
Shay giggled a little as she fed her own pet a piece of meat, amused as the kitten cuddled against her,"I think I'm gonna name her..."Shay wrinkled her nose as she considered words,trying to decide."Dante." Marvos snorted laughing."Geek."He said smirking as he looked at shay as they walked outside, looking around as he tried to decide where to go, "You've known me how long and just realized I was a ass?"He asked amused. Shay giggled as she looked at Viper, leaning forward to lok at the snake, smiling a little."There's plenty of mice at the manor."She said smiling a little."We'll find some when we get home."She stated before twisting, looking at the other two men."Do we need anything else before we go home?I want to show papa Dante."she said.
Viper smirked a little at the new name. “Dante, that's a very good name.” he stated to shay, winking at her his head tilted a little as Draco pondered. “i can't think of anything.” he admitted nodding a little. “and it's nearly dinner.” he admitted pondering. “we could take Viper to meet Father a little early and all have Dinner together for once, if Father get's off early enough.” he decided smiling a little as Viper's stomach growled. “i swear that thing understands us, it always growls at the mention of food.” he admitted poking Vipers belly, making the boy giggle and squirm, smacking the others hand away. “...Vi..are you...TICKLISH!?” Draco demanded a wicked gleam in his eye as Viper paused. “...NO!...” Draco snickered and advanced playfully on Viper, fingers stretched wide warning of the tickling that was about to commence and Viper squealed and took off like a rocket, laughing as Draco took chase, following Viper with the intent to tickle. It was strange seeing Draco act like a kid as he chased viper around, and it was stranger still to see the usually gruff Viper laughing like the kid he should have been.”
Marvos grinned watching the two, before smirking."Okay you two, time to go."He said cathing viper as he past him, lifting him off the floor, giving him a smacking kiss as he apparated them back to the manor. Shay grinned at draco, both cat and woman pouncing on him as they apparated to the manor, arriving in a giggly pile of cat girl and man, ignoring the looks they were getting for all the others in the arrival hall. Of course, not only were viper and marvos were there, but for once both narcissa and lucius had arrived home early. Narcissa swallowed her laughter, looking at the teens, smiling gently at her usually uptight son so relaxed and happy."Cat got your tongue draco?"She teased, raising a eyebrow as the barely five pounds of fluffy kitten hauled herself to her feet, puffing up to make herself appear bigger, standing between shay and everyone else, except draco. Letting draco guard her girl to.
Draco was still laughing when they landed and immediately sobered when he saw his parents, straightening his back and trying to straighten himself up so he looked as proud and regal as his father always appeared to be, Viper still giggling wildly as he hung in Marvos's arm, Draco coughing a little. “ah, good afternoon father.” Draco stated smiling, glad that they would all be able to have dinner together. “a good afternoon to you as well son, it is good to see you smile.” he admitted softly, chuckling at the fluffy ball of fur trying to intimidate them. “and this must be our little thief.” he stated examining Viper. “no, I'm Marvos's little thief. He caught me so he gets to keep me.” he stated simply, grinning a little. “besides I'm only a thief if I actually get away with the loot.” Draco swallowed hard but was amazed when Lucius burst into laughter at Vipers bold statements. “i see! What is your name then Marvos's bad thief.” Viper offered him a small glare before smirking. “i'm Viper!” he stated slipping out of Marvos's grip and examining Lucius cautiously. “do you hit?” he demanded looking very suspicious, Lucius looking startled and then almost angry at the accusation until; Draco leaned over and explained in hushed whispers that Viper had been abused, Lucius calming as he realized that his yelling must have frightened Viper a little. “no, I don't hit, I'm just loud.” he explained Viper relaxing a little, his stomach growling again. “ it dinner time now?” Viper asked sulking a little Draco snorting a bit. “vi is ALWAYS hungry.” he explained chuckling a little.
Shay laughed a little as she pushed up off the floor,giggling when dante tried to herd her away from lucius."I think she finds you intimidating papa."She said nudging the cat gently, crouching down to point at him."Dante, this is papa.papa, dante. Now behave kitten."She said gently stroking the kitten before straightening up at the mention of food."Let's eat. Everyone's had a busy day." Marvos laughed a little smiling slightly at Viper's boldness, amused that he'd done it. AFter all, there weren't many people willing to be stand up to Lucius."Come on Vi, we'll go get food.Narcissa's surely planned a lovely meal."He said heading for the dining room. Narcissa laughed quietly,"You know how to flatter a woman Marvos."She teased slipping a arm through Lucius', looking up at her husband."He reminds me of someone..."She said frowning slightly as she looked after Viper.
Viper grinned happily as he pulled the Viper out from under his shirt, wrapping it around his neck as Draco chuckled a little and shook his head as Lucius smiled a little. “it is good that she is protective of you.” he agreed Lucius paling at the sight of the Black viper wrapped around Vipers neck his eyes widening as he stared at it for a long moment then. “Viper, are you a parseltongue or just suicidal?” he finally asked, glancing at his wife as Harry looked back at them. “oh, it's ok, I speak snake.” he promised smiling. “Sltyh has promised not to bite unless I tell him to.” he promised smiling at them. “he's not hungry now anyway.” Lucius looked a little startled and he glanced at Narcissa, lifting an eyebrow. “did Voldemort ever have kids?” he asked softly. “he looks like Tom riddle...” he stated looking a little frightened of who Viper might really be, Draco looking amused at his fathers Theory, rolling his eyes a little as Viper prodded Marvos in the side and hide behind Shay, claiming that Draco had done it, Draco glaring at the potter Heir. “i'll tickle you again!” “again! You couldn't tickle me the first time!” Viper taunted laughing as Draco darted after him again, and missing again before viper froze completely, staring at a house elf, his eyes wide and almost...terrified. “oh my god it's the boogeyman!” Viper whispered, voice laced with terror and then confusion as he said. “and its...setting your table?”
Shay giggled a little,"It's a house elf. She looks after all the household chores."She said before stopping, realizing the house elf wasn't the only thing waiting for them in the dinning room, swallowing hard to keep from letting the snarl curl her lips. Paling a little when she saw the other man stting in the dining room.Voldemort she could have handled, her father she couldn't. Shaking her head to remind herself that not only marvos,viper and draco were with her, but luicus and narcissa were to she smiled a little as she moved to sit down at the table.

Voldemort raised his head, having stopped into the manor not only to see what news there ws from the ministry,but also to see what the children were up to.Despite all things, he did enjoy their company.... or at least like torturing them with having to spend time with him. They would make the perfect warriors someday. And it was true, viper and tom looked a little alike, even if Viper took more after the gryffindor line then the slytherin."'ve been keeping things from me."he said studying the green eyed boy staring at the elf. It wasn't often that he was ignored in favor of a house elf.

Marvos laughed quietly at viper's reaction, brushing his fingers over his arm,"It wont hurt you."He muttered fingers closing hard around his arm, grinding the bones together when he saw his father and voldemort. Giving silent warning to behave he swallowed hard, bowing his head slightly as he walked further into the room, moving to sit at the other end of the table away from voldemort and thomas, pulling viper with him. Making him sit down next to shay, putting him between himself and shay, letting draco have the seat on her other side. Wanting to keep viper away from voldemort as long as he could.
Draco's eyes narrowed as he examined Shays father, Making sure that she was sat as far away from him as he could get her, Lucius offering m a bow. “My lord, what a pleasant surprise.” he stated, honestly sounding pleased to have his lord joining them for dinner as he ordered a house elf to bring two more place settings. “i'm afraid it wasn't I keeping the secretes my lord.” Lucius admitted watching Viper torment a house elf by closely examining it all over. “my children found this boy living on the streets of muggle London, a wizard child capable of magic but completely unaware of what he is, Viper, please leave the house elf alone. He has work to be doing.” Lucius stated sternly, Viper turning to scowl at the white haired bossy man before pausing as he suddenly took notice of Voldemort and his creepy face examining him intently and without any spark of fear.

Viper hissed softly in annoyance as he was sat down at the end in front of Shay, scowling a little as Voldemort and Thomas where given the head of the table, where Lucius and Narcissa usually sat. giving them seats of honor and keeping them far away from Shay and Viper, who took the end seats at the other end of the table. Viper kept glancing down at Voldemort though, clearly curious about the scaly face as his Black Viper slipped out of his shirt, hissing that it was cold, Viper wincing as he pulled his poor snake out of his shirt and prodded Marvos. “Slyth is cold..” he complained looking a little upset. “can you do that thing? Where you make him warm?” it was the first tip to Voldemort that Viper could understand snakes. He smiled once Marvos cast the spell and settled his snake on the table next to his plate. “is that better Slyth?” speaking pareseltongue in front of everyone, Draco and Lucius gasping in a mix of horror and astonishment as the snake nodded and then curled up and went back to sleep. It was very doubtful that Voldemort would be ignoring Viper now.
Voldemort did indeed look curious at the boy now. Not only was he a wiard who had no idea what he was, but he was a man who could talk to snakes to. Absently wondering how that had come about, after all, as far as he was aware of he'd managed to kill the only other son of slytherin's line. Smiling a little he looked at Lucius."lucius, your children find the most interesting things."He said studying the green eyed teen.

Marvos' smile turned possessive as he shifted slightly closer to the man sitting next to him, turning his head to look at Viper before sighing a little, looking at shay. Worried about her as he watched her pick at her food."Father what are you doing here?"He asked, hoping to both find out what he was up to and also distract voldemort from his observations of viper. "Can't I just want to see my children?" Marvos snorted a little."Not if you're including Shara.You never want to see her." "I've changed my mind....I have learned to appericiate the fact that I have a daughter."he said smiling slightly as he looked at his son, though there were absolutely no good feelings behind those cold blue eyes.
Viper grinned as he stole a bite of food from Marvos's plate, ignoring Lucius's wince. The last time Draco had attempted to steal food from Marvos, the Sharazai had bitten his pale son. He was shocked to realize that Viper had gotten away with it, though Narcissus was probably horrified by the lack of table manners. “they do don't they?” Lucius asked with a small chuckle as he examined the fluffy ball of fur crouched possessively next to Shay. He said nothing to Thomas's statements, well aware Voldemort would defend the man, but Viper suddenly focused on the man, emerald eyes narrowing almost violently.

“your lying.” he hissed dangerously, sounding almost like a snake as his fingers curled into claws on top of the Table. “i might not be a very good wizard yet mister but I know enough muttle...” “muggle.” Draco automatically corrected Viper giving him a scowl. “muggle, tricks to be able to tell when someone is up to no good.” he stated baring his teeth at the man. “if you lay a single finger on Shay or Marvos I will enjoy cutting every one of your fingers o...” Draco sent a silencing spell at Viper, his eyes wide and his skin pale, Lucius looking horrified at Vipers viscous streak as the boy continued to rant at Thomas, completely unaware that no one could hear him. He looked like a viscous little wild cat kitten, furious but adorable. “i..i'm terribly sorry about this My Lord!” Lucius stuttered, glancing at Voldemort, wary of how the Dark Lord might react to one of his favorites being threatened.
Voldemort's mouth was hanging open a little, for once not aware of what he looked like. There weren't many anymore that would openly threaten a death eater, much less thomas sharazai. Laughing sotly he smiled easily, and everyone at the table took a relieved breath realizing he was amused and not angry.Yet anyways."Yes,the most interesting things."he sounded thoughtful before laughing a little. "He's about as vicious as that kitten shay." Shay shuddered a little as she dropped her hand to pet Dante's head as the kitten rumbled a purr from her small chest that sounded to big foor her. Stroking her kitten till it calmed she looked at viper, realizing he was still ranting,gently resting her fingers on his arm, ignoring the amused look marvos was giving viper."Vi, shhh it's okay.He wont bother me."She muttered, ignoring how her hands just shook a little. Knowing she really was scared of her father, but he wanted him to calm down.

Marvos sighed softly looking at viper, calmly eating, as if the disaster hadn't nearly happened."Viper, you're silenced.We can't hear you.Now do calm down, I was enjoying a lovely meal."He said calm,bored. As if it didn't matter to him what the man did, but needing everyone calm so he could tell what was going on.
Viper was shaking his finger at Thomas, turning red with the effort in which he was yelling at Thomas, Draco still staring at the man with his mouth hanging open. Before harry suddenly yelled at Voldemort, actually yelled at Voldemort. “DON'T CALL ME KITTEN!!!!” he roared blinking as he could suddenly speak again before glaring at Voldemort. “i am NOT a kitten!” he snarled, practically fluffing out in rage. You could practically see him as a kitten, it just wasn't fair to poor Viper who sat back down in his chair, sulking violently at everyone, Draco still staring with his mouth open. “...moody little fellow isn't he?” Lucius finally managed to ask, clearing his throat as Viper glared at Lucius. “i am NOT moody!” he complained sulking harder, Draco suddenly starting to laugh as he shook his head, clapping his hand over his mouth to try and stop the sound, Viper glaring at Draco as well. “you shut up!” Viper ordered before he started to eat again, gently setting his hand on Shay's knee, giving it a gentle squeeze of comfort before slipping something into her hand. A knife. Something that she could protect herself with. “be careful, it's really sharp.” he muttered softly in a whisper smirking at her, offering her a wink.
Shay's smile turned vicious as she looked at him, a small smile just for him."Good thing Marvos made sure I knew how to use it then isn't it?"She said relaxing fully as she started eating again. Marvos laughed quietly as he looked at the two before raising his eyebrow at Draco, trying to see what viper had given her. Finishing his food he smiled a little,"I think I am going to go practice dueling. Would you care to join me viper?"He asked smiling wider, wanting to get them all safely out of the room, not trusting the moods of any of the death eaters in the room. OR viper's not to try and kill Voldemort. Voldemort smiled slightly, tilting his head."Are you good Marvos?" "Decent enough."The teen replied looking slightly amused though unease gripped his heart. "Thomas, you should duel your son.See how good he really is, and how well Lucius has done training him."Voldemort said mildly, watching the teens, more then anything else, wanting to test their patience, and to see how far he could push viper again, the boy was so....dare he say it, adorable? when he was all riled up.
Viper grinned at her and finished eating, looking around the table looking curious. “dueling?” he asked his head tilted. “whats that? Is it like muggle dueling? Where you walk ten paces and then turn and shoot at each other?” Draco chuckled at the idea of shooting each other. “no Viper, a wizards duel is basically a battle where one wizard tries to take out another wizard using spells and magical capabilities.” Viper frowned a little his eyes narrowing then. “yes, I would like to join you.” he decided standing up before pausing, looking from Thomas to Marvos through narrowed eyes but said nothing this time, feeling a deep sense of possessiveness and protectiveness filling him. He would watch the duel closely, and if this... Thomas stepped out of line, then Viper would step in and slaughter him. Maybe not kill him, but he would certainly teach the man a lesson that he would never forget. “i would like to see a duel.” Viper admitted nodding a little. “it sounds interesting.” he admitted watching Thomas intently. “i would like to try too maybe, you said it is like a fight?” “that's right. Only your Viper can't help.” “damn.”
Shay laughed quietly as they all headed for the dueling arena, ignoring voldemort and her father walking in front of them with marvos. Knowing her brother had done it on purpose."Don't worry to much.He's a cheat, and he's mean."She said smiling."I mean marvos is."She said blushing a little pausing as they walked into the dueling arena, shuddering as her father gently touched her arm as she past him."No good luck hug?" Shay looked desperate to avoid touching him, stepping back before feeling his fingers curl a little into her arm,reaching up to hug him, shuddering as he hugged her back, hands wandering slightly before marvos poking him with his wand."Did we come to duel or to get killed?"He said mildly hovering until thomas got away from her, the two moving away to get ready for the duel as Shay stepped closer to draco, for once showing just how shaken she was, huddling against his side.
Viper nodded, his eyes fixed on Thomas the entire time, Snarling slightly when he saw the man's hands roaming her body, gathering his magic inside of himself, preparing to slice the man's hands off, but Marvos beat him to it. He hissed violently at Thomas in Parseltongue, giving Voldemort a clue tot he true cruelty of the Dursley's and the London streets. 'filthy child molester, like touching your own daughter huh? I;'ll see that's you get your dick sliced off just like I did to that fat fuck friend of Uncle Vernon's. See you hurt someone after that you sick bastard.' Viper hissed his eyes narrowed as he watched Thomas and Marvos fighting in the middle of the duel, watching intently as Thomas and Marvos used dirty tricks to try and best each other, magic swirling around Harry, who had forgotten his wand back in the dining room. It was all wandless. Harry hated Thomas, it was obvious to see, and as soon as the man made a single move that Harry didn't deem as safe, the man found himself slammed into the far wall, pushed hard into the wall by Harry's magic. “oops. Sorry, I got a little excited.” Viper stated rather blandly, clearly lying blinking blank faced at Thomas, as if daring the man to do or say anything.
Voldemort's eyes were slightly wide as he studied the boy, tilting his head a little. Finding the child a cuiousity, before looking at the death eater standing next to him."Lucius, I would like you to train him yourself, instead of leaving the children to do so."he said watching him. Shay laughed quietly, pressing her face against Draco's shoulder as she looked at the other man."If you hit him harder, he might enjoy it."She said sensibliy, truly enjoying the sight of her tormentor getting some payback. Despite him having not touched her that way, it wasn't a lack of effort, but a lack of time. Which she knew was why he'd come, not that she'd tell draco or marvos. She didn't want them freaking out more then they already did."Draco, a duel?"She said pulling away to look up at him, needing to practice, needing some way to make herself feel safe.
Lucius looked startled as he blinked at Voldemort. “my lord? I mean.. yes my lord of course.” he agreed nodding as he watched Viper, his head tilted, startled by how protective the little homeless boy was of Shay and Marvos. “good, if he enjoys it then I can hit him more.” Viper stated simply crossing his arms, Lucius snorting. “he's a viscous little brute isn't he my lord?” Lucius asked Voldemort, watching Viper curiously as Draco nodded. “of course, a duel would be wonderful.” Draco stated with a smirk. “i've wanted a redo ever since you kicked my ass the last time.” he admitted, Lucius turning to Viper. “Viper, please come here a moment.” he ordered, Viper turning at the sound of his name and moving over to the two.

“yes sir?” Viper asked his head tilted wondering what was going on. “Viper do you know who this is?” he asked indicating Voldemort, Viper shaking his head. “no sir.” he admitted. “is he your father.” Lucius bit back his laughter. “no Viper he isn't, this is Lord Voldemort, my lord and master.” “oh yes, I've heard of Voldemort.” Viper admitted. “Draco and Marvos told me about how he was going to make the magic world better.” he admitted blinking at Voldemort and nodding to the man. “it is an honor to meet you sir.” “Viper, Voldemort has taken an interest in you, he's asked me to train you instead of Marvos and Draco.” Lucius explained. “do you think you can handle that?” “i...i guess so...” viper muttered hesitantly. “will they still teach me about the magic and things?” “of course, I'm just going to be the one to teach you how to use the spells you learn in a fight.” Harry brightened considerably. “like dueling?” “yes, like dueling.” Lucius agreed feeling very amused. Viper sure was an adaptive little brat.
Voldemort laughed softly at the boy's response, shaking his head a little as the two sharazai joined them, for the moment ignoring the dueling draco and shay."Marvos, that was a very good duel."He said nodding at the younger man. Looking at the man, marvos bit his lip to keep from sneering, before nodding."Yes it was."Arrogance under the words before he turned to watch the duel in progress, making mental notes on what needed to be done with shay. Knowing there were things she wouldn't tell him, which was odd in itself.She usually told draco everything, which meant he usually knew everything.

Voldemort looked at the young viper, before looking at Lucius."I must be going.Bellatrix is at my manor, and you know how she is."He said shrugging a little, before smirking a little."I am sure Thomas will be welcome to stay."He said slowly, looking at the man. Knowing the sharazai didn't care for his daughter, but wanted a pureblood sharaai heir.And he was so far gone into the insanity that was lord voldemort, that he didn't see anything wrong with a father using his daughter as a brood mare when his wife was to old to bear another child.
Viper smirked a little at Marvos's arrogance, finding Marvos perfectly right in his statement. He watched Thomas intently, baring his teeth before he did something no person had ever done before, he denied Voldemort. “no he is not welcome here.” he stated with a snarl, narrowing his eyes. “i don't like him, if he stays he'll wake up with his guts being crammed down his throat.” he informed both Voldemort and Lucius, ignoring how Lucius paled at Vipers threats. “i..i'm so sorry my lord, I'll make sure he learns his place soon... he just has no fear yet....” Lucius promised, trying to move the boy out of Voldemort's reach in case the man's response to being denied was to kill.
Voldemort looked startled at the announcement, before stopping. Studying the child who had denied him."Do not worry lucius. It is a rare individual who defies me. Teach him."He said before apparating out, taking thomas with him. Marvos smiled a little as he looked at viper, though he was tense, worried about him."Now that was a day I'd never thought to see come."He said before laughing in relief, laughing as he looked at shay and draco, dante chewing on draco's pants as he walked in front of the cat's face, upset about him 'attacking' shay. Shay smiled looking up at the boy who owned her heart, even if she didnt know it."You seemed to have been downgraded to cat's chew toy."
Lucius relaxed a little and nodded, Viper scowling as he crossed his arms, Lucius seeing the dark lord out before returning. Draco chuckling before freezing at the look on Lucius's face, the same look he got when he was about to yell at Draco Shay and Marvos for doing something stupid. He yelled for almost ten minutes at Viper, who stood there back ramrod straight and face stony and emotionless as Lucius called him everything from an idiot with a death wish to a moron. Lucius made Viper promise three times over to never do it again, to never ever talk back to the dark lord, deny the dark lord, or even look cross eyed at the dark lord again before he ordered Viper to go to bed, the blond sagging against the wall once Viper was out of sight, giving his children a rare glimpse of what happened to him after he got done yelling at his children. He was shaking so hard it was almost impossible to believe that he was still standing. “do you suppose he's upset with me?” he finally asked looking up at the group of children, Draco hesitating. He didn't know how Viper would react to getting yelled at like that, hopefully the boy wouldn't take it personally.
Marvos smiled slightly, shaking his head."I'll go check on him."He muttered brushing a hand against the blond's arm as he past for once, willingly touching the other man."Don't worry.He's fine."He said before leaving after viper, following the boy upstaiars, looking at him slightly concerned."Vi?"He asked starting undressing getting ready for bed.

Shay bit his lip a lttle as she walked over to her papa, wrapping her arms around him, the small girl looking even more dainty as she hugged the larger man."No,come on papa.You need to lay down.And Narcissa is probably home."She said smiling softly as she stepped back, wrapping her arms around his waist, gently leading him out of the dueling room, heading for the master bedroom. Ignoring draco,even though she knew he was following along like a well trained puppy. Intent on making lucius feel better, worried. Shaken by seeing him so upset. And feeling ashamed and hurt that she knew she had caused him that kind of anxiety before.
Viper was sitting on the bed, waiting for someone to come and tell him what he was supposed to do. “yeah?” he asked pulling his socks off, eager to get into his brand new silk pajamas. “is Lucius alright?” he asked sounding a little worried. “i didn't mean to upset him.. I just really didn't like that Thomas fellow...” he muttered scowling a little. “i don't know why everyone is so terrified of that Voldemort fellow... he's kind of pathetic really...”

Lucius sighed a little and patted her shoulder. “i'm alright little one.” he promised gently. “i just feel bad for yelling at him like that when he's already been abused.” he admitted shaking his head a little as he watched Draco following Shay like, well like a well trained dog, smirking a little because at his age Lucius had done the same thing to poor Narcissa. “you children go and comfort poor Viper while I comfort my poor wife.”
Marvos snickered, the sound dark and amused."NO ONE likes my father."He snorted a little, sinking down onto the bed next to the other in his silk pj bottoms, losing himself in laughter. Before sobering after a few minutes."No, lucius isn't upset.Well not at you.He's afraid for us all, and he's afraid you're mad at him."he said looking at the other, still giggling a little.

Shay looked up at him worried, before nodding, smiling as she bounced up a little, kissing his cheek."I'm sure he's fine.But we'll go take care of him."She said hugging him again before slipping a arm through Draco's, heading for marvos' room, shame showing in her eyes, though she'd been careful to hide it from Lucius. Truly ashamed for upsetting him so much.
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