
Viper nodded and kissed Marvos's cheek. “the other student's are already starting to leave.” Viper admitted. “Luna lovegood told the twins it would be more terrifying if they all left during the middle of the day.” Viper admitted grinning, he was enjoying teasing Marvos, though the man didn't know he was being teased. Eventually Marvos was going to wonder how Viper always knew what the twins where doing when he hadn't talked to them, he loved the neat walkie talkie like earring that he was wearing in his ear. “ready to go? I still have that bad feeling.” he admitted biting his lip.
Marvos sighed, grumbling absently, more annoyed because he had no idea how Viper always knew things, and annoyed with being so worried when he used to be managed to not talk about things."Me to. Let's go."He said leaving with Viper. Glad they got out of the castle easily, needing to do it. Needing to get home and see why the hell they all felt out of sorts. And seriusly worried that it was something to do with shay.
he chuckled a little and shook his head a little as he took the others hand and led him underground into a giant Cavern underground, underneath the schools wards. Which explained how the students where getting out, there where hidden tunnels all over the place, that no one was aware of. Viper was one sneaky little bitch sometimes. He waited for Marvos to apparate him, the twins following him in with the first group of students, half of them where going to Marvos's house, the 'troubled' younger students who would benefit from Lucius's and Molly's kind attentions. The rest of the students would go to various houses of Lucius's and Marvos's all over the world.

Lucius met them at the doorway, smiling at Ginny, both twins and Harry and Marvos. “... Shay and Draco need you.” he explained, reeking of alcohol, Molly rushing after him, trying to get him to sit down. “their in bed dears, Draco will explain everything, you just have to try and keep Shay calm, she's so close to a nervous breakdown...”
Marvos' stared his jaw dropping a little. Not only in surprise at draco and shay, but that his father had actually drunk enough to be able to smell it on him."Get him to lay down. Curse him if you have to."He growled before looking at the twins."Find the others rooms. I can't deal with this now."He said already running towards the stairs. Nearly falling up the stairs as he took them two at a time, skidding to a stop in front of the door, knocking lightly before easing the door open, looking troubled when he realized Shay was crying, even asleep."What's wrong?"He growled looking at Draco, not understanding why the blond wasn't making her stop crying. Bristling because he'd long been his sister's protector, and something was making her cy. He wanted to make her stop, and he'd do what he had to to make it happen.
Viper raced up the stairs as well following him up and froze when Draco turned to them, actual emotion written across his face. Fear. “..Dray?” “... I gave her a sleeping potion... she kept panicking...” he admitted swallowing thickly. “she's reacting to my emotions, I can't help it.” he admitted shaking his head a little. “Shay? Love can you wake up?” he asked softly as Ginny moved into the room, her eyes widening a little as she saw how thin and pale Draco was, how... frightened he looked. “Marvos... sit down will you?” he asked softly, Viper not giving Marvos any chance to react, just shoving him down into the chair while Draco gently woke Shay up.
Marvos growled at getting shoved in a chair even though he didn't try to get up. He was sure that whatever he was going to hear was going to knock his feet out from under him,growling as he fisted his hands at his sides as he struggled to not reach out and pull Shay into his arms as she whimpered."...don't!"Shay whined struggling to stay asleep not wanting to face anything else, not yet. Not when she was going to lose her blond. Nuzzling his chest as she blinked slowly, refusing to look at any of them as she pressed her face against Draco's chest.
Draco swallowed thickly and shook his head. “Shay please...” he whispered. “i can't do this twice, please wake up for me baby?” he pleaded softly, gently shifting her. “i'm going to have Marvos hold you, ok Love? He'll keep you calm.” Viper gently lifted her and settled her into Marvos's arms, making him hold her, looking at Draco who hesitated. “you know...” he swallowed hard and cleared his throat. “you know how I used to be sick all the time as a kid? And how I never seamed to grow all that much?” he asked softly. “as it turns out I have a rare genetic disorder that... well it.. it kills parts of my body.” he admitted biting his lip hard, tears gathering in his eyes. “it would have gone unnoticed my entire life, maybe hitting in my eighty's severely if... if Dumbledore's curse hadn't kick started the disease...” he explained softly. “my lungs are failing... and my kidneys are too...” he admitted swallowing hard. “i... I'm dying...”
Marvos growled softly, kissing Shay's head as the girl clung to him,holding her tightly because he couldn't do anything else. Nothing else was acceptable as he onsidered how he was going to kill Dumbledore. tears filling his eyes as he realized he was going to lose his best friend.Feeling the loss like a blow before swallowing summoning a elf and not saying anything until he felt the firewhiskey burn the back of his throat, looking at Draco."And there's nothing to do?"He asked stroking Shay's hair. "N-no.There's nothing."She whimpered crying so hard she shook with it, because she ws feling Draco's pain on top of her own, along with the guilt for causing Dumbledore to do it. If only she'd been faster responding to his summons, only providd him with more information...breaking under grief and guilt. So close to a nervous breakdown that it was actually a surprise she hadn't had one already
Draco shook his head a little. “no, there isn't, not that we know of... it's so rare that.. well no one has had a chance to find a cure... there are theoretical ways of helping, but... they might not work.” Draco admitted closing his eyes, struggling not to cry, forcing himself to remain calm and fill Shay with the calm he was trying to feel. “there's ALWAYS something that can be done!” Ginny stated firmly. “your not dead yet dammit!” she hissed before stalking down the stairs and grabbing Snape, explaining what was going on and demanding he help her find a cure, not accepting a no for an answer and dragging him off to figure out how to save Draco. Viper gently gripped Marvos's shoulder, feeling horrified and unsure how to react to everything that was happening. It was no wonder Lucius was so drunk, what kind of man could handle outliving his own son?
Marvos started under the touch, glancing up at his lover, blue eyes skimmed wtih tears as he gently rocked his sister, trying to calm her, but so upset that all he was doing was upsetting her more,even if she had gone back to sleep, because sleep didn't hold any pain for her, no agony of being seperated. Swallowing hard he looked at viper, "I'm going to bed..."He muttered sounding absent, unsure of himself for once. As if he was suffering a wund and bleeding to death, and he just couldn't find it."I...I need to do something..."
Viper gently stroked Marvos's hair, Draco sighing a little as he watched Marvos and Shay, pain in his eyes. He was afraid to die, not because of himself, but because he wasn't sure how Shay would handle being without him... he didn't want her to join him in hell after all. “Marvos? Why don't you go help Ginny and Snape find a way to stop Draco's disease?” Viper suggested, Draco looking rather amused at that, Ginny willingly working with Snape, and vise versa, it was almost funny. “i'll stay here with Draco and Shay and keep them both calm.” he promised kissing his lovers forehead. “and you should check on Papa too... I don't think Mrs. Weasley is quite capable of handling him.”
Marvos jumped on the idea like a dog on a bone, neding to be able to do something. Snickering a little at hte idea of molly dealing with lucius, or snape and ginny working together. Standing he gently shifted the small girl into viper's arms, gently stroking her hair looking at Draco."That's cause she just wont curse him to sitting down."The eldest sharazari smiled a little as he headed for the door. Calm now that he had a project to work on. Shay whimpered, nuzzling Viper's neck, half asleep and breaking down even more. Because she could feel Draco not worrying about himself, but her. Anxious because she hated to cause him worry, and it was just worse because she couldn't calm down despite trying to. "I am calm."Shay growled softly.
Viper smiled as he watched Marvos leave and shook his head. “no your not, none of us are.” he pointed out glancing at Draco. “you need to stop worrying about Shay and holding in your emotions, cry damn you I know you want to.” he ordered, Draco's lip quivering as he struggled to hold in the tears before breaking down, unable to hold it in anymore now that Viper had said something, sobbing into his hands, but the ball of fear, terror, rage, and pain was loosening up inside of him with every body wrenching sob. “and you, shay, this isn't your fault, it never was and never will be and certainly isn't now.” he promised shaking his head. “we'll make Dumbledore suffer for hurting Dray, and we won't let him die, not without a hell of a fight.” he promised stroking her hair. “until we find a cure, you need to stay calm so Draco can focus on getting better, and you can focus on making him comfortable and not in pain as well as help find a cure.” he explained smiling as he kissed her forehead. “now, who needs a drink?” he asked, Draco nodding, having sobbed himself out already, he had never been one for long cries, even as a baby, he just poured it out all at once and that was the end of it. “thanks vi...” Draco muttered, smiling at the boy who shrugged. “you needed to cry, I just gave you permission that's all.”
Shay sniffled as she rubbed her face with her hands, wiping away the tears as she climbed out of viper's arms and into bed with Draco. Cuddling him as she focused on making sure she was calm."I want a drink."She muttered shifting as she wrapped a arm around Draco's waist, head pillowed on his chest. Shuddering because it hurt to see Draco so upset. Sighing as she sipped the drink the house elf appeared with."I think we all need to sleep..."she said raising her head as she studied draco,gently tucking his hair behind his ears. That soft look on her face that said she loved him so much that there wasn't enough words to say. The whole world melting away as she focused on him."I love you."She muttered focusing on that, because it's what she needed to remember to remain calm.
Viper smiled as Draco and shay drank the whiskey the house elf had gotten for them Draco relaxing at the look on shay's face, offering his own love filled smile. “i love you too.” he whispered kissing her gently smiling at her as he stroked her hair, relaxing as he felt the love pouring out of her, filling him with peace. “i love you too.” he repeated, smiling at her. “you've made me the happiest man in the world you know.” he admitted softly. “i will always love you.” he promised kissing her again as Viper wisely left... just in case they decided to go all the way.
Shay smiled a little kissing him back, shifting to lay down next to him, besting a hand on his chest."And I you."She muttered running her fingers through his hair kissing him again."I-I will...always need you."She said stuttering little, kissing him softly.Feeling pained at the idea of losing him but so hppy to have him right now that it didn't even register. Smiling slowly before sighing, biting her lip as she studied him. Trying to figure out how to ask what she had just thought of.

Marvos glanced up from the book he was reading when Viper came in, laying in bed since Ginny and Snape said he'd been to anxious to be around them. Raising a eyebrow as he smiled slightly."How are they?"
Draco offered her a smile and gently stroked her cheek, giving her a gentle kiss. “i will always be with you.” he promised softly. Even if he was dead, he would never leave her side, never. He would always protect her no matter the cost, and if he had to become a ghost to do it, so be it. “i will always love you.” he promised smiling as he gently nibbled on her neck.

Viper smiled a little and shrugged. “i think Shay's going to ask him to fuck.” he admitted simply. “they've both calmed down a lot. I think they'll be alright.” he admitted gently kissing Marvos's forehead. “i'm worried though.” he admitted shaking his head. “if... if Dray dies... would shay follow?”
Shay smiled a little tilting her head to the side, sighing quietly as he nibbled on her, gently stroking her fingers through his hair. Because she needed to believe that hed with with her ,no matter what.Shivering a little as she turned her head to kiss his neck softly,smiling."Make love you me."She muttered, needing to. Needing to have something that was just hers, something she could remember later when he was gone.

Marvos looked startled,"She's going to what?"He sputtered a little before looking shocked. In the stress and fear of losing his best friend he hadn't even considered what shay'd do."I...I don't know."He said getting up"I need to go see papa."He said wanting to warn Lucius of the idea before something irreversable happened
Draco smiled as she petted him, he loved it when she ran her fingers through his hair like that, it felt so wonderful. He shivered at the kiss, but froze at the request, leaning up to look at her, his head tilted. “... are you sure?” he whispered softly, uncertain if it was what she really wanted, but willing to give her the world if it would only make her feel better.

Viper shook his head. “Papa's asleep... he was too drunk so I put him out.” he admitted biting his lip. “i'm sorry.. I just.. I didn't want to see him like that.” he admitted gently kissing Marvos's neck. “let them do what they need to Marvos... we can worry in the morning.” he promised softly, gently biting at his neck. “for now, you need to calm down and relax too... I'll go get you some whiskey or some rum or something..”
Shay smiled softly, shyly as she ran her fingers through his hair again, amused because she could feel how much he enjoyed it."Yes. I am. Please...I need to...if your going to..."She stopped realizing she was stuttering and rambling. Leaning down to kiss him slowly nuzzling his neck.

Marvos sighed as he let the other pull him back into bed laying down. Going quiet for a few minutes as he took the glass of rum viper got him. Letting the alcohol numb his emotions because he didn't want to consider what his sister was doing."...I'm calm."He slurred a little as he snuggled his lover
he hesitated, leaning into the touches to his head before smiling. “i want to.” he admitted softly. “Merlin I want you so bad.” he whispered, kissing her eagerly, gently running his hands down her body, slowly stroking every bit of her, gently lifting her shirt up over her head, licking his lips as he examined her. “your beautiful love... always so beautiful.” he whispered, smiling brightly at her. “i love you, so much.” he murmured, nuzzling down her body, kissing each nipple slowly, sensually, teasing her flesh, wanting her to enjoy it as much as he was going to.

Viper smiled a little and shook his head. “no your not, your drunk.” he teased smiling at the other as he kissed his lover before silently putting him to sleep, laying him out on the bed and tucking him in before heading down to spy on Ginny and Snape, the potions master no doubt shocked by the sudden skill that Ginny was displaying, the lack of people ruining her potions, and Snape yelling at her, was improving her skills greatly. Not to mention all those tutoring lessons that Shay had given her.
Shay sighed softly as he touched her, whining quietly as she tugged at his clothes. Smiling as she pulled them off she shifted, nuzzling his skin, pushing him to his back, pressing a kiss to his stomach."hmmm I'm not the beautiful one in this relationship."She muttered nuzzling his skin, tugging his pants down and sliding a hesitant hand along his cock, looking nervous and curious lowering her head to give the head a hesitant lick.

Snape was indeed shocked, but for the moment his anxiousness over his godson leaving no room to praise her on improving. Though he did make the mental note to tell her later."There's nothing. I can't find anything."He growled frustated as he flipped through his potions book as Ginny brewed some blood replinishing potions and healing salves for Draco, frusted and annoyed before he glaned up at Viper. "All of them sleeping and or drunk?"He said for a moment feeling a flash of amusement
he smiled and helped her shed his clothes, groaning softly as she wrapped her hands around his cock, moaning loudly, glad he had remembered to heal his bruises before she had seen them, his body pale, fragile, but perfect, not a scar anywhere, nor a mark. “oh god Shay your too good at this... and you are too beautiful.” he purred happily gently running his fingers along her hair. “i love you.' he mumbled happily, eager to please her, eager for more, eager to join together in a way they had never been able to experience before.

Ginny looked over at Snape and gently set her hand on his wrist, offering him silent comfort as she looked over at Viper who nodded. “Lucius and Marvos are both, Shay and Draco are affirming their love, Narcissa is asleep too and the twins are helping everyone get settled...” he sighed and rolled up his sleeves. “just tell me what to do.” “here Vi, help me with these pain relieving potions, I can't do these ones by myself yet.” she admitted, Viper nodding as he moved over to help her, glancing at Snape. “they've never found a cure before Professor, you need to find the ones that helped instead, and work off of that to find a new idea... I know you don't like using Draco as a guinea pig, but right now there's no other choice. Your a brilliant man Professor, I'm sure you can find something.” he promised him, smiling a little.
Shay smiled shyly licking him slowly before moving up, straddling his waist as she leaned down to kiss him"I love you."She muttered resting her hands on his chest, shifting a little sighing as she felt him nudging against swollen flesh, "Ohhh..."she muttered starting to sink down onto him, shuddering a little, wincing slightly. It was..uncomfortable but she wasn't going to make him work then he had to.

Snape sighed running his fingers through his hair, looking years younger now that he was just in dress slacks and a dress shirt. More approachable even. But still just as frustrated as he ran his fingers through his hair as he studied the books."I'm trying to find something."He said slowly because he despited the idea of using draco as a guinea pig, but viper was right, there was no other choice."I'll find something."He said still looking for what he could work on.
he shivered and groaned as she slid down on him, arching against her. “oh god... shay your...aaah so tight... and wet... and WARM.” he moaned, tipping his head back eagerly. “a..aren't I supposed to be on top?” he teased, matching her thrusts gently. “oh Merlin, Merlin yes this feels so much better than I could ever have imagined...” he groaned happily, feeling their bond twitch, and then solidify until he wasn't sure who was shay and who was Draco, too lost in the bliss of sex to care.

There was a movement at the door and Fenrir Grayback stepped in hesitantly, holding an old journal. “i..i heard Draco was sick.” he admitted softly, holding the journal out to snape. “this was my grandfathers... he... well he had the same thing Draco did... there are some idea's that they tried in here.” he explained, Viper hugging Fenrir tightly, grateful that the man was there, feeling everything coming apart around him, wanting the comfort that only the man who raised him could offer. “shh Vi.. it's going to be alright.” Fenrir promised. “if all else fails... I.. there might be a way to cure him using my disease...” he admitted biting his lip as he looked at snape. “i'll... explain later...” he promised stroking Vipers hair. “it would be a last ditch effort... but there will always be hope.” he promised, Viper nodding before returning to help Ginny with the pain relievers.
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