Incubus Dreams

Harry chuckled a little as Kier talked about wanting a horsey, Connor looking around for a horsey and grabbed the napkin holder and with an impressive display of transfiguration created a small metal horse for Kier. “here you go Kier! It's a wife present!” “wedding present.” Harry corrected playfully Connor nodding as Draco choked on his waffle. “wedding present!” he agreed giggling happily, Harry smiling as he glanced at Draco who was still choking, Lucius clapping his son on the back to clear out his air ways. “Tom's always nice, but I think he's being special nice for the boys.” Lucius admitted when Draco finally took a breath of air. “after the fright that Connor had I think Tom is trying to make up for it.
'I am not. I never feel sorry for anything that happens."tom said as he set the plate of waffles in front of kier, frowning a little, actually pouting when the waffles were ignored in favor of the metal horse. Kier grinned happily holding the horse close, smiling happily at his 'husband' "Thank you!Its sooo cute!Like you!"the boy said kissing connor's cheek. Ashlin snickered as he finally came up for air in his eating, smirking at his friend."Poor draco.Don't kill yourself on the food. Just think, you always wanted to be potter's friend. now you can be father in laws together."
Harry smirked a little. “that's right, your not sorry for nothing, just like you don't worry about Ashlin and Draco and you don't feel sorry about the hell you made of my life.” Harry stated simply, pushing his food around on his plate, Connor giggling happily as he kissed Kier back, looking so proud of himself as he held his plate out to Tom for more waffles, Draco whining rather pathetically as he shook his head. “i NEVER wanted to be potters friend!” he complained. “he's annoying! I'm just glad Connor isn't!” “... you don't like my daddy?” Connor asked, staring at Draco with wide eyes, causing Draco to wince. “oh, uh..” “he only pretends to not like me Connor.” Harry explained smiling a little. “it's a grown up game.” he explained Connor pondering that before nodding and resuming his meal, satisfied with that answer.
"Grown ups are weird."Kier said as he ate, before going back to ignoring them as tom put more waffles on connor's plate. "Good going draco. Maybe next you could tell him about that time you tried to duel him."Ashlin muttered snickering a little as he looked at his friend, before rolling his eyes a little, glad to see him back to normal, at least a little bit. Tom sighed sitting down and starting to eat, "I don't feel bad for your life potter. It's life."He said. Narcissa laughed, amused at the man's protests, even if everyone knew it was just what he told himself to feel better.
Connor giggled and started eating again brightening. “i know about the time Daddy dueled Uncle Draco!” he admitted beaming happily. “uncle Draco got his bum kicked!” Harry snickered brightly as Draco glared at Harry. “i did not!” he complained scowling a little. “for your information little boy it's your daddy that got his butt kicked!” “you wish Draco.” harry stated calmly, smirking a little. “that sounded like a challenge.” Draco growled his eyes narrowed, Lucius snickering a little. “alright boys.” the 'old man' stated calmly. “you'll just have to have a Duel to prove your seniority.” he stated calmly, shaking his head. “we have a dueling arena here you can use.” “excellent.” Harry purred rubbing his hands together gleefully, Connor giggling a little. “daddy's gonna give uncle Draco a wedgie!” Connor chirped gleefully, Harry laughing brightly at the reminder of his and Connor's old game. When Connor was three or four he had absolutely LOVED getting gentle wedgies. Harry had picked Connor up by the underwear once and carried him around like a pack and Connor had giggled nonstop.
"Nnooo!Your dad's going to get a wedgie!"Kier said as he hopped out of his seat, before looking up at his uncle."Ashley!What's a wedgie." Ashlin snickered as he picked up the boy under his arm he grinned a little as he walked towards the door."We're sure to see it in a few minutes.Come on."he grinned a little.Tom smirked as he followed after them, looking at lucius."are you judge, or am I?Cause gods know we can't let ashlin do it."
Connor giggled leaping to his feat as well. “no! Papa's getting a Wedgie!” he declared leaping into Ashlin's arms as well. “hey! Hey Papa! Why couldn't the Pony sing!?” he demanded his head tilted, giggling eagerly. “because it was a little horse! (hoarse)” he squealed giggling eagerly, Harry laughing at the silly joke. “hey Kier, THIS is a wedgie!” he stated stealing up behind Draco who squealed when his underwear was yanked out. “POTTER!!!” Draco roared, shoving his underwear back into his pants before tearing after Harry, who was laughing his ass off as he ran away, Connor clapping while giggling furiously. “get him uncle Draco!!! give Daddy a wedgie!!!”
Daddy got a wedgie!"Kier laughed in hysterics giggling happily as he watched his daddy chase around uncle harry. Ashlin snickered a little as he scooped up his lover, stealing a kiss before he gave the incubus a wedgie before dumping him on the ground in front of draco."I thought you wanted a real duel, not a wedgie duel."He snickered looking at the two.

((I know not long, I promise better next time. ^^ wanted to post before I go. Now I really am being taken away)
Connor giggled wildly as he watched everyone running around, Harry laughing as he was picked up, squealing as he was given a wedgie, Connor giggling wickedly. “now MY daddy got a wedgie!!!” he laughed clapping his hands as he hopped out of Ashlins arms as Harry struggled to shove his pants down. “are you crazy? We can't have a real duel in front of the kids! They'd freak!” “Uncle Ashley gets a wedgie!!!” Connor shrieked gleefully as he tried to grab the man's underwear, but was too short to reach., “aaaw...”
Ashlin snickered looking down at connor, ruffling the boy's hair."Good thing I'm not wearing any isn't it?"He snickered tossing the boy in the air and settling him on his shoulder before looking at harry."Why not?We were dueling by their age.WE wont do anything serious, just duel." "No killling and maiming, yea like potter and malfoy could stay to those rules."Tom snickered looking at them all. amused that grown men were giving each other wedgies.
Connor blinked up at his Papa and then scowled. “your apposed to wear underwear Papa or the winkie monster will get your winkie!” Harry choked on air and gaped at Connor. “winkie monster!? Where in the WORLD did you hear that!?” “a boy in the park told me all about it! If you don't wear underwear or go to bed without clothes on a winkie monster will come out of your closet and steal your winkie, n then you'll be a GIRL!” Harry's eye twitched a little and he shook his head. “don't worry Connor there's no such thing as a winkie monster.” he promised making a face. “little boys need to wear underwear because their winkies could get hurt without underwear, grownups don't have to because their winkies are big enough.” “... are you sure?” “yes I'm sure.” Harry stated with a roll of his eyes before he smirked a little wiggling his eyes at Asher. “i could be a winkie monster.” he purred, Draco rolling his eyes. “your a sick man Potter, a sick man.” “is Daddy sick again?” Connor asked worried as he yanked on Ashlin's hair, trying to get a better look at Harry. “he doesn't look sick...”

lol, winkie monster XDD)
(hahhaa*dies laughing*)

Ashlin yelped as the youngster grabbed his hair, snickering as he looked at harry, patting connor on the ass cause that was the only part he could reach with the boy on his shoulders."No, uncle draco's just being goofy again." "A winkie monster?"Kier actually sounded worried, tugging on his papa's hand, "Uncle harry can't be a monster!He's to nice!" Ashlin snickered a little as he looked at his lover, raising a eyebrow."Hmmm maybe later. When you wont freak out the kids."He said snickering ruffling kier's hair."Dont worry, your uncle's not a monster."
Connor giggled a little as he was patted on the ass. “no spanking Uncle Ashley!” he protested, giving the mans nose a wet sloppy kiss as Harry snickered a little. “i never spank Connor as punishment, so for him getting spanks is mostly a game.” Harry admitted grinning a little. “oh yes Daddy too can be a monster! When he gets mad he gets SCARY!” Connor admitted to Kier with wide eyes. “he once made a whole room of people esplode and make red paint! Only it's not paint but it looked like paint!” he admitted giggling a little, Harry grimacing a little before he smirked. “i'm only a monster to adults.” he promised Kier with a small chuckle.
Kier was still looking up at him with wide eyes, whimpering quietly as he moved closer to his papa. after all, his mother had promised she wouldn't hurt him again every time she had hurt him, and still, she had hurt him. Ashlin sighed rolling his eyes a little as he looked at harry, smiling a little."Don't worry kier. I promise, he's not a monster to be afraid of."He muttered reaching out to stroke the boy's hair, his heart aching to seeing the boy so worried.
Harry smiled as he watched Kier, sitting down and patting his knee. “it's alright Kier... you know how there are very good people, like the Aurors, and superhero's?” he asked smiling at the other. “well I'm kind of like them. I protect people like you and Connor, and your Daddy and your uncle Ashley from the bad guys, from villains so they can never hurt you.” he explained calmly. “i will NEVER ever hurt you.” he promised reaching into his pocket and pulling out a can of pepper spray. “come here Kier.” he ordered gently, setting the can in the boys hand. “now this is a very big boy weapon, ok? It's not a toy.” he explained sternly. “Connor has one just like it. It's a spray bottle, you push here, and fire spray comes out the other side.” he stated, spraying the floor so Kier could see how it worked. “when you spray it in people's eyes, it hurts them, so they will leave you alone.” he explained, Draco looking amazed as he examined the pepper spray from a distance. “it won't hurt them badly, but it will be enough to make them leave you alone. If someone tries to hurt you, you spray them in the eyes, and yell very loudly and run away to the nearest trusted adult, like your daddy, uncle Ashley, or me. Or even an Auror if you can find one.” he explained smiling at Kier. “okay?” Harry knew how important it was for Kier to be able to defend himself, it would give the boy a bit more confidence maybe.
Kier looked at the can seriously before nodding, holding the can tightly before sticking it in his pocket. "Okay uncle harry. I can do that."He said smilign slightly looking at connor, feeling more reassured that the other boy wasn't afraid of his father, so it meant kier didn't have to be afraid. Ashlin smiled slightly as he watched the boy, his heart hurting because kier was so unsure if the world around him didn't mean to hurt him. Swallowing hard as he looked at draco, a smirk curling hsi lips a little. "Ah draco, do you want some to?"he said snickering amused at draco's amazement.
Connor giggled a little as he hopped into Harry's lap, leaping off of Ashlin's shoulders to do it, Harry yelping loudly and wincing as he patted Connor's head. “ugh.... don't jump on Daddy from that high up please.” Harry wheezed, struggling not to show the pain of his crushed balls, so that Connor didn't feel bad. “come on Kier! Lets go play!” Connor ordered, grabbing Kier's hand and racing off with him, giggling happily. “do you have another Can of that?” Draco asked, curious to see it. “yeah, don't get it in your eyes or on your skin, it burns.” Harry warned, tossing a can to Draco who snickered and ran off with it to find a stupid death eater to test it out on. “that can't end well....”
"Ahh but as long as he doesn't use it on his father, or tom, the only thing we can do is laugh."Ashlin grinned as he picked up his lover, wrapping him in a hug as he gently kissed him,rubbing hsi back as the man wheezed."Do you want soem painkillers?"He asked, looking worried about the man who'd just had 60 pounds of weight dropped onto his crotch.
Harry groaned as he was picked up, making a face. “the first time Connor gets knocked in the balls, I'm going to sit there and laugh, and laugh, and laugh...” he groaned shaking his head. “no, just a healing spell, I think he broke it.” he admitted shaking his head as he rested his head on Ashlin's shoulder. “i'll be fine, it's not the first time Connor's landed on my balls.” he admitted. “for a kid, he has astonishingly good aim.” he admitted with a grimace as the shrill screaming of Peter Pittegrew came from another room, the rat staggering out with red watering eyes, Draco following after him. “wow, this stuff is amazing Harry!”
Ashlin snickered as he muttered a healing charm, making sure that harry aws okay before he looked at peter, his smirk growing wider as he held his lover closer to him."Ohhh I think I like this."he grinned, tilting his head."Draco, of all the death eaters, why peter?"He asked. not that he was disapproving over the abuse to the insignificant worm who continuely pissed him off, and flirted with sarah whenever he could. Even if he was standing close, peter had relied on sarah to keep him safe from the deadly fury of most of the death eaters, because they liked sarah and wouldn't attack her to get to the man who annoyed them all.
Harry sighed as the pain slowly filtered away, smiling a little as he snuggled into his lover, snickering darkly as he watched Peter writhing on the ground, screaming that it burned. “why not Peter?” Draco asked lifting an eyebrow. “he was always making eyes at my woman.” he admitted kicking the rat as he passed, Harry snickering again, shaking his head. “come on, I'm hungry.” Harry complained Peter sobbing, unnoticed on the ground still, the rat glaring at him furiously as Harry pulled himself out of Ashlin's arms and dragged his lover to the kitchen to get a snack, filled with sugar preferably.

(oh my gosh! i just realized something! it's been a whole year since i first joined Bluemoon!!! XDD hooray for weird anniversaries!! XDDDD)
(yay for year of bluemoon! ^^)

Ashlin grinned as he let harry pull him into the kitchen, startign to make them a snack, sugar coated apples, dipped in carmel. Perfect for someone who wanted sugar. Smiling a little as he looked at draco."Remember the time he kissed sarah? I was surprised she had any teeth left after she brushed them so hard."
Harry grinned as he watched the candied apples be made, licking his lips happily before he froze, shocked to hear that the rat had dared to kiss Sarah, Draco opening his mouth to respond, jumping violently when several glasses exploded. “Harry!” Draco complained, Harry grimacing and flushing into a bright blush. “sorry...” he stuttered sheepishly. “i didn't realize I was so protective of Sarah...” he admitted sheepishly, Draco lifting an eyebrow, rather surprised. “why are you so protective of Sarah?” “... I dunno.” Harry admitted. “i guess I just am because when someone says bad things about her Ashlin gets sad.” he admitted shrugging. “he loves her still, so my natural instinct is to protect her.” Draco looked rather impressed by that. “and you don't care that Ashlin still loves her?” “no, why should I? It's not like I'm trying to replace her after all.” Harry admitted smiling a little. “i doubt I could, from what I know of her, she was amazing.” Draco nodded. “she was.” he agreed smiling a little. “she really was. Everyone loved her.” he chuckled a little. “she would have loved braiding your hair h.. Thomas, she really would have.” “and putting me in a dress too no doubt.” Harry teased chuckling a little.
Ashlin grinned as he finished the apples, putting the bowl in front of them as he sat down at the table, eating a apple before he responded."She would have. A pretty dress.Something apporiate for you."he snickered a little."Sarah'd soo be protective of you. and decide connor needed more people look after her."he said amused at the idea of his wife taking care of connor. His heart aching, but unlike the other times he got upset about the thought of sarah, his grin stayed put. Because he could remember that yes she was gone, but sarah would never be forgotten. And that harry wasn't upset about him remembering her, and allowed him to remember. So it was easier to let her go, because he wasn't forced to let go.
Harry chuckled a little and nodded, taking a piece of his candied apple, groaning happily as he started on his yearly cavities, licking sugar off his lips. “i wouldn't mind wearing a dress in all honesty.” Harry admitted smirking a little. “so long as it made me look good.” “yuck, not me, even Sarah couldn't get me into one.” that, was a bold faced lie and they ALL knew it. “Connor would have loved her, of that I have no doubt.” he admitted chuckling a little as he smirked. “i'm a little jealous of her though.” he admitted softly, smiling at Ashlin. “she got to defile you first.” he teased snickering a little. “you know, I wish I had been able to know her.” Harry admitted smirking darkly. “we could have traded all sorts of dirty little secretes with each other.” he purred sniggering a little. “and plotted against Ashlin ALL the time!” he admitted smiling a little as he stole the apples off the table, since Draco wasn't eating them, and nommed on them happily. “Ashlin these are delicious!”
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