
Shay moaned as she lost herself in the bliss of having him, of being so close to each other that they could no longer tell who was who. It would make losing him so much worse, but at that moment, she didn't care. Sighing in pleasure as she enjoyed their night together.

Snape smiled softly, nodding."Thanks Fenrir."He said,"I know Lucius will appericiate it as much as I do. He'll invite you to stay as soon as he wakes."He teased grinning for a moment, glad to have the werewolf there even if everything was falling apart. Growling as he settled in to devour the book, not willing to give up hope yet.

A week later Marvos growled absently as his sister cuddled draco as they laid on the couch, rolling his eyes as he read through the potions journal, making notes here and there."Vi, tell them to stop with the lovey dovey crap. They're going over the top this week."he whined, having found the couple's almost obessive moments together annoying because he was worrying about how Shay would react. Itd gotten to the point that Shay was even getting sick when Draco was, which was just gross in and of itself. "Leave them alone Marvos."Snape ordered from where him, lucius and fenrir were talking since Draco had ordered them to take a break from doing potions work for just a hour and have a quiet family evening just them, viper, marvos, ginny,molly and the twins. A small gathering of the people closest to draco, and shay Because they all were worried about her to. Seeing her grow so close to Draco in the past week, they were worried that if she didn't remember how much support she had, she'd be devastated if things went badly
Fenrir had, in the last week, explained that his grandfather had tried to stop the disease by turning into a werewolf, only things had gone south when he bit his grandson, AKA Fenrir, and died from a wolfsbane overdose before they could find out if being a werewolf had cured him, but there was a lot of Data in the journal that suggested a high likelihood of success, but Fenrir informed them that he would not change Draco unless there was absolutely no other hope. Draco smiled as he nuzzled shay watching the Family his head tilted. “yeah Marvos, leave us alone.” he teased smirking a little. It was one of his rare good days, where his entire body didn't hurt. He even looked healthier today, the dark bags under his eyes where a little less dark, and he had color to his cheeks, though he was quickly loosing the little weight he had he wasn't loosing it nearly as fast as he should have been. “so Vi, are you caught up in school yet?” “no... but I'm getting closer.” viper admitted,. Not even looking up from his homework that Lucius had been giving him, so he would learn even though he wasn't in school. He made Draco do the homework too, just so he wasn't just laying in bed all day.
Marvos sighed looking up at his friend making a face as he looked at the two."Stuff it malfoy."He grumbled, ignoring the look Shay gave him. "Be nice Marvos. Just because your not having sex, doesn't mean we should be unhappy."Shay said smiling a little as she sat up, running her fingers through her hair. Shuddering a little as she pressed a hand to her mouth, before running from the room. Snape sighed glancing up again,"If I didn't know it wasn't contagious I'd be worried about her....have you asked what's wrong Luc?"he muttered looking at his friend, who looked as worn out as his son and daughter. Marvos sighed watching after Shay before looking at Draco, "you're looking good today."He said trying to distract the boy from worrying about Shay who was probably throwing up somewhere.
Draco dry heaved when she ran off, groaning a little as he covered his mouth as well closing his eyes. “it's just the bond.” Draco muttered softly. “ever since we... you know...” he went bright tred. “we've been even closer... she can always tell when I'm having a bad day.. and when I get nauseous she throws up, she'd got a weaker gag reflex than I do.” he admitted wiping his watering eyes before dry heaving again, but he had no food to throw up. He paused took a few deep breaths and smiled as everyone looked at him with worry. “i'm fine, honest.” he muttered. “i'm not in any pain today, and I haven't coughed or pissed blood once today.” so far anyway. “i'm still getting the nausea but their not too bad today either.” he admitted smiling. “i could even keep down a nutrients potion today.”
Marvos snickered as his friend blushed, amused even if he wasn't overjoyed at the idea of his sister as he turned over the idea. He hated being brilliant sometimes."Maybe its not you feeling sick but her coming down with something."He shrugged a little, not about to give voice to a idea before he had a chance to talk to her. Because he knew shay, and she probably hadn't thought about it. Hell, either of them probably hadn't thought about protection. "I'm okay. really."Shay muttered as she waved off the concerned looks as she walked back into the room. But despite the reassurances she did something she hardly ever did since Draco got sick, she walked over to lucius and crawled in his lap. Like a child needing comfort, since Draco'd gotten sick it'd been him she usually went to,but at the moment she wanted to cuddle her papa
him in a day, just worried about making sure that Shay was going to be alright, Viper shaking his head, amused. Everyone but Draco looking startled as she crawled into Lucius's lap, Draco wasn't surprised by anything shay did anymore, unless she actively blocked him. “do you want some tea Shay?” Viper offered getting up as Draco nodded, indicating he would like some too, Viper getting up to make a pot for everyone as Ginny looked up from her homework and studied Shay.
"No.I'm okay."She muttered her head pillowed on Lucius' shoulder, "Ginny, stop staring at me."She whined feeling draco's amusement as he watched the red head watching her. Marvos frowned a little watching the scene, stealing a cup of tea from Viper as he got one for draco to."It's not fair she gets to surprise everyone but Draco."He whined a little because he was worried to, and because he really did think it was unfair that his sister could surprise him.
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head a little as he accepted his cup of tea. “well I'm her Bonded, of course she can't surprise me, unless she actually means to.” he admitted chuckling a little. “she nearly scared the hell out of me this morning when she snuck up on me in the bath.” he admitted chuckling a little. “if I focus I can even send her images from my head into hers, like if she can't find me I can show her where I am, it's really nice.”
Marvos rolled his eyes looking at the blond over the edge of his book, "Lovesick idiot"He teased picking Draco's feet up so he could sit down next to him, "I think she's sick.I mean, look at her."He muttered tilting his head towards Shay who was still cuddling lucius looking thoughtful. Snape frowned looking at the younger girl as she dozed in lucius's lap as he read his book."I think we all agree something's wrong with Shay."He said seeing Ginny still watching her, and hearing what Marvos said, looking slightly amused. Because it would be just like Shay to get sick worrying over Draco so much and not paying attention to herself.
Draco sighed a little and closed his eyes a little nodding. “i'll look her over.” Lucius promised. “i'm sure it's just stress.” he stated gently stroking her hair, wondering if she was ignoring them or asleep. “so what is everyone up to?” Draco asked, determined not to worry, knowing it would only make Shay feel worse. “homework... sucks.” Viper whined pathetically. “it's too HARD Papa!” he whined pathetically sulking at Lucius who lifted an eyebrow. “your fine Viper, if you'd pay attention when I tried to teach you things you wouldn't have that problem.” he pointed out with a small snicker as Viper just whined even more.
Marvos snickered a little himself,"That's okay.I'll teach him."Shay smileld a little half asleep half listening to them talk."You can't do that. You'll end up doing something else."She muttered yawning as she shifted to look at draco through half closed eyes."Don't worry."She muttered feeling calm and content, even if she was worrying a little bit herself.
Lucius snickered a little and Viper smirked. “so? Maybe I'll learn better that way?” he mused Draco snorting a little. “i have my doubts.” he teased chuckling a little as he grinned over at Shay. “i have to worry, it's my job, I worry even when theirs absolutely nothing wrong.” he admitted chuckling a little as he yawned. “i'm going to take a nap.” he decided setting his tea down. “you can go back to potions and being grumpy again.” he chirped, happy that they had a few moments a least where there had been no worry. It made him feel better to know that they weren't going to let themselves get too obsessed about fixing him, when there was little chance he was going to survive, not that he'd ever say that aloud.
Shay smiled getting up herself yawning, mentally smacking Draco for the thought she could hear loud and clear."I think I'll go nap to.Bye."She chirped following after draco. Marvos rolled his eyes looking amused as he watched them go, shifting to rest his head on Viper's shoulder."If they weren't tired, i'd be scarred that they announced going to bed."He whined a litte.
Draco actually grimaced a little at the smack and pouted at shay for it, offering her a happy kiss as he nuzzled her. “didn't you promise to let Father look at you?” he asked with a raised eyebrow, smirking a little. “go get checked out, show him your fine and then come to bed and I'll put my tongue in that place you love so much.' he teased, promising her another round of pleasure. When Draco had gotten sick he'd made sure both of them got as much pleasure as they desired.

Viper snorted a little. “let them have their fun Marvos, no one bitches at you and me for having sex.” he pointed out. “and shay could make our lives VERY difficult if she wanted to.” he admitted smiling a little. “besides I think the sex makes Draco feel better.” he admitted.
Shay blushed hard as she looked at him, poking his shoulder."Oh.Okay."She blushed shuddering a little at the idea of pleasure before skipping off to find Lucius, walking into his study smiling a little."Papa. Draco told me to come find you before I took a nap."

Marvos pouted a little before smiling. Knowing he was losing the agrument because it did seem to make draco feel better and more like himself."Oh, Shay could make our lives diffcult?"He asked curious. he knew she could but he was curious to hear viper's reasoning.
Lucius smiled as he stood up and nodded. “it should only take a little while.” he promised setting her in a chair and grabbing his wand, running a diagnostics test, his head tilted before his eyes widened. “oh my god...” he whispered, looking a mix of horrified and proud and a lot shocked. “Shay... your...” he looked up at her, eyes wide. “...i need a drink... I need a drink so bad.” he muttered showing her the results of the test... pregnant.

Viper smirked a little and shook his head. “she can and you know it, she'd badger us constantly, make sure we where never alone together even if she had to claim having nightmares to sleep in our bed.” he pointed out. “not to mention all the pranks she could pull on us and all the detentions she could so easily get us.” he admitted smirking a little. “now then, what shall we do now that we're alone?” he teased smirking a little.
Shay loked startled staring at her papa with wide eyes, for once not realizing that she had left her and draco's bond open and that he could feel just how shocked, not to mention scared she felt."I...I no...what... I need to talk to draco..."She muttered looking shell shocked and confused as she left to go find Draco.
Marvos smiled kissing the other slowly, sliding his fingers through his hair."Hmm I'm pretty sure I could think of something to do, besides talk about how shay's pregnant."He muttered kissing the other before looking startled at having said it outloud before he'd confirmed that it was true.
Lucius nodded and let her go, Draco driving himself out of bed to go and find her, pulling her into a tight hug., “shhh, Shay I'm here.” he whispered softly, dragging her back into bed and snuggling her until she calmed down enough to tell him what was wrong, gently nuzzling her all over while Lucius once again decided to get stone drunk plastered, hammered even.

Viper snickered a little before he froze, his eyes wide as he leaned back and stared at Marvos. “she's WHAT!?” he demanded eyes wide. “... do they not know about the birds and the bees!? What the HELL!?” he demanded before biting his lip hard. “... how are Shay and Draco going to react to this!?” he wondered, looking even more worried now.
Shay whimped snuggling into him as she strove to calm down. Whining as he nuzzled her. Slowly calming as she sighed,"....I'm....pregnant..."She said still sounding shocked, sniffling as she buried her face against his chest, starting to cry.It to mcuh for the homonal distressed woman to stay calm about.

Marvos laughed quietly snickering at the other's reaction."Pregnant. And they dont' know.If I'm right, they don't even know yet. He thinks she's getting sick because he's feeling sick.I think he's feeling sick because she is."
Draco gasped, astonished his eyes wide as he looked down at her, before holding her tight and kissing her happily. “oh Shay, I've always wanted a little baby!” he admitted smiling brightly at her, crying happy tears of joy now too, kissing her eagerly. “don't worry Shay, I'll get better, Father will make sure of it, and we'll all be a happy family together.” but he was getting worse, and they both knew it.

Viper smacked his forehead and then shook his head. “Lucius is going to KILL th...” he paused as Lucius staggered into the room, very clearly drunk off his ass again, Viper sighing a little. “it looks like he already knows.” he muttered. “wait here. I'll go put him to bed.” Viper promised moving over to Lucius, who was searching the cupboard for another bottle of alcohol, but Viper had taken to hiding the booze, so when Lucius did get drunk, he couldn't get TOO drunk. “come on Papa.” Viper ordered, dragging Lucius off. “i mean it Marvos, you wait right there!”Viper ordered playfully.
Shay smiled a little kissing him back, wrapping her arms around him. Resting herforeheadagainst his, pain and longing showing in her face as she ran her fingers through his hair, gently and soft, just how he liked it."I love you."She muttered because it was true, they both knew he was going to leave her alone with a child. He was getting worse, and there was no hiding from that.

Marvos pouted laughing as lucius and viper left shaking his head amused. Smiling when Viper came back."Did you get him settled?I assume father isn't excited to be a grandpa?"He said snickering a little. As painful as it was to lose draco, maybe shay would be able to handle him being gone, if she had a small one.
he smiled and gently nuzzled her. “i love you too Shay.” he whispered softly, relaxing into the gentle hair strokes. “i'm sorry I won't be able to do all the things i'm supposed to do for you, like rub your feet, and get you all the foods that your craving, and hold your hair back when your sick.” because where where days when Draco was so week he couldn't even feed himself, days when he couldn't even sit up on his own. They both knew, that even if Draco survived, if they found a cure he was going to be bedridden for months, trying to recover from the disease and the potion both.

He nodded. “yeah, he's sleeping, and i think Papa is just worried about Shay and Draco are going to handle this on top of everything else.” he admitted biting his lip. “but, maybe with a little Draco to take care of.. Shay won't be so sad when...” Viper just knew that Draco wasn't going to make it. He felt his lip quiver, and he struggled to hold back his tears. Out of the entire family, Viper was the only one who had yet to express his grief, and he had been holding everyone together, keeping them calm, fed, and sober when possible. It was high time he got to have his cry too.
Shay smiled a little resting her forehead on his, dropping her hands as she leaned against him. Glad that this day hd been a good day, so they could talk and cuddle and touch without worrying about how much damage they were doing to his body. The bond letting her know just how happy she was to be with her.Hmm that's why I have marovs and papa."She teased kssing him gently, closing her eyes."I'm not letting you go Dray. Not ever."She sighed closing her eyes, for a moment feeling the overwhelming sadness of saying goodbye. After that first time breaking down, she'd refused to let it get to her taking care of him had drawn her away from the emoitonal nervous breakdown she'd almost had. Smilng as she rested her head on his chest,"I wont...."

Marvos sighed quietly wrapping his arms around the other,kissing his head."Cry damn you, cry."He ordered pissed sort of that Viper was the only one that hadn't expressed any true emotions on the subject besides beating them up to take care of themselves."I wont let him go without a fight. And we WILL find the potion."
he smiled a little as his bond filled with his own happy emotions, and pride at being a father. He hoped he could be there for the birth, he WOULD be there for the birth at the very least, even if he was near deaths door he would live long enough to see his baby be born. “i will never leave you.” he promised, smiling as he kissed her gently. “now, I believe I promised to put my tongue in inappropriate places?” he teased smirking a little, horny, as always.

Viper finally let out a sob and buried his face into Marvos's chest, finally letting himself cry. Crying never solved anything, never fixed nothing, and never changed what was, but damn it felt good to finally let it out. He cried himself out, it took longer than one might have imagined, and then simply laid in Marvos's arms, tired, and feeling better. “you should eat something Mar... you haven't eaten yet today.” and went right back to taking care of everyone, it gave Viper something to do, and made him feel like he was helping, so he would take care of everyone, including himself.
Shay laughed quielty kissing him back."Oh you did didn't you."She muttered snirking. Because he did always manage to e horny despite everything else falling apart. yea, they were good at distracting themselves.

Marvos smiled kissing his head."Fine, fine.I'll eat."He said smiling relaxing now that the other had cried, glad that he was back to how he'd been before. They would be fine, and they were going to find a cure for Draco. He just had to believe they would.

In the morning Shay smiled as she nibbled on her food, careful not to make herself as she ate."Papa, you're looking still drunk."She teased looking at lucius, wondering if he'd told everyone else at the table,or if that was her and draco's job. Mentally hovering over Draco, even if she wasn't looking at him, she was making sure he wasn't feeling to badly. Marvos snickered a little eating, having gotten yelled at the night before, he wasn't about to get yelled at again for not eating."He IS still drunk. He drank alot last night. Any ideas why?"He said looking innocently curious, as if he hadn't already guessed
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