Incubus Dreams

Harry startled at the yelp that Ashlin gave, his eyes wide as he watched the other carefully. “Love, you ok?” he asked gently taking the others hand. “it's ok if you don't want to bottom you know, I do enjoy being your bitch.” he teased smirking a little. “now, I really don't want to start a war just yet.” he admitted shaking his head. “not when someone might find out about Connor.” he admitted shaking his head a little as he laid his head on Ashlin's shoulder. “i think I might whip up something to eat before you tease me brutally again.” he teased smirking at the other. “are you in the mood for something particular?”
Ashlin perked up, looking amused as he considered the others words." Chocolate.Eggs. Bacon.I want breakfast in bed, for dinner."He said stealing a kiss,wrapping his arms around the other, pressing a kiss to his head before pulling away, heading for the kitchen."Are you so sure it'll be brutal?"He teased.
Harry snickered a little. “breakfast it is.” he agreed smirking a little as he waltzed towards the kitchen, humming with a content joy as he wiggled his ass at the other. “Lover, everything you do is brutal.” he teased smirking at him. “that's why I love it so much.” he admitted with a laugh as he started cracking eggs, frying bacon and sausage, mixing pancake batter and even showing off by making homemade syrup with water, sugar, a little bit of brown sugar and vanilla. “there, Dinner is ready!” Harry chirped happily, chuckling a little as he loaded everything up onto a tray and started up the stairs to the bedroom, feeling very pleased with himself.
Ashlin grinned as he followed after him, climbing in bed as he sat down, starting to eat before he looked over at him."Love, you're to excited about cooking for me.Its not normal."he teased leaning over to steal a syrupy kiss, leaning back against the headboard as he ate."I do alot of things brutally,but not making love.My sex is amazing, and awesome."He said smirking slightly as he looked at the other. To amused at the idea that he wasnt good at doing anything but being brutal.
he chuckled a little and smirked. “well, you appreciate my meals.” he explained chuckling a little as he shook his head. “i really just like cooking.” he admitted. “besides it IS brutal when you make me nearly CRY just to cum.” he teased smirking at the other as he took a bite of pancakes, humming happily at the taste. “and your sex IS amazing and awesome.” he agreed smirking a little. “so is mine for that matter, I bet you've never had anyone tighter.” he teased with a small snicker.
Ashlin snickered, wondering if he could make the other jealous."Oh I wouldnt be so sure love.Draco's extremely uptight these days."He said wisely before shaking his head, laughing as he ducked away from the smack he was expecting."Kidding.I've never screwed draco.That's like screwing family."He said wrinkling his nose at the idea.
Harry snickered and gently smacked Asher on the arm. “i know very well you could never have screwed Malfoy, since not only is he not Gay, but he's also never touched anyone but Millicent.” he smirked a little at his lover. “nice try though.” he teased laughing a little as he chewed on some pancakes, pondering something. “Ashlin... who all knows I'm here? Just Draco right?” he asked hesitantly. “i have this terrible image in my head of someone showing up...and trying to take Connor away.” he admitted softly. “i'm scared.” he admitted looking at Ash. “does that make me a coward?”
"No.Anyone would be worried about that.Espicially with dumbledore out there somewhere."He said smiling slightly, shaking his head."And just draco. And my house elves,but they don't talk to anyone."He said thoughtfully, raising his head at the sound of the front door opening. "Hmm maybe draco's found the boys to much to handle."He said slightly frownign as he set the tray aside, heading for the door. Not understanding why his friend would have brought the boys back when he knew him and harry were going to be busy all night, but he couldn't think of anyone else who'd be here.
Harry nodded, biting his lip a little as he looked around when he heard the door opening. He knew better, Draco knocked, or rang the bell if he was coming in through the front door, he didn't just walk in. and normally, he apparated straight in, no this was someone else. He stood up and grabbed the first thing that his hand found, round and firm. He didn't think about checking what it was, he just wanted to make sure that his lover was safe. He slipped through the halls, using magic to dress himself as he slipped over to a side door that led tot eh entry way a different way than what he knew Ashlin was taking, his eyes widening with horror and fury when he saw who it was. He brought the object in his hand down hard over the Dark Lords head, shrieking in rage. “DIE! DIE LIKE THE VILE EVIL BASTARD YOU ARE AND ROT IN HELL FOR IT!” he demanded striking the man twice more before he realized he was trying to kill Voldemort with a wiffel ball bat. “... oh fuck...”
"Ashley.....why is harry potter trying to beat me up with a wiffle bat?"the dark lord said, sounding more baffled then angry. Having been worried about the young death eater, that he'd broken the one rule Ashlin had for everyone, to not enter his house. And while he'd never let any of the death eaters know,he did care for them, as much as he was able to. To damaged by dumbledore's machinations to really love anyone, but he cared. So, for the last year he'd taken care of the damaged ashlin, as much as the man would let him. So...finding himself beaten up by a guest, was truly weird.

" know."

"No.I don't know.Explain. Ashlin. Now."He growled, each word clipped into a sentence of itself, wanting to know what the hell was going on, because he was truly worried about the man.Afraid that his suicidal moments had translated into letting harry in, just so he could get killed by the golden boy.
Harry growled and threw the wiffel bat at the dark lords head before he ran back into the other room trying to find something else to beat the Dark lord with before he ran back, looking baffled. “wait... you called him Ashley.” he complained frowning as he studied the other his head tilted a little as he examined the dark lord. “and your not trying to kill me either....” he complained scowling at Ashley. “what the hell is going on?!” he demanded crossing his arms and glaring at the dark lord. “i can kill you at any time I please you old freak so if your here to cause trouble I'll rip you from limb to limb!” he snarled, baring teeth that where fanged and sharp, using his natural shifting talents to alter his body just enough to look more intimidating. “get out of this house you fucker! I don't want you here and neither does Ashlin! Tell him Ashlin! Tell him to get the hell out of your house!... Ash?”
"I always call him as-" Ashlin whined slightly, pressing the heels of his hands against his eyes, trying to ease his headache. "Shut up both of you." Sighing quietly he shook his head."tom, what are you doing here?" "Did you just tell me to shut up?" "yes. Now answer, you arrogant toe rag of a prick." " always have the most interesting things to say Ash."tom said looking amused even as he let the glamor go, not only appearing less snakelike, but also decades younger then he was. After all, making the horcruxes had not only frozen his ability to die, but they stopped his aging. So...he still looked 19."So it is true potter.You are a incubus."He said thoughtfully, before looking at Ashlin."I stopped in, because you didn't show up. I thought maybe you killed yourself or something. And since Draco avoided talking to me when I stopped to visit Lucius, I assumed somethign was wrong."He said staring hard at the death eater, willing him to explain things to ease his worry. not that he'd ever come out and admit to like, much less worrying over ashlin. after all, it wouldn't do for a dark lord to be caught worrying over someone else.
Harry snarled darkly as he glared at Tom, shocked when the other dropped the glamor, his eyes wide as he realized the other wasn't old and creepy, but was really only just a child his eyes wide as he watched the two arguing. “my god... your... you where actually worried about Ashlin!” Harry stated looking almost,,, horrified as he stared at Voldemort. “no, this isn't right! Your a cold-hearted murdering bastard I know you are!” Harry complained stepping away from the dark lord, wondering if he had fallen asleep and was dreaming, or if he was under a spell. “oh man... I need to sit down.” Harry complained his eyes rolling into the back of his head as he realized the entire world was a lie, unable to accept Dumbledore being the bad guy and Voldemort being the good guy he did the only thing he could, he passed out.
When he woke he was settled onto the couch in ashlin's study, the one he used for everyday things, not sara's sanctuary. And even odder was the sounds of two people arguing. Over wether voldemort cared or not. "I was not!You disappeared. Of course I was going to see where you disappeared to!" "Oh just admit it you prick, you were worried." "AM NOT!WAS NOT!"Tom roared looking at the man, pointing his finger at his death eater."Now stop this line of questioning, you moron. You're looking stupid with insisiting that I care for you." "You DO ca-Harry?"Ashlin winced moving to the couch, hovering as he looked down at Harry,gently stroking his hair."Love, I'm sorry. Are you okay?"He whispered sincerely woried to many shocks had driven him insane
Harry blinked as he watched the two and he chuckled a little and shook his head a little. I'm alright.” he promised. “just shocked...” he admitted rubbing his eyes snickering a little. “hard to imagine the Darkest man since the devil himself is arguing with you like a kid.” he admitted shaking his head a little. “everything stopped making sense a long time ago, I don't know why the Dark Lord being...” he shuddered. “nice... of all things should have shocked me so much.” he admitted closing his eyes as he slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes. “how long have I been out?” he asked curiously, glancing at the clock. “only ten minutes?... you two are still arguing like school children?” he teased, feeling nervous and awkward as he studied the Dark lord from a distance, ready to defend himself at a moments notice.
Tom looked back at him, and low and behold, the oldest and most powerful dark lord in current existance, was indeed, sulking like a child."I am not.he's being a child.I'm just telling him he's a moron.And I'm not nice" "I'm not a moron you amoral dick.Sara'd beat you up for being a idiot." "....your wife beat up everyone.including you."Tom pointed out, and once again they were off, acting more like children then death eaters. the two men had been scarred by their lives, but it was a relief to see that they were able to let go enough to be this relaxed. That they weren't above shoving each other around like children."I'm not a devil. No cloven hoofs or anything."Tom whined
Harry laughed suddenly as he heard them arguing, grinning a little. “your both Moron's, and Idiots.” he teased smirking a little as he shook his head a little. “and you ARE a devil.” he spat smirking at Tom. “but, perhaps not as evil as I originally thought.” he agreed standing up and running his hand through his hair, wincing as he realized his long hair was tangled and snarled, shaking his head hard, the tangles coming apart effortlessly and then winding itself back together in braids. “that's better.” he stated flipping his hair, as perfect as always over his shoulder. “i love being an incubus sometimes.” he chuckled a little shaking his head a little. “now are you children done fighting or do I have to take you both over my knee and give you ten good smacks across the ass?” he demanded lifting an eyebrow at them as he crossed his arms. “and how long are you staying anyway Tommy boy? Not long I hope? I still hate you.” he didn't want Tom to find out about Connor, and if the man stayed, they ran a risk of Draco coming back before Tom left.
Ashlin perked up at that."You want to bend me over your knee?" "....ashlin, please.I don't want to know about your sex life with potter. Some things are scarring."Tom said before looking at harry, shaking hsi head."I'm leaving now. Didn't want to leave ashlin alone while you were out."He said, knowing the young death eater well enough to know he would have gone insane with panic if he had. Tilting his head slightly."You'll bring him to the next meeting wont you?Disguised of course." "Only if he wants to." "You do have to show up." "I know, lord."ashlin said tilting his head towards the younger looking wizard, barely keeping a smile off his face.
Harry growled at Tom. “and watch you torture helpless muggles? I don't think so.” he bitched hatefully crossing his arms and smirking at Ashlin. “i'd love to give you a nice firm spanking love.” he purred smirking a little. “and then tie you down like the naughty little bitch that you are, suck you off and then ride you like the animal I am.” just to torment the dark lord even more. He waited until the man was gone before he finally relaxed, sighing softly. “i don't want him around here Ash...” he muttered frowning a little. “i know he's your lord and all... but he's bad...” he muttered looking at him with worry in his eyes. “i wish you didn't have to work for him... he looks nice, but even you have to know how evil he is!” he sighed, looking upset. “i just don't understand what he's up to...playing nice...” Harry just couldn't admit that Tom wasn't really the bad guy, he just had to believe that the other was evil.
"And bow and grovel at dumbledore's feet instead, when he's as hypicritical it makes me want to throw up?Tom kills those who strike at him first, and he never bothered lying about his intentions."Ashlin sneered a little as he moved, paced. Unable to stay still. He was willing to put up with a lot of things, but being harassed about his willingness to serve wasn't one of them."I don't HAVE to serve, I choose to. Because I'd rather commit suicide then listen to dumbledore's lies. Tom wont sugarcoat things for me,but he wont kill the families of those that follow him,just to make sure they follow."He sighed angrily, shaking his head, blond hair swirling around his face."Go harry."He said,gently ordering the man out of the room."I don't want to argue.I'll talk to you later."he said tense and anxious as he stayed near the window, staring out. Ignoring the other man in the room.
Harry flinched a little and shook his head a little. “you're wrong... you have to be...” he muttered frowning a little before he sighed and got up and left, hesitating then. “prove to me...” he whispered softly. “prove to me he's not evil...” he whispered softly. “prove to me that Tom is on the right side, that your on the right side..” he whispered softly. “i want to trust you... I do.” he admitted softly. “i just...everything is so... confusing...” he whispered softly. “everything I know is a lie... and.. and everything is turned around... I don't know what to believe anymore..” he admitted softly. “as far as I'm concerned, they are both my enemy... if you can prove me wrong.. I won't ever bad mouth Voldemort again.” he promised. “i won't promise to join him, or help him... but I'll at least know, that you aren't... evil..”
Ashlin flinched at the other's words, focusing on the window glass through the haze of tears. His heart aching so badly at the idea that harry thought he was evil."I'll be back."He said realizing the incubus probably wouldn't leave him alone if he wanted to."I'm just going to draco's. I'll be right back."he said needing away, needing to talk to draco cause only draco could understand just how deeply the other's words had cut. Because not only had sara's killers killed her,but they'd impedio'd her to make sure she cursed her husband and said that it was his fault, before they killed her. was his evilness that had wrecked his world, and he needed the one man who understand. Shuddering as he apparated, pausing as he found himself in the front hall of malfoy manor, tilting his head at the sound of the boys laughing, swallowing hard as he backed towards the door realizing he couldn't stay. He couldn't stay where they were so happy. He...he'd go home.Yes.He could go home. Not realizing that even as he wanted to leave, his body was disobeying and sitting his ass on the floor, the man shaking as he leaned back against the door.
Harry reached out to grab him but his hand met nothing and Harry sighed softly, closing his eyes a little as he realized he had hurt the only man he had ever cared about. “oh Ashlin... what am I doing?” he asked softly shaking his head. In Malfoy Manor Draco laughed, hearing the Wards let someone through he stood up, telling the boys to stay in the play room, looking around until he found Ashlin, his eyes wide as he rushed over to the other. “Ashley? Ash what's wrong?” he demanded hauling the other to his feet and dragging him into the kitchen and handing him a calming drought, smiling a little. “alright ash just calm down and tell me what that moron did this time.”
Ashlin was quiet, sipping the calming drought. Quiet as he trembled and shook, even through the calming magic,he was stil to hurt to be calm.Even if the potion was keeping him from totally coming undone. Looking quiet and blank as silent tears slid down his cheeks."Did you know tom worries about us?"He muttered blankly, as if he really wasn't present. Really wasn't aware."He showed up...and harry's convince I'm evil...for siding with him...."
Draco smiled a little at the other. “Ash... Harry doesn't know any better.” he explained calmly. “everyone he's ever met, good and bad has always told him that Tom was a madman, intent on murdering everyone. Even the people he loved where lied to, telling him the same lies. Harry doesn't want to admit that everyone he's loved and known could be wrong.” he stated calmly. “Harry doesn't want to believe that everyone who died, died for no reason, so he's clinging to the faith that his god father, his parents, even his teachers where right, and that it's me, and you, and tom who's wrong because admitting otherwise means that it was his family, and him, who are the bad guys, and that people like Cedric, and Sirius black died for no reason, other than to make the Lie seam real... make sense?” he finished making a cup of tea and set it in front of Ashlin. “Harry would rather believe you capable of great evil and violence, then believe that people he loved and trusted where using him, even if he knew that to be the truth already.” he admitted smiling at Ashlin. “when he realizes, Tom really isn't the bad guy...well I don't know how he might react. He knows your not evil, he just can't accept it.”
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