
"Castrating him wont kill him.It'd solve everything."marvos piped up, looking thoughtful as he considered over how to do it. Oh, e s wanted to kill his father, they would all have better lives for it. Shay winced a little at Vipers fury, pressing her cheek against draco's shoulder as she stepped into his arms, for once letting someone see her vulnerable outside of malfoy manor.Wrapping her arms around his waist, laughing softly."We probably should go home. So Vi can fly or something. And papa can consider what to do about the worlds' problems."She siged quietly, tilting her head to look at the elder malfoy."I'm sorry papa."She said sighing quietly, just wanting to go home. Despite having a almost enjoyable time with the weasley's, as odd as that was to consider.
Viper nodded as Draco wrapped his arms around Shay, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead, protecting her, Viper suddenly piping up. “i like this place.” Viper admitted, Molly looking pleased. “can I come back sometime?” Molly looked overjoyed at the idea and the Twins snickered a little. “a chance for Mum to stuff you so full we have to roll you home? Of course she'll say yes!” “but you have to get permission from Lucius first dear.” Molly ordered Viper sternly who nodded and hopped to his feet. “and you come back to Shay, we'll teach you how to prank your brothers.” Fred and George teased laughing as Molly scowled at them. Viper beaming happily as he leaned up and kissed Molly's cheek. “thanks very much.” he stated beaming at them before skipping over to Marvos as Lucius smiled at Shay. “you have nothing to apologize for my dear.” he promised stroking her hair. “come on, let us go home before Narcissa sends the House elves after us again, you know how she hates having the manor empty.” more she worried about her family and when everyone vanished it meant something was wrong.
Shay giggled a little nodding at the twins."That would be fun.though I don't think marvos would appericiate it."She said grinning at the look marvos was giving the twins. If looks could kill. Laughing a little as he looked up at lucius."You getting bossed by a house elf is amusing."She stated before looking at molly."thank you madam, you didn't have to do what you did, but I am thankful you did."She said before apparating home. Marvos smiled a little, tilting his head towards the red haired clan, looking unsure around them for the first time in his life."Thank you."He said sounding uncomfortable. It wasn't often he was thankful for anything, but he was for their taking care of her."We'll see you at school."He said smiling before apparating out, snickering at the sight of narcissa fussing over Shay, the woman looking her over worriedly, sure something was seriously wrong for them to all have disappeared at once.
viper giggled and leaned up, pressing a kiss to Marvos's lips, smiling happily as Molly blushed and shook her head. “it's my boys you should really be thanking.” she admitted shaking her head. “in all honesty I wasn't all that sure we should have been helping her.” she admitted smiling a little. “i can see now that I was very wrong.” she ruffled Vipers hair affectionately. “you're all welcome here any time.” she smiled and Lucius offered her a small bow of the head. “i'm sure Viper will be here fairly often. The boy has a bottomless pit for a stomach and a horrifying idea of adventure.” Draco complained rolling his eyes as he vanished with a pop as well Viper snickering a little. “only on a broom.” he chirped happily, Lucius chuckling as he vanished as well, Viper sidling up to Marvos, waiting for him to apparate him away. “bye! I'll see you again soon!” he chirped happily, Mrs. Weasley beaming at him and waving, the twins slapping something into vipers hands before Marvos left, Viper opening it once they where back at Malfoy manor, his eyes widening excitedly. “FIREWORKS!!!”
"Hey hey hey. No fireworks.What did I tell you about dangerous things?"Marvos said with a smile as he looked at viper. More amued then anything else, teasing him. Shay grinned happily, twisting out of narcissa's arms to look at her brother, grinning widely."Fireworks?!I want to watch fireworks!Draco tell him we can!"She ordered turning on her cute ferret, resting her hands on her hips. Looking intimidating and demanding. Marvos snickered a little,"Oh I'm not sure little sister."He said, knowing he was going to let her set them off, but teasing her was so much fun.
Viper pouted at Marvos, his emerald eyes wide and filling with bright tears. “but I've never seen fireworks shot before.” he protested Draco and Lucius smirking at Vipers expert manipulations of Marvos. “please? Please Marvos!? Please!?” Viper pleaded, sniffling a little. “please Marvos can't we set off the Fireworks?” he pleaded grabbing the others hands and kissing his knuckles. “please?” “yeah Marvos, please?” Draco taunted smirking at him, half expecting Shay to join in on the waterworks. “it will be fun, we'll be safe, Shay can't do anything dangerous with simple fireworks.” teasing his lover too.
Shay looked up at Drac with wide eyes, tears starting to form in those blue eyes. So like marvos', with a depth of emotion that his never held. Still mostly distraught over the day, even if she was hiding it well."I don't do dangerous things!Fireworks are complicated!"She pouted looking up at him with tear bright eyes. Marvos glared at the blond, for both the teasing and getting shay in on the waterworks."Fine, fine. We'll set them off as soon as its dark."He said caving. Marveling that viper was the only person that could do this, to make him cave so easily to whatever he wanted.
Viper cheered happily when Marvos promised that they could set off the fireworks, Lucius looking close to laughter at Marvos's caving so easily, Viper pouncing onto the box of Fireworks examining them closely. “Fire sparkers, bang snappers, big boomers!” he didn't know the actual names of them, but he had heard people talk about them before, about what they did, and he had seen some of the smaller ones go off so he knew the principles of them. “i wanna to the little poppers! Can I Marvos please!?” he pleaded holding up a pile of Snape Dragon Fire Crackers. They where just like fire crackers, but these ones formed into sparking dragons when they exploded that flew around for half a minute before dying. They where a child's best toy, until they let them off in the house anyway.
Marvos smiled a little, holding up the small box of snap dragons, holding out for shay and one for viper."Go."He ordered waving the two excited children away, grinning as shay pounced on him to hug him before darting off with the box in her hands. Within inutes there was a dragon racing through the halls of the manor, and shay's excited laughter. Marvos shook his head looking at raco, smirking slightly then looking at lucius."That's your punishment for nearly laughing at me."He pouted smirking as the dragon wrapped itself around lucius like a boa. Shay appeared at the top of the steps laughing happily "Draco!Come on!"she said grinning wider. Happier then she usually was after being so afraid. The terror easily pouring into excitement and wildness.
Lucius groaned a little and closed his eyes as he heard the fireworks going off in the house, and glared at Marvos when the Dragon wrapped around him, setting his robes on fire. He used his wand to quickly banish both the dragon and the flames and sighed as Draco laughed and raced up the stairs to join Shay in the hall, shrieking when Viper set off the whole string of fireworks, unleashing all twenty Dragons all at the same time, the beasts swarming through the halls, sending Viper into shrieks of laughter as he chased the dragons, trying to catch them, Draco laughing a little as he watched Viper running around like the happy child he should have been. Experiencing his first childhood with the Malfoy's help, Viper couldn't have been happier, laughing as he pounced on shay and tried to steal the rest of her fireworks, Draco giving Viper sparklers instead, the boy laughing as he ran around the halls, drawing pictures in the air that lasted for hours, light and fire of dragons and people and trees, laughing happily.
By the time both Viper and Shay were out of fireworks, they were sitting on the bottom of the stairs together, leaning against each other. The two resting their heads on each other's shoulders, yawning sleepily as they trailed the last of the sparklers through the air drawing things, exhausted from running around the manor drawing things and chasing dragons. Marvos smirked a little, laughing softly as he looked at his best friend, tilting his head slightly."awww now isn't that just adorable. She might find someone else to cuddle with Draco."He teased, laughing quietly at the sight of shay cuddling into her newest friend. Ignoring the jealousy that was tugging at him seeing the two cuddling. Not willing to think about what it meant. Smirking wider when he thought about how Lucius was going to react to seeing his house drawn on and with shadow dragons still hanging around. After all, the man had had to go to work, so he didn't see just how much damage they had done. Well now... the house looked like world war three. "I'm going to love seeing your dad's face."
Viper was yawning as he drew lady patterns in the air before he yawned again and dropped his arm, sleeping against Shay, Draco chuckling a little as he looked around at all the patterns in the air and the sparkling dragons and cute little imps bouncing around from the 'little boomers' that Harry had set off. There was pink, yellow and blue smoke everywhere from smoke bombs, swirling in the air like crazy tie dye shirts. “Father is going to die when he sees this you mean.” he stated glancing at the sleeping Viper, chuckling a little. “you might want to take Vi to bed.” he teased chuckling a little. “he looks exhausted.” he teased moving over to shay and gently shaking her shoulder. “wake up Love, it's time for bed.” he stated, gently wiping frosting off her cheek from their piles of desserts that Viper had gotten from the house elves. Viper himself had whipped cream still clinging to the corners of his lips, and he was still holding part of a cream pie in his hand, it was hard to think that he was really sixteen.
Marvos smiled softly as he picked up viper, for once glad that he was as light as he was.Gently licking the icing off Viper's face he grinned slightly."Oh, us being in bed will put off the yelling. At least till the morning."He grinned heading up the stairs saying goodnight over his shoudler, glad to be out of the way before lucius got home. Disappearing into his bedroom with a smile. Shay yawned sleepily, looking up at Draco, nuzzling his hand shifting to lick the icing off his finggers."Hmmm good..."She muttered before getting up,crawling into Draco's arms to make him carry her upstairs. Not wanting to walk up to her bedroom. So much better to make him carry her.Smiling sleepily."So much many colors."She muttered nuzzling his neck
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head a little. “i don't think he'll yell too much, he likes to see shay happy and having fun.” he admitted grinning. “and the colors will fade in a few days.” Draco admitted chuckling a little as Shay licked icing off his fingers. “hey now, I was saving that for later.” he complained chuckling a little shaking his head as he carried her off. Viper whined when he was picked up and he snuggled into Marvos sighing softly. “today...was the best day... of my life.” he mumbled softly nuzzling him gently before falling asleep again, jerking awake when he heard a strangled cry of horror at dawn when Lucius came home from work and saw the disaster his house had been left in. “... uh? Marvos? Are we in trouble?” Viper asked sleepily wondering if they where all being yelled at Already, rubbing his eye with his hair sticking up in all directions yet again. “i don't want get yelled at.” he complained laying back down and kissing Marvos's neck. “hey Marvos? How come you don't touch me? Like sexually I mean... do you not like me?”
Marvos moaned quietly, shuddering a little as he ladi back in the bed."No, at least not yet. Lucius wont yell."He muttered closing his eyes, shuddering.Damn that felt...good."I...I do like you.I don't like sex."He said biting his lip."To messy. To annoying."he said shrugging a little, the one time that he'd had sex, he hadn't enjoyed it enough to ever consider trying again. Whimpering a little as his body tld him otherwise, responding to Viper's touch, his eyes closing as he sighed quietyl
Viper chuckled a little as he smiled. “everyone likes sex.” he muttered softly smirking as he licked the others neck biting a little. “i'll show you.” he whispered smirking a little as his hands ran down the others belly and down his pants, stroking along the others cock, panting softly. “i want you, so bad.. please? Just give it a chance?” he pleaded softly, nipping at the others lip. “i'm so horny for you Marvos, please.”
Marvos moaned quietly, closing his eyes as he thrust up a little into the other's touch,gently tangling his fingers in viper's hair."I'll try."He muttered smiling a little as he opened his eyes to watch viper. It was... it was fascinating to him that anyone could actually enjoy sex.
viper groaned a little as he felt the fingers tangling in his hair, kissing him hard, eager as he ran his fingers along the others shaft, panting softly before he slowly pulled the others pants down, running his tongue along his lovers shaft, tracing the veins with the tip of his tongue. “you just don't like sex, because no one's ever shown you, how really good it can be.” Viper whispered, smirking a little. “i'll show you all the pleasure of the world.” it was strange, that someone who was so innocent, could suddenly appear so much older than he really was. Harry knew exactly what he was doing, and had the confidence of Lucius making love to his wife, just the way she liked. For a moment, Harry almost looked like an Adult as he swallowed the others cock like a pro, sucking hard and swallowing around him as his chin hit Marvos's balls, groaning happily.
Marvos moaned,trembling ever so slightly as he tilted his head back,shuddering as he ran his fingers through the other's hair."Oh..."He moaned closing his eyes."That...good..."He muttered and had anyone been there to hear him, would have been amazed at the total lack of usual elegance tht Marvos possessed, totally losing himself in the amazing feel.

Down the hall Shay sat up on the edge of the bed, biting her lip as she heard her brother and viper in his room,looking curious listening to her brother coming undone she blushed hard as she retreated across the hll to Draco's room,sliding into the bedroom without even thinking about it, not realizing he to was up to what a normal 15 year old would be doing when alone in bed. "Draco?"She muttered sliding under the covers with him.
Viper smirked as he heard the other moan, sucking harder, running his mouth up and down the others length, panting happily. “yeah? You like this?” he teased running his tongue along the others balls, panting softly as he pulled one, then both into his mouth, rolling them around as he smirked, reaching behind him, using wandless magic to bring lube onto his fingers, quietly preparing himself as he panted eagerly. “yess, mmm fuck me, Marvos. Please.” he whispered eagerly smirking at the other. “fuck me nice and hard, like the naughty bitch I am.”

Draco was moaning softly, and he gasped when the door opened, yanking the covers quickly over himself as he coughed a little. “we.... Shay, I... uh...” he blushed harder when she crawled into bed with him, blushing even harder, not that she could see it in the pitch blackness of the room. “er... Shay I'm not dressed....” he explained. “er... not even underwear...” he admitted jumping when some random part of her body brushed against his hardness, making him cough awkwardly. “er...”
Marvos moaned softly as he laid the other back onto the bed, looking slightly awkward as he looked down at the man under him, pinning him down as he kissed him slowly."hmmm you are a naughty little theif aren't you?"He muttered sliding int othe man with a sigh,shuddering a little at the feel.It wasn' wasnt what he'd been expecting. finally, someone had touched his frozen heart.

Shay looked startled as her thigh brushed against his cock, blushing hard as she looked at the blond, who looked even paler in the soft moonlight from the window. Looking surprised before curious, pulling the blanket up enough so that she could see what he was doing, even if it wasn't well. Moonlight wasn't the easiest thing to see in.Squinting a little she blushed, hesitantly closing her fingers around his,moving his hand slightly as she leaned close for a kiss,clumsy and unsure. Ready to back away if he reacted badly to having her there.
Viper moaned as he was pinned and kissed, kissing back eagerly as he wrapped his legs tightly around the others wait, smirking a little. “mm, yes. Such a naughty little thief.” he purred, arching, moaning as he was pushed into, feeling himself being filled up. “oh. Oh yesss so big.” he groaned happily tipping his head back. “please, yes, harder.” he pleaded tangling his fingers into the others hair, tugging gently as he rubbed himself along the others body.

Draco blushed even harder, swallowing thickly as she looked, moving to cover himself, she beat him to it however, her fingers stroking his length making him moan and buck into her fingers, too much of a virgin to be unable to do anything else. “oh... god.. shay.” he groaned, kissing her back, panting softly, running his fingers through her hair panting softly. “we shouldn't be doing this.” he whispered softly shuddering, wanting more, but unwilling to press Shay further than she was willing to go.
Marvos moaned quietly, resting his forehead against the other's shoulder as he fucked him like he did everything else, with utter remorselessness. Growling as he bit down on his shoulder, shuddering as he came. To inexperienced to hold out longer with so much pleasure running through him.

Shay blushed, whining softly as she touched her hair, it felt so nice to have his fingers in her hair."We shouldn't."she muttered, not moving away though, stretching out next to him,fingers sliding over his cock,hesitant and unsure as she kissed him again,shuddering a little, her body wanting more, wanting touched, yearning for draco to touch her as much as she was him,but to embarassed to ask. Eager,kissing him. Losing herself in being with him.
Viper moaned as he was fucked ruthlessly, arching into every harsh thrust, panting eagerly, enjoying the rough fucking as he arched into the bite, panting hard as he shuddered and Came hard, panting hard. “oh..oh yess, Marvos YES it's so good.” he moaned closing his eyes as he relaxed against the other, smiling happily. “i can feel your cum... deep inside... feels so good.”

Draco shuddered as he bucked into her fingers, groaning as his fingers slid down her belly and gently settled against her clit, having studied the female anatomy so he could better pleasure Shay when the time came. And the time was now, so he stroked his fingers along her clit, moaning, shivering as he slowly rubbed up and down before slipping lower, slipping inside of her and gently touching, panting hard. “so tight.” he moaned softly. “but... not yet.” he muttered. “only touching... no fucking... oh god your fingers feel so good.”
marvos laughed quietly as he eased out of him, collapsing on top of him with a sigh, settling his head on his chest with a smile."Better this time...not so gross."He grumbled nuzzling the other,getting ready to go back to sleep.he wanted a few more hours of sleep before they had to show up for breakfast.

Shay whimpered in pleasure, pain for a moment as he stretched her, whimpering as her eyes fell shut."Touching...good...oohhhh..."She muttered, moaning as her eyes closed, fingers tightening slightly around him as he brought her to climax. Inexperienced and untouched,she didnt even touch herself, so this was her first climax and it felt amazing."Dracooo..."She said breathlessly.
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