
Viper grinned a little. “damn, I'll have to look myself then.” he admitted. “i've only got this one.” he admitted showing her the earring that he'd gotten at his wizards party. “i need more, I can't just walk around having only one earring!” he complained Draco snorting a little. “Vi, you sound gay.” “i am gay.” “... oh yeah.” Draco muttered smirking before beaming at Shay as he pulled her into his arms and gave her a small kiss. “mmm missed you.” he stated with a grin as Viper made soft gagging noises to screw with Draco. “shut up viper or I'll give Marvos breasts.” Viper actually shuddered and shook his head. “i can behave.” Viper promised smiling at shay. “after lunch we'll talk ok?” he promised smiling at her. “hey Shay, how was runes?” Draco asked smiling at her. “did you like it?”
Marvos choked a little, gagging a little at the idea."Draco!I don't want breasts."He proteszted, blushing a little as he sat down at the table, looking amused anyways. Shay blushed a little, laughing as she grinned happily."Oh!It was so much fun."She said smiling, "I'm so glad you got ginny to switch.That's marvos."She said hugging him, grinning as he squirmed uncomfortable as he started eating. She grinned as she looked at draco, rolling her eyes a little as pansy mnoved down the table to eat."How was your class?"
Viper snickered a little and shook his head a little. “it's ok Marvos, I don't like boobs either.” he admitted laughing a little as he shook his head Draco smiling as he kissed shay's forehead. “i'm glad you liked it, I'm sure Marvos just wanted Ginny to shut up but as long as it made you Happy he'll claim he planned it.” he teased smirking a little. “it was fine, the teacher talked to Viper though, what was that all about Vi?” “i don't know.. apparently I made a trap and she said I did a good job, I have no idea what I did...” he admitted shaking his head. “it was probably luck, I've always been lucky.” he admitted stuffing food into his mouth, smirking a little. “damn this food is good.” he purred happily as he swallowed down as much food as he could force down his gullet.
Marvos pouted a little looking over at draco."I would never just want the gryffindor to shut up."He said seriously before sighing."He created a trap, a good one, without even thinking about it.I'm curious to see what else he's going to do."He said smiling slightly as he ate. Shay smiled,"Good. Maybe he wont be as far behind as we were afraid he'd be."She said eating frowning a little before looking at draco."Panssy seems more helpful then normal."she said sounding slightly amused, though it really did worry her, and she had no other reason besides that she knew pansy liked draco.
Draco nodded a little. “Viper seams to do everything instinctively.” he pointed out. “remember when Theo accidentally scared the crap out of him and Vi ended up stunning him?” “yeah, I thought he was dead.” Viper admitted. “he was laying there all still and I could SWEAR he was dead!” “right! But now that he's done it once he can do it again, like he did to that bird who crapped on Shay.” “so what are you saying?” “i'm saying you have unique learning patterns that's all. It's nothing bad, in fact you might have an advantage, because even if you don't understand, you still retain the knowledge, and it will all make sense eventually when you learn more.” Draco admitted Viper blinking at Draco. “ make my head hurt.” he complained before he finished stuffing himself and grabbed Shay's hand before Draco could respond to the pansy thing. “come on shay!” Viper ordered dragging her off to his private room. “so whats wrong? You look upset.” Viper admitted hopping onto his and Marvos's shared bed.
Marvos snorted a little as he ate, giving draco a look."It's not nice making either of their heads hurt.and shay sounded jealous.Or defensive. They kinda sound the same to me."He said looking at his best friend, lookking down the table at pansy. Knowing that should shay's fears be well founded, something was going to go seriously wrong.

shay blushed sitting down with him,hopping up on the bed."Oh, well.."She blushed harder fiddlign with her pantleg because she felt awkward now that she had him.Biting her lip she swallowed, bracing herself to ask."well...draco and me were doing...things last night,and well...I...I wanted know, but i was nervous and it looked so big!I didn't want to put it in my mouth.Well i did..but..."she stuttered looking down avoiding his eyes."I know you and marvos do...that.I want advice."she said blushing a little.
Draco blinked a little looking confused before he shook his head. “oh don't be ridiculous Marvos. Pansy is only a friend, she just wants to help.” he complained shaking his head. “you see danger everywhere you look.” he complained getting up and stalking off, annoyed that Marvos didn't trust him.

Viper blinked looking surprised and then giggled brightly. “oh is that all?” he asked smiling a little. “well you don't have to start with your mouth you know, you can just as easily use your hands.” he explained. “he won't mind either way, for a guy pretty much everything feels good, here.” he grabbed a parchment and suddenly drew a picture of a cock and balls. “you want to start with soft strokes.” he explained. “and pay very close attention to the head, this place here.” he explained tapping the drawing. “that's the most sensitive place on the cock, it's all sensitive though so be careful you don't grip too hard.” he ordered calmly. “if you do decide to use your mouth, try licking first, start at the head, and then work your way down to the balls, the balls are also really sensitive.” he explained smiling. “you don't have to actually put it in your mouth if you don't want to, but if you do i'd suggest practicing first, I used cucumbers when I first started, it helps with your gag reflex and lets you get used to something that big in your mouth.” he explained smiling at her. “does that help?”
Shay blushed hard, nodding as she pressed her hands over her burning cheeks, smiling as she looked at the picture again before standing. "It does."she said hugging him tighgtly,"you wont tell marvos about this?"she said nervous about what her amoral brother would do if he discovered this talk. Bitign her lip, almost feeling disturbed about pansy, but not knowing how to bring it up. so, for now, she'd just let it go. She'd talk to draco later."Thank you vi."She muttered kissing his forehead.
Viper snorted a little and shook his head. “and be skinned alive? I think not.” he teased chuckling a little. “i won't tell.” he promised smiling at her when she kissed his forehead, hopping to his feat. “hey, Shay... do you think you could tutor me in my classes?” he asked hopefully. “i hate feeling all stupid.” he admitted scowling a little. “i have no idea what's going on at all.” he complained wrinkling his nose. “Marvos isn't very good at explaining stuff either...”
Shay snickered nodding,"I'll help.And marvos is no help, because he's so ambilivant to everything around takes getting hit outside the head to make him really care."She said, amused because it was mostly true. viper had hit shay like a fist in the stomach, and he hadn't recovered his bearings yet. smiling a little wider."We better go.Can't leave draco alone."She said frowning a little as she thought it wasnt she didn't trust draco, it was that she didn't trust pansy at all.
Viper smiled a little and then gently took her hand. “hey...shay, you know Draco would never leave you don't you? Even Marvos can tell how much Draco loves you. He's never going to leave you for that slut Pansy.” he promised smiling at her. “there's nothing she can do to take him away from you.” he promised smirking a little as he kissed her cheek before leading the way back to the Table and forced himself into Marvos's lap, smirking as he finished eating what was on Marvos's plate. “she wanted to know where babies come from.” he teased when Draco opened his mouth to ask what that had all been about.
Marvos looked startled, then put out at finally finding himself without food, and at the words."You will tell me what your hiding later wont you?"He muttered pressing a kiss to viper's head. Shay smiled a little as she slid into the seat next to draco, pressing a kiss to his cheek,blushing ever so slightly."Hey. We need to talk later."She said,despite viper's words, still feeling anxious about pansy, so instead of bottlign it up, she'd talk to draco, and hope he understood.
Viper smirked a little. “can't.” he stated simply with a small shrug “it's a secrete.” he teased chuckling a little Draco blinking at Shay and smiling a little. “alright, how about right after dinner? We can go sit in our room and talk.” he promised smiling as he kissed her forehead, sighing as the bell rang. “damn... next class, Arithmacy.” he complained sighing a little. “and then... with horror... Trelwany...” Viper tilted his head. “whats a trelwany?” “it's a person, never mind you'll meet her later.” he promised patting Vipers head. “i'll see you at dinner.” Draco promised. “i'll keep my notebook open.”
Shay smiled a little, nodding as she watched the other three leave, already bracing herself for their talk, and her class with trelwany.

By dinner though, shay was far from her usually calm self, anxious and fridgety, nearly pouncing on draco when he appeared at dinner, wrapping him in a hug. having listened-well read- about draco and pansy's talks while they were seperated in class, she was anxious. Her heart hurt at the idea of them getting along. "You had fun.Even though trelwany predicted you'd get killed before married."she teased looking up at draco, kissing his cheek. Marvos snickered a little, shaking his head a little."Trelwany's always predicting someone's death.She voted I was going to kill viper, and that you were going to be sleeping beauty again."He said snickering a little.
Viper was looking pale and was picking at his dinner, Trelwany's prediction haunting in his ears. 'you will kill everyone you love, and just when you give up all hope on life, you will be expected to save the world.' it sounded too close, especially after what he had found out in Olivanders. Draco smirked as he wrapped his arms around her, kissing her forehead. “i would never let you be sleeping beauty.” he promised smirking a little. “Vi? Are you alright? Your not eating...” Viper wasn't all that hungry.
Marvos sighed, wrapping his arms around viper, kissing his head."he's taking trelwany's predictions to heart."He snickered before sighing, trying not to worry, even though he was."Vi, she predicts bad things all the time. Last year she had shay so scared of me that she wouldn't enter the room." Shat snickered leaning into draco, closing her eyes for a moment before smilign."Well, you were angry at me already for declaring I was going to marry draco someday." She pointed out, starting to eat.
Viper sighed a little as he tucked himself into Marvos, shaking his head. “everyone stares at me.” he complained, and indeed everyone had been staring at Viper, between his amazingly hot figure, Marvos's infatuation with him, and viper not being sorted, he was very interesting. And Viper had always hated being stared at. Draco snickered a little and shook his head. “i remember that!” he admitted. “what did Telly say again?” oh yes 'your brother will betray you to the one you fear most.' what a bitch.” Draco growled. “when I rule the world she will be the first to go!...” Viper giggled and closed his eyes, utterly exhausted from the long day, he was just going to take a small nap.
Marvos laughed quietly, pressing a kiss to viper's head, before getting up."Come on.You're going to go to sleep."He said bullying the other out the door and down to their own room, frowning a little."how are you?"He said sounding worried as he tucked the other into bed.

Shay smiled a little worried, but giggling a little at draco's words."You couldn't kill her."she said amused before looking at the other two as they left. Worried about them both before looking at draco,sighing quietly."Let's go.People are looking at us now to."She said,anxious enough over pansy that she was feeling the people staring at them more then normal.
Viper whined as he was forced to his feet and he snuggled into bed sighing a little. “tired.” he groaned. “so tired.” he whined. “too much information.” he complained softly wrapping his arms tightly around the other dragging him intot he bed too. “... Trelwany wasn't right...was she? am... am I gonna get everyone killed?” he asked softly, looking at Marvos biting his lip in worry.

Draco snorting a little. “i could too, all you have to do is sneak up behind her and hit her over the head with a Bludger Bat.” he stated simply snickering a little as he kissed her gently and led the way to the bedroom. “hey, Shay? Are you alright? Your a bit tense ever since Lunch let out.” he admitted looking like he was pondering something.”here, lay down on your belly.” he ordered laying her out and then carefully massaging her back. He wasn't as good as Viper was, or shay was, but he was trying and it felt good and was relaxing even if it didn't take out the knots.
"No, she's not right."Marvos said pulling him closer, pressing a kiss to his hair as he wrapped him in a hug."Never.You could never."He muttered sighing quietly, holding him as tight as he could.

Shay sighed quietly moaning a litle as he worked out some of the knots, closing her eyes."Pansy bothers me.I know you two are friends, but she wants to be more.And you know it.I just..."She stopped, knowing she sounded severely insecure, and only about pansy was she. Because the woman was older,beautiful, and concinving and wanted draco.She was worried for him, and scared that she'd lose him."She makes me tense."
Viper sighed a little and smiled, snuggling into the other. “good.” he muttered softly falling quickly to sleep, too tired to stay awake any longer, sighing softly as he rested happily in Marvos's arms. “i love you.” he mumbled softly.

Draco looked startled and he smiled a little. “she's not going to try and take me away from you.” he promised smiling. “she just wants a friend and she's jealous because she thinks your taking me away from her. She doesn't want me in any way other than friends, she's told me herself several times.” he promised kissing his lovers temple. “i will never let anyone take me away from you, I love you too much to live without you.” he promised smiling a little as he nibbled gently on the others neck smiling a little. “but if it makes you feel better, I'll ask Pansy not to be so affectionate how's that?”
Shay smiled, sighing softly as she closed her eyes, shivering a little under his lips."that would make me feel better."She said sounding slightly better, glancing back at him through half closed eyes, looking sleepy and amused. Knowing that pansy didn't feel like that, that she had to be playing some game, but she didn't want to fight with draco, so she'd let it go for now.
Draco smiled and gently kissed her forehead as he continued to massage her until she fell asleep.

In the morning Viper groaned as he woke to a letter smacking him in the face by an annoyed Elf, the elf vanished and Viper groaned as he opened the letter and began to read, his eyes widening in shock before scowling a little as he crumpled the letter into a tight little ball and threw it into the fireplace, yawning a little as he rubbed his eyes, his stomach growling and his bladder protesting his refusal to pee last night before going to bed. “Mar..i'm gonna go pee.” Viper stated as he searched blindly for his pants.
Marvos whined quietly as he reached over the edge of the bed, picking up the other's pants and flinging them at him before snuggling back down into the bed.Not quite willing to get up yet. The bed was so comfortable."Go away.Your being loud."He whined.
Viper giggled a little and shook his head a bit as he yanked on his pants, heading out to pee and bath before heading down for breakfast, and in that time a very ruffled own landed on Marvos and pecked him in the forehead, delivering a letter to him that read as follows.

'My dearest Marvos

I love you so much that I think I might cry sometimes. I know we have never really spoken to you before but I hope that you will accept my devotion and my love. You are the only person who matters to me, and I can make you far happier than anyone else ever could.

With love,
your soul mate.
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