
"D-draco!"She whimpered in both shock and pleasure, squirming a little as slid her fingers through his hair. Her body respondign to the pleasure, juices sliding over his tongue as he licked her. Her head tossed back against the pillow as she squirmed, fingers tightening a little in his hair. It was...different, but not unpleasant. Definately not unpleasant.
he moaned softly as he tasted her, running his tongue along her, and then slowly inside of her, touching and stroking and teasing the flesh as he slowly brought her closer and closer to an orgasm, feeling so very pleased with himself as he suckled on her clit and then dipped back down into her, stroking along her moist flesh with a self satisfied smirk, as if he knew he was doing a good job.
Shay whimpered, moaning as she came, fingers tightening in his hair. Looking flushed and beautiful as she squirmed, whining quietly. It to much, oh so much for her to handle. It felt amazing. "Draco!"she whined shifting against him, whining quietly as she collapsed back onto the bed panting, closing her eyes.
he smirked when he felt her cum and he licked her clean before settling down next to her, kissing her neck. “how was that?” he teased chuckling a little his head tilted as he nibbled on her ear, feeling very pleased with himself. “love you.” he purred happy and content and perfectly willing to just curl up against her and go to sleep, because somehow her pleasure and contentment had made him pleased and content as well.
"Was...amazing..."She muttered shuddering aas she snuggled into him, before raising her head, looking at him concerned, biting her lip."Do you want...I mean I could..."She stuttered a little. As much as she was curious, she still felt awkward and out of sorts when it came to doing things to him. But she felt guilty for not asking.So...she asked, no matter how awkward she was.
he smiled a little. “you don't have to.” he promised smiling a little. “i feel pretty good already.” he admitted nuzzling her neck. “i don't want you to feel as if you have to shay.” he admitted smiling at her. “if you want to, that's fine, but don't ask just because you think you have to ok?” he asked smiling as he stroked her cheek with his thumb before kissing her gently. “i love you, especially when you blush like this.” he teased chuckling a little. “your so cute.”
Shay smiled nuzzling his hand smiling."I love you to."She said smiling as she snuggled into him. Already thinking about what she'd do later. For now though she was just enjoy being with him.

The next morning Shay smiled as they headed down to breakfast, slipping a arm through Viper's, "Can we talk later?"She said, needing advice, and not about to ask marvos about it, so that left viper. Blushing as they walked into the great hall. Marvos smirked watching the two, trailing behind with draco as he looked at his friend."Think you're ready for class?Away from shay?And with pansy?"he said snickering a little.
Viper looked a little worried. “did I do something wrong?” he asked Shay his head tilted. “do you need to talk now?” he asked a little worried when she blushed, smiling before he hesitated, looking around. He had no, where was he supposed to sit? “shut up Marvos.” Draco ordered smiling a little. “i'm never away from Shay, we're bonded remember? And we have that notebook.” he pointed out. “besides, Pansy is only annoying, she means well.” he shrugged a little and then clapped his hand on Vipers back. “sit wherever you want to, I'm sure Marvos will sit with you.” he promised smiling, Viper hesitating then. “can I sit with the Twins? I wanted to thank them for the fireworks, I didn't get a chance to at the party...”
"No, we can talk later."Shay said blushing smiling as she pulled away. "Go. Sit with the twins." She said waving him off as she headed for her friends that she hadn't talked to the night before. Knowing draco'd eventually follow. Marvos grinned, "Ohhh a slytherin heading for enemy territory.This will be fun."Marvos grinned as he looped off towards the twins, sipping into the seat next to them."Hello."He said tilting his head shifting enough to let viper have the seat next to him.
the entire Gryffindor table went silent when they saw a slytherin sitting down with him, Viper grinning as he plopped down next to Fred and George. “hey guys!” they twins chorused grinning happily at them., “glad you could join us!” “boy Vi you really know how to put on a show!” “i know! No ones ever never gotten sorted before!” Viper grimaced a little and then giggled a little. “oh! Thanks for the fireworks by the way! They where so much fun!” he admitted grinning happily, Ginny laughing a little as she shook her head. “and here they where worried you wouldn't like them.” she teased grinning as she poured herself some cereal. “hey Marvos, whats your class schedule like?” she asked suddenly. “all the Gryffindor schedules suck, it's all Arithmacy, history of magic, that crackpot Divination shit.” “GINNY!” Ron gasped in horror at hearing his sister cuss. “what!? It's a load of crap! No one is ever going to use this in real life except smart people like Hermione and maybe Marvos IS they decide to go into a field of work that uses them! There's no need for us to learn this junk! I would have rather taken Care of magical creatures but I couldn't because I have to take Arithmacy! A class I won't use nor do I care to take!” Viper blinked a little his head tilted then. “is Aritmacy bad?” “no it's just really hard.” she admitted with a small sigh. “and divination is just boring.”
Marvos snorted, because it was a well known fact that he was going for magical research after school and not a more active job. Smirking as he tilted his head."Arithmacy, charms, potions, DADA, astromony and runes."He smiled a little, tilting his head thinking something over before he said what he was thinking."Shay wants to take aritmacy, but dumbledore wouldn't let her take it since she was the only slytherin in her year that wanted to and is makng her take care of magical creatures. If..."He stopped. Thought about it because it was taking alot to dare suggest something helpful to him."If you want me to, I could ask if she'd be willing to switch. Of course, youd have to ask the teachers if they mind and be willing to put up with slytherin but..."he shrugged a little.
Ginny gaped at Marvos for a moment, as did the rest of the Gryffindor when Ginny suddenly jumped to her feet. “i'll go ask her now!” she decided racing down the the slytherin tables, hesitating just behind Shay and then hesitantly asking. “uhm..s..shay? Your brother... Marvos... suggested we might trade classes... if it's alright with the teachers anyway... see I had to take Arithmacy and i really don't want to, i'd rather have Care of magical creatures so...” “i could ask.” Draco suggested. “Hagrid would definitely rather have you in his glass... er, no offense Shay but you don't exactly like him.” he pointed out with a small grin. “and Professor (can't remember the name) owes me a favor so I'm sure he'll say yes too.”
Shay gaped a little before grinning."Oh Proffesor Septima is sure to be okay with it.She likes me."she said before poking Draco in the arm."And who's fault is that you brat?if you and marvos stopped making fun of him, he'd like me more."She said sulking as if she hadn't made fun of him to. It was easy to do. "MARVOS suggested this?"Pansy asked looking genuninely curious as she sat down next to draco striving for niceness, knowing the perfect way now to drive him and shay apart.
Ginny giggled a little and nodded. “oh she just HATES me.” Ginny admitted. “i think it's because she knows I hate Arithmacy.” she admitted with another giggle. “so... we can trade classes? Oh thank you!” she squealed hugging Shay right in front of everyone before skipping off, Draco gaping a little as he watched Ginny skip off. “my god that was weird.” he muttered shaking his head before smirking at Pansy. “he can be nice if he's trying to make Viper or Shay happy.” he admitted. “but don't tell him I told you or he might slit my throat in my sleep.”
Shay smiled a little, rolling her eyes."You think he wont do that now?You are after all marrying his sister."She teased, just to rub it in pansy's face, smirking a little as she made a face. Pansy smiled slightly after she himaced, shaking her head."That was definately weird."Seh said smiling at draco, glancing around."We probably should be getting to class. We have to get to divination on the other side of the class."
Draco chuckled a little and he shook his head. “yes but I don't have that adorable factor to help me.” he teased smiling at her as he kissed her gently, glancing at a clock and nodding. “yes we really should.” he agreed smiling a little. “keep your notebook handy alright?” he asked smiling at her. “and have fun in divination, I have Runes with Marvos and Vi.” he admitted wrinkling his nose. “poor Viper isn't going to have a clue.” he muttered shaking his head a little. “i'm sure that we will get him caught up, he's like a sponge that kid. He learned everything father had to teach him and then some.” he admitted chuckling as he kissed her forehead. “be nice to Trelwany, I might have a panic attack if she foresees your death again.” he teased shaking his head a little.
Shay grinned hopping off the seat."I'll be sure to not tell you of foreseeable danger and destruction."She said stealing a kiss before running off for class, leaving a amused looking pansy behind her. A few hours later marvos sighed quietly, leaning against viper, pressing a kiss to his head."Damn. How are you doing?"he asked looking at his lover worried. Worried about hwo he was handling th overload of information, though he was glad he'd done double classes for this one.

Across the room pansy smiled looking at draco, leaning over to look at him as he wrote to shay."Hey.Pay attention.Professor spinra is looking at you."she muttered the warning, trying to be helpful. Knowing that if she was, he'd like her more
he laughed a little and shook his head as he headed off, Draco immediately going to his notebook, freezing when he looked up at Professor Sinistra and smiling at her before going back to writing, pretending to take notes now as he doodled the runes over his page, well aware Shay was going to think he'd lost his mind. “thanks Pans.” he muttered offering her a smile. Before he quickly explained to shay that he had to go before Sinistra got pissed at him.

Viper scratching his head as he examined the symbols on his paper. “well...” he paused and then. “it's confusing.” he admitted shaking his head a little. “it makes my head hurt a little.” he admitted with a small grimace. “i don't understand any of this..” he admitted looking a little upset at the thought of being stupid. “i wish I could take the first year classes, I bet I could understand those ones...” he admitted sighing a little. “but then I wouldn't have class with you would I?”
Pans smiled back looking amused."Your welecome."she said leaning back in her seat and taking more notes. Pushing her notebook over a bit so he could copy the notes that he'd missed while talking to shay."here.Sinistra wont get mad now.."She muttered amused because she knew shay was going to lose it finding her and draco being nice.

"No."Marvos said biting his lip tilting his head to the side, copying his notes before sighing."But if you want to go, go ahead.Or even go to last years.Shay's a year behind, but with all the same classes, so you'd have someone with you,and she's pretty good at the tutoring thing."he said smiling a little kissing viper's cheek briefly before pulling away.
he offered her a small smile and smiled again when she offered him her notes, jotting them down quickly and catching up with the rest of the class as he snickered a little. “poor viper looks like he's in pain.” he admitted smiling a little as he glanced back at Marvos and viper.

Viper shook his head. “no, I want to stay with you.” he admitted smiling a little. “i'll ask Shay to tutor me.” he decided smirking a little at the kiss and smiling at Marvos. “i'm a smart kid, I'll catch up someday.” he decided looking down at his rune stones, that they where supposed to use to make a confining spell out of, commonly used as traps to catch thieves and criminals. Viper sighed a little and played with the stones, running them around in his hands before finally reaching out and placing six stones in a circle, and four stones on the outside forming a diamond, just playing with the stones and jumping when Professor Sinistra beamed delightedly at him. “very good Viper! A classic example of a two bond trap! Excellent.” Viper stared at her, stunned and shocked and a little afraid as she moved on. “w..what?”
"He does.Looks startled to."Pansy said laughing a little when she saw the proffesor talking to him. Wondering what had caused the reaction.

Marvos laughed quietly, shifting his own stones into another classic trap, pointing to viper's."The stones make up the ward stones of a confinement spell.What you made is a two bond trap, set to keep and hold something that wanders into its bonds."He bit his lip thinking."You know how you were stopped and trapped when you came into narcissa's room?That was a rune trap. Like this one."He said pointing to viper's, trying to explain well enough, and wishing he was as good as draco with the explaining things
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. “he's not used to people being nice to him for no reason that's all.” he admitted calmly, smirking a little as he shook his head and set his stones into a triple strike trap, a triangle, in a square, in an eight sided shape that even full class demons couldn't break so long as it was powered properly and even struck down the creature if it was set to do so and was, again, powered correctly.

Viper blinked a little. “oh...” he muttered looking astonished his head tilted. “i was just playing with em...” he protested frowning a little. “i didn't mean to disrupt the class...” he muttered looking around, expecting to be glared at, but no one else had even noticed, something that relieved Viper to no end. “but I got out of Narcissa's room, easily.” because Vipers natural magic had short circuited the trap, which was only designed to catch auror's, not ancient bloodlines.
Pansy nodded looking amused, glancing up when the professor dismissed class, lookign startled to realize that so much time had already past."Marvos' is nice to him all the time."she said looking amused, tilting her head a little."We better go, before shay gets to antsy and comes to get you."She said teasing them both, because everyone knew that even before they bonded, shay disliked being alone.

Marvos laughed amused,"Ah weren't the one supposed to be caught in it."He said kissing the other man's cheek as he stood.'Come on.Time for lunch and shay wanted to talk to you."He said amused, and wanting to know what she wanted."You'll tell me what it was about later yes?"
Draco smiled a little. “it's hard not to be nice to Viper, especially with his past.” he admitted standing up. “Viper has had a hard life, but he's still full of life and joy and loves to have fun. Marvos finds him interesting.” Draco admitted with a shrug as he headed out the door, eager to meet up with shay.

Viper giggled a little and nodded. “good, I'm STARVING.” he admitted shaking his head as he rushed forward and caught up to Draco. “what do they have for lunch? Will it be really big like the breakfast?” “yes.” Draco promised chuckling a little. “though not as many people since not everyone has lunch at the same time. Shay always eats lunch with us because we make sure our schedules line up so that she can.” he explained Viper nodding as he blinked at Pansy, his head tilted. “i like your earrings.” he stated, fascinated by the crystal earrings that she was wearing. “where did you get them?” he wanted one. He skillfully avoided promising Marvos that he would tell him what Shay wanted to know.
Pansy looked startled at the question, though she smiled at the boy. "Oh, my mother gave them to me last christmas."She said smiling a little, shaking her head at draco's eagerness, smiling at him."Aww your so cute Draco.Lovestruck and all." Marvos snorted laughing, for the moment willign to forget that Viper hadn't promised to do that. "Draco you hear that, you're adorable now that your drooling and almost married." "who's almost married?"Shay said smiling as she slipped a arm through draco's as she came down the stairs, frowning a little when she saw pansy and draco talking so easily. She wasn't usually insecure, but there was something about the other woman that set her teeth on edge.
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