
Viper scowled violently. “he wants to fuck Shay.” he stated a snarl in his voice. “he looks at her like my uncle used to look at me. It wasn't until I bit him in the balls that he left me alone.” he admitted baring his teeth. “i'll slaughter him if he touches her.” he stated eyes viscous and violent before looking over at Marvos. “you have to protect her Marvos.” he stated firmly before turning at the sound of Draco's voice near the door. “Shay, my father worries because he loves us, try not to feel so guilty about upsetting him alright?” he asked as he opened the door, looking from Viper to Marvos, worried by their expressions. “Vi? You alright?” Viper just nodded. “Nightshade yells louder.” he stated with a yawn as he pulled on his silk bottoms.
Marvos nodded looking serious."Of course I'm going to protect her. Why do you think I bought that damned cat?"He muttered smiling a little when he saw his sister, smiling wider when he saw that draco had managed to make her not feel not guilty. Yawning a little as he looked at the two fear and anger flashing through his eyes before it was gone. Despite wanting to protect his sister, he was very afraid he wouldn't be able to. Looking at his orgy sized bed he looked at the other two."Do you want to stay here tonight?"He asked. Shay perked up a little, wanting to. Always feeling safer curled up between draco and marvos, protected.And yet...""She asked more then said stepping back. now that she was sure viper was okay, she didn't want to impose herself more on marvos' company, or draco's at that.
Viper nodded and grinned when Draco looked a little relieved at the offer to sleep there tonight. Draco wouldn't admit it but he felt safer when he was with Marvos, and he felt better when Shay was with him, because Marvos was stronger and could protect her better. And Viper too now that he thought of it, he had never seen someone simply slam another person into the wall like they where as light as a feather. Using wand-less magic no less! “yes you do.” Viper stated with a small yawn, blinking at Shay. “please stay? I'm scared.” that, was a blatant lie, and everyone knew it, but it would give shay a chance to stay without looking like a coward or imposing on them. “come on love.” Draco stated smiling at Shay. “we should stay here tonight, Fathers still upset about what viper did and we should be here if he decides he needs to yell at Viper again. We'll change into our pajamas and sleep in here tonight.” he decided. “that way Vi won't be scared and Marvos won't accuse me of doing improper things in the morning.” he teased smirking a little at Marvos, Viper chuckling as he snuggled into his bed. “can we learn how to fly in the morning?” the young thief asked hopefully. “i really would like to fly.”
Shay perked up, nearly bouncing at the idea of flying."of course we can!"She giggled before walking out of the room to retrieve her pj's and draco's. Marvos snorted laughing as he looked at his friend."I'll always accuse you of improper things, brat."He teased shifting and cuddling down into viper, yawning."You lie to her like that, she might smack you."He muttered kissing viper's shoulder, actually amused shay had let him lie that easily. Grinning as shay pounced on him groaning softly as she did."Damn you weight a ton."He whined shoving her over to her side of the bed as draco got ready for bed. Amused that they were going to sleep in a pu....well kitten pile, smiling a lttle as dante whined at not being able to get up in the bed.
Viper grinned at her exuberance, smirking a little as he watched Draco pout at Marvos, Vipers smirk only growing when Marvos when he claimed that Shay might hit him for lying like that. “she won't, not when she wanted me to lie.” he teased, smiling at the kiss and laughing when she landed on Marvos, yawning as Draco laughed and settled Shay in-between him and viper, letting both shay and Viper lay in-between Draco and Marvos, protecting them both as Viper yawned and snuggled deeper into Marvos, closing his eyes as Draco chuckled and picked the kitten up, laying her in-between Viper and Shay for more protection, Viper already dozing lightly on the bed, sleeping peacefully.

In the morning though, he was sitting next tot he bed, already dressed in his riding leathers, his face only inches away from Marvos's face, broom in hand as he waited for the other to wake up.
"Bloody fuck!"Marvos cursed as he blinked, jerking his head back at finding the boy so close to him. Yelping as dante pounced on his chest looking around to discover what the problem was, not smelling anything bad. Growling bemused as she pounced on her owner, wanting answers to what marvos was growling over. Shay laughed sleepily, snuggling into draco, turning her head a little to look at Viper, smirking a little."Vi, its not usually polite to watch people sleep."she said yawning, petting Dante's head as she sat up.
Harry blinked a little when Marvos cussed and giggled a little as he ruffled Dante's head grinning at Marvos. “oh, terribly sorry, did I frighten you a little?” he teased his head tilted a little, Draco chuckling a little as he opened his eyes, looking sleepy as he yawned a little and smirked. “you are a little cruel in the mornings eh Viper?” he asked Viper shrugging. “it wakes Nightshade up.” he stated calmly. “and I don't know if Marvos swings when he's shook awake, some people do and I didn't feel like a black eye right away in the morning.” he admitted with a smirk, Draco laughing a little as he slowly got out of bed. “well we all might as well get up, Vipers already dressed in his leathers, ready to go flying.” “yeah! I wanna touch the clouds, I've always wondered what they where made of.”
"Water."Shay said wisely as she bounced out of bed, heading across the hall to her room. Marvos roled his eyes as he got up dressing, glaring at the other two."You three are to awake in the mornings."He whined, disliking being awake.At least, this early in the morning. Growling softly when he saw what Shay was wearing. The snug fitting flying leathers that just looked good on the guys, hugged her smaller body, showing the curves that had appeared as she aged. Looking at Draco, teasing him a little."Now draco, no improper thoughts."He said grinning when Shay blushed.
“they are not! No way!” Viper complained looking astonished as Draco chuckled, looking tired as well as he slowly got dressed, Viper smirking at Marvos. “hell I've been up for an hour now Mar!” he stated simply with a smirk. “i get up with the dawn, you can get food out of the dumpsters without having to worry about the garbage men that way.” Draco looked a little green. He turned from green to a light blush when he saw Shay however, and when Marvos commented about dirty thoughts his face went from lightly pink on the cheeks, to bright red all over his face. “Marvos! Don't be an ass!” Draco complained, Viper laughing as he bounced around, demanding that they go outside so he could see if clouds really where made of water!
Marvos laughed as Shay dragged Viper out of the room with her, the younger girl talking excitedly as they raced out in front of the other two, heading for the qudditch pitch. MArvos smirked wrapping a arm around draco's shoulder, walking with him easily."You should know I AM a ass. All the time."He said grinning as they walked outside, though he was a little distressed at Shay's outfit, he found teasing his frien so much better then yelling at her for wearing it.
Draco snorted a little as he watched Viper following her,. Talking just as excitedly, hopping up and down as he brandished his broom with a happy little grin. Draco wincing when he felt Marvos sling an arm around his shoulders. “you are an ass.” he agreed. “you know, it's strange seeing her smile like that after being near her father, usually you, and her, are so tense I could break a metal bar over your backs and you wouldn't even flinch.” he admitted shaking his head a little. “but here you both are laughing and smiling... do you think Viper did that?” he asked curiously. “it's hard seeing the little thief in a kid who smiles so easily, and laughs so brightly it makes everyone else want to laugh too.” he smiled a little. “i think he's good for us... even father.”
"He is good for us."he said shuddering a little, amused at the boy's description,frowning as he looked a little sick at the thought of his father before shaking his head a little."I think it is. He's giving her something to concentrate on."He said running his fingers through his hair, more relaxed then he usually was though he wasn't sure how much shay's excitement was faked or not. Having seen her face when she crawled in bed with them last night, he wasn't so sure she was as relaxed as she looked."Stay with her."He ordered quietly before easing away from him. Shay giggled happily the brightness of her happiness for the moment driving away her fear for the moment, grinning as she clamored on her broom, looking at her brother."come on, let's go.Time to fly!"
Draco nodded and gently gripped Marvos's shoulder, offering him silent comfort as he rushed forward to help Viper onto his broom, which had tried to take off without him, the emerald eyed boy just laughing in his eagerness to get into the sky, pausing to listen to Draco's instructions, nodding and taking off into the sky with loud whoop of joy as he raced into the sky, straight up, Draco groaning as he hopped on his brook and took after the boy, intending on catching Viper when he fell off. But the boy didn't fall off., he darted into a cloud and came out the other side completely wet, and laughing his ass off as Draco yelled at him for being reckless, Viper ignoring him as he pulled up next to Shay. “you where right! Their made of water!” Viper, was a natural on a broom, it was rather amazing to watch. Viper really had no fear, none at all, and he was so natural at flying, he did it almost instinctively.
Shay grinned at him, nodding."I told you!You should have listened.I know everything.Right draco?"She called doing a corkscrew around ivper to face Draco, ignoring marvos's snarls about her being reckless. Marvos wrinkled his nose as he hovered next to viper, clearly impressed at his skill."Now you've done it.I'm never going to be able to convince her not to be totally reckless now."He growled playfully, leaning across the open air to steal a kiss. REally the man was to hot and talented not to kiss. Amazed that he was so good at flying. It seemed there was going to be no stopping the wonders of this boy.
Viper smirked a little as he watched her do a corkscrew, his eyes glimmering happily at the sudden realization that he could be DANGEROUS on a broom, smirking as he kissed Marvos back, Draco snickering happily as Viper smirked almost viciously. “then your going to just HATE what I'm about to do now!” he teased laughing as he pulled away, doing a loop and flying upside down, letting out an eager squeal of pleasure as he dove for the ground, pulling up just enough to avoid crashing, skimming his feet on the ground with giggles of glee before spinning back up,straight into the air, Draco sitting on his broom with his mouth wide open, eyes wide and terrified as he waited for Harry to break a bone or fall off. “oh my GOD he's suicidal!” Draco finally managed shaking his head. “Marvos stop him!”
"I would if I c-Shay!"Marvos snarled going after his sister as she dove, snarling as he jerked back, realizing if he crashed into her now, he'd drive her into the ground. Griinning as her hand skimmed the ground, falling from the broom with a soft thump, giggling happily as she looked up at the three men on brooms."That was fun."Shay said breathless, her sucidialness making a appearance. After all, her father tended to bring about depression and fear....viper's presence had hidden it and caused it to take shape in a stupidly reckless stunt which left her giggling and amused on the ground as she listened to marvos curse as he landed.
Draco shrieked in terror when he saw her diving for the ground, Harry giggling as he watched her roll onto the grass, clearly not understanding that Death wasn't just a part of life and that it was wrong to go courting it. “you almost had it! You just had to pull up a second sooner.” he admitted grinning at her as he landed, Draco puffing up in horror as he closed his eyes, holding his breath and counting to twenty, something he did instead of screaming at someone when he was worried for there safety, Harry blinking at him. “... uh... is he ok? He's turning kinda...purple...” he blinked at Draco as the blond slowly released his breath and opened his eyes, glaring at them both., “that was reckless, stupid, and if you ever do it again I'll take you both over my knee! I don't care if your the same age as me if I EVER catch you risking your lives like that again I might just have a heart attack and die myself!” Harry looked startled, and then confused. “ was just some fun Dray...” “fun that could have gotten you hurt or killed Viper.” Draco stated calmly. “how do you think Marvos, or I would feel if you got hurt doing reckless things like that?” Harry looked astonished, his eyes wide, head tilted. “i..i guess I just...didn't think.. I...” he looked down, ashamed. “i'm sorry...”
Marvos sighed softly as he landed next to him, glaring at his giggling sister and viper."Good.You should be. Now stop teaching my sister reckless things."he said, truly angry with the boy for the first time. Shay scared him enough on her own, she didn't need help coming up with violent and deadly ways to tempt death.Shay sat up on her elbows, looking unrepentant, like so many times after her father visited. She was just so reckless after moments with him. Shaking his head marvos growled softly, biting off the words as he turned his head to look at draco."Take her inside. Do something to her.She's annoying me."He growled needing her away from him before he said some totally unforgiveable things. Knowing she was scared, but her being reckless drove him mad, and in the madness he could be cruel
Viper winced a little and nodded. He really didn't understand what the big deal was, he had grown up with danger and death as much a part of him as his skin was, or his eyes. Danger and death and him had even slept in the same cradle, they might as well have been best friends. For Harry, Dangerous acts where as common as simply trying to find a meal for the day. Draco quickly took Shay's arm and rushed her inside before Marvos lost his temper at her giggling, Harry staring at his toes with his hands behind his back, the most submissive posture he'd ever given anyone, looking guilty and ashamed and confused. He hated that he had upset Marvos, but he just didn't understand what was wrong with doing a few silly stunts.
Marvos sighed turning to look at Viper, before realizing the boy didn't understand. Running his fingers through his hair as he looked at him he collasped down onto the ground with a whine."Vi...Shay's dangerouly reckless. She has a death wish most of the time, because of our father. I can't protect her if she's going to go diving at the ground."He said slowly, needing him to understand that he wasn't angry, just terrified, and that he was easier with being angry then terrified."It really isn't that bad....but you're different then her. You don't want to get hurt. She does.Why do you think she ended up on the ground instead of pulling out of it?"

Shay sniffled a little as she came down from the high of flying, looking small and upset as she let the blond pull her after him like a relucant puppy."...I'm sorry draco."She said quietly, looking at him before looking down before he could look at her. Not wanting to see just how angry he was wtih her.
Viper watched him collapse and carefully sat down next to him, his head tilted a little looking startled. “so she's suicidal?” he asked, sounding worried, wrapping his arms around his knees as he studied Marvos. “i didn't know that.” he admitted his eyes wide. “was it bad of me to give her a knife?” he asked, wondering if she would try to cut her wrists. “i won't do it again.” he promised laying down and resting his head on Marvos's chest. “i'm sorry I scared you... I didn't mean to...” he promised, feeling upset for making Marvos upset.

Draco sighed a little and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “i'm not angry...just worried.” he admitted softly. “i was so sure you'd break something.” he admitted rubbing his eyes. “Shay... you can't do things like that it's... I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I let you get hurt like that...” he wrapped her tightly into his arms, holding her tightly. “i love you Shay, I couldn't bear it if you got hurt.” he admitted, blushing hard at his own admission. “i want to protect you and I can't do that if your jumping off roofs all the time...”
Marvos sighed pressing a kiss to his head as he wrapped his arms around viper."She is, and no, she wont do it."She said looking at viper, smiling a little."I charmed it so she couldn't cut her wrists, even if it does occur to her. She doesn't intentionally cause harm...more just acting reckless."He said smiling a little wider."I know you didn't mean to.I should have warned you."He said sounding sorry himself, for having not thought far enough to think about warning him.

Shay shuddered a little, wrapping her hands in his shirt as she leaned against his chest, sniffling quietly,,"I don't jump off the roof all the time."She muttered,nuzzling his shoulder. Not able to even with his admission, not able to force herself to admit to loving him. Scarred enough, and scared enough of her own father and what he would do to her, she didnt want to admit lovign him. Because it would only hurt him more if her father did hurt her.
he smiled as he was wrapped up in a hug, sighing softly. “good.” he muttered softly, feeling relieved, looking up at the other. “if I killed him, would she be better?” he asked his head tilted. It was strange to see such an innocent face, asking to murder someone else. “i can do it you know, I wouldn't even have to do it myself. I'm good at manipulating people when I want to, I could make the Voldy person thing that Thomas was betraying him.” he smirked a little. “it would be easy.”

he held her closer, kissing her forehead. “no, but you do dangerous things all the time... you could have pulled up Shay, I saw you. But you didn't. And just last week you jumped out of the moving carriage...” he sighed a little. “i wish I could take all this away, and make you safe and happy, like when we where kids.” he admitted his eyes closed. “i love you shay... I want to be there for you.” he admitted softly. “and it's ok if you can't admit feelings to me, or if you don't have any at all. So long as I can make you happy, I'm going to be happy too.” he admitted running his fingers gently through her hair. “please, try not to do anymore dangerous things ok?”
Marvos laughed,"Maybe. I'll think about it."He said slightly thrown at having been asked. And wondering if they could get away with it."Come on. We better go inside."He said sitting up, ruffling the boys hair. Really complimating killing his father.

Shay shuddered a little, wrapping her arms around his waist,"Okay.I promise."She said quietly, because it was the only way she could force herself to say she loved him. To promise to take care of herself because he wanted her to.Trembling a little as she leaned against him, sniffling a little tensing a little when she heard lucius,easing away from draco. Knowing that the yelling from draco and marvos was bad enough, she didn't want to upset lucius again by letting him see how shaken draco was by her recklessness.
Viper smirked a little as he sighed softly before pausing and sighing. “can we go flying again later? I promise not to do any reckless things while someone is watching.” he promised pouting at Marvos in hopes his cuteness would get a 'yes' instead of a no.

Draco just smiled and kissed her forehead, letting her pull away and blinked at Lucius. “have either of you seen Viper?” Lucius asked calmly. “or Marvos? It's ten minutes past your usual lessons.” he stated looking a little annoyed that he had been left waiting for ten whole minutes, waiting for his students to arrive. During the summer holidays, Lucius trained the children every Saturday morning, unless he had to go on a mission for someone, but the two old bastards usually left him alone on the weekends. “oh, we where out flying father I'm sorry, I forgot that it was Saturday, they are probably still outside.”
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