
"Fine. We'll go-"Marvos stopped as he walked inside wincing a little when he saw the blond."oh damn.It's saturday isn't it?"He scowled before perking up a little. Lessons would be good fo them all."Are we still having lessons?"He said, pouting ever so slightly, hoping that his cuteness would get lessons put forward just like viper had. Shay paled a little smiling a little, tilting her head as she loked at Lucius."Sorry papa.Let's go for lessons."She said happily before skipping off to the dueling room without waiting for a answer if they were continueing or not. Assuming the others would follow.
Lucius smirked at Marvos with a slender eyebrow raised shaking his head a little. “don't think that you trying to look cute is going to work on me Marvos Sharazai, you are not NEARLY adorable enough for that to work.” he teased nodding at shay. He usually did whatever she wanted, the girl had him wrapped around her finger, no matter her being oblivious to it and he denying it, there was little that Lucius would deny her should she ask for it. He followed her into the room and Viper grinned before pausing as he entered the dueling room, looking a little worried. “but I don't know any magic yet...” “it's alright Viper.” Lucius stated calmly. “all I want is to have you show me what you can do, Draco, I want you to attack Viper, see what he does instinctively. It will be easier to learn how to start teaching Viper, when we figure out how he fights naturally.” Draco hesitated then. “i think it would be better if Marvos does it, he has more control and if Viper throws another Crucio he has a higher pain tolerance.” there was a pause and then. “another, crucio?” Lucius asked, looking amazed, Draco nodding. “it was week then, but he's had a chance to grow magically since then.” Draco admitted, Viper looking baffled. “it would be better for Marvos to do it.”
Marvos rolled his eyes looking at the blond, smiling slightly."Malfoy, you just like the idea of me being in pain."He pointed out,ruffling Shay's hair as he walked past her."Don't look so worried.You scared me today, so I can scare you back."He said logically moving to the other side of the room before turning to face them, tossing a expelliarmus at Viper, not really starting to duel yet, just curious to see what he would do. Shay pouted a little moving to stand next to lucius, wrapping a arm around Daco's waist, pressing a absent kiss to his shoulder."This is going to be interesting."She said looking slightly worried because she was afraid of what instinctively viper would do, and if he would get her brother hurt.
Draco snickered a little and nodded. “yup.” he teased, though in all honesty he just hadn't wanted to face Marvos's rage if he actually managed to hurt Viper. “don't worry Shay, anything Viper can dish out Father can fix.” he promised smiling at her as he watched Viper staring at Marvos, and then did what no wizard would ever do. When Marvos flung the Expeliarmus at him, he simply...stepped, out of the way.... Lucius lifted an eyebrow and Draco laughed a little. “well, that's, interesting technique..” Lucius muttered. “why don't you try using Magic Viper?” he asked the boy nodding and blinking at Marvos before looking back at Lucius. “but I might hurt him...” “that's the point.” “but I don't WANT to hurt him!” “well...” Lucius pondered then. “pretend he's just hit Shay, really hard. Make her bleed.” he stated a flash of fury lighting in Viper's eyes, Draco lifting an eyebrow. “damn he's protective of you.” he teased Shay grinning a little as Viper slammed his magic into Marvo's with enough force to send him flying. But that was only if Marvos didn't defend.
Marvos snarled softly as he efended himself, even then the force of the two spells hitting aused him to hit the floor. Tossing a spell back at him he forgot to be careful, only intent on getting Viper back for making him fall down. It wasn't often that Marvos got clocked in a duel, so he wasn't used to being in the losing side. So this was going to be interesting. Shay smiled a little holding onto draco tighter, she always loved and hated watching them duel. Always worried that they'd hurt each other. Laghing quietly she blushed looking up at draco."Well then he'll fit right in considering how protective the rest of you are."
Viper barley stayed on his feat after the two spells hit, and he hissed viciously at Marvos, waving his hand, snakes crawling out of the ground like shadows, hissing and spitting at the man, Draco shuddering violently as he examined the two boys in the dueling ring, Lucius's eyes wide as he realized that he might have taken a wrong approach to this as Harry spat orders, the snakes lunging at Marvo's intending on sinking their fangs into his flesh, Draco suddenly stepping forward and slamming up an invisible wall, the snakes slamming into it, Lucius looking surprised. “that's enough you two.” Draco growled. “your fighting each other a little too seriously I think... maybe we better stick father in the ring if you two are going to try and kill each other.”
Marvos growled, turning to look at Draco with angry eyes growling. "We're not trying to kill each other.That would be reckless." "And you're never reckless brother mine?"Shay said stepping into the ring. Knowing that they both wouldn't throw serious spells with her near, because she could get hurt. So, she did it. Knowing lucius would just raise the stakes, she could bring them to a halt."No. NO more fighting."She said pointing a finger at her brother as he growled angrily. Not so mch angry at any of them, but because he'd been losing, and he was so not used to being losing.
Viper snarled softly, glaring at them as the Snakes vanished into smoke before they could turn their fangs on his 'big' sister, crossing his arms angrily. “he started it!” Viper complained. “he SNARLED at me!” he complained Draco rolling his eyes. “and you knocked him on his ass Vi. He just doesn't like loosing that's all. He's not used to someone getting the upper hand on him. He's used to being the strongest and he didn't like it when you where stronger than him that's all.” he explained. “i'm sire once he calms down he'll realize he frightened you.” “i wasn't scared!” but that was a lie, there was an unease in Vipers eyes, some part of the boy had actually been afraid of Marvos's rage. Viper was used to people hurting him, and no matter what viper did part of him still expected to be hurt.
Shay smiled softly as she patted viper's arm,"It's fine.Everyone's scared of marvos."She said wisely, ignoring as her brother growled at her for touching him.Smirking slightly.Even angry with him, marvos was a possessive bastard. Marvos sighed quietly, shaking his head, trying to clear it. "Maybe lessons aren't a good idea."He said looking at Lucius tilting his head slightly. Looking at everyone."we're all way to tense and high strung to be pulling wands on each other."
Draco nodded and Lucius sighed a little, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his fingers. “trigger happy. Your all damn trigger happy.” he complained rather affectionately as he turned to Viper. “you did very well Viper and so did you Marvos, but I think Shay is right, everyone is too tense. Why don't you all go to the beach and relax?” “...beach?” Viper asked looking hopeful. “i've never been to a beach before.” he admitted sounding excited. “can we go, please?” he asked looking at Marvos with his big wide innocent green eyes, already over the whole scary fighting thing they had been doing.
Marvos laughed, pointing at lucius."I bet even you can't say no to that cuteness."He said laughing as he headed out of the room."Come on vi, I have some swim trunks you can burrow." "He's such a cute soft hearted fool."Shay snickered watching her brother go, so amused to see him cave to someone so easily. "You'll come with us wont you?Narcissa is probably home."She said tilting her head back to look at lucius, giving him that hopeful cute look. While he might be able to say no to the guys, shay was well aware that lucius was wrapped around her cute little fingers.
Viper beamed happily at Marvos and skipped after him, Draco shaking his head. “did anyone else realize that Viper wasn't holding his wand when he did all of that?” Lucius looked shocked, his eyes wide. “actually... now that I think of it... I think it's still sitting on the kitchen table...” Lucius admitted, shocked, and a little frightened of this strange child that they had found. He examined Shay for a moment and then nodded. “yes, I think Narcissa and I could use a vacation as well, go and get your things and I shall fetch my lovely wife.” he decided with a chuckle, heading off to collect his woman to go to the beach with. Draco heading to his room to get his own pair of swimming trunks while Viper chattered Marvos's ear off about how he was going to find amazing shells and find some fishes to take home. It was hard to imagine that someone with so much life and excitement inside of them, had just about wiped Marvos across the floor without even using a wand.
By the time they got to the beach Marvos was rubbing his ears, whining queitly."Draco!make him shut up.He's being overly excited again."He said looking at his friend."Oh ignore him. He's just upset he lost."Shay giggled a little bouncing up to kiss viper's cheek before running towards the water.Narcissa laughed a little as she watched the children, looking at lucius."You do realize correct, that you've turned a bunch of teenagers into 5 year olds?Look at them.Next thing you know, Marvos will be building a sandcastle."she said laughing softly. The mental picture of marvos doing something so childish and carefree was amusing. After all he hadn't done it even when he was a child.
Viper was laughing and running around the sand, squealing about how excited everything was before leaping onto Marvos. “Marvos! Marvos teach me how to make a sand castle!” Viper ordered grinning eagerly looking about as excited as any five year old. “please Marvos!? Please!?” Viper pleaded his wide green eyes impossible to refuse. “pleeeease!?” Lucius chuckled at his wife his head tilted. “me? Oh no I do believe that Honor goes to Viper.” he teased chuckling a little looking amazed when Viper pleaded Marvos to make a sand castle, lifting an eyebrow. “do you suppose Viper heard you, or just thought of that himself?”
Narcissa laughed,"I think he's just discovered sand."She said her jaw dropping a little at the sight of Marvos actually giving in and starting to build a sandcastle."Come on then. We need wet sand, and some shells. Draco go find some shells, stop staring at Shay."he ordered, grinning a little relaxing. Shay giggled happily as she came out of the water, smiling at Draco."Come on!The water's warm!"She giggled happily before crouching down next to Marvos, tutting a little."Not like that!you're not doing it right!"
Viper beamed happily as he settled closer to the water where the sand was wet and started piling it on itself, his tongue out in concentration Draco flushing bright red when he realized he had been staring at Shay, rushing off to find some shells before Marvos killed him. “Marvos I can't make it shape!” Viper whined pathetically, Lucius snorting a little as he waded into the water. “the water is nice and warm.” he agreed smiling at Narcissa. “come and swim with me darling.” he offered holding his hand out to her, grinning happily Viper blinking at Shay when she told Marvos that he was doing it wrong, laughing a little when Draco came back with dozens of shells all wrapped up in his arms. “there, lots of shells!” Draco chirped grinning a little as he examined the piles of goopy sand. “ it's...nice?” “we haven't started yet.” viper complained sulking a little.
Shay giggled a little, nudging her brother out of the way, shoving him into the water as he sputtered at it. before settling down to help viper with his castle. ignoring her sputtering brother as he stood up in the water. "see. You have to use wet sand, but not totally wet sand."Shay explained scooping up the semi wet sand, starting to shape it gentle hands actually doing a fairly good job at it. Even using some of draco's sea shells as decoration. Narcissa laughed as she walked into the water with him, shaking her head a little."I'm glad you're relaxing."she said, kissing him lightly, truly having worried about him while he was doing missions for everyone.
Harry nodded as he tried to help, but his hands where clumsy and his grip was too hard. Not that it was surprising, nothing about Viper was elegant or gentle, he did everything in a hit hard before it hits me, brute sort of way that came from living on the streets, but he was grinning as he worked before he got bored and ran into the water to wash the itchy sand off, gasping when he suddenly saw fish and set about trying to catch one to take it home with him. “be careful I!” Draco warned. “there's a drop off over there!” he warned, Viper waving him off, Draco shrugging as he resumed his task of helping Shay build her sand castle.
"Vi, use a wand to catch the fishies. Stop being a barbarian."Marvos supplied, giving up on helping his finicky sister build her castle, deciding that the lovebirds needed a hobby together. Smiing a little as he followed Viper into the water, sipping around. Shay giggled a little looking at Draco, "You're good at this. We should build more castles.I want to live in a castle."she said, before laughing."Well I guess we kinda live in one."She mused.
Viper blinked a little. “i can't.” he complained. “i left it at home.” he admitted, Lucius grimacing and shaking his head, deciding to explain to Viper about wands after their mini vacation, Viper laughing as he pounced into the water trying to catch his fishies, Draco laughing at his love, smiling at her. “we could build a sandcastle right here on the beach.” he decided nodding. “use magic to keep it up even after it dries, and live in it and raise our children there.” he decided with a chuckle looking over at the ocean, Marvos and Vi could build... vi?” he asked looking around, frowning a little. “hey Mar, where'd Vi go?” Viper, had fallen off the drop off, the shoulder deep water suddenly dropping off in a cliff of sand into water that was ten feet deep, Viper clawing desperately at the wall of sand, only making the water murky and blinding him, driving his panic up even more as he clawed for the surface, that he could see high above him, kicking his feet, struggling to get back up, darkness swarming his vision as he hit the bottom of the drop of, struggling to get up, kick off, do something he opened his mouth, desperate for Air, just as a splash broke the surface above him.
Marvos snarled as he wrapped a arm around Viper's, cursing mentally as he kicked at the water, strugglign to get them both up,gasping as he broke the surface, dragging the other man up with him. Blinking in pain as he gasped to breath, wincing as he felt Shy run into him."Shay-Shay get off!"He yelled gasping as she grabbed at him, shoving viper onto the ledge,"Lucius!"He yelled blinking trying to get the sand out of his eyes. Shay whimpered as she clung to her brother, wincing as narcissa eased her away, giving them men room to check on viper and marvos.
Viper slumped to the ground, as limp as a cooked noodle, and he wasn't breathing Lucius falling to his knees next to viper and started pushing at the boy's chest, shaking him hard and pressing his lips to Viper, Draco shouting in distress as he realized that his father was giving Viper CPR. That viper wasn't breathing, grabbing Shay and moving over to Marvos to keep him from attacking Lucius as the man started pushing at Vipers chest again, Viper finally coughing, rolling over and spilling out large quantities of seawater, taking a shuddering breath and coughing hard, laying there, limp, but breathing, Lucius letting out a sigh of relief as he rubbed vipers back, helping the boy cough up the last of the water. “my god...” Draco whispered trembling violently. “i just... assumed he could swim...” he admitted swallowing hard. “should have been watching him...” “hurts..” Viper complained weakly, his ribs, broken by Lucius's pushing, and his lungs burning from the seawater. “i know son.” Lucius whispered softly, glancing at Marvos. “should we take him to Saint Mungo's?” referring to Marvos's judgment, since Marvos was the only one who knew anything about Viper.
Marvos winced at the idea,"He wouldn't stand for doctor's to look at him."He muttered shrugging off his sister's hands, and sidestepping around draco approaching the other two even as narcissa hovered. Smiling a little as he looked down at his viper, he shook his head, crouching down next to him, muttering a healing spell."He just broke his ribs. And his lungs'll hurt for awhile."he said shrugging a little stroking viper's hair. Shay shuddered tears falling down her face, scrubbing at it in frustration."We'll just have to teach him to swim."she said looking at draco, before the nearly drowned boy.
Viper whimpered a little. “no doctor..” he whispered rather pathetically. “no doctor...” he muttered relaxing as his ribs started to ease away, sighing softly as he closed his eyes, Draco wrapping his arms tightly around Shay. “shh love.” he murmured softly. “it's alright, no one got hurt.” he paused. “well no one got hurt very badly, Viper will be good as new after a good nap, you'll see.” Viper would be fine, he'd just get a bit of a chest cold from the sea water. “yes we will.” Draco agreed as he watched Lucius gently help Viper sit up, the boy coughing hard and grimacing as he spat up more seawater. “can we go home now?” Viper asked. “i'm tired.” almost dying would do that to a person.
Marvos laughed quietly."Almost dying takes alot of work.See you at home."He said before wrapping his arms around Viper, apparating home. Leaving the others to their own devices. Settling the boy into bed he sighed as he settled in next to him, feeling tired himself. IT had been a fairly exciting day.
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