
"No, not pregnant."She said blushing a little at the idea, glancing at draco, blushing harder as she sat on the arm of lucius's chair, gently aking care of the man's burn."Marvos is here. Upstairs sleeping actually."She said swallowing hard, "Papa, he killed cho chang..who is... was his stalker. And..."near panic filling her eyes because she was so scared of being the weak one, of being the one who betrayed not only draco and marvos, but her beloved papa. And she knew if it happened, someone was going to die."Papa, dumbledore and the minister came here to 'punish' him for killing her, but after some thought...I think they came to catch one of us unawares. I don't know what spell it was,but draco freaked out when they cast it..."She said looking for draco, needing help to explain.
Lucius relaxed at the promise that she wasn't pregnant, freezing again when he found out who it was who had tried to kill Viper. “oh hell...” he muttered softly before snarling as he realized that the old fart had dared to try and hurt his daughter, gathering her into his arms, Draco scowling. “it was a compulsion spell, I took a look at it once Marvos identified it and it was to make her want to tell Dumbledore everything. Anything he asked her she would have answered not even knowing what she was doing.” he admitted shaking his head. “i felt the spell take hold through the bond and I was able to get to her before they could ask her any questions. I already took steps to make sure that it couldn't happen again.” he promised nodding a little as Lucius sighed, gently kissing Shays temple. “as long as your safe and no one was hurt.” “no one was hurt, but I think the ministers pride is a little stung that I out maneuvered him.” Draco admitted, looking very smug about that fact.
Shay sniffled a little resting her head on Lucius's shoulder, laughing quietly as she looked at her fiancee, fingers absently playing with the bracelet he'd gotten her. "It was very good to hear, him sounding like you."She muttered smiling a little,cuddling into lucius. He was her papa, he would make everything okay. Draco would make things perfect, lucius though was her hero, because he'd saved her from her father. Frowning a little as she raised her head, looking concerned."Papa, will marvos get in trouble?I mean, he only did what honor required in taking care of a problem...if he get hurt for this?"She asked anxious about her brother.
Lucius chuckled a little and nodded. “he is very persuasive when he wants to be.” he admitted before shaking his head. “they might try to punish Marvos, but I have several of the Aurors on our side...” “and I informed the Minister of magic and Dumbledore that Cho restrained him and tried to rape him, and that his magic reacted defensively. It's basically his word against hers and since her signature is all over the bracelet that was found on viper, her word isn't very good.” he stated shaking his head. “he will be fine, even if I have to take the punishment myself.” Lucius promised, smirking a little. “as your legal guardian I'm allowed to do such a thing, and no one is going to be all that willing to punish ME.” he admitted Draco snickering. “Marvos will be fine love, we promise.”
Shay giggled a little resting her head on Lucius' shoulder, looking small and young curled up in his arms. After all she had been young when she adopted him as her papa, so instead of her own parents, it was lucius she ran to when she scrapped up her knees or cried. So it wasn't odd at all that she looked like a child when sitting with him. "Mother would probably punish you."She pointed out tilting her head towards teh blond woman standing in the doorway. Narcissa smiled softly as she walked across the room, looking at her husband worriedly, amused even if she had been scared for him."You didn't send word you were okay."she said gently brushing his hair out of his face."I might have to punish you for that."she teased.
Lucius smiled as he kissed Shay's forehead, holding her happily. “your mother already punishes me enough thank you.” he complained shaking his head, smiling as Narcissa walked in. “i'm sorry love.” he murmured, pulling her down for a kiss. “everything happened so fast.” he admitted. “the Weasley's where all over the place the poor things.” he admitted sighing a little. “their house was all they had save for each other.” “we should invite them to come stay with us...” Draco stated suddenly. “we did say we where going to take in the people who don't want to fight. And none of the Weasley's, save maybe Bill and Percy, want to fight.” he admitted shaking his head. “if we bring them here, they can be safe from both sides...” “no they wont... but, if Marvos would let them stay at his house they would be.” Lucius admitted thoughtfully Draco smiling a little. “we'll ask him when he gets up, Vipers going to be starving and demanding food soon.” he admitted. “and I have my doubts about him wanting to stay in bed to eat.”

and Draco, as always, was right. Viper was shaking Marvos's shoulder, his stomach growling loudly. “Mar...Marvos wake up, I want food and I don't have the strength to walk to the kitchen.” he complained pathetically. “you have to carry me, I refuse to lay in bed any longer! I'm BORED!” he complained kissing Marvos's neck, whining. “pleeease Marvos?”
Shay snickered as she slipped out of lucius's lap, pouncing on draco, stealing a kiss as she headed for the dining room."Well, we'll better be ready for them to come down."She said ordering food before looking at draco, looking thoughtful. Narcissa smiled as she kissed her husband before sighing,"Fine.I'll forgive you this time."She muttered tugging on his hair lightly amused that he let shay boss him around like she was the boss.

Marvos growled softly, shaking his head."I'm not carrying you.Stay in bed."He growled sitting up already summoning a elf, looking at viper."What do you want to eat?"He asked running his fingers through his hair.
Draco chuckled as he followed her, smiling, glad that she felt better now as she ordered the house elves about smiling at her when she looked at him. “and what is my little pixie thinking of now?” he asked smiling a little his head tilted. “let me guess, you want to invite all of the Weasley's to dinner?” he asked his head tilted.

Viper scowled at the other and crossed his arms and sulked. “no! I want to go eat in the kitchen!” he complained sticking his nose in the air. “i HATE staying in bed!” he complained glaring at the house elf. “you go away!” he snapped, the elf squeaking in horror and vanishing as Viper pouted at Marvos. “i'll yell! And scream and cry and rage and sulk and I won't let you screw me EVER again!” yes he would, this was just another Viper temper tantrum, they where common occurrences... and they usually worked.
Shay blushed a little at the name, smiling softly as sbe leaned over to steal a kiss from him,"Of course."She said before reaching over and brushing his hair out of his face."A pixie am I?"She said blushing more

Marvos growled softly glaring at the other as he raised his head before sighing. Pushing up off the bed he leaned down picking the other up, carrying him downstairs, pausing at the bottom of the stairs,"Do you want to eat in the dining room?"He asked, hearing draco and shay talking. Not about to examine why the temper tantrums always made him cave.
he chuckled a little and nodded. “oh yes, a pixie.” he teased smiling. “because your just as cute and pretty as one, but just as wickedly mischievous.” he teased chuckling as he kissed her again. “i love how nothing is ever boring with you around.” he admitted grinning.

Viper grinned happily as he was picked up and carried downstairs. “i want to eat wherever everyone else is eating.” he stated simply. He wouldn't have minded being in bed, but no one was ever in the bedroom, he wanted to be with other people for a while. Then he would go back to bed like a good boy.... maybe.
Shay blushed harder."I can be boring. Like I'm studying."She muttered starting to eat, blushing hard. marvos raised a eyebrow as he walked into the dining room with viper, setting him in his chair as he studied the other two."Ohh look vi, draco's making her blush.I might have to injure him." "You can't do that!"Shay protested, bristling even at a joking threat towards draco.
Draco smirked a little. “even when your studying there's nothing more fascinating than you.” he teased nuzzling her neck. “like when you start concentrating really hard, and you start chewing on the edge of your hair, and then you notice your doing it and you blush, and look around to make sure no ones noticed.” he teased grinning when Marvos and Viper walked in, Viper giggling a little. “aaaw she looks so cute when she's blushing!” he teased grinning a little as he tilted his head a little. “oh it's ok Shay, Draco wouldn't let Marvos beat him up.” Viper teased settling into his chair happily and reaching for a breakfast sausage, eating happily.
Shay smiled a little as she relaxed, starting to eat as she rolled her eyes. Looking at her blond sweetheart,"you say the sweetest things when you want laid."She muttered teasing, snickering as marvos choked on the sauage bite he was eating. Marvos sighed quietly."Stop.Just stop."He said rolling his eyes before deciding to change the subject."When are you two going back to school?"
Draco smirked a little as Viper giggled, Draco looking amused as he watched Marvos choking on his sausage. “you know Marvos. Me and shay DO want children someday.” he stated simply. “are you going to act like this when we're twenty five and trying for twins?” he asked lifting an eyebrow playfully Viper snickering into his food before Draco hesitated. “i suppose you wouldn't accept 'Never' as an answer?” Draco asked in response to the school question, sighing a little. “i suppose we'll go back when you and Vi do.” he mused, Viper nodding. “tomorrow!” he decided Draco lifting an eyebrow. “Vi you had to be carried down the stairs, I don't think your ready for school yet.” “but I'm booored!” Viper whined, laying himself along the table, Draco chuckling a little. “well, how about we go for a carriage ride through the woods today then? We could have a picnic down by the waterfall.” viper didn't have to be able to walk with that kind of plan, he could sit the entire time and still have fun with everyone.
Marvos coughed harder, pressing a hand to his chest in the effort to stop choking. "Don't do this to me. It's unkind."He grumbled before laughing a little."Father would never accept that you were never going back. We'll return after the weekend."He said figuring that would give them all enough time to recover. Shay giggling happily, nodding."Oh yes. We'll do that. Itll be fine. And we'll bundle him up to keep from getting a chill."He said smiling as she ignored the fretful look marvos had gotten at the idea of letting viper go out and about.
Draco smirked at his best friend and then sighed. “after the weekend then, if Viper is well enough.” Draco agreed, Viper smirking a little. “i will be, even if I have to wear leg braces.” he stated with a firm nod, accepting the bundling up plan, since he got cold easily. “and we'll stay close together and stay on the grounds.” Draco decided. “it will be fun.” Viper chirped clapping his hands together. “and fresh air will be good for me!” he too had caught the fretful look, and wanted to make sure Marvos would let him go, even if he had to throw another temper tantrum.
marvos sighed, seeing that he was overruled, and probably being unreasonable, which shay told him he was all the time."Fine, fine we'll go."he said finishing his food.

Just under a week later Shay paced their bedroom, despite looking calm the very fact that hse was pacing told that she was anxious."Are you sure he's okay to go back?Marvos' will lose it if something happens to you. And I don't want you to freak out either."She said looking at draco, worried that he wouldn't want to be in their rooms because of what happened. or that if viper had a relapse, or someone else got the idea to attack viper to get to him that her brother would lose it. In all that worry, she wasn't worried about herself.
Draco smiled as he caught her into a hug, pulling her close. “shhh, Shay. Your over worrying again.” he muttered softly, gently nibbling on her ear. “everything will be fine, Viper is perfectly healthy, uncle Snape even said so and he NEVER lies.” he pointed out. “i won't freak out and if I do I will do it in a calm orderly manner that is befitting a Malfoy.” he promised. “Viper is going insane with nothing to do, and the Twins just reported that the new quidditch teams have been drawn.”

it had been done in levels of skill. The first level was a four, and those where usually first and second years, who had never been on a broom before. The level three was more commonly second and third years who where familiar with the broom but still pretty bad on them. Level two where people who where good on a broom and knew how to play proper quidditch, people like Ron and Ginny. Level Ones where people who where extraordinary, like Shay, Viper, Draco, Marvos, and the Twins. Out of the four levels, two or more teams was formed out of each one, and they had weekend games to practice and have fun, while the house teams had been eliminated, the new teams now had regular club meetings in which they met at one of the four new quidditch fields.

“horrifyingly enough all four of us are on the same team as the Twins are.” he admitted with a small snicker. “the details are still being worked out, and there have been a few fights, but it's going good so far.” he admitted with a grin. “no one will hurt Viper now, not when they all saw what happened to Cho.” he promised shaking his head. “and just in case Viper has the poison necklace and the anti spell ring that I got for him, and so do you.” he promised kissing her forehead. “everything is going to be fine.”
Shay sighed quietly as she leaned into him, the bond letting him know as she started to calm. "aww poor baby. Just think you get to watch the twins hit on me while flying."She teased, because the twins liked teasing draco, and knew better then to tease marvos that way, so that left teasing draco. Leaning into him more she sighed, calm again before she stepped back stealing a kiss."Come on. We better go down before marvos losinghis mind."She snickered a little, knowing marvos was unusually anxious himself. And trying to be calm having recieved word she was to report to dumbledore's office as soon as she got to school, which was part of the reason she was so anxious, because she couldn't think of what she did wrong.

Marvos sighed as he packed the last of his bg rolling his eyes as he looked at viper."You sure you don't want to stay another night?"He asked before smiling again,"And you have everything you need?"He asked trying not to worry.
he growled and wrapped his arms around her. “next time, I'm not going to just hit them, I'm going to curse them too!” he complained, sulking as he kissed her, smiling a little. “just keep your bracelet on at all times.” he ordered softly, nipping gently at her ear with a small chuckle. “and we'll be fine.”

Viper shook his head. “no! I'm BETTER now!” he complained sulking at Marvos. “i want to play quidditch and talk to my friends!” the amount of mail and get well soon cards Viper had gotten was staggering. In just the short time he's been at school he had made loyal friends in every house. “and I can't learn if you make me sit in bed all day!” he whined leaning against Marvos. “i promise, if I get tired I'll rest, ok?”
Shay yelped a little at the nip, turning her head a little to kiss him, hands sliding under his chest, exploring skin, in a effort to distract herself."We'll be fine."She grinned a little.

Marvs sighed, before nodding."Fine.We'll be fine."He said reassuring himself as he gathered their things heading down the hall to knock on draco and shay's door, snickering at the small yelp as shay jumped, pushing open the door. Wrinkling his nose a little as he saw the two shay's hands dangerously close to being under draco's shirt."You ready you two?" "Of course."Shay smiled kissing her fiancee again before stepping back.
he chuckled at the yelp, feeling rather playful and he wrapped his arms around her hips giving her another kiss as Viper giggled, watching Shay and Draco flirting, his head tilted. “Marvos how come you don't ever treat me that way?” Viper teased, snickering a little because they ALL know if Marvos got too cloying and affectionate it made Viper a little uncomfortable because he wasn't used to it. “i;ve been ready since the first day I woke up!” Viper complained, pouting still about being bedridden.
Marvos rolled his eyes as he looked at his lover, gathering the rest of their things as he headed downstairs, before apparating back to the school with everyone before he answered viper's question."You find it weird when I act so oddly.For her, it's normal to be that giggly. she's a girl." shay laughed quietly as they started walking up the trail to the castle, amused as she studied the others,"What about draco?He's being playful to." "...Draco's a girl.Don't let him fool you." "He is not!"
Viper chuckled a little and nodded. “this is true.” he agreed laughing when Draco glared at Marvos for being called a girl. “just because I actually put effort into the way I look!” he growled. “instead of looking like a drowned rat like you do!” there where few things that could actually piss Draco off, and claiming he was feminine was one of them.” “oh do calm down.” two voices chorused, grinning as they wrapped their arms around Draco. “yeah Dray. Your so gorgeous after all!” “very handsome.” “utterly delectable.” “i am aren't I?” Draco asked smugly, clearly not understanding that the twins where hitting on him Viper burying hhis head in Marvos's chest so that Draco wouldn't see him laughing his little ass off.
Marvos smiled pressing a kiss to viper's head so draco couldn't see his smirk, before looking at shay. "Oh but draco, if you call me a drowned rat, your calling shay one to." "He is not!Leave him alone marvos!"Shay growled at her brother, elbowing him hard, sighing in satisfaction as he grunted. Smiling at the two, before looking at draco."I have to go up to dumbledore's office. Walk with me?"She asked nxious but trying not to show it before looking at the twins."And you two'll catch up with viper?"She said looking at her brother and viper. Smiling slightly when marvos bristled but didn't protest the escort, knowing he felt better with someone else around to help him protect his lover
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