
Viper smiled a little as he snuggled into Marvos, yawning a little as he slipped off to sleep, waking in the morning with a rattling cough that was more annoying than anything else, Lucius slipping in to give him some Cough medicine, so he wouldn't spend all day coughing his butt off. Viper was back to his usual happy self once he woke up, albeit a little sick, and he raced out of the room once he'd shaken Marvos awake to get some breakfast, feeling like he was starving to death, grinning at Draco and shay as he hopped onto the chair, his wand laying next to his plate, and started to stuff himself like he always did, pausing only to cough into his hand.
MArvos rolle his eyes a little as he ate, smirking a little. Glad that everyone had joined them for breakfast."Well.I have a announcement. We're goign to have a birthday party this weekend. Viper turns 17."He said smirking as everyone paused in the middle of eating."Marvos...what in the world are you talking about?"shay asked slowly, studying her brother, wondering if he'd finally gone insane.Well, more insane then usual. "Well it's july 28th.He turns 17 on the 31st. We need to have a party."
Harry blinked a little, his head tilted. “...i do?” he asked blinking a little. “i've never had a birthday party before, I never even knew my birthday... how do you know when my birthday is?” he asked curiously his head titled, Draco coughing a little. “we, er, asked Fenrir of course.” Lucius choked on his breakfast and started thumping on his chest to try and dislodge it. “what does Fenrir have to do with this!?” he demanded his eyes wide Viper blinking at him. “you mean Nighshade? He raised me.” he stated calmly Lucius gaping at the boy. “...” Draco coughing into his hand. “right...well, birthday party...” “i don't want one.” Viper complained after a moment. “birthdays are bad...” he stated simply, Lucius looking confused. “why do you say that?” Viper just shrugged, not willing to inform them that the Dursley's had beaten him on his birthday, just because they could. And that some of the older boys used to beat on the other kids if they had a birthday on their birthdays just to teach them a lesson not to expect anything but pain. Not that Fenrir knew anything about THAT.
Shay looked excited, shaking her head."No!A party is perfect.It will be!'She giggled happily, already off and running as she talked to narcissa about what they would need, ignoring the men at the table. Marvos frowned slightly looking concerned. Wondering what could be so upsetting about birhtdays before nodding a little."Oh. There's more things Fenrir knew, that we need to discuss, but for now. We'll settle for just having a birthday party and leave the politics for later."he laughed softly listening to his sister's excited chatter, looking at viper."Vi, nothing's going to happen. And look how excited she is."
viper swallowed nervously and bit his lip, watching Shay get all excited, looking torn now. He wanted Shay to be happy... but he also knew that only bad things happened on birthdays. “well...okay I suppose...” he muttered softly. “if it will make Shay happy...” that girl had EVERYONE wrapped around her finger it seamed. He coughed a little and shook his head as he picked up his wand and hopped down looking at Lucius hopefully. “you said you where going to teach me how to use my wand right?” “no, I'll leave that part to Marvos, he has a little more patience than I do.” Lucius admitted harry turning to Marvos hopefully. “will you teach me?”
Marvos' smirk turned downright perverted. "I'll teach you to use whatever wand you want." "Marvos Sharazai!Behave at the table."Narcissa scolded from across the table, smiling slightly as the boy had the grace to blush."Sorry Narcissa."He said looking at the table. Shay perked up a little, looking at them all."Well.We all have things to do today then.Lets go."She said, already planning her day out in town. Marvos studied his sister, tilting her head before sighing. Knowing that stubborn look, and knowing she was about to suggest something none of them would like, and that they werent going to be able to get out of."What is it Shay?" "I'm going to diagon alley while you guys practice. I'll get party things and stuff!"
Viper just smirked. “oh I don't need help learning how to use THAT wand.” he teased snickering as Lucius choked again. Shaking his head as he got up. “i've lost my appetite.” he admitted sighing a little as he paused, looking at shay, hesitating then. “take someone with you.” he ordered before leaving, Draco biting his lip. “i can't..” he muttered looking worried. “i have that dentist appointment...” he admitted looking at his mother with a wounded expression, he hated the dentists. Viper just blinked. “well, there's no raid planned right?” Viper asked looking at them all with raised eyebrows. “she'll be find, she's a tough girl and she has weapons and the knowledge to use them.” Draco hesitated again, looking a little nervous about her going alone, but knowing she'd end up going alone anyway, because she was good that way.
"I'll be fine!I'm not staying that long everyone.Don't look so freaked out."She said pressing a kiss to Draco's cheek, ignoring the look her brother was giving her as she hugged both him and viper, before apparating out. Spending time walking around, grinning happily and contented as she explored diagon alley looking fr the perfect things. After all, Viper was right. She was well known as the sort of adopted daughter of lucius malfoy, and sister of marvos sharazai, either name got her left alone, after all they were scary by themselves. Until about a hour into her shopping spree, she ran into the one person she didn't want to see. "Ah, Shara.I knew I would see you again."Thomas smiled slightly as he looked down at his daughter,gently stroking her cheek, smiling a little when she backed away, and stopping her from moving.Holding his daughter close."come now, you're coming home where you belong." "N-no!I belong at the manor. Malfoy manor."She said her voice trembling, so afraid of her father and panicking that her knowledge of how to fight,everything lucius had taught her leaving her. Looking around desperately for help.
there was a sudden movement next to her, two red headed twins suddenly flanking her, their arms crossed. “is there a problem here sir?” George demanded glaring at Thomas, neither of them knew who they where defending yet, all they knew was that she had looked terrified and that this old dude was acting very inappropriately. “i think you should leave, before someone does something they might regret.” Fred growled glaring at Thomas, Molly Weasley gasping in horror as she saw where her boys had gone, clapping her hands to her mouth in terror as she watched her two boys defending one of their biggest enemies. “Fred! George you get away from that girl right this instant!” “not now Mum we're being big strong bodyguards!” George complained waving his mother off, the woman rolling her eyes. “Stop looking for... how do you say it? Stop looking for Tail!” she ordered, both the twins blushing. “we are NOT! She was SCARED!” “yeah mom and she's a KID! That's gross we wouldn't resort to THAT!” “besides we're GAY remember!?” Molly winced at that but sighed, well aware she couldn't convince her boys of anything until they finished 'saving the day.'
Thomas sneered a little looking at his daughter."Ah, I see your taste goes for red heads instead of blonds daughter. I am sure Draco will be most disappointed."He said,cursing his luck before he apparated out. Shay swallowed hard as she eased away from the two twins, sliding her wand into her hand. Not attacking, but mostly because she was still shaken and not thinking clearly."T-thank you.B-but I have to be going."She said stumbling back a step, looknig moments away from splinching herself. Which she probably would have, had she tried to apparate.
the twins grinned when Thomas hit the dirt before they realized what he had said and staring wide eyed at Shay, startled to realize that they had just saved Shay, adopted daughter of Lucius Malfoy and sister to Marvos Sharazai of all people! They jerked out of their shock when they realized how freaked out she was and that she was planning on Apparating. “oh no you don't!” Fred stated grabbing her arm. “your WAY too panicked to try and apparate, come on, we'll take you home and get you calmed down.” George decided Molly smacking herself in the forehead. “we are NOT taking her home!” “mom! She's only a kid!” “and she's nearly hysterical!” “your take home anyone else in this state!” “she can't help who she lives with.” “who her family is.” “how would YOU feel if WE where like this and Lucius didn't try to help us!?” Molly groaned and nodded. “fine! You'll do it with or without my permission anyway.” she complained sighing a little as the twins snickered and apparated her out of Diagon Alley, settling her in The Burrow on a couch, Molly appearing behind them and started making some hot soup and some calming tea for the poor distraught girl.
Shay whimpered quietly as she climbed to her feet, pacing, looking alot like a caged animal. Finding herself trapped in a place she didn't know, was revving up her panic instead of calming her down."I need to go. Draco'll come looking for me if i'm not home soon. Marvos will to."She said biting her lip, ignoring the twins as they wathed her. "I need to go!Papa'll worry Voldemort gave me to thomas. Or dumbledore...ohhh he's never going to let me forget this."Shay growled quietly, already imagining the yelling she was going to get."Marvos is going to put me under lock and key. Drao's going to take my wand, and papa's going to yell. LOUDLY. I need to go home."She said turning to look at him, despite being 15, the young girl looked sure of herself, despite the panic still in her eyes. She wanted her draco.
the Twins suddenly pushed her back down onto the couch. “Lady Shay, you need to calm down.” Fred ordered George heading over to Errol as Molly pressed a cup of Tea into Shay's hands. “calm down now dear, George is mailing Lucius and letting him know your safe and that your here alright? Your not in the state of mind to travel right now, they'll come and get you.” she promised. “now drink your tea alright?” she very clearly did not want Shay or Lucius in her house, but she would put up with it because the girl was clearly in need of assistance and calming down. “do you need a calming potion dear?” Molly asked gently blinking at Shay, her head tilted a little.

Back at Malfoy Manor Errol shrieked as he dropped a letter on Viper's head, the boy shrieking in terror at the sight of the own and dove for cover underneath a table letting Lucius and Marvos get another laugh at poor vipers terrible muggleness, Draco walking in just as the letter arrived, rubbing his poor sore teeth with a sulk that would have won a sulking contest.
Shay swallowed, sipping her tea as she closed her eyes. Lucius's rigid training taking over as she forced herself to calm down. She couldn't break down here, not surrounded by enemies. She could break down later. With draco.Swallowing hard as the thought made her want to cry. She just wanted to go home."I'm fine."She said, inbred coldness making a appearance, going from panicked woman to calm and rational in heartbeats. She might not be his real daughter, but Shay was Lucius's in every way that mattered, from the vicious control she kept on herself, to her unwillingness to keep acting like a crazy person."I can go. I don't want to interrupt Papa's day."she said her voice warming a little at the idea of getting a hug from her papa. That's what she wanted.

Marvos laughed softly, at viper's reaction."Vi, its just a the owl bringing a letter."he said before looking at the letter, tossing it to lucius with a flourish, letter forgotten in favor of making fun of draco."You look like you just sucked on a lemon.I'm sure Shay'd be willing to kiss them all better, you baby."he teased, watching his friend sulk
the Weasley's relaxed when she stopped panicking and the twins shook their heads. “we would rather you just sit and be calm and let your” they paused then. “wait for Lucius to come get you, that way if you end up in Italy it'll be his fault.” “not ours.” they teased smiling at her when Ginny came stumbling down, having been woken from her nap as she blinked at Shay, blinking again then. “i didn't know we where having a guest.” she muttered her head tilted as she blinked at Shay. “don't I know you from somewhere?”

Lucius opened the letter and froze completely. “Shay is at the Weasley house.” he stated, Draco freezing as well his eyes growing wide. “but..but their with Dumbledore! They'll... they'll... they'll call her names or something!” Draco honestly couldn't see them actually hurting Shay, being the goody goody Gryffindors that they where. “Draco, Marvos, Viper, come with me. We're going to go fetch her, this could be a trick of Dumbledore's so stay on your toes.”
Shay sneered a little, raising a eyebrow as she looked at the weasley female."You have potions with me, moron."She said before laughing."As if papa would ever be areless enough to send me to itlay without Draco."she said studying them for a moment offering a hesitant smile,"He's my guardian.Kind of."she said, refusing to go into the compliicated mess, looking up at the sound of apparation. Apparations. "Oh damn. He brought the others to_Oh hell they're going to yell."She whined quietly.

Marvos smiled, stealing a kiss from viper to keep himself calm even if he was panicking at the idea f his siter being in their house."Well, we'll let you call them names back draco."he said laughing wrapping his arms around viper."This is going to be interesting."He said apparating, sneering at the small, leaning house."This is...pathetic..."
she scowled a little and turned and left the room the twins rolling their eyes. “you know you could TRY to be nice.” Fred pointed out. “we ARE helping.” “or trying to anyway.” George admitted as Molly set the bowl of soup in front of Shay. “now you boys leave her alone! She's clearly distressed, and our family DOES have a history.” she stated calmly shaking her head. “now you just eat that dear and wait for your family to come.” Molly ordered before smacking Fred in the back of the head when he made faces at her mother when he thought she wasn't looking. All three of them jumping when everyone appeared, Viper darting over to Shay looking worried. “are you alright!? Draco said they where going to call you bad names! Did they call you bad names!? I'll hit them if they did! And Marvos be nice don't insult people's houses, I would have LOVED to have a house like this, hell even half this house!”

“my GOD he's so THIN!” Molly gasped in horror rushing into her kitchen and coming back out with another bowl of soup. “now you sit there and eat young man! Poor thing you have the streets written all over you, go ahead and eat.” she ordered Viper looking astonished, wide eyed and terrified of molly as she fussed over him, Draco snickering a little as he watched Viper obediently eat his soup and the sandwich that Molly gave him after that. “what happened?” Lucius finally demanded his eye twitching. “is there a reason you kidnapped my daughter!?” “OI! We didn't kidnap her!” “we rescued her!” “she was being harassed!” “and she freaked out!” “we couldn't just let her splinch herself!” “and we don't know where the bloody hell your house is!” “so we brought her here to calm down.” “so she could wait for you without everyone staring at her in the street!” the twins protested glaring at Lucius. “and you people come in here.” “insult out house.” “insult us.” “insult our morals!” “ guys make my head hurt.” Viper complained.
Marvos pressed his fingertips to his forehead, before giving into the need to do something. Snapping his fingers he cast a silencing charm, crouching down in front of shay who was looking shell shocked, yelping and nearly tumbling to the ground as his distressed sister pounced on him."They are very there a reason we're eating here instead of at home?"He asked, gently stroking Shay's hair as he climbed to his feet, the smaller girl cuddled against his chest. Shay sniffled, pressing her face against Marvos' chest,giggling a little at hearing viper yell at marvos for being insulting. He couldn't help it, he was marvos, and therefore insulting to everyone. Marvos sighed quietly snickering a little as he watched Lucius's eye twitch, looking down at the girl in his arms."okay. You got to stop.You're getting my shirt wet. Who do you want to hold you?"He asked smiling, teasing as he wiped her relieved tears from her face. "Papa."She muttered pouncing on lucius cuddling against him as marvos passed her off.
Viper shook his head. “that's not whats making my head hurt, you idiots arguing is whats making my head hurt.” he admitted picking up Shay's bowl and drinking it down as well, Molly beaming happily at Vipers appetite, patting him on the head, Viper flinching away from the touch, startled. Lucius gasped when he found himself with an armful of shay and the Weasley's got the surprise of their life when he wrapped her up in his arms and kissed her forehead, promising that everything was going to be alright. “i'm eating here because I'm hungry and she put food in my hands.” he stated the twins laughing a little. “i like this kid!” Fred admitted grinning a little as he carefully ruffled Vipers hair, Draco snorting as he turned to Molly and the twins. “thank you, for saving my sister.” he stated simply, not willing to let anyone know that he and Shay where on the verge of dating. “we couldn't just let that freak touch her, not when she looked so scared.” “i have no doubt you would have done the same for gin if you'd seen her in the same state.” George stated with a shrug, Viper hopping to his feet. “well it was still really nice of you.” he stated calmly. “i'd give you a candy if I had one.” Draco snorted a little and the twins laughed again. It was hard not to be relaxed when Viper was up to his antics.
Marvos snorted a little, smiling a little."Vi,if you start feeding them, they'll never go away."He whined a little smiling a little as shay relaxed, cuddling against Lucius's chest, snickering as she got his shirt wet."She's getting snot on you." "i am not!"Shay sniffled rubbing her face starting to calm down now that it seemed everyone was getting along, and relaxing together. And she was with her father, and she knew he wouldn't let thomas get her. Marvos wrinkled his nose a little about the idea of helping gin before nodding a little."I suppose we would.If Shay wanted to."He said, detatched as always, looking at draco, knowing he was about to piss off shay, but pissing her off was going to be so much better then her being a scared mess she was."Draco, you'd look good with a red head.Seriously. She's even sorta cute." Shay growled quietly snorting laughing."That was almost a compliment,vos.You're losing your touch."
Viper snorted a little. “it's a good thing I'm not feeding them now isn't it? Their feeding me!” he chirped happily molly chuckling as she fussed over the boy. “poor thing, you must have been living on the streets for years, tsk, look at all those scars. You where lucky to be found by the Malfoy's.” “found?...yeah, we could call it that...” Viper stated Draco snickering a little. “viper, give Mrs. Weasley her necklace back.” he ordered, having caught Vipers 'slight of hand' the boy pouting but pulling the necklace out of his pocket and handing it to her, Molly looking mortified as the twins burst into laughter. “i was gonna give it back... it was sparkly...” he complained pouting a little, Lucius's eye twitching again. “viper if you want something sparkly make Marvos buy one for you don't steal.” he ordered Molly gushing about how ever so talented he was, Viper looking a little baffled. “...Lady?...are you right in the head?” that just caused the twins to laugh again as Draco wrinkled his nose at Marvos. “no, I'm afraid Red would clash with my eyes.” he stated calmly, Ginny snorting. “as if i'd touch a pretty posh ferret with a ten foot pole.” she grumbled, Draco going red in rage as Viper giggled.
Shay growled lightly as she slid out of Lucius's arms, bristling at the insult, moving to draco's side making a face at ginny."He is not a ferret!Even if he is as adorable and cute as one."The teen growled making marvos snicker."Oh did you hear that Draco?You went from intimidating to cute and cuddly."He snickered walking over pretting a kiss to Vipers head rolling his eyes, smirking as their actions made lucius twitch."Vi, I'll buy you whatever you want. The shop keepers love when I go shopping." "No they don't."Shay supplied helpfully, moving over to viper's bowl stealing a bite of food. It looked to good!And itd been hers to start out with. So she wanted sme
Ginny snickered a little and smirked at Shay. “cute I can see, cuddly? Not so much.” she admitted Viper laughing as he shook his head leaning into the kiss that Marvos offered him, pouting when he found his meal missing, sulking at Shay. “hey! That's mine!” “actually dear you ate yours.” Molly teased. “would you like some more?” Viper pouted a little but shook his head. “no thank you, I think Papa Lucius is about to have a heart attack.” Lucius choked, startled that Viper would call him Papa. “oh! Before we forget!” the twins stated rushing off and returning with a small box, holding it out to shay. “it's one of our...'special' items from our shop. It might come in handy should that freak show up again.” Draco looked shocked that the twins would care that much as to give her something. “it shrieks.” Fred explained winking at her. “when he shows up again, you just push the button, and it screams, alerting people to the problem for MILES.” “on the house.” they promised grinning. Inside was a gorgeous golden Dragon wrapped around a ruby gem, which, when pressed , emitted a high pitched shrieking sound that was impossible to ignore.
Shay's jaw dropped a little as she opened the box, looking down at the dragon, running gentle fingers over the scales before looking up at her dragon.Blushing ever so slightly."Look draco."She muttered shifting to show him, for once showing how easy and companionable they were in private, in public. Despite it being in their home, the kids were being more open and talktive then they usually were. Marvos' smile was bright and amused, more relaxed then his usually was as he looked at the twins,"Thank you."He said before stopping, finally making the connection that he had missed before."freak?"He said slowly, turning to look at shay, eyes widening slightly."Bloody hell."He muttered shaken that thomas had really gotten brave enough to openly defy Lucius and himself by coming anywhere near his daughter.Even if she'd gone in town alone, it was a first time that it happened.And he had a very bad feeling that it wasn't going to be the last.
the twins looked shocked when Draco actually smiled as he examined the Dragon, his head tilted. “it's very pretty, I think it would look wonderful on that powder blue dress of yours, you know the one you wear to annoy father and Marvos?” he teased Molly laughing, too startled to do anything else Viper snickering a little before pausing as Marvos tensed, his head tilted the Twins pausing. “it was Thomas wasn't it?” Viper snarled, his eyes narrowed, watching as the twins glanced at each other before looking back at Viper with a shrug. “it was, I know it was.” viper growled standing up, looking at Draco. “you tell me where that Fucker lives! I'll feed him his own heart!” the twins looked shocked by the utter fury shining in Vipers eyes, and Molly looked horrified that such a young boy could utter such a word as fucker in her house. “now... everyone calm down...” molly began, Lucius finishing. “we can't kill him yet, unfortunately he has friends in high places and I doubt even I could get you out of trouble Viper. You'd end up in Azakaban, and then who would be left to protect Shay?” he asked Viper hesitating then. “what's Azakaban?” “it's a prison Viper.” Draco explained before his father could answer with horrid details. “one that no one ever escapes, or ever leaves.” Viper hesitated and then sat down biting his lip. “fine.. I won't kill the bastard...”
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