Incubus Dreams

Ashlin laughed softly, ruffling the boy's hair. "you know, you're not the first person to ask me if it was a girl's name,kiddo."he said reassuring the boy he wasn't mad at him. Shifting his hold he lifted the boy, settling him on his hip as he walked upstairs, pushing open the boy's bedroom, which was connected to harry's and across the hall from his own."Well, I run away from him to."He said wrinkling his nose a little shuddering away from the thought before looking down at the boy in his arms."Now. Since daddy is getting you a snack, what do you want to do?"He said looking confused. He had strictly avoided children, even avoiding Draco's little boy. So..having a child suddenly with him left him at a loss as to what to do.
Connor giggled a little at the hair ruffle and smiled up at him happily before looking around the room and hopping onto the bed, giggling a little as he shrugged his backpack off and opening it, pulling out a small picture book. “you have to read to me!” he ordered handing the other the book, tilted Turtle Time., and once that was decided he plopped himself into Ashlin's lap and waited for his new friend to read, scanning the pictures happily as he listened to Ashlin read to him, Harry walking in after a moment, looking very unhappy about how comfortable Connor was with Ashlin, but determined not to let Connor know that Harry was in trouble as he handed the boy the apples smeared with peanut butter, all lined up on a plate. “Yay!” was Connor's response to the odd looking treats, stuffing one into his mouth as Harry unpacked the boy's blanket and teddy bear, laying it down on the bed carefully under Connor's supervision, Harry smiling a little as he examined the teddy bear before laying it gently on the boys pillow. “alright Big Bear.” Harry stated, Connor giggling. “let's leave Ashlin alone now so he can get back to his work.” Harry decided a quick way to get Ashlin away from his son. “you eat your snack while I start on dinner alright? Don't make a mess.” “yes daddy.” Connor chirped, nibbling on his apples as he examined the book, Harry practically forcing Ashlin out of the room, with a relieved sigh.

“christ... that boy... sometimes I swear he WANTS me to have a heart attack....” he grumbled glaring at Ashlin. “look you.... Connor is not to know that I am here against my will you got that!?” he demanded, poking the death eater in the chest. “i want no mention of Voldemort, Dumbledore, raids, or deaths! You keep your mouth shut about anything that isn't fun, toys, video games, or learning, INNOCENT learning! I find out your teaching my son ANYTHING even NEAR gray magic or darker and I'll slit you open from balls to neck!” he took a deep breath, closing his eyes, struggling to keep his calm. “i don't like you, I don't trust you and I don't want you around my son but Connor has clearly decided he likes you so you better watch what you do or say around my son, barrier or not I won't hesitate to kill you.” he promised before stalking away. “and since I've been kidnapped you can keep you as out of the kitchen, it's MINE now!”
Ashlin watched the man blandly, as if he wasn't affected by his words. Making a noise in the back of his throat that sounded supiicously like a choked sob as he listened to the man's rant before dipping his head a little as he turned to walk away."Whatever.Just keep him out of my study. It's the only plce in the mansion that's not protected with bland magic.."He said the study his only retreat, and while it wasn't dangerous, it was a place of memories. The study the same as his wife had left it when she'd died the year before. Not even the book he read while hiding in there hadn't changed."And I'd be careful what you said to him. He already asked me about dumbledore."he said as he headed for his study, seemingly to dismiss the incubus despite being painfully aware of his presence.
Harry paused at the strange sound, suddenly feeling a wave of misery from the death eater, his eyes wide as he watched the other, looking startled and a little bit ashamed as he watched the other. “i'll make sure he knows..” Harry stated, still looking startled, as if he wasn't sure if he should still be angry about being kidnapped, or if he should feel sorry for Ashlin. He winced at the accusation however and sighed. “i tell him what he wants to know when he's ready...” he stated simply. “i'm no fool, I know Dumbledore would take my son, turn him into a weapon...” he swallowed hard as he watched the other before gently setting his hand on the others shoulder. “i didn't mean to upset you.” so he had settled for feeling sorry for the other. “but, you did kidnap me you know.” he pointed out before leaving him alone, heading into the kitchen to start Dinner, making enough for all three of them. By the time five rolled around, Harry had a huge pot of spaghetti made, along with Garlic bread, and Connor was waiting at the dinner table, sitting on a booster seat so he could reach, the table already set and dinner waiting on the table as Harry hesitantly knocked on the study door. “i have dinner ready... if your hungry...” uncertain how to act now that he wasn't angry anymore. Well, no he was still angry, but it was tempered with shame and guilt.
The door opened under his knock, the door set to open, the same spell sara had put in place so she could walk in to check on her husband even if he locked the door. Sights of miracles, aslin was curled up on the couch, the pillow tucked under his head, a baby's bed blanket settled around his large frame, and a romance novel tucked under his cheek as he snored slightly. His favorite pillow, his son's blanket, and his wife's favorite book. Yea, ashlin hadn't let go. Hadn't let go of the anger he felt, making him lash out everyone around him...except for connor, the young boy talking to the almost father in him. So exhausted, having gone straight from a raid, to having sex to dealing with how complicated he'd made his life by bringing harry here, he was exhausted.And slept through harry's interruption.
Harry watched him, his head tilted as he studied the man, swallowing thickly as he looked at the baby blanket, suddenly realizing why he had trusted Ashlin not to hurt his son. There was only one reason why a man that age would have a baby blanket. Harry swallowed thickly and turned away, letting Ashlin sleep before returning with a plate of food, laying it on the desk, the spaghetti spelled to stay warm and the garlic bread to not get soggy in the spaghetti sauce before he left again, leaving Ashlin to sleep as he and Connor enjoyed a calm dinner and Harry started tucking Connor into bed, feeling tired himself as he read Connor his favorite book and tucked him in, kissing the boy's forehead. “Daddy? Is Ashlin going to be my new mommy?” Connor asked softly, blinking at Harry who went frozen. “no sweety... I don't think so.” Harry admitted softly. “ash is just a very old friend of daddy's. That's all.” “oh...ok.” Connor muttered sleepily, snuggling into his bear. “good night daddy...” “good night Big Bear.” Harry muttered softly, swallowing thickly at the mention of mothers, remembering the pretty blond who Harry had met his first year on the streets. He sighed and sat there, watching Connor sleep before moving into his own bedroom, wiping a tear away before more could start and began to get ready for bed himself, feeling disturbed and upset as he remembered things he wanted to forget.
Ashlin snorted a little as he leaned against the door, watching the man, feeling slightly disturbed that harry had come into his study. Yet... not disturbed enough to undo sara's careful spells. "You know, I'd look pretty good in a dress. And high heels."He mused, more to make the other think about sex instead of whatever was upsetting him, and what he'd seen in the study."Though, I admit, not nearly as much as you did."he teased before crossing the room,tilting the other's head back stealing a kiss before darting away again before the incubus could retailiate.
Harry jumped violently at the others voice, spinning around, startled at Ashlin, panting lightly from his fright before glaring at him. “you don't look good in anything.” he spat, annoyed at having been caught crying as he started making his own bed properly, shivering as Ashlin kissed him, closing his eyes before pushing him away. “not here.” Harry hissed softly. “not where Connor might see....” he ordered, swallowing thickly. “he doesn't know...what I am...what he is...” Harry explained, shame in his voice. “i don't want him to know his father is a whore... not until he's old enough to understand...” he swallowed hard, looking at Ashlin, confusion and pain in his eyes. “what do you want with me!?” he demanded, sounding heartbroken. “is it just sex? Just owning Harry potter that you want or is there more to this?” Harry just didn't understand Ashlin, wasn't sure he wanted to, but he just had to know what the hell the man wanted with him.
Ashlin winced at the words, eyes trailing to the cieling as he studied the patterns within the swirls of his wards,."Nothing."He said after a long moment, stepping back."You have nothing I want....and yet.You're here." Ashlin sighed quietly turning to leave the room, feeling more heartsore and broken then he had before. Not sure what it was about his man that ripped him apart...okay, so he was lying to himself. It wasn't just harry, it was connor who was getting to him.This had been such a bad idea. Needing to leave before he broke himself more, broke himself on the edges of harry's angry, already feeling attatched, and knwoing he'd probably break his heart against the incubus...and yet he was letting them stay. And he had no idea why.
Harry snarled when Ashlin stated that he wanted nothing, that harry had nothing he wanted. They both knew that was a lie, but Harry couldn't understand how Ashlin could not know what he wanted before sighing a little, covering his eyes as he pondered, letting Ashlin leave before following after him, setting a hand on the man's shoulder, emerald eyes looking at Ashlin intently. “i don't know why... but I just can't hate you.” he admitted, slowly pulling Ashlin into the nearest bedroom, not Harry's, Harry wouldn't risk Connor walking in on them. He kicked the door closed, threw up silencing and locking spells, and swallowed hard. “i don't know what the hell it is about you, but every fucking cell in my body screams to have you buried inside of me again.” he whispered, licking his lips. “it's almost a need, to feel you, to have you pinning me down again.” he swallowed thickly. “i know, you want nothing from me, but take me anyway.” he ordered softly. “take me, make me yours for the night, kick me out or keep me in the morning I don't care....” that was a lie, he did care, he was pissed about being locked up, harry hated not being able to leave at his own will, hated being cooped up, locked inside, caged... but he would be hurt, if Ashlin let him go, or ordered him to leave...sometimes Harry just didn't understand himself.
Ashlin studied him through half closed eyes, his eyebrows pulled together as he looked at him."Liar."He muttered lowering his head, kissing him slowly as he gently pushed the man towards his bed. Not even realizing they were in his own bedroom, not realizing that for the first time he was allowing someone else into his sanctuary. Pushing him down to the bed he took his time screwing the incubus, and in the early dawn light fell asleep with a arm across his chest, pinning him there. Even if he said he didnt want anything from him, he wasn't about to let him go. For the first time, falling asleep without trouble, drifting into a peaceful sleep.
Harry enjoyed the long, slow fucking, and begged throughout the night for more, harder, faster, though it was denied him every time and that too was part of the fun. Waking in the morning with a sore ass, and a very satisfied libido, and belly. That was hard to do, satisfy an incubi's libido. He sighed softly as he woke up in the morning at the same time he always did, 6:30 because that was when Connor had to get up for school, and found himself locked in place by a very heavy Ashlin, making him groan softly as he carefully slid free, trying desperately not to wake his one night lover, rubbing his eyes and stretching as he gathered his clothes so he could go and make breakfast for the three of them, wondering how he was going to teach Connor his muggle lessons when he himself had such a poor education. He was going to have to beg Ashlin to let a tutor in to teach Connor, of course that was only if Ashlin decided to keep Harry...Harry had mixed feelings about that, in fact Harry had mixed feelings about all of this... he was terrified, because some part of him knew he was developing feelings for Ashlin, a death eater... someone who could not be trusted.
By the time ashlin bestirred himself to come downstairs, the house was smelling nicely of food and it made him curious. After all, he hardly ever ate anymore, so having someone there to cook for him was a odd experience. Frowning when he saw the blond stnading in the front hallway, frowning harder at the child with him. Glad that Harry and Connor weren't around for the moment, though if he could convince Harry, maybe Connor would have a new playmate.Maybe."I thought I told you not to bring him here Malfoy."He growled stepping off the last step as he studied his friend, snorting disgustedly. Because the malfoy heir just couldn't leave him alone to suffer, he was always trying to save him frm his own sucidial streak."Go home.I wasn't going to meet with you until later."He said glaring hard at the elder, even as his lips quirked into a smile as he looked down at Kier."Go.I have things to do today."He growled wanting them out of there before connor woke, or harry decided to come find him for breakfast. Despite knowing his friend would let him keep harry and connor a secret,because it meant he was breaking his year of grieving, but he didn't want to share yet dammit.Not with anyone.
Harry smiled as he cooked, pausing when he heard voices in the hall, slinking towards the doorway before freezing when he caught sight of Draco, quickly hiding and listening in. “i know I know get out.” Draco stated with a roll of his eyes. “look, I don't have anywhere else to bring him.” Draco admitted softly. “his mother has gone loco!” he admitted. “she attacked him this morning Ashlin! I can't have Keir at home right now...” he admitted softly. Poor Draco, even Harry knew what was happening. He had fallen in love with Millicent, and they'd had a perfect life until she was pregnant. Then she started developing...a madness, which had only grown over the years. She had started thinking Keir was out to kill her, and it was making life very dangerous for the little boy. “please, Ashlin, I don't have anyone else I can trust, can't you watch him for just a few days? She can't live like this and neither can he!...” his voice was barley a whisper, not willing to let his son hear him, pausing when he suddenly caught sight of Connor, yawning as he walked down the hallway, blankey in hand as he leaned against Ashlin, sleepily. “i can't find daddy...” he whined pathetically, blinking at Keir and looking up at Draco, unleashing an unholy shriek of terror before he vanished back down the hallway, Draco gaping at the young boy, too stunned to say anything.
Ashlin snarled, "The boy can stay. Goddamn you all for making life difficult."He growled heading for the stairs."Stay right there.I'll be right back."He said taking the stairs two at a time, going in search of Connor, wincing a little as he picked up the shaking boy as he ran into his bedroom,scooping him up and holding him close."Shhh shhh its okay. Draco's a friend. And kier needs someone who's nice to him."He muttered stroking the boy's hair,trying to calm him down, low level panic eating at him as he started freaking out. Hating to upset the boy so. "Connor, I promise lovely, you are safe.We'll go find daddy. He was making food."He said struggling for calm, holding the child gently but tightly in his arms, trembling a little with his panic and need to calm him.
Connor had hidden himself under the blankets in his bed, and he whimpered when Ashlin held him close trembling violently. “you promise he won't take me away from daddy?” he asked looking up at the other with tears in his eyes. “daddy has pictures of that man, daddy only has pictures of bad people who want to take me away.” he paused. “only daddy doesn't know I see his pictures.” he admitted sniffling a little as he wiped his eyes. “but I see him looking sometimes, and crying...” he admitted. “daddy would only cry about bad people right?” he was calm now, sniffling as he wiped his eyes. “can we find daddy now? I want to make sure he wasn't taken away...” when they got down to the kitchen, Harry was entertaining Keir, and Draco was gone, Harry paler than normal at seeing his life long enemy and rival. “Connor, you alright?” Harry asked the boy who nodded and looked at Keir shyly but settled into his place at the table anyway. “we're having pancakes for breakfast, I hope you don't mind...”
Ashlin sighed quietly looking at harry, his panic disappearing now that he wouldn't be responsable for keeping him calm. Sliding into the seat next to kier he ruffled the boy's hair as he nodded excitedly."Papa makes me pancakes all the time."Kier announced, twisting around to look up at his 'uncle.' "Do you have strawberries?You ALWAYS have strawberries."He said staring at him. Ashlin snorted laughing a little as he got up,"Of course I have strawberries, kid."He said getting out the bowl setting them on the table before looking at father and son."Oh. Connor. This is Kier, Harry I take it you did the polite thing and introduced yourself?"He teased.
Harry chuckled a little at Keirs excitement over the pancakes his head tilted a little as he wiggled his fingers at the batter frying in the pan, turning the four pancakes into colorful creations, feeling the need to best Draco all over again, one turning into a bright green dragon, another a long silver snake, a third a bright snitch, and the fourth on the pan into a wand, Connor clapping his hands eagerly. “daddy's making pancake art!” he chirped gleefully as he squirmed in his seat, Harry chuckling a little as Connor yelled that he wanted strawberries too, helping himself to one of the bright red berries and munching on it happily as Connor examined Keir. “of course I introduced myself, not all of us are soul sucking, rude individuals like yourself.” but this time the insult was more playful than mean as he slid the dragon and the snake pancakes onto Keir's plate and the snitch, broom and wand onto Connor's. Sliding a large hippogryph onto Ashlin's plate with a small snicker. “and Connor you have to eat at least two of your pancakes, none of that I'm not hungry stuff. You need to eat to get bigger you know.” Connor pouted but giggled as he tucked into his pancakes Harry smirking as he continued cooking, feeling relaxed again now that Draco was gone.
Kier nodded wisely, looking at the few months younger connor, "You did need to eat. I eat alot. I want to be big and strong like Uncle Ashley."He said the words, looking for all the worl like draco at a young age, yet. Despite the horrors of his mother's madness, Kier was more free, more easy with himself, free of the bounds of Lucius's overwelming presence, and his father treated him like a prince. Ashlin laughed shaking his head as he shook his blond hair out of his face, unable to stop the boy from calling him ashley, since he knew the boy had gotten it from Draco when he was in a mood. Because that was the only time draco ever called him ashley, when he was extremely annoyed with him."I get a hippogriph?What if I wanted a snitch?"He pouted looking at the incubus.
Connor giggled and nodded. “i'll eat a LOT so I can be big like my daddy!” he decided. “i don't wanna be big like Ashlin.” he decided. “i wanna have pretty legs like daddy does!” Harry choked on the piece of bacon he had been sampling, Connor giggling a little as he beamed at Keir. “do you want to play with me after dinner? You can even play with my special teddy if you 'p, pomise to be reeeaaaly careful!” he decided grinning at Keir and kicking his legs a little, Harry dropping a glass in surprise that Connor would so willingly let someone else touch his teddy, shaking his head as he started to pick up the glass so no one would get hurt. “you can have my snitch Ashlin.” Connor offered, holding it out to him, Harry snickering. “but I get the wings off your Hippygryph! I like the wings they taste the best.” Harry was snickering now, shaking his head at his son's silliness, chuckling a little as he kept cooking, glancing at Keir curiously, clearly wondering if what Draco had said was true, that Keir had been attacked by his own mother.
Kier looked surprised at the offer to share biting his lip before nodding shyly. "That would be fun.I promise to be careful.M-mama said I had to be careful with other people's things."he said his eyes a touch wide at the mention of his mother, as if he still wasn't sure he was safe here. Ashlin laughed softly at the mention of Harry's legs, before nudging Kier, trying to distract him."Fine.Wings for a snitch."He said before patting Kier on the head, kissing his head."And don't call me ashley." "But papa does!And I wanna be like papa."The young blond declared, looking up at his uncle.
Harry chuckled a little and Connor giggled nodding. “i have Lego's too!” he stated, having dumped all four hundred thousand of them into his never ending bag so he could take them with him no matter where he went. “their fun!” he admitted handing Ashlin his snitch and stealing the wings off his hippagryph, munching them down and drinking the orange juice his father had given him, Harry snickering at Ashlin being called Ashley. “yeah Ashley, he want's to be like his papa.” he teased smirking rather wickedly as Connor giggled and polished off his plate. “come on Kier! Lets go play! I never had a friend afore.” he admitted giggling as he grabbed his new friends hand and led him up the stairs into the bedroom, dumping out his lego's and handing his teddy to the other boy. “my aunty gave me that, before she died.” he admitted. “her name was Luna, like the moon and she was reeeaaly pretty and sang good songs.” he admitted giggling. “his name is Loon, like the bird.” he admitted grinning happily as he dumped out all of his vast collection of lego's.

In the kitchen Harry was smiling a little. “he's never shared his teddy bear before.” Harry admitted. “the other kids at school are mean to him, so he doesn't have any friends either...” he admitted glancing at Ashlin. “i never thought anything from Draco, no matter the shape or form would be good for anything, but Kier is such a sweetie.” he frowned a little. “i wonder if what Draco said about Millicent was true... did she really attack Kier?”
Kier giggled gaping at the sight of all the legos."Connor, you have so many."He said crouching down to start playing."What should we build?"He asked looking at his new friend grinning. The child draco could have been, had lucius not being a uptight father.

Ashlin nodded absently eating his food."Broke a few ribs to."He said even though they had been healed, he coul still feel the lingering healing magic knitting kier's bones together. Before laughing a little."I'll have to tell Draco his son is a good.He'll die of a heartattack."He said snickering.
Connor giggled a little. “i collect them!” he admitted beaming. 'lets build a castle!” he decided happily. “with a moat! An crocadiles! And ugly black bats!” he decided with a bright giggle as he started piecing together some of the lego's with his tongue out in concentration.

Harry winced at the realization that the healing magic he'd felt had in fact been coming from Kier. “it's a good thing Connor isn't one for rough play.” he admitted shaking his head. “their probably up there playing with his massive collection of Legos.” he admitted rolling his eyes. “he's obsessed with them.” he admitted smiling a little before sighing. “what will Draco do with Millicent?” he asked softly. Draco was actually having her admitted to ST Mungo's, hoping that she could be helped. He examined Asher for a long moment then. “your good with children.” he admitted smiling a little. “Connor's usually terrified of strange adults but he liked you right away.”
Kier grinned as he settled in to play. It was so nice having a friend.

Ashlin sighed, shrugging a little as he ate.Staring at his plate, ignoring the words that twisted time around him, hearing the echo of sara's voice in Harry's amused one. Shaking his head to get out of the loop he sighed as reality snapped back into place."He'll have her admitted to St. Mungo's. It wont do a damned thing, but it makes him feel better to try and help her instead of the alternative."He said shrugging ignoring the last half of the man's statement.Children,yes, he'd always been good with children.
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