
Shay snickered a little as she ate, shifting to snuggle against Draco as she ate. After all, Cory was used to them dating, so she saw no reason to not fuss as much as she wanted."Then don't. You set up Draco.Disappear to, and make jackass g back by himself." Marvos growled softly as he woofed down his food, rolling his eyes a little."I am NOT going back to school alone.I might kill dumbledore if I do."He said sighing softly."Now, Molly you said you wanted to redecorate in here? Just make Shay choose what she wants. And send the list to father, he'll bring them here."He said reminding Shay that she had promised to 'help' molly decorate.
Viper chuckled a little and nodded. “we will disappear at some point.” he admitted. “Marvos first, I'm a better Actor than he is.” he pointed out chuckling a little. “but not until all the other Slytherin's are out.” he admitted Molly clapping her hands. “yes! A redecoration would be perfect you know? It's so dark and gloomy in here.” she complained shaking her head. “i was thinking a blue, a nice light blue for the kitchen and a pale yellow for the hall, maybe an oak color or a reddish brown for the den. What do you think Shay?”
"Oh. That would be nice. Thomas was always such a dreary guy. We'll just have to fix everything.Draco you'll have to help since papa's not here to help. And cory to."She said excited, not even realizing that Thomas had become so far removed from parental figures that Lucius was papa now, and had always been, and thomas was...just a genetic donor. Marvos snickered a little, amused at her excitement,"I can act. I just choose not to."He whined a little looking at Viper looking amused as Shay bullied the boys into helping. Glad he was going back to school, at least he wouldn't have to help
Draco groaned loudly but nodded, anything to distract shay and Cory looked hesitant. “i... uhm... I don't know how to...” “it's alright dear we'll teach you!” Molly promised Cory, Viper chuckling a little as he watched everyone get bullied into helping. “changed my mind, I wanna go back to school.” he chirped with a small snicker as he leaned into Marvos, sighing softly. “i hope dray is going to be ok... he's so thin.” he muttered frowning a little. “he's been dropping weight ever since school started, have you noticed? Maybe it's just stress?”
Marvos nodded looking concerned,"Yes, maybe."he said absently still looking worried as he stood, kissing Shay's forehead."Goodluck. I'll talk to you in a few days."He said pulling viper after him after he said goodye, wanting to catch Lucius before he left for work. Walking into the malfoy dining room he smiled a little at his father, tilting his head."Father, will you keep a eye on Shay and draco?"he asked looking concerned really worried something beyond stress was wrong.
Lucius smiled as two of his boys walked in. “of course I'll watch them, I can't just leave them to their own devises, bad things happen when I do that.” he complained rolling his eyes. “i'm going to be visiting them every morning and every night to make sure their alright.” he promised smiling at Viper as the boy sat down and started to eat again, glad that the boys apatite was back, Viper had even gained a few pounds, and he didn't look so thin anymore. With every passing day a little more meat filled his bones, and he looked ever more handsome and well muscled. “now, you had better get back to school before Dumbledore thinks you've gone missing too.”
Marvos pouted a little at that."To bad we can't yet."He sighed a little before looking at lucius."Oh. Shay's redecorating.You're going to get pounced on the minute you walk in.'"he warned before dragging Viper away from the food and apparating them back to the school, sighing."You ready for this?We probably should go see the twins first..."He muttered as they walked inside.

And indeed. Shay pounced on her adopted father the minute he walked in, not only because she wanted him to distract her from worrying about Draco, but because he was good at decorating things."You're going to help. Pleeeeassse papa?!"
Lucius chuckled as he vanished and smiled as he was pounced, grinning as he looked down at her. “well, I don't know.” he mused laughter in his eyes. “it's really your house, shouldn't you do it?” he teased swinging her around in the air, like he'd used to do when she was little, setting her back on the floor to examine his son, who made a face at him. “if you swing me around father I will make SURE that I get sick all over you.” he promised, Lucius laughing at the threat. “i wouldn't dare Draco, the last time I tried you almost bit my ear off.” he reminded the other, winking at him. “now, when are we redecorating?”

Viper sighed a little and shook his head. “we're not going to be able to, there's Dumbledore waiting for us.” he whispered watching the headmaster with tired, uncertain eyes, he knew Dumbledore was just as freaked out as Shay had been, a student so suddenly going missing, it was very bad, and worse another student was missing too! “Professor.” Viper stated, worry in his voice. “we couldn't find Draco anywhere, did he come back to the school by any chance?” he asked hopefully. “we even checked Saint Mungo's... he's been having headaches.. if he collapsed...” he shook his head. “Shay's not coming back, Papa had to sedate her...”
Shay grinned laughing as she was swung around before pulling away, giggling happily as she shook her head."Oh no you have to help. You're so good at it papa! And we're redecorating now."She giggled before realizing cory was watching them nervously."Papa, this is Cory. cory this is papa.He's going to help.And he's not really as scary as he looks."She said wisely looking at the youngster.

Dumbledre sighed sadly shaking his head, "No he didn't return. I had hoped you found him."He said sadly, so upset that he hadn't slept the night before because first draco then shay, and now the slytherin student. His tool was gone,both of them. Surely there was a way to still use Shay. Even if she was sedated."I'm sorry to hear Shay was so upset. Are you sure home is the best place, considering it's draco's home?" "If he's returning anywhere, it will be there. And Father's there. She's in no better hands."Marvos scowled annoyed with the headmaster's fake concern
Cory examined the other hesitantly, hiding behind Draco, who he was clinging to for protection. “oh very well I will help redecorate.” Lucius promised with a small chuckle. “it is alright Cory Thomas.” Lucius promised. “i am not like your father.” he promised kneeling down and holding out a small piece of candy for the youngster, who snatched it out of Lucius's hand so fast it was like a snake striking at an enemy. “quick little devil.” Lucius stated, amused. “alright Shay, where are we starting?”

Viper bit his lip, worried all to hell, shaking his head. “Papa said something about Taking shay to another house.” he explained. “one of his secrete places, so she would be safe... he is scared whoever took Draco will try to take her too, or me and Marvos.” he lied softly. “he said bad things where coming... that we should all hide...” he admitted softly, biting his lip. “i can feel it... there is badness in the air...”
Shay smiled a little as she looked at them all."The study. And the living room."She said bounding to the rooms looking around. Getting down to business, so distracted by the decorating that she wasn't even worrying about draco for the moment.

Dumbledore sighed softly looking concerned, stroking his beard."Good. That she's going somewhere I mean."He said shaking his head nodding towards the dining room."You two better head in for breakfast, classes start soon and you don't want to be late.And you'll be safe here, I have made it safe."He said befroe leaving the two.
Lucius chuckled a little and shook his head as he examined his Son, who was coughing into his hand, struggling to keep from coughing too much in case someone noticed, unwilling to figure out what the small speckles of blood on his hand meant, just wiping his hand off on his black slacks and heading after shay, grinning as he picked up a paint brush. “i think Father has to move everything out of the room.” he ordered, Molly giggling as she flicked her want at all the furniture, making it all vanish. “we'll get all new furniture, that stuff can be donated or something.” she decided waving a hand, Lucius nodding. “i agree.”

Viper pretended to look relieved at the professors promise of making It safe, taking Marvos's hand and heading over to the twins, sitting next to them. “hey. Hows it going?” “good, hows Shay?” “upset...” “i don't doubt, another student went missing last night...” “really!? I thought Dumbledore said he made it safe!?” “he strengthened the wards yeah... but if the threat is already in the school...” the twins shrugged and winked at them, informing Viper that they would be able to sneak the other students out just fine, “i hope the parents don't find out their kids are missing.” Viper wanted to keep it out of the papers until all the Slytherin's where out, just in case. All the death eater children too, there where two in huffelpuff and four in ravelclaw that had to get out too.
Shay grinned pouting as molly made it disappear before starting to talk to the other as she started working over things. In a few hours she sighed softly sitting on the floor next to Draco,gently wrapping her arms around his waist, pressing a kiss to his head."Are you okay?"She muttered having realized that he was coughing more, but having not wanted to bring it up earlier.

"I'm sure there are...people who will keep it out of the papers."Marvos said swallowing hard, because he was worried about the slytherins disappearing, but he was sure they could keep them from finding out, even if Lucius had to handle things himself."don't worry Vi, I'll protect you from disappearing."He teased looking around as he sat down at the table, trying to decide just how things could go wrong. already planning things.
Lucius smiled as he looked around the mahogany red and oak room. “it looks MUCH better in here, your a very good painter Cory.” he praised, Cory beaming at the compliment. The boy had quickly realized that Lucius was just a giant kid and was sticking to the man like glue, Lucius was going to be 'papa' to another person all over again, but Lucius didn't mind, he loved kids. Draco smiled at Shay and nodded. “i'm fine, just sore.” he admitted laying his head on her shoulder and sighing a little. “i'm sorry Shay but I think I need to go lay down.” he admitted softly. “all this painting really took it out of me.” he was tired, and he was still coughing up blood, he hoped resting would fix the problem.

Viper nodded a little, the twins smirking a little, tapping Vipers leg three times, Viper nodding again. “alright.” he muttered glancing at Marvos. “their taking out three kids tonight, if Dumbledore's reacting so strongly this early they want to get everyone out before he does a full castle lock down... not that a castle lock down can stop us but just in case.” he mumbled softly, kissing Marvos's cheek. “come on, we have potions.” he chirped with a small grin.
Shay looked concerned before nodding slowly."Go lay down. I'll bring up soup in a few minutes. it'll help."she said eager to help him. needing to. Smiling a little as she tucked his hair behind his ears, pressing a kiss to his forehead as he walked out of the room, before looking at her papa, looking so anxious and scared,even if she was careful to keep Draco from actually feeling it."Papa, is something wrong with draco?"you'd tell me wouldn't you?Papa?!'She asked, working herself into a full blown panic,the stress of the last few weeks having really started to wear on her, and push her harder towards a breakdown.

marvos nodded sighing as he walked out with the others, heading to the potions lab."that'll be the last of the slytherins, except for us."He muttered, the eldest children being the main ones to go. The others that were left were from families that were firmly neutral and wouldn't get involved.
Draco smiled a little as he kissed her gently and headed upstairs, laying down, feeling exhausted and a little frightened as he coughed again, an entire palm full of blood this time... but he had already worried Shay so much... he didn't want to cause her anymore stress, so for now, he would keep quiet... Lucius actually looked surprised, his head tilted. “i don't think anything is wrong with Draco.” he admitted looking worried for her. “i'll look at him, hows that? Or get a healer, one that we can trust to come in and look at him, alright? If there is anything more wrong with him we'll find out sweetie, I promise.”

Viper nodded a little. “and we're going to tell him that Shay went missing tomorrow, that Lucius had to step out for a meeting and that when he came back she was gone, that will keep him from trying to find her.” he muttered softly. “i'll talk tot he twins tonight and we'll see if we can't make everyone disappear tonight.” he mused. “we have the houses set up right?”
Shay nodded looking at her papa before biting her lip, "O-okay."She said looking around her as if she was confused by the panic that had caught her. Would probably be a good idea to have a healer look at her to, she was so close to a nervous breakdown she was teteering on the edge."You go see to Draco.I'm going to go after food."she said disappearing into the kitchen.

Marvos nodded slipping into his seat, looking at him."Get them out if you can The houses are ready. We'll deal with what happens when he realizes so many are missing."He said sighing softly, already having a feeling dumbledore was going to somehow blame him for this even if he didn't have proof
Lucius smiled a little. “wait Shay.” he ordered gently taking her hand and setting something in it. “this is an anti anxiety potion.” he explained. “it's non addictive, so I want you to take one every morning before breakfast, and every night after dinner.” he explained softly. “it will help your panic attacks. Your too stressed darling.” she got that from her mother, Narcissa of course, she was always flying into a panic.

Viper nodded. “i'll make sure everyone get's out tonight.” he promised softly, smiling as Snape started ordering them about as usual, Viper starting in on the potion, sighing a little, looking worried. “should we vanish too?” he mused. “go back home? I'm worried about Shay and Draco... and this way Dumbledore can't blame us for it... not really anyway....”
Shay studied him before nodding, closing her hand around the potion."Okay papa."She smiled kissing his cheek before heading to the kitchen and getting a tray of food for them all. Heading up to Draco's room, pausing outside the door hovering actually. Wanting to see what lucius found out before she walked in. Pretty sure they wouldn't tell her if something was really wrong

Marvos sighed making the potion thinking it over before nodding."We better. Not only because no blame, but Shay and Draco are in no shape to help Mrs. Wealsey take care of everyone...they can hardly take care of themselves right now..."
when she got up there, Draco was looking frightened, and Lucius looked... terrified, gently setting a hand on Draco's shoulder, Draco's eyes closing, tears in those large silver eyes. “Let me tell her?” he asked softly, voice rough with fear and worry, Lucius nodding as he handed Draco a potion. “i'll go get out Healer...” he promised standing up and heading out, pausing when he saw Shay, gently squeezing her shoulder. “soft foods for now, his stomach isn't feeling well.” he explained softly. Draco offered her a shaky smile, reaching for her hand. “come sit down Shay... and take this calming potion.” he ordered. “i... I have a bit of bad news...”

Viper nodded a little and kissed Marvos's cheek as he watched the potion turn a bright green just the way it was supposed to. “i think we should have Snape disappear too.” he admitted softly. “he's a known spy, make it look like not even known adults are safe.” he teased smirking a little. “you ask him though, he likes you better.” he teased smiling a little.
Shay looked so scared looking between her papa and her fiancee before dropping onto the bed next to Draco, the tray of food sitting on the nightstand before she slipped her hand into Draco's, sipping the potion as ordered. But even through the potion she could feel the panic. Swallowing hard as her thumb stroked over his knuckles, looking scared."What's wrong?What happened now?"She said, despite the potion well n the way to working herself into a panic.

Marvos nodded"I will."He muttered bottling the potion before looking at Viper as Snape dismissed class."Go.I'll talk to him."He muttered heading for the front of the room, and after a quick, whispered heated conversation Marvos smiled as he joined Viper outside."Arrogant annoying.."He muttered annoyed at the man's stubborness but glad the other had agreed to leave to. Lucius would be happy about that.
Draco smiled at her and gently kissed her forehead. “shh love, you need to calm down.” he ordered softly. “do you want Papa to call Marvos and Viper back? Or Ginny?” he asked his head tilted, biting his lip a little, wondering how in the world he was going to be able to tell her this... but he had to... there was no choice, he could not keep this from her.

Viper grinned when Marvos caught up and nodded. “i managed to talk Professor Sinsitra into joining us as well.” Viper admitted softly. Not many knew it but Professor Sinistra was also very firmly neutral, and also really hated Dumbledore, so a chance to get the man in trouble was more that Sinestra had been able to pass up. “the twins have spread the word, and everyone knows what to do.” Viper promised smirking a little. “this will be easy.”
"Yes please. All three."Shay sniffled blue eyes wide and panicked as she stared at her love. Sounding calm as the potion started to force her to relax, she still panicking even if she couldn't feel it."I cant lose you."she whimpered feeling that whatever he had to tell her was going to bad, shifting to rest her head on his chest, shivering a little as she struggled not to cry, snuggled to be calm. Oh no, she wouldn't panic. She could handle the thought of losing him. She could.

"Good."Marvos nodded sighing quietly."We better go get our things."He said heading for their room, before nodding again."And shay and draco's. None of us are coming back, not unless we're destrying something."He muttered kissing viper's head s they walked into the room.
he smiled and nodded, calling his father over, explaining what they wanted, Lucius nodding. “i just got an update from the Twins, they and Viper Marvos and Ginny along with most of the school is going to be here around three in the morning.” he admitted smiling at them .”if you can wait till morning they'll all be here.” he promised, Draco nodding. “we'll wait till morning then.” he agreed kissing shay's forehead. “cuddle with me tonight?”

Viper smirked a little and shook his head. “no, leave everything behind.” he ordered smirking viciously. “otherwise it will look like we left on purpose, we'll buy new things.” he promised smiling as he nuzzled his lover. “everyone else is leaving their things behind as well, so it's only fair.” he admitted. “their taking their really personal things though, Journals, photo's, things like that so we should pick up those kinds of things.” he admitted scratching his head a little.
Shay nodded shifting to cuddle into her blond, pressing a kiss to his shoulder."Of course love."She muttered relaxing as she settled against him, forcing to not concentrate on what was wrong with him.

Marvos sighed picking up the few personal things that he had in his room before gathering Draco and Shay's, before looking at Viper,"We need to go."He said sounding stressed, like something was bothering him. And it was. He just didn't know what it was.
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