he doesn't have to."He said dragging the other down to his study, smirking as he walked in. "Here, but not here."He said twisting reality to his own ends, smirking as he tilted his head as sara appeared in front of them, as misty and wavering as a mirage, but as real as a touch."Sara,I need you to watch something for me."He said slowly taking the sphere's from Harry, setting them on the desk, the world around them wavering slightly. Because they'd stepped through to the old study, something that only existed in Ashlin's memories, or in his twisted reality. For most people, out of reach, except for those who knew Ashlin, and knew what he could do. And those were...well draco,and voldemort. But he trusted the dark lord's sanity enough to believe he wouldn't invade his home after this. After all, the dark lord would assume that ashlin would just hand it over, no questions asked. Even if he wouldn't."See, here but not here."He said raising a hand, reaching to touch Sara's hand as she moved and locked the sphere's in the desk, wincing as his hand slipped through, and his hold on the mirage snapped. Returning them fully into the present.

"They're hidden.In the desk. If you look close enough, you could find them, but for the casual observer, it should be well hidden. Not only by the past hiding it from the present, but because no one but me and you comes in here.I killed the last person who did. So...the perfect place."He grinned proud of himself for thinking of it.
Harry watched, his head tilted as the world wavered and vanished into one of the past, watching Sara with a smile as Ashlin settled the prophecies into the desk, nodding a little as he examined Sarah before doing what no lover would ever do, he gave her a curtsey. “it's a pleasure to meet you Sarah.” he chirped smiling at her. “thank you for protecting them.” but he did not try to touch her, she was only for Ashlin. He smiled as he kissed Ashlin's cheek, gently nuzzling his neck. “thank you.” he murmured softly before looking a little worried. “are you sure it's alright for me to be in here?” he asked, worried that he was overstepping his bounds. “you don't have to replace or forget her you know... if you don't want me to be in here, I really don't mind. She was a part of you that you shouldn't have to give up, if you don't want to, I won't ask you to.”
Ashlin sighed softly, slouching ever so slightly. It was the first time anyone had told him he didn't have to let her go. Leaning into the touch he smiled, kissing harry's head, amused as the boy talked to sara. Amused when she smiled back.Closing his eyes he bit his lip."I'm not replacing her, and I doubt I could forget her.But.I want to share my life. My bedroom.But..."he swallowed looking at the baby blanket on the corner of the couch, running his fingers over the silky material."Not in here.Please."He said turning to look at him, waiting for the yelling, even if harry said he was fine with it.
Harry smiled and nodded. “i can do that.” he promised kissing his forehead. “i won't come in here, unless it's an emergency.” he promised smiling at him. “i'll even tell Connor that this room is off limits, he doesn't go into rooms if you tell him not to.” he admitted shaking his head before gently kissing the other, smiling at him. “i'm going to go make some Hot chocolate for you, and run a hot bath for us to share, hows that sound?” he asked smiling at him. “join me when your ready ok love?” he asked softly his head tilted smiling at him before leaving the room, more than alright with Asher keeping a little Sara shrine. Which was remarkable really, but Harry knew what it was like to be unable to forget, or let go of the past, it wasn't hard for him to understand exactly how Ashlin felt.
Ashlin smiled a little as he looked around,"Goodbye sara.I'll be back.Later.But I have a bath and hot chocolate waiting."he said smiling wider, happier. And knew that both harry and draco were right, that she'd be happy as long as he was. Smiling as he headed up to his bathroom he snickered at the bubbles in the tub, stripping slowly."Now do you have a flower fetish or was the rose bubbles the only ones I had?"he said leaning over to steal a kiss from the man already in the tub, stealing the hot chocolate to.
Harry smirked a little. “what? I like roses.” he admitted chuckling a little as he scowled, his hot chocolate suddenly missing. “hey! That ones MINE!” he complained stealing it back and plunking Gabes into his hand, chuckling as he pulled the man against him, resting Gabe's back against his chest. Bigger Gabe might have been, but Harry was stronger when he wanted to be, gently nibbling at the others ear, smiling a little. “besides you know that you like bubbles.” he teased chuckling a little as he nuzzled the other. “mmm I love you.” he purred happily. “i'm so glad that you kidnapped me.”
Ashlin snorted laughing as he sipped his hot chocolate settling back in the tub with a sigh, closing hsi eyes,biting his lip. Wanting to say it back, but not able to. not because he didnt care for him,but because it'd been so long since he'd said I love you."Me to.So glad I had to pick up a hooker."He snickered before smirking slightly."How do you think draco's doing with the boys?"
he smiled a little as he nuzzled the others neck. “if he wasn't capable of handling it you wouldn't have suggested it. Their both calm boys, I'm sure their fine.” he admitted chuckling as he suckled on the others ear. “besides I wasn't a hooker, I was a slut.” he teased with a small snicker. “there is a difference, a hooker has a pimp and their usually addicted to something, Sluts are on their own and do it because they like it as well as for the money.” he teased chuckling a little.
Ashlin rolled his eyes walking out of the study looking amused."Ah, well you can tell I don't spend alot of time in the seedy underbelly of london."He snickered at the idea. He was a death eater, the seedy dark areas of the world was were he did his best work."Now, slut. Do you want food,sex or a bath?"He said teasingly
Harry chuckled a little and stretched as he pondered, his head tilted a little. “mmm, I kind of want to start a war.” he admitted smirking as he examined his lover. “mmm I have to wonder if I can top your pretty ass.” he admitted running his hand down Ashlin's back and smacking his ass, snickering a little. “shall I give it a try?”
Ashlin yelped at the touch, easing away from him,"No."He said simply, not giving a explanation. Not about to tell a man who throughfully enjoyed being a bottom that the idea scared him. Or that he'd been molested as a child, which made him even more nervous about the idea of being not in control. He enjoyed being able to be in control, it satisfied the angry child he'd been, and the even angrier adult he'd become."But let's start a war otherwise.Dumbledore's at school.We could go see him."He said lookng amused.
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