
"Marvos' been gowling at me for DAYS."She whined softly kissing a little before biting her lip Thinking it over before nodding, looking slightly worried about the idea, but she knew what he knew. "I..i would."She smiled kissing him softly. Worried but she wanted a baby, one she could raise with Draco to be hers, even if he was gone. wrinkling her nose a little, kissing him. Getting ready to tease him to stop him from worrying."Of course I'm wonderful for you. No one else is better."He teased kissing him slowly.
he smiled and kissed her gently. “we'll have to start tonight.” he teased grinning a little. “i'm horny.” he admitted with a chuckle. “you'll have to do most of the work though.” he admitted grinning a little at her as he ran his hand up and down her back. “i really do love you, you know that right?” he asked smiling happily at her, pausing when he heard excited screams of glee, and it sounded like Ginny's voice.

“PROFESSOR!!!” Ginny roared, racing through the house into the Kitchen where Snape and Lucius and everyone was eating breakfast. “Professor!!! I... I found a way to contain the disease!” she stated her eyes glimmering with excitement as she grabbed his wrist and jerking him out of his chair and into the lab, showing him the results. “look! It will help manage the disease! See! See! It won't cure him, but it will definitely help!”
Shay paused in the middle of shifting to straddle Draco's waist, frowning a little when she heard the screams."Are you curious enough to go find out, or horny enough to stay?"She teased glancing down at her husband, back arching a little into the other's hand as he rubbed her back.

Severus looked startled at having been pulled out of his seat, stumbling out after her and looking over her results before hugging her out of the sheer joy of finding it."This is brillant Ginny.Thank you."He said smiling, really it was sort of creepy as he stepped back, looking slightly amused at finding himself hugging Ginny.
Draco snorted. “with our luck, Ginny's pregnant.” he grumbled. “i'm definitely not ready to face people yet, lets fuck and then see how I feel.” he teased chuckling a little as he kissed her intently, running his hands up and down her sides, moaning happily. “mmm gods I love you, I really do.” he mumbled softly

Ginny beamed at him and then yanked him down, kissing his hooked nose and smiling at him. “your welcome professor.” she chirped happily before she started to bottle the potion. “we should give a vial to Draco right away, he's been pissing blood far too often for my liking.” she hoped the professor wouldn't scold her for cursing.
Shay smiled a little shifting a little, leaning down to kiss him as she slid down onto him carefully, not wanting to hurt him. Snickering al ittle, teasing."Hmm I hope you would.You did after all marry me."She teased.

Sev blushed slightly at the kiss, so not used at it. Smiling a little as he stepped back, waving her towards the door."Take it up to him. Shay's up there, and she wont mind you interrupting them if they're talking for once more than she would me."He said before wincing, realizing that ginny hadn't known the two hadn't been talking
he moaned as she slid onto him, thrusting his hips up into her hard, wincing as their bodies met with a loud smack. “oooh god... sorry... sorry..” he muttered blushing a little. “everything's just so sensitive.” he admitted sheepishly grinning at her as he gently rocked his hips, moaning happily. “fuck Shay I missed this.” he moaned softly. “feeling so close to you, feeling so perfect together... next time I start pulling away just kick my ass and fuck me.” he ordered playfully. They both knew he was going to do it again, he couldn't help himself. But at least she could do something about it next time.

Ginny giggled again and patted her potions master's head. “Oh Snape, just because no one told me doesn't mean I don't know these things.” she teased smiling a little. She hadn't known for sure, but she'd had her suspicions. She flounced up the stairs and into the bedroom, freezing when she heard Draco and shay fucking, turning and fleeing back to snape. “well we don't have to worry about them not talking anymore...” she stammered. “here you can give this to Draco later.” she ordered. “in an hour or two I have to go scrub my ears now.” that was NOT something she had wanted to come across.
Shay smiled softly as she moved over him,careful not to hurt him but enjoying herself as she kissed him slowly."Ohh I'm sure I can do that."she teased yawning a little, looking amused because she knew he was going ot be pulling away.Shivering as she came, resting her head on his shoulder as she held him close. This was, so perfect.

Snape looked confused then amused as she shoved the potion into his hand laughing quietly as she left. Shaking his head a little as he followed her out of the room,stepping into the study he smiled at the other men who were at the moment....plotting to get Shay and Draco talking?This was so not how he'd expected to find lucius, viper, and marvos. Clearing his throat he smiled al ittle."No need to worry. Ginny has reported that they are indeed talking to each other."
he moaned eagerly as he kissed her back, shuddering as he felt her cum around him, arching as he spilled his seed deep inside. “oooh fuck yeees.” he moaned, holding her tightly, nuzzling her neck and panting hard. “mmm god I love you.” he moaned smiling happily as he rested against her. “...unfortunately.. I just used up about all of my energy.” he muttered. “your going to have to help me out of the bath at some point...”

Viper and Lucius both raised their eyebrows at Snape. “talking or fucking?” Viper asked, his eyes glittering with amusement, yelping as Lucius smacked him upside the head. “watch how you speak about your siblings.” he ordered, through he was clearly amused too, and the smack must not have heart even a little because Viper was laughing.
Shay muttered happily, nuzzling him a little."Hmm give me a tired..."She muttered before shifting away, standing up carefully and helping him up. Sitting him on the toliet as she dried him off she tucked them both in bed naked because there was no real reason to get dressed when they were both tired and sley, most likely going back to sleep.

Marvos snickered as he watched the potions master blush as he sat down."But doing...that..."He blushed a little, not wanting to really think about it."Usually involves some talking. At least for them."He teased more because watching the potions master blush was entertaining and he was relieved. Sev sighed laughing a little as he looked at lucius."Do none of them have the manners not to talk about personal things?"He teased not really annoyed about it. just amused.
he chuckled a little and nodded. “me too.” he admitted kissing her forehead, happy as she dried him off and slipped them both into bed, wrapping his arms around her. “i love you more than anything, or anyone.” he promised smiling at her before kissing the back of her neck and settling down to sleep.

Viper chuckled as he nodded. “yes, that's true.” Viper agreed as he sipped on his milkshake. “at least their open to each other again this way, the bond will start working properly again and his disease will start slowing again.” Viper chirped happily, Lucius nodding. “good, that will give us more time to find out a way to fix what's wrong with him.” Lucius agreed looking relieved.
Shay smiled uddling back against him, closing her eyes."love you more then everything."She said drifting to sleep, content and happy in his arms.

"And Ginny discovered a potion that will help also. She gave it back to me to give to him. But I think you should."Sev said handing it to marvos. Marvos pouted a little."Me?Why?" "Shay wont kick you for waking them up."He said looking amused because he was still worried about the two. Even with the potion and the bond, he was worried about what the disease would do to their relationship.
Viper chuckled a little as he stood up. “oooh I wanna do it!” he ordered grabbing the vial of the potion carefully, giving it a calm sniff, grinning a little as he skipped up to their room, shaking Shay's shoulder gently. “shay! Shay, I have really good news.” he whispered softly, pressing the potion into her hands. “we found a potion that might help Draco with his disease.” he explained smiling at her. “you have to get him to wake up so he can take it, ok?”
Shay muttered sleepily as she looked up at the other, biting her lip as she rubbed her eyes. Looking sleepy as she looked at her grinning brothers before gently shaking Draco's shoulder,"Dray, come on love. Come on love."She muttered leaning down to kiss him.
Draco whined pathetically as he was shaken awake, slowly sitting up and taking the potion without any questions or care before he snuggled back to sleep, Viper giggling a little. “now we just have to wait and see how he feels when he wakes up. It might take a couple times for it to work properly, but we'll see a change if it does work.” Viper promised kissing Shay's forehead. “get some sleep.” he ordered calmly. “we'll know in the morning if it worked.”
Shay nodded smiling softly as she snuggled down into the bed, it was going to be so nice to slep again.Marvos rolled his eyes looking amused at the couple.

In the morning marvos sighed looking at Viper, kissing him slowly."Good morning."He muttered snuggling against him, because it'd been awhile since they had a private moment, because they'd been dealing with shay and draco and everything else.

Shay smiled quietly as she stroked her husband's hair, leaning down to kiss him as he woke up. Looking fretful now that she was awake."How do you feel?"She asked looking him over.
Viper smiled as he snuggled into Marvos happily. “good morning.” he purred kissing the other intently. “mmm lets just stay in bed today, all day.” he decided snuggling into the other even more, smirking a little. “maybe just screw, all day.” he teased smiling at the other.

Draco groaned a little as he woke and lifted the bed covers to check and see if he had lost control of his bladder like he usually did during the night, startled to see nothing but clean bedsheets. He was pale, as always but he had a soft color t his skin now, and his eyes weren't yellow at the edges anymore, at least not as much. “... I.. feel much better.” he admitted looking confused. “was it the sex or the potion?” he asked looking amused at her. “come on... I want to go for a walk outside while I can. I haven't been outside since I got sick.” he admitted getting to his feet hesitantly, not wanting to overdue himself, but he felt peppy and hyper, more energetic than he had in months.
Marvos laughed smirking as he rubed their hardened cocks together kissing the other."Hmm you would enjoy that wouldn't you?"He teased smirking a little."I don't think Shay'll let us."He teased hands running over the other's chest.

Shay laughed though she looked worried but she could feel how he was doing."I don't know,but Im glad it helped. You are looking a little pale. The sun will be good for you."She teased helping him dress then dressing herself, helping him downstairs.Well, they looked like they were just cuddling while walking, she was somewhat supporting him as they did head downstairs to go out to the gardens.
he groaned happily and kissed him back, wrapping his arms around Marvos. “mmm then fuck me once.' he ordered happily, giggling a little. “and hurry before Shay run's in here yelling about how much better Draco is.” he teased grinning as he kissed the other again, shoving his tongue into Marvos's mouth eagerly.

He smiled at her and nodded as he got dressed, letting her support him, he knew better than to overdue himself, and as soon as they had walked ten minutes he decided to take a rest on one of the benches, taking a deep breath in the warm spring air. “mmm it's such a perfect day.” he whispered happily, smiling at her as he kissed her gently. “let's sit out here for a while before heading back in, I don't want to hurt myself doing too much.” he admitted chuckling a little. “how long has it been sine I was even able to walk down the stairs on my own?” he wondered, looking around at all the green and all the life around him.
Marvos groaned softly leaning into him, leaning down to kiss him."Hmm I can do that."He muttered sliding a hand down stroking the other's cock efore stretching him, taking his time touching him before he slid into him with a sigh."Ohhh..perfect..."He muttered.

Shay smiled sitting next to him, "Nearly a month."She said before yipping, grinning at him widely, stealing a kiss."Draco!We've been married a month."She said smiling happily stealing a kiss. So happy and in love that all their other worries were put to the side as she thought about being in love and just together on this perfect day.
he giggled happily, moaning as he was gently touched, arching against the other, moaning happily as he was slid into, clenching tightly around him as he dragged him down for another deep kiss, moaning happily.

Draco laughed a little as he kissed her happily. “yes, yes we have.” he agreed smiling happily at her as he nibbled on her lip. “i totally want to strip you naked and screw you right now.” he admitted with a happy playful laugh as he kissed her neck. “we should go back inside and fuck since I have so much energy.” he admitted his eyes twinkling playfully at her.
Marvos moaned smiling as he nibled at the other's neck,shivering a little as the man's body tightened around him."Love you."He muttered nuzling the other shivering as he came.

Shay laughed blushing bright read as she tilted her head to the side so he could kiss her neck. Raising a eyebrow she looked around the quiet garden, then the high windows of the house. The garden was mostly hidden by high bushes and rooms that were never used. Feeling brave and daring."Or we could stay out here.Make this bench a blanket and pillows to lay on."She said shifting to straddle his waist, looking amused as she sat in his lap.
he moaned as he came with his lover, smiling happily as he nuzzled Marvos. “... I want a baby.” Viper admitted softly. “i heard Snape say that there was a way for males to get pregnant, with potions and things.” he admitted softly, snuggling into the man happily. “... can... would you be very angry, If I had Snape make that potion for me?”

he chuckled a little when she blushed and paused when she made her suggestion, gaping at her before laughing. “you cheeky little minx.” he teased chuckling a little as he held her. “you'll have to do the spells, it hurts too much for me to use my own magic.” he admitted, kissing her eagerly. “just let us stand up before you do or we'll take a tumble and I really don't want to explain to Snape why I broke my ass.”
marvos loked startled then unsure. not that he didn't want kids he just wasn't sure of his own goodness to be a father."I would...I would like that."He said still looking unsure though."Are you sure?"

shay giggled,"Oh yea, that would not be a conversation to have."She teased kissing him before getting up helping him up. Hating that using his own magi hurt him, but she was willing to do whatever he needed her to do. Laughing a little she tranfisgured the bench into a plush blanket and lots of pillows, pulling him down next to her blushing brightly."A minx am I?"She teased
he beamed happily at Marvos. “really!? You really mean it!? You'll have babies with me?!” he asked hopefully kissing him eagerly. “yay! We're gonna be daddies!” he chirped gleefully. “we're going to be the best daddies in the world.” he purred happily.

He laughed a little as he slumped onto the blankets and pillows smirking at her. “oh yes, a wonderful seductive Minx.” he purred, rolling on top of her and kissing her intently, groaning happily.
Marvos looked startled before laughing quietly, kissing the other."We will.But can we wait till we graduate?It's bad enough Shay's going to be a mother before she gets out a school. Father might lose his mind if we're parents soon."He pointed out looking amused as he kissed his lover.

Shay moaned softly, purring as she nuzzled him, leaning down as she kissed him."Hmmm I could be a minx."she mused grinning as she sank back into the soft pillows, stripping his shirt off, pressing her lips to his bare skin. Giggling because this wasn't something a good girl did, and she had for so long did exactlyl what Lucius and Narcissa expected her to do.
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