
he chuckled a little and nodded. “of course we can.” he agreed biting the other gently. “but I think he'd take it better from us than he would Shay and Draco.” he admitted with a giggle. “i think THEY should wait.” he teased nuzzling him.

He chuckled a little and smiled a little. “i think you would make a wonderful Minx.” he teased smirking at her as he helped her take off his shirt, running his hands down her back as her lips met his skin, moaning happily. “mmm, we're so naughty.” he growled happily, grinning at her. “having sex on the lawn.” he teased pulling her up for another kiss. “god I'm so horny.” he teased smirking a little. “fuck I wanna fuck you so hard.”
"Oh should they?"Marvos grinned a little looking amused."You know why they're trying."He said knowing shay and draco weren't waiting for the only reason they were afraid if they waited they wouldn't be able to. Despite finding a potion to slow the disease, they were still afraid.

Shay laughed amused as she kissed him, squirming out of her pants, grinning as he did the same, "Oh you do do you?You think you can?"She teased kissing him."after all you dislike being naughty."she teased.
Harry smiled and nodded. “yes, I know why.” he admitted biting his lip a little. “i'm just not sure Shay is actually emotionally ready to have a child yet.” he admitted kissing the other. “Draco will help her though I suppose, he won't let anything bad happen to her...”

he moaned and grinned wickedly. “says who? I'm always naughty.” he growled, rolling her onto the blanket so that he was over her, kissing her all over, her lips, down to her neck, along each breast at least a dozen times, on each nipple, lower and lower until he reached her clit, which got a lovely kiss and a nice long caress of his tongue.
"Me either."He sighed a little, "But if we try to tell them that, we'll get that heartbroken look. And you know it."He teased kissing Viper's head sitting up."Now that we've killed the mood, how about we go find them and see if we can convince them to wait."he said amused because he was worried about them having a baby.

Shay moaned fingers tangling in his hair as she arched a little, closing her eyes as she sighed."Ohh...Draco.."she whimpered, squirming as he played with her, gasping as he plyed with her. Tugging on his hair a little, wanting more. "Draccooo."She whined wanting more.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. “no... lets leave them alone... even if shay isn't ready, Draco is and he'll help her through it.” he admitted calmly smiling at the other his head tilted. “i think we should all go out on a double date.” he admitted suddenly.

He chuckled as he heard her whining, moving back up her body and kissing her intently as he slowly and carefully slid gently into her with a happy groan. “mmm you feel wonderful.” he groaned softly, kissing and biting gently at his lovers neck with a happy smile. “i love you Shay, with all my heart and sole.”
Mrvos looked startled then interested."WE should. It would be the first normal thing we've done in awhile."He said leaning over to kiss him because he did like the idea. And shay and Draco needed something normal and teenish.

Shay sighed whimpering quietly in pleasure as he bit her, muttering softly as she shuddered."Love you.."She muttered shivering eyes as her eyes widened, gripping him tightly to her as she came, shivering in pleasure.
he smiled a little and nodded. “we should go to one of those fancy restaurants that Draco likes so much, and the Theater for Shay.” he admitted licking his lips a little. “and then you can pick a place to go too, it will be fun!”he chirped happily, beaming at Marvos. “and then we can go shopping, I want some new pants. We could make it an all day thing!”

he moaned as he felt her cumming around him, groaning loudly as he lost the ability to hold himself back and thrust hard into her, bruising himself yet again as he spilled deep inside of her, panting hard as he nuzzled her. “mmmg f..fuuuck yess.” he moaned freezing when he heard a shocked squeak, turning to blink at his shocked mother and amused father. “... well.” Lucius stated simply. “they take after us more than I thought the would, come on Cissy darling, don't have a heart attack here.” Lucius ordered, remembering fondly the times he had fucked cissy in the garden under his fathers nose. “... why do I not feel horrified?” Draco asked blinking at her before he started to laugh, burying his face in her neck. “oh god... did you see mothers face?....”
marvos grinned kissing the other."We can.You need some new things nyways.And we'll find something to do.Surely there's a play we'll all enjoy."He said getting up."Come on lets go find them."He said amused.

Shay blushed a little laughing quietly as she buried her face against his neck."I did.Ohhh she's never going to forget this."She muttered embarasse but not horrified as she bullied him around and letting him lay down, snuggling into him as she pulled a blanket over them, to comfy naked to get dressed just yet.
Viper smiled a little and nodded. “i'm sure we can, the only problem will be finding something you and Draco can agree on.” he teased Marvos with a small giggle. “and keeping you two from trying to beat each others brains out.” he stated with another giggle as he got up and followed his lover out. “ten galleons says their screwing.” he teased, smiling a little.

Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. “Father looked WAY too amused for my own comfort.” he admitted smiling as the blanket was pulled over his naked body. “i think he's done exactly what we just did a few too many times.” he admitted with a grin as he kissed her gently. “i love you.”
"I don't take fool's bets."Marvos said rolling his eyes looking amused as they headed outside to find the two when they weren't in their room."And me and Draco agree on a lot of things. We ARE best friends for a reason."He said amused because it was true, despite being nbest friends they rarely agreed on activities together.

Shay blushed shifting so he was laying on his back, resting her head on his chest as she snuggled him."Ewww Dray, I dont want to think about that."She whined blushing because now it would be all she thought about when she saw their parents.
Viper snickered a little and shook his head a little before freezing as they passed a window, more specifically the only window that he could look out and see Draco and Shay cuddling in the garden, his eyes wide as he stared at them. “hey... I found them...” he stated suddenly looking amused suddenly. “and I was right, their screwing.” he admitted with a happy little laugh as he skipped for the stairs, fully intending on teasing them about being naked outside.

He chuckled a little and kissed her forehead. “well I don't want to either.” he teased smiling at her as he bent his head and kissed her again, humming happily. “mmm I love you.” he purred softly, nuzzling her neck. “we should get up before Viper comes looking for us.”
Shay nodded smiling as she kissed him back, blushing at his teasing. But not making any move to get up and dressed. Se was to comfortable. "To late for that."Marvos said amused as they walked outside, looking thoughtful down at his sister and best friend, shaking his head as he smirked."Feeling better draco?"He teased raising a eyebrow. Though he did look relieved to see the man up and out of bed.
Viper giggled a little as he shook his head. “in the yard? Really?” he teased Draco chuckling a little. “shut up and magic my clothes on.” he ordered calmly, much too relaxed and happy to be embarrassed. “and yes, I do feel better, I woke up on a dry bed, next tot he woman I love with all of my heart, who wouldn't feel good after a morning like that?” “not to mention the sex.” “oh yes, that was wonderful too.” Draco agreed, Viper giggling as he magicked their clothes back onto them so Draco could sit up. “do you guys want to go out on a double date with us? We where thinking dinner, theater and a few other fun things.”
Shay grinned happily as she sat up, nodding."Oh!That sounds like fun. Draco!Doesn't that sound like fun?"She said happily because she wanted him to enjoy the good day they had been given. Marvos rolled his eyes a little at the overeager girl, knowing why she was eager but she was to excited."Now, if you can keep your clothes on, we'll go get ready."He teased
Draco chuckled a little and grinned at her. “you just want to go so you can make me watch one of those female feelings shows.” he teased kissing her as he stood up and nodded. “it does sound like fun though, just give me a moment to change into something more appropriate...” he paused when Viper flicked his wand at him, turning Draco's clothes into something more like Draco would willingly be seen in public with, dragon leather pants, soft silk shirt and a silver cloak made him look marvelous. “ah, thank you.” he stated calmly grinning at Shay. “well, change quickly love.” he teased kissing her gently.
Marvos smiled as Shay sputtered a little, smirking a little as he waved his wand and changed her clothes to. The soft black leather pants, with a soft silver fur lined cloak that clung to her and accented draco's."Thank you Marvos."She smiled kissing her brother's cheek. Marvos rolled his eyes heading for the door."Come on. We better tell Lucius we're leaving or Father's going to throw a fit."He said knowing the blond would go insane worrying about them if they just left. "Father?"he asked knocking on the dining room door, smiling a little at the small quiet romantic lunch the two elder malfoys were having.
Viper snickered a little at the thought of Lucius tearing across London to find them and Draco chuckled as he headed to help Viper change into something more proper while Marvos talked to Lucius, who was smiling as he offered Narcissa a sweet strawberry, glancing over at Marvos. “hello, is something the matter..?” he asked instantly worried as he examined Marvos, looking cautious as Marvos explained that they where going to go out before nodding. “very well but stay together.” he ordered. “and at the first sign of trouble come straight back alright?” when Marvos went back down Viper had black eyeliner on, enhancing his emerald eyes. A black fur cloak accented his pale skin and the green silk shirt made his eyes dazzle even more. He looked utterly gorgeous and he smiled at Marvos. “hurry and get ready Marvos, I want to go!” Viper complained.
Marvos rolled his eyes looking amused before heading upstairs and changing. Returning a few minutes later in nice dress slacks and a dark blue shirt that set off his eyes well."REady?"He said wrapping his arms around Viper, smiling a little as Shay apparated Draco. Shay looked up at Draco, leaning against him a little."Feel okay?"she asked gently stroking his hair looking up at him worriedly. Having not been out of the house since he'd gotten sick, it was making her slightly anxious to be outside despite how good the day had been.
Viper grinned and nodded as he leaned up and kissed his lover. “you look so perfect,” he purred happily as Draco smiled at shay. “i do, I feel perfect.” he admitted kissing her gently. “you look absolutely wonderful by the way.” he smirked a little. “i'm almost jealous that your prettier than me.” he teased, clearly feeling better if he felt up to flirting with her the way he used to. “what should we do first?” Viper asked, smiling a little as he pondered. “food or theater?”
"Oh I AM prettier than you."Shy teased kissing him before smiling happily. "How about food at the threater?" Marvos snickered a little wrapping a arm around Viper's waist, kissing his forehead."They do have food at the threater."He said smiling a little looking amused as they started heading for the threater entrance.
viper looked astonished. “you can get food in the Theater!?” he demanded looking rather overjoyed. “awesome!” he purred, clearly delighted. “what shall we see?” he asked once they where inside. They where only showing two things, both plays. One was the Swan Princess, a romantic tale of sweet Odette who was cursed into being a swan by day, turning human again as the sun set and moonlight fell upon her feathers and only true loves kiss could break the curse, and they where also playing Cats, the musical. “...” Viper had no clue which one to choose, they both looked exciting and wonderful. He decided to wait for Draco or Marvos to choose. “i think the Swan Princess.” Draco chirped, knowing that Shay would enjoy that one.
Marvos rolled his eyes, "Of course you choose Shay's favorite."He teased not about to admit tat it was his to. Heading for the box office he bought their tickets before herding the others up into the box seats. Smiling as he waved his wand, transfiguring the chairs into two couches for the couples, tugging viper down next to him as he wved a hand at the waiter. Ordering their meals so that they would be ready before the play started. pressing a kiss to viper's hair he sighed, trying to not worry. Someting about this was bugging him, but he had no idea what it was. How could the teen know that their date was about to get turned upside down because all the pureblood families left were in the threater together, on the invite of 'lucius malfoy'-voldemort- who had bought the tickets? The man having pretended to be lucius to make sure all the families would attend.....he hadn't expected the malfoy children to show up on a fluke.
Draco laughed a little and smiled. “hey, I happen to LIKE this one!” he teased smiling a little as he settled onto the couch with shay, nuzzling her happily as he wrapped his arms around her waist. “hey look, there's the Parkinson's.” Draco stated, startled as he looked down at the audience. “yeah! And the Weasley's!” he chirped pointing to the large red headed group, all of them looking so pleased to be at the theater, such a rare treat. “and the Zabini's...” Draco stated, startled before frowning a little. “... I suddenly have a bad feeling about this.” Viper muttered softly. “all these Lucius supporters... there's bound to be trouble, especially if Dumbledore's people find out about everyone being here...”
Shay tensed a little as she sat up on a elbow to look around. "Tell the twins to stand guard. We're not going to be caught unaware like at the wedding."She muttered knowing Viper had a way to keep in touch with them."Just enjoy the play."Marvos ordered looking at ease as he looked around the threater as the play started, no longer paying attention but more to the crowd.

At intermission shay giggled a little as they headed downstairs, wanting to go grab the twins and the others to see what they were all doing here."Fred George, how did you get tickets?"She asked as she slipped a arm through theirs, letting marvos and the other two get their food as she talked to the twins. For the moment watching the crowd. "we have company..."She muttered glancing around the room seeing the death eaters covering the exits but not attacking....more waiting for something.
Viper nodded and moved over to the back wall to speak to the twins in a hushed voice before walking back over to Marvos to enjoy the show, the twins watching carefully for any hints of trouble. Viper enjoyed the show, grinning happily as intermission came. “that was amazing! I've never seen a play before.” he admitted looking enthralled. “when the danger is done we're going to have to come back and see this again so I can watch the ending.” he admitted blinking at the twins. “Lucius gave us the tickets, he sent some to all the people who are risking their lives to appose Voldemort I guess, there's a lot of people here that we recognized.” Draco nodded. “that's the pro... shit...” he hissed as he noticed the death eaters. “i knew Father hadn't sent those tickets! It's a TRAP!” Viper hissed in fury as he narrowed his eyes looking around. “... their waiting for VOLDEMORT!” he whispered in horror. “oh god... everyone in here is going to die if we don't do something!”
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