
Draco scowled at Marvos before sniffing like the Drama Queen he was, Viper giggling as Shay elbowed his lover before he loked a little concerned about Shay going up to Dumbledore's office, Draco nodding. “yes, I'll walk with you.” he agreed smiling as he kissed her forehead, turning away and leading her to the Stone Gargoyle. As Prefect he was always aware of the password. “do you want me to go in with you? As your bonded I do have the right...” he promised his head tilted.

Viper smiled as he chattered with the twins about his 'vacation' many people stopping to stare in astonishment, having not realized that Viper was still alive, Ginny slamming into the still slightly week boy with a sob. “oh I was so WORRIED Viper! When I heard you got poisoned and died I cried for DAYS!” she wailed, Viper blinking a little as if he wasn't sure what to do before Ginny suddenly released him and looked at Marvos. “where's Shay!? Is she ok!?” she demanded, sniffling as she wiped her eyes, the twins rolling their and muttering things about women being too emotional.
Shay smiled, looking at him before nodding."please."She said slipping a hand into his, before walking upstairs."Ah, ms. Sharazari, thank you for coming."Dumbledore smiled looking at the two, because he'd found the perfect solution to his problem. Casting two spells before the two could stop him, he looked at the girl,"Now.You will do what I say...if you don't want to lose him to.And you will not tell him."He said smiling as he removed draco's memory of this meeting, and looked at the wide scared eyes of a 14 year old, already knowing what her answer would be. Shay sighed softly, tears filling her eyes before she buckled, and told him what he wanted to know, at least...some.Knowing enough to hold back the truly damaging things, and everything she knew, knowing that this wouldn't be the only meeting, and she'd need more if she wanted to protect draco. By the time they left the room, she was feeling shaky but more herself, heading downstairs with draco,strangely quiet for her.

Marvos snickered a little heading downstairs and opening their bedroom window, showing everyone in as he settled viper into bed with a smile."Shay's fine.She had to go see dumbledore about missing classes."He said, assuming that was what it was about, not realizing things were about to get bad. And not minding the emotional girl, after all he was used to riding the moods that hit shay at a whim, though truthfully it was draco who was the more emotional of the two."You'll help her catch up in class wont you?"He asked ginny, looking amused her reaction to the person she hadn't liked even a year ago
Draco smiled and then froze as the spell hit him, standing there, blank eyed and stupid looking until Kat finished, blinking a little as he found himself halfway down the office stairs. “huh?” he asked blinking a little, feeling drowsy and stupid for a moment before he shook his head. “well it was good that the only thing he wanted was to make sure you kept up with your classes.” he stated shaking his head. “though I don't understand why Sev couldn't have done that, stupid old goat.” Draco had no idea that he even had his memory modified.

Ginny nodded and smiled. “of course I'll help. I took double notes on everything and we can make copies for you and Vi.” she promised smiling as she flopped onto the bed with a sigh. “i wish I could have my own room.” she admitted with a small smile. “that would be so nice.” she admitted shaking her head. “did you hear about the raid?” she asked softly suddenly, the twins stiffening. “your dad saved all our lives you know.” she admitted smiling at Marvos. “Mom and dad wanted to thank Lucius but they weren't sure how to, any idea's?”
Shay smiled a little, though she didn't know what she was going to do,feeling worried and happy though, to just be back at school. Surely she could handle this. This was just something else to dance around."He's just being dumbledore, you know he can't help but snoop."Seh said smiling as they walked into their rooms, changing into her pj's. Really just wanting to sleep.

Marvos nodded as he pushe her out of the bed so he could lay down himself before letting her sit on the end."We heard. Shay went ballastic, it let her play healer. I don't think lucius has ever been that fussed over."Marvos snickered, knowing why shay'd gone overboard this time."Send him a good bottle of wine. Or something. I don't know. He really didn't expect anything for helping...and a family anyways, have come to the descision you guys need somewhere to stay, and we can't open the manor, because that'll cause problems...but house sharazari and the summer houses are empty right now...and I told him I'd tell you guys so you could suggest it to your parents...the wards are ebtter and more ancient then the ones you had.And well...they belong to both sharazari and malfoy lines. Even the most fanatic follower would think twice before taking them on."
Draco rolled his eyes and shook his head. “i was totally freaking out though, I was sure he was going to do something stupid. Good thing we have these bracelets.” which clearly did nothing against memory modification charms. The twins probably didn't know that though. He yawned and crawled into bed, bot even bothering to get undressed or changed for bed. “mmm come cuddle with me.” he ordered with a smile as he held his arms out to her, head tilted, wary of nightmares and knowing they wouldn't come if she was close by.

Ginny grunted as she was pushed out of the bed and sulked at him, hopping back on and, horrifyingly she snuggled up to Marvos. “mmmm so WARM vi.” she purred playfully, Viper giggling a little. “that's why Marvos keeps me around, I'm better than heated blankets.” Viper teased, Ginny giggling as the twins rolled their eyes before pondering Marvos's offer. “well, Mum and dad do need somewhere safe to stay, their at the order right now...” “the what?” Sal asked, his head cocked to the side. “the Order of the Phoenix, it's basically the headquarters of the light side of the war. But people keep expecting mum and dad to join in the fight, and their getting pressured something terrible.” Fred admitted shaking his head. “i'll tell them you've opened your doors, they'll be very eager to move in. and they'll send you fresh baked goodies every day for it!” “hey! There's an idea! Lucius loves chocolate, but he won't buy the store made stuff because he claims it's not as good, I bet Mrs. Weasley could make him and mother...” when had Sal started calling Narcissa mother!? Wasn't that sweet? “some home made chocolates as thanks for saving them.” “thats a great idea!” the twins chorused, beaming happily, Ginny rolling her eyes as she hopped out of the bed. “come on you two, lets go tell mum and dad the good news.”
Shay smiled crawling in next to him,cuddling close as she drifted off to sleep. "I'll protect you."She muttered nuzzling him as she drifted off to sleep.

Marvos smirked a little shaking his head as ginny cuddled into viper, sighing quietly as he kissed the other."Sleep."He ordered closing his eyes, relaxed now that the wealsey's had somewhere safe to stay. Now...that was a odd thought. Who would have thought he'd worry about weasley?And..narcissa was going to be so pleased to be called mother.He smiled sleepily falling asleep.

The next morning Marvos looked slightly startled as his eagle owl nearly landed in his plate of food in his anxiousness to get the letter to him. Glancing up when Shay's dropped the newspaper into her hands. Flicking his thumb under the seal he opened the letter, quickly reading it over before glancing at his pale sister who seemed to be trying to not let Draco read the headline."Oh let him read it. Father and Mother are fine, pissed that the aurors came to the manor, but they found nothing of importance."He said reassuring the girl who looked moments away from crying. Wincing a little as whispers exploded around the great hall, oh he wished he could keep anyone from finding out about this, but alas, they'd just have to deal with everyone wondering what had caused the aurors to raid the house. "It says it's teh first of many raids planned for the coming weeks."Shay muttered shifting to lean against draco,feeling anxious, worried, and pained.She hated this, hated it so much
Draco took the paper from her and scowled a little. “another one!?” he demanded his head tilted a little. “good lord they do this every damn year.” he complained shaking his head. “they raid every suspected Death eaters house and they never find a damn thing. As if we'd be stupid enough to keep dark arts in the house, honestly.” he complained shaking his head. Lucius and the Malfoy's did not actively practice the dark arts. Yes they knew them, but they did not practice them, so no matter how much the auror's searched they would never find anything in the Malfoy house unless it was planted there. “it will be alright Shay, the Auror's won't find anything and even if they do the worst that will happen is the families will get a smack on the wrist, just like always.” Draco stated calmly, Viper blinking a little. “why did someone Raid our house?” he demanded blinking at Marvos. “did we lose a lot of stuff?” to him a raid meant a lot of stealing, and possibly an injury or two.
Marvos smiled a little, ruffling harry's hair as he ate."Because someone wants to appear to being doing something about voldie's followers. Though considering how indigant Father seems to be, they wandered around. Confinscated one of shay's bracelets as a dark artifcate, and left."He shrugged studying shay. Shay smiled a little as she ate, relaxing. Glad that they'd stuck to exactly what she'd said, instead of searching for more things, even if there wasn't anything to find."Ten bucks says someone tries to get papa to let them in the Sharazari homes." Marvos wrinkled his nose at that."They can shove it somewhere uncomfortable. Until there's a court order to make me open the manor, they can go fuck themselves."He said. Shay nodded absently, rubbing a hand over her face, trying to get out of the conversation because she was afraid if she kept having it, she'd tell them why the raids were starting again."I'm going to go get my notes from Gin.Then head to class."She said kissing draco before running off to the gryffindor table and landing in the seat next to ginny."Good morning!"She said brightly, snickering a little as all of gryffindor stared at her like she'd lost it.
Viper blinked and then scowled darkly as he looked over at Dumbledore and GLARED, and made sure he saw it. 'no one can get into the Sharazai household without being invited in by a sharazai. Unless they are of blood or married to them.” Draco stated suddenly, feeling tired again as he yawned. “man... it's kind of cold in here isn't it?” he asked rubbing his arms a little, not realizing that two of his charms had gone missing. The spell, and the potions anti charms had somehow fallen off, leaving only the apparation and unlocking charms, leaving him vulnerable to anything Dumbledore decided to do to him. “so even with a court order, they can't get in?” Viper asked his head tilted, Draco nodding. “yuppers. Marvos would probably get in trouble, but since he hasn't stepped foot in the house in years anything they find there can only be linked to Thomas Sharazai, not him.” he blinked when Shay suddenly skipped away and smiled when he heard Ginny squeal in fright and then laugh as she realized who it was who had sat next to her. “good morning Shay! How are you feeling? Better I hope.” she admitted handing over the notes. “classes are getting SO hard! And Snape keeps picking on me! Tell him to stop!” she complained pouting at hay, knowing she had the man as wrapped around her finger as she did Marvos and Lucius.
Shay grinned a little at the other's squeal of fright before nodding. "I'll talk to him."She said glancing over her books, even looking calm and collected, even if the bond was telling draco that she was worried. And she was, she was fretting about how tired and cold Draco looked."I'll see you in class. Gotta go round up draco.He's liable to wander off to bed."She said worried as she headed back to the slytherin table. Wrapping her arms around draco as she leaned against his back, resting her cheek on his shoulder."Cold?"She muttered muttering a warming charm, ignoring the looks marvos was giving her. "Have you finally lost it?"Marvos asked watching the two, before sighing, nudging viper."We better get going. Trewelany will be pissed if we're late."
she smiled at her 'big sister' and nodded watching her rush off with a puzzled expression on her face. Draco was shivering a little when she came back and smiled at her when the warmth wrapped around him. “thanks love.” he muttered kissing her cheek. “i must be coming down with cold or something.” he admitted Viper whining pathetically at being made to go see that old Bat again. “i don't waaanaaa... she's creeepy.... and oooold, and she keeps telling me I'm going to be the death of everyone around me!”
Shay winced at Draco's words, looking worried as she pressed a kiss to his head."come on.You have to go to class. And so do I."She muttered helping him up,looking so worried for him. It hurt to see him like this, and she knew what the cause was. Sighing mentally as she realized she'd have to see dumbledore make sure he wasn't hurting draco. Marvos sighed rolling his eyes as he wrapped a arm around Viper, heading for the door."I know I know. But we'll be fine. I promise. and it's only one class, and then we have potions."He said smiling as he looked at shay."Go. You better get downstairs before snape yells."He said waving her off to go find Ginny smiling as he watched the two girls disappear down the dungeon stairs before heading upstairs with draco and viper."Come on sick boy, you'll feel better after divination.She always has a fire going."
Draco smiled as he kissed her forehead back. “just make sure I don't give you whatever I've come down with, I don't want you to get sick too.” he admitted Viper sighing a little. “fine but if she tells me one more time that I'm going to get Shay killed I'm quitting!” he growled. “i can do that! I found out because that lady Hermione did it!” he stated with a sniff, Draco chuckling a little as he followed them up to Divination and settled close to the fire, and just as promised, he quite when Trelwany warned him that he was going to get everyone killed, and he even called her a 'fraud old bat who got off on scaring children' before he stalked out in a huff.

Ginny grinned when she caught up with Shay. “hey! So hows it going? Everyone said that you've been sick and that's why you left school.” she explained. “no one knows about Pansy.” she promised. “she's been rumored to have had a nervous breakdown and that's why she's in the mental ward.” she explained smirking a little. “me and the twins helped spread that around.” she admitted. “we also spread around Draco's story, about how Cho tried to kill Viper and then attacked Marvos, I'm even playing witness.” she admitted looking pleased with herself. “i'm getting better at potions too! I still get all freaked out when Snape starts yelling at me, but I think If I punch him in the nose he'll leave me alone, you think?”
Marvos smirked a little as he watched his lover stalk around before shifting, leaning closer to draco who was still shivering."You should go to the hospital.You still look sick."He muttered looking worried for him. Because not only did he worry about his friend,but he worried about how shay would handle this.

Shay smiled as they headed downstairs, shifting her bag on her shoulder, looking a little worried, even as she relaxed. Low level worry shredding her mental minds. After all, it was only going to get worse, the more they didn't find anything, and she knew it."Good.No one needs to know what she did."He sighed quietly, before shaking her head as she ducked into the potions lab."No, he wont be nicer.If anything,he'll get worse."she tilted her head settling in the seat next to the gryffindor, figuring snape wouldn't penalize her, even if he didn't like ginny."I'll talk to him. Since I did leave you on your own for potions for the last week, I'll take care of him."She said starting to gather whawt they'd need for class.
Draco nodded, shaking violently, his teeth chattering before he shook his head. “no... no h.. hospital... shay will w.. w.. worry.” he managed to stammer leaning into Marvos, trying to get warmer. He was much paler now, and his lips where turning slightly blue. “i'll j..just go to bed... c.. crawl under the c... covers... get w..warm.”

Ginny giggled and nodded and worked on the potion. “i suppose.” she agreed. Snape didn't protest the seating arrangements but he cut down Ginny's ability's, and the rest of the Gryffindor's every chance he got. Just like always.
Marvos sighed, walking out with the blond in his arms as class was over. Relaxing as the shivering stopped. Not realizing that the headmaster was screwing with the malfoy, having every intention of making him very sick, just to keep shay in line. Because there was just so much the weak willed woman knew, that dumbledore wanted to know.

A week later Marvos scowled as he stepped out of his room, and even down the hall and through the stone walls he could hear Shay and Draco roaring over something. Damn.He'd hoped that the prospect of quidditch making them both calm down. After all, it'd been a uncomfortable week to live with them. The colder and more strained draco got, the more anxious and tempermental shay got, which in turn frustrated draco who insisted that he was perfectly fine. And he was, physically at least. It just seemed he was suffering from more headaches, and the chills. Sighing as he looked at viper as he walked up the stairs, he frowned as he looked at the two walking down the front steps towards the qudditch pitch."What are they roaring about?"He asked as he looked at ginny and viper, wrapping a arm around his lover, frowning as he realized the two were arguing about qudditch staregies, and something about shay not telling him things. Which was insane. Shay told him everything. Sighing as he rubbed a hand over his face."Damn."he sighed softly.
Viper and Ginny both looked back at Marvos then turned back to blink at the fight. “well it started out innocent, we where talking about quidditch, but Draco started getting another migraine, and Shay tried to tell him he needed to go to the doc, or the hospital wing at least, but Draco had complained that he was fine and that she shouldn't tell him what to do since she was acting all shifty...” “and shay demanded to know what he meant by THAT... and this happened!” Viper finished, Ginny taking a drink of butterbeer as she watched the fighting escalate until Draco groaned and slumped back into his chair, clutching his head. Tears forming as the pain went over what he could handle, reaching for the pain potions he kept handy for such an occasion. “fights over,.” Viper stated rushing into the room with Ginny, both of them carefully helping Draco to his feet and into bed, darkening the room completely and silencing so no light, and no sounds would reach Draco's poor pain addled brain, it was the only thing that helped, even the pain potions would only take the tip of the pain off. “something's wrong with him, why won't he admit it?” Ginny demanded, worried about Draco, who was laying in bed, still, silent and pale.
Marvos shrugged, trying to figure out what was going on frowning as instead of doing a normal thing and climbing in the bed with Draco, shay left. Frowning as he turned a little to watch her rush up the stairs and out of the slytherin's dungeon. Marvos nodded sitting on the edge of the bed, gently stroking Marvos' hair, willing to pretend to be shay for a few minutes, because he knew despite all the fighting, draco did feel better with her with him."He's trying to not worry Shay, nd making it even more worried."He frowned harder before straightening a little."I'm getting father involved.Stay with him, and for gods sakes, figure out where Shay went."he scowled starting to get angry because he had no idea what was wrong.

Shay swallowed as she stepped into the headmaster's office, once again feeling the guilt and pain hit her, feeling the silencing charms go up arond the office, after all it wouldnt do to have anyone know what was going on. Because she knew she was doing this to Draco, that she was making the migraines worse, and she knew she had to do something. Something drastic to let the spell holding Draco ease up. Turning to look at the headmaster she collapsed into the chair, huddling over her knees as she betrayed everything she'd ever known about the parkinson's. Crying because she had to betray everything, to save draco. Whimpering under the touch as she felt Dumbledore stroke her hair, muttering the counter for the spell holding draco's migraines in place. While it would only ease for the moment- it was to good of a weapon to let go totally- but he'd give her a few days of having draco be okay."Shhh my dear, he will be feeling better soon.Good girl, you are such a good girl."Dumbledore said looking at the girl, knowing that draco recovering for a few days would break her even more.

Meanwhile, Marvos snarled as he walked into the ministry offices, snarling a order at the greeter to let him by or he was going to curse her when she tried to protest. Shoving his way into the ministry he paused to get his bearings to find Lucius. Smiling to himself as even grown wizards moved out of his way when they realized he was pissed about something. Growling slightly as he got to Lucius's office, he flicked a glance towards the secretary who just waved him in, lucius having left stnding orders to let his childen in if they showed up no matter what he was doing. Sighing as he walked into the office he ofered a small smile at Lucius."There's something wrong with draco."He said, assured that he was going to have the man's attention soon as he watched lucius go over paperwork.
Draco was sleeping when Shay returned, Ginny shaking her head when Viper glanced at her, showing that she hadn't been able to follow Shay. Viper nodded and glanced at Shay. “his colors come back, I think the pain is over. I put him under so he wouldn't feel the pain.” he explained gently feeling Draco's skin. “he's not getting the chills either so I think for now he's going to be alright.” he promised gently gripping her shoulder in comfort. “Shay?... what's wrong? Something's been bothering you for a while now and it's making ME worried.” he admitted looking at her with those big green innocent eyes that no one could resist. “talk to me...”

Lucius was in the middle of paper work when his son arrived and he jerked when he realized what Marvos had said. “WHAT!?” He demanded, not angry at Marvos, not yelling at Marvos, but angry that Draco was being hurt again. “close the door and tell me whats going on. Clearly your worried about Shay too.” he stated forcing himself to calm down throwing up a silencing spell so that they wouldn't be overheard. “tell me whats going on Marvos.” he ordered calmly, sliding over a shot of firewhiskey to help Marvos calm his nerves.
Shay frowned gently pulling away from the boy, squirming away. Looking scared for a moment before she was able to hide it again."Nothing's wrong!"She said sounding panicky under the calm, so scared that if they figured this out, then couldn't lose draco.She'd ruin their friendships before she betrayed draco like that, and she needed draco."Nothing's wrong..."she said again calmly.

Marvos sighed softly sipping the whiskey before he sat in the chair, looking thoughtful."You know how they are. They don't fight. Ever. Or if they do, its a spat that's gone in a few hours."he rubbed his face, "This last week since they got back, draco's been having migraine's and been sick. The sicker he got, the more worried shay got. But instead of taking care of him, as fussily attatched to him as she usually is when he's sick, she isn't. They have at least one roaring drag out fight a day, and she's not taking care of him."marvos said swirling his drink, because he knew that was what drew his attention. Because Shay always fussed over things, espicially when it concerned draco, it meant something was totally wrong for her not to be doing it."Draco collapsed today in the middle of a fight. There's something wrong."He said, taking the other man's anger in stride, knowing it wasn't his fault, but moving his chair slightly back and holding his wand in case he was going to have to shield from lucius' temper exploding something in his office.
Viper frowned a little before sighing and he nodded, letting the subject drop as he kissed her forehead. “it's ok to be scared Shay.” he whispered softly. “Draco's stubborn, and he doesn't want you to worry about him that's all. He claims he's fine because he doesn't want anyone to know he's not, so we won't worry about him too much.” he promised smiling at her. “everything will be fine, you'll see.”

Lucius scowled a little, contemplating that for a moment, scowling as someone knocked on the door and moved into the room hesitantly. “i'm sorry to disturb you sir, but the Aurors have just returned from the raid and I thought you should know.” he admitted. “they found a large stash of Dark Arts material hidden in the Parkinson home sir. In a hidden cave underneath their home, we don't know how they got the location of the entrance, but they found it.” Lucius frowned and then nodded. “tell them their doing a good job.” he ordered calmly watching the man leave before turning to Marvos. “that cave... no one should have been able to find it, they had the entrance hidden outside their home using magic of blood, untraceable... how in the HELL did they find it!? I don't like this.. I don't like this one bit...” he scowled and chewed on his lip for a moment then. “go back to school Marvos and make Draco go to the hospital wing, drag him there kicking and screaming if you have to... I'll come by as soon as I can to take a look at him myself.”
shay nodded a little looking so frightened at the idea that it wouldn't be fine before she climbed in bed with Draco,cuddlnig against the blond as he slept."It will be. Now go. I'm going to get some sleep."she muttered wanting to be alone before they got curious again.

Marvos nodded looking startled at the idea of the parkinson's being raided before getting up. Heading for the door before he paused, a thought occurring to him. A nasty thought. Looking over his shoulder at his father."Father...only another death eater would know how to find it. And only one who knew Pansy, because she was arrogant enough to show it off once."he said before nodding heading out the door. Knowing that he was going to have to deal with a kicking and screaming Draco. Sighing as he got back to the school he stepped into the room just as viper and ginny were leaving. "you two are staying here with shay. I have to take draco upstairs. Father's orders."he said snickering a little at the idea of having to tell draco, before walking in ignoring the look his sister gave him and picked draco up. "No!You can't!" Marvos frowned studying teh girl, growling quietly."Vi, stay with her. Don't let her go. I'm taking draco upstairs."he said heading for the stairs with draco.
Viper looked up at Marvos and hesitated, grabbing the man's wrist. “shay is afraid of something.” he whispered softly so that Shay couldn't hear him, Ginny crawling into bed with Shay and gently cradling her, offering her comfort as Draco, still under the sleeping spell, nuzzled into Marvos with a small sigh, thinking, in his dreams, that it was Shay. “it's alright Shay.” Viper muttered softly, stroking the girls hair. “it's for Draco's own good, we're just going to find out whats wrong with him, that's all.” he promised softly.

Draco stayed asleep all the way up the stairs and into the nurses office, and woke up in the middle of Marvos explaining to Madam Pomfry what was going on, Draco whining a little. “no... I'm fine, don't listen to him, he's lying, I'm fine.” Draco complained sitting up and rubbing his head. “it's just a headache...” “that many migraines to that level so suddenly mister Malfoy could indicate some very serious brain damage.” Pomfry growled. “a tumor, or an aneurism, something life threatening. You should have come to me much sooner!”
Shay whimpered shaking her head, still trying to get up to go retrieve draco. She knew what was wrong, and she couldn't let anyone find out. not if she wanted to make sure he stayed alive."No, no it's not!He just needs to rest!"She said nearly frantic, whimpering quietly. So afraid that she would lose draco, that she wasn't even thinking through that she'd wanted draco to go see the doctor, just afraid that they really would figure out what she'd done.

Marvos growled softly at the boy,"See?everyone agrees that you should have come sooner."He smirked a little wider,stroking draco's hair, worried about shay, knowing that she ewas afraid."And Shay's afraid. And your father ordered you here, so here you are."He said, not about to let draco leave, because lucius was going to be showing up soon, and he wasn't going to get yelled at for letting him go.
Ginny and Viper glanced at each other and then silently put Shay under a sleeping spell, Ginny sighing as she stroked the girls Hair. “go tell Marvos Viper, I'll stay here and make sure she falls asleep.” Ginny promised, Viper nodding as he vanished up out the door.

Draco shook his head a little and sighed as he gave in and let himself sink to the bed again, tired and week from his last attack and for once, simply too tired to argue. “well, so long as Father ordered.” he grumbled closing his eyes and dozing as Viper rushed in as silent as always and grabbed Marvos, pulling him down carefully to whisper in his ear. “Shay was freaking out, so Ginny put her to sleep... she was trying to protest Draco coming here... Marvos I think Shay knows whats wrong with him... I think someone's blackmailing her using Draco as the blackmail...”
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