
Viper grinned as he put away his supplies, looking up at Snape with a chipper smile. “i've never done potions before, but I've done a lot of stuff similar, Chemistry and even making Bombs and small explosives are a lot alike to potions.” he admitted grinning. “it's a lot of fun.” he admitted with a happy little grin. “she has every right to try out this year!” Draco protested, looking worried himself, viper rolling his eyes. “you know, why not just sabotage her chances if your all so worried?!” he demanded Draco staring at Viper. “because no matter what people think of us Viper, we don't do that, not to other people and certainly not to our own House.” Viper blinked a little and shrugged. “well it doesn't matter to me really I don't have a house. And I've never had a family before so I don't know all those fancy rules and stuff...”
"Oh, its not all that.'Marvos snickered a little kissing viper's head as he stood, heading for the door, ignoring snape's bemused amused smile."don't let him fool you with that house unitiy and things. He just doesn't want to do without cuddles and kisses.And I like my balls right were they are, which shay'd surely remove for me if I sabatoged her chances."He mused before grinning, looking at draco."Think we could move team practice up, and make sure she gets the last chance to try out....if we do that, maybe we'll find someone better."He said, though he was pretty certain that shay was teh best to take draco's spot as seeker. she was smaller and slighter then him, moved faster on a broom... if only they could get over their desperate fear of her getting hurt.
Viper snorted a little and shook his head as Draco rolled his eyes. “anyway, we have Arithmacy.” he stated simply. “and we're going to be late.” he pointed out shaking his head. “and we all know Shay is going to be the best Seeker, we might as well resolve ourselves to that fact.” Draco stated calmly shaking his head as Viper snickered a little. “Shay won't let anyone bully her on the field anyway, she's too good at flying. Bye professor!” Viper chirped smiling as he handed Snape a letter. “i almost forgot to give this to you.” he admitted smirking a little. “it's from NightShade.” he teased wiggling his eyebrows playfully, well aware that Fenrir was asking Snape out on a date before he raced after his friends and into Arithmacy, which Viper was also astonishingly good at, he had a little trouble with the different figures, but once he realized that they where just like muggle numbers he took off like a rocket, even surpassing Draco, though he wasn't better than Marvos.
By the time they got to the qudditch field, Marvos was grinning proudly, looking over at draco.Amused that the other man had lost out on being the best after him.It was rare anyone was better at anything then draco."So, now that you've gotten good with classes, shay'll have a easier time helping out.She has the same classes, without this years things."Marvos said stealing a kiss.

Shay grinned as she bounded out of the castle behind them, carrying her broom and qudditch things, and carrying marvos' extra things with her for viper."Hey you guys."She grinned widely, though it looked a little fragile, like she was expecting them to refuse now that they were on their way to class.
Viper giggled a little and shook his head “i was good at potions and arithmacy but I was SO BAD at Herbolgy! I made my plant throw up!” and had spent thirty minutes trying to get it to stop dry heaving, professor sprout had decided that Viper wasn't allowed near the plants after that and had decided from then on he had a free period during that class. He grinned when he saw shay running over, smirking at her. “i got kicked out of a class!” he bragged, Draco snorting as he rolled his eyes. “he's pleased about it too.” he admitted snickering a little. “he made the plant barf all over some rude Ravenclaw bitch.” he admitted Viper fidgeting as he played with his broom handle. “i can't believe I forgot my riding leathers at home.” he complained sulking a little as he took Shay;s extra load off of her so she wouldn't be weighed down. “it's going to be fun to watch quidditch though, it looks really fun!” he admitted grinning a little as he looked over at all the emerald robes ready to try out, Draco nodding. “take your place Shay, Marvos.” he ordered, making Marvos try out too, just to be fair.
shay laughed a little."just write papa and have him send them."she sad taking her place grinning as they started the game,the rest of the team having joined them.within a fewminutes though marvos joining his fellow seeker in a fewminutes."dray vi's beating her as a seeker, bt she's beaing te rest of the chasers."he said just wanting to make sure the team captain was seeng the insanity that he was. viper with little experience, was beaing sha's years o it. maybe they'd have a chance to win this year fter all. wondering wo the two were shocking more him, with their skills, or the team with the increasingly suicidial stunts. even without their father hounding her it seemed shay still had that reckless streak.
Viper giggled as he swooped through the air, catching the tennis balls that where thrown to him as effortlessly as a cat caught a piece of string, snatching them out of the air with a speed and grace that almost seamed inhuman, several of the Slytherin's whining, because they, unlike Draco, Shay, and Marvos, realized that no one was going to let Viper play on the slytherin team, because he wasn't actually a slytherin. Which poor professor Snape was given the task of reminding Viper of, which would send the boy into a fit of frustrated tears, angry that he had no house, and therefor no sports or tournaments to play in. he sniffled hatefully as he watched Draco sadly appoint Shay as the seeker, Marvos in the position he always played and various others to their appointed positions. It was as if the hat had intended on punishing viper for some reason, so Viper, in a fit of rage stormed up tot he Gargoyle, forced up aside and with red and puffy eyes asked Dumbledore if he could try on the hat again.
shy pouted as she followed a sulking marvos and draco back to their rooms and despite the appointmnt as seeker she was upset. after all shehadnt been the best on the feild."we could disguise him as me.mrvos illusion spell are the best." marvos smirkd a little at th unerhanded complimenty before shaking his head."we cant. the spell reqires to much focus. i coulfnt pkay then"

dumbldore looked startled at th sudden presence of the teen in his study as he skpped his tea gesturing for him to sit down."viper my boy, what can i do for you?"ghe asked crious as he studied the yung man
Draco sighed a little and shook his head. “no... we'll do weekend games.” he decided brightening a little. “a game that everyone can play! Even the people who didn't make the quidditch teams! Theo can't play normally because of his health issues but he could play half-hazard on the weekends if he wanted to... all four houses could participate.” he suggested. “then Viper could play with everyone too.” Draco always had his best ideas when he was trying to make his friends feel better.

Viper sniffed a little as he sat down in front of Dumbledore. “i want to put the hat on again! I want to be sorted! I can't even play quidditch... I can't even take part in the damn Charms competition because I have no house!” he protested sniffing again as he started to cry again, wiping his eyes furiously. “it's.. not fair... I'm.. I'm hated in the muggle world for being a street rat and now.. I don't even have a place in the wizarding world... because the damn... Hat hates me!”
sha laughed a little."that could work.kieep the other houes from injuring u asmuch as uual.and te twins, nd gin could hep get the resy of the houes on bard."he said knowing the other teams and houses wouldnt trust his motivations if it was just his doing it. shay smild a litte pulling drco down for a smacking kis."thats a wonderful idea!"she grinned up at him.

dumbledore sighed shaking his head."i am sure that the hat doesn't hate you. but you can ry again."he said getting up to get the hat handing it to the other with as.ile."here youare myu boy."
he chuckled and nodded. “i know, but they'll eventually get on board, especially if the twins and Ginny join us, everyone likes the twins and no one would think Ginny would ever be able to socialize with nasty Slytherin's.” he teased smirking a little. “this'll be fun, as soon as Viper get's back we can tell him.”

Viper nodded and stroked the hat before putting it on his head. “please... just... give me a house, any house, I don't care please...” “there is no house for you.” the hat protested. “you are the perfect embodiment of every house, you cannot be placed Viper. You will bring about the house unity, that was once the foundation of the school. With House Unity comes school peace, and then wizarding peace. You will bring about the end of a war, you, and the friends you make.” Viper was very suddenly very glad that Dumbledore couldn't hear what the hat was saying, but Harry shrieked in pain when something very heavy and hard smacked him on the top of the head even as the Hat yelled. “NO SORT!” yet again, harry falling out of his chair as Godrics sword fell to the floor half out of the hat, not that poor viper noticed, he was too busy clutching his head. “oooow..ooooow!!! I knew that fucking hat hated me! It's trying to kill me!”
shay grinned nodding happily before wavung goodbye t her bother."go away. I want company for my bath."hsxe said diappearing into ytheir room.marvos raised a eyebrow looking at his best friend."a bath huh?"he said more amused then distured,at least for the moment,at their elationship.

dumbledore looked surprised at both the bys shout and the sudden appearance of the sword. helping harry to his feet as he picked up the sword anhhd casting a pain charm on his student."not trying to kill you a gift."he said looking at the sword."thi one belonged to godric one has een it in years.."he sad lookiong shocked wonering wht it could mean
Draco smirked a little and shrugged at Marvos. “yeah, a bath, go away.” he ordered making shooing motions at Marvos with a small snicker. “go find Viper and hump him for a while.” he ordered smiling a little as he kissed Shay's cheek.

Viper groaned as he rubbed the top of his head, blinking at the sword as he picked it up by the hilt and examined it. “so... this is... mine then?” he asked looking shocked as he shook his head a little. “what the hell am I going to do with a sword?” he demanded wrinkling his nose as he swung it a little, shaking his head a little. “i have a concussion now you stupid hat!” he complained sighing a little as he sat down in the chair, shaking his head again. “this totally sucks... I don't fit in as a muggle and now I can't even fit in as a wizard either.” he grumbled before smiling at Dumbledore. “thanks... for letting me try again anyway... I guess I'll just have to get used to it...”
Shay laughed softly as he watched marvos go,wrapping her arms round raco leaing into him."teasing him is going to get yu hurt."she said amused as she moved away to start the bath water.
dumbledore noded."you are welcom m boy. you could ask marvos or draco o teach you to fene. they re quite good if I r...oh marvos jut th mn we weretalking about."the headmster said miling as the man walked in.Marvos looked suspicious looking at viper worriedly."are you okay?"he asked wrapping aarm around the other.
Draco snickered a little and shook his head. “it's worth it.” he stated with a small chuckle as he stripped off his shirt and then hesitated. “er... are we gonna do the whole close our eyes thing or?...” because Draco honestly wasn't all that sure of anything anymore.

Viper nodded, rubbing his head as he examined the sword, turning to blink at Marvos. “the stupid hate tried to kill me when I demanded it to sort me.” he whined. “burn it!” he ordered pointing hatefully at the sorting hat, that seamed to snicker as Viper got up and leaned into Marvos's arms. “my head hurts and I'm really dizzy.” he whined, well aware that he was suffering from a concussion.
Shay smiled biting her lip shyly as she stripped off her clothes, "No. Come on. Just get in the tub."She said looking nervous as she slipped into the water, sighing as the warm water eased aching muscles. It felt so good to be relaxed, and she knew this was going to be a good step in the right direction for them, even if they didn't do anything else yet.

marvos sighed quietly, picking up harry, pressing a kiss to his head as he picked up the sword to."Come on.We're going to go interrupt shay's bath. She's the best at healing magic."He said with a slight snicker ignoring the headmaster's protests at him taking the sword, and leaving. Heading back down to their rooms, kicking draco's door a little, wanting in but since he was carrying the man, he couldn't open the door by himself.
he smiled a little as he kissed Shay gently as he moved to slid into the water, freezing at the sound of Marvos kicking in the door, hanging his head. “i knew that this was going to go wrong...” he grumbled softly shaking his head. “stay here.” he complained heading for the door, wrapping a towel around himself and yanking the door open, freezing at the sight of Viper and the sword, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open as he noticed the large egg on Vipers head. “hey shay!? we... need a healing spell out here.” he stated loudly so Shay could get dressed without Marvos and Viper walking in on her, Viper whining a little. “head hurts...” he complained, a splitting headache growing to the point he couldn't focus on anything else.
Marvos sighed softly,"I know sweetheart. She's coming."He muttered sitting on the bed, holding the boy in his lap, growling under his breath absently at the sight of shay walking out in a towel. Shay nearly dropped her towel at the sight before her, gripping the edges tightly as she crossed the room, looking at the boy worriedly."vi?What happened?"She demanded as she used her gentle fingers to touch the goose egg, slowly reducing the swelling, not wanting to heal it to fast, not wanting to make his headache worse. "vi, is that any better?"she asked using the spell to look for the worse injured parts.
Viper whimpered when she touched the goose egg flinching away from the healing touch before relaxing a little and sighing as the pain slowly started to ease off. “sword... from hat...” Viper muttered softly. “hit me on the head.” he mumbled, feeling sleepy now that the pain was subsiding, Draco wrapping the towel more firmly around Shay and holding it in place so she could work. “tired.” viper mumbled softly. “so tired...”
Shay smiled thankfully at draco before she looked at marvos you looked about one step away from yelling at her for walking out in a towel. Though she knew he was only venting because he was worried about Viper. "Put him in the bed, and settle in yourself. Me and draco can transfigure the couch into a day bed and sleep."She said looking at her brother sternly before he did as she said, not about to let her 'patient' out of her sight. Worried about the boy, between malnourishin that had wrecked havoc on his body before he'd come to live with them, and now this and the stress of being at school, she was worried about how he was doing.
Viper snuggled into Marvos falling asleep as Marvos carried him to bed, Draco biting his lip hard. “i don't think Vi can handle this...” Draco admitted softly. “he acts fine but... he was crying when Snape told him he couldn't join the team...” Draco admitted softly, swallowing hard. “have you noticed how much he's eating? Yet he doesn't gain a pound... I heard him puking last night, before Marvos came in from his last class... he's either very sick, or so stressed out he can't keep his food down...”
Shay nodded sitting on the edge of the bed, still healing as much damage as she could. trying to make it easier for Viper, whimpering quietly at not being able to do more. Looking up at draco worriedly."I have a free day tomorrow. I think I'm going to go home and see papa. He'll have a idea on what to do."She said looking sure, needing to believe that lucius would know how to fix everything, because he was the only one who ever had.
Viper just slept through the healing, Draco sighing softly. “yes, Father should know what to do.” he agreed gently stroking Vipers hair. “it must be so hard, being so suddenly...excluded from everything...” he muttered softly. “from what I can tell Vipers always had the chance to join whatever group, whatever game he wanted... to suddenly have no friends and no chance to make any because he can't join any competitions, clubs, or houses... it must be torture for him... I wish there was something we could do for him...”
Shay nodded looking down at viper, before moving to sit on the couch, transfiguring it into a bed for them, before looking at marvos."And it's not like marvos can understand what he's going through. Marvos LIKES being excluded. Means he doesn't have to put up with everyone."She said before rubbing her eyes, We'll get him into things. I promise, I wont let him be excluded from everything."She said, wondering if she could get lucius to intervene to allow viper a honorary slyhterin, without joining the house, just so that he could play on the house team and things. after all lucius was a school board member, he should be able to do something.She had to believe that.
Draco sighed a little and shook his head. “i'll have to write father a letter, Viper is supposed to go out tonight and do an assassination for Voldemort...” he muttered writing a quick letter to his father and sending it through so that Lucius could explain to Voldemort that Viper was injured and unable to do the assassination, and that Viper would take care of it as soon as Viper was fixed up, certain that Voldemort would be alright with it, since he had such a horrid fascination with Viper. The sick undead bastard was almost, dare he think it? Affectionate towards Viper. He also informed Lucius that Shay was going to go home for her day off.

The next morning Viper was still Dizzy but no longer had a splitting headache and decided he would be alright to go to class, though he ended up sleeping through most of them, Draco explaining to the teachers that Viper had a concussion before they could get angry at him. Lucius actually came to the school to pick up Shay, smiling at his daughter. “what's this I hear about Viper being hurt?” he asked smiling at her. “you don't miss home already do you Little One?” he asked teasing her as he pulled her into a gentle one armed hug. “come, tell me whats wrong.” because he knew the only time that Shay would part from Draco was when she was very worried about something.
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