
Shay cursed quietly before looking at viper."Start getting everyone into the threater. Lock the doors. They can start apparating from here."She said as she shoved Marvos towards draco, demanding that he get her husband out of harm's way as she headed for the center of the room. Knowing she was going to have to buy time. Cursing when she saw where Voldemort was coming from, having not considered the dark lord would choose a quite entrance."ah, prety little malfoy, I hadn't thought you'd be stupid enough to go out these days."Voldemort purred as he pressed his wand against Draco's stomach keeping the blond between him and everyone else as he stepped into the entrance way."Kill them all."He ordered and soon the whole room deloved into curses and duels as enemies fought.
Viper hissed as he drew his wand, Draco turning to hide, he knew he was no help and was only going to get in the way. He yelped hard as he was grabbed and shuddered as he felt the wand on his stomach, closing his eyes as he heard Viper snarling darkly, his wand fixed on Voldemort, speaking in Parseltongue. “you do not want to mess with me, Tome, Marvolo, Riddle. My bloodline predates yours, and my magic is stronger. Call off your men, release Draco, or die. I am the Heir of Hogwarts, all four founders blood runs through my veins, you have no hope against me. For I, am Harry, James, Potter!!!!” well that was certainly going to get the madman's attention.
At that Voldemort's head whipped around, his grip tightening on the blond in his hold even as he studied the other man."Whatever are you doing here, with them?"He said wincing as he felt a wand tip pressing against the base of his skull, doing a quick inventory of men in front of him before he responded."Ah, Marvos. You were always good at doing things you weren't supposed to." Marvos rolled his eyes pressing his wand tighter against the man's skull as he tried to figure out how to get Draco into shay's waiting arms."Now, we're all going to play nicely aren't we?"
Draco whimpered as the grip tightened, feeling the bruises spreading. “i am here with them because I apparently enjoy plays.” Viper teased smirking a little. “according to a little prophecy I heard I'm supposed to be your doom.” he admitted looking amused as he glanced at Marvos before focusing on Voldemort again. “now, lets talk. As far as I've seen your a manageable guy, sane for the most part, and at least you didn't almost kill Draco, well not yet anyway. Right now I have no inclination to kill you like I did Dumbledore.” a lie, but Voldemort wouldn't know that. “why don't you just let the boy go, he's useful to me after all, we're not going to go against the only man keeping this worked from falling to pieces after all, Merlin knows Scrimgeor is an idiot...” he looked around at the carnage, amazingly enough more death eaters where dead than purebloods. “i'd get out of here while you can anyway, or did you not realize that big plays like these have Aurors in them?” another bluff, but he could see four or five appearing in the fireplaces, reacting tot he screams.
Voldemort looked around him, glancing over his shoulder as he realized while Viper was willing to deal, Marvos wasn't about him to get out from under the wand. Marvos sighed stepping back, lowering his wand."Go.You haven' hurt him, and for the moment that's all tht matters."He said hating to do it, but...Voldemort looked at the aurors and the rest of the purebloods, nodding as he apprated before bounced back into place. The wards keeping him from apparating. So many of the people present had set wards that he couldn't break them all. Snarling as he raised his wand he realized that he'd rather go out fighting as he realized this was all the malfoy's fault. He'd take his son from him. That would punish him rightly. "N-!"Shay screamed as she lundged at the same moment Voldemort cruico'd draco catching the blond and pulling him down thesame moment multiple killing curses hit the man including Viper and Marvos's.
Draco sighed in relief as he was let go, staggering towards shay before Viper hissed, started as Voldemort bounced off suddenly raised anti apparation wards, screaming in fury as Draco started to scream, clawing at the ground as a pain worse then anything engulfed him, Viper shrieked in rage as he threw the killing curse, the vibrant green shining in his eyes as he struck down the man who would dare hurt his friend, rushing over to Draco once he'd shot Voldemort three of four times with the killing curse, making sure he was really dead. Draco was coughing, tears spilling out of his eyes as he jerked and twitched and writhed. The curse lingering in his system thanks to the sickness, but he was already starting to relax, gasping in great gulps of air as Viper looked around, and in a show of power tore a hold in the wards. “take Dray home.” he ordered, his eyes glowing in his fury as he stepped into the mass of auror and death eater, silently stunning every single person except the aurors, watching the entire theater collapse into almost a dead sleep. This was why you never pissed off a snake.
Marvos ilted his head letting Shay get Draco home before he approached viper, shaking his head a little."Ah, remind me never to anger you."He teased tugging the other around for a kiss shaking his head, holding him tigh, not wanting to let him go."Lets go home. You need rest to."He said waning away from the aurors nd the crowd.

Shay cried quietly as she settled draco into bed, checking him over, making sure that Draco hadn't broken any bones or did any true harm to himself. Leaning down to press a kiss to his head, she gently hugging him."I love you.I was so worried."She muttered healing him slowly and carefully, making sure not to overdo it. Not even realizing that their arrival home and distress had set off Lucius's wards, not evn considering going to go check in with him. For the moment so focused on Draco she wasn't thinking straight
Viper smiled as he calmed down, now that the spells and rage had ended he was calm again as he kissed Marvos, his legs buckling, he'd used too much magic ripping down the shields and stunning everyone, leaning into Marvos, breathing softly, in a nice deep sleep and dead to the world, the auror's waving Marvos on, allowing him to leave.

Draco was trembling still, his eyes fluttering open as he smiled at her. “i'm ok.. I think.” he whispered softly. “just bruised.” he admitted looking down at himself. “and sore...” he admitted enjoying her attention, tugging her down for a kiss, smiling a little as Lucius slammed into the room, wild eyed and terrified. “what's going on!? What's happened?! Who's hurt?!” Draco had to chuckle as he smiled at his father. “Voldemort is dead.” he muttered calmly, the man's eyes wide before it started to twitch. “where is Viper and Marvos!?” “.... oh, Viper stunned the entire theater so... probably still there...” Draco admitted smiling a little as Lucius started to sputter and stutter.
"No we're not.The aurors sent us home."Marvos said snickering as he followed the distraught man in ,looking pretty tired himself."How you feeling?"He asked having come to check on Draco before crawling in bed with viper. He'd needed to know his best friend was safe. Shay smileld a little as she shifted crawling into bed with Draco,cuddling her husband as she yawned. The experience exhausting her, even if it was only like 7 in hte evening."We're fine. Tired and bruised but fine."She smiled before looking at Lucius."Go back to what you were doing. You look distraught."She teased touching his arm."You need to rest. You're going to be busy in the morning.Seeing as you know you're the last leader we have."She teased
Viper had just gone straight to bed, Lucius sputtering and stuttering at Marvos before sighing and shaking his head, looking horrified, but glad that his children where all fine, snorting at her when she said he was the only leader, unable to do anything but head into he sitting take a couple of shots of whiskey and head to bed, Draco chuckling a little. “poor father...” he mumbled smiling a little as he shook his head. “he's finally going to rule the world.” he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head again, smiling at Marvos. “i really am fine, just sore, I promise.” he stated with a smile. “now go away, we want to do naughty things.” he ordered, not planning on having sex, they where both too tired, but it would get Marvos to go away so they could sleep.
"Pervert!I don't want to know that!"Marvos whined pathetically grinning as he left the room. Shay laughed tiredly, snuggling down into her husband, "That was mean."She teased glad that the world was going to be perfect.

3 years later...

Marvos growled playfully as he leaned against the door, even knowing he wasn't supposed to be seeing his fiancee before the wedding, he had wanted to see why the other was late."You have to put the rugrat down Viper, otherwise I refuse to marry you."He teased looking at the man amused as Shay and Draco's son clung to his uncle's pantleg. "You can't do that!I've planned this wedding for MONTHS!Draco, tell him he's being riddiculous."Shay whined as she straightened viper's hair, getting him ready as she glanced at her husband as he walked up behind his best friend.
Viper snickered a little as he glanced at his lover, calling the man's bluff by picking the boy up and setting him in his lap as Draco chuckled. “Marvos don't be a jerk.” he ordered smiling a little. Draco wasn't cured of his disease yet, but they had developed a potion to manage the disease to the point that it almost stopped the progression. There where still days when he couldn't move, and days when he hurt so much just a gentle finger on his arm could cause him more pain than a crucio, but five days out of seven he was perfectly fine. “Viper you look wonderful.” Draco admitted picking up his son. Shayne, Lucius, Marvos, Malfoy was everything Draco had ever hoped for, even if he clung to Viper all the time. “come on Love, he's only two, he doesn't know any better.” Viper teased smiling at Marvos. “besides, you should be pleased, he likes me more than his own father, what's that say about OUR children?” Harry was only two months pregnant, conceiving had been harder than either he or Marvos had expected, but finally Viper was pregnant and loving it too.

(what do you think of the little boys name? XDD)
"That the brat is going to be stuck on draco like flies on honey."Marvos sulked though amused. Not about to tell them what was bothering him. "Ah, he's just upset that Shayne doesn't like him as much as Viper."Shay teased as she stepped back, stealing her son away and settling in on her hip, smiling as the boy gripped fistfuls of her hair to keep balanced, wincing a little as he pulled."Come on you two, you have a wedding to get to."Shay said smiling as she waved towards the door."Papa's going to be waiting." "Oh yes lady and master, we live to do your command."Marvos said smirking a little as he stole his nephew from his mother, heading for the small outdoors chapel they'd set up just for the wedding

(heh, that was cute XDD)
Harry laughed a little and smiled as he shook his head. “oh Marvos, our babies are going to LOVE you.” he promised kissing Marvos eagerly. “Shayne just likes me because I speak the funny language. He IS a slytherin at heart you know.” he teased winking at Draco who sulked a little and shook his head as Viper grinned, kissing Marvos happily. “oooo we're getting MARRIED!!! this is SO exciting!” he breathed, his eyes lighting up with pure joy. “Merlin I love you.” he whispered kissing Marvos again, eagerly.
Marvos grinned rolling his eyes as they got outside, handing shayne over to his father, smiling as the small family found their seats."So we are."He muttered kissing him again, wrapping his arms around him tightly. Refusing to let go of him even if Narcissa was giggling a little at it as they said their vows. Totally amused at seeing them like that. Shay smiled resting her head on Draco's shoulder, silently saying their vows over again through their bond, content to be with him and happy for her brothers. After all, this was a true reaffirmination that the world was at peace with itself now that Lucius malfoy was minister and ruled with a fair and just hand.
Viper smiled as he shared his vows with his lover, talking about being happy forever and taking the first steps into a never ending adventure with Marvos. He just knew life was going to be good, long and wonderful, as he kissed his lover long and hard, smiling happily as he tossed the bouquet, watching with Glee as Ginny caught the flowers, the girl blushing hard as she smirked at Snape, who she was not so secretly dating. She'd told everyone, but Snape had wanted to keep it quiet, so the only person who didn't know hat everyone knew they where dating was Snape. Oops. “i will love you forever.” Viper purred, smiling brightly at him before sharing another long happy kiss.

the end?^^
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