
Shay leaned back looking up at him, before nodding as she pulled away from lucius, needing to see how marvos was doing, and to reassure herself that viper was fine. Marvos himself, nearly yelping as he suddenly found himself with a armful of his sister as she pressed close to him, glancing at Draco in a silent question, wondering if he was wrong, had misunderstood her letter. maybe she was the one hurt. that would explain the sudden clingyiness, because she usually only became panicked and clingy if she was hurt. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were having a stalker." Marvos winced at her words, as muffled as they were against hsi chest, it hurt to hear her blaming herself. Pressing a kiss to her head he sighed, picking her up,"Shh its okay sweetheart."He muttered gently casting the sleeping spell silently, putting her to sleep and settling her in the bed next to viper, before looking at draco, a eyebrow raised a little as he studied the blond."So, just how bruised are you from her hugs?"He asked, knowing if he'd been pounced on, draco had been to.
Viper looked very sickly laying in bed, pale with dark circles under his eyes, Draco offering Marvos a soft, heart sore grin as he watched Shay cling to Marvos, biting his lip a little. “father told us.” he explained softly at the mention of Marvos's stalker shaking his head as she was put to sleep, lifting his shirt and looking down at himself. Always an easy bruiser Draco's entire midsection was covered in bruises from her tight grip. “it was a little worse than I expected.” he admitted smiling a little. “i can't believe Pansy would do that.” he admitted crawling into bed and doing something he hadn't done since he was six, he curled against Marvos for comfort, not wanting to wake Shay or bother his father but needing the comfort of a warm body and firm arms. “and now you have a stalker that tried to kill Viper... why can't our lives be simple for just once?
marvos smiled a little as he wrapped his arms around the blond, feeling heartsore to see him seeking comfort. It hurt and pissed him off that pansy had caused them both this much damage, and he prayed, that whatever else happened, that it wouldn't cause irrepairable harm to what was between draco and shay. "Because voldemort and dumbledore are determined to tear teh world to twain between them, and don't care what it cost the rest of us."He said stroking draco's hair, muttering the healing charm, even if he wasn't as good at it as shay, he could help with the bruises. Sighing quietly as he pressed a kiss to draco's hair,"You could have told her to loosen her grip.Even healed, that's going to hurt tomorrow."
Draco snuggled himself into Marvos as much as he could without being clingy and simply laid there, wrapped in Marvos's arms. “my pain is nothing, considering what I let her see.... how I made her hurt.” Draco whispered softly. “i let Pansy touch me.” he muttered with a violent shudder. “i thought she was Shay, but she didn't... didn't feel like Shay... she didn't... I knew she wasn't Shay but I couldn't think well enough to realize that something was wrong... I would have let her rape me if Shay hadn't run in....” he shuddered violently again. “i couldn't even fight her...” he muttered softly.
marvos sighed softly as he shifted the boy, pressing a kiss to the other's hair as he settled him closer to his chest."Draco, you knew something was wrong. Even drugged and spelled, you knew it wasn't shay."He sighed quietly, closing his eyes."Shay knows that draco.She knows that."He swallowed stroking the other's back,trying to make him feel better."She wouldn't want you hurting draco, shay'll fret if she knew she hurt you."He said smiling slightly as shay whined at the feeling she was getting through the bond, even with the sleep spell still in place, hsi distress was still enough to drag her out of a spelled sleep.
Draco allowed the shifting, pressing his Face into Marvos's chest. “i'm sorry Marvos... I shouldn't be doing this to you... not when you've got your own problems.” he muttered softly, starting to relax and calm down as he realized that Marvos was right, he could feel it in the bond, Shay was hurt, and angry, but not at him. She didn't blame him... he was the only one who blamed him. “thanks Marvos... I never thought someone could hurt me so much.” he admitted uncurling, but not pulling away, enjoying the comfort for just a little while longer. “do you have any idea who hurt Vi? I could spread my contacts? See if anyone knows anything?” amazingly enough, Draco had people in every house who gave him information, despite being hated, he was still the most connected person in the school.
Marvos' smirk was just this side of insane, that cold deadly rage shimmering just under the surface, made worse because of how tired he looked. Pansy's betrayal had just added a edge to a temper that didn't need sharpening. Smirking as he shook his head."No. We're going to play a game. And then....there's a debt to be called in, for hurting vi. And i'll make sure it's paid."He said smilign a little as he reached out to stroke shay's hair, soothing her into a easier sleep. Closing his eyes as he thought about it."Write the letters. Let the school know that I'm mourning the loss of my lover, and in a need to move on, I'm returning to school. That'll get the gossip going...and then we'll see who was desperate enough to have me, that they threatened him."He smiled, that cold brual smile that promised pain to anyone he didn't accept. Viper was safe from the man who made a life out of making sure no one saw him as a victim. Whoever had made him one was going to pay, for ever thinking that killing viper would get him in bed.
Draco nodded and smiled as he glanced over at Viper, who's color was starting to return to him, sighing softly. “i'm glad Viper is ok.” he admitted yawning a little as he gently slid out of bed heading for the desk to write out the letters, sending them off. By morning, the entire school would know that Viper had been killed by cyanide poisoning, and that Marvos was returning to school. Draco crawled back into bed and snuggled up to Shay and cuddled her as he went to sleep, sighing softly. “mmm goodnight Marvos.” he muttered softly. “good luck finding your stalker.”
marvos smirked, settling in bed next to the others, yawning."Thanks."He said drifting to sleep, knowing life was about to get very interesting.

After getting a shower marvos smiled a little as he sat on the edge of the bed, gently stroking viper's hair. Wanting to say goodbye before he headed back to school.Smiling as he saw the other blinking."Hey love."He muttered leaning down to kiss him lightly.

Downstairs Narcissa sighed before heading back upstairs, looking at lucius as she sat down at the table with her husband, tilting her head."is draco awake?Shay's downstairs cursing one of the dueling dummies into small small pieces."She said, not about to say the most disturbing thing was that the girl had transfigured it into pansy, knowing the girl needed to work out the rage and the hurt. Glad she didn't blame draco,but she was worried about how draco was handling him.
Viper groaned a little as he blinking at Marvos and then smiled sleepily. “hey... I feel terrible... what happened?” he asked weakly, slowly rubbing his eyes, unable to get the strength to do much else. “did I lose a duel?” he asked softly, blinking at Marvos again. “you look all sad...”

Lucius nodded a little. “Draco's taking a shower.” he explained. “said he needed to wash Pansy off of him.” he admitted sighing a little. “he didn't look too bad though, he blames himself but I think he talked to Marvos, so we don't need to worry about him trying anything stupid.” he promised pulling her into his lap and simply holding her. “Marvos is going back to school. He's going to flush out whoever did this to viper.” he admitted. “i already have the Auror's permission for him to hurt, or even kill whoever did it as a self defense plea.” he admitted smirking a little. “Shay and Draco are going to stay here for a while and reconnect, and Vipers on bed rest and potions for the next week... I'm kind of scared he might go a little haywire though, he's such a hyper kid...”
Marvos smiled a little, strpoking hsi hair." remember those letters we were getting?My stalker tried to kill you, so they could have me.I'm sorry..."He said breaking al ittle, tears filling his eyes as he leaned down resting his forehead on the other's chest upset that he had gotten him hurt.

Narcissa smiled, snugglign into her husband, relaxing more at marvos' permisson, knowing whoever did this was going to be badly hurt, if they weren't killed outright."To bad its not pansy. Then we could take care of so many problems."She said sounding thoughtful before smiling a little looking worried."Good.Draco shouldn't blame himself. it wasn't his fault....and well, shay'll need help not thinking about pansy, keeping viper well and rested will keep her busy."
he blinked a little, his head tilted. “i was poisoned?” he asked his eyes widened a little. “with what!? How!?” he demanded, panicking a little. “am I dying!?” he demanded swallowing hard as tears filled his eyes as well. “i am aren't I!? I'm dying and that's why you look so sad!”

he smiled a little and nodded. “it is a shame it's not pansy, but she's already been dealt with, she's spending the rest of her life in a straight jacket.” he admitted smiling a little. “i think Draco needs a distraction as well...” he pondered then. “i know! We'll get you pregnant and make him help find all of his old baby things and paint the baby room.” he teased chuckling as he kissed her neck, sighing a little. “i just hope whoever hurt Viper, doesn't chicken out. Or Marvos will never be able to rest.”
"With cynaide."He sighed a little, pressing his fingeers to the other's chest to make him calm down,raising his head to kiss him lightly."No, you're not dying.We got you the antidote in time."He smiled gently, kissing him."I just have to go back to school.'He sighed a little.

Narcissa laughed softly, moaning a little as he pressed a kiss to her neck, smiling as she glanced at him."He'll go through the school like a storm. No one is going to escape his attention lucius, even if they don't show, marvos will find them."He smiled a little snickering."A distraction huh?I'm sure he'd find that plenty distracting."
Viper calmed down and smiled a little as he shook his head a little. “you can't go to school without me! Hold on I'll get dressed!” he stated, moving to get up, groaning when he realized he couldn't sit up. “don't look at me like that! I'm fine!” he complained. “i demand you to carry me to school!” he ordered pointing at Marvos and shaking his finger at him. “don't you DARE go to school without me! I'm fine! I don't need rest!” he complained, already knowing what Marvos wanted of him, and he didn't want to!

He chuckled a little and nodded pausing when he heard Viper yelling. “... Vipers awake... and I'm guessing he's bitching about having to stay in bed from the tone of voice he's using.” he admitted with a small chuckle as he rubbed his rough beard stubble across her neck, knowing it drove her crazy when he did that because it tickled. “honestly I think it's going to take both Draco and shay to keep viper entertained and in bed.”
Marvos sighed leaning back, sitting as calmly on the end of the bad like had the man told him about the book he was reading."Vi, I can't find out who's behind this if you go back with me. Viper, I need to do this. Let me take care of this while you heal."He said calmly.

Narcissa whined slightly at the feel of stubble, shuddering a little as she looked back at him,"Are you sure they're up for it?"She muttered glancing at the door, worried about her son and the girl she claimed as a daughter. Afraid that if they walked into that room, they'd all end up more heart bruised then they already were. And afraid of what would happen if they managed to inflict emotional harm on each other. "Viper's awake!" Narcissa winced at shay's yell, and then the sound of the girl pounding up the stairs to go see him.

"Vi!No need to yell."shay grinned as she swung into the room, smiling wider."You can just stay with me and draco. We're not going back yet."
Viper stared at Marvos, biting his lip as he looked down at his hands, jumping a little when Shay burst into the room, looking amazed. “you are?” he asked blinking a little before smiling a little. “well.. ok I guess it won't be too bad to stay here then...” he grumbled sighing a little. “i hate staying in bed.” he complained crossing his arms and sulking a little. “promise to be careful?” he pleaded with Marvos, gripping the others hand. “and to give them a good hurt for me too...ok?”

he chuckled a little as he nodded. “Viper won't say anything to make Draco or Shay upset.” he promised smiling a little. “everything is going to be alright so long as we give shay and Draco time to reconnect and keep Viper entertained.” he promised kissing his wife gently. “come on, lets go see Viper off... and check on Draco, he's still in the shower...”
Shay winced, realizing viper didn't know about pansy. "We had some... problems with pansy at school. Papa pulled us out for the week."she said tilting her head."Good thing to, since we get to keep you company."She grinned a little, perching on the end of the bed, wrapping her arms around her legs, wondering what draco was doing. Marvos smiled raising the boy's hand, pressing a kiss to viper's hands."I'm always caareful. And I will."He promised.

Narcissa frowned a little as she stood, heading for the door."Hopefully he didn't drown himself."She said heading upstairs with him, knocking on draco's door, sounding worried."Draco?Love?Are you okay?viper's awake if you want to see him."She said.
Viper blinked a little, looking startled before a dark look crossed his face. “Pansy gave you some problems? I knew I didn't like her.” he growled, baring his teeth at nothing before he sighed a little and shook his head. “who am I kidding, I have the strength of a newborn kitten.” he groaned, rubbing his eyes. “and the sleepiness of one too.” he was really tired, he smiled at the kiss to his hands and gripped Marvos's hands, trying to tug him into bed. “lay with me until I fall asleep?” he asked, pleading with his lover. “please?”

he chuckled a little and shook his head. “i doubt Draco would do that.” he admitted smiling a little as he kissed her forehead and headed to the kitchen to get all of Vipers favorite sweets, as bribes to keep him calm when Marvos left. The bathroom was quiet, and the smell of lavender, roses, and lilies was floating out of it, indicating that Draco was taking a 'feminine' bath to calm himself down. He was such a Diva sometimes. “i'm alright mother, just soaking.” Draco promised the sound of splashing filling the air as he crawled out of the tub. “i'll be right out.”
Marvos smiled as he watched hsay leave, settling down to lay down next to the other,wrapping his arms around viper."Of course I will."he said pressing a kiss to the other's hair, needing to reassure himself that he was okay.

Narcissa laughed softly,"Okay."She said smiling as she left the room, smirking a little as shay bounced in. Smirking as she watched the girl push open the bathroom door and bouncing in. shay grinned pouncing on draco as soon as she saw him, wrapping her arms around him."How are you?"She growled before stepping back, wincing at the sight of how badly she'd bruised him.
Viper sighed as he snuggled into the other, smiling a little. “love you.” he mumbled softly, drifting slowly off to sleep, finally settling into lala land just as Marvos was about to be late for his return to school. Breathing softly, evenly, and without the hint of a wheeze, looking much better than he had last night, looking almost healthy again. You would never have guessed he had been close to death only a half a day ago. With him now asleep, Marvos was free to go to school, and flush out the person who had almost killed Viper.

Draco grinned when the door opened and Shay bounced in, the tub full of purple bubbles that where still clinging to Draco's skin. He hugged her back and then hesitated at her question. “i'm not hurt if that's what your asking.” he promised smiling a little. “they don't even hurt and your didn't give me all of them, most of them are from Pansy.” a decent lie. He sighed a little. “but.. I'm angry Shay.” he admitted softly, rage in his eyes. “i'm so angry at Pansy and I don't... really know how to deal with it... I've never been betrayed before.” he admitted biting his lip. “i want to rip her limbs off for hurting you... for..t..touching me.” he shuddered violently, still feeling rather defiled. “hows vi?” he asked softly, running his fingers through her hair, so glad that she was alright and wasn't angry at him.
Marvos smiled so relieved to see that the other man was okay, pressing a kiss to viper's head before he apparated to the school, heading inside. His temper chilling as he realized that the person he wanted, was somewhere in the school.Growlinmg as he headed towards the great hall.

Sjay sighed softly looking at him, looking so worried about him. It hurt to know he was upset about this."Vi's fine. recovering slowly."she said reaching out to stroke his hair,"papa's already taken care of pansy. We wont have to worry about her."She said before her eyes narrowed, sensing the lie but not able to call him on it.
the twins where the first to approach Marvos, pale and with red rimmed eyes. “we're so sorry.” Fred whispered softly, voice filled with tears. “we'll help you find who did it Marvos.” “we swear it.” “just tell us what to do...” “Marvos..” it was Ginny now, sniffling a little. “i'm sorry.” she whispered setting something in his hands. “it's from all of the Gryffindor's... sending their condolences..” she explained offering him a week smile as Cho, Cedric, and Theo all came forward, offering him all gifts as well. From Huffelpuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. They gave him the gifts and then gave him space, the twins watching him carefully, waiting for an explosion of rage and fury. “well... at least the Houses are starting to unite...” Fred muttered unhelpfully, desperate to end the uncomfortable silence.”
Marvos' smile was peaceful and content, amused slightly to watching the housees unite in their grief."Thanks."He said his voice cold and passive, not hinting at the rage growing under it, not hinting at the backlash that was going to come for someone trying to kill viper."I'm not hungry...let's go up to the room of requirement. Then I'll open these."he said his voice a little soft, as if he was near tears. Having every intention of ending this quickly, he didn't want to have to be away from viper more then he had to.
the twins nodded and followed Marvos into the room of requirement, Fred wiping his eyes from the tears, George blinking a little. “hey...Marvos... you have a letter sticking out of your pocket...” he muttered, looking astonished. “is... is that from your stalker?” he asked, his voice holding a steely tone to it, promising death to the person who had hurt Viper. “my guess is that one of the four people who gave you a gift is your stalker.” “wait, ginny's a suspect?” Fred asked, horrified, George nodding. “yes, Ginny is a suspect, right along with Theo and Cedric and Cho.” “..... isn't Cho a lesbian?” “ she? I never keep up with the rumors these days...” they where talking, nervous, upset, talking was the only thing they could do.”
Marvos rolled his eyes at the others, amused that they were considering their sister a suspect."Don't think it's gin. She's got neville wrapped around her pretty little fingers."he snickered as he tossed himself into a seat, sighing quietly as he closed his eyes before swallowing and opening the letter. Not sure if he wanted to read it, but he needed to do this.
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