
he whimpered as he hid his face in Shay's shoulder, trembling a little as his hand settled on Marvos's, swallowing hard as he looked up at the headmaster, looking confused and afraid of what was going on. “it's alright Vi.” Draco promised smiling a little. “it just means that you'll room alone for a while. The Hats just an ass, I'm sure everything will be fine.” he promised smiling at Viper who nodded, looking around at the sea of faces, who where still staring at him, making him tremble and hide in Marvos's shoulder this time, Draco sighing a little before he smirked. “viper, watch!” he suggested indicating the empty plates, Viper gasping in astonishment, his eyes widening as all the food suddenly appeared. “Draco that was amazing! How did you do that!?” Viper asked looking astonished, Draco smirking. “oh, I'm just amazing like that.”
Marvos snickered, glaring over viper's head as everyone stared. His own annoyance at Viper's distress starting to show. Hopefully everyone wouldn't forget this year that he really didn't handle his annoyance well. "Oh, shay'd you hear that?Draco's amazing." Shay smiled a little. "I know he is. After all, he's head boy this year."She said happily, proud of her fiancee for getting it. Marvos snorted laughing a little."Aww draco, you have a fanclub."He teased his friend s he started to eat. Wondeirng how long it'd take viper to ask if it really was draco that had filled the plates.Surely after living at the manor, he knew draco didn't do anything for himself unless he had to.
Viper was already frowning as he studied Draco. “how come you don't do this at home?” he demanded Draco coughing as he fought his own amusement. “well we had house elves to do it.” Viper pondered that and then. “there are house elves here too, I saw them.” he stated Draco pausing then. “well they where too slow.” “... I think you didn't do it.” “your right I didn't.” Draco admitted with a laugh shaking his head. “of COURSE I have a fanclub! I AM the most amazing person EVER to grace Hogwarts halls with his presence!” he stated with a smirk, Viper lifting an eyebrow. “i think your full of shit Draco.” he admitted, Draco choking on his bite of food as Viper sniggered and started piling his plate up and wolfing the food down before pausing. “Marvos? I going to have to sleep alone?” he asked softly, worried. “i...i've never slept alone before.” he admitted softly. “can you stay with me?”
Marvos smiled at him as he paused in the middle of eating."Yea, I'll stay with you. Since Shay's stealing draco to stay with, my rooms going to be sadly empty.I'll stay."He smiled kissing the boy's heel. Shay sniggered a little eating as she looked at draco."Oh YOU are the most amazing person to attend hogwarts?"she asked raising a eyebrow, as she started eating her food. "Well, I guess acording to pansy you are."She teased leaning over to kiss his cheek, their bond filled with amusement.
he smiled, relaxing as he nodded, laying his head on Marvos's shoulder for a moment before he returned to stuffing himself silly as Draco smirked, kissing shay gently, the entire Slytherin table gaping as they realized that yes, Shay and Draco where kissing... in public. “well, ok I'm the best MAN to grace the halls of Hogwarts.” he conceded smiling at her, his amusement flowing with hers. “your ALWAYS the best, no matter what we're doing.” he promised grinning at her as he offered her the bowl of her favorite fruit, chuckling a little. “i think I just gave all of slytherin a heart attack.” he admitted smirking as he examined the gaping faces, Viper pausing as he blinked at everyone staring at Draco and shay. “is there a staring class or something?” he asked looking confused as to why everyone would stare all the time.
Marvos snickered a little, ignoring everyon staring as he ate his food."No. No staring class. Just a bunch of slytherins not used to displays of affection."He said amused, because while they migiht be affectnate and cute in private, there was hardly ever in public displays. Shay giggled a little, blushing as she shifted, settling closer to draco,"I think you did. They're all about to fall over."She smiled before preening a little."Oh good. Well as long as you're aware I'm better."She said blushing a little as she ate hr fruit, leaning closer to him."Hmm though you are better at kissing."she teased quietly.
Viper blinked a little as he stared back at everyone, several of them taking notice and realizing they where being incredibly out of character and rude and returned to eating, Viper snickering a little as he went back to stuffing his face Draco chuckling as he kissed her forehead, grinning a little. “i am not.” he teased chuckling. “i'm a novice, I've never kissed anyone before you, you know.” he teased smirking a little. “unless you count my mother and I really don't.” Viper wined when the food suddenly disappeared, and chirped in glee when all the desserts popped up and he sampled every one, dumping the ones he didn't like onto Marvos's plate just to be an annoyance, Draco laughing as he got up, walked to the end of the table and stole his, and Shay's favorite dessert, since the Elves still hadn't learned to place it in front of them, Viper grinning as he stole a spoonful of it and nearly spat it out in disgust.
"Hey!Don't waste that!They're good!"Shay whined ignoring the slight laughter from the rest of the table as she took the rest of the strawberries from Viper's plate, whining quietly at the annoyance that he'd stole some.Nearly moaning out loud as she ate the iced wine strawberry. Marvos snickered a little looking at draco,raising a eyebrow a little."I think that's a better reaction then from you kissing her. Damned if she doesn't love those strawberries."he teased grinning before wincing as shay kicked him."Don't tease him."She ordered.
Viper shook his head and washed his mouth out with some ice-cream Draco chuckling as he nibbled on his own strawberry, smirking a little. “i know she loves them more than me, that's why I make the house elves make them for her.” he teased chuckling a little as Viper wrinkled his nose. “yuck!” he complained a few of the nearby Slytherin's chuckling a little as one of them patted Viper on the shoulder, making the boy jump, startled before he smiled at the stranger. “here, try these, their much better.” the other boy offered with a laugh shoving over some white chocolate and chocolate dipped strawberry's, Viper hesitantly nibbling on one before he plucked out four of each kind and started to chow down again, the Slytherin's laughing at Vipers appetite. It was amazing that someone so small could eat so much! He wined again when all the food vanished, but he was finally full at least and you could tell because he yawned and rubbed his eyes. “is it bed time now?” viper asked hopefully, Draco chuckling as he nodded. “yes, hold on a moment while I find out where their rooming you.” he ordered getting up and heading over to the teachers table to ask Dumbledore where they where going to have Viper sleeping.
"Yes, mr. malfoy?"Dumbledore asked as he moved to stand. "I think he is wants to know where you're putting Viper."Snape said, smiling slightly at his godson, moving to stand. "ah, yes."Dumbledore stroked his beard thinking before nodding absently."Yes, there's a single dorm room near the slytherin rooms, in the maze. I am sure that would be apporiate?" Snape smiled, because he knew it was not only so that viper would be happy with the room, it was because dumbledore wanted to make sure he would keep a eye on him. Sighing mentally aat the idea of spying on any of them he looked at Draco, raising a eyebrow."Why is it I am the last to know about this?"He asked nodding slightly towards shay who was still hovering by her seat waiting for him. While he publicly supported dumbledore he often worked and helped lucius, as much as he could.

Marvos sighed quietly watching the students filter out, tilting his head a little looking at his lover as he stood."Love, I wouldn't try stealing shay's treats anymore. She likes odd things."His smirk widened."Which, explains her attraction to Draco."
Draco nodded. “ah, yes I know the room your talking about.” he agreed. “i think he will like it. I also wanted to let you know that Viper is afraid to sleep alone, he's convinced that the older students are going to sneak into his room and beat him at night so Marvos is going to stay with him.” he admitted glancing at shay and smiling. “because I assumed Father would tell you?” he asked rather sheepishly. “sorry Uncle, I didn't mean to keep it a secrete, it all happened so fast that I forgot to tell some people and assumed Father would for me.” he admitted shaking his head. “i'll lead Viper to his new room, his things are already there yes?”

Viper nodded. “i agree.” he admitted giggling a little. “very strange tastes our Shay.” he admitted giggling a little as he watched Draco talking to the teacher, his head tilted. “who's that greasy haired man?” he asked curiously. “he looks like the medicine man who gives Nightshade his medicine every month.” so that was how Fenrir had managed to survive in the muggle world as a werewolf! Snape had been supplying Fenrir with werewolf potions!
Dumbledore nodded a little."Yes, your father had mentioned that."He said looking thoughtful before looking at Draco."Now,I know you have been giving leave to share a room with ms. sharazari, but do not think that you will be allowed intimate.Goodnight Severus, mr. malfoy." He said excusing himself and leaving. Snape sighed smiling a lttle as he walked around the table, stopping next to draco."Next time never assume your father will do anything.He's been worried about me living here with dumbledore, to send certain things."He muttered smiling as he kissed shay's cheek."Ready for another school year?" "Yes uncle.Ready to go?"She added looking at Draco.

Marvos looked startled looking at Viper before looking at snape, raising a eyebrow a little."Ah, that would be our resident potions master, and draco's godfather, severus snape."He said nodding hello as the three approached them."Severus, it is good to see you again."
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. “fear not Headmaster.” he promised. “we both want to wait until after we have been married, which won't happen until after graduation.” he promised smiling at Severus. “i will make sure to tell you next time sir.” he promised. “i know Dumbledore reads your mail.” he warned calmly, unsure if Snape knew that already or not. “Uncle this is Viper.” he introduced Viper grinning at the man. “we've met, I accidentally spilled chocolate milk down his pants once.” Viper admitted, Draco choking back a laugh. “did I ever apologize for that?” Viper asked smiling at Snape. Draco chuckled as he wound his fingers into shay's, holding her hand as he headed down the hall. “Viper, Professor Snape is going to be in charge of you, so do as he says and try to stay out of trouble alright? The headmaster gave Marvos permission to sleep in your room with you but no intercourse or that will be changed and you'll have to sleep alone or in the Slytherin dorms on the floor.” Viper pouted but nodded. “Marvos your things have already been moved to vipers new room.” he promised feeling very self important and bossy with his shiny new head boy badge.
Snape ground his teeth together to keep from laughing in Draco's face at how proud and self importnant he was. Hell, he reminded him of a young lucius. His heart hurt at the idea, and he prayed that that bright hopefullness they all had, wouldn't suffer and break under the world's pressure."Oh hell. You know when Lucius said he had met...a old friend... I didn't know he meant him."He said looking thoughtful, amused because viper remembered him. WAlking with them down the hall. Marvos snickered a little looking at draco,a arm around draco's waist."Being head boy's not going to make her like you better. If anything, pansy's going to be more attatched." "She's already to attatched."Shay sneered a little as she wealked with them.
Draco smirked a little as Viper giggled. “Nightshade raised me remember?” Viper asked smirking a little. “when Marvos and Draco took me home to get some things they met him, Lucius was SO surprised when he found out who my Boss was.” he admitted with a small giggle. “i guess he didn't bother telling you because he didn't know you where involved too.” Viper teased snickering a little. As Viper glared at Marvos. “don't forget Mar, I can give you detentions now!” Draco taunted smirking happily as viper giggled and then brought tears to his eyes. “'d give Marvos a detention? What is that? Is it painful? Please don't give Marvos detentions!” Draco groaned but gently patted Vipers back. “don't worry Viper I was only teasing, I'm not going to give Marvos any detentions.” he promised Viper sniffling. “promise?” he asked softly Draco nodding. “i promise.” it was terrible how good Viper was at that, and how quickly Draco had given in! It was almost as bad as when Shay did it!
Marvos smiled, kissing Viper's head, looking at Draco."You know, if it gets any worse, he's going to have you wrapped around his greedy little fingers as badly as Shay does." Snape smiled a little looking amused as they paused in front of the dorm room, pushing open the door."Marvos, remember. There are wards to stop actual sex, but nothing against kissing.Or... other things. Goodnight gentleman, lady."He said tilting his head excusing himself. Shay blushed pressing her cheek against draco's shoulder looking amused."Hmm that was one thing I never thought to hear from snape."She said smiling before looking at Viper, resting her hand on his arm."Viper, detention is just like class, but without getting taught anything. It's usually kinda like study hall."She said wanting to make him feel better.
Draco rolled his eyes. “i think he already does.” he complained chuckling a little as he shook his head a little smirking at Snape. “thank you uncle.” he chirped with a small chuckle as he ran his fingers through Shay's hair, kissing her forehead as Viper blinked. “oh... so it's not painful?” “no Viper it's not painful.” he promised chuckling a little as he opened the door for Viper, showing him the large room with two beds in it, as if Dumbledore hoped that they would sleep in separate beds. “this is a nice room.” Viper admitted smiling as he looked around at the muted colors. “can I paint it?” “you'll have to ask Professor Snape.” Draco admitted with a chuckle. “goodnight you two, try not to stay up all night, we have class in the morning.” he admitted leading Shay away so they could unpack and crawl into bed, and maybe, if she was up for it, a little fun.
Marvos snickered as he looked at their bags, flicking his wand, setting the spells to do their unpacking for them. Not about to do his own unpacking if there was a spell to do it for him. Smirking as he looked at the beds, waving his wand again pushing them together."As if I'm going to be sleeping anywhere but next to you."He sneered a little, smilign a little as he tugged viper close, pressing a kiss to his mouth.

Shay smiled as she followed him into their room, using the same spell marvos did. Tired enough she didn't want to actually physcially unpack things like she normally would. She just wanted to crawl into bed,cuddle, and maybe steal a few kisses. Smiling as she looked up at Draco."Well. At least that was a entertaining first day in school."Her smile widened a little."And are you going to listen o your own advice about not staying up?"
Viper grinned as he watched all of his things flying about the room and caught both foxes as they tried to settle onto the dresser, placing the, carefully on the head of the bed, grinning as he crawled into bed with a bright yawn, snuggling into Brax with a soft sigh kissing him back. “i wonder if that anti sex thing works on gay sex?” he mused smiling a little. “we'll have to try, after all no one told us not to have sex.” he muttered softly, well aware that everyone knew that Marvos would know the rules. “i wonder, if the spell is still active in the library? Book sex is hot.” he mumbled already half asleep. It had been a long day for him, and poor viper was exhausted.

Draco chuckled a little and shook his head as he unpacked his things as well shaking his head a little. “entertaining and rather traumatizing.” he admitted snickering a little. “did you HEAR uncle!? I cannot believe he said something like that!” he admitted changing into his pajamas, not even bothering to move into the conjoined bathroom, he just stripped naked right then and there and got dressed in his pajama bottoms before crawling into bed with a sigh. “mmm I have a good feeling about this year.” he admitted smiling a little. “it has to be wonderful with you.” he admitted smiling at her, chuckling a little.
MArvos snickered a little."We will have to try."He said stripping and crawling in bed with him, kissing the others head, before pausing at the words." sex?"He teased yawning as he settled close, hugging the man close to him as he started falling asleep.Feeling amused and happy.

Shay giggled a little blushing slightly when she saw him stripping, not able to stop from watching though."Ah well uncle is just being overprotective.And it's not like papa didn't say the same thing."She said before blushing more, stripping herself. Tugging on her pj's before crawling in next to him, resting her head on his chest."Of course.Everything's wonderful with me."She teased pressing a kiss to the pec under her cheek.
he smiled a little. “yeah, book sex, 's when you fuck on the books...” he mumbled softly, snuggling into both foxes and Marvos at the same time. Falling asleep happily, content to sleep and have good dreams.

He chuckled as he noticed her blush and blushed a little himself. “i was talking about the OTHER thing.” he teased. “when he said that we where alright to do...other things.” he admitted blushing even harder as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck with a small chuckle. “everything is wonderful with you.” he agreed smiling a little. “we're going to have to introduce Viper to the Slytherin's properly tomorrow morning, so they know to protect him. I wonder if the Twins could get the Gryffindor's to leave him alone? I don't think he would understand the Gryffindor Slytherin thing...”
"Oh."Shay blushed harder, smiling a little before nodding."We'll have to introduce them. NO ONE understands the gryffindor/slytherin thing."She said amused,"But I'm sure if we ask, the twins would see about it."She shifted lifting her head studying him for a moment before dipping her head, kissing him slowly,sliding her fingers through his hair, wondering if he was interested in exploring those other things. She was...curious. After that first night, they had made out,but not done anything else.and she was curious.
he chuckled a little and nodded. “sure we understand it, they suck and they started it, end of story.” he teased kissing her back happily before pulling away, a smirk on his lips. “i thought you where tired?” he teased chuckling a little as he gently rolled her onto her back, him hovering over her, kissing her again, happily, moaning softly. “you make it so hard to control myself and behave.” he admitted chuckling as he kissed down her neck, gently moving her night gown straps out of the way so he could kiss her shoulders and down her collar bone, and then to the dip, where her cleavage just started to begin. “you make me want to break all the rules, not very nice of you I'll have you know.”
Shay panted quietly, shuddering as she closed her eyes, squirming a little."oh, so it's all my fault?If I knew we wouldn't get yelled at andcaught i'd...."She trailed off, blushing hard as she shifted squirming a little as she slid her fingers through his hair, dipping his head. Lips brushing over his shoulder."Ah love..."she muttered biting down gently, her back arching a little as he kissed the dip of her clevage. She so wanted to be bad.
he chuckled a little as he kissed her gently, smirking a little. “well, we could always blame Marvos.” he teased chuckling a little as he moved lower, glancing up at her before running his hands up her thighs panting softly in her ear. “i read about this.” he admitted softly. “you have to tell me if you like it or not.” he ordered smiling as he slipped her underwear down and then off kissing a line down her belly before lifting her nightdress, moving slowly, making sure he didn't frighten her, giving her time to tell him to stop before he dropped his head and ran his tongue along her folds, smiling a little as he tasted her carefully.
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