
Viper paused and then started unwrapping the presents, using Magic to preserve the Paper, so that he wouldn't waste the ribbons, bows, or the pretty wrapping paper, having something in mind with them all as he properly exclaimed over every present, finding them all fascinating and amazing. Dozens of books, wizarding games, little moving figurines and a pocket watch that was just like Molly's family clock, where he could attune whoever he wanted to it and it would point to where they where. Clothes, lots of clothes and mens jewelry and suddenly Viper reached the stuffed Toy that shay had gotten for him, his eyes widening as he gently picked it up, his face lighting up brightly as he examined it happily. “oh Shay it's wonderful!” he breathed jumping up and hugging her tightly.
Shay yelped at being suddenly pounced on, laughing delightedly as she pressed a kiss to his cheek hugging him."You're welcome sweetie."She said hugging him tighter."Marvos has a similar fox hidden somewhere."She muttered stepping back,holding out another present, "From vos.He was nervous,so I told you I'd give it to you."She muttered in his ear, pressing the bracelet box into his hand, the serpent bracelet protective and shielded.And a promise of forever. it amused Shay greatly to give it to him. Marvos laughed quietly as he joined draco, smirking at him."Hmmm you should be jealous dray, a few more hugs like that, and she might be dating him."he teased
he beamed at them and gasped as he saw the snake bracelet in his hand, his eyes wide as he wrapped it around his wrist. “it's wonderful!” he stated stroking it gently beaming at everyone. “you all gave me such wonderful presents!” he stated beaming happily at the guests. “thank you all so much!” he stated happily. It was hard not to melt at the honestly happy expression on his face, aimed at them all. “shush you.” Draco ordered elbowing Brax smirking a little. “he looks so happy, it's strange, most people aren't so grateful after so many gifts that he'll probably never use.” he admitted watching Viper pick up an earring from the pile, slipping it into a hold in his ear, Draco starting. “good god he's got his ear pierced! I didn't know that!” “he WHAT!?” Fenrir demanded, shocked as he looked at viper. “that little SHIT! When did he do that!?”
Marvos snickered walking up behind viper lowering his head,gently tugging the earring between his teeth,"Hmmm so sexy."He muttered sucking genty on his ear before smiling."Come.I want to watch you duel, then to celebrate your birthday."He muttered hands resting on Viper's hips. Shay laughed at fenrir's reaction, raising a eyebrow at it, shaking her head a little."I have my ears pierced to." Narcissa laughed softly."You're supposed to have your ears pieced shay."
Viper chuckled a little and shivered at the bite to hi ear, smirking a little as he took off his protective Bracelet. “hold onto this, I don't want to be accused of cheating.” he purred chuckling a little as he headed for Voldemort, bowing to him a little. “i do believe the time for the Duel has come Sir, have you seen my opponent? I can't seem to find him in the large crowd.” he admitted, not even bothering to look. Either Thomas would appear at Harry's goad that he was a coward, or he'd already run away.
"Thomas!"Voldemort barely raised his voice,but the command was there. "M'lord."Thomas said bowing his head slighty as he stepped through the crowd, sneering slightly at his oppenant then his son before sighing."Shall we then?Lucius. Shall we move this to the dueling arena?" Shay smiled a little, wrapping a arm around draco's waist, walking with him towards the dueling arena, not even bothering to wait for lucius to answer. Knowing that the dueling arena was the only place built for duels."This will be interesting."Seh said biting her lip. Worried because she didn't know if she wanted viper to really hurt him or not.
Viper smirked a little as he entered the dueling Arena and bowed to Thomas, almost mocking him in the motion, exaggeration in every movement before he straightened and did something that made everyone gasp. He slid his wand into his holster and smirked viciously at Thomas. “go on Thomas.” he stated calmly. “lets see if your good enough to take on a child half your age and raised by muggles.” he stated, watching the man intently, wary of the tricks he knew to expect, sliding his feet apart, Fenrir snickering suddenly. “i have my doubts of Viper using magic at all.” he admitted smirking. “that's a Tea Kwon Do stance right there... hand to hand combat.”
Shay laughed quietly.Ohhh this was going to be interesting.Shifting she pressed her face against Draco's chest, appearing to be watching, even if she wasn't. Despite everything, she didn't want to see her ather hurt. Swallowing hard as she stepped away, bracing herself to watch. Needing to stand on her own to watch this.

Thomas snarled slightly throwing a hex at the boy, more a test to marvos's control, more then wanting to hurt him.Wondering how far he could press his son before he lost his control.
Viper slid out of the way of the hex and snapped his foot for the others face, , the ball of his foot stopping a bare inch away from his nose, smirking as he wheeled away from another Hex smirking as he cast his own Hex only a stinging one, tiny sparks landing in Thomas's face, blinding him as Viper wheeled around again, slamming his foot hard into Thomas's chest. “your weak.” Viper stated firmly. “you ignore your body, in favor of a magic that can die or be taken away. The stronger your body the stronger your magic, the stronger you are as a whole.” he informed Thomas, everyone really. “you can't beat me with silly children's tricks Thomas, try something better.” Draco was gaping and Fenrir was laughing and the twins where clapping, impressed with Vipers bodily control, even if he didn't know much magic he used the little bit he did know efficiently with the martial arts that he did know. Thomas had no chance unless he started using serious skills and spells.
Voldemort looked impressed, moving to lucius'ssisde to discuss whawt could be done to make the boy even better. Dumbledore looked thoughtful, knowing he would need to discuss with lucius the best way to train him.Yes...both men wanted to use the unusual boy against the other. Thomas snarled as he realized that he was going to seriously lose, and probably be killed.He had no deillisions aboout how much viper hated him.Raising his wand he fired a curse, not at viper but at shay. Smirking as he heard her quiet cry of pain as she collasped into Draco, the sleeping and pain hex called the sleeping beauty hex, because it wouldn't let her wake for while, and it had to be someone certain to wake er, her own personal prince charming.Which wouldn't be hard to find, after all everyone new Draco loved her, but was he the other half of her soul?Because the hex only had one chance of being reversed. Thomas sharazari was completely insane,always had been.HE thought if he couldn't have his daughter, no one should. The leder sharazai smirked looking at him as he felt the crucio taking effect knowing marvos had stepped in the moment shay had fallen.
Viper snarled dangerously when he felt the curse strike Shay and he rushed forward, ignoring the pain of the Crucio as he stepped in the way and grabbed Thomas arms, flipping him onto his belly and setting his foot on the man's back, pinning him down even as he started to pull his arms up. Excruciatingly painful, even worse than the crucio as Viper slowly, so slowly dislocated the man's arms from his shoulders. With a final, tiny push the sick sound of Bone grating against bone filled the air and Thomas Sharazai no longer had the use of his arms, even as Viper snarled, still not satisfied with the man's pain, flipped him onto his belly and ground down hard on his dick with the heal of his foot, intending on crushing it even as he drew a hidden blade from his boot, it was one that had been in his presents. Magically enhanced silver, honed to a precise edge as Viper smirked viciously at Thomas. “i was going to let you live you know.” he stated, wild Emerald eyes staring into Thomas's. “i was going to let you live because Shay didn't want to see you hurt, but now, you have no chance.” he yanked the man up by the hair, lifted hi head and set the knife to the mans throat, slitting it without even the slightest hesitation, Fenrir looking impressed, the twins looking green.

Draco caught Shay as soon as she collapsed, gasping in horror as he tried, and failed to wake her up, sobbing as he tried to wake her up until Lucius came over and picked her up, carefully carrying the girl to her and Draco's room as Viper stepped out of the now bloody ring, though he didn't have a drop of blood on him, or his blade. There was no doubt now that Viper was a trained killer, no doubt at all. “well... at least I know the knife I got him will be put to use.” Theo muttered calmly at Marvos. “go after Draco and Shay, we'll try to calm Viper down.” “i am calm.” Viper snapped angrily, Theo smirking a little. “what did that sick bastard do to shay!?”
Marvos swallowed hard, his stomach in knots. For once, not totally in control of himself. Or totally paying attention to what was going on around him. Starting at the question directed at him, he swallowed again turning to look at viper,but everything that made him marvos was gone, pulling away from the pain he was feeling, and shutting everyone out."Do you know the story of sleeping beauty?"He asked absently, already moving to follow the others out of the room.Heading for draco's, because he needed to be with his sister and best friend. Afraid he knew exactly what his father had done, and hating it every moment he breathed. Because if it hadn't been for his curiousity, his father would have never known the existance of the sleeping beauty hex. And he hated not being able to fix it. He swallowed hard as he walked through the halls, ignoring the guests as narcissa set about making them leave, ignoring even viper and theo for the most part. Trying to figure out how he was going to explain this to draco and lucius.

Meanwhile Dumbledore cleared his throat looking at lucius."Let's see exactly what is wrong."He said already moving to cast the diagonistic test, wanting to know what waas wrong, wincing as the spell back fired, hitting him. Voldemort sneered as he stepped into the room."You're a hasty fool. You should know most dark curses don't take well to diagonistic tests."
Viper nodded looking amazed. “sleeping beauty, yes.” he agreed nodding a little. “well all she needs is a kiss from Draco then.” he stated simply following Marvos into the bedroom, Draco and Lucius both looking over at them, Lucius blinking as he watched Dumbledore suffer from the effects of the rebound, Viper lifting his eyebrow. “that looked like it hurt.” the young assassin stated calmly before looking over at Draco. “Marvos says it's a sleeping Beauty spell.” “sleeping beauty? Oh yeah! 15'th century witch placed a curse on a beautiful woman making her sleep for all of eternity, but it was broken when she was kissed by her true love. Right?” Draco asked his head tilted before pausing. “oh... so... I have to kiss her... w..what if... what if it doesn't work?” he asked frowning a little, Viper smiling a little. “well it won't if you don't believe that it will work then it wont. You love her right?” “yes.” “you love her more than you love anyone else right?” “well yeah.” “the thought of living without her for all of eternity makes you tremble inside with a fear so deep you'd rather kill yourself than suffer without her right?” “...yes.” Draco whispered staring at Shay before leaning down and kissing her. “please Shay... wake up. I love you too much to go on without you...”
Marvos smile was sad, shifting to wrap his arms around Viper, resting his forehead on the other's shoulder, putting himself between draco and himself. Not sure if he trusted his friend to not attack him."It wont work."his smile was small and ironic."You never read the orginal sleeping beauty did you?" Voldemort looked startled, because he had. After all, the brother's grimm was right up his alley, violence and death."The hex is set to work off sex, not kisses." Marvos nodded slightly, hiding-not that he'd ever admit it-behind viper."The hex requires something more binding then just a kiss.Sex, bonding, something. I-I never got further then finding the spell for the hex. I never found the counter."He said looking lost, because he didn't know just how far draco'd have to go to make her wake up. Or if there was a counter at all. Biting his lip,"I-I'm sorry.I'm the reason he knew what it was."he said, for once sounding totally unstrung.
Viper frowned a little and shook his head. “no I never read the original...” he admitted Draco looking sad when he saw that she didn't wake up before his eyes brightened. “binding?” he asked looking at Marvos. “i... I have an idea.” he muttered softly shaking his head. “but I... I want to do it in private.” Lucius grimaced a little and Viper nodded, his head tilted as he kissed Marvos's cheek. “come on Marvos... I sort of wanted to talk with Voldemort and Dumbledore a little more anyway. Their very interesting.” he lied grinning at them .”i wanted to see if they couldn't tell me about the history of magic.” he admitted. “like, who came first? Wizards or muggles? How was magic created? Or was it invented?” he asked pulling the others away, to give Draco some privacy. “son... your not going to...” Lucius asked hesitantly, Draco smiling at him. “no. I'm not, don't worry... this might not actually work but I'm going to try.” he admitted softly, waiting until they where all gone before turning to Shay, kissing her temple.

“Shay, I love you more than anything, or anyone and I want to spend my whole life with you, forever.” he whispered softly. “i was going to wait, until Christmas, until we where sure where we where but, I love you too much, and I never want to lose you. I want to love you for ever, so, Shay...will you Marry me?” he asked softly, slipping a gorgeous ring onto her finger, diamonds and green emeralds forming the Malfoy and Shazarai crests intertwined, to symbolize the joining of bloodlines and Draco's willingness to keep both bloodlines alive and combine them. “please won't you say yes?” or wake up, Draco would just be happy if she woke up.
Voldemort and dumbledore both looked thoughtful as they followed the young man out of the room. Both wondering exactly how they could shape this young killer, who had a child's curiousity. "Muggles came first. At least according to all legends."Voldemort said thoughtful. Marvos smiling slightly looking at lucius, lagging behind a little as he let voldemort, dumbledore and viper walk away."Dont worry, I think he's proposing."Marvos snorted laughing."And he thinks he can keep secrets from me."He smiled amused that his friend thoought he didn't know.

Shay's eyes fluttered a little as magic swirled around them, snapping a binding between them. Not a normal thing to a proposal, but....the hex was seeing it as a binding, and since Draco was her prince charming, and soul mate....was translating it into a binding, deeper then usual wedding vows. Binding their very lives and souls together, binding them both in this world and the next. When one hurt, the other would know. They'd have a sense of emotions,even if they didn't get everything, only the strong ones. Making even a wedding just a show for them, they were already bound,Anything else would just be a formality."....dray?"She muttered blinking hard, her hand closing into a fist, feeling the ring bite into her finger,raising her hand to stare at it.
Viper looked astonished that Muggles had actually come first. “is it true that Merlin was the first wizard ever!?” he asked remembering the little bit of history that he had read. “oh and you MUST tell me about this Hogwarts place! I can't wait to go! I think I might go into Ravenclaw, that's where all the smart people go right? Of course I might be put in Huffelpuff, but then I am a trained assassin so maybe Slytherin would be better? But I'm not scared of anything either so maybe Gryffindor? Which house do you think would be best?” he asked, rambling on about everything and anything, simply distracting the two most powerful wizards in the world. “does Hogwarts teach hand to hand combat? Or will I have to find my own tutor for that? Oh! I remember reading about these things called The Unforgivable Curses, what in the world are they? And why are they unforgivable?” Lucius chuckled as he listened to Viper ramble, shaking his head as he looked at Marvos. “proposing!? That's... I didn't realize Draco was that in love with her... I hope it works...”

Draco gasped when Shay woke up and he wrapped her up into a tight hug, bursting into tears as relief filled him, clutching her tightly. “oh Merlin almighty I thought i'd lost you!” he whispered hoarsely, kissing her face all over. “you where so pale and you just wouldn't wake up! Marvos said it was a Sleeping Beauty spell, that only your soul mate could wake you up, that it had to be sex, or something equally binding ti wake you up, and I didn't want to take your virginity until you where ready, I proposed instead because I love you SO much.” he whispered, explaining everything in a rush, in-between kisses. “oh Shay I love you so much, please never ever leave me.” he pleaded wrapping his arms tightly around her, simply holding her close. “i love you so much....”
Tom and Dumbledore both looked at a loss for once to what to say at the boy's rambling before Voldemort decided to do the simple thing, and answer in order."Yes, merlinis rumored to be the first wizard, and as far as we know, it's true." Dumbledore laughed quietly stroking his beard."Hmm no, sadly hogwarts doesn't teach hand to hand, but I'm sure Lucius would be able to recommend a good tutor." Tom snorted laughing shaking his head, looking amused intensely over the man's admiting the scool was missing something."Well, you most certainly have to be in slytherin.You're living with a house full of them after all."

Shay yelped as he wrapped her up in a hug whimpering quietly, reacting more to his distress and tears then anything else. Shifting she cuddled into him,trying to make it easier to breath as the man clutched her. Though she wasnt' about to ask him to let her go, he was to upset for that."I promise."She muttered."Never leaving."She muttered running a hand down his back.
Viper pondered that and then nodded. “yeah I guess I would like to be with my friends.” he agreed frowning a little. “but I'm friends with the Weasley's too and their not in Slytherin are they?” he mused his head tilted as he pondered that. “oh well... hey aren't you two supposed to be enemies? Lucius talks about a war, only I don't think he realizes I'm nearby when he talks about that sort of stuff.” he admitted looking from one man to the other, wondering if the rumors where true, that they really where trying to kill each other, or if they where working together to keep a fake war going for some reason or another. “you know you kind of look like Merlin, or what he looks like in my picture books anyway.” he admitted looking at Dumbledore.

He slowly calmed down and gently kissed her forehead. “sorry.. I... I didn't mean to panic on yo like that I was just so relieved to see you wake up.” he whispered smiling softly at her, wrapping his arms around her, gently now. “i love you so much Shay.. I was so scared.” he hesitated then. “...i'm sorry Shay but... your fathers dead.” he admitted softly, pulling away from her, worried about her reaction to that. “i think the elves already took him away...” he admitted softly. “Mothers taking care of Alexi... their in the kitchen...”
Dumbledore looked startled, before laughing."I think that''s one of the nicer things that anyone's ever said to me." Voldemort laughed quietly as he looked at his sometimes friend but always enemy, "You're old, old man. Dont take heart in it."He snickered before looking at lucius and marvos."You two!I must be going.There are...plans for the evening."He said tilting his head.

Shay cuddled against him, before pulling away, looking up at him with wide eyes,tears filling them."-what?"She said quietly, though she wasn't really surprised. Marvos or viper would have been quick to deal it when she'd fallen. Sniffling as she rubbed a hand over her face."I should go see mother..."She said moving to get up.
Viper grinned happily at Dumbledore, pleased that the other felt complimented before he paused, looking back at Lucius and Marvos, Lucius offering Voldemort a small bow. “have a good evening My Lord.” he stated calmly Viper sighing a little. “yes, have a good Evening Sir.” he stated smiling at Voldemort rather innocently. “i'm going to go and check on Draco and Shay.” he decided beaming at them all. “thank you for attending my Party.” he chirped before bounding off. It was so strange to see him so innocent after he brutally killed a man.

He nodded, stroking her hair gently as he kissed her forehead. “i know, I'm sorry.” he murmured softly. “come on, we'll go see her together.” he decided nuzzling her hand, not sure why he was feeling so needy, just knowing he didn't want to leave her side at all just yet, following her to the kitchen where the two women where sitting.
Marvos smiled making his goodbyes to both dumbledore and voldemort, smiling as the two left before looking at lucius,sighing tiredly."We should go check on mother."he said, biting his lip. hating that his curiousity for obsure spells had caused this. Walking back towards the kithen with the elder man.

Shay smiled slightl ylooking at her mother, pressing a kiss to her mother's forehead."Mother." She uttered looking at him worriedly. Wondering what her mother was thinking."Oh shay.Its good to se you..thomas was wanting to see you..." Narcissa winced at the words, looking at her son and shay, smiling tiredly."I'm afraid she's totally denying what happened...even though she was there."she said. Shay bit her lip, eyes going wide tears filling them as she leaned against draco's chest, nuzzling him.Feeling unsure of everything but her need to be with him.
Lucius nodded a little and followed Marvos to the kitchen, pausing when he realized that Draco and Shay was already in there, feeling relief washing over him as he saw the girl up and about. “it's alright Mrs. Sharazai he already talked to her.” Draco promised smiling at the woman as Lucius walked in, shaking his head. “Viper, Draco? Would you keep Alexi company for a moment while I talk to my wife and Shay and Marvos?” he asked smiling when they both nodded, pulling his wife and the two teenagers out into the hall. “she can't be left alone.” Lucius muttered calmly watching Shay and Marvos closely. “i think it might be best if she stayed here at the Manor, where I and Narcissa can keep an eye on her.” he admitted softly examining the two. “but I want to make sure your alright with that first...” because he wasn't sure if Alexi was dangerous, or just broken.
Narcissa studied the two teens, watching as they silently accepted the news, and mulled it over. Not in the least bit surprised when both nodded. They would do what was right, even if they didn't want to. While she knew alexi wasn't a danger, at least to anyone but herself. And yet...she knew the two didn't like spending time with her,because she was demanding and could be as bad as her husband at times. "I'm moving into Draco's room.She can stay in mine.that way, one of us will always be close by."She said. Marvos nodded smiling slightly, beforer looking at lucius, his smirk growing a little,even if he was worried about his sister and mother."Well, since they are engaged, it's nothing inapporiate."he said snickering a little at narcissa's surprised yelp.
Lucius smiled a little and set his hand on Shay's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. “i'm sorry about your father Shay.” he muttered softly. “we're having him buried in the Shazarai lands.” he promised. “it will be an honorary funeral.” it was the least Lucius could do, not for Thomas, but for the honor his children deserved. “i now have official custody of you.” he informed Marvos. “both of you. I'm your legal guardian now.” he informed them, offering shay a smile. “i can finally call you my daughter.” he admitted smiling at her and pulling her into a hug. “and congratulations on your upcoming marriage.” he teased smirking a little. “but your not allowed to actually get married until AFTER you graduate.” he ordered smiling at her. “it's been a long night, why don't you get some rest while Cissa and I get your mother settled?”
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