
Viper groaned as he rested his head against the cool toilet. He had at least managed to make it to the that before he'd started to puke. “no... I can eat.” he promised chuckling a little. “just, not something so strong.. oatmeal, or toast for me thanks.” he mumbled, slowly getting to his feet and using the sink to wash his mouth out, spitting water into the sink as the smell of vomit slowly left the bathroom. “besides, I have a feeling you've never missed a day of breakfast in your life.” he teased, looking amused.

Draco chuckled as he watched her, smiling a little. Glad that he was the only person who ever saw this cuddly side of Shay as he gently kissed her forehead. “come on, I bet Viper and Marvos are already awake.” he teased. “we should go make sure that Viper hasn't molested your brother. I'd hate to go meet this Nightshade with Viper missing his hands.” he pointed out chuckling a little as he slipped out of bed and stretched with a groan before grimacing as he noticed how rumpled his clothes where. “let me change quick.”
Marvos grinned a little, sniffing indignitly."Of course I haven't. i would never deem to degrade myself as such."He said amused, after all it was true. He'd never think about missing a breakfast. Between malfoy manor and the sharzai hunting lodge, he never had to worry about the elves not being able to bring him breakfast."Now.We better head downstairs. Shay and draco should be up.Well, they better be up."He said wrinkling his nose a little at the idea as he headed for the door.

Shay laughed quietly getting up, dashing into the other room to steal some of marvos' clothes, glad her brother kept some clothes just for her. Since he was her protector, and him and draco were the only two people she truly trusted, whenever she was feeling nervous or anxious, she could usually be found wearing their clothes, since it smelled like them, and offered comfort. The smallish male's dress shirt and smaller then his jeans, and she was ready to go. Walking back in draco's room she smiled a little, though she kept her eyes down just in case he was still changing."Do you really think marvos would take his hands?"she asked. Truly curious. Despite knowing how her brother was about touching, she was curious what draco thought
Viper snickered a little and yawned as he followed his stomach growling loudly again, but Viper didn't even react to it, he was far too used to the noise and the pain that came with it. He grinned as he came upon Draco, as immaculate as always, and Shay dressed in clothes that where clearly not hers, his head tilted a little as Draco chuckled at Shay. “if it where anyone but Viper? Most definitely... but since it's viper, there's no telling. Hello Viper did you sleep well?” Viper gave him a funny look then. “you mean did I get laid? no. no I did not.” Draco went red. “no I did not mean did you get laid, I was asking if you slept well.” “...why?” Viper asked puzzled. “sleep doesn't have anything to so with anything.” Draco groaned and shook his head. “why do I always find the crazy people?” “i don't know, just lucky?” Viper asked, clearly screwing with Draco's head. “Marvos said that I could have breakfast?” “of course what do you want? Eggs? Pancakes? More steak?” Viper turned a strange shade of green and shook his head. “toast...” he stated setting a hand to his growling, but very unhappy belly.
"Toast it is then."Shay smiled as they headed into the dining room, settlign in her seat and ignoring the look she was getting from marvos, who's eye twitched a little when he saw her."You do have your own clothes." "But you were in my room. I couldn't get them."She observed smiling a little as she got them all toast and eggs from the elf, smiling as she started eating, blushing ever so slightly at the mention of getting laid. "So. What are we doing today, besides goign to see nightshade?" Marvos shrugged a little digging into his food."Well, we'll do whatever viper wants. after all, draco did kidnap him. Only right we do what he wants." "Draco didn't kidnap him!He came here on his own."Shay sputtered defending the blond
Viper lifted an eyebrow as he was brought some toast and a nutrient potion, examining the bottle cautiously, sniffling at it and grimacing. “no thanks, I don't do drugs.” he stated setting it away, thinking it was an LSD, it smelled like an LSD. He ate his toast, happy to fill his belly with something he was used to eating. Bread was nice and cheep, even on a day when they brought in no money at all they could afford bread. For most of his life Viper had lived off of bread and hotdogs, vegetables out of other peoples gardens. Occupationally they'd steal apples from grocery stores when they could manage, but mostly, it was bread. “well...” Viper hesitated, looking uncertain as he examined them all before shaking his head. “i just want to get my stuff.” he decided, polishing off his third piece of toast and hesitating at the fourth, wondering if his belly would rebel at a few more bites before pushing it away and leaning back in his chair, so that it was only sitting on two legs. “i might have come here on my own but I sure as hell didn't stay willingly.” he teased her smirking a little, Draco coughing a little. “you shouldn't have stolen from a wizard. It's your own fault.” “mmm true.” Viper agreed closing his eyes a little and yawning a little. “Viper you need to drink this.” Draco ordered realizing he hadn't taken the vial. “it will help you get better.” “... it's a hallucinogenic drug how is that going to make me better?” “hala what?” Draco asked looking baffled. “it's just a nutrients potion, it will give you vitamins and nutrients that you haven't been getting.” “it's a drug.” “it's a potion.” “whats the difference?!” “...if I take a drink first then will you drink some?” “maybe.” “maybe?” “depends on if you start getting high.” “high?” “yes high.” “...Viper, nutrient potions don't make people fly.” “i know that I'm not an idiot!”
Marvos twitched a little as he listened to the two argue."Drink the damned thing Viper."He ordered cooly, using the voice that usually got Shay to do things that she didn't want to do. "And yes, you're all idiots. So shut up." Shay swallowed her laughter at her brother's annoyance, knowing that it'd only make him even more annoyed. And dammit, she had every intention of making draco go shopping with her alone, so she needed marvos not to be annoyed with them. Marvos sighed tilting his head as he nibbled on his toast, eating his eggs."Now viper."He said when the man didn't drink it fast enough for his liking.
Viper glared at Marvos and hesitated as he looked at the potion Draco rolling his eyes as he picked it up and took a swallow before handing it back to Viper, who watched Draco closely before swallowing the rest himself. “thre I drank it! If it turns me into a chicken or makes me see things I'm gonna claw your yes out!” he growled, crossing his arms and sulking as Draco chuckled and got his robes. “shall we go then? I think I really want to meet this Night Shade.” he admitted heading for the fireplace. “where are we going Viper?” “....the front door, I don't know the way out.” “ mean we have to WALK there?” “well, yeah. How did you expect to get there? Grow some wings? Unless one of you people knows how to drive?” he asked looking amused, Draco looking very upset at the thought of walking for that long. “do we really have to walk that far?” “it's only two miles...” Viper stated looking amused.
Marvos laughed quietly as he headed for the door looking amused. It was great. Him and shay were used to walking everywhere, despite being wizards. poor spoiled draco just didnt walk anywhere."Drao stop whining."He said looking amused as they walked outside. shay giggled lightly as she looked at the blond, running her fingers through her hair as she sighed at the cool summer air."It's not a bad walk Draco.I'll walk beside you in case you faint or something."She teased nudging him a little.
Viper rolled his eyes. “please, I usually walk ten or fifteen miles a day.” he stated calmly, Draco gaping at him with wide eyes. Not realizing that it was unusual even for muggles to have to walk that far. But when you had to go from one end to the city to the other without a car you had to walk. “come on!” Viper ordered chuckling a little as he rolled his eyes and headed out, leading the way into a muggle city and down into what looked like an old abandoned hotel. “NIGHTSHADE! I'm BACK!” Harry yelled, laughing as three kids, no older than seven ran up to him and clung to him, demanding to know if he had food. Harry didn't, but he had stuffed his pockets with Candy from a helpful house elf which the kids cheered and ran off with as a very familiar face came down, slowly from one of the stairs. Fenrir Greyback.

“there you are! Nightshade these are, friends.” Viper stated, Fenrir's eyes staring at Draco. He had once been a spy for Lucius, double spying on Voldemort and Dumbledore, but an accident had left him with a crippled leg and had been banished by Dumbledore and Voldemort when they learned he was spying on them. Luckily, they had never learned who he was spying for. “i know them Viper.” Fenrir stated with amusement as he looked them all over. “i never expected to see them again, but I know them.” “!?” Viper demanded with a raised eyebrow. “their magic people...” “i was once a magic too Viper. I told you this.” “well... yeah but...” he scratched his head then. “ok so I guess I just didn't believe you.”
Marvos laughed quietly looking at the werewolf, then the boy walking next to him."He seems to suffer from the delusion that everyone lies to him."he said studying the werewolf, trying to figure out where he'd seen him before, before the connection was made."I met you as a kid. You visited Lucius all the time."

Shay swallowed hard, edging closer to Draco even as she summoned a elf, to get more food before smiling slightly as she crouched down to see all the kids, holding the plate of lots of different things."Do you guys want this?"She asked softly, looking the kids over, pain in her face. Trying to ignore the man that made her nervous. Trusting marvos and draco to protect her.
Fenrir, no, nightshade it was now, nodded. “yes, I used to work with him against Dumbledore and Voldemort.” Fenrir stated gripping his cane tightly as he limped his way down the rest of the stairs. “until I got this.” he admitted tapping his bum leg with his cane. “and then I got banished and ended uo here, taking in kids from the streets.” he admitted motioning the way inside. “come in, sit down. We'll talk.” he stated limping his way over to a nearby sitting Area, Viper looking confused. “don't feed them too much.” Fenrir ordered to Shay. “they'll get sick if they eat too much too fast.” he informed her smirking as Harry grimaced. “i take it you ate a little too well last night hmm?” he teased Viper making a face but nodding. “i take it your here to talk about the brat?” Fenrir asked ruffling Viper's hair affectionately. “i'm gonna go get my crap.” Viper stated making faces at Fenrir, the werewolf rolling his eyes. “Crap is right, your not taking that bubble gum wrapper collection are you?” “....i don't have a bubble gum wrapper collection...” he stated glaring at Fenrir playfully before vanishing, ruffling the kids hair as he passed, the three children, and then others joining Shay for a miniature feast, the older ones controlling the younger ones so they wouldn't get sick, all of them thanking Shay eagerly as they ate.
shay smiled as they ate, before wrapping up the remains of what they didn't eat, making sure the meat and bread wouldn't spoil, casting a light preservation spell over it as she looked at the eldest."Now this will be enough for a few days as long as you don't eat it all right away and get sick."She warned looking cute and amusing helping the children.

Marvos smiled indulgently, long used to his sister's kindness he had a feeling that she was going to be dragging draco down here alot with her to give them food. sighing quietly as he tried to not laugh at the idea of a 'bubblegum' collection, wondering what bubblegum was. Smiling a little as he sat down, nodding slightly."He broke into the manor last night... and we were wondering how he ended up here."he said, not bothering to hedge about what they wanted.
the oldest nodded and took the food into the kitchen, the young kids snuggling into her, calling her 'The Lady' one of the older kids chuckling as he explained the title was from a story, when an Angel comes down and saves a young homeless boy from starvation. One of those made up stories that gives children the hope they need to survive.

Fenrir nodded. “i figured he was out thieving. Can't get him to stop.” Fenrir complained sighing a little. “if this is about punishment I can't let you hurt him. And we don't have the money to pay you back...” “no, we don't mind., we where wondering how a wizarding kid ended up in the muggle world.” Fenrir shrugged. “i don't know.” he admitted. “i found him in an alley, he was five or six.” he explained. “i got his address but I can't do anything really, not unless I wanted to stand outside their house until the full moon.” he shrugged and Draco's eyes widened. “are you a werewolf!?” he demanded Fenrir nodding. “there's an old cell downstairs.” he explained. “i lock myself up and stuff myself with Wolfsbane.” he admitted shaking his head. “not much else I can do, none of the kids here know, Viper suspects though, he's too smart for his own good sometimes.” he complained with a small grumble. “anyway I took him in when he was five, I knew he was magic the second I saw him, didn't want him to get picked up by someone else. Specially not Dumbledore, who came by a few weeks later looking for him. he didn't even recognize me the idiot.” he admitted shaking his head. “i was gonna send him to Lucius but...well I got attached.” he gave a bit of an impish grin. “it's hard not to like Viper.” he teased. “do you want his Uncles Address? They really need to pay for what they done to that poor kid. Did you know he was so terrified of the word Magic when I found him that any time he heard it he burst into tears? Those people knew what he was, and they put fear in him.” he scowled. “if you can make em pay, well, it's still less than they deserve.”
Shay shuddered a little as she joined the men, the smallish boy still snuggling against her chest as she sat down in the chair, gently stroking his hair as she saw the look in marvos' eyes. Sometimes looking at marvos was like looking at a tiger in the zoo. You just knew if the bars weren't between you and it, that you'd be the cat's next dinner. And damn, if Marvos wasn't good at being scary.

"OF course I want the address."Marvos said inspecting his nails as he sighed, laughing a little."It's amusing he ended up at the manor anyways."He shook his head though he looked more pissed then amused."We'll take care of it."He growled, angry at the thought of dumbledore looking for his viper. Starting a little at the idea of viper being his. Not even realizing he'd claimed him until that moment.
Fenrir lifted an eyebrow when he saw Shay with one of the children, chuckling a little. “i somehow knew the kids where gonna love you.” he teased smiling a little. “they can always sense someone very kind.” he admitted smiling a little as he examined Marvos, a wicked grin spreading across his lips. “i knew Viper liked you for a reason, your completely insane.” he admitted with a laugh as Viper came back down with a backpack full of stuff. “now I'll come back every month.” Viper promised a gaggle of kids following him. “you promise Vi!? Please!?” “of course, and I'll bring candy every time. And I'll bring food and even meat, as long as you behave and listen to nightshade.” “aaw but vi he's OLD!” “HEY! I heard that you little runt!” Fenrir growled, feigning Anger as the kids squealed with glee as they ran off before Fenrir could chase after them, the werewolf grumbling about being called old. “you really going with these people Vi?” Fenrir asked lifting an eyebrow Viper nodding. “i want to learn the magic.” he admitted smiling a little. “even if it doesn't really exist.” Viper teased chuckling a little. “alright, but be careful Viper...there's a war going on, it's dangerous for any magic fold these days...aware or not.” he admitted getting slowly to his feet. “come and visit me as often as you can.” he ordered slinging his arm around Vipers shoulders. “and see if you can't bring me some of those candies you gave to the kids?”
Shay laughed quietly as she set the five year old clinging to her like a monkey down, smiling as the kid whined pitifully at being put down. "Even if he doesn't, I'm make sure you get some candy."she teased getting up, rubbing her eyes.Looking tired and heartsore at the idea that it was dangerous to know magic. Marvos smiled softly at his sister, ruffling her hair as she looked as upset as the child she'd been holdng. "Come on brat, we ebtter go before you adopt them all. Lucius or mother would not be amused at the ide of you filling up the manors with kids." Shay smiled wrapping a arm around her brother's waist, cuddling into his side as he stood."What;s the address?"He asked having every intention of going straight to the uncle's house.
Viper looked a little confused at the mention of an adress. “oh, Viper knows the way to the Leaky Cauldron.” now Viper looked even more confused. “but you said I'm not supposed to go in there...” “no, I said your not to go in there ALONE.” Fenrir corrected. “your not going alone.” he stated simply Viper pondering this before nodding. “he's got no money so you'll have to buy everything.” he stated, well aware that Malfoy Pride would make sure that his Vi was well taken care of and had everything he needed, wand and all. He handed something to Marvose on a little piece of paper. “take care of my son.” Fenrir ordered Marvos, his eyes just as cold and unfeeling as Marvos's where. They warned of death should anything happen to Viper. Then he turned and limped back inside, Viper waiting for them at the doorway, offering Marvos a chance to read what Fenrir had given him. 'Number four Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey. Do not let Viper know where your going, he will panic and freak out. Try not to kill them. NS' well that would explain why Fenrir had avoided the subject earlier, poor Viper was so terrified of those people that even the mention of them drove him into terror. "so whats in the Leaky Cauldron that's so bad?" Harry asked Shay curiously. "Fenrir won't let me go in there alone, and he says he can't go in." Fenrir couldn't, he was literally blocked from entering any magical place because of the was a cruel punishment.
"The world's fighting with itself. It's hard to see who's working for who, and the leaky cauldron is a meeting place."Shay suppoled helpfully as she followed the guys outside. Marvos smiled slightly as he ran his thumb over the ink, tilting his head a little."Shay, go to diagon alley with Vi. Me and draco have some things to take care of."He said ignoring the look he was getting from his sister. He knew her. There was only so long she'd not ask questions, hopefully she let them get away before she started asking. And hopefully the idea of shopping would keep her busy.
Viper gave them all a funny look, clearly suspicious of what they where up to before rolling his eyes and heading off, leading the way to the Leaky Cauldron. “so what all am I going to need to learn the magic?” Harry finally asked Shay curiously, hesitating in front of the leaky cauldron, almost ten years of 'don't go in there' making him hesitate at the doorway, uncertain about going into an area where his own caretaker couldn't go.

Draco took the piece of paper from Marvos once they where out of sight, lifting an eyebrow in astonishment. “just what did these muggles do to viper that a simple mention of them would make him freak out?” he demanded, true anger tainting his voice. There was little that actually pissed Draco off, but abuse was one of them. “shall we head out then? You can still Apparate without being detected right?”
"A wand. Schoolbooks but we have them back at school. first stop a wand."she sid smiling a little as she rested a hand on Viper's hand, gently leading him inside, knowing that the man was hesitating because he'd been told to not go in there. Ignoring the looks they were getting as she led them through the crowd, pulling out her wand and gently tapping the right bricks, smiling as she watched him, amused as the bricks started to move. Wanting to see what he'd think about the magic.

Marvos looked at him, looking mildly insulted at the idea that he couldn't do it. Of course, that might just be spending time with lucius, who had more then enough arrogance for anyone. Having been taught by the blond at a early age to apparate just in case they got stuck or in trouble, and needed a way home. "Of course." He smiled restiing a hand on Draco's arm before apparating, wincing as they landed, his lip curling at the pitiful small house."This is disgusting."He announced, looking truly sick.
Viper watched all of the people around him with narrowed, suspicious eyes before gasping and leaping away from the wall when it started to open, his head tilted as he examined it, suspicious, but curious. He touched the edge of the wall and followed her into Diagon Alley, his eyes wide as he took in all the robed people, looking down at himself in his pants and shirt. Wizards clothing yes, but not robes, he suddenly felt self conscious. “oh yeah! I know about the school.” Viper agreed. “i got a letter when I turned eleven. Fen wanted me to go but I said no.” he admitted wrinkling his nose. “he was sick then, real sick and he would have died if I had gone, so I never went.” he admitted shrugging as he paused, staring at the broom store, his head tilted. “what are those for?”

Draco smirked a little, looking amused as he followed Marvos tot he house, wrinkling his nose at how...perfect, it was. grass perfectly clipped, home sparkling and spotless shaking his head a little. “very disgusting.” he agreed heading up to the door and pounding on it, looking as menacing as he could manage as the door opened, Petunia standing there, looking annoyed. “yes? I can help you?” she asked, annoyed, but feigning sweetness. “actually Ma'am we're here to ask you a few questions.” Draco stated simply, forcing his way inside, aiming his wand at her, watching her go pale. “ah, so you know what this is then hmm? Know about magic do you?” “VERNON!” She shrieked, voice laced with terror.
Shay smiled as she stopped next to him, tugging him into the store, letting him look around."Marvos mentioned flying didn't he? well these are brooms, the easiest way to fly."she said smiling wider."Would you like one?Both the boys have one, they could teach you how to fly."He said looking around the store to see if there was anything else in the quidditch store that he might find interesting.

"What?"Vernon thundered a little as he waddled out of the living room, freezing at the sight of the two young men ohlding wands. Despite them being younger and so much smaller, the threat of magic laid between them. Marvos sneered a little as he looked at Petunia."Do we really have to question them?I want to play with her."He said trailing his wand tip along her cheek, dark eyes bright, and almost fevered. There was few things that got to marvos like torture did, weather it was actual torture or just the love games that lucius sometimes got up to.
Viper ran his fingers from broom to broom, feeling each one, the words and numbers printed on each handle completely unknown to him before he paused at one, an outdated model, out-shined by the Firebolt. “can I have this one?” he asked looking over at Shay, gripping the Stratus 2000 vibrating in his hand as if excited to have been chosen. The man behind the counter recognized Shay as one of the 'Malfoy clan' and immediately shook his head. “oh no no, you don't want one of those, their outdated and not as fast as the Nimbus series, you really aught to go with a nimbus, here.” he stated holding out the broom to Viper who scowled and looked at the man. “i don't want, the nimbus, it doesn't react to me like this one does. Besides who needs to go fast?” he demanded. “if I wanna go fast I'll get a horse.” the man looked astonished, and then bruised as he took a step back away from Viper, the boy turning back to Shay. “please? Can I have this one?”

Draco chuckled as he turned his wand to Vernon. “yes we have to ask them questions. We're here to find out about the boy remember?” Petunia trembled violently as she felt the wand trailing down her skin. “what do you want to know!? What boy!?” she demanded, eager to cooperate if it meant getting them out of her house faster. “we want to know about a boy who was in your care about ten or eleven years ago. Black hair, eyes like emeralds.” Petunia went red faced. “we...we never had any such boy..we only have Dudley....” she stammered, swallowing thickly, clearly lying.
Shay laughed softly nodding."Whatever you want, love. Marvos-" Her smile widened into a smirk as she looked at the man, tilting her head. Knowing no one wanted to deal with Marvos. Ever. His bad temper had a tendency to rain on everyone's good day. So it was nice being able to use her brother to make sure harry was happy with whatever he wanted."You should get some flying leathers while we're here. The higher you go, the colder it gets."She said leading him over to where the outfits were, sighing in pleasure as she stroked the soft leather. A true girl, she loved clothing, and loved the feel of leather.

"We know no such boy!"Vernon protested flustered. Marvos pouted slightly pressing the wand tip tighter to her skin as he walked around her."Ah Draco, I could have such fun with this one."He said muttering to himself ,the flaying curse taking a strip of skin off her back, ignoring vernon's cursing and denials over the boy."Leave her alone!" "i think not. After all, why should I leave a liar alone?"
the man paled so fast you almost thought he would pass out then and there, Viper smirking a little as he nodded, clutching his broom eagerly as he examined the leathers, stroking his hand along one of them before hesitating, glancing at Shay. “is this expensive?” he asked nervously, not sure what Galleons and sickles where. “Shay.. I can't afford any of this...” he muttered, sounding rather ashamed. “i'm never going to be able to pay you back...” as far as he knew anyway, however when Draco and Marvos met them, they where going to realize that the only people richer than Viper was, was the Malfoys, and the Sharazai's.

Draco snarled as Petunia cried out in pain, Draco silencing the fat man with a well placed flick of his wand, smirking at Petunia, placing his wand to her neck as she sobbed. “okay! Okay! He was here! There was a boy living here! We got rid of him when he started showing signs of magic!” she squealed, Draco smirking a little. “how did you end up with him?” “he was my sisters brat. Lily Evans... she and her nasty husband got blown up and we found him on our doorstep with instructions to beat the magic out of him! Well we couldn't so we got rid of him!” she confessed, Draco scowling a little. “you where ordered to WHAT!?” “it was what the little brat deserved! He was always crying and talking back! Trying to attack us!” Draco snarled, Fury growing in his eyes as he listened to Petunia, his iron control slipping. It was rare that Draco actually wanted to cause Harm, he was surprisingly peaceful, but he wanted to rip them apart, and it was obvious from the look in his eyes.
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