Incubus Dreams

Ashlin jerked awake, eyes wide as he sat up,"Wha?Connor?"He asked looking startled before jerking his headframe back from that murderous rage that usually came with being startled awake. "Stay here."He ordered settling connor on the bed before walking out hurriedly, crouching down next to harry,gently stroking his hair as he ordered kier to go back to connor."Harry?"He demanded looking him over,sounding desperate and trying to figure out what was wrong.
Harry groaned as he was shifted, his eyes fluttering open briefly before he closed them again. “c...cold.” Harry whimpered softly limp as a noodle. “don't...feel well.” he groaned swallowing thickly, shuddering violently. “c..cold...” he groaned panting softly, Connor whimpering as he watched from the doorway. “ Daddy dying?” he asked softly his eyes wide, terrified.
Ashlin winced picking up harry,"No love. He's not going to.Now.Go call uncle draco on the floo.Take kier with you.See if Draco'll come over."he said looking at the two boys as he gently laid harry in the bed, swallowing hard as he gently brushed harry's hair out of his face. Summoning a bowl of water and a cloth, gently wiping the sweat off harry's brow, even as he wrapped him up in a blanket. His heart breaking at the idea of harry being sick. He didn't like this, this was horrible!
Harry panted softly as he was wrapped up in the blanket his eyes fluttering open as he blinked at the other before his eyes followed something that wasn't there up to the ceiling, lifting a hand to bat at it, hallucinating already, flinching away from the cold water on the cloth, groaning a little. “don't... it's poison..” he complained. “it'll melt me..” he groaned, pushing Gabe's hand away, Draco walking in and studying Harry. “hallucinating?” he asked smiling a little. “Connor's terrified.” he admitted. “he made me promise to look at his daddy myself, seems to think that I'm a real good doctor.” he chuckled a little as he examined Harry. “looks like he's got food poisoning to a serious degree.” he admitted. “must have been the raw meat... Incubi aren't supposed to eat raw food any more than humans are.”
"Goddamn."Ashlin cursed quietly, getting up and pacing around the room, as bad as a caged tiger. Hating that he couldn't do more."Damn."He smirked a little,"Draco, you ARE a amazing doctor.If Dumbledore wasn't controlling St. Mungo's, I'd tell you to go for it."He said pacing sighing quietly."What can we do?"He said biting his lip, ready to do anything to make harry feel better. Needing him to get better.
Draco shook his head. “there isn't much we can do.” he stated calmly setting a hand on Harry's forehead. “we have to keep his fever down so your going to need a lot of ice water. Get him to drink as much as you can, and don't give him anything to eat but warm soup and nutrient potions, he'll throw up most everything else, and try to keep him warm, sa many blankets as you can pile on him, throw on a heating spell if you need to, sweating is good, it means he's sweating out the sickness.” he informed him. “i'll be a healer eventually, we just have to take care of Dumbledore first, he can't outlive me after all. I am part Elf.” not a well known fact of course, but with Narcissa and Lucius both being half elf, Draco ended up being almost all elf, giving him a limitless life, so long as he wasn't killed. “now YOU Ashlin, need to calm down, you'll upset Harry and Connor acting this way.” “it's poison..” harry groaned, trying to shift the blankets off of him. “their cold.. I don't like it...”
Ashlin growled at the near elf, glaring at his friend."I'm calm!"He growled back, running his fingers through his hair, sighing quietly as he took a deep breath to calm down.Closing his eyes before looking at harry, starting to pile on the blankets, looking at Draco."You'll make the potions?"He asked, because he sucked at potion making and he trusted the other to make them.Because he knew draco wouldn't mess them up. "Draco what can I do?I cant make this better."He said, fretting because he hated being useless, and not able to fix things.
Draco smiled a little. “Ashlin, you can't just fix this, it needs to be handled calmly. Harry has to work this out of his system on his own, we can only help him fight it, and yes I can make the potions.” he promised chuckling a little. “i'll even make them here. You can help him by keeping him calm, the more calm you are the more calm he will be. The more you can get him to eat and drink, the sooner he will get better. Everything you can do, is helping him. Alright?” he asked smiling at him, kissing Ashlin's forehead. “just calm down, keep Harry calm and try to keep him Hydrated.” he stated Harry sleeping calmly now as he rested from his bought of hallucination. “there see? Now that you've calmed down so has he.”
Ashlin nodded,sitting down on the edge of the bed."I'm calm.I can be calm."He muttered before settling down on the bed.This would be okay.

Two days later Theo looked around the house absently, worry starting to get to him. Everyone knew Ashlin was suicidial. So when he hadnt shown up again, he'd come to see what was going on. And the errie quiet of the manor wasn't making him feel any better."ash?"He called as he walked up the stairs looking around,afraid of what he would find.
Harry was still so sick he couldn't tell where he was or who Ashlin was, and he was convinced that everything Gabe was trying to feed him was poisonous and was going to kill him, and only ate or drank after Ashlin took drinks or bites himself. Not that he could keep it down, only the anti Nausea and nutrient potions stayed down, so Draco had instructed two of each every day and promised Gabe that they wouldn't hurt him if he had to drink them first to make Harry drink. Connor had taken to sleeping in the castle, with or without Kier there, finding comfort in the Lego walls and hoping that Merlin would make it all ok.

When Theo walked in, Connor raced out into the hall, hoping that it was Draco coming to check on his daddy, but when he saw Theo he shrieked in terror and bolted back down the hall into his bedroom, hiding under the bed in hopes that the strange man would go away, or that his Daddy would wake up and save him from the bad men.
Theo looked startled at the sight of the child."Oh bloody hell.He's lost it."Growling quietly he was afraid just of how much ashlin had lost his mind. Swallowing hard as he apparated after the boy, picking him up and apparating back t riddle manor. "...theo, why did you bring a child back?" "He was in ashlin's house.I think ashlin's kidnapped him."Theo said worriedly setting connor down looking at him before swallowing hard."We should get Draco.He gets along best with ash. He'll convince him he needs help." "Find lucius.He's here somewhere."Tom ordered looking at the boy, tilting his head.
Connor was kicking and screaming and struggling wildly, sobs spilling from his little lips as he wailed for his Papa and Daddy, trying to break free of Theo, shrieking even louder when he saw Voldemort, biting hard on Theo's hand, sinking his teeth in-between the thumb and forefinger, drawing blood and shaking his head hard, like a beast as he tried to break his way free clawing at Theo's face with his fingernails. Snarling and sobbing hard as he tried to break free with cries for his Papa on his lips, demanding his Papa.
Theo yelped as e let the boy go, growling as he apparated to go find Lucius. Tom frowned slightly watching the boy,but not approaching. Wondering who he was, and why ashlin had brought him to the house. Surely the man hadn't lost it that much.Yes, he thoought the man was sucidial enough to kill himself, but not insane enough to kidnap a child."Child, what is your name?Who's your papa and daddy?"
Connor hissed violently as he crouched, long claws sprouting from fingertips as feathers sprouted randomly from his body, one of the death eaters who was always in attendance gasping in astonishment. “a veelim...” he muttered softly, amazed as he watched Connor dive under a tabe and swing deadly claws at anyone who dared come near him, glaring viciously at the Dark Lord. “your a bad Ugly Man and my Papa will come and rip you apart!” he snarled. “i want my papa! I want my Daddy you take me HOME!” he demanded, tears springing into those pretty emerald eyes of his. “what the HELL is going on here!?” Lucius demanded the second he saw Connor, feeling rage building up that his idiot Dark lord had frightened Connor. “hasn't this boy been traumatized enough!? Come here Connor, these people won't hurt you I promise.” Lucius muttered kneeling down and holding his arms out, Connor darting out from under the table and into Lucius's arms, bursting into terrified sobs. “they took me away from Papa and Daddy!” he wailed Lucius gently murmuring to the boy and rocking him, trying to calm him down like he did Kier after his grandson had a nightmare. Once Connor calmed down and had stopped crying he stood up with the boy in his arms. “now would someone kindly explain to me what the hell you where thinking!?” “he..he's a Veelim!” one of the death eater guards explained and for once Lucius actually lost his temper. “you mean to tell me that you ripped this boy from his sick father and his loving Papa because of what he WAS!?” “! t..Theo brought him in!” the other guard stuttered, Lucius turning angry, accusing eyes on Theo. “want to explain!?” promising pain, even death if he answered incorrectly.
Theo looked shocked,but not afraid.Though he knew Lucius well enough to know he'd get killed if he answered wrong,but damn, he had thought he was doing a good thing! "Lucius,Tom sent me over to Ashlin's to see if he was okay when he didn't show up today. No one knew where he was,"Since ashlin had decided not to tell anyone that he was living with someone, or that that someone was sick, then it as just a bad mess."I walked in and there was this kid there. I thought Ashlin totally lost it! He wanted a son. I thought he had totally went over the deep end instead of killing himself. I-I thought I was helping him!"Theo stuttered. Tom sighed, rubbing his fingers against his forehead as he studied the death eater and child, his head starting to hurt badly."I assume we're talking about daddy and papa being ash and...him then?"He said, ignoring everone else in the room. Because well, things were to much of a mess to deal with hiding things to. And most of the death eaters would be glad to see ashlin with someone,even if that someone was harry.
Lucius relaxed and he nodded, stroking Connor's hair lifting an eyebrow as he studied the boys claws and feathers, Connor giggling as his grandfather tickled him, looking up at Lucius with those bright green eyes. “yes, Connor's father is indeed him.” Lucius stated with a shake of his head. “he's terrified of someone finding Connor ad using him against him.” “him?” “Asher's lover, who is remaining anonymous, so that he doesn't get dragged into this mess of a war.” Lucius explained shaking his head. “Connor, can you tell us why you've sprouted feathers?” Lucius asked his head tilted, Connor nodding. “yes.” and so spilled out the story of Fredrick, who Connor called 'mommy' even though Fred was a man and Harry had been the one pregnant. Lucius looking astonished. “i see. So your half incubus and ha;f Veelim.” “ahuh, but don't tell, it's a secrete.” Connor explained nodding as he pouted. “can I go home now? Daddy is dying. Papa says daddy will be ok but I know Daddy is gonna die.” he admitted sadly. “he got sick just like Aunty did.” “i'm taking him home.” Lucius decided, feeling fear settle in. “stop sending Death eaters to Ashlin;s house, the next one might not come home alive.” he pointed out. “you know how protective Ash is, and his lover doesn't want anyone knowing, Ashlin WILL kill to protect his lover.” he stated scowling at the Dark Lord. “that means you too buddy.” he growled before vanishing with a crack.
Ashlin skidded to a stop in front of the elder death eater, panting and hyperventilating as he looked at lucius."Connor's go-Connor!"The younger gasped snatching Connor from Lucius, crushing him close to his chest,holding him tightly. Having gotten up to make him lunch, and found him gone.And spent the last hour going insane tearing his house apart, which was showing signs of his distress. Each moveable object, and a few of the unmoveable ones had been overturned and searched through, papers and plants littering the floor in his panic. Even his personal study had been ripped apart, no signs of the immaculate room it had been since sara died. "Connor, are you okay?!"He said ignoring the fethers as he pushed him back a little, looking down at him frantic.
“i'm ok.” Connor promised hugging his Papa tightly, sniffling a little Lucius sighing a little. “Tom got worried when you didn't respond again and sent Theo to come check on you. He found Connor, thought you kidnapped him.” he admitted shaking his head a little. “i told the death eaters that he was your boyfriends kid but I didn't say who the boyfriend was and warned everyone that if they showed up here again you'd probably kill them for it. Connor had a fright but he wasn't hurt. Theo on the other hand. “i bit him real hard! Just like Daddy taught me.” Connor stated proudly, beaming happily Lucius chuckling. “he was a very strong brave boy.” he stated smiling at Connor and ruffling the boy's hair. “he told us about his mother.” Lucius explained blinking at Ashlin. “i don't know what sort of rumors that's going to cause but at least they will stop thinking your suicidal for a while.” he admitted. “why does Connor think Harry is dying anyway?”
Ashlin sighed quietly at the words. Not ready to tell harry all that, for now it was enough to have the boy home.Cuddling connor he snorted a little pressing a kiss to the top of his hair."Harry's upstairs sick with food posioning. Things didn't agree with him."He said looking at the small boy in his arms, indicating the meat, but not wanting to say it outloud because he knew connor would be upset and worried about himelf if he did. Even if he was supposed to be eating it.
Lucius nodded as Connor giggled and snuggled into Ashlin's arms, shoving his thumb in his mouth as he napped, so distressed that he was sucking his thumb, something he only did when he was upset. “food poisoning!?” Lucius stated, startled before chuckling a little. “well, maybe he'll learn his lesson, I'm shocked you're not sick too.” he teased Ashlin. “i suppose Draco is sitting with Harry now?” yes he was, and having a hard time of it too. Harry was reacting to all the crashing noises and was convinced he was in the middle of a battle and that Draco was trying to kill him, though poor harry was too weak to actually struggle he was refusing to let Draco touch or feed him. “Draco is an amazing Doctor, it's a shame Dumbledore hates him or Draco could work in the hospital finding cures in the Potions department.” he admitted, giving voice to Draco's one want in life. It was literally the only thing Draco truly wanted but Dumbledore was in the way. “come on, let's put poor Connor to bed and let Kier cuddle him, I'm sure the silly scamp is here somewhere.” yes he was, he was helping look for Connor no doubt, or trying to help anyway. “do you want me to stay and help in any way Ashley?” Lucius asked, a little worried about the other.
Ashln smiled tiredly."You should know by now I don't get sick."He smiled, the stress of tearing his house apart showing. nodding a little as he headed upstairs smiling as kier clamored in bed with his friend, snuggling the sleeping boy and going to sleep himself. "Stay. I'm sure Draco'll need help."he shrugged a little looking amused slightly as he gently shut the door to make sure to not wake the boys before walking in his own room, looking at Draco worried."What's wrong?"He asked looking at harry.
Lucius chuckled a little and shook his head a little. “i might pick up your house a little.” he teased smiling a little as he wandered off to clean, Draco looking up at Ashlin, sighing in relief. “Harry heard the yelling and banging and he thinks in the middle of a battle, he keeps trying to curse me.” he admitted with a smile as he stood up, getting off the chair next to the bed so Ashlin could calm Harry back down, the boy muttering that he would never be taken alive as he twitched his fingers at Draco, muttering the Crucio spell as sternly as he could, trying to invoke the pain spell on him and failing just like he had the last hundred times.
Ashlin smiled tiredly before cursing himself silently for being so stupid. Of course his panic had worked harry up. Running his fingers through his hair he sat on the edge of the bed,gently touching harry's shoulder."Harry? It's ashlin. You need to calm down.Nothing's wrong. It's okay."She said softly stroking his hair, trying to calm him.
Harry growled as he felt the fingers on his shoulder and muttered Crucio again, though like always nothing happened. He sighed though when Ashlin promised him it was ok, relaxing into the hair petting closing his eyes. “the battle is over?” he asked sluggishly. “did we win? Is he dead?” whoever 'he' was it was very doubtful that Harry would actually say who he was hoping had died. “he thinks we're in fifth year, at the Ministry when he faced off against Tom.” Draco explained. “he used Crucio against Bellatrix there, which s why he keeps trying to curse us with it.” he admitted smiling a little. “just tell him we won, it'll keep him calm.”
Ashlin winced a memory, remembering that year. That had just been a nasty year. Sighing softly as he pressed a kiss to harry's hair he crawled n bed next to him,cuddling close."We won. No more worries. it's over."He promised, stroking his hair. Anxious to make the other calm, and then get some sleep himself. Tired and worn, looking at draco."Kier's sleeping in with connor by the way and your father's here."He muttered.
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