
Lucius stared at Marvos for a long moment his eyes narrowed as he pondered the guilt he was seeing on his son's face before shaking his head and heading down the hall, forcing everyone away from Shay using a simple pushing spell. “Get away from my daughter!” he snarled furiously at the teachers, who had their wands drawn, ready to stun the girl if she started to attack. “Get out! All of you get the HELL out!” he demanded, radiating rage, the students turning and fleeing, along with several teachers, turning blazing silver eyes on Dumbledore. “what did you do!?” he demanded, jabbing the man in the chest. “my daughter has been steadily working her way towards a mental breakdown for the last few WEEKS! What the HELL have you been doing to here and what the FUCK have you done with my son!?” Lucius demanded, well aware everyone was gaping at him. Lucius never swore, and certainly never yelled, yet there he was doing both. “i am taking my daughter home you sick freak and if I ever see you near her again I'll have your ass thrown in Azakaban so fast you won't even have the chance to protest, you understand me!?” he demanded giving Dumbledore a shake before wrapping Shay up in a magical bubble, so she couldn't attack him, scooped her up, and apparated despite the Hogwarts wards, practically ripping them apart in his fury Viper staring, wide eyed and terrified where Lucius had stood. “we.... we should go home too...”
Marvos nodded."We'll go pack things...for all of us.I don't wnt to be in the same room when that bubble comes down.."He said knowing Lucius was going t get attacked.

Shay snarled when she realized she was trapped, not realizing that it was lucius who had traped her, just wanting Draco.She anxious and breaking down that she couldn't even feel him through their bond, couldn't tell he was okay. All she knew was that he was gone. Then suddenly, she realized she was at the manor and not school. Going limp with relief she relaxed when she realized it was lucius holding her. Lucius would make things okay. Luciusu would find Draco.Wrapping her arms around his neck she clung to him as she cried, the whole body wracking sobs."P-papa Draco's gone!Draco didn't come need to find Draco...draco's gone.."
Viper nodded and headed off to go pack Shay's things, leaving Draco's stuff to Marvos, biting his lip as he wondered how much pain dying was going to have, a lot no doubt, Shay was going to be so pissed...

Lucius held her close and dropped the trap, gently stroking her hair. “shh love, shh it's alright.” he whispered softly. “it's going to be alright, we'll find him, I swear we will.” he murmured softly. “now you need to calm down, your bonded with Draco, you'll know if he's hurt or safe, can you calm down for me?” he asked hopefully his head tilted as he offered her a calming drought, shaking his head. When she was calm enough to focus, she would recognize one of Draco's debilitating migraines, the pain so bad he was laying in a dark room in silence, but he wasn't afraid or angry, only a little guilty and a little sad as he laid in peace and quiet. Certainly not in any danger.
Shay quieted slowly, leaning against him as her hands shook, cuddling her papa as she calmed slowly."...he's..he's feeling guilty..."She said souding confused before she raised her head, glaring at the two walking in, "This was you. Bloody hell, it was you."She said lundging for her brother when the puzzle pieces fell together. There was only one reason for Draco to not be upset, he'd set up to disappear...and only marvos would have been trusted enough to do it. "Bloody hell!Stay away from me shay!"Marvos snarled as she forced him back into the hall, and soon enough the siblings had devolved into a hall out duel.
the duel went on for only five or so minutes before viper stepped in and snarled. “ENOUGH!” and suddenly both siblings found themselves frozen stiff, unable to even talk, let alone continue throwing punches. “shay I know your pissed off but we did it for you and Draco, so you two could be SAFE!” he explained, staring at her. “we know what Dumbledore has been doing to you, we know he's the reason that Draco is sick. Mrs. Weasley is working on stripping Dumbledore's spell completely, and now you won't have to deal with Dumbledore anymore.” he explained calmly. “we did it to save you, we didn't tell you Draco was going to vanish because we needed a real reaction out of you, to convince Dumbledore. Even more this has opened a path to start pulling out the other students, the ones who don't want to fight, and it will discredit Dumbledore more and more with every student that vanishes. Now, are you going to attack me if I let you up?” he freed only her mouth and vocal cords, allowing her to answer.
"You know?All of-No!No you can't!Papa, tell them to let me go. Dumbledore will hurt him. Please, I have to go back!"She said so frantic at the idea that she wasn't even thinking well,even as he said it. Marvos sighed his eyes shifting to Viper, waiting or him to let him go before he looked at Lucius."Think it's safe to take her to the house?She's not going to be calm or rational until she seems him."He said.
Viper sighed a little and shook his head releasing Marvos as he gently stroked Shay's forehead. “shhh, he thinks someone kidnapped Draco, he doesn't know that we know the truth, Draco will be fine, we promise.” and in fact, Mrs Weasley was already giving the blond the antidote, allowing him to be freed from the pain. “it's safe.” Lucius promised. “Mrs. Weasley will be expecting you, Viper go with them, don't free her until she is in Draco's arms.” Lucius ordered, Viper nodding as he gently picked Shay up and handed her to Marvos, letting him take her while he vanished to warn Draco that she was coming.

As soon as she got there, Draco was laying in bed, pale, but smiling, pain free as he wrapped her up in his arms. “i'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done that, I'm so sorry I scared you.” he murmured, Mrs. Weasley smiling as she handed Viper a sandwich and Marvos a slice of his favorite piece of cake. Shay unfreezing in Draco's arms as the blond gently kissed shay's forehead.
Marvos winced as the girl's first action on being free was trying to wrangle the poor blond to death in a hug, pressing as close to him as she could as if she was trying to crawl inside him, and start crying. Dammit he hated seeing her cry. "Your okay, your okay.."She muttered sniffling as she wrapped him tightly up against her.

Marvos snickered a little though he was still careful to keep out of reach of shay, knowing she'd probably still be pissed. Shaking his head as he looked a viper then molly."We better make some bruise soothing potions."He muttered softly so shay couldn't hear, knowing she'd feel bad for bruising draco up in her need to hold him.
he smiled as he held her just as tightly. “yes, I'm so sorry... I'm sorry Love.” he muttered softly kissing her eagerly. “i'm fine, I'm just fine, Mrs Weasley even broke Dumbledore's hold on me.” he promised. “there won't be any more pain.” he promised stroking her hair, and gently laying her on the bed, kissing her nose. “it's all going to be ok.” he promised.

Molly chuckled a little and held up a container of bruise salve. “way ahead of you, I never realized how THIN that boy is! Doesn't he ever EAT!?” she complained. In all honesty Draco ate a lot, he was just naturally thin and light, no doubt from being so sickly as a child. “and he bruises so easily, I gripped him a little too hard and he bruised.” she admitted, clearly fretting over the boy. “and Viper you make sure you eat plenty! Your still FAR too thin.” she complained, switching her fussing over tot he two boys instead. “Marvos dear do you need something more to eat? I have some scotch in here somewhere if you need to drink...”
shay sniffled as she buried her face against his chest, before sighing quietly."I will be."she shuddered a little slowly starting to calm down,still snuggled against him but relaxing the death grip. Relaxing so much she was starting to fall asleep from the stress of so many weeks stressed out.

Marvos laughed quietly as he herded them out of the room,gently shutting the door to let the other two get some sleep before heading towards his father's study."It is my house.Sometimes. I do know where things are."He teased wrapping a arm around viper, still looking worried.
Molly blinked and then blushed. “oh that's right, sorry I forget.” she admitted Viper following Marvos. “don't worry Marvos.” he murmured smiling at the other. “shay will understand why we did it, she'll forgive us. We did the right thing.” he promised kissing the others cheek. “and now they don't have to worry about being in danger, getting attacked or blackmailed or anything.” he admitted smiling. “they can just sit back and enjoy some freedom.”
Marvos nodded as he poured them all drinks before sipping his. "Yes, we can."He sighed quietly shaking his head."She'll forgive us."He said sounding more sure then he really thought he was. After all, he knew his sister, and she could carry a grudge. He knew forgiveness took awhile, he just prayed it didn't take a lifetime."We still have to go back to school you know."
he smiled a little as he stole Marvos's drink and taking a small sip himself, chuckling a little. “we won't have to go until tomorrow.” he pointed out. “everyone will expect us to spend the night here to try and keep Shay calm.” he pointed out, smiling a little. “come on, I'll give you a back massage, you need it, and maybe you'll have a 'happy ending' hmm?” he teased smirking a little, clearly intending on molesting Marvos that night, so he could calm down enough to sleep.
Marvos snickered before stealing his drink back, laughing as they headed for his room,"Ohh a happy ending would be nie."She said snickering as he walked into the room, undressing with a sigh. Laying down as he stretched out on the bed he sighed quietly. This was going to be so nice.
Viper chuckled as he straddled his lover and dug into the muscles with pleasurable fingers as he always did, and once Marvos was a pule of mushy goo under his fingers he flipped the man over and started on the blow job, suckling and stroking with his tongue before he sank himself down onto the other, filling his own ass with Marvos's thick cock, moaning happily as he rode him like the well practiced whore he was. Viper loved it when Marvos was so sleep and relaxed from his ministrations that the man could barley thrust, meant he was doing his job right.
Marvos smiled sleepily as he let the other ride him, content to let him ride them both to completion. Alseep almost before he'd even come.

In the morning Marvos smiled sleepily as he raised his head to look at Viper, running his fingers through his hair looking sleepy."Come on love. Time to get up."He muttered annoyed about having to leave the warm cocoon of blankets he was currently wrapped up in. He so didn't want to go to school and have to pretend to be concerned and frantic over where draco was, and how shay was doing.
Viper sighed a little but nodded, not all that happy to get up, slowly sitting up and rubbing his eyes. “i don't want to.” he whined getting to his feet and getting dressed like a good boy sleepy and grumbling as he got ready to go back to school, yawning a little. “mm I think one of the students already vanished today, George said they where going to sneak them out in the early morning, like three o clock, so someone new should be here.” he admitted Molly chuckling as she walked in. “your right!” she admitted beaming. “a little Slytherin second year named Cory, the poor thing, his parents have been striking him, I can't even lift a hand without him flinching, would you tell the twins to send the emotionally traumatized children to here? I can take better care of them than the older kids can.” “i'll tell them Mrs. Weasley.” he promised smiling a little as he kissed her cheek. “thank you for fixing Draco.” “of course darling.” she chirped happily patting his head. “now go to school and see how long it takes for Dumbledore to tell the parent's that their children are missing.” “he won't.” Viper stated simply. “he'll try to find them first and fail, and by the time he even thinks about telling the news is going to hit the papers that students are disappearing.”
"Think we should tell the papers?A concerned letter and all, from 'parent's that haven't heard from their kids, so put something in the paper.Dumbledore'd lose it."Marvos said frowning a little looking concerned as he paused heading for Draco's room."We better say goodbye to those to, they'll be pissed if we don't." "We'll be pissed about what?"Shay said sleepily as they got to the door, already getting dressed. Absently poking Draco to get him up and moving. Wanting to make him eat.Molly was write, he was to skinny.
Viper smirked a little. “no, not yet, we need to get all the Slytherin's out first.” he ordered calmly. “their parents are the ones that will pull them out, and if the Slytherin's go first everyone will think that the Gryffindor's will be safe until it's too late and they start disappearing along with everyone else.” he pointed out. “we need to get the Slytherin's out first before we let the story hit the papers.” he pointed out, smiling a little before turning to shay. “if we left without saying goodbye.” he stated smiling a little as Draco whined and blinked awake before rolling over and trying to go back to sleep, his stomach growling loudly, making him wine, not wanting to get up.
Shay smiled a little as she finished buttoning up draco's shirt,which she was wearing because she didn't have any clothes of her own in the house. Trying not to think to hard about how sarring it was going to be to be back in a sharazari house,even if her father wasn't here. "Yes, I would have." Marvos grinned pouncing on Draco,giving him a smacking kiss before rolling away,"Come on pretty boy, your girlfriend's fussing over you, and we have to go reassure a slytherin second year that he's okay."
Viper chuckled a little as he took her hand. “Molly was thinking of redecorating the house.” he lied. “you should talk yo her about it, make it a little brighter in here.” he suggested, winking at Marvos. Giving Shay something to do would make her less able to worry constantly about Draco, Marvos and himself, Draco growled, moody in the morning as he swung for Marvos's chin, but the other had already pulled away. “i hate you.” he complained scowling at Marvos. “shay, my love and darling! Tell your idiot brother to go away.” he whined, sliding slowly out of bed, stiff from the remnant pain. They had broken Dumbledore's spell, but the side effects where going to take a while to go away.
"Oh. I'll have to talk to her."Shay giggled a little as she pounced on Draco gently, knowing she'd caused bruises, and feeling more guilty about that and about dumbledore's spell.Wrapping a arm around his waist as they all headed downstairs.Yea, draco was still in his pj's, but they weren't leaving the house, so they were going to stay in pj's all day. "I try, and he just keeps turning up. Like a bad penny."Shay said wisely ignoring Marvos prtesting squawk as he followed, blushing ever so softly at Draco's words. Marvos smirked nodding a little."It'll give her something to do.I'll talk to her."He muttered knowing molly would pounce on the idea of helping shay relax.
Draco chuckled as he was pounced on, feeling as if he'd been sucker punched, but he didn't show it, kissing her gently. “well you should try harder.” he teased smiling a little as he winked at Marvos, glad that he was able to distract Shay. “come along, I'm starved.” he ordered calmly, humming as he walked down into the kitchen where Molly was urging a young boy to eat, the poor thing looking terrified as he stared at the food in front of him, clearly wondering if it was drugged or of there was a trick to it Draco sitting down and smiling a little as he was given his own food. “it's ok Cory, you remember me right?” Draco asked smiling at the little boy who nodded. “yes... your my Head Boy...” he muttered softly Draco nodding. “that's right. These are good people Cory, you'll be safe here.” he promised smiling. “your family can't get to you here, and Mrs. Weasley will protect you. And I'll protect you.” he promised Cory hesitating but finally taking a bite of food, Viper beaming happily at the boy as he started wolfing down his own food.
Marvos rolled his eyes as he watched Shay perch on her own stool, starting to eat his own breakfast, using his fork to point at his sister."I'm not so sure. She's not overly good.She tried to kill me last night." "Only because your a ass."Shay said around a mouthful of eggs, sitting next to Draco looking at him worriedly. Because she sensed that he was hurting, even if he didn't show it."You okay?"She muttered looking him over. Knowing she was being fussy, but she didn't want him hurt anymore than he was
Draco smirked a little. “if i'd had the strength I would have helped her.” he teased Viper giggling a little. “and I'm fine shay, it's just some remnant pain from whatever it was that Dumbledore did to me, I'm just a little sore that's all.” he promised kissing her forehead. “i'll be fine in a few days when my body recovers.” he promised Cory watching Viper eat with wide eyes, protecting his own plate now as he watched Viper steal Draco's food, Molly clucking her tongue as she gently smacked Vipers hand and gave Draco back his breakfast, loading viper's plate again. “that's right dear eat up, your ALL too thin!” she complained fussing over Cory a little bit, asking if he'd like something else to eat before jabbing Draco with her finger. “eat now, your looking sickly and need to eat more.” “yes mam.” he stated smiling as he ate obediently. “i don't want to go back to school...” he whined pouting as he wolfed down his second plate of food.
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