
marvos growled softly at the words, closing his eyes. Feeling like he'd been punched even as rage coursed through him. Of course. That was what had been missing from the puzzle. Nodding a little he showed that he heard, glancing at his lover."It would be the only way to make her do something she didn't want to."He said studying draco, "I'm going to go greet father. He said he was going to be here soon after I returned. He should be here soon.Stay here with him...just in case."Fear gripped him even through the rage, for a moment afraid of what would happen to draco if someone realized they knew. And pissed that Shay hadn't come to them for help. Growling he pressed a kiss to Viper's lips before leaving, growling at teh students he past for no more reason in that they were in his way. Not realizign he was frightening not only his own class, but the little ones that hadn't learned that it was easier to just ride his moods. Growlign as he entered the front hall he gave a sigh of almost relief when he saw Lucius."We think we've guessed what's wrong. we had to put shay to sleep, and I dragged draco up the hospital."
Viper nodded and carefully gripped Marvos's hand tightly. “whoever it is, if they find out we know... they might do something very bad to Draco.” he warned softly. “i've seen a lot of blackmail before Marvos... this person doesn't care what happens to Draco.” he explained softly, kissing his lover. “we have to make sure that no one knows we know...” he let Marvos go and watched Draco closely as Madam Pomfry examined him.

Lucius was walking into the school when Marvos arrived, lifting an eyebrow and nodding. “explain when we are in private.” he ordered calmly. “shay could probably use the sleep anyway and as long as Draco is being examined I don't care that he is sulking and pouting.” he admitted stepping into the hospital room, Draco groaning as he examined his father. “i'm fine.” he growled, annoyed.
Marvos smiled in relief, shaking his head."No, you're not."He said looking at draco as he wrapped a arm around viper, resting his head against the other's shoudler. Because he didn't know who was doing this, but he was pretty sure what she'd been blackmailed over. Sighing a little he waited until pomprey finished her exam and left to make a pain potion and tossed up a silencing charm before he looked at Lucius, for the moment ingoring draco, because he knew the man was going to freak out."Shay's frightened, badly. She freaked out so much when I brought him up here that Ginny put her to sleep. She knows, or at least, supects what's wrong. And we think someone's using draco, to get to her. Because anyone who's ever talked to them, knows the best way to get either shay or draco to do something, is to threaten the other."
Viper wrapped an arm around Marvos's shoulder and pressed a kiss to the others head, smiling a little. “i know a way to find out who's blackmailing Shay.” he admitted softly. “once that can't be detected.” he admitted. “she always leaves when he has an attack right? That must be how they tell her to come, she runs off to stop his pain...” “what do you mean shays being blackmailed!?” Draco demanded. “that's impossible, no one should be able to be-spell me like that look! I'm wearing my charms!” two fake charms dangled mixed with the two real charms, Viper shaking his head. “two of those charms are fake Dray, I can't feel any magic at all coming from them...” he admitted softly Draco looking horrified. “you mean all this time... she's been hiding things from me.. to save me!?” he suddenly felt very, very guilty about yelling at her for keeping secretes... and for fighting with her all the time. “oh god...”
Marvos growled softly, sitting on the edge of the bed as he studied his best friend."Stop. Don't feel guilty, because you yelled at her. You were worried about her, and getting her to yell was what made us realize something was wrong."He sighed before looking at Viper then lucius."I think I know what's she's being blackmailed over.Father, you said no one but a parkinson could have found the chamber. They raided right before I arrived at the ministry. When Shay left."He pointed out before sighing, "We have to figure out who's doing this, quickly. Shay's coming undone under the pressure. You saw her vi, she's not...not herself."he said slowly, not about to tell draco just how undone shay had come when they'd taken draco upstairs.
Draco looked up at him and shook his head. “i still feel bad...” he whispered softly. “i thought.... I thought she was... cheating on me.” he admitted softly. “she felt guilty and scared all the time and I could FEEL that she was hiding from me... I KNEW she was hiding something from me and I thought...” Viper shook his head and cast a sleeping spell at Draco so he didn't start sobbing all over Marvos, the blond snuggling into the pillow and falling asleep. “i'll be right back!” Viper chirped racing off and then coming back, unrolling something and setting his wand to it. “i solemnly swear I am up to no good!” he chirped, a spider web of writing and drawing appearing. “see, here's Ginny, and Shay right there.” he pointed smiling a little. “we can follow her here on the map and see where she goes.”
Marvos nodded sighing softly rubbing a hand over his fae.Oh poor shay. She had to know what draco thpught, after all she was gopd at figuring out what he was thinking. Sighing softly he got up, heading for the door."Lets go freak her out.:"He said heading downstairs before stopping, realizing shay was already going somewhere, and not to the hospital wing. Frowning as he looked over viper's shoulder to see where she was going he tiltd his head a little."There's nothing in that part of the castle."He said watching her wander halls before stopping in front of the door."Is that..."His finger hovered over the door where she'd stopped, seeing the headmaster's name near the other side of the room.
Viper blinked as he examined Ginny, who had fallen asleep while watching Shay, not realizing her charge had vanished while Viper searched for Shay on the map, staring wide eyed as he he watched her dot meet with Dumbledore's. “he's using her to gather information on the death eaters!” he complained with a furious hiss, his eyes narrowed as he shook his head. “this isn't right! What do we do to stop this!?” he demanded looking at Marvos. “i can't just kill him unfortunately, I wish I could though...” he scowled as he shook his head. “Marvos what do we do?”
Marvos sighed quietly, a hiss of anger escapign as he shook his head."I don't know. But the first thing we need to do, is to get her in here so she and draco can talk. Even if she can't tell him...she needs to talk to him."He said wrapping a arm around viper, heading for the hallway down from Dumbledore's office. not about to get close enough that the headmaster might sense them,but close enough. Sighing softly when he saw his sister exiting. Growling softly as he realized not only was she scared, she was crying and damn near a breakdown. Waiting till she past him he reached out, covering her mouth to keep her from screaming, yelping when she kicked him. "Shay. Its me."He growled softly as she grew limp in his arms, glancing at viper."Take her downstairs.She needs draco, and I need to go to gryffindor."
he nodded and gave Marvos a small kiss and gently took shay, gently stroking her hair calmly. “shh shay, it's ok.” he murmured softly leading her down to where Draco was sleeping, the boy waking up the instant that Shay arrived and pulling her into his arms, snuggling into her. “i love you.” he murmured softly, determined not to let her know that he knew. “i'm sorry I've been yelling at you.” he muttered softly. “it's just the pain... you where right. I should have come sooner, I didn't mean to worry you so much shay...” he mumbled softly. “Madam Pomfry gave me some very strong pain potions, like... they could kill a man strong.” he teased smiling a little. “i'll try not to be so grouchy.” he promised kissing her tear stained cheeks before brushing them away. “Father was here.” he explained softly. “he said my magic was acting strangle, he thinks I might be having an allergic reaction to something.” a lie, but for her benefit.
Shay tensed at the words, before relaxing. Good, so they hadn't guessed. Whimpering quietly as she cried harder, clinging to her fiancee, as the stress of having to hide things from him started to break. After all, he was being so kind and loving about apologiing, it was like a punch to think about keeping something from him. Burying her fae against his chest she cuddled him, calming slowly. Determined to not worry him more."Good. Don't like you when your grouchy."She whined quietly.

Just outside the room marvos scowled pacing as he turned to look at his lover, growling. More caged animal then human, because he so desperately wanted to fix things, and yet he was powerless to do so."What can I do!"He growled quietly, looking at Viper, as if he had the answer. As if he could tell him exactly what he needed to do to fix things.
he smiled and held her, stroking her hair kissing her forehead and mumbling soft gentle things. “i know, I'm a terrible bitch aren't I?” he asked smiling a little. “it doesn't hurt now, so the pain potions must be working.” he admitted smiling a little as he held her close. “i was thinking of taking you out tonight.” he admitted. “you know, on a date. Japan maybe, Sushi or noodles and rice.” he mused smiling a little. “we could stop at a fair and I could win you some stuffed animals or something...”

Viper took Marvos's hand and kissed the knuckles. “first you need to calm down.” he ordered softly looking up at his lover with worried eyes. “we'll figure things out, we know whats going on now, we can fix it, somehow... I don't know how, yet, but we will get it fixed.”
Shay looked startled as she calmed down, smiling shyly. After all, Marvos had guessed right. She knew what draco had thought she was hiding, and she had been deeply hurt by it, even if she understood it. Smiling slightly she nodded."Japan would be nice. You know I love noodles."She said perking a up a little at the idea, already climbing out of bed, the guilt fading and excitement and happiness filling their bond.

Marvos sighed frowning as he let the other pull him to a stop, studying the brunette before nodding a little."Okay. We'll figure this out."He sighed before tilting his head frowning at the door."Are you sure I just can't kill him?You know father will want to."He pointed out.
he smiled a little and nodded. “i know you do.” he agreed chuckling as he kissed her. “we could get you a pretty Kimono and some of those pretty bags you've been looking at in the catalogs.” he mused smiling a little. “maybe some of those cute animal hats.”

he nodded a little and then smiled a little, kissing him gently. “no, we can't just kill him,. He needs to suffer.” he stated with a smile. “i have a plan.” he admitted, nodding a little. “it will take a while, weeks at most.” he admitted thinking it over in his head. “we're going to get everyone in the school, to start leaving.” he admitted smirking a little. “just randomly vanishing, especially kids like Theodore Nott, who's parents are death eaters and want him to be one too, or like Seamus Finnegan, who is being pressured by his parents and Dumbledore to join the Light side of the war.” he smirked. “when these kids start vanishing, the Parents are going to start roaring for blood, and when everyone not willing to fight vanishes, well, people are going to want to know where they went, and their going to assume it was Dumbledore who did something.”
Shay grinned pulling him out of bed, looking worried for him,"Come on love. I want one of the bags. And animal hats.We're getting one for vi to. He'll love it."She giggled happily running for the dor, wanting to leave before he could change her mind. Not even realizing viper and marvos were standing guard as she rushed out, wanting to change clothes before they left.

Marvos frowned smiling a little as he watched shay leave, raising a eyebrow as he watched draco nodding absently as he thought over the plan."Then we need to get Draco out of here first."He said slowly. "otherwise, he's going to be the leverage that breaks shay."He said knowing dumbledore would demand to know what was going on if people started missing, and would probably assume shay knew what was going on.
Draco smiled as he followed her out, laughing a little. “we'll have to get Marvos one too, just to piss him off.” he agreed, following Shay out, ignoring the two men watching them as he got dressed in better clothes, checking his money bag to make sure he had enough money before grinning as he took her arm and led her into Malfoy manor through the emerald flames of their room, explaining to his father where they where going before vanishing on the spot, heading for Japan.

Viper smirked a little. “i plan on having Draco be the first to go 'missing'.” he explained smirking a little. “he'll go missing before their date is finished, Shay will come back to the castle pretending she thought Draco was going to meet her here and when he doesn't show up she'll start screaming at Dumbledore. Once we've got him out of harms way Father can work on finding a way to block the magical signals from screwing with Draco's brain.” he explained smirking wickedly. “no one fucks with my big brother and gets away with it.” actually Draco was a month younger than Vi, but Viper didn't need to know that.”
Shay grinned as they got to japan, giggling happily as she looked around the downtown area of tokyo, trying to decide where to go first."Dray!Lets go to the mall first."She grinned wider, wrapping a arm through his, tugging him across the street towards the huge mall. Shoving away the thoughts of what was going on at home, and that draco thought she was cheating. They were happy, and that's all that mattered. Grinning as she looked around for the perfect hats for the boys.

Marvos nodded, "You better let her know what's going on."He said before stopping shaking his head."No. Don't tell her."He said, knowing he was going to regret doing it, but...."Take him when she really does leave, catch him and let him tell her he's going to stop at the manor quickly before coming back to school. Then she'll freak when she gets back here. It'll be a real breakdown. She'll be able to tell that he's fine, but she'll go mental. And,dumbledore will send her home."He said nodding a little heading for the door."That removes her from the game without totally doing it. It just means dumbledore will have to come up with a way to go around father, but it wont work.It'll give us time. Which we need."He said pausing in the doorway."You head to japan, they were headed for tokyo, but you can home in on shay's bracelet, I put a locating charm on it. And I'm heading to gryffindor so they know whats going on, and get the twins on the plan."
he laughed and nodded walking with her to the mall, picking out a small dragon etched blade for himself while Shay picked out her perfect Kimono, the hats for all of them in the basket. A cute little kitten hat for Vi, a wolf hat for Marvos and, amusingly enough, a dragon hat for Draco, horns and all. Draco was trying to convince Shay that she needed to get the bunny hat with the big floppy ears.

“lets give them a little time to have fun.” he protested grabbing Marvos's hand. “this is their first date since all of this happened, they both need the chance to reconnect.” he muttered softly, kissing his cheek. “i'll go and tell Mrs. Weasley what's going on. She'll take him in.” he promised smiling. “and their at your house, no one will think to look there for Dray.” he admitted shaking his head. “the Twins have a large collection of people on our side now, people who don't want to fight, they'll gladly help when we explain what's going on.” he admitted smiling at Marvos, kissing his cheek. “i'll tell Dray what's going on in an hour or so.” Hopefully Draco didn't try to kill him for this.... he knew shay was going to slaughter them, brutally, bloodily.
Shay smiled as she shopped, smirkng a little as the boy tried to get her to buy a bunny hat before sighing, picking out her kimino with a grin, the short stylized dragon kimono was perfect for her, also choosing a simple black kimono robe. Grinning as she pouted a little stepping into his arms, leaning against his chest before tugging the bunny hat out of his hands putting it on, looking cute and adorable."Okay okay, I'll be your cute harmless bunny, as long as you be my fierce dragon."She teased stepping back."Lets go get something to eat."

Marvos sighed quietly thinking about it before nodding. Rubbing a hand over his face as he remembered where the twins were. Damn, it was going to get ugly when shay figured out they'd set her up."I vote we let Father tell her. She wont kill him, meanwhile she'll probably kill us three."He said knowing even if draco didn't like it, he'd agree because it would get shay out of danger, and away from dumbledore's machinations.
Draco grinned as he nodded, examining the Kimono before paying for everything, laughing as he kissed her, pulling on his own Dragon hat, winking at her. “you my love, are NEVER harmless.” he teased chuckling as they headed into the nearest restaurant to get something to eat, Draco ordering the spiciest thing on the menu with Wasabi on the side, several locals snickering as they watched, waiting for him to start yelling that it was hot, figuring he had no idea what he was ordering. But Draco had a mouth of steel, and they where sorely disappointed when he didn't even break a sweat. Though his migraine was coming back, no doubt Dumbledore had found out they had taken off and was going to punish shay by making Draco hurt, but so far, the pain potion was holding it's own against the pain, and it was easy for Draco to pretend nothing was wrong.

Viper nodded. “right, Father tells her, in the meantime we'll have Draco stay with the Weasley's so they won't find him by accident.” he decided smiling at his lover before he leaned up and kissed him. “you go talk tot eh twins, their in detention with Snape today because they tried to drown a slytherin in their ruined potion.” he admitted with a snicker. “i'll go talk to Mrs. Weasley.” he promised heading into the room and throwing in the floo powder stepping in and vanishing to be fed and fussed over as he explained what was happening.
Shay laughed quietly as she ate, amused that he was disappointing everyone."I am to harmless!"She protested, laughing as she ate her sushi, before sighing softly."You're disappointed the locals."She teased before eating some more, truly relaxing for the first time in a week. AFter all draco seemed to be okay, so she assumed that he was fine. Not even feeling the pain through the bond because he was hiding it well."What do you want to do after this?"she smiled leaned over to kiss him, giggling a little as he wore his hat. Amused to see the malfoy heir being so silly.

Marvos nodded sighing quietly as he headed down to the dungeons waiting for snape to let the twins go before he grabbed them both, pulling them into a empty classroom and tossing up a silencing charm."We need to talk."He sighed rubbing a hand over his face. "Draco's going to go stay at my home with your parents. And we're going to make the kids who don't want to fight, start 'disappearing'. And we're going to do it fast."He said, starting to feel anxious,because he was scared he was going to get shay and draco hurt.
he chuckled a little and smiled at her. “no you most certainly are not.” he teased kissing her gently before smirking at the poor disappointed locals. “oh dear me, whatever shall I do?” he mused picking up some hot sauce and adding it to his food to make it a little hotter, not only disappointing now, but stunning, smiling at her and giving her a wink. “perhaps a fair?” he mused with a small chuckle before pausing when he caught sight of Viper, who was making sure not to be seen by Shay. “i'll be right back, I have to use the bathroom.” he admitted kissing her again before heading to Viper, grimacing when it was explained, nodding. “alright, I'll have the date and say I need to go back to the Manor for something.” he agreed sighing a little. “tell Marvos I hate him for this.” he grumbled heading back to shay with a bright grin. “there's an Animal festival in town Shay!” he stated. “let's eat and then head over there!”

the twins looked stunned and then they nodded. “you got it, one a day every day?” “make it look planned.” “Dumbledore won't know whats happening.” “and it gets a lot of kids to safety.” “this is a good plan.” “vi even knows of several secrete passages out of the castle!” “ones even the Marauders don't know about!” “even if Dumbledore puts up guards the kid can still get a student out without any effort.” they admitted nodding. “we'll spread the word and make a list of who needs to leave first.” they promised. “i think The Slytherin's need to leave first, their parents are the ones that will pull them out of school to keep them 'on the right path.' this way it does make it look like Dumbledore's doing it.” they nodded, plan in place and rushed off to tell their fifty plus group the plan.
Shay looked at him oddly, he looked to bright but it was amusing as she kissed him. "Lets go then."She said paying for their food before heading over with him. By the time the evening ended along with the presents that she'd already bought, she was carrying a small leopard kitten having gotten it because it was all alone, and her leopard at home would take good care of it. Smiling happily at the idea of what Lucius was going to say to having the manor overrunning with leopard cubs. Yawning a little as she cudled into Draco's side, cuddling because she needed to reasure herself that he was okay, and that he wasn't hurting."We probably should head back. We do have class tomorrow."She said rubbing her eyes, petting the small kitten in her hold.

Marvos sighed softly, shaking his head Knowing not only was Shay going to hate him, Draco was to. But he needed Shay's reaction to be real if they were going to trick dumbledore.And...her freaking out that badly would get her sent home the moment they summoned Lucius to get her to calm was all worth it. He just hoped she didn't hate him forever.
Draco was carrying his own little pet, a pure black fox that he had found wonderful, it was so soft and cuddly he hadn't been able to help picking it out for himself. They where loaded with candy for vi, and Draco had even picked out some weapons for Marvos, kissing her forehead and smiling a little. “alright, you head back, I just want to pick up some of those rice balls for Viper, I know he'll love them.” he admitted indicating a hot rice-ball stand. “you go on, get the bath ready.” he teased winking at her. “and I'll be right there as soon as I dump off all their presents.” he promised kissing her forehead before heading over to the Oniguri stand to buy some Salmon flavored ones, waiting for Shay to leave before sighing, and apparating to Marvos's house, where he was welcomed by the Weasley's with open arms, lots of food, and sympathy when he started to sob, upset that he was betraying Shay like that.

Viper looked very upset about tricking shay, but he too knew it was the only way, he sighed a little to himself and shook his head, biting his lip as he felt the wards shiver. “shay's back.” he muttered softly glancing at his lover and laying his head on his lovers chest. “i hope Shay and Draco can recover from this...”
Within the hour, like they'd predicted, Shay was coming undone realizing that Drao hadn't gotten back yet. Son she was screaming bloody murder, ignoring the people who'd turned out to watch her totally melt down as she screamed at dumbledore about this being his fault, that he couldn't do good enough. In truth, doing a fairly good job of disabusing the world of Dumbledore's goodness even if she didn't know it.

Meanwhile Marvos sighed softly firecalling Lucius before waiting for the man to come before they headed downstairs together."She's losing it. draco's missing."He said looking at Lucius, swallowing hard. Guilt showing in his face because it hurt so bad to do this to her. Wincing as he walked down the last steps with Vi and Lucius, looking at the poor crumbled form of his sister sitting in the middle of the entrance hall as she cried, cursing anyone who tried to get close to her.
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