
Shay smiled hugging him back, leaning against his chest."I'll tell draco that."She said giggling before darting back into the kitchen. Muttering a goodnight to her mother before dragging draco out with her wrapping him in a hug. Shuddering a little,"your father says congradulations."She muttered.

Marvos smiled watching her go, tilting his head as alexi and viper came out. "Goodnight you three."He muttered tugging viper upstairs after him, wanting to get some sleep. It'd been such a long day. And he knew they were only going to get worse the closer they got to school.
Lucius chuckled a little and shook his head as he watched everyone departing, smiling at Narcissa. “do you think we're doing the right thing?” he asked his head tilted a little. “training viper to be a weapon, letting Shay and Draco become a couple... not that we could stop them I think... letting Marvos get so emotionally attached to Viper?...actually I don't think we could stop that either...” he sighed a little. “i feel as if I'm using my children..” he admitted shaking his head.

Draco smiled a little as he kissed her gently. “but that I'm not allowed to actually marry you until after Graduation right?” he asked smiling a little at her his head tilted. “well I think I can manage that.” he admitted softly. “in any case I wasn't going to propose until Christmas.” he admitted smiling. “but I'm glad I did. I can't think of anyone i'd rather spend my life with. Not even myself!”

Viper giggled a little and nodded as he let Marvos drag him around, pausing to examine the pile of presents in the corner of the room that the elves had delivered, pausing to dig through it, pulling out the stuffed fox and hugging it tightly before he crawled into Bed with Marvos, smiling happily. “i've always wanted a stuffed animal.” he admitted smiling as he kissed Marvos. “i've always wanted a family just like this one. I'm so happy.” he admitted smiling. “i love you.”
Narcissa laughed quietly looking at Lucius as they got alexi settled in her room, not answering until they were heading for their own room."Lucius, viper would be a weapon against them even if you didn't train him. This way, at least he might survive the encounter."She paused looking up at her husband, smirking."We could no more seperate them now, then we could have when they were small.Draco'd fight you tooth and nail to keep her now. And Marvos....marvos has always been alone you know that.This might be exactly what he needs."Narcissa leaned up, kissing him lightly."You are doing what they want, nothing more.'re giving them the chance to live the life they want, instead of the ones voldemort or dumbledore would force them into."

Shay smiled as she blushed ducking into the bathroom to change into her pj's."Hmm of course not until after graduation."She giggled a little before walking back out, wrapping herself around draco,cuddling her future husband,feeling more needy and cuddly then normal."I don't ever want to be with someone else.Never."

Marvos smiled kissing him lightly,biting his lip."I...I care about you."He said awkardly. Because, well.He had no idea about normal relationships, so he had no idea what he was feeling.Though he had watched lucius and narcissa, draco and shay interacting with each other, he still had no idea what they felt./he was slowly learning though."Damned shay. sick girl. Sick sick twisted sense of humor."He muttered looking at the fox, grumbling.
Lucius smiled a little as he ordered a house elf to stay by Alexi's side and to get her anything she needed or wanted before he smiled at Narcissa. “yes, your right.” he agreed kissing her gently. “i love you.” he murmured smiling a little. “who could ever have imagined we'd end up having four children? Fenrir just gave me Vipers rights of Guardianship too. To keep the boy safe from the manipulations of Dumbledore and Voldemort.” he admitted sighing a little. “i wish I could know I was able to do that.”

he grinned and changed into his own Pajama's smiling as he snuggled her, wrapping his arms around her belly, smiling a little. “yeah.” he murmured happily. “me too.” he purred nibbling at her neck, playfully. “i love you so much.”

he chuckled a little and nodded. “it's ok, you'll figure it out someday.” he teased kissing the other before snuggling into him. He knew Marvos loved him, he had no doubt, he just had to wait for Marvos to realize it too. He giggled at Marvos's complaining smirking a little. “i think it's cute that you have one too... can I see it?” he asked hopefully his head tilted a little.
Nacissa snickered as she got ready for bed, smiling a little."You'll figure it out. You always do."She said kissing his cheek crawling into bed. Amused at the idea of having so many kids."Well, it is a interesting day, to see so many children living here at once."She said sleepily, starting to fall asleep.

Shay smiled,cuddling into him, small and dainty as she cuddled him."I love you to."She smiled happily, cuddling him as she fell asleep. Content in his arms, not realizing their bond had deepened, pulled them tighter together then they had before.

Marvos smiled before pouting."No."He said rolling on his stomach,letting the other snuggle into him as he started falling asleep."Go to sleep."He ordered closing his eyes, preparing to ignore him in favor of sleep.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. “and their all screwing each other.” he complained smiling a little. “so sick.”

he smiled as he hugged her tight, sleeping softly next to her, feeling more at peace than he ever had before.

Viper snickered a little as he snuggled into Marvos. “that's ok, I'll find it on my own.” he decided. And a month later he had, and he now had both of them because he refused to give it back. They where all packing for school and Viper was strangely nervous. He had killed three people for Voldemort, and two for Dumbledore, he had faced off against an angry pureblood, annoyed that some half wit muggle raised 'bitch' was sullying the pure blood line. He stopped talking after viper had punched him in the mouth. He was stronger magically than Marvos and Lucius together and was on his way to getting his next belt in Karate, yet he was terrified of leaving this happy house to go and live with other kids, away from anyone he knew and loved. He chewed on his lip nervous as he packed his stuffed foxes. “so.... Draco says that I'm going to be sorted.. but he didn't say how...” he looked over at Marvos. “Fred and George says I have to fight a troll... whats a troll?”
Marvos snorted laughing little as he packed his trunk."Nothing so traumatic. A troll's a...aa really big dwarf."He snickered before sighing. "You put on a hat. The hat decides where you belong, but I'm sure you'll find your way into slytherin.After all I' there."He said sstealign a kiss, wrapping Harry in a hug. Holding him close."Don't worry.Even if you end up in gryffindor, I'll find my way to your side."He said smiling, teasing.

Down the hall shay frowned anxiously as she looked through her bags, sittng down on the floor, watching draco pack for a few minutes. As the month had past the two had found themselves even more dependant on each other than normal, which everyone assumed was because of the hex binding them tighter, which it was, but also because they were discovering themselves more. "I don't want to go back."She said pouting, not wanting to go back. Because she was a year younger, a year behind, she wouldn't get to be in his classes. Wouldn't get to be with him, and wouldn't get to make sure pansy left him the hell alone.
Viper scowled a little his head tilted. “i have to... put on a hat?!” he demanded scowling a little. “i'm going to kill Fred and George, I really am... I don't know why I even bother listening to them they only lie.” he complained, angry that he had been so gullible yet again. He closed the lid and smiled at Marvos, giving him a happy kiss. “even if we have to find a hidden room to do it.” he agreed nodding a little. “will the other student's be nice?” he asked softly. “will they... will they beat on me?” he asked softly, bringing light to his true fears. That it would be just like his whole life, and the other, bigger students would pound on him when there was no one around to witness.

Draco smiled as he packed all of his clothes into a never ending trunk, just like he always did, he just couldn't help it. “don't worry Love.” he promised smiling a little at her. “i'm a Head Boy this year.” he stated puffing out his chest and showing off his badge. “that means I get my own room, and because Snape is our head of house, and because Dumbledore knows we're betrothed, we get to share my room.” he admitted smiling at her. “we might be in different classes love but we'll have the evenings and weekends together, and we have the bond, we'll always be together, even when we're a castle apart.” he promised smiling as he kissed her.
Marvos smirked a little, wrapping his arms around viper."Hmm dumbledore's already agreed to put you in my classes.And I terrify most of the students."He snickered, "Actually the only ones I don't seem to terrify is Weasley's."He said running his fingers through viper's hair."I promise.I'll protect you."He reassured him,stealing a kiss.

Shay sighed quietly kissing him back,wrapping a arm around him."Pansy's going to whine."She muttered, though she was amused at his puffing up. he was so adorable when he was acting proud. Amused that he was taking everything with him,but at least this time Shay wouldn't have to listen to marvos complain about draco taking all the closet space in the dorm.
Viper smiled as he snuggled into the other, sighing softly. “i'm going to have to study real hard... I don't know anything about magic.” he muttered softly. “will you tutor me?” he asked hopefully. “so I don't fail everything?” he asked biting his lip a little. Because Arithmacy, History of Magic, Potions, Transfiguration, Charms... every damn class that he had was going to be harder than hell without the first five years of school. “besides the Weasley's aren't afraid of you because they know you won't kill them just because their annoying.” he teased smirking a little.

Draco rolled his eyes. “pansy always whines.” he stated simply shaking his head tilted a little smirking. “at least Marvos will stop bitching at me for taking up all the closet space.” he purred chuckling a little. “and I'll have you ALL to myself!” he purred happily smiling a little as he wrapped his arms around her, kissing the top of her head. “mmm you know, Vipers taking those stuffed animals with him, he's going to be teased ruthlessly.” he admitted biting his lip. “i hope Marvos doesn't kill anyone...”
"I would to."Marvos sulked before nodding."Of course I'll help you study. And shay, and draco.And yes.Even th twins."He said making a face, looking a little worried for his lover before he pulled away starting to finish his packing."You'll be fine. You've come far since you first climbed in narcissa's window."he teased.

Shay smiled hugging him before pulling away to finish their packing, shaking her head."Marvos IS going to injure the first person who teases him about it and upsets him.You know, and I know it.And hopefully, all of slytherin knows it."She snickered before she shut her trunk, looking up at her fiancee with a smile."You'll try not to hurt anyone wont you?"She teased, amused. Because she knew draco would be nearly as protective of viper as much as marvos was.
Viper snorted and smirked a little. “i didn't climb in Narcissa's window, I climbed in the hallway window.” he explained chuckling a little. “this is going to be fun.” he decided nodding. “i'll make all kinds of friends and learn all sorts of stuff and I'll create disaster and steal everyone's books when no one is looking!” he decided nodding with a small snicker.

Draco snorted a little. “i'll not promise you that.” he stated calmly. “the first person to upset Viper is going to get a good strong Crucio.” he stated calmly, smirking a little. He knew how much she cared about Viper, he was as good as family, and as much as Draco didn't want to admit it he cared about Viper too. “besides it's only until people know not to screw with viper, he's so sensitive sometimes.” last week Draco had gotten angry at him and lifted his hand to smack the boy and the poor thief had panicked and freaked out, and just a week ago he had burst into tears when an angry Blaise had told Viper he didn't deserve to live with the Malfoy's. Blaise was still in pain from the repercussions of his big mouth. “i'm sure it will be ok, but I can't help but worry...”
"That would be great."Marvos grinned at the idea because this was going to be so interesting.

"You worry about everything."She said pressing a kiss to draco's mouth, amused because she knew just how protective they were. Grinning as they finished getting ready. Things were going to be so interesting when they got to school.

By the time they got to the train station to return to school, but of the sharazai children were a mass of nerves though none of it showed on the surface. Shay titled her head looking at Lucius biting her lip. "You'll take care of mother?and you'll let us know what's going on?"She said anxiously, she hated being at school because it left them all vulnerable because they were cut off from their information. Marvos snickered wrapping a arm around viper, pressing a kiss to the boy's head as he watched viper look around them at everyone."Ah Shay, he wont tell you anything that'll make you worry."He said knowing lucius well enough to know that he wouldn't tell them anything that would upset them unless he absolutely had to.
Viper was looking around at all the people, not even able to hide the terror he felt as he gripped the edge of Marvos's sleeve, determined not to get lost in the sea of people, as Lucius chuckled softly. “don't worry, I have presents for all of you.” Lucius admitted smirking a little as he handed everyone identical notebooks. Two way journals, or in this case six way journals. “Cissa has one too.” he explained smiling. “the instructions on how to use it are on the cover, try not to use it in class hmm? And Viper, I encourage you to use this in class, this way you can ask Marvos any questions you have during class if by some insane horror you don't get sat right next to him.” he explained chuckling a little as he looked at Draco and Shay. “and now you two can stay in contact no matter where you are in the school, and I'll be able to update you on anything that happens.” he glanced at a clock. “you better get moving.” he stated ushering them forward, watching Viper gape as they slid through the wall, giggling eagerly as he followed, hopping in and out of the wall until someone scolded him.
"You're not allowed going anywhere without me. Or not sitting next to me."Marvos rolled his eyes sulking a little at the idea of being away from him, reaching out and snagging Viper's collar, lifting him off the ground and pushing the boy towards the train with a smile."Cme on,vi. We have people to see."He said nearly wincing-not that he'd admit it,he wasn't afraid of pansy- when he heard the girl walking towards them. "Draco!How was the rest of your summer?"Pansy grinned widely, looping a arm through his as they said their goodbyes to Lucius. Shay winced a little at the sight before looking up at Lucius, smiling a little."Thank you."She said holding the journal tight against her.
Draco sighed a little. “Pansy PLEASE don't hang on me, you know I hate being touched.” he complained sliding his arm free of hers like he always did. “my Summer was fairly pleasant actually, we have a new brother, I don't know if you managed to meat him or not, Viper? He's standing next to Marvos.” he admitted grinning back at the group. “sorry Pans I have to go, I'm the Head Boy now, I need to make sure that everyone is settling into their cars alright.” he admitted heading off to do his duties Viper scowling as he looked at Pansy. Lucius smiled as he kissed Shay, and then Vipers foreheads before clapping Marvo's on the back. “have a good time at school.” he ordered calmly. “Viper no killing anyone without permission and Marvos for gods sake don't damage anyone this year!” he demanded before shooing them all off, Viper giggling a little as he dragged Marvos towards the train looking impressed. “this is so awesome! I've never ridden on a train before!” he admitted grinning as he bounced around, can we get on now!? Please Marvos!? Please!?”
Marvos looked amused as he stepped onto the lower steps pulling viper up with him."Of course we can."He said stealing a kiss before walking further in, smiling as shay settled into one of the train compartments, settling in across from her."You'll like the train ride."He said looking at viper, wincing as pansy sat next to shay. But, knowing his sister was to nice to ask her to leave.And since he'd rather have her here, rather then off tagging off after Draco, he'd let it go for now. Shay sighed smilng a little as the train filled, then slowly started moving, absently listening as pansy talked to her. Trying her best to mostly ignore her presence.
Viper grinned as he settled into the seat, giggling happily as the train started, not that it lasted long, he quickly started to feel ill from the swaying motion, and when the door slid open and the twins walked in they took one look at his green face and grimaced. “train sick.” they chorused reaching into their pocket and pulling out an anti nausea tablet. “thought so, here Vi take this. It will help.” Fred promised. “we hand these out to all the first years.” George explained to Marvos and shay, ignoring Pansy who was no doubt scowling at them. “most of them have never been on a train before and they get motion sick. “i feel a little better now.” Viper admitted, the pill starting to take effect quickly. “are we almost there?” “sorry kiddo, another couple of hours yet, we won't be there until dinner time, but the cart will be here with some food and you should eat something, it'll help settle your stomach.” George promised pausing when he heard someone puking in the next car over, groaning a little. “oh damn... come on Fred we got clean up.” Fred grimaced but followed his brother to help the kids who where squealing in horror the next car over.
By the time they got to school Marvos was in a roaring bad temper, having tried to forcibly vacate pansy from shays company, he was severely disappointed tht the girl had stuck to it, and wondered what the elder girl wanted with Shay. Grumbling to himself as he headed for the head boy hee could see getting off the train he growled walking towards draco."I'm going to injure Pansy. I swear to go, I'm going to." Shay bit her lip as she made her way through the crowd, pulling viper with her, grinning as she watched him look around. "Draco!"She called wanting his attention for a moment, needing it to ease the pounding headache she was suffering.
Viper rushed over to her as soon as he heard her call his name. “are you alright?” he asked softly frowning a little. “you've been feeling upset...” he muttered softly stroking her hair. “did Marvos say something?” he asked frowning a little glancing over at Viper who still looked a little green, and sleepy since he had slept most of the ride, staggering after Shay like a sleepy kitten, grinning a little when she finally stopped pulling and shrieking in horror when he noticed what was pulling the carts, hiding behind Marvos with eyes wide as he stared at them. “w..what the hell are those!?”
Marvos eyed the newly spotted beasts before climbing in the cart, pulling viper with them."Thresals.They're like horses."He said absently. Not overly worried, because he knew why they were seeing them now when they hadn't before.But not about to say it outloud and make viper even more upset. Shay smiled leaning into the touch,climbing up in the carriage, leaning against Draco with a sigh,closing her eyes."Pansy wouldn't leave our compartment, even when Marvos threatened to throw her bodily off the train."
Viper relaxed when he was informed what they are and he hesitantly stroked one of their wings with a small grin before he crawled into the carriage, Draco wrapping his arms around shay, smirking a little. “well Pansy was always a little stupid.” he admitted chuckling a little as he kissed Shay's forehead Viper snuggling into Marvos, yawning a little as he watched the scenery pass, smirking a little. “look at all those trees.” he muttered calmly. “i bet that would be fun to run through.” “not really, there are beasts in there, big ones that would rather eat you.” he admitted chuckling, Viper shrugging as he gasped in awe. “oh my GOD! Look at it!” he gasped in astonishment as he examined the castle, eyes wide as he smiled. “it's a real castle!”
Shay laughed grinning at his response. Noding a little before she smiled."Vi, you've been living at the manor. It's a castle to." Marvos alughed as the carriage stopped,getting out."Not like this one. There's nothing like hogwarts."he said helping viper down and stealing a kiss before looking at the castle again, wondering how very wrong things were going to go. it seemed something every year did.Shay giggled climbing out after him, heading up the pathway looking at draco."But vper likes the beasts. After all he is dating marvos." "Hey!I heard that!"
Viper giggled a little as he looked back at them. “no we haven't, we've been living in a Manor, this is an actual CASTLE!” he stated happily as he kissed Marvos back and then followed all of them, chattering excitedly about everything that was going to be amazing as soon as their classes started Draco snickering the entire way, shaking his head as he pulled Viper into the chair and told him to just hush as the sorting started, McGonagall reading off the list and introducing Viper when his turn came. “and now a special new member of our school Viper, who... apparently has no last name, who has recently been adopted by the Malfoy's. Now I want everyone to be nice to Viper as this is his first year knowing about Magic.” McGonagall ordered sternly as Viper hesitantly moved forward, settling onto the stool. No matter that he had watched the rest of the first years do it, he was a little afraid of the Hat. And he swallowed when it was settled onto his head, and waited. And waited as the Hat hummed and hurred and pondered then. “No Sort!” the Hat declared, the entire Great Hall going silent in astonishment. “ sort?” Viper asked meekly. “what...what does that mean?” “you do not belong in any of the houses.” the Hat stated simply. “there will be a new house created for you.” “what!? You can't just decide to add a new house!” McGonagall complained at the Hat. Which remained silent. “i... I don't understand did I do something wrong!?” Viper demanded, realizing everyone was staring at him, he was starting to panic.
marvos groled quietly as everyone's staring started to panic him. Wincing as he slid out of the seat, ignoring everyone as h walked up and pulled vipr off th stool before heading back to slytherin,"He'll be staying with me then until you find something."He said pulling viper down into the seat next to him. Shay stared looking startled before wrapping her arms around the boy sitting next to him, pressing a kiss ot viper's cheek."Don't worry, they'll find something."Sge reassured, wanting to make him feel better. Dumbledore looked startled at the hat's declaration before stroking his beard thoughtfully. Wondering what the best solution would be, that would please all people involved. Wanting to please draco and th sharazari to, so that they would consider siding with him as well lucius's loyalty."Well.Seeing as he wil not be a slytherin, I declare he is hs own house, with his own dorms."
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