
'Vi, don't worry about paying us back.This is just money and leathers, you give Marvos peace. and that's more then anyone else has ever given him.I'll buy the whole store just to see him smile like he does at you.'He said patting his cheek, adding the one he'd been touching to their pile before smiling."Now. We need to pay, then go get you a wand. Marvos should be along soon."she said frowning a little, wondering what the other two were doing. Frowning harder as she glanced out the window, tilting her head as she watched the people, who'd been so calm and collected minutes before, seeming to start panicking. Wondering what was happening, but knowing better then to go out and put herself in danger. Not only would draco and marvos be pissed, she'd piss off her surrogate father, and pissing off lucius malfoy was never a healthy thing. But..."stay here vi. I'll go see what's going on."She said heading for the door, trying to figure out how to see what was going on without revealing her presence, not realizing that voldemort and the death eaters were having a field day with attacking people, just for the sheer fun of watching them scream in terror.

Marvos sighed softly, glancing at Draco, blue eyes going dark as he studied him. Realizing just how close draco's control was, and knowing how messy it could get."Draco.Go find shay."He ordered gently, sternly. Sounding for a moment, erriely like lucius as he gave the order. Shifting to keep a eye on Draco, he looked at petunia again, wondering why the name lily evans tugged at his mind, and why being blown up mattered. But that was a mystery for another time at the moment, he had to deal with petunia."Who gave you the order?"he asked cooly, heart beats away from completely slaughtering them, despite fenrir's orders.
Viper blinked a little and tilted his head as he watched the people panicking scowling as he watched her head outside before glancing at the shop keeper. “you heard the lady, stay here.” he ordered before rushing outside, completely ignoring her Orders as he glanced around, watching everyone screaming and running, as death eaters swarmed, Viper doing what he was good at. Slunk through the crowd, silent and unseen as he approached one of the Death eaters, slitting the hamstring with a knife, the Death eater screaming in pain as he collapsed, clutching his leg as he looked around, wondering who in the hell had dared attack him, but Viper was already gone, looking around for Shay or another target, licking his lips nervously. He'd never been in a battle before, though this seamed like a slaughter. He never heard the CRACK of Draco appearing right next to Shay, his silver eyes widening in astonishment. “what the hell!? Shay get inside!” he ordered, grabbing her arm and rushing for the bookstore, rage forgotten. “where's viper!?”

Petunia trembled violently as a very displeased Draco snarled at her and vanished with a Crack making her whimper as Shay snarled at her. “i don't know! It was in the letter.” she sobbed. “Dumbledore! A man named Dumbledore! That fucking Potter!” potter! That's why Evens was so familiar, evens married Potter, creating one of the strongest pureblood lineages since...well since Salazar himself. Potter, the heir of gryffindor, and Evens the heir of Skytherin had combined...creating..Viper. But Voldemort and Dumbledore had slaughtered the Potters and their one year old son. “my sister should have been the squib! Not me! They ruined everything those goddamn potters!”
Shay yelped as Draco dragged her inside, strugging to get away from him."He's in-No!There he is.Vi!Get in here!"She growled darking away from draco, grabbing viper's arm as she pulled him towards the bookstore. Looking frightened but braving it. needing to get him, for Marvos. Needing to protect harry, and thought maybe she'd been okay out there, having wanted to protect someone out there. "Draco!"She called looking around for her blond now. lucius' training the only thing keeping her from breaking under the fear, from running. Taking care of the others around her and remaining calm had been high on lucius' things to teach them all.

Marvos' eyes widened, freezing as he thought that over. Turning over the possiblities in his mind before he cursed, shoving her away from him."If you tell anyone I was here I'll be back."He said before apparating away, cursing as he realized he apparated right into the middle of a battle. Snarling as he drew the short sword he usually wore down his back, wading through the death eaters with a see me not spell in place, looking for his sister, viper, or draco. needing to get to them, and leaving bodies in his wake as he looked
Viper turned to attack her, pausing only when he realized it was Shay, trying to yank his arm free, slicing at another Death eater, catching him across the arm, sending another spray of blood through the air as Viper caught the artery, the Death eater screaming in pain and fear as he clapped his hand over the wound, Viper finally going with Shay, hiding in the bookstore next to Shay, looking upset and angry. “we can't just sit here and hide! Their killing people!” Viper complained, listening to the screams and sobs of children in the swarm of mass panic. “we need to get home!” Draco gasped, once Viper was safe, Viper shaking his head. “no! We have to save those kids dammit!” “there's no time Viper! We have no chance against that many people!” “your just a coward!”

Petunia just let out a snarled sob as he vanished. As soon as Marvos was in the crowd of people properly a hand gripped his forearm tightly, yanking him into an alleyway, a furious Lucius yanking him into the safety of the alleyway. “Marvos!? What in Merlin's name are you doing here!?” the blond demanded, in his death eater garb, flinging spells in every direction, trying to disable as many killing curses and dangerous spells as he could before they struck down the innocent. “don't tell me that Shay and Draco are here too!?” he demanded glancing at Marvos. “dammit! Find them!” he ordered the oldest in the group. “and take them home this instant!” he ordered, flicking his wand, slitting a specific death eaters throat with a well aimed cutting curse. “go, Marvos, now!” Lucius ordered in a tone that harbored no arguments.
marvos nodded, wincing a little. Oh this was so not going to be good when lucius got home. Already imagining the lecture they were going to be getting for being out and about without caution. "yes lord malfoy."he muttered bwing slightly to keep up the act for the death eaters around them. After all he wasn't about to hurt lucius's standing among them, because lucius was the only thing that was keeping the wizarding world slightly balanced. Crsing as he waded into the crowd again he frowned, trying to decide what to do, before nodding a little heading for the bookstore, seeing the flash of white blond hair through the window. Cursing louder as he pushed open the door he pointed at draco."Apparate home. NOW!"He ordered grabbing viper's arm without giving him a chance to respond, apparating home. Knowing they only had a few minutes, at the most a hour before Lucius arrived home to yell at them for being out. And he needed to calm everyone down and relaxed before that happened. Not to mention try to figure out how to explain the potter's existance.
Viper snarled, trying to fight away from Marvos to get to the children in the massacre, just as he had been fighting against Shay and Draco, the wailing, terrified cries making him more and more desperate to protect them, and save them. Draco apparated without a second thought, taking Shay with him, Viper screaming in rage as they vanished, staggering, dizzy when they finally landed in the Malfoy manor, staggering, unhappy and enraged. “your all cowards! COWARDS!” he roared and raged, Draco shaking his head as he grabbed Viper and shook him. “the children won't be hurt! They never are!” he promised panting softly. “they would have killed you without even a thought!” he stated, Viper hissing at him furiously, spitting at him in Parseltounge as he clawed at the gray eyes with fingernails, Draco jerking his head back before he got damaged. “you take me BACK!” Viper ordered Marvos. “you take me back NOW! I have to get the kids!” he paused, swayed, turned to yell at Draco before he collapsed, knocked unconscious with a sleeping spell, Draco shaking his head. “that was... I don't even know how to describe that...” he admitted. “it took two sleeping spells to take him down! Who the hell is this kid!?”
"The potter heir."Marvos said tilting his head, growling slightly. Looking at his sister. "Now. You two.Get the hell upstairs, and clean up. Your father saw me coming through the crowds and is royally pissed. I expect him to be home any minute. I'll take care of him."He said picking up viper. Heading upstairs, not about to give lucius something else to yell about besides putting themselves in danger. Wanting clean of blood and gore before he arrived.

Shay swallowed hard, running upstairs, setting about getting clean. And needing clean, changing clothes and washing out her hair before sighing softly. Relaxing slightly as she walked next door to see how draco was doing, looking worried and confused." your father going to be so mad?"He asked looking at him nibbling on her lip.
Draco's mouth gaped open as he realized just who Viper was, his eyes wide as he looked down at the young man, who should have gotten a throne, but instead got a life out on the streets. He winced when he realized how pissed his father was going to be and vanished upstairs to get cleaned up. He was done by the time Shay caught up to him. “oh he's going to be pissed.” he admitted. “a lot of yelling. But only because he was worried about us getting hurt.” Draco understood his father, more than anyone else could ever hope to. He winced when the CRACK of Apparation signaled Lucius, and the man's loud, but not screamed order for them all to get downstairs, voice tense and stern. Lucius started yelling the instant he saw all three of them. The usual 'what the hell where you thinking, you should have apparated the instant you saw the danger, you don't stick around and wait to die' speech he always gave them when he caught them in harms way. He poked at each and every one of them, insulting Shay's intelligence, Draco's self preservation, and Marvos's capabilities of protecting his family, ranting himself until his voice was hoarse before he ordered them all to get their asses upstairs and that he didn't want to see them for the rest of the night before he turned and left them, heading for his office so he could calm himself down.
by the time he was done, Shay was in tears, sniffling quietly as he slouched upstairs, avoiding looking at the two guys.Pausing in the hallway, debating for a moment before disappearing into draco's room. About to admit to needing the comfort, which was rare. Rubbing her eyes she slid into the bed,curling up.She hated making lucius yell,hated it because it meant she'd worried him, and she hated making him stress over more then he already did.

Marvos sighed tiredly, to upset to really be angry or insulted that lucius had said. He knew that it was only because he'd been worried, so he knew that lucius mostly didn't mean it. Smiling slightly as he looked at Draco."well.At least you'll enjoy cuddles tonight."He muttered, knowing his sister was upset, and feeling the need to comfort her, but knowing she wouldn't accept it. His pride stinging a little at the idea his sister preferred draco over him."And keep your hands away from anything....oh hell.You've held her before. Just behave."He grumbled, blushing slightly because he knew he was being overprotective. Heading into his own room he sighed quietly at Viper."Well.Are you still pissed at me to?"He questioned eyeing the boy warily not wanting to get closer until he knew how pissed one of the strongest wizard in generations was.
Draco chuckled and shook his head. “don't worry, I have never touched her in any way inappropriate and I don't intend to.” he stated simply. “as far as I know she doesn't want to be intimate until after marriage, and until she tells me otherwise that is what I intend on doing.” Draco was willing to only hold her hand, snuggle, and share an innocent kiss until she, they where old enough to get married!?...yeah, he was gone, he was trapped in Shay's grasp forever. “i won't hurt your sister.” he promised smiling at Marvos before slipping into his room, gathering her into his arms and holding her tightly, rocking her and gently stroking her hair to help her calm down.

Viper was laying in bed, staring at the ceiling. “no...” he promised turning to look at Marvos. “i heard the yelling.. was that your father? Is that why you didn't fight? Because your father was in there?” he paused and stared at the ceiling. “i wonder what it's like to have a father?” he muttered softly sighing a little. “am I a secrete Marvos?” he asked his head tilted. “i should have gotten yelled at too... I'm the reason none of you did the vanishing thing...” he looked upset still, and mildly guilty. “i should have gotten punished too...” because in Vipers mind, the only reason why they didn't take off the minute the fighting started, was because he hadn't listened, and had struggled against them. He'd gotten them in trouble and he felt bad for that.
Shay smiled slightly as she calmed down, sniffling as she cuddled against him. before yawning tiredly. Sitting up she smiled kissing his cheek."I'm going to go get food, do you want something?"she asked gently tucking his hair behind his ears. Not realizing she was just as lost as him, already as attached to the malfoy heir as she could be.

Marvos laughed quietly sitting down on the bed next to him, leaning across, resting a hand on the bed as he hovered over the other to look at him."No, that's draco's father. Though he's been more of a father then my own."He said, sounding thoughtful. After all, it was true. The only contribution his father had had in his and shay's life was as a sperm donor."You're...not a secret."He said, trying to figure out how to explain."But lucius has had enough to deal with in his days, that he doesn't need to deal with something me and draco are perfectly capable of doing."He smiled tilting his head before snickering, shaking his head as he saw how guilty the other was feeling."Vi seriously, don't feel guilty. It's not the first time we've heard that speach, and it wont be the last. Despite Lucius' stance in the war, he's one man. We help if we can....and usually get yelled at for trying to protect everyone."He grinned slightly.
he smiled as he nuzzled her and shook his head. “no, stay here I'll get your food.” he ordered. “i don't want you to run into Father when he's already so upset.” he stated calmly, hesitating. “do you think I should tell him about Viper before he finds the boy on his own?” he asked worrying his lip as he slipped out of bed and straightened his clothes.

Viper blinked a little and then smirked a bit. “i'm a secrete.” he stated, a fact this time as he crawled into Marvos's lap and curled up on him, sighing softly. “he makes me think of Shade...shade used to yell at me like that, especially when he caught me whoring or thieving.” he admitted with a small chuckle before sighing again. “why are the magic people at war anyway?” he asked curiously. “i thought they where supposed to be better than muggles...”
"Probably."She said climbing out of bed to, looking at the boy, gently touching his arm."But I'll go with you.He's oing to be pissed again, no reason you should go alone."she said before scampering out of the room before he could stop her. Well aware he was trying to protect her. Heading down to Lucius's study, she paused biting her lip.More then anyone else in her life, she hated disappointing Lucius. Knocking on the closed door she waited. inside the room Narcissa raised a eyebrow glancing at the door, then at Lucius as he reclined in the seat by the fire. Knowing he was slowly relaxing, and wondering what the kids wanted. After all, she was well aware he'd yelled at them, and they usually hid for hours if not days after. "Shay wants in."She muttered standing, leaning down to kiss his cheek, knowing of them all, shay was the one who'd risk getting yelled at again. Knowing more then the boys, shay had abandonment issues because her real father had left when he realized he had a girl child instead of another boy.

Marvos sighed as he leaned back against the headboard, gently stroking his hair pressing a absent kiss to his head."We ARE better then muggles, but sometimes even the best of us make mistakes."He sighed quietly. "Headmaster Dumbledore is at war with Lord Voldemort, and everyone's chosen sides. The headmaster is working for the greater good, and trying to bred out the purebloods who wont follow him, by forcing us to accept the mudbloods and muggle born into marriages. While it's good sometimes to get new blood into the lines, he's trying to force us to give up all the rituals and things we've done for generations to follow his way of life.

Voldemort on the other hand, supports the purebloods. He wants to destroy the mudbloods and muggleorns by wiping them out and destorying all those who follow. And inbetween. While we don't want to give up our traditions, there is no reason that we have to slaughter them all. If we do, we'll destroy ourselves eventually. Because we'll all be so interbred if not given other choices, that it'll kill us. Magic needs freedom, and both voldemort and dumbledore are trying to force the world to bend to their will."Marvos said, sighing quietly. Knowing he probably wasn't doing the best to explain, and it was barebones explaination at that, but it was most of it.
Lucius lifted an eyebrow as he heard the knock on the door, his head tilted as he sat up straight and swallowed the last of his calming drought, determined not to get upset with them again. “come in Shay.” he ordered, his tone gentler than normal, showing that Lucius felt a little guilty about making the young girl cry. As soon as the door opened he looked startled to see Draco before he looked worried, wondering if Draco had gotten Shay pregnant or something. “Father we, have a confession to make.” Draco explained, hoping to keep Shay out of most of the confession, fearful that Lucius would start yelling. “we have a... guest.” Draco explained, Lucius lifting an eyebrow, rather startled. Draco started to explain about Viper, how they had found him, promising that all the 'pretties' where back in place before his mother panicked, explaining that he was a wizard who had been raised by muggles, leaving out Fenrir and Vipers heritage for now. He wasn't sure how Lucius would react to that. Lucius listened, looking stunned at the level of compassion and leadership that Draco, Shay, and Marvos had shown when confronted with a wild thief.

“i was wrong.” Lucius stated with a small smile. “you three certainly can protect yourselves. I take it this was why you where in the middle of a battle?” “yes sir.” Draco stated with a small grimace. “we would have apparated out but Viper was fighting us, he wanted to go and get the kids.” he explained glancing at shay. “he probably would have gotten hurt if Shay hadn't held him back.” “and where was Marvos during all of this?” Lucius demanded curiously. “he was looking into Vipers home life... he shows signs of...abuse.” Draco admitted with distaste. “his caretaker, Nightshade is what he is called, is homeless, so Viper turned out to be Homeless too. So it was less Abuse and more lack of capabilities.” he explained calmly. “i do believe Marvos has found out that Vipers original caretakers abused the young man, but we haven't found them yet.” Lucius nodded, pondering then. “i want this to remain a secrete for now, Dumbledore and Voldemort are not to find out about this boy until he gets a handle on his own magic. I want you two and Marvos to train him as much as he is willing to learn but don't force him. We want to help him, not hold him captive.” Draco blushed hard and he coughed, because they had held him captive for the first day or so. “and I would like to meet him.” Lucius admitted, pondering the boy. “perhaps tomorrow after dinner?”


Viper sighed a little. “so basically, their twisting good things into bad things.” he decided nodding a little as he curled into Marvos. “it's no wonder Nightshade didn't want me to come into the Wizarding world...” he muttered softly, yawning a little. “it's far too easy for someone to get dragged into the war. Especially when they might not agree with either choice.” he personally thought it was all stupid. “what side are you guys on?” he was not a stupid boy, there where only three options when you where in a war. Dumbledore's team, Voldemort' Team, or a cower and hide team. And since Lucius was part of the war, that meant they had to be on one side or the other. So he thought anyway.
Shay giggled a little, pressing a hand against her mouth to keep from laughing in his face. Cause...well."Marvos was enjoying the thought of a prisoner. And after getting proprositioned, he's enjoying it even more."she giggled, showing that she'd understood what Viper had said to her brother, even if Marvos would like to keep her from being aware. Narcissa nearly choked on her tea, looking at the girl before lookign at her son, shaking her head a little.They did find the most interesting things to get in trouble over."Tomorrow will be early enough."She said tilting her head, knowing that if he was hidden, he was in marvos' room at the moment, and she knew the dark haired man wouldn't appericiate suddenly finding people in his room. Shay bit her lip smiling a little, nudging Draco."Does this mean we wont get yelled at anymore?He admitted we did fine."she laughed a little, knowing that he wouldn't relax about it. That if they kept getting in trouble, Lucius would keep yelling at them.

Marvos sighed quietly, shaking his head."We're publicly on voldemort's side, but Lucius has been working for years to undermine both sides, try to bring them both down."He said before stroking the brunette's hair, wincing a little."And no one knows this, except for the people in this home. It'd be worth his life if anyone knew it."He warned gently. As much as he liked Viper, he'd hurt him if he got Lucius killed.
Lucius lifted an eyebrow, looking rather startled. “this boy...propositioned Marvos?” he asked, looking rather amazed. “the boy must have a death wish.” he chuckled a little as Narcissa choked on her tea, shaking his head as he motioned for them to leave, Draco offering his father a bow before smirking at her. “for now maybe, but the next time we get into danger or do something stupid he's going to start yelling again. We really need to get Viper some new things. He can't meet father wearing hand me downs and wandless.” he scowled a little. “it should be safe to go back to Diagon Alley, we where going to buy him a broom too, did you give the man the money before we where attacked?” if she had there was no doubt the Quidditch owner was going to try and keep their money and charge them again. Malfoy's being as rich as they where and all.

Viper paused and then pondered the information, his head tilted a little as he contemplated before nodding. “i won't tell.” he promised smiling a little. “it sounds like Lucius is what the Magic World needs.” he admitted yawning a little as he stretched along the bed. “when I get good at Magic, I'm going to help you.” he decided. “oh my god!” he complained sitting up. “i didn't get my broom!” he complained crossing his arms and pouting violently. “stupid battle...”
shay nodded a little as they headed to the kitchen to get a bedtime snack, grinning as the elves got them cookies, smiling softly as she looked over at draco."I did get to pay. But he knows we were shopping for marvos' pleasure, so hopefully we wont be charged twice."As scary as he could be, she did love her brother, and knew other people didn't see the soft side only the scary in your face asshole.So,hopefully they woudln't have to fight to hard to not pay again.

Marvos laughed quietly. As scary as the battle had been for a few minutes, the biggest crime had been was the man hadn't gotten his broom. Smirking he kissed the other's head shifting to lay down, yawning as he settled down to sleep."We'll go get it in the morning."
Draco chuckled a little and accepted his usual night time snack of hot chocolate and chocolate covered strawberries, a rather large helping since he usually ended up sharing with Shay. “hopefully, we'll have to take Marvos with us.” he decided nodding. “we need to get Viper clothes, books, shoes, I don't think he has those either, we also need to get him his wand, some candy, oh, an owl.” Draco loved making lists. It relaxed him, and he was still shaking a little from the battle and his fathers yelling. “we'll have to get him a haircut too... are we taking him to school with us?” he asked looking confused. “i wonder why he never went before, he must have gotten the letter...”

Viper smiled at the kiss, instantly relaxing as he laid down and snuggled into the other, sighing softly as he relaxed. “Marvos?” he asked softly after a moment of silence. “i'm glad you held me against my will.” he admitted smiling a little. “i'm glad I found you.” Viper was... dare he admit it?....he was...happy there.
Shay smiled a little as she sat their food on the nightstand, climbing in bed before wrapping her arms around him, pressing a kiss to his cheek, knowing cuddles and making lists is what he needed to calm down."He said nightshade had been sick when he got his letter.I think...I think we should.Between the three of us, and being who he is, he should catch on quickly."she said nibbling on their foodrelaxing slowly as she realized Lucius' anger had past mostly.

Marvos flashed him a pleased smirk, so wide it dimpled his cheek as he yawned sleepily."I'll hold you against your will anytime Vi."He said laughing quietly, starting to drift to sleep
Draco nodded and smiled as he snuggled into her, kissing her temple before laying down and going to sleep. It had been a very exhausting day. Viper was asleep even before Marvos was, snoring lightly, adorably curled against Marvos happily.

In the morning, Viper was the first one up, shaking Marvos's shoulder insistently. “Marvos... Mar... I'm hungry... and I have to pee...” he complained softly. “and your laying on my legs.... and I can't feel them anymore...” somehow, during the night, Marvos had ended up on top of Viper, pinning him to the bed in a rather erotic, but uncomfortable position. “Marvos! Get up!” Viper ordered, sounding rather petulant. “hey! Wake up goddamn you! I'll set your fuckin hair on fire!”
Marvos growled at the threat, responding before he was even awake, hands snapping up, strong fingers closing around Viper's neck as he pinned him to the bed. Sleepy eyes finally registering that Viper wasn't hurting him, just trying to get him up. Yawning a little as he rolled on his back he sighed letting Viper up."Sorry."He said, the apology sincere, and by far the easiest he'd ever said. After all, he usually didn't feel bad for things, but somehow, viper brought it out in him.Had woken both a long dead heart and conscience that had been buried.
Viper just stared up at him as the hands wrapped around his neck. It was horrible to look into those emerald green eyes and see only acceptance. There was no fear, no panic, no hate. Nothing that a normal person should have felt when someone had their hands wrapped around your neck. He just blinked when Marvos apologized and chuckled a little, kissing the others cheek and bouncing into the bathroom to pee. By the time he came back a house elf had already delivered Breakfast, having heard Viper complaining about being Hungry. He crawled back into bed and started eating just as Draco walked in, elegantly dressed as he smiled. “Father wishes to meet Viper tonight after dinner, so we have to get him some proper clothes and a haircut today. We need to get his broom and leathers too, Shay already paid and we want you to go with so the shopkeeper doesn't give us any problems. We also need to get him books and school supplies, since we figure he's going to want to go to school now.” Viper blinked at Draco, eating silently, focused on what was important. “we also need to get him a wand and an owl.” he blinked at Marvos. “are you even listening to me?”
Marvos smiled a little as he ate."Of course I am. Shay'd beat me if I didn't."he said, his little sister could be scary sometimes. Though it was amusing to watch her puff up angrily. It was like watching a small fluffy kitten suddenly discovering that she had claws and wanted to use them. Smiling a little."We'll get his broom first, that way the rest of the day can make up for the unpleasantness of having to talk to the storekeeper."He said, his lip curling. The one and only time he'd ever lowered himself to actually going into the shop and not send Shay in after his stuff had been unpleasant for all of them. Shay snickered as she walked in, her black hair tugged back into a high ponytail, bouncing with every step.

"Ah, he just wants to make sure his lists aren't going to waste."She teased the blond bounding over to the bed to give marvos his good morning hug. Having ever since she was young, gone to greet her brother first thing in the morning, as if to reassure him that someone cared for him. Which is why she did it, not that she was aware of the reasoning, just that she did."Good morning."She said kissing his cheek before moving away
Viper snorted a little as he continued to stuff himself, pretty much ignoring them all as he slid out of bed and got dressed in his borrowed clothes, licking his fingers clean as Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. “you just want to see viper mounting something hard.” Draco teased, Viper turning to gape at Draco before laughing. “you DO have a sense of humor!” he chirped grinning at Draco who scowled a little. “watch your mouth!” he ordered lifting his nose proudly. “i have no such thing!” Viper just snickered and watched Shay run in with a small grin as he examined her, his head tilted a little. “well, Shay, Viper and I are ready to go Marvos.” Draco stated once Viper was dressed. “what's taking you so long?”
"I am enjoying my breakfast."The sociopath grinned a little as he set about setting the plate aside and getting ready. smiling a little as he looked at the others."Lets go then."He said resting a hand on viper's arm, blushing a little at Draco's accusation. Apparting to digaon alley before the other two could question him. Frowning hard as he considered the quidditch shop, smiling a little ad he led viper inside.

Shay laughed lightly blushing a little at Draco's joke, nudging him a little."He's so fun to tease sometime."She giggled a little before wrappign her arms around him,apprating them. Smiling slightly as she looked at her brother's face as her and draco walked in after them.He looked so miserable to deal with the man who annoyed him.
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