
Marvos rolled his eyes looking amused though. Impressed to, even if he'd never say it outloud."No, draco's going to be glad he can outcast you to your own house so he can have shay all to himself."He said sulking a little."But he's supposed to want to be alone with his wife!That's not weird."Shay said giggling a little as marvos gaped at her. It wasn't often she got to surprise him, and it was always so nice to be able to do so."We'll move everyone in after dinner."Shay said looking at viper
Viper nodded. “shy, you and Dray are coming with us.” Viper explained. “when Shay 'dissapears' too, then Lucius can really go off his rocker, which means he won't be useful to either Dumbledore or Voldemort either.” Narcissa nodded. “that's such a good idea Vi!” she agreed. “we could have the wedding at your wonderful home!” “i have a better plan for the wedding.” Viper admitted smiling. “i saw it while I was at the house.” he showed shay a picture of it. It was a huge green glade covered in wildflowers of all kinds, with tables and chairs, it would look beautiful for her wedding. “what do you think?”
Shay's eyes went wide as seh looked at the picture, tears filling her eyes as she pounced on Viper and hugging him tightly. Pressing a kiss to the other''s head, holding him tighter."Thank you Vi. This is perfect."She said hugging him tighter. Marvos snickered a little as he looked at his lover,"Hm, you my dear, are going to be made to do wedding things now."He said snickering a little at the idea of having to go over wedding plans.
he smiled and kissed her forehead back smiling happily. “i was hoping you might like it!” he admitted with a happy little chuckle. “and of course I'll help her!... here and there...” he teased with a small chuckle, shaking his head. “i'm no good at color planning and stuff. I'd just ruin it. I did the most important anyway.” he chirped proudly smirking a little. “i found the best place to have the wedding!” he bragged chuckling a little. “i'm gonna go check on Draco and see if he's going to be alright to move tonight.” he decided kissing Marvos before skipping off to talk to Draco, Narcissa giggling a little. “that boy can be so goofy.”
The siblings nodded, agreeing as they watched the man go.

The two weeks it took to plan the perfect wedding was to long, and soon enough the whole family was going insane and ready to have it done. Shay smiled softly as she wrapped her arms around Lucius, leaning against his chest as she rested her head on his shoulder."I love you."She said quietly, so happy to be his daughter in more then just guardian.This was going to be so fun. Marvos smiled as he leaned against the door, having been kicked out of draco's room for being annoying amusing."You two are already living like your married. Why are you two so antsy today?"he teased looking at the woman amused. "It's my wedding!"
Viper was chuckling a little as he put the finishing touches on getting the decorations up, Lucius smiling as he kissed her forehead. He hadn't been bothered since Narcissa had gone to The Dark lord and Voldemort, informing them that her husband had a nervous breakdown and that all of her children where missing, which was making him feel much better as he hugged his daughter, chuckling a little as he watched Draco step out of the house. “look, Draco's walking on his own today.” the last two days Draco had been unable to walk on his own, Marvos had carried him most everywhere, though it had gotten to a point where he was light enough that shay could probably even carry him with effort. Still, he looked dashingly handsome in his suit that Narcissa had picked out, people around them clapping as they watched Draco come out, the boy blushing but heading straight for shay, sensing her anxiety. “you alright love?”
Shay smiled moving away from Lucius, resting her head on draco's chest as she wrapped her arms around him. Carefully holding onto him to offer support if he needed it. It was so good to see him up on his feet."I don't know. Just a feeling."She shrugged looking up at him, kissing him softly. "You're not supposed to see her yet Draco."Marovs said leaning against the doorway sighing softly. The casual wedding was perfect for them, a reflection of them instead of their place in society. The small gathering of family and friends, perfect for them.
he smiled as he leaned on her a little, wiling to take her support, week need but perfectly capable of supporting himself if he had to. He kissed her back and scowled at Marvos. “bit me, she's MY wife! I should be allowed to see her whenever I want!” he complained smiling as he nuzzled her neck happily as he looked around. “so many people showed up.” he mumbled softly. “i didn't realize we had so many friends.” he admitted smiling as he watched the twins chase Viper around trying to steal the last of the decorations, Fenrir catching up all three of them and dumping them on the ground, Draco chuckling as Fen chewed them out for wasting time on Shay's most perfect day.
Shay smiled resting her head on his shoulder closing her eyes."He doesn't need to yell at them, its still a per-"She stopped ,for a moment her mind refusing to see what she was seeing. The death eaters among her party guests, or death eater posers, depended on who they were from. shifting to stand in front of Draco she growled quietly as she pulled her wand ignoring as everyone else either did the same or hid. "What do you want?"she said standing protectively in front of Draco. Marvos sighed moving to go after the death eater closest to him freezing when the unthinable happened. The man apparated to Shay's side, pulling her away from her husband. Belatedly realizing that it was the one thing that could stop both malfoys, and marvos and viper in their tracks. Threaten the woman they all loved.
Draco snarled, trying to move to protect Shay, but she was stronger than him these days. He yelped loudly as the person who grabbed shay shoved him to the side, sending him hard into the dirt, the loud CRACK of a breaking bone filling the air as he landed and howled in pain, ignoring his own agony as he struggled to get back on his feet to save Shay, Viper snarling like a mad animal, wand out and pointing at the cloaked madman, but was unable to strike at him because Shay was in the way, panic filling his eyes as he watched, unable to guess what would happen but hoping to Merlin that Shay and Draco where going to be alright.
"Lord Malfoy, you should know better then to lie to your betters."The death eater purred, stroking shay's hair, looking amused."She is a pretty one you know. Dear thomas promised her to the first person who could win her. He had no care for his daughter, since he wanted a son."the man said, gasping softly as he felt the edge of a wand tip pressing into his stomach from where he was holding shay against him."Let me go."Shay muttered. "I don't think so lovely, you see, I can kill you faster then-" "Avada Kadevra."Shay whispered wincing as the man's hand tightened around her throat before loosening as he collasped.
as soon as the man was down everyone surged forward, Viper grabbing Shay, Lucius grabbing Draco and yanking them away from the dead body as the various other guests took out the death eaters,Narcissa advancing on the dead body and yanking back the hood, her eyes wide in astonishment as she took in the dead form of Dumbledore. “... oh shit...” that was NOT good, that meant someone in the house was a spy, and it was probably a younger year, and in fact it was, one of the poor first years had collapsed into sobs, crying that she was sorry, so sorry that he had her mommy and daddy. They they where going to die because she hadn't given up enough information, Draco grimacing. “using a kid... Dumbledore is so sick!” the blond hissed, unable to feel angry at the poor traumatized girl as Molly pulled her into a tight hug, trying to comfort her.
"Dumbledore always uses children."Shay nodded gasping a little, shuddering as she tried to calm down. feeling the betrayal of a father she'd always known hadn't loved her, and despite that, she'd always hoped he would. "Get-get her to bed. She needs sleep.I'll see to her in a minute."Shay said doubled over, hands resting on her knees as she tried to relax, her concern over the child trumping anything that she was feeling.
Draco grimaced as he got to his feet, clutching his arm. The disease had made him so brittle that just being pushed had broken his arm in three places, he staggered over to Kat and enveloped her into a tight one armed hug, opening their link completely and filling her with a sense of peace and gentleness and love, ignoring his own intense pain in favor of calming her down, Viper gently talking to the little girl who was still crying as Molly took her away fro a calming drought and a nice bedtime story. “just calm down love, Molly has the little one, she'll be ok, you and I need to rest.” he muttered softly, stroking her hair, wondering how long he could hide his mind shattering pain from her, glancing at Marvos and motioning to Shay, indicating that he should put her to sleep before she had a breakdown.
"Dra-"Shay started as she started to straighten, already turning to look at his arm the same time Marvos pulled her gently away from Draco,cursing her to sleep before looking at the blond."Dammit. she's going to freak when she sees that."He said shifting the small girl into one of his arms, holding her like one would a babe before wrapping a arm around Draci's waist, "Come on. You both need sleep."He said heading for the door, whistling slightly for viper,"Vi, can I get some help?"He said having a feeling Draco was moments away from collapsing himself.
Draco relaxed as she was put to sleep, nearly collapsing as he gritted his teeth, tears now pouring out of his eyes as he gripped his arm. “it's broken.” he managed to state, Viper looking shocked before nodding. “i'll get Papa and Snape.” he promised, picking Shay up and sprinting back to his house, unwilling to try apparating, since the last time he had he'd left a foot behind, not, pleasant. By the time Lucius and Snape arrived at Draco's side he was already in bed, thanks to Marvos, panting hard as his broken bones continued to ache furiously. But it was only a few spells and Draco's pain was gone, Snape offering Draco a sleeping potion, the blond taking it gratefully and drifting to sleep as well, snuggled into Shay happily, Viper sighing. “that was so frightening.” he whispered, trembling now that the danger was over, tucking his face into Marvos's chest. “i thought she was going to.....” he couldn't finish, the thought itself too hard to bare.
Marvos shuddered a little pressing a kiss to Viper's head as he carried his lover to their room."I know. ME to."He muttered still sounding worried. Which was proved hours later as shay's screams woke the house. "Papa!Papa!"Shay screamed as she scrambled out of bed one arm wrapped around her stomach, one hand covered ni blood. Having reached down to see why everything hurt so badly and then found herself miscarrying, and scaring the girl witless. Not even having enough sense to shake Draco awake or walk across the hall for marvos.She wanted her papa.
Lucius was in the room in an instant, placing a sleeping spell on Draco who was trying to rise from his potioned sleep, blinking a little before falling back to sleep as Lucius scooped her into her arms and racing for Snape's room, seeing only the blood and panicking. Viper had raced out at the screams and paced outside the potions masters room as he waited for the news to find out what the hell was happening.
Snape stepped out close to a hour later, glancing at the two pacing men and the strangely silent Marvos.He sighed tiredly, having kicked out lucius as soon as he realized the man wasn't going to be any help keeping Shay calm. Running his fingers through his hair he tilted his head,"She miscarried.She's fine, otherwise."He reassured shaking his head."I put her to sleep, she kept freaking out otherwise."He said resting a hand Lucius'sshoulder,"She's fine."He said trying to reassure them man.
Viper and Lucius both looked up when he came out, their eyes widening when Snape explained what happened. Viper collapsed onto the floor, looking horrified and sad, and Lucius swallowed thickly, his eyes going strangely blank, straight into shock and horror. Viper blinked stupidly and slowly got to his feet. “i'll... get Ginny.” he decided softly, walking off, unable to handle the news he had just been given, Lucius starting to cry, sinking to his knees and covering his face, Narcissa walking in with a tray of hot chocolate for everyone, looking startled when she saw her husband crying, looking terribly worried. “ she?” she had only ever seen Lucius cry once, and that had been when his father, Abraxas, had died. So she automatically assumed that shay was dead too, the tray of liquids falling from her hands to clutch at her heart. “Sev... she!?”
Sev looked startled at both their reactions, walking over to narcissa quickly and closng his hand on the woman's arms to hold her steady. "she miscarried, not died. Shay is going to be fine."He reassured her pulling her into a hug, holding her closely as he watched Marvos trail after viper like a lost puppy.

Marvos looked blank, and it wouldn't have been odd but in him the total lack of anger over dumbledore's hand in this was odd in itself. He really did look like a sad puppy as he followed Viper to the twins and Ginny's rooms.
Narcissa took a shaky, relieved and distraught breath, not knowing whether to feel glad that her daughter was alive, or sad that her granddaughter had died, letting out a tiny sob of her own she crouched down and pulled Lucius into a hug. “two sleeping potions, please Severus.” she whispered softly.

Viper looked stunned as well, lost and confused as he headed right into Ginny, practically running her over and blinking stupidly before. “shay... lost the baby.” he explained softly. “she's going to need you when she wakes up.” both Ginny and the twins looked horrified, and the twins quickly pulled the two boys into bed as Ginny raced to shay, desperate to comfort her, Draco still asleep, blissfully asleep. “just sleep.” both twins ordered, calmly putting Viper and Marvos to sleep with spells, unwilling to let them walk around in the states that they where in.
Sev nodded before bullying the two into bed and dosing them. This was going to be bad. Shay meanwhile snuggled into ginny as the girl crawled in bed with her, not even waking up from the spell sev'd hit her with. Blissfully asleep.

In the morning Shay sighed softly leaning against the window looking out, looking small and vulnerable as she watched the snow fall,huddling into herself, and arms hugged around her stomach.Barely glancing over her shoulder when she heard Ginny started to stir. guilt ridden and sad the girl was barely able to keep how she was feeling from draco, but she'd always been better at hiding things and she didn't want to worry him. So, she just kept how she was feeling to herself because she was worried about him."Want to go to breakfast?"She said finally turning to look at Ginny.
Ginny groaned a little as she sat up, rubbing her eyes and blinking at Shay, offering her a small smile. “no. Narcissa said she'd bring breakfast to us.” she admitted softly. “Draco's still drugged to the eye teeth.” she promised holding her arms out to the girl, her head tilted. “come here shay... you can't hold it all in, and Draco won't know.” she promised reaching over and gently tugging Shay into a hug, holding her calmly, simply comforting her. “i'm so sorry Shay... I'm so sorry.”

(you know, with 26 active rp's... you'd think i wouldn't have to wait for you to come online for me to have something to reply to XP)
(haha that's sad almost. And yay!Two days off in the room. This is gonna be epic. XDD)

Shay sighed softly as she leaned into the other, wrapping her arms around Ginny as she sobbed, hiccuping she was crying so hard. Sniffling after a few minutes she rubbed her blood shot eyes, "I don't want Draco to worry more. He's going to be so mad."She muttered sniffling.
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