
Viper laughed as he noticed Marvos's blush but wisely said nothing as they apparated away to the Quidditch shop, Draco snickering as he gently kissed Shay's forehead, sighing a little as the greedy shopkeeper beamed at them. “welcome! Welcome how may I...” he froze, bursting into stutters when he noticed Marvos. “i.. I have your broom and leathers right here.” he stated. “in case you came back for them.” Viper moved forward, feeling the broom, sighing in satisfaction as he realized he was in fact getting the broom he had picked out, nodding to the shopkeeper before bounding outside to examine the broom in the sunlight. “it's beautiful.” he murmured, looking awestruck at the smooth wood and streamlined shape. “i love this!” he purred hugging Marvos tightly. “thank you... this is my very first thing that I didn't dig out of a garbage can or had to share.”
Marvos laughed quietly, brushing his lips across his forehead."Ah, well you might have to share with shay."He teased, "But only if she's jealous."He teased, knowing it was unlikely. His sister was deathly afraid of heights, she'd absolutely refuse to go anywhere near a broom. She couldn't even watch draco and him fly, she was that deathly afraid.

Sahy beamed at the shopkeeper before following the others out of the shop, looking as small and dainty as viper, though well fed. Just small because of age, not lack of nutrion."so. Wand, books, or clothes next?"She said looking between them all. Knowing they needed to go to the bank to get money, but trying to put it off, she didn't like the stairs.
Viper grinned as he nodded. “i'd gladly share with Shay!” he admitted. He liked shay, she was kind and gentle and sweet and the kids back home loved her. That was enough for Viper to adopt her as his big sister. “i think Clothes.” Draco decided. “he needs to look his best if we're going to get the best supplies for him.” he decided. “after all we have a reputation to maintain, can't have big bad death eaters saving poor waifs off the streets.” he teased Viper glaring at him. “i am not a waif!....what's a waif?”
Shay giggled a little."Waif's are street children.Which you are."She teased looking at draco before marvos."You two go get food. And me and vi will go get clothes."She said knowing she had to go to the bank, after all despite being the oldest, marvos wasn't allowed to enter their family vaults, and both of them hated burrowing from Draco, despite mostly living with him.So she'd have to go...up the high slick stairs. She hated them. Marvos snickered a little,"Shay, you and draco go. I'm better at dressing.and I want to get him out of his clothes."He said with a slight perverted sneer gently shoving her."Go."

Shay whined a little before nodding."Go ahead. Me and draco will catch up with you in a few."She said sighing tiredly.
Viper blinked a little his head tilted as he watched them suggest new clothes and explained what a Waif was, nodding a little. “ok, true.” he agreed chuckling a little and nodded as Marvos decided to take him clothes shopping, humming a little as he followed the other to the nearest clothing store, looking amazed at all the fabrics and clothes.

Draco smiled and took her hand, giving it a small squeeze. “it's ok.” he promised once Viper and Marvos was out of earshot. “i'll be with you.” he promised smiling a little. “all you have to do is close your eyes, and let me lead you. Like at school.” he had done this for her many times on the moving staircases. And the best part, no one realized she had her eyes closed, or that Draco was leading her around blind, letting her keep her pride.
Marvos smiled as he watched the other walk around, absently listening to the female clerk flirt with him, mental shuddering at the idea of touching her.And yet, he enjoyed being and touching viper. Really he was so confused over his feelings."Choose whatever you want.Shay'll probably bring back a king's ransom in galleons."He said, smiling wider, knowing his sister was spoiling the boy not only because she liked him, but because he did.

Shay swallowed hard, nodding as she tightened her grip on his hand, nodding as they headed up the stairs."Someday, I'm getting over this."she said sounding a little breathy, a little scared. Nearly jumping out of her skin at the sound of her name being said, spinning on the slick marble steps of grighotts, nearly falling into Draco as she turned, eyes widening at the sight of her father. And glad Marvos wasn't here. Marvos tended to react badly to having their father near her, because he wanted a male child, instead of the girl he'd gotten."Shara, you look well."Thomas Sharazai smiled a little as he looked at his child, the smile like a razorblade laying on the skin, showing that if he could get away with it, he would hurt her, but since it would anger not only marvos, but the bigger threat of lucius, he stayed his hand from harming her. He might be willing to anger marvos, but lucius was voldemort's second in command, and as a death eater, Thomas knew better then to anger him."Draco, it's good to see you to."
Viper hesitated, looking around at all of the clothes, looking nervous and hesitant as he looked back at Marvos. “i... I don't know what to choose.” looking even younger in his hesitance. He really didn't know how to shop for clothes, he'd never done it before, he didn't know how to pick clothes that looked good, or even that fit, looking to Marvos for help because he was the only one he trusted.

Draco lifted his head and stood slightly in front of Shay so that he had to go through him to get to her, examining Thomas closely. “i wish I could say the same Lord Sharazai.” he admitted staring the man in the eye, as much a miniature Lucius as he could manage, which was impressive. “i do believe that you are not supposed to be this close to Shay, is there not a restraining order?” he demanded his eyes narrowed. Lucius had insisted on making sure that Thomas couldn't legally get more than twenty feet to Shay. “i would thank you to be on your way sir.” he stated, spinning on his heal and taking Shay with him as he left, heading to the goblins so they could get their cart and the money and find Marvos as quickly as they could.
Marvos smiled reassuringly, picking out clothes. The soft velvets, the silken shirts, the dragon leather clothes.Choosing what he thought was best, and what sizes, judging from what he knew of Shay. Judging because he knew his sister would be along soon enough to approve of his choices. When it came to shopping, he trusted her more then himself. Looking at viper as he held teh armfull of clothes he smiled a little."Now go try these on. Then we'll see about finding the others."

Shay trembled a little as she pressed close to raco, feeling her father staring after them, swallowing hard."D-do you think he's up to something?"She asked eyes wide. Knowing she had to calm down before they found marvos, otherwise she was going to upset him. swallowing as she smiled at the goblins, grinning a little after they got their money, looking at draco.Biting her lip nervously."He can't come to the manor can he?Draco, he can't can he?"She said sounding panicky. The fourteen year old peeking out of the mask she so carefully used to hide everything. He could, she didn't know it. Despite Lucius's orders to the sharazai male, there was one person who could bring him, and it was about to bite them all in the ass for not thinking about it earlier.
Viper nodded and examined the clothes, his head tilted a little as he went intot eh room to try them on, marveling at how soft and well fit they where, looking amazed as they all automatically adjusted to fit him perfectly., he discarded a few items, not liking how they felt on his skin, but looked amazing in everything he tried on, grinning as he walked out, looking so happy to have such amazing clothes as he offered them to Marvos. “i like them all! How many can I keep?” wanting to know how many he was allowed to buy before he chose which ones to keep.

Draco shook his head. “even if he is up to something he can't hurt you.” he promised. “and no he can't get into the manor, Father made very sure of that.” he promised gently brushing her hair back. “no one will ever let that man near you.” he promised smiling at the other. “ever.” he promised smiling a little as he kissed her forehead. “alright? Now lets get our gold before Marvos tries to buy Viper the entire shop.”
Marvos' smile widened."Doubles of everything you like, in different colors of course."He said looking at the smaller man, flicking his wand, folding them all neatly before looking at the clerk."All of this." "As you wish Lord Sharazai. Would you like anything for yourself?"She said. Marvos cringed a little, he hated clothes shopping. There was always some girl that decided she'd be the one to win him, and be allowed touching the pale alabaster skin."No thanks.Just these, and whatever else he wants."

Shay pressed a hand to her mouth, giggling a little."Marvos would buy the whole store wouldn't he."she said amused, heading for the shop, so distracted by her father she didn't even realize she was walking down stairs. Heading for the shop,stepping inside just in time to hear marvos' words."You're right, he's buying everything."She said looking up at draco.
Viper looked almost horrified. “but...but...that's too many clothes!” he protested looking at them all, biting his lip. He clearly wanted them all, but he knew it wasn't practical. He glanced at the clothes again and hesitated before grabbing two pairs of shoes, one set a pair of fancy boots that would go with every outfit, and the other a practical pair for walking around in, adding them to the pile, he needed shoes anyway.

Draco laughed as they walked into the store in time to hear viper protesting. “Viper, it's alright. Your going to need all those clothes.” he assured the other. “please get everything you want, we are more than capable of buying everything.” Viper nodded and hesitantly picked out some more clothes, adding them to the pile before smiling at them all. “i lied.” he muttered. “THIS is the greatest day of my life.” Draco just laughed.
Shay grinned at him."It'll get better. We're not done shopping."She said before bouncing off to find her own clothes. Wanting to get a new pair of boots. Marvos smiled a little watching Viper as he chose clothes, before looking at Draco, raising a eyebrow."Whats wrong with you?"He muttered watching viper, even though he knew something was bothering his friend and future brother in law. He knew him to well, and draco better know better then to lie to him. Marvos wouldn't take kindly to it, espicially if it involved Shay.
Viper laughed as he 'helped' Shay pick out some clothes, looking like he was having some fun, Draco watching her closely. “we ran into Thomas.” he stated simply, his voice strained with nerves and worry though he struggled to control himself. “he smiled at her, I didn't like it.” he admitted his eyes narrowed. “i think he's up to something.” his voice held the ice cold edge that warned he was more than willing to kill Thomas in order to protect shay.
Marvos' answering smile was just as deadly, promising a painful long death to his father should he hurt her."We'll get her back to the manor. She'll calm down there."He said, knowing that behind the calm happy shopper his sister was falling apart. She barely knew her father, and despite having adopted Lucius, there was a part of her that longed for her own father to be as accepting of her as Lucius was.

Shay smiled a little, picking up clothes and boots, before returning to the two older men, frowning as she studied their looks before sighing. Knowing what they'd been discussing."We're finishing our shopping."She said slowly, knowing they both probably wanted to take her home. Paying for all their clothes she ignored the men, sending the clothes to the manor before turning to look at them."What next?"
Viper grinned as he examined all of his clothes his head tilted a little. “do I get my haircut now?” Viper asked, blowing a lank of hair out of his eyes his head tilted a little. “and my wand? Why do I need a wand anyway when I can do magic without one?” “a wand makes magic easier, it's a focusing rod basically. It channels out magic, an then enhances it to make magic easier, and more efficient” Viper stared at him and then nodded. “and then we'll go home.” he stated simply looking at Marvos. “we're all going to stay together.” he decided. “i'm hungry...” Viper muttered frowning at his grumbling a little. “can we get food?” Oblivious to Draco shay and Marvos's worry and nerves.
Marvos bit his lip to keep from snapping out a answer. For once not willing to spend his temper on a man who didn't deserve it."Food it is."He said walking out with all of them, eyes scanning the walk away, making sure Thomas wasn't around. Directing them to the food spot he sat down, not willing to take the time for a sit down meal, wanting fast food to just tied them over. WAiting will shay helped viper decide what to eat.

Shay smiled a little, ordering all their food, brushing her fingertips against Viper's arm."Vi, marvos...marvos is worried.Just let him be angry if he snaps at you."She said, wanting to warn him before her brother's temper snapped. Worried how the other would handle it if marvos did snap.
Viper beamed happily as they decided on food, getting a sandwich stuffed with meat vegetables and cheese. It was almost five pounds of food and perfect for the malnourished boy. “i know.” he admitted smiling at Shay. “it's ok if he yells at me, or even hits me.. I belong to him.” he stated simply, smiling at her. “i'll take anything he gives me, happily.” he admitted, for the first time showing a hint of the strong emotions viper actually had for Marvos. “if he has to snap at me to feel better, than that's alright with me.” he promised nodding a little as he dug into his food as they walked into the hair salon, sitting calmly and stuffing his face as they cut and trimmed his hair, giving him hair that fell to his shoulders in long neat sheets, giving him a feminine, yet also masculine appearance that brought out his slender, beautiful face. He grinned at them when he was finally free from the chair and Draco instantly took them tot he wand shop, Olivander gasping when he saw the emerald green eyes. “Harry Potter.” he whispered softly. “yes I wondered when you would come. Your a bit late my boy...” “ names Viper... not Harry...” the street rat stated looking confused.
Marvos winced a little at the wandmaker's address. He knew the truth, but these days, it was dangerous to be the potter heir."He's viper Olivander."He said slowly, delibrately."And no one is to know we've been here to get a wand."He said looking at Shay."You needed a new one to didn't you?"He said, neeidng a excuse should anyone ask why they'd come. Shay nodded happily, willing to go along with the charade as they searched wands, eyes widening as she heard the story of the wand that had chosen harry. "But..."She swallowed looking at harry closely, having known he'd almost been killed by voldemort was different then having him stand in front of her. True worry starting to eat at her, knowing they couldn't protect him forever, and she really did want to protect him."Draco...what are we going to do?We cant protect him."She said the panic she felt over herself and her father, shifting into fretting about harry. Easier with fretting over him and marvos' reaction to him in danger, then she was wiling to consider just how much her father scared her.
Viper scowled a little as he looked around at everyone freaking out before he looked down at the wand in his hand before nodding. “so that's why I don't have any parents...” he muttered, his eyes narrowed. “Voldemort killed them.” because Oliver had explained to them all in hushed tones the truth of what had happened on that night. Voldemort had gone in, and tried to steal harry, not kill him. To train him to be a weapon of war. He was attacked by a large black dog before he could get far, and the baby was left, abandoned in the street, presumed dead until some house elves found it, and took it to his muggle family. And there the rest of the story was known. “i always thought that they just didn't want me.” he admitted softly, sounding relieved. It was every orphans greatest fear, that their parents had given them up just because they where unwanted. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and gripped the wand tightly In his hand, examining it before nodding. “i will not let him get away, with killing innocent people.” he decided looking at them all, his eyes blazing with fire and rage, a strange power of vengeance filling him. “i want to learn everything.”

Draco wrapped his arm tightly around Shay's shoulder when he heard Viper make his promises and swallowed thickly. “i don't think there is really anything we can do.” he admitted softly as he kissed her forehead. “but he will be safe, he has me, and you, and Marvos protecting him. And I have no doubt that Father and mother will protect him as well. He'll be fine.”
Marvos' smile was dark and predatory, everything that promised to do things you wouldn't do in the dark on a dare. Promising to help Harry with whatever he wanted to do. smiling slightly as he looked at Harry, gently stroking his hair back, for once showing gentleness out of the bounds of malfoy manor."Let's get through tonight meeting lucius, then she where we are."He said smiling slightly, wrapping him in a half hug, glad that he was relieved to find out what happened.Every chid deserved to know why their parents weren't with them, even if it was painful.

Sahy sighed softly, resting her head on his shoulder before nodding, moving away as she stepped towards the door."We better go get our school things."She said rubbing a hand over her face,hoping in the light of the truth coming out, they'd forget to worry about her and their wanting to cut the shopping trip short having gotten absolutely everything they absolutely needed.
Viper grinned a little at the dark look on Marvos's face, chuckling as he leaned into the other, accepting the affection with a happy little sigh, examining his wand. “i will fix this world.” he decided softly. “make it a better place, for my family... for my parents,... for us.” he decided looking at Draco, shay and Marvos, smiling a little. “your the best family I ever had.” he admitted, Draco pretending to sniffle. “that's...the most touching...thing I ever...heard.” he pretended to sob, yelping when Harry punched him in the shoulder. “don't be an ass.” “ow! Marvos control your sex kitten!” “I AM NOT A KITTEN!” Viper yelled glaring at Draco who burst into laughter. And led Viper out of the shop and to the nearest potions supplier. “now Viper, the most important thing about being a wizard, is the potions.” Draco explained Viper looking around in amazement at all the things, his head tilted. “it's like chemistry!” he decided once he looked in a book. “i love chemistry, you can make so many wonderful explosions.” Draco sputtered at that and Viper laughed at the look on Draco's face as he examined some expensive ingredients. “i think I'm going to like Magic.” he decided examining some dead spiders next to some snake eggs. “can I get a snake?” he asked hopefully. “a cotton mouth, or a black mamba? Maybe a Viper?” “those are poisonous!” “well obviously. Whats the point of getting a guardian if it's not gonna kill the people who come after you?” Draco just gaped at him, forgetting that Viper was a parselmouth, simply thinking the other had a death wish.
Marvos laughed quietly at Draco's look, looking around himself. Not about to inform Draco of what he'd forgotten.He enjoyed his friend's discomfort to much, after all. He made him discomfortable when he wanted to marry shay, so it kind of evened out."We'll go get you a snake next. Shay's getting a cat anyways." "I am?" "Yes."

Shay gave her brother a look,trying to decide on his motivation, before deciding that she probably didn't want to know. Poking the still gaping draco she laughed quietly."Love, he's a parselmouth remember?"She said quietly, teasing him, not even realizing what she'd called him. Like marvos she hardly ever used endearments, and when she did, it was better not to point it out, cause she was liable to not do it again for awhile.
Draco turned to Marvos, his gape only increasing as Harry beamed happily at the promise that he would get a snake Draco lifting an eyebrow. “what are you planning Marvos?” Draco demanded, scowling a little once he recalled that Harry was a Parseltongue blushing hard as Shay called him love, making Harry snicker as he leaped out the door, demanding they follow him as he headed right for the pet shop, following the sounds of animals, pausing when he realized the only think in there where common pets. Garden snakes and owls and cats making Harry scowl. “these are all common things.” he complained sighing a little. “there wouldn't be anything in here that would be dangerous if the damn place was on fire.” he complained, Draco chuckling a little. “we need to go to knockturn Alley for that sort of thing.” he teased Viper shaking his head as he left the common pet store and headed down into the dark and dangerous alley, leading the way into a rare pets store. Baby tigers and snow leopards, baby dragons and poisonous things of all kinds sat in tanks and cages and Harry squealed eagerly as he bounded into the shop, looking every snake over intently, hissing softly to each one carefully before pausing in front of a Viper, as black as ink with red marking's over it's eyes, it looked at Viper and hissed softly and Viper nodded, hissing back, smirking a little. “i want This one.” he decided reaching into the cage, ignoring the shop owners shriek of horror at seeing a young boy reaching into a cage of a venomous snake. “his name will be...” he paused to listen to the snake and nodded. “Slyth.” the poor shopkeeper looked like he was going to faint as the ink black snake wound it's way up Viper's arm and around his neck, making harry chuckle. “how much?” he demanded, the shopkeeper gaping at them. “t..twenty four galleons....”
Marvos smirked a little as he tossed a bag of galleons at the woman, not only enough for the snake but for the small snow leopard cub his sister was cooing over.She couldn't help it, she loved small fluffy things. His smirk widened as he compared his blond friend to another small fluffy thing she loved.Laughing quietly at shay's endearment, looking at Draco as they watched the two cooing over their animals."Since when have I ever been up to"He teased quietly, making sure the other two wouldn't hear them. Shay smiled happily, stress and fear of her father forgotten for the moment as she cuddled the small white spotted animal, bouncing over to draco."Look!He's beauitful!Thank you marvos!" Marvos smiled kissing her head,"You're very welcome.Now you and harry might also want to get things they need. A chew toy, food...stuff."He smirked at the seemingly tramatized shopkeeper.
Viper laughed as he nuzzled his snake and then got a heat lamp, a heading pillow pad, and a tank for when Slyth wanted to sleep or shed. “i'll be getting his food myself.” Viper informed them. “i don't trust those rats.” he complained eying up a tank full of mice for food, and several did look a little sickly. Draco glanced at Marvos looking horrified and he went bright red. “your such an Ass Marvos.” he complained shaking his head a little as he grinned, petting the snow leopard on the head. “she's gorgeous Shay!” he admitted chuckling a little as he paid for the accessories as a gift, chuckling as he cast a warming charm on the viper so it wouldn't get cold while they where walking around, Harry grinning at Draco, as if he knew what the other had done as he looked over the mice, picking one out and offering it to Slyth who flicked his tongue at it curling up and then striking, his fangs missing Vipers fingers by a scant inch, making draco and the shopkeeper flinch, though Harry just grinned as he watched the mouse squeal in pain before falling limp, Scyth eating it whole. “my god...he's insane!” the shopkeeper whispered, shaking her head a little as she walked away, not accepting their money anymore, just asking them to take what they wanted and to leave. For a shopkeeper in Knockturn Alley she was a little weak kneed.
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