Incubus Dreams

Harry sighed a little as he shook his head. “if the woman is mad enough to attack her own child... then there is no saving her. I've seen it before.” he admitted closing his eyes. “it would be better just to have her locked up where she can't hurt herself or them.” bitter, but sad at the same time. “finish your breakfast.” Harry ordered suddenly as he started washing the dishes, lost in his own bad memories. “Ashlin...” he muttered glancing at the other. “..Connor needs a tutor... I can't teach him, hell I barley know my own education, let alone what he'll need to succeed, in the muggle ow the wizarding world.” he admitted shaking his head a little. “if I'm...if we're going to stay here, he needs someone to teach him, muggle things as well as wizarding...” Harry didn't know how long he was going to be held captive, but he was going to be damned if Connor, or his education, suffered because of it.
Ashlin looked thoughtful as he pushed the food around his plate, before nodding a little. Biting his lip a little as he raised his head, finished eating as he put the plate in the sink."Well.There are a few...tutors that would do...but...I think..."He bit his lip, for once, looking totally out of sorts."Draco's teaching Kier muggle things.And...well I do enjoy my time there. If...we could teach him..."he offered looking awakard, before noding to himself."Or if you would feel more comfortable, I can look into finding someone else....though my options would be limited to death eaters..."
Harry winced at the thought of the blond teaching his son but flinched harder at the thought of actual death eaters teaching his son. He knew that Draco, while supporting Voldemort, had never actually joined the man. “Draco.” harry grumbled. “i hate the rat faced bastard but I know he won't run my son to Voldemort at least.” he grumbled before sighing, closing his eyes. “fuck... I need to get drunk.” he muttered softly to himself, shaking his head as he finished washing the dishes. “i'm going to take a nap...” he decided, walking out the door, peeking in on Connor and Kier to let them know that he was going to lay down, and that if either of them needed him he'd be right next door, Connor looking a little worried but nodding. “we should get Uncle Ashley in here too! I bet he'd be a good builder!” oh great, now Kiel had Connor calling Ashlin uncle Ashley too, joy. “wait here I'll go get him!” he decided giggling as he raced down the stairs, pouncing on Ashlin. “come play with us Uncle Ashley!” he pleaded. “we can't make the castle stay together, we need your help!”
Ashlin laughed as he caught the boy, hauling him back upstairs. "Now boys, I am not a girl."he said seriously, laughing as he sat down to help them build.By the time harry got up the three of them had a castle big enough connor and keir had to stand on Ashlin's shoulders to put the last pieces on the very top. The legos shining slightly with the magic Ashlin had given them. A huge replica of Camelot taking up the space of the room, to the point Ashlin had vanished hte bed to finish it. Smiling as he stepped back, a hand going out, lowering the drawbridge."Okay you two, Knights of the round table, are you prepared to invade your castle?"He asked looking at the two, not noticing the incubus. And while the castle was two small for him, it was perfectly sized for two boys to get into.
Connor giggled as he helped finish the castle, Harry smiling as he watched them, Connor giggling wildly as he clapped his hands together happily and dragged Kier into the castle happily as he poked his head out of a window with an eager giggle waving at Ashlin and Harry, Harry chuckling a little. “my you three have been busy.” he stated looking the castle over. “Daddy look! I'm Sir Lancelot!!” he stated with an eager grin. “Kier is King Arther! Aren't you Kier!?” he asked eagerly, just deciding right then and there. Connor really was a remarkable boy, the entire time they had been playing, he had let Kier have the best Lego's, and the best spot on the bed, and let him put up most of the high pieces on the castle, and now he was letting the other boy be the king. It was easy to see that Connor got all of his kind personality from Harry, who had spent all of his life giving and helping others, even in the muggle world with his hopes and dreams shattered he spent most of his time helping others. “Uncle Ashley?” Connor stated suddenly. “can you and I have a big grown up talk later?” he asked his head tilted, Harry chuckling a little. “uh oh Ashlin, you might be in trouble.” he teased smiling a little. “the only time he tells ME that is when he's going to tell me I'm behaving badly.” Harry admitted grinning at the thought of Connor bitching Ashlin out.
Kier grinned widely, "I'm arthur!And uncle Ashley can be Merlin!"He stated. Ashlin looked slightly concerned before nodding, looking up at the boy hanging half way out a window."I haven't done anything connor. But yes, we'll talk."He whined a little before smiling, waving at the two."Now play. Me and daddy are going to go get dinner ready."He said shuddering as he felt Draco downstairs. Having thought the man would come back here when he was done with millicent at st. mungo's. And he so wanted to smack him for getting everyone calling him ashley.
Harry smiled happily as Kier and Connor played happily, chuckling before flinching as he felt Draco apparate in, swallowing hard but straightening himself out, making sure his hair, beaded and feathered still, was perfect. “come Merlin.” he teased Ashlin shaking his head. “ we have guests to feed.” he stated heading down the stairs to make lunch, pausing when he saw Draco, the blond blinking at him for a moment, clearly not recognizing Harry through his new look right away before his eyes widened to near comical proportions. “i KNEW that little boy looked familiar somehow!” he declared pointing at Harry. “how could someone let YOU procreate!” he demanded Harry snorting a little. “the same way you did I suppose, only instead of the woman carrying the baby I did.” Harry stated simply, just to watch Draco's jaw drop again, silver eye twitching as Harry laughed and vanished into the kitchen, feeling better now that he and Draco where fighting with each other. Harry had been worried Draco would try to apologize or something, no, Harry liked the normalcy of their fights, even if they weren't aimed to hurt anymore. “Merlin Ashlin! Where the HELL did you find him!? He's been missing for YEARS!” he looked a little worried. “you not going to turn him in are you?”
Ashlin snorted a little as he headed for the kitchen, letting the blond follow after him."I wouldn't piss on dumbledore if he was on fire. Of course I'm not turning him in."He said purposefully misunderstanding who turning in who. He knew Voldemort would want to talk to the boy, after all they were both men who'd been broken by Dumbledore. "And behave. Kier and Connor are getting along smashingly. I think their fathers should be able to do the same."He said staring at the two, making sure they werent about to start a real fight before he sat down, waiting for harry to start cooking.
Draco shook his head. “i meant to Voldemort.” he whispered angrily. “Ashley! Harry would rather kill that man than talk to him! Harry still thinks it's Voldemort's fault his life is in the shit and went to hell!” he fell silent when they entered the kitchen, Harry cracking some eggs and whisking them together before dumping in flour and spices, making what looked like a runny batter. “how's fried chicken sound?” Harry asked looking over at them. “and for your information...” a wicked smirk spread across his lips. “Ashley, this IS getting along. Me and Ferret Face have always fought and fight we forever will. At least we don't swing fists anymore.” “he has a point.” Draco admitted. “as much as I hate to agree with anything that Potty has to say.” “well at least you grew into that nose.” Harry taunted, Draco smirking. “and you look like a girl.” “really? Thanks, I've been trying.” Harry teased cocking his hip, making Draco laugh, harry following. They just couldn't help it.
Ashlin sighed shaking his head, looking amused. "I'm enjoying the sex to much to consider sharing."He announced looking at the blond before turning his head to look at harry laughing softly."should we ask him? politely harry. He's bound to say no if its not done to his own impeccable polite standards."He snickered studying his friend, letting him worry about what he wanted to ask.
Harry grimaced a little, Draco scowling a little. “if you want a threesome it's a no.” “i wouldn't tough you with a twenty foot pole Malfoy.” Harry stated with a role of his eyes, hesitating as he breaded his chicken and laid it in the frying pan. “Connor is... he needs schooling and I don't want some soulless Death eater near my son....” he explained softly. “especially not one who would rather hand him and me over to Voldemort... you won't do that, I know you won't because you value children too much... so I was hoping...” “... oh dammit.” Draco complained sighing a little. “fine, but only because Kier likes him. And because he's cute.” Harry shot Draco a glare, the blond smirking. “i'll teach Connor with Kier.” he promised, Harry nodding a little, hesitating. “how is Millicent?” harry asked softly, Draco grimacing before shaking his head. “...insane... they say that they can't fix her... it's.. in her body, genetically... they can't...” he sighed a little and covered his eyes with a single hand to hide his growing tears. “what do I tell my son? 'mommy's crazy baby so you can't ever see her again...' how is that going to go!?” He sighed and harry grimaced a little. “you tell him a part of the truth.” Harry stated looking at Draco. “i have to do the same thing with Connor all the time. Tell him that mommy is very sick, that she doesn't know who Kiel is. That she would never hurt him on purpose but that she can't help herself.” Draco stared at Harry then. “... you know...that's... not all that bad of advice..” he glanced at Ashlin. “you should have kidnapped him sooner. He's probably good for you.” Harry let out a bark of a laugh at that but said nothing.
Ashlin snarled quietly at Draco staring at the table, tensing a little."Just because reality is messed up around me, doesn't mean I need a sitter malfoy!"he growled. After all, draco'd been the first person he'd run to when he realized he was screwing up with time with wanting his wife and son back so badly, that reality itself was trying to force it into being, but couldn't, because nothing could bring back the death. Rolling his eyes a little as he sighed."And aren't we some soulless death eaters potter?"he asked slightly amused, because the man had once been so worried about being around Connor.
Harry snorted a little. “no, your both soulless, but Draco isn't actually a death eater, and you.” he paused and considered then. “i don't know... your just, not evil enough I guess.” Draco laughed a little and shook his head. “Harry, most death eaters aren't, we all only wanted..” “shut up Draco, you tried to change my mind three years ago, it didn't work then and it won't work now.” Harry stated with a snarl. “don't make me break your pretty nose again.” Draco flinched and hid his nose. Three years ago Draco had arrived in Ashlin's house with two black eyes and a broken nose, informing his friend that he'd run into an old acquaintance and it had gone badly. Who would have guessed the blond would have met harry of all people!? “alright fine I won't say anymore.” Draco complained rubbing his nose as if remembering the pain of his broken nose before he went upstairs to check on Kier and Connor, to see if they really where getting along. “and don't think you can make me think that Death eaters are good either!” Harry snapped at Ashlin. “i don't give a shit what you people think about Voldemort or Dumbledore, they can BOTH go take a flying leap for all I care!” he stated staring at Ashlin before turning back to his cooking. “do you want corn or carrots with dinner?”
"Corn."Ashlin responded, snickering a little. Draco got his nose broke by Harry?Now that was a story he was just going to have to hear. Watching draco go be looked at Harry, shrugging a little."umbledore has managed to kill more then his fair of death eaters since you left.Even... "He swallowed hard."Even the families of some, just because there was a death eater among no more phisological discussions, we're going to have dinner."He shrugged pulling his mind away from the depressing thoughts.

"Papa!"Kier grinned happily as he stood on one of the battlements of the castle, the two looking perfectly happy to be playing together."Look what Uncle Ashley helped us make. I'm king arthur!And connor's lancelot!"He announced.
Harry snorted a little. “Dumbledore's an ass and a murderer. Voldemort is a madman and a murderer.” he shrugged. “i'm just all around fucked.” he stated simply. “Dumbledore wants me do die to kill Voldemort. And Voldemort just wants me to die.” he turned and looked at Ashlin. “dinner isn't ready yet.” he stated simply. “go watch TV or... oh yeah, Wizard house.... go do boring shit until I'm done.”

Connor was giggling as he brandished a sword made out of legos before falling silent at the sight of Draco, ducking back into the castle and hiding, only his eyes and up visible as he peaked out of the castle at Draco who smiled a little. “that's great!” Draco stated, pleased that his son was having such a good time. “would you like to stay for dinner with Uncle Ashley and Connor?” he asked his son, examining Connor. “hello there, you must be Connor? I'm Draco, I'm an old friend of your daddy's.” “i know... daddy has pictures of you and other people in his photo album... he cries when he looks at it..” Connor admitted softly. “are you going to take me away from my daddy?” “of course not! I would NEVER take you away from your daddy.” Draco promised. “but I AM going to teach you, I'm going to be your tutor.” he admitted smiling. “your going to learn things with Kier.” “really!?” Connor asked, brightening happily at the idea. “i'd like that!” he admitted sniffing at the air, gasping in horror. “...daddy's making corn! I don't wanna go to dinner! Tell him I don't have to eat!” Connor ordered, sulking violently at the thought of eating corn, Draco looking completely baffled.
Ashlin frowned just arriving in time to hear the violent protests, before sighing, tilting his head back to look up at connor,"Con, I wanted corn.Do you want something else?"He said studying him, rubbing a hand over his arm slightly, feeling the sting demanding his presence, but he was so not going to visit with voldemort at the moment."Con, do you want to have your grown up talk?"He asked glancing at draco before returning his attention to connor, looking worried. Keir frowned looking down at his papa and uncle, wrpaping his arms around connor without thinking about it, whining slightly."What's wrong connor?"
Connor sulked harder. “no! I hate vegables!” he complained sulking violently, you could practically hear Harry sigh at the fight he was going to go through to get Connor to eat his lunch. Connor was usually fine at breakfasts, but lunches and dinners was a terrible struggle, even if Harry served the same thing he'd served at breakfast. “i don't wanna eat! I wanna play!” he complained Draco grimacing a little as Harry walked in, looking a little annoyed. “Connor Fredrick James Potter!” Connor jumped at the stern tone in Harry's voice and he poked his lip out and brought tears into his eyes. “do not EVEN try that trick on me! We have this fight twice a day, everyday!” harry growled eyes narrowed at his Son who tried even harder to use his incubi powers on his father. “now you ARE going to come down, you ARE going to eat, or you WILL suffer the consequences!” “but I HATE corn! An I HATE chicken!” Connor whined Harry pinching the bridge of his nose. “yes, and if I was serving pancake art you'd say the same thing! Why do you hate eating lunch and dinner so much Connor!? Honestly...” “i hate it!” Connor wailed, Harry flinging his hands into the air in frustration and stalking away, too tired to fight with him this time., Draco lifting an eyebrow. “Kiel likes eating lunch, don't you Kiel?” Draco asked smiling at his son, frowning a little when Connor just huffed and crossed his arms, going all stubborn on everyone. “... I've never seen a boy fight so much not to eat... hell Kiel practically climbs my leg by the time lunch rolls around he's so hungry...”
Kier nodded, his stomach rumbling, as if it decided that his father needed baking up.Shaking his ead a little Ashlin sighed looking at the boy, before a smirk curled his lips. "Yo, Lancelot.Sir knight,I am Merlin, first warlock of Camelot, and right hand of Arthur. I declare you need to eat, and become a big strong knight, otherwise Genuviere will never fall in love with you instead of him."he said laughing a little as he stepped on thin air, forcing reality into his own making, along with a spelll, letting him float on air as he looked at the two boys."Now.It is time to dinner, by order of merlin."He said looking arrogant and amused with himself as he turned to face the other two."Now, you two underlings, go make yourselves useful and do the dining room as if it's a banquet hall. Sir Lancelot must have the best things."
Connor glared almost viciously at Ashlin, his emerald eyes narrowed dangerously but he stood up and stomped his way out to the dining room, making sure the whole house knew that he didn't want to eat, stomping his little footsies, Draco chuckling a little. “i'm sure it's just a phase, but Harry sounds kind of tired... I thought he would fight with his son for at least ten minutes.” he shook his head. “i wonder if Harry's getting sick?” he mused his head tilted. “he sounds rather tired...” he looked up at Ashlin. “your not stuck up there are you?” he teased, remembering the first time the boy had made himself fly like that and gotten stuck up there for hours because no one could figure out how to get him down. Harry smiled when he saw Connor and Kier sitting down and handed them there plates, Connor sulking as he flicked his food around his plate, Harry sighing a little, but deciding not to fight his son on this. Connor would eat when he got hungry enough to, maybe missing lunch would make dinner easier? He could only hope so. “so what do you think of Draco Connor?” Harry asked, Connor looking surprised that his father wasn't ordering him to eat, looking a little hesitant and unsure. “he's ok... he has white hair... is he really going to teach me my classes?” “yup.” Harry chirped, eating his own meal as he waited for the other two adults to join them. “he's going to teach you with Keir, muggle and magic things, right Kier?” Harry asked smiling at the boy.
Ashlin gave his friend a little, smacking him on the arm as stepped down."No.I am not stuck up there."He said primly heading downstairs. Kier grinned a little nodding as he ate. "Oh yea.He's a good teacher, even if a little scoldly when I forget what he already told me."He said laughing a little. Aslin rolled his eyes looking at the two boys, "Connor, eat your meal or don't. Dont play with it."he scolded gently, his manners forcing him to say something, even if it wasn't his place. Enough of a pureblood that the manners and traditions ran bone deep, even if he disobeyed them sometimes. Kier looked at them all,frowning a little as he tried to figure out why his friend didn't want to eat, looking at his own plate as he nibbled on the corn, showing connor that it wasn't that bad really.
Harry shot Ashlin a small grin when he ordered Connor not to play with his food, as if he appreciated the help, instead of being annoyed by it, Connor huffing as he sulked, but stopped playing with his food, Draco chuckling a little, looking a little puzzled himself as he accepted his plate from Harry, taking big bites as if he too was trying to prove to Connor that it was good. even when everyone else had finished there meal, Connor hadn't touched even a single bite, Harry sighing a little. “oh well..” he muttered looking concerned. “maybe missing lunch will make him hungry by dinner time hmm?” he mused, letting Connor and Kier go play in the giant caste again as he shook his head, Draco glancing at his watch and yelling after Kier that they only had another hour of playtime before he and Kier had to leave. Kier had a doctors appointment to make sure that the boys ribs where healing properly. Just to make sure. “i just don't understand...” Harry admitted as he picked up Connor's full plate of food. “this has been going on for a month now, he used to always be hungry.” Harry admitted shaking his head. “now getting him to eat anything but breakfast is a pain in the ass...” he sighed and scraped the food into the garbage, shaking his head. “i'm so tired of fighting with him on it...”
Ashlin's smirk widened a little, sharing a look with draco before looking at the incubus."Maybe I'll find out when I have my grown up talk.But if not... well I dont mind fighting for things. It'll be experience."He said biting his lip a little. Because his own son would have been like connor, small and blond, beautiful. Wondering if he loved the child for being himself, or for being a ghost. Laughing a little before he shook his head free of the thoughts he looked amused."We'll figure out what's going on. And do know you are welcme to stay here right... seeing as I have no excuses for forbidding it anymore."He said sounding amused if a little put out at finding his house full of life again.
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. “i would but Kier really does have a doctors appointment. Maybe we'll stay the night tomorrow?” he offered smirking a little as he went up to fetch Kier and saying goodby to Connor before they both apparated away, Connor coming down and tugging on Ashlin's shirt, pointing tot he other room, , a book held in his hands, leather bound, and he clearly didn't want Harry to see it. He vanished into the other room and made Ashlin sit down on the chair before crawling into his lap with the book. “i wanna talk to you about Daddy, but you can't tell daddy ok?” he asked looking up at Ashlin. “daddy doesn't know that I know, and he'd be upset if he found out ok?” he asked before touching the book. “daddy cries a lot when he looks at this, but he only looks at it when he's been drinking the smelly colored water.” alcohol? Was Harry a drunk? No, that was very doubtful. “Daddy doesn't like being all locked up.” Connor explained. “he gets weird when he can't go outside, even if it's to be safe, acus of my mommy I think.” he admitted opening the book.

“my aunty Luna told me most of this.” he admitted flipping through the book, filled with pictures of Harry's friends...or rather people who used to be Harry's friends. Draco was in there too, usually he and Harry where yelling at each other. “this is my mommy.” he explained indicating a man, who was so beautiful he should have been a woman. Only the masculine air he gave off, and the lack of breasts gave the creature away as a man, the sly, seductive smirk on his face threatening to fill a person with lust just by looking at the picture. The soft honey blond hair and pale creamy skin. “he's a veelim. I don't know what that is, but Luna says they can be very naughty. This one's name was Fredrick. Daddy calls him Freddy when he's mad.” he admitted looking at the picture. “he made daddy fall in love with him.” he explained. “daddy didn't know any better, and went home with Fredrick, and Fredrick made daddy do lots of things, and wouldn't let him leave, even when Daddy stopped being in love.” Harry had broken the spell of a Veelim!? Well, if Harry was strong enough to break a Veelim's spell, then there was no way a silly little barrier to keep magical creatures in was enough to stop him.

“Daddy tried to get away a lot of times, but Fredrick was stronger than him and kept making Daddy fall In love, but daddy kept breaking free and trying to escape. So Fredrick started drugging daddy. Daddy couldn't get away...” now Connor looked sad. “when Daddy finally got away, it was because he killed Fredrick.” he explained. “daddy was very sad afterwords, and drank a lot of the icky water and slept all day, and aunty Luna had to take care of him a lot.” he looked up at the other. “daddy is sad now too... he sleeps a lot, and he's tired all the time.. he does that when he's very sad...” he looked back down at the picture of Fredrick. “Daddy misses mommy.... even when he hates him..” Connor admitted his head tilted. “can you make daddy not sad?” he asked hopefully, looking up at the other. “i don't like it when daddy drinks the icky water, and yells at the pictures and cries...” he bit his lip. “but daddy only does that when I'm supposed to be asleep.” he admitted. “so you can't tell him that I know he does that...”
Ashlin was quiet for long moments as he absorbed what the child was saying. Frowning a little when he realized despite his threats, the other man wasn't trapped. That he could have....left. which begged the question, why in the world hadn't he? Running his fingers through his own hair he pressed a kiss to Connor's head curling his arms aroun the boy."I'll take care of him.And Draco.And Kier. We'll all make sure he's happy okay?"He said turning the boy to face him,gently pushing his hair out of his face."Connor, promise me you'll let me take care of your daddy, and not to worry so much.You're scaring him with not eating. I'll deal with making him happy, if you tell me why you wont eat."Lies, lies he'd do it anyways, but it was the only way he could think of to find out what was wrong with him. The rest... the rest of connor's story made his head swim, so he ignored it for the moment. He needed to think about it, and decide if he should tell harry connor knew or not. Knowing the boy scared his father sometimes, and he wondered if it would do more harm then go."Talk to me con."he muttered softly.
Connor smiled as he relaxed, glad that Ashlin would help make his daddy happy, snuggling into the others arms. “daddy says that your not my mommy... but can you be anyway?” he asked hopefully. “i love Ashlin.” he admitted looking up at the other with wide, innocent green eyes before hesitating a little. “i don't know.” he admitted biting his lip. “my belly always feels upset when I eat.” he admitted. “it's not so bad in the mornings... my belly doesn't hurt when I eat in the mornings but.. the rest of the day it makes my belly twist up inside and it hurts...” he looked up at the other. “i'm not hungry after breakfast neither, not even at dinner time..” he admitted laying his head on Ashlin's shoulder.

“i don't like to eat if it makes my belly hurt...” he complained sulking a little. Could he be like a Veelim, and a Incubi, and need less 'mortal' food, and more... other things for his meals? But even in incubi and Veelim lifestyles they only needed sex when they reached puberty, there was no way that Connor was old enough for that sort of thing. But then, there had never been anything like Connor before, Veelim and Incubi usually hated each other to the point where one would attack and kill the other on sight, part of why they where so very rare. Who knew what Connor needed? Certainly not Harry, and definitely not anyone else.

If Connor was more like a Veelim though, he might need a blood supplement instead of food, Veela, and Veelim where well known to feast on living, raw flesh for their meals, after the iron rich blood inside their meals. Most Veela and Veelim couldn't stand cooked food, so maybe Connor needed a few raw chunks of meat? Or maybe he didn't need anything at all, there was no way to tell.
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