
Viper chuckled a little as he smiled. “i'm glad you liked it.” he purred happily, closing his eyes to sleep, yawning a little as he snuggled into Marvos, breathing softly.

Draco moaned loudly as he bucked into her hands, shuddering as he spilled his seed across her hands, moaning loudly. “oh. Oh god, Shay..f..feels so good. So good.” he groaned panting hard as he felt her clamping around his fingers, panting hard. “mmmg so good.” he moaned, resting on the bed. “oh man...that was...wonderful shay.” he moaned smiling at her a little. “... but...we tell no one about this right?” the last thing he wanted was for Marvos, or his father, to kill them both for this.
Marvos yawned smiling as he nodded, falling alseep.

She nodded, gently wiping her hand off on the bed, shifting to rest her head against his chest, closing her eyes."No.They'll freak out."She said yawning, closing her eyes as she fell asleep.Cuddling against him, relaxing fully. in the morning she snuck out of the room before he woke, embarassed and feeling awkward, changing clothes and showering before heading downstairs for breakfast. Marvos smiled slightly at her, tilting his head when her appearance wasn't followed by draco's. It was odd to not see them togehter, but for the moment,he was to content and happy to care why they weren't together."Good morning." "Morning."Shay smiled,blushing a little as she sat down, starting to fill a plate of food.
Viper was stuffing himself and Lucius was watching as he sat at the table. “Shay, I am VERY annoyed with you.” Lucius complained scowling a little. “my house is still covered in Dragons and smoke!” Lucius actually whined, Viper giggling a little as he nodded. “yeah but it was FUN!” he stated beaming as Draco came down, catching sight of shay and blushing hard, looking away from her as he sat down and started nibbling at his food, blushing furiously, every time he glanced at shay, Lucius lifting an eyebrow as he examined the two, amused and annoyed as he realized they must have fooled around a little, wondering why Marvos wasn't freaking out before he realized that it was because he and Viper had clearly been 'fooling' around too. “Shay, Draco. Your mother and I need to talk to you after dinner.” Lucius stated calmly, Draco choking on his food.
Shay yelped a little, sputtering a little."W-what?But-"She started before stopping. loking between them when she realized that he wasn't going to let them wiggle out of the talk and that marvos was way to relaxed to be disturbed."Okay." Marvos frowned lookng at them all, finishing his breakfast before he looked at Viper."You want to go flying again?" Shay blushed a little as she looked at draco, nearly squirming in her chair. Not loking forward to whatever talk they were going to have, but really glad he hadn't said anything to Marvos. Because marvos was blissfully unaware to what was going on.
Lucius smirked a little and shook his head a little, and don't think you two are getting away without a talk either Marvos, viper, Narcissa and I will be talking to you two after we're done with Draco and Shay.” he growled Viper looking worried. “d..did I do something wrong?” he asked worried frowning a little Lucius shaking her head. “no no nothing like that, we just need to have a talk that's all.” he stated smiling a little as Viper nodded. “can we really go flying after breakfast!?” Viper asked hopefully beaming at Marvos, Draco swallowing thickly in worry as he ate his breakfast slowly, hoping to delay the yelling.
Marvos frowned looking at the other two blushing teens."We'll be flying when your done."He said heading out of the dining room before he lost his temper. Afraid he knew what they wanted to talk about. Shay whimpered quietly as she pressed back into her seat, swallowing hard."We didnt do anyting wrong...we didnt do anything!"She defended stuttering and blushing.Narcissa shook her head as she surveyed the two."We know you did, no sense in lying.You're always terribble at it"she said sounding slightly amused."Now.Yo utwo will be acutl sex."She said watching her son and her almost daughter.
Lucius scowled at them firmly, struggling not to laugh at his Son's horror stricken, blushing face. “and if you do have sex I want you to practice SAFE sex. That means condoms! And no, you didn't do anything wrong it's perfectly natural, but you need to be careful about what you do. Your young enough yet that sex shouldn't be important.” 'well it was... kind of an accident.” Draco admitted softly, desperate to keep Shay out of trouble. “and my fault...” “oh Draco stop it your not in trouble. In fact I'm amazed we didn't have this talk a year ago when you two started sitting in the bath together.” “we close our eyes!” Draco protested wondering how in the hell his father had known and Marvos hadn't, shaking his head as he listened to his parents explain how baby's where born and how to prevent that and the spread of sexual diseases before they released the two, hopefully properly mortified and embarrassed, and called in Viper and Marvos.

“are you gonna yell at me because I seduced Marvos?” Viper asked as soon as he sat down, Lucius choking on his drink. He had been quite sure it would have been the other way around. “no Vi we're not going to yell at you because you had sex...” Lucius stated wondering if Marvos topped or bottomed that it was Viper who had done the seducing. Unable to help but wonder, straight or not and in love with his wife or not he was still a man, and all men where children, and children always wondered about things they really shouldn't.
Marvos raised a eyebrow as he looked at lucius. Looking amused, as if he knew what the man was thinking about. After all,he was a guy to. But then, lucius looked surprised it had been viper seducing him not the other way around. Which made no sense. It was a well known fact,, at least to draco, that he hadn't enjoyed the first time he tried it."Did you have this talk with draco and shay?" "Yes. And no, you're not going to yell about it.they're happy. and since you've allowed them to bathe together, you'll just have to live with it."

Shay blushed as she followed Draco outside, staring resolutely at the ground as she scuffed the ground with her foot, whimpering softly. Oh that had been horrible."....he knew about our baths.'She pouted a little. After all the trouble of making sure no one knew, it seemed everyone did! That just wasn't fair. And the only thing she could think about without dying of embarassment.
Lucius blinked at Viper who blinked back. “do you understand sexually transmitted diseases and safe sex Viper?” Lucius asked, Viper raising an eyebrow. “man, I've been a whore since I was twelve, you really think I don't know how to protect myself from diseases?” he demanded. “Nightshade made sure that I understood how, magically and muggle both. So I'm going to go play now.” he decided Lucius's eye twitching a little as he realized just how long Viper had been having Sex. “well... that explains why Viper did the seducing.” he grumbled a little sighing a little as he watched Viper skipping off. “you can go Marvos.” Lucius grumbled, well aware that his wife was struggling not to laugh at him.

Draco nodded, still blushing bright red. “i never imagined that babies where so complicated.” he muttered looking rather horrified. “do you really bleed for no there?” he asked glancing down at her crotch before blushing even harder. “d...does it hurt?” worried about her even through his mortification. “i kind of figured father knew that we where up to, but I never actually expected him to call us out on it.” he admitted coughing a little into his hand. “well.. I'm going to go and die of a heart attack. Care to join me?”
Narcissa giggled a little kissing her husband's cheek lightly as she got up to leave, sometimes he was just to amusing.shay blushed so hard as his question that her head hurt, wondering how to get out of answering the question without making him worry even more before Marvos gave her the perfect out. "Oh, I wouldn't be so worried about dying of a heart attack Draco, and start worrying about what I'm going to do."Marvos smirked as he walked up behind the two, reaching out to ruffle his sister's hair pulling her back a little so he could see her face. Wondering how she was handling it, figuring Draco was doing all right.
Draco flinched when Marvos spoke ad glanced at his best friend, wrinkling his nose. “like always I'll take my beating like a man.” he promised Viper giggling a little. “ooooh Draco's in trooouble!” he teased smirking a little as he shook his head and examined his fingernails. “at least he forgot about being annoyed by the fireworks.” Draco grumbled a little. “i learned more about the female anatomy, and the male, than I ever cared to learn.” he admitted sighing a little, Viper snickering. “i shocked him too much to actually learn anything.” he admitted laughing a little. “it was really funny, his eye twitched and everything.”
Marvos' eye twitched a little as he looked at draco,"And got him wondering who was bottoming.As if I'd ever let someone have that much control." "Marvos!I dont ant to know!"Shay whined looking up at her brother, giggling a little at the annoyed look on his face. "Let's go shopping. I think we all need something to do besides think about what lucius talked about.And since shay's birthday shopping got interrupted...we'll just go finish it now."Marvs said ignoring his sister's complaint.
viper snickered a little. “besides I'm not strong enough to pin him down anyway.” he stated, Draco wrinkling his nose. “hell I'm amazed your having sex at all considering how much you hated it the first time.” Draco admitted smirking a little as Viper smirked. “he just needed someone who knew what they where doing, that's all.” Viper chirped, pleased with himself before hesitating. “do we have to have a birthday?” he asked, frowning a little. “i really would rather not have one...” he admitted softly. “birthdays are bad...shay already got hurt because of it... we should just forget it.”
"No we don't have to."Marvos said wrapping his arms viper, blushing ever so slightly about draco's obsersavion about sex.Shay pouted a little, frowning at them both,"But....but I wanted to invite everyone!"She said looking around,having already planned on who on both sides to invite. "Harry needs to know everyone!What better way to show him then to have party!"she said pouting looking at draco for help."besides, imagine the gifts they'll bring.Everything he needs.We wont have to buy everything."She said trying to appeal to them.
Viper shook his head and then hesitated at the mention of gifts. “gifts?” he asked, hopeful, shy, and confused. “who am I meeting?” he asked frowning a little. “Shay...” Draco muttered setting his hand on her arm. “something about birthdays has Vi upset... maybe if we find out what that is he'll be less scared?” he teased smiling at her. “Viper why ARE you so upset about birthdays?” Viper hesitated. “they don't beat you on your birthday?” he asked softly, Draco's eyes wide. “who?” “your parents.... or the older kids... at Nightshade's the big kids come in when it's your birthday and beat you up, I never did because I didn't have a birthday, but I saw it.. family before Nightshade, they used to break me all over when it was my birthday.” Draco was turning red with rage and Viper flinched and hid his face in Marvos's side, waiting for punishment. He wasn't supposed to tell after all.
Marvos growled queitly as Harry reacted to draco's anger, even if he knew the blond wasnt going to hurt him, he wanted to hurt draco for upsetting him.Holding onto his temper with both hands struggling to not reach out and hurt his friend."Bloody hell.And I thought you and shay jumping on me to wake me up was bad."He grumbled swallowing hard struggling to not get murderously angry, since there was no one here that he wouldn't regret killing."But you wouldn't wake up!I wanted cake."Shay whined before looking at viper, easing closer, wrapping her arms around him in a gentle hug. Even as small as he was, the girl was shorter and smaller, no wonder viper was fiercely protective of the small girl."I'm sorry...we don't have to have a party.I just thought it'd be nice to know everyone before you came to school...if your coming to school with us..."She stuttered sounding upset fo upsetting him.
Draco forced himself to relax when he saw Viper getting upset and he took a long deep breath, holding it and counting in his head before releasing it, much calmer after his ritual. “alright, how about we throw a party then? Not a birthday party, but a 'welcome to the wizarding world' party? Shay had one, and I had one when we turned eleven. Marvos was supposed to have one but everyone was too scared to show up.” he teased, Viper giggling a little. “that sounds alright.” he agreed nodding a little. “will I get presents?” “of course! All sorts of things.” Draco promised, pleased with his idea. Most purebloods where introduced to their peers when they turned eleven, unless they where at school then, then they had it when they where ten, it was a way if introducing them to their peers and pureblood society. “alright it's settled then, we're throwing a Pureblood ball! He IS a pureblood after all.” “i am? Whats that?” “it only means that both your parents where wizards and their parents where wizards. You actually come from two very old bloodlines.” Draco admitted, Viper looking amazed. “i do!?” “yup.” Draco admitted smiling at him. “we can't tell anyone, since we want to keep your identity a secrete.” Viper nodded. “because my identity is dangerous.” he agreed recalling with Mr. Olivander had said. “shall we tell mother and father he's going to have a ball? Mother will want to help...” in fact Narcissa would probably feel insulted if she wasn't able to help.
Shay looked fretful nodding as she looked at her boyfriend."Of course we're going to ask her. She'll smack me if we don't." Shay snorted laughing. Marvos smiled a little, watching the other "Though I assume we're going to have to invite dumbledore and his ilk right?"He grumbled, wrinkling his nose a little, wincing at the memory of his party. Damned if only his parents lucius narcissa shay and draco showed up. It'd just managed to drive home just how very alone he was."Damned weasel's going to show up." "Of course!I like them."Shay stated, just to annoy her broher who seemed to be fretting about something. "We'll have to go shopping. You'll need clothes."She said as she thoought about what they needed to get for the party.
Viper giggled a little and nodded. “yeah we have to invite the red headed people!” he agreed nodding, Draco smiling a little. “we could invite Blaise, Theo, Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy and Millicent as well, their all polite enough to protect Viper, while still putting up with the Weasley's, they'll probably bring that Granger girl too, and Neville and Luna, they just can't help themselves.” it was going to turn out to be a massive party after all. “and of course all the parents will come because they don't trust one another, might as well simply invite them too to be polite.” “i don't know any of those people...” viper complained frowning a little, Draco nodding. “i know, that's the point. These are all people your going to come in contact with while at school and walking amidst the wizards. It's better to introduce you polity so they won't cause you problems later.” “oh I see, alright then.” he agreed hesitating. “i guess Nightshade can't come huh?” he asked sad. Since Fenrir had been banished, he couldn't step foot in the magical world unless someone personally brought him over into their own personal home. Like, say. Lucius apparated him into Lucius's house.
"Oh no,he's coming.I'll tell papa he has to go get him."Shay said brightly. Marvos snorted laughing a little, he knew the rules, and damned, if Shay wasn't right. If anyone could get lucius to go get him, it was shay and her pretty little fingers she had everyone wrapped around."Now. Lets go plan and things, we only have a few days left."She said freting a little, enjoying the idea of the party though. Though it did worry her about everyone being together. Marvos smiled kissing viper's head, sighing quietly."We'll make sure he's here."He said wrapping him in a hug.
Viper brightened at the idea of Nightshade being able to come to the party and he beamed at all of them happily excited to have a party now that it didn't have his Birthday involved. “how do you plan for a party? I've never had a party before.” he admitted pondering as he tilted his head a little. “hmm.. can we have games? And more fireworks!?” “i think not the fireworks, people might shoot them at one another, but we can order some really big ones that go off high in the sky that father and Nightshade can set off.” he promised grinning as Viper vibrated excitedly. “like in the park on the holidays!” he chirped happily. “i'd like that!” he admitted nodding eagerly. “can we have ice-creams too? I've never been able to try ice cream.” he admitted pondering that. “oh! Oooh and a cake!? The chocolate kind!?” Draco laughed, happy that Viper was excited now.
"Whatever you want."Marvos smiled indulgently as he watched all three get really into the party. Which....four days later was what was causing his headache. Whining quietly as shay pulled him out of bed before even the sun was up."Shay...what are you doing?" "It's party day!It's time to party. Time to get ready!"She said whining when he just rolled over to go back to sleep. "Your girlfriend's being loud. Make her go away."He muttered nuzzling viper, biting his shoulder lightly, demanding that someone else deal with his to hyper sister. He didn't want to deal with her.
Viper giggled when his lover rolled over, biting on a shoulder that mysteriously hat clothes on it. “but Marvos it's party day!” Viper declared laughing a little as he squirmed free and rolled onto Marvos, squirming insistently. “up up up get up! Draco is going to make out with me!” “i'm going to give you a Makeover!” Draco corrected rolling his eyes. “sorry Marvos, Shay made me get up.” he admitted chuckling a little. “and we DO want to look our best don't we?” “Yes!” Viper agreed laughing a little smirking even more. “come on Marvos! You don't want Draco to do a BAD job do you!?” he asked laughing a little, though they all knew Viper was going to look amazing by the time Draco was done with him.

And three hours later he did look amazing. Draco had used spells to grow Vipers hair down to his shoulder blades, like Lucius's, and had lined Harry's eyes with Eyeliner, making vibrant green eyes even more bedazzling. He was wearing robes that where sparkling in green, marked with the Malfoy crest, since Viper didn't exactly have his own. The boy no longer looked like a boy, yes he was still short, and small but he looked like an adult now, his eyes sparkling with mischief, his face firm and seductive as he let Draco fuss over the minor details of his outfit and his hair. “Marvos, how do I look?” Viper asked with a rather wicked smirk. He knew he was hot, he just wanted Marvos, who had just walked in, to know it too.
Marvos stopped, his jaw dropping eve so slightly as he looked at his lover."Bloody hell draco."he said sounding slightly dazed, swallowing hard.Oh yes, he looked away needing to focus on something else to be able to not strip the man down and have his way with him. "You look good."He said sounding slightly choked, clearing his throat after a moment, smirking at Draco."Shay's waiting for you.Needs help with her hair."He smirked, knowing the blond was going to lose it when he saw shay. As much as he hated to think about it, his little sister was beautiful in the midnight blue corset dress, the nearly black blue making her sharazari blue eyes even more startling, like twilight caught on the edge of midnight. It didn't help that her eye shadow was that sparkling blue with a smile that promised dark things you wouldn't do on a dare, in the dark.

Shay growled as she looked herself over in the mirror, frowning as she looked at the dark hair that surrounded her face. Whimpering frustrated that she couldn't get it right. She wanted it to be perfect.It was the first party both her and draco were attending as more then just friends, even though most of the pureblood families simply assumed they were more. After all, Marvos was draco's best friend and adopted brother. It was simple to assume that Shay would marry into the family.
Viper smirked a little, feeling very pleased with himself, they had all been running through Pureblood rituals and etiquette, teaching Viper how to be a proper wizard, and it showed now in the way he held himself and smiled at Marvos as if looking down on him, even if he had to look up at the other. “only good love?” he asked his head tilted. “i was hoping for something a little more than simply good.” he admitted smirking a little.

Draco stepped into the room and froze, his breath catching in his throat as he stared at his girlfriend, they'd decided they where dating in the four days since their... indecent. And now, he wanted to do very naughty things to her. “my god... you amazing.” Draco whispered, his voice dry and filled with emotion. Before he chuckled as he realized she was struggling with her hair. “here Love, let me help.” he muttered, pinning her hair up just the way she wanted, kissing her neck gently. “your beautiful.” he murmured softly. “how did I get to be so lucky?”
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