
Ginny blinked sleepily at Shay smiling happily at her and nodding. “it's fine.” she stated simply, rubbing her eyes. “i'm usually awake this time of morning.” she admitted sighing a little. Liss isn't very quiet when she wakes up and she gets up at this time of day, every day, to meditate of all things, so unless your a heavy sleeper you really have no choice but to get up with her.” she admitted yawning a little. “are you sure it's alright? You tutoring me I mean...”

Draco sighed softly as he felt shay slip into bed and smiled as he snuggled back into her. “mmm are you done tutoring already?” he asked sitting up and yawning before freezing when his hand landed on her breast, his eyes widening. “...your naked...” he stuttered, looking amazed. “i..” he blushed bright red and snatched his hand off her breast. “s..sorry.. I...” he paused suddenly and tilted his head. “..Shay?...are you blocking me?” he asked, having tried to reach into her, wanting to see what she was feeling, wanting to make sure that she was really ready for what he thought she was offering.
Shay smiled perching on the end of the bed, looking at the other girl."It's fine. draco's still sleeping, and he thinks its a good idea I have friends my own age. And own gender."She wrinkled her nose a little. smilign slightly."Most of the girls my own age find me to much like marvos, sharp tongued and prickly."She shrugged."it's why I usually spend time with draco, he just takes my bitchness in stride.And...well, uncle severus shouldn't be scaring his students. Maybe if you're good dispite him, then he'll stop trying to frighten the brave gryffindors."She teased.

Pansy smiled a little kissing him lightly, wrapping a persuasion spell around her voice, knowing he was sleeply enough for it to work well."Yes.But its okay..I want you.'she said hands sliding up his sihrt, silently casting the lust charm, wanting to drive him insane before he woke up to much.Glad that the illusion was strong enough that he couldn't see through it. and wouldn't, not until it was to late to change anything.
Ginny snickered a little and nodded. “my brothers think the same thing.” she admitted looking amused. “they all get SO annoyed when they find out I spent all day with Neville.” she admitted looking wickedly amused. “they'd shit themselves if they realized we've already had sex three times since we got back.” she admitted giggling brightly. “besides your only bitchy at people who deserve it.” she stated simply shaking her head. “brave my ass, most of these people couldn't take on a hufflepuff.” she complained rolling her eyes. “Snape doesn't scare me anyway.... the boy who sits next to me does.” she admitted making a face.

Draco relaxed into the persuasion spell, his eyes glossing over as the spell took effect, relaxing into the bed with a small sigh, arching into the hands. “mm shay, you feel good.” he moaned softly. “wait... wait...” he groaned catching her hands. “we can't... not here... the wards... we'll get in trouble...” he protested softly. “and your supposed to tutor Ginny aren't you?” despite the persuasion and the lust spell, the bonding spell warned Draco that something was wrong, and a bolt of panic and lust raced through the bond into Shay, warning her of the danger too.
"I'll talk to him, it wo-"She stuttered to a stop, on her feet and running for the door before she realized the panic and lust she felt wasn't her own, wondering what was happenign to her sleeping boyfriend. "come with me."She growled at ginny over her shoulder already running for the door to go downstairs. Needing to get to draco.

Pansy sighed softly kissing him a softly."Gin didn't want to this morning."She said sighing as she closed her fingers around his cock, stroking him slowly. "Shhh it'll be okay."she muttered. Forgetting that the bond tied them not only together physically, but emotionally. not realizing that shay was already on her way, working herself into a fine temper.
Ginny blinked, looking shocked as Shay suddenly bolted out of the room and she rushed out after her, her eyes wide, rather afraid of what was going on before it suddenly hit her. “somethings wrong with Draco?” she asked, drawing her wand, ready to protect Shay and Draco.

Draco nodded and groaned loudly as her hand wrapped around his cock, the spell and her image making him too confused to really fight back, he had never been able to deny Shay anything. He blushed hard when the door snapped open and he swallowed hard. “shay... we got caught..” he groaned, pushing gently at her shoulders. “you..a..aah... have to stop.” he mumbled blinking at Shay and Ginny in the doorway, looking way too slow and confused. “...shay..there's another you...” he muttered, trembling from the pleasure and the lust rushing through him, feeling afraid and confused, not understanding what was happening.
Pansy smirked a little, because the illusion spell was set only to fool draco, not anyone else. Having done it, just in case. "ahh draco, I'm sorry."She muttered kissing him again as she pulled away. "D-draco?"Shay stuttered looking confused, stumbling back a step, nearly falling into ginny. Pain, fear and anger making up a nasty mix as she tried to figure out what was happening. Snarling as she watched pansy get dressed, ignoring her as she walked out of the room. To shocked to even bother snapping out at her. Her legs suddenly giving out on her, hitting the floor hard, eyes wide and tear filled as she tried to understand what was going on.
Draco frowned a little at the shay on top of him. “sorry?” he asked, confused as he reached out for her. “shay?...shay!?” he pleaded, wondering if he had done something wrong, Ginny grabbing pansy before she could escape and restraining her with some spells before she grabbed Shay and shook her firmly. “shay! Your a healer dammit! Look at Draco and tell me what you see! From a HEALERS point of view!” she ordered, Draco looking confused and befuddled and so horny but scared. “ginny? Why is there two?” he demanded, struggling to think, but unable to. “he's been bespelled Shay! You need to snap out of it!”
Shay looked startled as she was shook, her head snapping back, the pain of being shook snapping her out of her daze, scrambling to her feet as she reached for draco,wrapping her arms around him,trying to snap the spells around him. Whimpering softly when they only wrapped tighter around him,actually shifting, actually switching the spell as pansy cast silently from her pinned spot. Keeping her own appearance as shay, she let shay become pansy. "Because pansy's a bitch, and wanted you."Pansy piped up from where she was restrained, knowing that the spell was going to eventually be ripped apart, but maybe, if she could damage what was between them, he'd leave her. For a moment her insanity and obsession showed through shay's blue eyes.
Draco looked so confused and then gasped as he jerked away from Shay. “Pansy!” he complained staring at Shay in horror. “Pansy how could you!? I thought we where friends!?” he demanded, sounding hurt, horrified, and angry as Ginny stomped hard on Pansy's hand. “stuff it bitch!” the red head demanded knocking Pansy out cold, Draco looking horrified. “Ginny! Ginny don't hurt shay!” he demanded, staggering out of the bed and collapsing, Ginny blushing hard and averting her eyes when she saw Draco's naked body, coughing lightly. “we need to get him to the hospital wing.” she stated calmly, shaking her head as she flicked her wand at Draco, dressing him as she levitated the unconscious Pansy. “come on Draco, follow Shay.” Ginny cajoled, Draco getting to his feet and following the floating pansy, growing more and more enraged as he bitched at Ginny, demanding the Weasley to let Shay go this instant! Reaching for his wand before he realized that he didn't have it following, and bitching constantly, the entire way to the hospital room.
Shay sighed as she followed them, looking even more and more fractured as they walked. when they arrived in the hospital wing, madame pomprey took one look at them all before putting pansy in the bed and taking draco into one of the exam rooms so she could slowly undo the illusion spells. Not wanting to hurt the boy. Shay sighed rubbing the back of her neck as she slouched over her knees, smiling a little when she saw the pair of shoes in front of her face, glancing up at the twins."Why am I not surprised to see you?"she said smiling painfully, before scrambling out of her seat, clinging to them both. After all, her own brother wasn't there, so ginny's brothers would have to do.
Ginny stroked Shay's hair gently, smiling when the twins arrived. “we felt a disturbance in the force.” the twins chorused, quoting a muggle movie to annoy shay, who'd had to watch Star Wars last year for Muggle Studies, both of them wrapping their strong arms around her, holding her and muttering calming things until Madam Pomfry stepped out, leaving Draco on the bed, the boy complaining that he didn't want to rest, that he wanted Shay goddammit, that Pansy had done something terrible to Shay, and that he wanted Pansy thrown in Azakaban! He was not a happy Malfoy. He took one look at Shay, wrapped up in the red heads arms and reacted instantly, racing out of the exam room wand drawn and driving the twins off of her, yanking her into his arms, feeling her through the bond to make sure she was really Shay and snarling as he nuzzled her all over and examined her carefully to make sure she wasn't hurt. “i'm so sorry Shay! She caught me asleep I didn't know!” he complained feeling heart sore and guilty. “she did something to my head so I couldn't think.” he kissed her and pulled her into a tight hug. “i'm so sorry, I should have listened to you... I never thought Pansy would ever be... be like this I... I just thought...” he felt so betrayed. “i'm going to make sure she's punished, punished severely!”
Shay whimpered as she cried, clinging just as hard to her lover. reassuring herself that he wasn't hurt, just upset. Feeling heartsore at teh feel of the man being upset with pansy."I'm sorry to."She muttered clinging to him, burying her face against his chest. Giggling a little, sniffling as she leaned back to look up at him, "we could just tell marvos what she did."she muttered knowing that even if marvos wasn't exactly happy about his best friend and sister dating, he was going to go ballastic at having pansy hurt both of them.Clinging to him so hard she was sure he was going to have bruises, loosing her grip a little when she realized she was probably hurting him."I love you."She muttered
Draco held her, nuzzling the top of her head, the twins calmly hiding Pansy from his sight, well aware he'd kill her for hurting Shay like that. And then he'd be the one in trouble. “i think we should tell Father.” he admitted. “it's a harsh penalty for trying to break a bond.” he admitted gently stroking her hair. Uncaring that he was going to have bruises from her tight grip. “i love you too.” he whispered picking her up suddenly and carrying her to the bedroom, laying her down and cuddling her, deciding they both needed a good cuddle session.

In Malfoy Manor, Harry had gotten even more suck, and it was baffling Lucius to no end. Viper was Delirious, but he had no fever. Viper was puking, but when he scanned for viruses nothing came up. His theory was that it was a muggle disease that he was unfamiliar with, and was being very careful to care for him. He had ordered Marvos to stay out, in case it was contagious, and so Marvos was alone when a letter came. The usual 'I'm your soul mate, we'll love each other forever... but there was one last thing that was very disturbing. 'when Viper is dead, we'll be free to love each other. He won't live much longer my love, and then I know you will be free from his enchantments and you will find me, and we will have a happy life.' that could only mean one thing... someone had poisoned Viper.
marvos was pale and trembling when he walked into Lucius' office, despite the letter being addressed to lucius, he'd opened the one smelling like shay. Then reading his own letter...well, he had a lot to be scared about. "This came for you.And this one was for me."He said handing both to the man, looking so scared, for once in his life, his brillance failing him in the face of his panic."He did something to viper!I don't what what it is!Somethign!"He said totally failing to think things through. And the panic and rage was making him reckless and even more nervous after what he had read in shay's letter.
Lucius blinked a little and accepted the letter, his eyes widening as he leaped to his feet and raced into the bedroom where Viper was laying, Lucius picking Harry up and racing into the bathroom with him, stripping him naked and dousing him with water to make sure all traces of poison where off of him before he ordered Marvos to contact Professor Snape, who was a master of poisons, both muggle and magical. “Marvos!” Lucius ordered when he came back in, shoving a pile of Vipers clothes and everything that had been on him or in his pockets over to the other. “look through his things, wear gloves, see if you can find anything he shouldn't have. There was only one thing that seamed out of place, a wooden bead bracelet that he had not had while at the Manor. In fact, he shouldn't have had it at all, because no one had given it to him, and he certainly hadn't bought it.
Marvos cursed as he walked back to the bathroom, looking panicked as he held the bracelet between his fingers, walking towards his adopted father."Can I just destroy it?"he asked, sounding calmer, not wanting to make it worse by destroyign the bracelet, looking so unlike himself. It was so good to see him worried about something, even if it was something like this.
Lucius looked the Bracelet over and then shook his head. “no, we need it to make an antidote, or to find out what poison it is.” he admitted. “take it to Sev, he's downstairs right now working on Vipers blood work.” he admitted. “with the poison in hand we should be able to save Viper before he gets too close to Deaths door.” he promised, listening to Viper breath fast and soft, hyperventilating even as he tried to stutter about Arithmacy. As soon as Snape had the bracelet he would easily be able to identify the poison as a powdered Cyanide. Had Viper worn it for only one more hour, he would have died. As it was if they didn't get him an antidote soon he was going to die anyway.
marvos nodded taking the bracelet downstairs to snape. By the time the man was done with the antidote, marovs was climbing the walls in pure blooded panic. "Did you know marvos is tearing apart your hallway?"Severus said mildly as he walked into the bedroom gently lifting viper's head helping him drink the antidote, watching him closely, before relaxing as it started to work, before looking at the blond."He's decided that pansy is a good scapegoat.You have a letter from shay by the way. He was anxious, I gave it to him to read. Thought it'd do him well to hear from her.But it wasn't."He said absently still watching viper closely, more talking just to fill the silence.
Viper moaned as he was given the antidote panting softly as Lucius nodded. “i know, but I didn't want him in here.” he admitted smiling a little before pausing. “Scapegoat?... what did she do!?” he demanded looking rather shocked before he got up, leaving Viper in Snape's care to find Marvos, setting his hand on the others shoulder. “whats wrong with Shay?” he demanded softly, sounding tense and worried. “viper is going to be alright, he got the antidote and his breathing is already clearing and so is his delusions. He should be find to talk to by morning.”
Marvos stopped,staring. Slowly processing the blond's words through his rage. Swallowing hard as he shook a little, studying lucius before holding up the letter. Knowing shay had to have written it after draco was asleep, otherwise the man would have tried to keep her from being so scathingly impolite over pansy's actions."pansy snuck into their room while shay was tutoring ginny, and spelled herself into being shay. Draco was confused and upset, but the bond alerted shsay that something was wrong, and when she came back to investigate that something was wrong, pansy cursed her into looking to draco, like pansy. Draco was hospitlized for a few hours while they sorted things out, and made sure he knew the real shay. At the moment, they're both locked in their rooms and refusing to talk to anyone, though I assume rumor is running wild at the school by now."
Lucius accepted the letter and both eyebrows shot into his hairline as a slow grin curled his lips at all of the words she used to describe pansy. “i do believe I don't know some of those cuss words.” he admitted shaking his head. “i'll make sure Pansy is properly punished. She won't be put in Azakaban because she's only sixteen unfortunately, but I can have her admitted to a heavy criminally insane psych ward for this.” he admitted shaking his head. “i can't imagine what she was thinking, trying to break a Bond, people have died trying to do that.” he growled his eyes narrowing. “it's very ancient magic, that is, and has ways of protecting itself. Pansy should consider herself lucky.”
Marvos snickered, the laughter at the girl's stupidity for trying it, melting away some of his rage. "She's lucky Shay didn't take a strip out of her hide. Or just beat the hell out of her."He shuddered a little, pain flickering over his face, because he knew shay had to be hurting. And draco, draco who was so desperately in love with shay, that it was probably killing him to have hurt her,even if only for a moment."If you ask, I'm sure shay'd teach you the words."he said amused before sighing."We could bring them back here. They'll miss class tomorrow,but.. father."He said, for the first time actually saying outloud what he thought lucius as."They don't need the stress of the rest of the school talking about them.You know how school'll be, gossip no matter what.They don't need that, if they're really feeling as heart bruised as shay seems to be."he said reading under the anger to the pain the younger girl was feeling. Not only because draco had been confused and hurt, but because it hurt draco to be so wrong about someone he thought as a friend, and therefore it hurt shay to see him so upset.
he nodded a little as he shook his head. “she was probably too worried about Draco to deal with Pansy.” he admitted shaking his head a little but jerked a little in surprise at being called 'father' before a smile spread across his lips, pleased that Marvos had said it, even if he hadn't meant to say it. “we'll bring them home and hire a tutor for the week.” he decided. “Viper is going to be on bed rest for about a week as it is.” he admitted shaking his head. “you know, just once i'd like for you kids to go to school and stay there.” he teased chuckling a little. “or at least to have nothing bad happen for a month at the very least, I'm beginning to think I should just keep you at home and tutor you myself.” he shook his head and squeezed Marvos's shoulder. “go sit with Viper, I'll write Dumbledore, the lawyers, and your sister. I'll make sure that she and Draco are here by the hour.” he promised. “go rest Marvos, you need it.”
Marvos smiled as he nodded, now that the rage and panic had past, he really did look tired.

By the time everything had been sorted out at the school, the rumor mill was running wild, even more at the sight of shay latching onto the elder malfoy as soon as he walked into the school, cuddling against him, even if she didn't say anything until they returned to the manor. To heart sore and bruised over what happened, she hadn't even realized he hadn't told them how viper was. Until they got home. Growling a little she leaned back to look up at lucius, panic showing in her eyes as she studied the other.Reaching for draco's hand, clinging to him, fear showing on her face."Papa, what about viper?Marvos would have come with you if everything was okay. What happened?"she said starting to panic, knowing marvos wouldn't have let the chance to protect her from the gossips at school go without having a very good reason for staying where he was.
Lucius took her home smiling at Draco who offered a week grin back before shaking his head at Lucius's silent question. “Shay, I need you to stay calm.” Lucius ordered gently, stroking her hair. “Viper is fine, he's already recovering but it was a very close call. He was wearing a poisoned bracelet, cyanide.” he explained gently, glancing at Draco who had gone wide eyed in horror. “we've already given him the antidote.” “who the HELL would poison Viper!?” “well... Marvos unfortunately has a stalker...” he explained softly. “she is convinced that she is his soul mate and thinks Viper has him under some sort of spell. She tried to kill Viper so that Marvos would love her. We don't know who it is right now... so try not to worry, I'm already handling Pansy too, she's being held in the hospital right now.” he explained. “do you want to see Viper? He's sleeping right now, but he should wake by morning.”
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