
Marvos growled quietly as he rested his head on Viper's shoulder, whining quietly."Love, if I tell you how good you really look, I'm going to sound like draco.And I'd never resort myself to sounding like malfoy."he said wrapping his arms around him, pressing a kiss to his mouth."But you do look amazing."

Shay blushed a little looking up at him. While they hadn't really come out and said anything had changed, she'd assumed after their...inciddent, that things were different between them. made her nervous to be facing everyne. Smiling a little as she shuddered, tilting her head back to rest against his shoulder as he leaned back against his chest."Hmm you befriended Marvos over that damned toy fox he loved."She snickered a little, remembering them fighting over it when they were younger...and she was pretty sure marvos still had it.somewhere.
Viper laughed a little and he snuggled into his lover, smiling a little. “ah but I need to be told how gorgeous I am at least twice a day, or I might think you only love me for my amazing mouth.” he teased kissing Marvos with a laugh before he looked at himself in the mirror. “what if they don't like me?” he asked frowning a little. “what...what if I make a fool of myself?”

he smiled ay her, chuckling a little. “i forgot about that silly thing.” he admitted smirking a little. “i think he still has it, he better hope Vi doesn't find it or the boy might decide it's his. He's never had a toy before.” he admitted. “that's what he claims anyway, he's hoping he might get a stuffed toy in his gifts today.” he chuckled a little as he finished pinning her hair up. “there we go, hows that?” he asked smiling at her. “i'm a little worried about myself though...” he admitted shaking his head. “there's certainly something wrong if I'm the only person in the house who can help make people amazing.” he chuckled a little. “wait till you see Vi, no mean to Brag but I did a very good job.” he smiled a little. “are you nervous?”
"If you make a fool of yourself, I'll just make draco make a worse one of himself."He said snickering pressing a kiss to the curve of his neck, wrapping his arms around his waist."And if they don't like you, well I'll frighten them all into being nice."He said kissing his shoulder."Love you are gorgeous."

Shay smiled lughing a little."I know."she said, having already gotten the toy. Though it was buried under all the boxes of presents. She wanted it to be a surprise for viper. Shifting in his arms she turned, leaning into him, resting her head on his chest, careful not to mess up her hair."You always look amazing, you know that."She said blushing slightly,"And... yes. I don't know why..but I am."She said, nervousness about herself and draco's coming out, and viper's introducion to the world, it was making her extremely distraught, though it didn't show.
Viper chuckled a little and shook his head. “i don't think Draco's even capable.” he teased smiling a little before he fidgeted. “i never thought I could ever be this nervous.” he admitted softly. “is it true that Voldemort AND Dumbledore are going to be arriving tonight?” they both planned to, wanting to meet the progeny child, Voldemort had already, but Dumbledore hadn't and the white haired bastard was bound to be interested.

Draco smiled a little. “i'm a little nervous too.” he admitted. “i keep wondering how Vipers going to screw up, or how I'm going to do something improper.” he admitted shaking his head a little. “even worse, there are people who might show up even though we didn't invite them.” he made a face. “everyone's interested in the kid that caught Marvos's attention... I always knew your brother was going to ruin my image.”
Marvos nodded pressng a kiss to his head."They will. But stay close to me, Dumbledore dislikes talking to me since I told him he was a goat fucking whore, who couldn't get laid by a cow."Marvos said seriously, which left the question....did he really say that? Smiling a little as he headed for the door."come on, we better get downstairs before shay and draco,otherwise they'll whine that we're holding up the party."

"Viper will be fine. And you will be the proper gentleman."She reassureed him, stepping away and heading for the door with a smile, making a face. "What image?Marvos ruined it before you even HAD a image. And everyone's going to show up..if only because marvos is being devotedly attatched to viper. Which is weird in itself."
he giggled a little and smiled a little, nuzzling the other. “i think I might play nice with Dumbledore.” he admitted smirking a little. “get them both on my good side you know? If I'm going to kill them both then I might as well make sure they trust me first.” he purred chuckling a little as he headed down to the ballroom, smiling at Lucius who looked stunned by Viper's amazing change, turning to smile at Shay when he saw her walking down. “Shay, you look entirely too beautiful.” he teased kissing her knuckles just to screw with Draco, who scowled at Viper. Ever since Viper realized the two where 'together' he'd tormented Draco almost ruthlessly. “when will the party guests be arriving?” Viper asked curiously pausing when he realized they where already there, his eyes drifting over the piles of Gifts with a shocked twitch, looking up at Marvos with wide eyes. “are ALL of those for me?” he asked softly in a whisper, his head tilted when Draco snorted. “Later Vi, come and meet your soon to be classmates.” Draco ordered eager to get the flirt away from his girlfriend, leading Viper to Ron and Hermione, the twins bounding over to shake Vipers hand and congratulate him on joining the wizarding world, Ron lifting en eyebrow and wondering how his brothers knew Viper.
Shay smiled as she looked around the party, frowning a little when she realized it was mostly just the adults, and none of the slytherins had arrived yet. And wondering when tom and dumbledore would be arriving. Shrugging a little she moved towards the red head clan, smiling slightly as she snagged a glass of champagne, to just annoy marvos."Fred, George. It is good to see you again." "It isn't but she has to be nice, since she likes being the hostess."Marvos said, though there was none of the usual bite to it, snagging the wine glass from Shay's hand, passing it to Draco."No drinking.She's liable to jump you if she does."he teased. Since he'd realized they were together, he loved tormenting his almost brother. It was always amusing.
Draco chuckled a little as he accepted the glass of wine. “i'm not sure that I would mind if it wasn't for you ready to murder me at every turn.” Draco teased Marvos back, determined not to blush in front of Ron and Hermione of all people, Ron lifting the other eyebrow as Viper rolled his eyes. “ignore them their always like that.” Viper admitted smiling as he shook Ron's hand. “you must be a Weasley too? How many kids does your mother have honestly, she has to have more than Nightshade does.” “nightshade?” the twins asked curiously. “the man who raised me.” Viper explained smiling a little. “it's not his real name of course it's jut what we all call him.” he admitted stealing the wine from Draco and sniffing it. “your not allowed to drink.” Draco ordered, Viper scowling at him. 'I've been drinking since I was ten! I bet I could out drink you AND Marvos!” the twins laughed happily at the challenge. “we'd PAY to see that!” they chorused grinning rather wickedly.
Marvos grinned at that, looking amused as he shook his head."I would do. It'd mean he'd probably feel bad for me for losing and kiss me."He said mournfully, looking amused. Smiling gently before nudging Viper."Lucius just arrived with Nightshade."He said watching the two older men, amused at Shay's convincing that nightshade just had to be present...and wondered how much of his sister's amusement and determination to have him there, was to piss off everyone who hated outcast people. Shay smiled looping a arm through draco's, tugging him towards the dancefloor."Come on.I get the first dance, before pansy shows up."She said making a face at the idea of the other girl. The elder girl truly annoyed shay, in that she made shay feel insecure despite knowing draco liked her.
Viper laughed a little and gasped when he realized Fenrir was there, running through the crowd and leaping into the werewolf's arms, the man chuckling as he hugged his 'son' ruffling the boys hair. “there's my little Snake.” Fenrir teased grinning at Viper Lucius smiling a little. “it's good to see you again old friend.” he admitted patting Fenrir's shoulder, the man grinning as Viper explained everything that had been happening so far, Fenrir laughing a little as he heard about the fireworks, letting Viper drag him over tot he small group. “guys this is Nightshade, my father...well basically.” Viper admitted the twins staring, horrified as they realized who Nightshade really was.

Draco chuckled as he let Shay drag him onto the dance floor, swinging her around gently just as the rest of the party arrived, all the Slytherin's and a few more Gryffindor's stepping into the room, led by a house elf just as Draco bent down and set his lips gently against Shay's, smiling a little. “Pansy will have to be second tonight.” he muttered softly to shay. “i'm going to give you all of my attention tonight.” he promised smiling at the other. “because your the only woman I will ever love.” he promised smiling at her.
Marvos smiled bemusedly to see viper so excited, finding great pleasure in shocking the twins so well."Fenrir, good to see you."He sid shaking the werewolf's hand, showing that even the arrogant racist everyone assumed he was, could befriend a werewolf. Wincing a little as he saw who had just arrived.Together."Goddamn.Dumbledore and voldie are here."He muttered in viper's ear, pressing a kiss to his head, growling in the back of his throat when he saw his...both his parents coming in after Voldemort. Shocked to see his mother. She barely ever left their mansion, and shay hadnt told him she was coming.

Shay blushed looking up at him, ducking her head embarassed that he'd seen through to her insecurity smiling slightly as she stepped back after the song was over, "We should go find blaise and theo.They should be here by now, and Viper would do good with friends like them."
Viper chuckled as he smiled at Fenrir before he took note of the new guests, his eyes wide and then narrowed as he took in the bastard Thomas, growling a little, startled to find Fenrir growling as well. “Viper, I want you to stay away from those people.” he growled eyes narrowed. “viper?!?” he groaned as he saw Viper making his way towards the new guests, offering them a bow. “welcome gentlemen.” he stated, smiling brightly at Voldemort before glaring at Thomas. “please make yourselves at home and enjoy the party.”

Draco chuckled before he too froze, gasping a little. “shay...” he muttered, turning her around to face her mother and Father. “go stand next to Marvos, and don't leave his side.” he ordered softly watching Viper talk to his new....guests. “i'm going to get Blaise and Theo for added protection.” he muttered, watching the Twins move over to offer Shay more support, both of them setting a hand on her shoulder. “you alright Shay?” they asked in unison, studying Thomas. “come on over to Marvos.” Fred said. “he's worried...” “you still got that brooch we gave you?”
Thomas smiled absently at the boy, "Viper, may I introduce my wife, Alexi?"He smiled a arm wrapped around her waist, the woman's vacant smile the only reaction."It's good to meet you viper.I have heard alot about you."She said, the true crime of what Thomas had wanted his daughter for, was the same crime that had broken his wife to his will, creating nothing more then a doll for his amusement. Voldemort smiled slightly, looking the party over before his eyes returned to viper, interest shining in those red eyes as he looked him over."Viper."He greeted.

Shay swallowed hard,nodding as she wrapped a arm around Marvos' waist, ignoring how he wrapped his arms around her,moving her easily to put the twins between her and her parents."I have it."She said pulling the edge of her dress sleeve up so she could show them that she was wearing it. Smiling slightly asshe watched Draco gather all of their friends to put between marvos and her parents. Absently wondering if he was more worried about marvos killing them, or her.
Viper nodded to Thomas and Alexi, his head tilted a little as he examined Thomas's wife before smiling at Voldemort. “it is an honor to see you again sir.” he stated glaring at Thomas. “i do recall promising to kill him the next time I saw him however, and I never break a promise, so I find myself at a bit of an... awkward position.” he admitted tapping his lips. “Marvos and Lucius explained to me your, shall we say position in life?” he smirked at the Dark lord. “so I find it unwise to upset you, I still however, cannot stand this man and have a high desire to kill him.” he admitted examining Thomas through hateful eyes, not even trying to hide his loathing for Thomas. “perhaps Later I could demonstrate my sparring capabilities on him?” he offered smirking a little. “i think you'll be pleased with Lucius's training.”

the twins nodded and Draco scowled through the crowd. “what the hell is he doing!?” Draco demanded, watching Viper talk with the Dark lord and Thomas ass freely as if he was equal to the dark lord. “he's sucking up.” Fenrir stated simply. “and getting the man's attention. It's a common ploy used to distract someone, so you can slip in when their not expecting it an rob them blind. He's also challenging that creepy fellow to a duel, in hopes he might be able to slit his throat and watch him bleed and die slowly. There's another viper hates more than a child abuser.” he admitted his eyes narrowed. “what does that snake faced bastard want with Vi anyway?”
Voldemort nodded slightly at the idea, turning to look at thomas, insane enough to enjoy the thought of spilling a loyal servants blood, just for his own amusement."Then we must do so."he tilted his head towards the headmaster of hogwarts."headmaster, it is always such a pleasure to see you at these gatherings." Dumbledore smiled, that damned twinkle eyed smile at his students dreaded,"As it is good to see you Tom. Would you care to introduce me to the birthday boy, or must I go find Shay?" "I would not want to,but if I must...Viper, this gentleman is Headmaster dumbledore."

Shay swallowed hard, shuddering a little, looking worried about her friend, looking at marvos."Go."She said gently shoving him towards his lover before walking over to enjoy draco and fenrir, sighing quietly."This is going to be a long night..."She said resting her head on Draco's shoulder, wincing at the sound of laughter."Pansy's here..."she said looking over his shoulder.
Viper smirked a little and twisted his wrist, summoning a house elf without even appearing to do so, picking up a glass of champagne and offering one to Thomas. “a duel then sir? After the party perhaps? There are those with week bellies about, wouldn't want to put them off their dinners.” he admitted smirking a little bowing his head polity to Dumbledore. “good evening Headmaster, it is an honor to meet someone so prestigious. I've read a great deal about you Sir, and I cannot wait to attend classes. I've gone my whole life knowing nothing about magic, the chance to learn everything is almost overwhelming.” he admitted smiling at Dumbledore before beaming at Marvos. “hello Marvos, I've been meeting so many important people today, I feel a little flustered, excuse me gentlemen, I think I might as Marvos to dance with me.”

Draco sighed a little as he shook his head. “a long night is a very large understatement.” he grumbled softly smiling at Blaise and Theo, both of whom nodded and watched Viper closely. “does the boy have a death wish!?” Theo demanded, Fenrir chuckling a little. “don't underestimate him.” he stated calmly. “Viper is strong, he has street smarts on his side and a muggles intelligence as well as a wizards. That fellow has no chance against my Viper, well versed in magic or not.”
All three older men nearly gaped at the easiness that Viper played them all. Thomas nodding slightly as he tilted his head towards marvos, seeing the anger shining in his son's eyes, letting his smirk widen turning to search for shay, heading her direction. Voldemort nodded, dismissing viper and marvos, turning to find someone else to speak with as marvos led viper out onto the dancefloor, fighting every urge to follow his father. Trusting draco to protect her which took alot,even if he knew draco would.

Shay nodded,"Not to mention Marvos is guarding him like a pitbull with a bone."she said smiling a little, paling slightly at the sight of thomas walking towards her. Easing away from draco,resting a hand on his arm."I'll dance with with pansy.Stay close."She muttered, wanting to know what her father wanted. Thomas smiled as he approached, ignoring all but his daughter and glowering draco."Care for a dance,daughter?" "From you father?Always."Shay said, a shade to polite to be truly polite.
Viper smirked a little as he walked away with Marvos, chuckling a little. “you know I honestly expected handling Wizarding Adults to be a little more difficult.” he admitted shaking his head a little. “it was almost too easy.” he smirked a little as he let Marvos lead. “don't worry, as long as Thomas doesn't back out, he'll be dead at the end of the party, and I'll show Dumbledore and Voldemort just who their messing with.” he chuckled a little. “would you like me to keep the man alive or no?”

Draco growled and snagged Pansy, ordering her to shut up as he danced with her close to Shay, the twins dragging Blaise and Theo out, ignoring their protests, Ginny slipping through the crowd, intending on cutting in between Shay and Thomas if the Twins gave the signal. It was rather amazing how well they all worked together considering they where all enemies at school, and probably always would be.
Marvos laughed quietly, "Hmmm I would enjoy watching him die.But ask shay."He advised.Despite despising him as a father, shay did love him. And their mother, and wouldn't want to cause more stress to the already broken woman.Smirking a little at the other's words."oh well you had a excellent teacher to teach you how to maniuplate."He teased before shaking his head."No...they usually are more edifficult, but I think they're so worried about each other, they're ignoring you playing with them."

Shay winced a little as she felt the small bones in her hand grinding together as her father led stepping back as the song ended,cradling her hand in her other, looking torn before heading for the twins. Not even wanting draco's company could she put up with pansy for."I'm fine."She uttered seeing their worried looks.
he chuckled a little and nodded, nuzzling him a little. “it would be easier to kill him without asking her permission.” he admitted. “she thinks she still owes him love, for fathering her, for raising her... but she doesn't and it would be easier to just kill him.” he admitted shaking his head a little. “i'll just have to kick his ass really good instead.” he decided sighing a little. “make him realize that to come near Shay is to come near me, and make sure he never, ever wants to do that again.” he purred sadistically.

Draco muttered something to Pansy as soon as he saw Shay leave her father and vanished, taking Shay's fingers carefully in his hand, running a quick healing spell over them, sighing a little. “Viper wants to kill him.” he muttered softly to her, his silver eyes filled with worry and hatred, worry for her, hatred for Thomas. “viper? Kill a full grown death eater?” Fred asked eyes wide. “impossible!” “not impossible.” Fenrir stated simply. “Viper worked as an assassin for several years, I never found out who he was working for or I would have slaughtered them, but Viper was good at it. Still is, he has a horrible talent for killing people, I've witnessed it myself after he found out one of his little brothers had been raped. The guy was screaming as he died... Viper isn't nearly as innocent as you think Weasley, and you shouldn't underestimate him.”
Marvos smirked, his smile widening as he stole a kiss."Hmmm I'm sure youll do that better then me.I've kicked his ass, and he still comes near me."He said wrapping viper in a hug before looking around amused at the sight of enemies mingling easily in the crowd together under lucius and narcissa's watchful eyes. Everyone knew better then to cause issues at a malfoy party, narcissa was very vocal and nasty if a party of hers went wrong.

"And it wouldn't be marvos' first kill.They'll do well."Shay said absently, looking guilty as she stepped closer to draco, nearly huddling against his chest. For once letting the mask fall on her public face, and seeing the scared child she was. who had wanted her father to love her, and found herself lacking what he needed to love her."It would do well to never underestimate a enemy Fred."She said absently, resting her head on draco's shoulder.
Viper nodded a little. “i might have to kill him Marvos.” Viper admitted softy. “if he's as stubborn as I think he is, he might not take 'you lose' for an answer.” he admitted kissing the others cheek gently, smirking a little as he looked around. “everyone seems a little tense.” he admitted looking curious, wondering why Arther and Molly where looking so horrified as they watched Dumbledore and Lucius and Voldemort talking to each other so easily. “they look like they swallowed a fish...”

Draco wrapped his arms tightly around her, kissing her forehead, the Twins and Theo and Blaise instinctively moving to block her completely from view, Draco offering them a small smile. “it's a good thing I don't think of him as an enemy then.” Fred chirped grinning a little. “i think i'd like to see viper kicking ass.” George admitted, Blaise and Theo nodding. “i'm more interested on how in the world he has Marvos wrapped around him like that.” “Viper has EVERYONE wrapped around his little finger, just like Shay.” Draco stated with a smirk.
Marvos laughed softly, smirking."They ARE tense. But it makes sense, seeing as voldemort and dumbledore are supposedly on opposite sides, and there they are talking like old friends.....they're just different shades of insanity."Marvos said tiredly, he was tired of the inner fighting and world that was slowly destroying itself.

Shay giggled a little twisting around to look over the twins' shoulder to where marvos and viper were dancing."Ah,but even I don't get dances from him."She smiled, "Viper has him wrapped around his little thieving fingers, and despite all things that come before, marvos is enjoying the attention."He said amused that such a loner as marvos tended to be was relying so heavily on viper's company.
Viper nodded, smirking a little. “it looks like the Weasley's didn't realize that they where working together hmm?” Viper may have listened in on a few closed door conversations between Lucius and some people in the fire. “that might be a good thing, for us anyway.” he admitted chuckling a little. “they might be more willing to work with us instead of with Dumbledore.”

Blaise and Theo lifted amazed eyebrows. “really? That is interesting news.” Fred teased smirking a little. “well I think Viper is good for him.” Draco decided. “and anyone that screws with either of them is going to end up facing both of them.” the twins winced a little and Fenrir snickered a little as he shook his head. “i'm more excited about this fight after the party, and all those presents...” “hey that's a good idea!” Draco agreed smirking. “Hey Viper! Come open your presents!” he yelled out onto the dance floor, Viper turning his head to blink at Draco, startled. “presents? Oh yeah I forgot about those.” he admitted blushing a little. “i've never gotten presents before... what am I supposed to do?”
Marvos snickered, raising hsi wand and summoning a present to himself, "you could use magic to undo it." Shay snickered shaking her head as she pulled away from draco,making her way through the party guests."Ah, just tear into it Vi. Don't be a priss about it.Marvos' is just a pureblood like that." Marvos pouted, making a face at the two before sighing, handing the present to viper as he glared at his sister as people started circling to gather to watch."You're just annoyed that you don't get presents."
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