
the twins shrugged then. “well... she did have that stalker thing when she liked Harry...” “yeah but she never wrote him love letters, she just watched him from around corners and blushed.” “yeah, she does that to Neville too, it makes him laugh.” “you do realize their screwing don't you?” “oh yeah, all over, I'm scared to walk the corridors at night these days.” “yeah ok so Ginny is definitly off the list then.” “Marvos? You ok?” they asked in unison when they saw him reading the letter.

'My Dearest Marvos

I know you must be terribly upset, but I am sure that by tonight the spells holding you will have worn off now that Viper Is dead. I never meant to put you through any harm or pain and for making you hurt I am deeply sorry. I love you so much Marvos, and I know we can be happy together. Meet me tonight, in the room of requirement at eight, I'll set up a romantic dinner so we can talk about our future.

Your Soul Mate

whoever it was, they where walking right into Marvos's trap.
"fine."marvos said, his lips quirking up into a smile, for a moment, showing the rage and brutal reckoning that was waiting for his 'soul mate' before he sighed hiding it just as easily again."I have to go. Want to get some sleep before my 'date.'"He smirked getting up, tilting his head at the two. "Don't go wandering tonight. It wont be overly safe."He said knowing that after he dealt with whoever this bastard was, the rage would still be out of control, at least until he talked to viper.
the twins winced at his grin and glanced at each other before looking at Marvos. “hey... if... if it is Gin... could you try not to kill her?” Fred asked hopefully. “we'll stay in our dorms.” George promised standing up, looking at Marvos. “i'm sorry again...” they both didn't realize that Viper wasn't dead, wouldn't they be so pleased when Viper showed up at school in a week or two, perfectly fine, if a little week kneed?

By the time eight o clock rolled around, the halls where empty completely. Word had spread that something was going down, and they had all cleared out, fearing a fight, or dung-bomb loose in the halls. The usual things students feared, maybe even Snape in a temper, but never would they have suspected murder in the air. The Room of requirement opened to him without a thought from him, and the inside was all decked out romantically with a fancy candlelit dinner and a massive, soft bed that his 'true love' clearly intended on using. But they where not in sight yet, hiding, nervous about finally talking to him no doubt.
Marvos sneered a little as he walked around the table, trailing his fingers across the backs of the chairs, as if he wasn't paying attention to every little thing around him, wasn't aware of even that fly buzzing against the wall, or the flickering candlelight that played over his features. giving that coldly blank face a softer edge, as if there would be some mercy for whoever had caused this. Shay would have feared him. Draco would have ran the other direction, but his 'true love' was going to be coming to see him when he was like this?Foolish person. Marvos smiled to himself, knowing that the foolishness was going to be paid back in pain and blood.
there was a soft clicking sound as someone walked in, a girl by the outline of her figure. “you actually came.” she whispered, joy in her voice as she stepped into the light. “i knew it, you loved me, you really do.” it was Cho, cho Chang, a bright smile on her face, her eyes gleaming with love, lust, and madness. “you came! I knew you would come.” she stated stepping over to him and wrapping him up in a tight hug. “i knew Viper couldn't keep us apart.” she whispered lovingly. “i love you Marvos, I love you so much.” she whispered beaming happily at him, leaning forward as if looking for a kiss.
Marvos smiled letting his lips brush across hers, light and enough to make him mentally recoil at the idea of kissing her. But this was the game, and he was going to break her. Smirking as he wrapped a hand around her neck,gently as if to draw her close. Kissing her as if she really was who he wanted before he fisted a hand in her hair, yanking her head back as he looked down at her, pinning her hands back with his in one hand as he studied her."Ah....well, i wont be the only one that's going to come tonight."He smirked shoving her towards the bed he conjured, and got down to business. To show the girl why Shay and Draco feared this side of his temper.

By the time he left the room in the morning, something had broken in him, broken and reformed in a deadlier frame. Because he'd never killed before, and this had been a execution that had made sure to extract the pain she'd caused Viper. Walking through the halls, marvos' smirk was deadly and casual, knowing he was scaring the students he past as he made his way to the gryffindor tower, smirking as he met up with the twins. "it wasn't gin. You'll find the...reamins in the room of requirment"He said simply before he turned to leave again, before pausing. Figuring he better warn them to not go in, after all, going in would trigger the spells so that the person who did go in would feel the terror and smug satisfaction that had been in that room."The spell will fade in 24 hours. No one but dumbledore should go in there before then."he smirked wider."Just remember, she was grateful when I let her die."He said knowing he was frightening them,but so far past rage that he couldn't care. And since the twins WERE the only people he could stand to talk to without killing, it meant he had to tell them what he'd done.
the twins stared at him in horror, wide eyed and astonished as they stared at him, instinctively recoiling away when they saw him, everyone else had run away on sight of that deadly grin. “er... s... sure Marvos... we'll, er... tell Dumbledore t..then.” one of them stammered the other stepping forward and motioning him into the room, grabbing some floo powder and tossing it into the flames, calling to the Malfoy Manor, Draco answering the call and stepping forward. “come on Marvos.” Draco ordered calmly. “vipers been having nightmares. He's napping with Shay.” he explained swallowing hard as the twins gaped at him, joy in their expressions. “he... he's alive!?” “yes.” Draco admitted shoving Marvos through the fire before he could protest shaking his head as he turned to the twins to explain what was going on.
Marvos yelped as he was pulled through, the rage snapping at the reminder that viper wasn't going to be happy with him for abandoning him. Whining as he followed the blond to his own room,"how's shay?"he asked wrinkling his nose a little at the sight of his sister curled up with his lover, wondering how he could crawl in without waking either. Sighing quietly as he slipped udner the covers,cuddling close to viper. Looking at draco, wanting a answer, as worried about him and shay as he was about viper.
Draco grimaced a little and shook his head. “she's angry.” he admitted. “not at me, at Pansy.” he admitted sighing a little. “she hides it but I can feel it... sometimes I wake up next to her and I flinch.. because I was dreaming about Pansy turning into her.” he admitted swallowing hard. “i think she blames herself for what happened and I don't know how to make myself stop...” he admitted sighing a little as he gently picked Shay up, murmuring soft comforting things when she protested being woken up, carrying her off to their own bedroom, Viper whimpering when the warmth at his back vanished, snuggling into Marvos and calming down again sighing softly as he snuggled into the other. “mmm Marvos.” he mumbled “love you.” he slurred before dropping back into sleep, waking an hour later with a short cry of Terror, sitting up and looking around wildly for the masked murderer that had been in his dreams, sighing a little when he realized it had just been another dream, looking over at Marvos, looking so relieved to see him back, pulling him into a tight hug. “your ok! I was so scared! I thought... I thought they where going to try and kill you too....” he admitted with a small hiccuping sob. “i was so scared you where going to get hurt.” much more upset than usual from the lack of sleep and the many nightmares.
Marvos smiled as he kissed the other's head, gently running his fingers through his hair."No. She wanted to marry me."She said wrinkling her nose a little, disliking even talking to viper about cho. "It was cho chang in ravenclaw.She's..she was different."He said correcting himself, sighing tiredly. Knowing that when dumbledore discovered just how badly the girl had been tortured, he was going to show up at the manor."You're safe.And I'm safe. Just sleep."He said stroking his hair, trying to make him relax, worried about him."How you feeling?"he muttered.
Viper made a face and shook his head. “Cho Chang?” he asked frowning a little, looking astonished. “really? Well I suppose it makes sense, she is pretty ugly... the only way she could ever get a man would be to trick him into it.” he sounded jealous and annoyed, he probably was, annoyed that she had tried to kill him and tried to take Marvos, and jealous because ugly was not a word that could ever be used to describe Cho Chang, she was as beautiful as she was insane. “did you kill her?” he asked, sounding almost hopeful. “i hope you killed her.” he muttered softly, snuggling into the other as he closed his eyes. “i'm feeling alright... I'm still really week and tired. But I don't have a headache anymore, and Papa said that I could eat solid food tonight since I'm not puking anymore.” he admitted smiling a little. It must have pleased Lucius to no end when Viper called him Papa. “i love you Marvos..” Viper murmured happily as he snuggled into the other, smiling a little. “i'm glad your not hurt.”
"Yes. Now sleep."marvos ordered shifting, cuddling down into Viper."It's going to be a busy day tomorrow, and I want sleep."He whined closing his eyes, amused that viper had called lucius papa. That was going to please the other man."Sleep."He muttered.

In the morning Shay paused mid bite, raising a eyebrow as not only dumbledore,but the minister of magic came in."Hello."She said slowly glancing around, wondering why she had to be the only one up. "Hello dear, we came to speak to your brother." "What he did cannot go without punishment. He must seek help, since the crimes were so violent."Fudge said looking at the girl."They nearly killed his lover. Whatever he did, was mild." "He broke all her bones!Into pebbles.'Fudge sputtered a little. Shay shrugged."It happens."She said wondering who he'd learned that spell from, and wondering when Voldemort had taken the time to tell him that. "My dear, how is your father doing?"Dumbledore said as he sat down next to her without waiting for a invitation, convinced that the weaklink in this family was this girl, and very determined to use her for his own uses. "papa?Papa's good."Shay said looking startled, before she relaxed, realizing they just wanted to talk. never realizign the gentle controlling spell dumbledore was weaving around her, so that she was easier to control and use."draco!"She grinned happily as he walked into the room, glad to see him instead of being left alone, never realizing that she was going to be the one to betray them all, all on dumbledore's orders.
Draco had felt the tug on the bond, the warning, and he'd rushed out of bed in his pajama's and glared at the minister of magic and Dumbledore. “shay darling, go upstairs.” he ordered gently, kissing her forehead and smiling at her to show he wasn't upset at her, just desperate to get her out of harms way. “and you both would do well to remember that as a bonded pair, we can feel it when an unnatural spell is placed on the other.” he hissed darkly his eyes narrowed. “now, I will be talking in my fathers place, as he is at work.” he stated simply, shielding himself from all spells they might cast on him.

“as you might know, Cho Chang attempted to murder Viper through the use of a poisoned bracelet, which we still have in case this was to come up.” he stated simply. “she was mad, and attempted to lure Marvos into a secluded area. He only wanted to capture her.” he stated, well aware that Marvos was listening in, he would have woken up the second they had stepped into the house. “she attacked him, paralyzed him and tried to rape him, his magic reacted defensively.” he crossed his arms. “and it is not within your right to talk to anyone in this house without Father or one of out lawyers present.” he stated sternly. “so I suggest you leave or wait for our lawyer to arrive, as Father is far too busy to deal with scum like you.”
Both the headmaster and minister stared at the blond, looking critical before nodding."As you say. Marvos is welcome to return to school as soon as he wants to." Marvos snickered a little as he leaned against the doorway before walking in, tilting his head a little."I have nothing to say to you, and I will be returning as soon as viper is feeling well enough.I shall be seeing you two out."He said waiting long enough for the two older men to get up, and escorting them out before returning. Sighing a little as he looked at Draco,raising a eyebrow."What did he try to do?"he asked, knowing the bond had warned draco something was wrong, and needing to know just how on guard they were going to make sure shay was. Worried about how frightened the girl would be.
Draco narrowed his eyes at them and nodded watching Marvos lead them out, glancing at Marvos. “i'm not entirely sure what they tried to do. They used a spell on her, a compulsion spell probably, or a personality spell. I'm going to get that new bracelet the twins made, the one that deflects spells? They offered to send one for free but i'd feel better buying it.” he admitted. “their already barley breaking even on that new shop of theirs.” he admitted shaking his head. “hows Viper doing?” he asked, slightly worried. “any more nightmares?” none since he had woken up last night and Marvos had been there. But Viper was still asleep too, so there was no telling if he was going to have another. “will you take a look at Shay? Your better at identifying spells...”
"No, no more nightmares since I got home."He said smiling slightly, looking slightly worried. Hating that he couldn't help viper more, and since he couldn't help his lover, he'd help his sister. Nodding a little as he headed upstairs with draco, before pausing, tilting his head."They wouldn't be stupid enough to try and use her to see who's team we're really playing for would they?"He asked, for once looking truly worried about that. Because he knew his sister, even with the advanced warning that something was wrong, shay had a vulnerability to compulsion spells, something there father took advantage of, and something neither of the malfoys were going to know if he could help it. He didn't want them to worry even more then they already did so he'd just take care of his sister the best he could. Snickering a little as he realized where she was."She's keeping viper company."He said walking into the bedroom, wondering if shay had done it for her own sake, or if she was trying to protect viper from something.
Draco nodded a little and smiled at Marvos. “they would be that stupid.” he admitted, looking worried. “they where even stupider to try and screw with a Bonded. By Law I could have them arrested.” he admitted. “i think they knew that, and that's why they left without a fight.” he admitted shaking his head. “it's strange, she just, caved to the spell, I felt it, she didn't fight it at all...” he admitted biting his lip hard, worried. “you check Shay, I'm going to go visit the twins.” he decided rushing off to go and get the spell deflector from the twins, desperate to keep his lover safe. Viper was still sleeping, but he had tears running down the side of his face from another nightmare, no doubt the reason why Shay had joined him in bed. he was calm when Marvos walked in, but when Shay had joined him he had been sobbing and trembling. No one had ever tried to kill him before, and he was reacting to it badly.
Marvos winced as he realized the other had been crying sitting on the edge of the bed, gently wiping Viper's eyes,"Shhh sweetheart, I'm here."He muttered running his fingers through viper's hair as he studied his sister. Frowning a little as he looked at her."You're going to have to tell draco."he said, as much as e didnt want to tell him, he knew that draco had to know, because shay did cave, she had a weakness for them. "N-no!I wont."she growled looking at him before running out the room leaving a upset marvos behind, though marvos was glad he'd been able to see that the spell was really gone. Now they'd just have to take care of her. Shay sniffled as she headed downstairs heading for the gym, having every intention of hiding until all the men in her life forgot that she'd caved that easily. Marvos sighed quietly when he heard draco walking down the hall shaking his head as he stroked viper's hair knowing better then to go after shay."She ran off when I tried talking to her."he said looking at draco when he walked in, knowing draco might be able to convince her to tell him. As muh as he thought they should know, he couldn't break her confidence that way and tell him.
Viper sighed as he snuggled into Marvos, mumbling in his sleep as he relaxed, enjoying the touch, even though he was mostly asleep. Draco walked in and blinked and smiled a little, offering a small box to him. “it's for Viper, so you'll both feel a little bit safer.” he explained, smiling a little. Inside was a necklace that would negate all poisons, magical and muggle a single serpent pendant that would negate the effects of all poisons, and love potions as well as truth serums and even compulsion potions. He headed off to find Shay, settling into the Gym and sitting on a machine he didn't know. “Shay? I have a present for you.” Draco admitted, his head tilted. “it's made by the twins even, so you know it works.” he promised smiling a little. “come on love, don't hide...” he pleaded softly. “you don't have to talk if you don't want to, Marvos was just being a jackass, you know he's only worried about you...”
Marvos smiled lookg thankful for the gifts as he gently put the necklace on viper, gently sliding it on. Before sighing quietly, stroking viper's hair as he settled down with a good book,content to wait for him to wake up. Shay frowned slightly as she stopped punching the boxing bag, resting her hands on the beaten surface, wincing at the sight of her hands. Having not realized she'd forgotten her gloves, and the bloodied knuckles showed just how much it disturbed her to know she had a weakness that she ouldn't fix. Sighing quietly before she moved over, nudging draco's legs far apart enough that she could stand between them, leaning against him, even standing she was evenly tall with him, resting her head on his shoulder."Marvos is always a jackass."She pointed out, biting her lip, bristling a little at the accusation of hiding, even if she was.
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head, taking her hands. “i know your upset love but damaging yourself isn't going to help.” he complained kissing the knuckles before carefully healing them smiling as he wrapped his arms around her. “mmm you know.” he murmured softly. “i have my own weaknesses.” he admitted. “everyone does.” he hesitated then. “i'm... I'm weak against love and lust spells.” he admitted. “potions too, it's why Pansy was able to do to me what she did.” he admitted with a small shudder. “i couldn't fight it, not because I was tired... but because I can't fight those kinds of spells...” he admitted nuzzling her neck. “but I have a solution.” he admitted opening the charm bracelet he had gotten, slipping it onto her wrist, a silver serpent, a small potions vial, a bright heart, and a key hanging off of it. “this is the Twins newest stuff.” he admitted. “their charms to do different things, this one, repels all poisons, negates all their effects, potions too, even the truth serums. This one.” he touched the potions vial. “this one keeps spells away from you, it can even deflect the cruciatus, but they didn't want to try Evada Kedavra so... if that comes at you duck out of the way. This one.” he touched the small key. “can unlock any lock, which is going to come in handy because I'm locking our door from now on with an unbreakable lock.” he admitted smiling a little. “and this one is very special, it's tied to me, so you will always know how I am.” he admitted. “if it's red, like it is now, I'm happy and healthy, if it goes blue I'm cold, or depressed, if it goes yellow I'm angry or too hot, if it goes gray I'm dying, and if it's black I'm dead.” he explained. “there are other colors too,i wrote them all down for you, here.” he stated handing her the sheet of paper with all the colors and what they meant, smiling as he gently kissed her temple. “it will keep you safe...”
shay smiled softly wrapping her arms around him, closing her eyes as she leaned into him,curling her body around his, the relief washing through her and their bond before she shifted, sitting on his knees as she leaned against him. Looking small and childish curled up against Draco's chest."Thank you."She said stroking her fingers over the silver bracelet, shuddering a little."...I have a weakness for complusion spells."she said softly, because it hurt to admit, even to draco that she wasn't perfect. Actually, espicially because it was draco.It hurt to not be perfect for him,"I'm going to get you one to."She said resting against him,closing her eyes.'they wanted to use me Draco...I felt...their desire to know what was really going on in the manor, in the spell."she said tears filling her eyes, because she was really scared she'd be the one who hurt them in the end."I need you to be safe..."She whispered desperate to make sure he was as safe as she could make him be
he smiled as he wrapped his arms more firmly around her, kissing her forehead. “it's kind of a relief.” he admitted smiling a little. “that your not perfect.” he admitted chuckling a little. “it means that it's ok that I'm not perfect.” he admitted shaking his head. “they never would have gotten you, I could feel the spell take hold through our bond.” he admitted. “they where fools to think I wouldn't notice.” he growled, baring his teeth in rage. “and I think I might tell Viper, he'll let Dumbledore know in no uncertain terms that if he fucks with you again he'll run off to the other side of the war.” he smirked a little. “that will keep Dumbles in line, no one wants Viper as an enemy.” he admitted before pulling his own necklace out, showing her the same pendants, minus the heart and adding a small clock. “i have all the same charms, but this one.” he tapped the clock. “lets me teleport to your side no matter where we we are, even in Hogwarts.” he promised smiling at her.
Shay smiled softly, kissing him as she studied her lover."Yes that would be something to tell him. We'll tell him when we go back upstairs."She said biting her lip,smiling a little wider when she realized he'd done everything to make sure she was safe. Running her fingers through his hair,"Than-"She stopped, tilting her head as she heard someone upstairs. Frowning a little as she listened to the steps. She knew those steps."What's papa doing home?"She said sounding worried, heading upstairs to find out why. Looking worried as she stepped into the front hallway,"Papa!"She said walking over him, the healer in her coming out when she saw a cut on his cheek. Recognizing the signs of the aftermath of a raid, and her stomach tightening in worry, wondering who had been killed this time. Because there was always someone hurt. "Papa, we have something to tell you to."She said anxiously as she looked him over, for once ignoring him as he tried to stop her from making sure he was okay.
Draco hesitated and shook his head, walking with her to Lucius, who looked tired as all get out. “it's alright kids, no one was seriously hurt.” he promised softly. “Voldemort Raided the Weasley home, but I was able to get a warning to them in time.... we..” he sighed and shook his head. “we had to burn their house down.” he admitted softly sitting in his usual 'after raid' chair, for once letting Shay take care of the cut on his cheat and the burn on his arm. “what was it you needed to tell me?” he asked hesitantly. “your not pregnant are you?” he demanded frowning a little. “where's Marvos?” because he didn't realize that Marvos had already found, and killed, his stalker and Vipers attempted murderer. Didn't realize Dumbledore had been there, or the minister of magic. Didn't realize that things where getting very dangerous.
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