
Draco was having a moderate day, meaning he wasn't in pain, but he was as week as a kitten, couldn't even sit up. Narcissa was feeding him some thin broth, since the poor boy didn't even have the energy to chew. It was almost heart breaking to see the strong and proud Draco reduced to such a state. “”being drunk and being hung over is not the same thing.” Lucius growled, annoyed as he sipped his coffee, Viper chuckling a little before he glanced at shay, looking worried. “are you sick too shay? Is that why he went and got drunk?” Viper asked, feigning utter horror. “everything going to be alright, right!?” he demanded worrying his lip as Narcissa walked in, Ginny and her brothers looking worried as they studied shay, who looked a little tired but otherwise fine. “Draco's sleeping.” Narcissa informed them clucking her tongue at her hungover husband. “so what did you find out about Shay?” “she's fine, just a little stressed.” leaving it up to shay to tell them.
Shay whimpered in distress realizing that her papa was going to make her tell them. Shifting back in her seat looking nervous,"I'm..pregnant."She stuttered a lttle looking slightly anxious. Marvos choked on the bite of food. Despite having known he hadn't been ready for her to just spit it out, snickering a little as he watched the others to see how they were going to react.
Narcissa dropped the glass she was holding, the twins gaped and Ginny practically beamed in joy as Narcissa squealed like a little girl and hugged Shay tightly. “I'm Going To Be A Grandmother!” she yelled jovially kissing her face all over. “oooh we're going to have to get so many things! Food! Shay you need to eat more! And drink more milk! Lots of milk!” Narcissa rushed straight into happy grandmother mode and Lucius's face hit the table so the woman wouldn't see him laughing.
Shay looked startled at the other's reactions smiling shyly before nodding."I'll drink milk."She said giggling a little as the elf brought her some milk. Marvos snickered looking at lucius as he hit the table, leaning over to poke him in the head, smirking."Oh look you're going to be a grandpa.Old and everything. At least you wont be able to see the grey, he's so blond already."He snickered wider, looking so amused at the situation much to his sister's relief as she started eating more.
Narcissa beamed happily and clapped eagerly, giggling happily as Viper chuckled and watched as Lucius scowled at Shay. “you didn't pay attention to the talk we had at all did you!?” he wailed pathetically viper giggling again. “and I am NOT going Gray!” Lucius complained, scowling at Marvos, Viper grinning as he patted Lucius's hand. “it's ok Papa, don't be scared, I'm sure the baby will love you even though your old and weird.” Lucius sputtered, turning a strange shade of purple and Narcissa actually started laughing, shaking her head a little. “oh Vi that was MEAN!” she complained, though was still giggling.
Shay giggled nodding."That was mean."She smiled wider before biting her lip looking amused."I paid attention to that talk."She pointed out. Marvos snickered a little though he was sort of relieved. Maybe it would be good for her to have someone to fuss over if draco..."someone's here."He said frowning when he felt the wards refuse to allow them to open the door, but the extior wards had allowed them onto the grounds."Vi, we got to go.hide in the upstairs."He said getting up.Shay swallowed hard,"Go sit with Draco. I'll take care of whatever this is."She said looking a little anxious and trying to keep it from draco so he wouldn't worry
Viper growled darkly his eyes narrowed. “this is your house though.” he pointed out frowning a little. “and no one is supposed to know ANY of us are here... Lucius should answer the door.” he explained. “in case it's a ministry person or something, the rest of us will hide in the secrete places I found.” he ordered grabbing Marvos and dragging him to his feet, sounding the 'alarm' everyone vanishing to hide while Lucius rolled his eyes and headed to the door, he still smelled like booze even. He stepped over to the door and pulled it open, glaring at the person, no matter who it was. “go away! I'm wallowing in self pity!” he snarled darkly.
Both the Dumbledore and the dark lord looked startled at this announcement, amazing they'd managed to be together without killing each other. That and it hinted a relationship, a partnership that most people just weren't comfortable with showing."I can understand that Lucius."Dumbledore said stroking his beard looking worried."But I came to see how ms. sharazari was doing. She is a good student." Voldemort rolled his eyes looking at the two,"What he means is he wants to know if she's still of any use." "Now, that is not my only concern. I do care for the girl, unlike you." "True. But I don't pretend to care."
Lucius scowled darkly at them. “NO! She is NOT ok! She's curled up in the f..f..fucking Fetal position and she won't even sit up!” he slurred hatefully as he poked Dumbledore in the chest. “my Son is missing, Viper and Marvos haven't replied to my letters since they went back to school so I'm half tempted to think THEIR missing too and you want to fucking know if my daughter is ok!? FUCK YOU!” he spat, slamming the door in their faces, Narcissa gaping at him, Lucius was far too drunk to care that he had just screamed at both of his bosses. Narcissa shook her head and ran upstairs to get shay, explaining what was going on and getting her into the fetal position, just in case they came to check up on her.
Shay gaped a little,"You got to be kidding me..."She muttered shifting as she settled in her bed, sighing softly when she felt the wards close behind the two leaving. She was sure they weren't going to stay gone, but for the moment they were probably planning around Lucius. Getting up she ran a hand over her face before going to search for her papa, wrapping her arms around him."You okay papa?"She asked worried about how much trouble he was going to get in for yelling at them. The might be to strtled to do something at the moment, but she was sure their shock wasn't going to last long enough to get through this war unscathed.
Lucius smiled a little. “i'll be alright, Narcissa will go to them tomorrow explaining that I've had a small emotional breakdown and that I didn't mean it.” he promised chuckling as he kissed her forehead. “but if they know about this house then the others will have to move to one of the other houses.” he admitted looking nervous about that. “i think they will have to go to Vipers house.” Viper poked his head out of a side panel that slid away. “i have a house!?” he asked shocked before looking very nervous. “not... the muggle house?” “no Vi, not that house.” he promised gently stroking the others hair. “i recently went to Gringotts and opened your bank accounts for you in secrete, you have three homes that no one but you, me, and one goblin knows about.” he admitted Viper looking shocked. “really!?” “yes, I haven't had a chance to go find them yet, but I'm sure they are still there...”
Shay nodded a little."House Sharazari has always lived at this manor. I am actually surprised they both convinced the minister to force the wards down to let them in."She said before nodding,"I'll go talk to Gin, then go see draco. Will you let everyone else know?"She said pausing long enough for them to agree before going in search of Ginny, smiling as she sat down next to Ginny as she worked on the potion, ignoring their potions teacher muttering to himself as he researched."Hey."She said looking worried s she looked at her friend, needing someone to talk to that she wouldn't feel bad about being scared."Voldemort and Dumbledore both were who were here....what if they hurt draco again? Dumbledore did already."She said swallowing hard.
Lucius nodded. “i'm sure someone is bribing the minister, if not both of them.” he admitted grinning a little. “i'll let everyone know, Vi you go tell Marvos.” he ordered. “i want you and Marvos to go and check out the house first.” he explained. “if there are traps, they won't hurt you because it's your house and your bloodline.” he explained smiling a little as Viper nodded. Running off to tell Marvos, leaping onto the man. “we're going on a trip! I have houses apparently, Papa found out a little while ago.” he admitted with a giggle. “we're going to move everyone there, since it's not safe here.” he explained. “but you and I have to go first to disable any traps that might be there, so you have to get ready!”

Ginny smiled when Shay appeared, gently taking the girls hand, her head tilted. “love, they don't know where Draco is.” she pointed out, smiling at shay. “they can't hurt him, if they can't find him.” she explained kissing Shay's forehead. “and even if they do get to him, they can't do anything because Marvos will kill them before they ever even manage to raise their wands.” she admitted looking amused. “and I found out something interesting too, I was just about to Tell Snape.” she admitted, no doubt catching the potions masters attention. “i found out why the disease is progressing so slowly and why he feels better when your having sex... your healing him, or at least dragging the disease to a crawl. Through the bond, your magic is helping Draco, and when your intimate the bond is open full blast, letting your magic in him at an ever increasing rate.” she explained smiling. “not to mention your pulling his magic into yourself, it's almost like your purifying it and making it into your own magic.” she explained. “it means that Draco, even if we don't find a cure, won't die for at least fifteen years at the worst. He'll have his bad days, but he'll have good ones too, and it give me and Sevvie here to find a cure.” hopefully, that would make shay, and sev, feel much better... though Ginny was probably gonna get it for calling him Sevvie.
Marvos yelped as he was pounced on, sighing quietly as he looked at the other before setting him on his feet."Come on then. Since you want to use me as a guinea pig, I better be fully awake when we do it."He said rubbing a hand over his face heading for the door. This was going to be interesting."Do you want to ask the twins first?See if they want to go with us.They're good with trap spells and things...surely they'd be helpful."He said wincing a little as he had to admit to the others being good at something.

Shay looked startled, her mother falling open a little. Severus sighed looking at the girl, before looking at Ginny."Well, Draco'll be glad to have more reasons to have sex.And don't call me SEvvie."He ordered laughing quietly as he got up, ruffling Shay's hair."I'll go tell Lucius."He said walking out, pretending not to see the tears filling her eyes. Knowing Shay wouldn't appericiate it. Shay giggled a little smiling a little, rubbing her eyes"You mean...he'll live to see his baby.."she said her voice soft and happy, before getting up wrapping Ginny in a hug before dragging the red head out of the room with her before running to draco's room, pouncing on him. Well sort of. At least on the bed looking excited and happy."You're going ot be okay!"
Viper chuckled a little and nodded. “yup, you need coffee first.” he agreed chuckling a little as he nodded. “and yes, lets take the twins.” he agreed. “but we won't tell them their good at it, their egos are already as big as Draco's is.” he admitted with a small giggle.

Ginny snickered a little and pouted at him. “but you let that little eleven year old girl call you sevvie.” she teased him, well aware the only reason he didn't yell at the girl was because her father had one of the worst death eaters under Voldemort's reign and the poor girl was terrified, even if she was a Gryffindor. “and yes, he'll live to see, and even help raise your baby.” she promised smiling a little watching Shay race out of the room, Draco smiling at her when she came in, but too week to sit up or even lift his hand. “i am? They found a cure already?” he asked, looking skeptical. “i don't think it's going to work the first few times Shay.” he explained gently, trying to lift his hand so he could hold hers. “it's ok, I'm not hurting today.” he promised smiling at her. “come give me a kiss?”
Marvos nodded wisely smiling a little."Yes, we don't need another with a ego the size of Draco's."He said snickering a little looking amused, shaking his head a little. Getting the house elves to bring them coffee as he pulled his boots on."Here.Drink, you'll feel better."He said handing it over.

shay laughed softly, to excited to have his depression drag her down, or even let the sight of him being weak get to her."No, they haven't found a cure yet but Gin figured out why you're not getting sicker or dying faster."She said leaning down to kiss him lightly."You know how you always feel better after know?"She said blushing hard."Well, the bond's tying you to me. My magic to yours.My magic's keeping you alive and well."She said probably not being very clear in the explaination but to excited to explain as well as Ginny had.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. “i'm already awake, coffee will just make me hyper.” he teased grinning as he skipped off to gather the twins, explaining the situation and grinning as they agreed to join them, getting the apparation location from Lucius, who was hugging Snape and sobbing in glee, the poor Potions master looking very uncomfortable. “ok Marvos.” Viper chirped happily as he gave the other the apparation location. “lets go!”

Draco looked startled, his eyes wide. “your... a filter?” he asked looking amused. “aaah I knew I loved you.” he teased chuckling a little as he smiled. “well, we'll just have to have a lot of 'you know' then.” he teased smiling a little. “but not today.. I'm so tired today.” he admitted, feeling so happy, that he wasn't going to die, Shay was saving his life, literally. “i love you shay... thank you.” he whispered, struggling to stay awake, so he could tell her just how much he loved her. “i want to get married.” he admitted softly. “soon, before the baby is born.” he admitted smiling at her. “is it ok?”
Severus scowled a little as lucius hugged him, trying to figure out how to pry the man off without hurting his feelings. Marvos snickered looking at the two, looking curious over what was going on, but letting it go for the moment."Yes, lets."He said before apparating them to viper's house, sighing as he looked around, wrinkling his nose at the dust and cobwebs.

Shay blushed harder at his words, leaning down to kiss him again."Yes, we will."He muttered kissing him again before gently stroking his hair, just a feather light touch, having realized years ago just how he liked his hair played with."Sleep love."She muttered when she felt how tired he was before looking startled, nodding stupidly."More than. I'll talk to mother. Sleep."She ordered before stroking his hair till he fell asleep before leaving to go find Narcissa so they could set up the small private wedding. It wouldn't be the event that Draco and her deserved as members of pureblood society, but it would be theirs.
Viper and the twins looked around in astonishment. The house was massive, it was twice as big as Malfoy manor, and there where four large banners, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor colors dark and dull from age, Viper wiping dust off a doorway using a spell. “Complexo Incruentus , Complexo munia... Embrace the Bloodlines, Embrace the gifts.” Viper stated, reading the Latin easily, Fenrir having taught it to him since he was small. “what a strange thing to say...” he muttered looking confused, the twins tensing. “Marvos, don't move!” they ordered suddenly. “there's a trap in here...” they stated, sending spells everywhere, Harry watching in astonishment as areas of the room lit up like light bulbs, three places where magical traps had been set. “bill taught us that spell.” they admitted grinning as they worked on disabling the spells.

He smiled and went back to sleep easily, Narcissa sitting in the dining room as she gently taught some first years how to do some spells, looking up when Shay walked in, smiling. “alright kids, you can go, lessons over.” she promised, the kids cheering as they raced off, Narcissa smiling as she sat Shay down. “what's happened now?” she asked smiling a little, a bit worried about the expression on Shay's face.
Marvos frowned,"You're going to have to teach me that spell."he said wrinkling his nose as he studied the banners walking over. ignoring the others as they looked over the rest of the house for what traps there could be.Looking thoughtful."Twins!"He called wanting both their attention."Potter's line. Gryffindor wasn't it?"He asked, sounding slightly confused because he could understand gryffindors banner, but not why the other was there.

Shay smiled a little waving off the look of worry."nothing's wrong Well at least not more then it already is. Actually a little btter."She said blushign a little."Ginny figured out why he's not dying as quickly as he should be... our bond's keeping him alive. My magic is keeping his body from failing."she said before smiling wider"He asked me to marry him. Before the baby comes. He wants to get married."
Viper chuckled a little and nodded as he gave the other the spell, looking around as the twins came back at Marvos's yell. “well... we don't really know.” Fred admitted. “the Potter line is Gryffindor yes, on one side anyway, there is no recorded bloodlines of any of Vipers other family members.” George explained. “so Viper's actual bloodline is completely unknown.” “...maybe not so unknown.” Viper stated, wiping dust off of a wall, looking amazed. “look! It's a self updating Family tree!” he admitted setting his hand on the bottom where his name Harry James Potter-Viper, was written in curly letters, all the way up to Gordric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Salazar Slytherin, and Rowena Ravenclaw. “i....” “no wonder the Hat refused to sort him... he's the heir of all four House founders!”

Narcissa beamed at her. “that's wonderful darling!” she chirped hugging her daughter before pausing, her eyes narrowing as she considered that. “normally I would tell you no, since you haven't graduated yet... but I think, under these circumstances it will be alright.” she admitted smiling happily. “it will have to be a small one, family and very close friends only, Draco is supposed to be missing don't forget, it would have to be a secrete.” she admitted. “we'll set up a nice little service, something romantic and perfect.”
Marvos laughed looking delighted at the idea."Oh hell's bells, this is perfect."He said his smirk curling his lips as he thought of that. "The world would follow the heir, more then they'd ever follow dumbledore."He said tilting his head a little,"Dumbledore's so screwed. He'll never turn hogwarts against it's heir."

Shay giggled a little nodding."I know. He deserves more, but since things have gone very badly, a small close one would be fine. I was thinking, invite the students that aren't at achool anymore. They deserve to be happy about something, and to know that even in the world torn apart by war, happiness can happen."She smirked a little."Besides, I know some of them are worried about Draco. Me and Viper weren't the only ones to witness papa drinking himself silly when he found out what was wrong."
Viper looked shocked as he studied his family tree, his eyes wide. “this is amazing.” he muttered softly, stroking the spidery lines connecting names to names, a small smile on his face. “look how many family members I had.” he muttered softly, the twins chuckling a little as they vanished again to search for traps. “Marvos... should we let people know this now?” he asked his head tilted. “will it be alright for people, to know that I am the Heir of Hogwarts?”

Narcissa chuckled a little and shook her head. “no no, we're throwing a party for them.” she admitted kissing Shay's forehead. “your wedding is for YOU, invite your friends, their all out of Hogwarts anyway.” she admitted smiling a little. “besides I don't think you could handle a hundred and fifty strangers at your wedding.” she teased chuckling a little. “now, why don't we plan while Draco is sleeping? Lets talk colors.” she chirped happily. Just because they weren't going to have the big wedding full of noble piss pots, didn't mean her wedding could be anything less than everything she had ever dreamed.
Marvos sighed tilting his head a little."WE'll ask papa. He'll have a better idea how it'll affect the world."He said. While he had a idea how people would react, he really was worried about what people would do. And knowing Lucius would have a better idea of how both men would react to the threat of hogwarts heir.

Shay ginned, "Okay."She said following the other. This was going to be so much fun.
Viper nodded as the twins came back down, completely covered in dust and cobwebs. “the house is clean, even the secrete passageways are clear. The ones we could find anyway.” they admitted looking over the family tree. “hide it, for now.” Viper ordered the twins nodding as they made a glamor over the family tree and over the 'family crests' littered all over the place as Viper magicked down the banners of the houses. “Marvos? Would you be a doll and call the house elves to come clean this place up?” Viper asked grinning a little. The house elves didn't listen to him, he was too nice for them to stop too important of tasks.

Narcissa giggled and helped Shay plan until dinner time, the house elves had returned by then from cleaning Viper's halls and Narcissa and Shay had gone from wedding to after party idea's when Viper, Marvos, and the twins returned all of them grinning. “oh man Mother, you should SEE that place!” Viper chirped, giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “it's so... so...” “elegant!” the twins finished for viper. Once the place had been clean it was evident that a master builder had made it. The walls where etched with elaborate, wonderful carvings, rare rocks, and expensive wood. It was beautiful in so many ways, and it was all Vipers!!!! “Draco is going to be SO jealous.” Viper growled eagerly rubbing his hands together, snickering happily. “we're ready when you are to move everyone in.”
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