
Shay blushed slightly smiling a little as they walked into the manor, leaning into lucius a little bit."Viper got hit in the head with the sword of gryffindor. He got fed up with not being in a house papa,demanded that the hat put him somewhere. instead, it gave him the sword."she sighed rubbing her hands over her face, looking worried as she looked up at him."Papa, he can't do anything!no qudditch, no clubs!not even house points. Marvos is the slytherin prefect this year, shouldn't viper be allowed to join marvos, because it would be unfair to treat one so well without giving his lover something. Papa, its not fair!"She said in a rush, a small worried frown on her face, scrunching up her face as she thought.She hated seeing viper so upset, and marvos upset because it upset viper.
Lucius lifted an eyebrow as his daughter started to rant and he smiled a little. “Viper was hit on the head with a sword?” he asked, clearly amused by this as he sat her down in an armchair and handed her some warm tea. “so the rumors of Viper not being placed was true... that certainly can't be good.” Lucius agreed frowning as he stirred his tea. “unfortunately there is no easy way of solving this problem.” he admitted softly. “it's very obvious that Viper is a very special wizard, talented in many ways and very gifted in magic, flying, and physical combat. Even if we made him an honorary slytherin the other houses would feel slighted, and feel that the slytherin's are getting an unfair advantage.” he admitted scowling a little. “instead of adding him to a house, perhaps it would be better if we took out the houses in the school competitions. Not quidditch of course but say, the charms competitions and the potions competitions, even the chess and flying tricks competitions. They have no need to be divided by houses anyway. Then Viper could join any of them he wanted. He wouldn't be able to do quidditch but he could do anything else he wanted.” he stated tapping his finger to his lips. “it might help promote house unity too, Merlin knows Dumbledore has been trying to get all of the houses to get along, what do you think shay?”
Shay nodded looking thoughtful, biting her lip as she sat down and sipped her tea."It wouldn't be giving slytherin a unfair advantage, it'd be making making sure marvos didn't commit bloody murder from being forced away from him."she said snickering a little, biting her lip."And we thought we could suggest weekend teams, no certain houses siding together, just picking the best of everyone, instead of just the house. So he could be included. He's good papa, very good at flying. He beat me playing seeker, and nearly gave marvos a heart attack doing it."She said giggling a little."We thought we'd convince the twins and gin to help organize, because after all, who would suspect a gryffindor of plotting to join hands with a slytherin?"
Lucius nodded. “that is an excellent idea!” he admitted smiling. “i'll bring it up at the next school meeting.” he paused then. “it's tonight actually.” he admitted. “by next weekend I should have the new rules in place.” he decided smirking a little. “other than that how is viper handling school? Severus said that he was very impressed with the boys potion skills, I wasn't aware that you all had taught him potions.” they hadn't. “and arithmacy as well, very complicated but I have been told he is remarkably talented with the figures.” he glanced at Shay. “and your classes are going well? No ones been bothering you or Draco?” he didn't bother asking about Marvos, no one dared try and pick on Marvos.
"We hadn't taught him any potions. It seems muggle education taught him was like something called....chemartisty?I don't know. Just that he's good at it."She said smiling a little nodding a little."classes are fine. I even get to take arithmacy this year, because ginny which with me."She said blushing a little."it was actually marvos' idea we switch."She sighed softly, looking down at her tea,"No one's bothered us so far...beyond the normal teasing.But...papa...pansy worries me.She's being nice, and normal, and not...pansy. And draco thinks I'm being paranoid about him having her as a friend, but I'm not!I know I'm not. She wants to be with him."She said sounding so upset and distraught, because she had realized she couldn't tell draco any of this without getting yelled at, and marvos would take violent actions to make sure pansy couldn't hurt her.
Lucius wrinkled his nose at the thought of a muggle anything being even remotely close to wizarding knowledge but stayed silent as he smiled at Shay. “that's wonderful! Thank goodness you don't have to take that useless class with that idiotic oaf.” he complained with a roll of his eyes before pausing. “Pansy is being nice?” he asked startled. “to you?” he demanded wondering what the little whore was up to, being nice to shay was not something Pansy had ever been capable of. “well, Pansy probably is up to something, but Draco has always felt sorry for her, having the dysfunctional family she has. He wants her to be safe and happy and will treat her well because of it, but shay my darling he loves you, YOU not her. Draco has bonded with you and only the truest of love can form a bond between two people. Pansy can flirt and swoon all she wants and Draco will never notice, because he has eyes only for you. And if it becomes too much of a problem tell viper, he'll make sure Draco realizes.” he promised kissing Shay's forehead. “now, why don't you come help me set up the guidelines for the new club rules?” he offered smirking a little.
shay smiled at the reassurances, nodding as she grinned."Okay. Let's get them settled then."She said glad to have some alone time with lucius, because it was so rare to have time alone with him without the others.

meanwhile back at school, marvos rolled his eyes as he watched pansy flirting with draco down teh table, resisting the urge to pull the man away. After all, draco was perfectly capable of not flirting back.Even if he was smiling and amusing everyone around them. Sharing a look at his fellow slytherins he sighed, shrugging a little. not sure what he could do to explain draco's friendship, as much as he wanted to shove the other away from pansy."You hungry?"He grinned as he landed in his seat next to viper, filling up his plate."I have no desire to go outside for practice. it's raining....we could practice with the sword tonight?"he said looking hopeful at viper, not wanting to leave him out of things, and pointedly ignoring the flirting going on down the table.
Viper was looking rather sickly that night as he poked his food around his plate, smiling at Marvos. “no... I think I'm coming down with something.” he admitted shaking his head before brightening happily at the idea of being able to do something. “really? It's ok for me to practice swordsmanship here!?” he asked hopefully. “Dumbledore just gave Sensei Roe permission to come on the weekends and keep me in shape too!” he admitted squirming in his seat. “Sensei is opening a hand to hand club that takes in any one who wants to learn, it's gonna be so much fun! You should join too, I would love to kick your ass!” he teased, clearly feeling much better about the being excluded thing now that his Sensei was coming and Marvos promised to teach him swordplay.
"We could go to the hospital wing to make sure you're okay....or let shay look at you when she gets back.Which should be any minute."eh said knowing lucius wouldn't let shay stay away even if she could stand to be parted from draco that long."And no one is kicking my ass. I think you got me confused with draco."He said wrinkling his nose a little, amused. "Eat some, then we'll go practice."

Shay smiled as she walked into the great hall, her smile fading a little when she saw draco and pansy smiling so happily. Without her. her heart hurting a little. For all that she acted older, she was still just 14, and not secure even if everyone reassured her that she was being paranoid."Hey draco."She said smiling a little as she sat down next to him, a smile dimpling her cheek. "Hey Shay. So I hear you're the seeker this year?" "Of course.It's fun. and draco can't tell me not to." Pansy rolled her eyes a little at that, not quite believing that someone could actually enjoy the roughg sport, espicially a girl."Poor draco.He's going to worry so." "...he is sitting next to you. You could let him talk."shay said scowling a little as she got some food.
Viper smiled a little. “i'm FINE.” he complained nuzzling the other. “it was only a SMALL concussion.” he stated simply, even though he still had a pretty good sized knot on his head and he still got dizzy if he stood up too fast he was insistent that he was just fine. “and I could so totally kick your ass at hand to hand!” he teased giggling a little.

Draco turned as soon as he felt his bonded enter the room and he brightened happily when he saw her, offering her that small smile only she got to see. “i might worry a little.” Draco admitted when the girls started talking. “but Shay is a wonderful flyer, and no one is going to want to rough house the seeker, not when it might get them disqualified.” he pointed out. “so she's pretty safe, it's Marvos I'm worried about, he's a chaser this year, they'll go after him with balls AND bats!” he admitted shaking his head. “thank Merlin I'm a Keeper this year, their not allowed to attack me, I'd hate to bruise myself.” he teased, tangling his fingers in Shay's, offering her another smile. “did you and father make any good plans?”
"You're still going to see shay."He growled a little, pressing a kiss to viper's head, gently touching the knot on his head."And you probably could. But no way with a sword."He said laughing, wrapping around the other, tilting his head a little as he looked down at the table at shay, wondering if he could grab her attention without causing a scene.

Shay giggled a little at the idea of marvos getting beat up."They might, but after facing viper they might change their minds."Before she perked up nodding excitedly, "We did. He's going to talk to the board tonight about it. And we need to talk to gin and the twins tonight before the teams are announced tomorrow."She said eating, sounding so excited squeezing his hand a little. Pansy laughed a little, rollign her eyes."I don't knwo why you enjoy spending time with them." "well, they're smarter then some slytherins I know, and less likely to try and scheme over things."shay growled glaring a little at the other woman, stealing a kiss from draco, just to be bitchy."Are you done eating?Me and papa ate earlier. So we should go talk to the gryffindors."She said bouncing a little in place, anxious to get him away from pansy, and also to talk to the others.
Viper sighed and nodded. “fine.” he grumbled abandoning his plate to snuggle into Marvos, smiling a little, uncaring that he hadn't eaten nearly enough, and also uncaring that the concussion would make him feel nauseous. He was determined to believe he was fine, maybe coming down with a cold but perfectly fine.

He grinned a little. “that's impressive, even for father.” he teased kissing her forehead. “i'm glad your so excited, this is going to be very fun.” he stated before frowning t Pansy. “i happen to like the twins, their very unique, besides they saved Shay and that's reason enough to like them.” he stated simply. “we're trying to unite the houses remember pans? Not put them down...” he smiled a little as he glanced at Viper. “i think Vi needs another healing love, he hasn't even touched his dinner, and he refuses to believe he still has a concussion. We'll heal him quick and have Marvos take him to bed and then go talk to the twins and Ginny.” he promised smirking a little. “and then you have to tell me everything that you and father are planning.”
"Oh leave her alone, she's just sore your dating me."Shay said rolling her eyes a little, tilting her head before deciding to screw with them both."Oh, just a wedding."She said with a snicker, ignoring pansy's look as she slid out of her seat. Amused and happy as she moved over to viper, gently resting her hands on his shoulder."I'm going to cast a healing charm okay?"She said not wanting to surprise him, looking at marvos as he nodded wincing a little as she healed some of the damage done.wondering what was wrong with him, and wondering if it was more then being hit in the head."Vi, I think you and marvos should go home this weekend. Papa would be glad to see you."She said looking worried. Marvos nodded, looking at them both."That might be a good idea. Since he seems convinced nothing's wrong."He said, and anyone who knew him well would know that he was acting extremely out of character. Actually fretting about someone else's wellbeing. So weird. Though it probably made him more confusing to the rest of the population, because you couldn't predict how he'd react anymore.
Draco blushed at the wedding comment and grinned as he followed her, pausing when Viper shook his head. “don't need it 'm fine.” he complained but didn't fight her as she healed more of the damage, yawning a little as he snuggled more tightly into Marvos, Draco grimacing as he saw how little food that Viper had taken, and how little he had eaten. “i can't! Sensei is coming this weekend...” Viper protested sluggishly. “an Marvos promised.. he'd teach me swords this weekend.” he muttered falling asleep at the table, the twins moving over, looking hesitant. “hey... is he ok?” Fred asked Marvos softly. “he doesn't look well...” “it's just a concussion.... we hope.” Draco admitted biting his lip as he examined Viper, who was dozing against Marvos. “i think we better take him home tonight.” Draco admitted looking at Marvos. “your good enough in classes to miss tomorrow aren't you?” he asked hesitantly.
marvos snorted a little."Of course. Though take notes for me, and send them over.Don't worry.I'll take care of him"He said getting up pressing a kiss to shay's cheek as she looked up at him worriedly and walking out with the boy cuddled into his arms. heading for dumbledore's office, and flooing home with the boy wrapped in his arms.Going in search of lucius, shifting viper in his arms so he could knock on the door. hoping the man was home. Becaise he didn't want to worry by himself, and he wanted lucius to look viper over before he put him in bed.He trusted shay's healing abilities, but he'd feel better if lucius looked at him to.

Shay sniffled a little rubbing her eyes as she watched the two go, biting her lip looking so worried before looking at the twins."Hey.We need to talk...think we could go up to your common room?"She asked, slipping a arm through draco's, staying close to him. so worried about viper she was tremblign ever so slightly. Swallowing hard to keep herself calm, because she didn't want to make draco worry about her to.
Viper dozed in Marvos's arms, completely unaware that they had even left, Lucius opening the door looking shocked. “what in the wor... Marvos?” Lucius asked looking shocked as he examined Viper. “... he's FAR too pale...” Lucius stated, looking shocked. “go lay him down.” he ordered calmly. “he'll probably be bedridden for a few days.” he admitted. “looks like he's coming down with the flu.” he admitted shaking his head. “and a concussion on top of that, poor child, everything always goes wrong at the same time doesn't it?”

Draco smiled as he gently kissed Shay's forehead. “he'll be fine, Father will know if something is wrong with him.” he promised as she twins nodded. “sure, come on up.” they chorused, looking a little worried about Shay in all honesty, ignoring the loud protests as they let Draco and shay into their common room, stealing the best seats in the Common room right next to the fireplace. “whats up?” the twins chorused, Draco smirking. “we have a plan, but we need your help. Father's already laying the foundation but no one else will join if it's just me shay Marvos and Viper.” he pointed out. “we need good honest Gryffindor's like you and your sister to help out.”

(by the way, XDD it's not the flu XDD)
(its not nice telling me that and making me fret*sniffle*lol)

"Usually."Marvos smiled tiredly as he headed upstairs with lucius, settling the boy in bed before looking at lucius as he tucked teh blanket around viper."Shay feel better after she talked to you?"He asked, worried about her to. Knowing she'd come home for more than one reason, and the fact that she wasn't telling anyone ehwat was bothering her, made him fret even more.

Shay smiled, though for once she didn't find her own seat, instead she crawled in draco's with him, settling in his lap, cuddling against him with a smile."We want to do a non-house related compititons. Since viper isn't in a house, he can't play qudditch, or do the charms...or do anything really. So we thought...well, instead of choosing qudditch teams by house. We'll choose by talent. Mix the houses together. It'll get everyone talking, and create the kind of....allies we need."she said sounding thoughtful, and wanting to create friends that would choose a neutral side in the fight between dumbledore and voldemort. Give the ones who didn't want to fight, a safe haven where they could look for help."I'm fine stop looking at me like that. I went home to talk to papa, not because I'm sick."She said sulking a little, seeing the looks the twins were giving her.
Viper snuggled into bed and smiled a little as he went back to sleep in the bed, Lucius nodding. “i believe so.” he admitted. “i'm not very good at the whole giving advice thing but I tried.” he admitted chuckling a little. “it was nice to just sit down and talk with shay for a while though.” he admitted smiling a little. “you know that you two are just as good as blood to me and Narcissa right?” he asked softly, wondering if Marvos and Shay really understood that he and Narcissa loved them just as much as they did Draco.

Draco smiled as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as she explained what they wanted from the twins who stared at them in shock and then. “this was Shay's idea right?” “because if Draco actually had a good idea.” “we might die of shock.” “fuck off.” Draco complained playfully the twins laughing. “and for your matter it WAS my idea!” Draco complained the twins laughing relaxing when they realized that Shay wasn't sick. “this is a great way to start house unity.” they glanced around and silently threw up a silencing spell Draco lifting an eyebrow. “sorry but we gotta ask.” they stated in unison. “whats with your dad?” “oh... he's, er...” Draco hesitated glanced at Shay, looked around to make sure no one was watching then. “he's.. a double agent... he's working for Dumbledore and Voldemort in an effort to bring them both down and fix whats wrong.” the twins stared at him for a long moment and then they both grinned. “alright then, we'll help you.” they promised nodding a little Draco sighing a little. “you can't...” “we won't tell anyone, that's the quickest way to get people killed.” “and we want the killing to stop.” “not add to it.”
Marvos looked startled at the other's words, looking at him. Studying him before smiling a little."I know."He shrugged absently, as if it hadn't just hurt somewhere deep to realize lucius and narcissa cared more for them then their own parents did. The sharazai had had childern for the sole purpose of giving voldemort more followers. Imagine their disappointment as the children rebelled. having thought it before, but it was different actually hearing lucius say it out loud. Before grinning a little."Shay seemed happier when she got back.I think she just needed the attention... and well, at least she wont have to worry about getting married and having her mother in law hate her."He said with a snicker.

Shay smiled easily, "Good.Because then I might have to tell Marvos you got his papa killed.He wouldn't find that nice."she said solemnly, snickering a little at the idea. Before she poked draco in the side."No, it was my idea, don't go stealing my ideas.You just thought it through more then I did."She pouted a little resting her head on Draco's shoulder, yawning sleepily. Despite not being as sick as viper, she wasn't well either. Always small and slight, it was hard to see the weight she HAD lost. "Now. The teams. We all have tomorrow off...I thought if we spread the word tonight and tomorrow morning, we could get all the houses talking in a meeting sort of thing..."
Lucius smiled a little as he clapped Marvos on the shoulder. “i'm glad I was able to help her.” he admitted chuckling a little. “i was so glad to have a daughter you know.” he admitted smirking. “i spoil her a little too much though, don't you think?” he asked his head tilted at Marvos. “hate her? Hell Narcissa is ecstatic! She's already trying to find a way to plan the wedding herself.” he admitted rolling his eyes. “what do you think she's doing in France?” looking at wedding dresses no doubt.

The twins snorted a little and shook their heads. “i knew it wasn't Draco's idea!” “it was too!” Draco whined pouting at Shay. “but I'll let her take the credit.” he decoded chuckling as he kissed her forehead. “we'll spread the word.” the twins promised. “there are a LOT of people in school who don't like this whole house rivalry thing. And a lot of them are scared what will happen when the War really kicks off, they don;t want to take sides but they have nowhere to go but here to school for safety. “If we could get them as allies, offer them safety in various homes around the world, they might be more willing to turn against Dumbledore and Voldemort when the time comes.” Draco suggested the Twins nodding. “we'll get everyone we can to join the quidditch thing. And maybe after we'll get them to join us in the war.”
Marovs laughed at the idea, shaking his head a little."Just a smidge. Damned girl whines and she can get anything she wants."He said pouting before laughing out loud at the thought of narcissa."Oh gods, we're going to have to live with them planning for the next two years aren't we?It's going to be all about the wedding."

Shay laughed a little,biting her lip."I'll have to ask marvos since he's in charge now...but we own more houses then we know what to do with, now that Thomas is...gone. The wards are still strong, with marvos and lucius as the anchors....I'm sure he'd throw open the doors to be a refuge."she said knowing that her brother would, if just to keep her from whining at him to do it. Yawning as she stood, "I'm going to bed."
Lucius snorted and shook his head. “hell she POUTS and I let her do whatever she wants.” he complained chuckling a little. “ah well, i'd do the same for you, if you ever did things or wanted things you knew you weren't supposed to have or do.” he admitted shaking his head. “Viper on the other hand, he's even worse than Shay is!” he complained sighing a little, blinking when an Owl swooped into the windows and dropped a letter into Marvos's hands, another love letter, same as before, promising Marvos that they would be together soon, that she would be everything he ever wanted, and that she would save him. That they where soul mates... creepy.

The twins nodded and Draco smiled a little. “and the Malfoy house has a shit load of houses too, just as protected as Marvos's houses are, father would be more than willing to loan them out to refugees.” he admitted grinning a little. “this is almost exciting.” he admitted with a small chuckle as Shay yawned, the twins standing up and showing them to the Common room Entrance, offering them smiles. “we'll see you tomorrow then.” they agreed waving them off and kissing Shay on the cheeks, Draco shaking his head as he led Shay to bed, smiling a little. “it's nice to know we have friends.” he admitted smiling. “specially the Twins, their very influential, and very loyal.” he admitted stripping down and changing into his night clothes. “and Ginny too.” he admitted with a chuckle. “i overheard her talking about how cool you where.” he admitted with a smirk. “i think she admires you a little.”
marvos scowled as he read the letter before tossing it in the air and setting it on fire with a small incindo curse, before looking at lucius. Snickering a little at the man's surprised look."I have a secret admirer that has gotten overzealous in her need to write to me."he said shuddering a little, needing to talk to someone. "It's just creepy, and they write viper. And shay and draco are fighting enough over pansy that I didn't want to worry them..."He trailed off, in his own way, as upset as shay had been. Talking to lucius without even realizing it.

shay snickered as she changed pausing in the middle of pulling her shirt on."So she should. I am very cool."She said preening a little under the praise before she crawled into bed with him, snuggling into him as she rested her head on hsi chest."Goodnight draco."She muttered,"Ohhh I have a morning study session with her...she's having problems with potions, so I told her I'd meet her before breakfast.So I'll probably be gone when you get up...but we'll be up for breakfast.."
Lucius lifted an eyebrow and then paused looking worried. “you have a stalker?” he asked looking shocked before looking worried. “and they've been writing letters? What kind of Letters? Threat letters? Has anyone tried to hurt him or you?” he asked scowling a little. “next time don't burn the letter, we might be able to trace it.” he explained scowling a little as he tapped his fingers to his lips. “look, we'll keep Viper here for a while, at least until he gets better and I'm sure you'll get another letter soon, I won't let anyone try and hurt you or viper, I promise. Even if I have to hunt them down myself.”

he chuckled a little and nodded as he crawled into bed next to her, smiling a little. “well, I have my suspicions that it's more Snape hating her and all Gryffindor's that is leading to her potions troubles. He has her so jumpy she makes mistakes.” he yawned a little. “same thing that happens to Neville.” he smiled a little. “it will be nice for you to have a little sister.” he teased chuckling a little. “you can braid each others hair and play with makeup and talk about how cute my butt is.” he teased snickering a little as he shook his head and kissed her forehead.
"Creepy ones.And no, ,nothing besides the letters have happened yet."He said yawning as he stretched out in the bed with viper, relaxing more at the reassurance that he wasn't alone, that lucius would help him protect viper."Go away...I'm tired."He muttered, everything crashing down on him at once.

Shay snickered tiredly, rolling her eyes.'Yes,I'm sure that's exactly what she wants to talk about. Your ass."She said smiling as she went to sleep.

In the morning Shay grinned as she stepped into the gryffindor common room, her potions bag over one shoulder. As a gift one year, snape had given her a portable lab, which aws perfect for now, since it'd let her help ginny. Looking around nervously at the early awake gryffindors, she perked up at the sight of ginny, glad that the girl was awake."Hey... sorry its so said when I got up...but draco kicked me awake early this morning tossing and turning so I went ahead and came up..."she said overexplaining in her nervousness to be around so many gryffindors alone.

Meanwhile, in their room pansy smirked as she slipped into the room, glad that neither had thought to ward the door to keep from anyone coming in. Smiling as she slipped off her robe, she climbed into bed with draco, she sighed softly as her bare skin slid against the silk of his pj's. Muttering a illusion spell. More then willing to pretend to be shay for a bit, because if she did this, then she knew shay would leave him."Good morning.'she said kissing him lightly.
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