
Marvos frowned at the words tossing the ball of paper in the air as he wadded it up, casting a silent incendo, smirking as it caught fire ebfore walking out of the room. having every intention of giving draco a hard time for writing bad poetry. Knocking lightly on the door he squeezed his eyes shut-cause really he didn't want to see anything- before walking in. smirking as he heard draco walking around. Cracking a eye he smirked at the sight of shay still safely cocooned up in the blankets. Looking at his friend he made a face."I think you sent your love letter to the wrong sibling.I don't want sappy love letters."He said pouting, mistakening thinkign the letter was a test run for shay's love letter.
Draco blinked at the other, toothbrush in his mouth as he stared at Marvos before he rinsed his mouth and spit into the sink that was in the bathroom that came attached to his room. “Marvos I don't write love letters.” he pointed out. “if I want to tell Shay she's beautiful as a rose and as graceful as the wind, I just tell her.” he pointed out lifting an eyebrow at the other. “are you sure it wasn't Viper trying to seduce you or something? You know he can't go a week without sex.” hell the brat could hardly stand not touching Marvos for three days, let alone the week it had now been, Viper having been too terrified of school and then too exhausted from stress and classes to try anything on his lover.
Marvos frowned a little, looking thoughtfully before nodding."maybe. I'll have to ask him."He said before smirking, tilting his head towards shay."You better wake her up-" "Hey draco, did you get the homework done for runes?"Pansy said poking her head through the door, making marvos raise a eyebrow as he looked at his blond friend. "Wake her up draco.I'm going to go find vi."he said before leaving the two, heading to find viper. "hey, did you send me a letter?"He asked.
Draco nodded and then shrieked when Pansy popped up. “PANSY! Don't just come barging in here! I could be naked or something!” he complained shoving her calmly out the door, a large blush on his cheeks before slamming the door just as he always did when she popped up without warning in his personal space, sighing a little before grinning as he gently stroked Shay's cheek. “shay love, we;re going to miss breakfast if you don't wake up love...”

Viper was already down in the Great Hall stuffing himself with breakfast, blinking at him before shaking his head. “no, did you get a letter too?” he asked his head tilted a little. “mine was kind of mean.” he admitted scowling a little. “said I wasn't worthy of your affections, it was very badly written.” he admitted wrinkling his nose. “i threw it away, what did yours say?” another sign of Vipers past, he got a death threat letter and he shrugged it off just the same as he would have if someone had sent him a funny letter or a love letter.
shay whined quietly, nuzzling his hand as she sighed. Havign started to wake up at the sound of pansy's voice, she didn't want to get up now."Don't wanna go.Pansy's going to be there...we could have breakfast here.'She said looking up at him.

"I burned mine."he said soundign amused even if the letter bothered him, now that he knew none of them had sent it."That they would be able to make me happy, that they were my soul mate...the same stupid shit that most girls send me."he said sighing a little.
he chuckled a little and kissed her nose. “alright.” he stated with a smile. “we'll have breakfast here.” he agreed with a small chuckle before ordering a house elf to bring them their breakfast in the room. He loved being head boy. “you know, I was thinking of giving Marvos and Viper a detention.” he admitted smirking a little. “so they can have some alone time together, what do you think?”

he snorted a little. “i burned mine too, no silly little whore is going to upset me.” he stated loftily, as if he was better than whoever had sent the letter... hell he KNEW he was better or they wouldn't have sent them the letter, they just would have stolen Marvos. “anyway they can't do anything.” he stated with a small smirk. “we're the two strongest wizards in the school, they'll have to play some pretty nasty tricks to get us to break up right?”
Shay laughed shifting to get comfortable, leaning back against his chest as the elves appeared with their favorite foods. "that would probably be best. They haven't had enough time without stress have they?"she said smiling as she nibbled on a few apples, looking up at him.

Marvos laughed quietly, looking amused as he ate."Of course we do. We live with lucius malfoy."he grinned before looking down the table at the sulking parkinson, before looking at viper."have you seen shay or draco yet?"he asked looking around for them, as if they'd sit somewhere else besides with him.
Draco smiled a little as he nodded. “i think it's a good idea.” he agreed kissing her temple as he started to eat, smirking at her. “Marvos is probably worried by now.” he admitted chuckling a little. “i'll have to tell Viper ahead of time though, or he'll think he's in trouble.”

he smirked a little as he watched Pansy sulking. “my guess is Pansy upset shay and their eating breakfast in bed.” Viper admitted stuffing some hashbrown's into his mouth. “mmm delicious. Stop worrying will you?” he teased smirking a little. “we're going to have a good day with lots of learning and no more staring!” he decided.
Shay laughed a little nodding."we'll tell him."she said before nudging draco, turning her head to kiss him lightly."Ah, but you know love, you enjoy making marvos worry."She teased feeding him one of her apples.

"But I like making the gryffindors uncomfortable. they're staring back."he said laughing a little tilting his head, stealing a kiss, before giving into not staring at anyone starting to eat."So, you think you'll be better today at learning things?"
Draco smirked a little and nodded. “your right, I fo love making him worry.” he admitted with a bright snicker as he kissed her temple. “did Vi talk to you? He wanted to ask you to tutor him, since I'm not nice enough and Marvos is an idiot.” he admitted smirking a little.

He giggled a little and shook his head. “be nice to the Gryffindor's!” he ordered smiling at his lover. “i have friends in there, be mean to the Ravenclaw's, they said I was stupid.” he complained. “and a pig.” he complained even as he stuffed more food into his mouth. “and I think I will be better at learning today, my head doesn't hurt so much from yesterday and I still kind a remember some of it.
Shay laughed nodding,"He did after I talked ot him yesterday."She said blushing softly before snickering."marvos' isn't a idiot, he just get impatient with trying to explain things when they come so easily to him."He said before smiling stealing another kiss."And you're plenty nice.Vi dosn't know what he's talking about."

marvos laughed softly, before turning and glaring at the ravenclaws looking at them, annoyed that they'd upset viper.""Good. And you did remember to ask shay?She has a free period this afternoon, cause me and draco have quidditch tryouts."
Draco chuckled a little and nodded, his head tilted. “oooh someone's blushing, and what did you two talk about?” he teased smirking a little before he shook his head. “i'm nice sometimes, when it comes to trying to teach people I take a 'learn or explode' approach... sort of like Godfather!” he admitted snickering a little as he shook his head. “Viper and Marvos and I have potions first thing, I'll have to remind Sev to be nice to Viper.” he decided nodding a little.

The Ravenclaw's flinched and quickly looked away when they noticed Marvos glaring at them, viper giggling a little as he nodded, “yes, I remembered to ask her.” he admitted smiling a little. “whats quidditch?” he asked curiously his head tilted. “is it a game? Is it hard to play like chess?”
Shay blushed harder at him noticing ducking her head a little. "yes you'll have to. Papa will be mad if he upsets vi to much." she giggled a little before blushing harder. "we just talked about things. Nothing important." she said avoiding the question.

Marcos laughed kissing viper, amused at the idea of someone not knowing quidditch"no not chess. More Luke juggle soccer but played on brooms while flying. Its so much fun and draco's captain so we actually have to show up. We're the oldest on the team."
he chuckled a little and shook his head. “i don't think Sev will pick on him too much. He's close to Marvos and us so he'll treat him like any other Slytherin.” he admitted with a small chuckle as she blushed again. “ahuh, you know, your blushing tells me exactly what you two talked about.” he teased snickering a little bit. “it's ok you don't have to tell me.” he promised smiling a little.

Viper pondered that and then nodded. “it sounds fun.” he admitted. “can I try?” he asked his head tilted a little. “i don't want to join the team but I would like to try.” he admitted smiling a little. Anything to get on the brooms again. “how come Shay isn't on the team? Isn't she good at quidditch?”
Shay smiled relaxing more as she nuzzled draco's shoulder, finishing up her breakfast."Good."She said sounding amused before sighing. "So... you have qudditch tonight....I could do need a new seeker, since you're moving in to replace flint as keeper."She said smiling a little hopeful.

"ypou can try. It'll be another thing to have fun doing."He said stealing a kiss before sighing quietly."Oh, know..."He stuttered a little swallowing hard. Because qudditch was one of the few things besides pansy that shay and draco completely agreed on."Draco ordered her not to play, because she said it was to dangerous. And being shay, she wont tell him no."
Draco grimaced a little and bit his lip, not wanting her to play because of how dangerous it was, at the last game poor Flint had gotten both his arms and his leg broken by violent Hufflepuff beaters. No one liked the slytherin's, and the quidditch games where a way to beat on the green clad school members without getting in trouble. “shay.. it's so dangerous...” he muttered, looking terribly worried. “they beat on us Shay.. and.. and I can't bear to see you get hurt...” he muttered softly, sighing a little. “but I can't tell you no anymore... your my wife... or your going to be, I can't just tell you no when it's something you really want just because I'm worried.” he admitted setting his hand on hers. “if you want to play... I won't stop you.”

Viper blinked a little his head tilted a little. “is quidditch Dangerous?” he asked his head tilted a little one of the other Slytherin's leaning forward. “it's not supposed to be, not this dangerous anyway, but because all our parents are death eaters, and we're in slytherin we're immediately dark and bad and evil, so the other houses beat on us during quidditch matches, because it's the only time they know they'll get away with it.” Viper looked horrified and then he got a look in his eyes, one of those 'I have an idea' looks that Marvos and Draco hated, because it meant that Viper was thinking about doing something they weren't going to like.
Shay smilked a little looking at him, nuzzling his shoulder as she shifted to sit in his lap, cuddling against him, wrapping herself close."I'm sorry...."She muttered biting her lip. Because as much as she hated to worry him, she did want to play, because she had so much fun flying, and at least in the air, she might be able to protect him and marvos."well, I have to make the team first."

Marvos sighed, glaring at the boy slightly be smiling a little."Okay vi, tell us what it is. And for gods sakes, don't tell me you want her to play, draco'll die of a heart attack."He said smiling slightly stealing a kiss."Now. What's the plan that I'm going to hate?"
he snorted a little. “you are not.” he teased gently nibbling on her lip. “that's alright the first time you get hurt Viper and Marvos are both going to go on a murder spree so I guess I can be ok.” he decided smiling a little as he nuzzled her. “yes, you do have to make the team first.” he hesitated suddenly. “shay... if..if there's someone better I.. I can't just choose you because your my fiance you know that right?” he asked, feeling worried. He knew shay was an amazing Flyer but most of the Slytherin's where and Draco felt terrified of what might happen if he had to pick someone other than shay.

Viper smirked a little as he took a sip of his drink. “i can't tell you.” he stated simply kissing him gently before he skipped off, humming happily as he headed off to the showers to clean up before class, dressing himself up and heading into Potions just before Marvos did, sitting next to a Hufflepuff who looked terribly nervous about sitting next to Viper until the little houseless boy asked the other what a chocolate frog was, starting the conversation which soon got everyone involved when talk turned to quidditch. Two Ravenclaw's a Gryffindor and a Hufflepuff explaining the rules, freezing when Marvos walked in, Viper smirking at his lover.
Shay laughed a little amused as she got ready to go to class. tossing his clothes to him."I know. As long as it's not pansy."She said snorting a little, knowing that among the amazing flyers that slytherin had, pansy sucked. badly. "And well, maybe the thought of marvos and viper killing someone, will keep them from seeking to hurt us as much as normal."

Marvos frowned a little as he ran his fingers through his wet curly hair."I see how it is. As soon as I leave, you start conversing with the people who intend to knock me flat on my ass."He sulked sitting down at his table. As much as he was glad viper was making friends, it disturbed him to know that in a few weeks they'd probably be trying to knock them all off brooms.
Draco snorted a little and shook his head. “there is no way that Pansy is EVER making the team.” he stated with a roll of his eyes. “she can't even bribe her way onto it.” he stated simply as he got dressed, kissing his lover with a small smile as they parted ways, looking surprised as he sat next to Marvos, they where four to a table now so Viper giggled at Marvos's accusations, said goodbye to his new friends and bounded over to sit in front of Marvos. “i was only making new friends.” he stated with a happy grin. “i was learning about quidditch! It sounds so much fun! But I can't play.” he complained pouting a little. “i don't have a house so I can't join a team.” suddenly the people that where angry that Viper had gotten his own room realized, that Viper didn't have a house, and therefore... couldn't play any of the house generated games like Quidditch, House Points, or even hang out in a common room with his friends. Which was what Viper was going for, they where all just as easy to manipulate as Dumbledore and Voldemort where. “oh... and I got a mission.” he admitted softly, sliding a note over to Marvos and Draco. It was another order from Voldemort for Viper to kill someone. “how am I supposed to sneak out of the castle?” he asked frowning a little.
Marvos snickered a little looking amused as she looked at viper, smirking a little."We'll get you out though the twins are teh ones w ho've had the most success in sneaking out."he said looking thoughtfully as he looked at draco. smirking a little.'Did you have fun saying no again?"He teased, amused that shay always asked draco before trying out for the qudditch team.
he nodded. “i'll ask the twins then.” he decided pondering as he tipped his head to the side. “well.. I didn't... actually say no...” Draco admitted sheepishly, shrugging his shoulders. “, kind of couldn't...” he admitted biting his lip a little. “don't be mad at me ok?” Draco demanded to Marvos, looking upset. “but she is trying out for quidditch and... if she's the best, I am going to let her on the team...”
"Oh bloody hell Draco."Marvos muttered as snape started the lecture, opening his journal so he could continue the conversation, "What do you mean you couldn't say no?She's still younger then you. well.Maybe it'll be a good thing. Maybe no one will try to hurt her, and live in fear of me, you, and viper."He wrote before pausing, shaking his head."If she gets hurt I'm going to yell at you.Just so you know."
Draco shrugged a little. “she's my fiance Marvos... I want her to be happy.” he admitted smiling a little. “i can't let my worry keep her from doing the things she wants to do, I can't just lock her in a bubble and keep her away from life.” he admitted shaking his head Viper looking amazed as he looked at the board, grabbing Marvos's arm tightly. “this is just like Chemistry and cooking! I think I can do this!” he admitted excitedly. “stop talking and help me!” he ordered. “i don't know what a shrinkshrivel is...” he complained Draco chuckling as he got up and gathered up all of the ingredients before returning and laying everything out, handing Viper the root of a nightshade to slide, Viper effortlessly slicing it in almost perfect inch long slices, Draco's eyes widening in astonishment at Vipers precision as Viper glanced at the board and crushed a clove of Garlic as ordered, giggling eagerly. “this is kind of fun.”
Marvos laughed as he helped with the potion."Oh, you might not think that when snape yells."He muttered sounding amused as he helped. After class he smiled, slowly pouring the potion into a vial, handing it to snape as the man stopped next to their table."When lucius told me he was poffiecent, I didn't expect him to be good at potions."He said sounding amused,"How is the qudditch team looking for this year?" "Oh you know, Shay's trying out. The moron couldn't keep her from doing it this year."Marvos said amused as he looked up at the teacher.
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