
Shay looked surprised, swallowing easily when no yelling was immediately following Lucius' entrance to the bedroom."Ah. Well at least marvos can be trusted to move quickly."she muttered laughing a little looking worried as she slid a arm through draco's tugging him towards his bedroom."Now. you need to relax and take a bath yourself, because I am sure whatever your father dealt with today, is going to bite us in the ass tomorrow."She said, for a 15 year old, wise beyond her years. She'd grown up in a world being torn to twine between three men, and used to having the world turned upside down by them.

"Not everyday no. only when I'm staying here. My tub at Sharazai manor is bigger. Shay once put a pony in it to see if she could."He said smiling at the memory of his 7 year old sister wanting to give her pony a bath, and deciding his tub was perfect for it. Looking slightly pale as he realized just how much pain the boy had had done to him, he swallowed hard as he moved to sit on the reclining bench, closing his eyes as he leaned back against it, smiling slightly at the sound of viper splashing around the water.
Draco sighed softly and closed his eyes shaking his head as he ran a hand through his hair. “he's going to be very pissy tomorrow...” he muttered softly, feeling disturbed and distraught as he closed his eyes and shook his head. “i think it would probably be best if you and Marvos took a good long walk with Viper tomorrow.” he admitted sighing a little. “or we could just keep him in your room... I dunno Shay, there's just something about him. He feels important.” Draco always had a feel for things, he always knew when someone was going to be trouble, or when someone was going to be useless. He just knew things like that. “i think Viper might be someone we can learn to depend on.” he admitted smiling a little. “particularly if we continue to feed him your amazing cooking.”

Viper smiled as he luxuriated in the bathtub with his eyes closed as he took his time scrubbing his long hair and washing his grimy skin and face, turning to look to Marvos, looking curious now that he was certain he wasn't about to be beaten or raped. The chances of getting sold where still pretty good, or whored out was possible, but somehow Viper wasn't worried about it. “how come your helping me?” he finally asked Marvos, water clinging to his now golden tan skin, his emerald eyes glittering in the light of the bathroom, his black hair curling lightly around his face, making him appear even more pretty than he had before. “i'm just some kid of the streets, why do you even care?” Viper asked curiously his head tilted as he waited for an answer.
Shay nodded a little,blushing at the compliment as she bullied him into his bedroom, setting about gathering his things for a bath.Even though she wouldn't follow him in while he was undressing, she would sit and talk to him,much like marvos was doing with viper. Except she'd be not looking at him. After all, she had no intention of getting yelled at for doing so, even if she wanted to."I think that might be what's got marvos curious."she smiled a little."And there's so few things Marvos finds truly interesting these days."She said sighing a little. Knowing that while marvos loved her, loved draco, and tolerated everyone else in his life, that the few things her brother found really interesting, was exactly what he needed."We need to figure out how he ended up in the muggle world."She said slightly amused as she headed into the bathroom, starting the bath as she settled down on the bench curling up contentedly as she closed her eyes.

marvos sighed, looking at the boy through half closed eyes, looking slightly amused at the boys questions, before closing his eyes again. "You're a curiousity."he said slowly, biting his lip. Wondering how to tell this man, just how thin his line seperating sanity was. He knew what right and wrong was, he knew that he disliked what voldemort and dumbledore was doing to the world, but beyond the people he held close to him, he didn't have any qualms about things happening....and yet, viper tugged at a heart that he'd long thought was missing. A conscience that had been missing since birth, given form in the missing wizard child who didn't know who he was. And he was really, really trying hard not to tangle his fingers in the boys curly hair, he was just so pretty."Shay and Draco want to take care of you're a curiousity. I want to know about you."He said blandlly, not sure how to explain what drew him to the other.
Draco chuckled a little as she bullied him about, rolling his eyes a little but obediently stripping down, well aware that Marvos would slaughter them both if he knew about this night time habit of theirs. Yes they always closed their eyes, but it was still not an ok thing, which was why they never talked about it. “i think this kid is going to be good for him.” he admitted as he washed his hair slowly, savoring the time he had with Shay. “it's so rare that Marvos shows any interest in anything. And that Viper clearly needs some sort of education, I doubt he could even spell education.” he admitted shaking his head as he rinsed his hair. “i bet he remembers the muggles names, the ones who raised him, or even the address. Either would make it easy to find them. I bet they could tell us how he got there. Or we could go into his mind and find early memories, wizarding children can remember things from a year old sometimes.” wizarding children matured at a much greater rate than muggle children did. Viper had been talking by the time he was a year and a half old. And making sense by the time he was three.

Viper blinked at him his head tilted a little as if he wasn't sure that he believed the other before shrugging. “no one ever just wants to help someone else.” he stated calmly, staring at him for a moment. “but I suppose I'll find out eventually what you people are up to.” he decided laying back in the water, just relaxing now as he sighed softly. “but damn if this isn't the life... food... a bath with HOT water... I could really get used to this.” he admitted smiling almost lazily, like a contented kitten enjoying a warm pillow and a bowl of cream. “so tell me about this Wizard thing.” he ordered, staring at Marvos. “how come no one else knows about them?” he asked curious about the world he never knew he belonged in. “what kinds of things can they do? Aside form turning invisible and making people do things I mean.”
Shay smiled, "It probably would be fairly easy. And Marvos is the best at legimans, unless you want to ask your mother."she added, shivering a little at the idea. Knowing the woman wouldn't be happy that the boy had tried to steal her pretties. Sighing softly she losed her eyes, enjoying the time with him because she knew it was only a matter of time before Marvos found out.Hopefully viper would keep him distracted for a while longer."Marvos will enjoy teahing him.And it'll be intresting to watch him try."

"We can do all kinds of things. About anything you could imagine, even fly."He said amused running his fingers through his hair."And there's a strict policy on serecy. We cant do magic in front of muggles, and other rules around the same thing. Its more to protect us then them. Muggles have a long history of discriminating against people that aren't like them. Then again, thats whats wrong with the wizarding world right now, so maybe we're no better..."He said starting on his own little rant, for the moment forgetting that he was talking to someone else. Even at 16, he knew just how fucked up things were.
Draco nodded. “yes, and he seams to like Marvos the best, might trust him more.” Draco agreed, shaking his head a little as he slid out of the tub and wrapped a towel around himself, drying off. “i think it would be best not to let mother know about him until we have him civilized.” he decided shaking his head. “she'd traumatize the poor boy.” Narcissa would teach Viper to be 'well respected' even if it left him broken. He loved his parents but they where not good with kids, and treated them all as if they where miniature adults. It wasn't that they where cruel, they where just raising their kids the way they themselves had been raised. At least Draco had never been struck, his parents refused to beat any child, no matter how old. Draco had never even been caned the way most of his friends had been. Hell he'd never even been spanked, it was amazing he wasn't spoiled rotten, Marvos probably had something to do about that. “i'm dressed.” Draco informed her after a moment. “are you going to take a bath tonight?”

Harry made a pondering noise in the back of his throat before his eyes gleamed. “fly!?” he demanded perking up like a kitten at the sight of a twitching string. “i can't fly... I can float... how do I fly? You HAVE to show me!” he demanded, yanking himself out of the bed, letting Marvos see all of his graceful, lithe body once more. “i should probably send a letter to my Boss too, he'll be worried that another Gang took off with me, or that a customer killed me.” he admitted shaking his head as he looked around for a towel, grabbing one and drying his hair as he studied Marvos. “you seem different from other people.” he admitted. “even the Blondie and that girl act like normal people but... you act different. How come?” Viper wasn't just powerful, he was an observant little shit. “and you don't look at me either the way most people do.” he seamed to think that was an odd, but a good thing. “most people, they see me and the first thing they wanna do is fuck me, but you don't look at me like that.” he looked confused and baffled, but curious. He wanted to understand Marvos, know what made him tick, what made him run, and most of all, he wanted to know what Marvos wanted with him.
"True. Narcissa would traumatize anyone."Shay said thoughtfully, getting up and opening her eyes, smiling slightly as she dipped her head into a nod."I was going to if you don't mind me using your bath, seeing as viper has mine."She said blushing ever so slightly.running her fingerst through her hair, she laughed a little."draco, you always manage to find the most interesting things."She said, amused. Trying to puzzle out the boy.

Marvos smirked a little, finally opening his eyes, and looking up at him, letting the mask fall away. Blue eyes as dark as twilight, seemed to become as cold as a dark winter's night. Whatever made someone human, that part that everyone had, faded from his eyes, showing the soicopath hovering just out of reach for the teen."I don't like sex."He shrugged, having discovered that because sex involved touching someone else, he really didn't care for it. Even though he suspeted it'd change if he found someone who ould touch his ice cold heart."II'm not normal. I never have been."He said shrugging a little as he stood.
Draco chuckled and nodded, taking her place on the bench and closing his eyes letting her take her turn. “i do find interesting things don't I?” he asked sounding a little smug. “i have to wonder though, who raised him?” he mused his head tilted. “i think we should try to find Viper's...what did he call him? Boss? He might be able to explain how Viper came to be in the muggle world too.” he admitted. “or at least a little bit about Viper if nothing else.” he pondered for a moment and then. “you know, I'm really amazed your brother hasn't found out about this little habit of ours.” he admitted, feeling pleased with fooling his best friend.

Viper sat and watched him, studying his eyes intently before he smiled. “i knew I liked you for a reason.” he admitted carefully touching Marvos's cheek. “your just like Nightshade.” he admitted smiling a little. “he has eyes just like that, specially when he's got someone to torture.” he admitted with a small chuckle. It was clear Viper was a little twisted in ways they wouldn't have expected. He stood up when Marvos did and stretched a little, his stomach growling again. “shut up you, any more and you won't be able to keep it in.” he chastised his belly. “i'm frankly amazed I haven't upchucked already.” he complained yawning a little as he lazily looked Marvos over. “so, where are my new clothes then? I recall new clothes being a part of this deal.”
"Me to.He's usually more observant then this."She said agreeing both with the observation, and that they should find who viper had worked for. smiling as she stripped down, climbing in the tub with a sigh.

Marvos smiled, the laughter and humanity back in his eyes as he headed for the door."we'll borrow some of draco's for now. Tomorrow we'll go get some new ones."He said knowing his own clothes wouldn't fit the small boy. Absently knocking as he walked into draco's bedroom, pausing halfway through as he realized people were talking in the bathroom, growling quietly as he stalked across the room, pausing in the doorway."Whatever are you two doing?"He asked, looking at his wide eyed and slightly frightened, and very very naked sister then his best friend.
Draco looked up when he heard Marvos entered and some part of him started to panic. “Cover your eyes man!” Draco finally ordered. “she's a lady! You can't just stare at her when she's naked!” he was more ordering this at Viper, who was watching Shay curiously, as if he'd never seen a female body before. It was making Draco very jealous really. He handed Shay a towel, carefully making sure that he didn't look at her, glaring at Viper who was still examining her. “i aint never seen a girl naked before.” he admitted suddenly. “where's she pee from?” he asked looking puzzled and Draco clapped a hand to his mouth, turning away from them all so they wouldn't see him laughing at the poor naive Viper. “we where just talking Marvos.” Draco informed him. “i had my eyes closed.” he promised, fearing the man's wrath.
Marvos ground his teeth together, the only thing keeping him from going for both draco and viper's throat was the poor boy's naiviety. Swallowing hard he rubbed a hand over his face, ignoring his scared sister as she started getting dressed. Better not to think about it when she was there, knowing Draco could handle being yeled at where shay'd totally lose it. "Draco, I need some clothes for Viper."he said slowly, sounding as coldly plesant as Lucius could be, the slight amusement he found at Viper's question keeping him from totally losing it right now.
Viper blinked a little and then seamed to realize that him staring at Shay was going to get him killed and turned around and stared at a wall, Draco smiling a little as he realized that Marvos was struggling to contain his temper. “Shay, would you take Viper back to his room? He looks like he could use a nap in a real bed.” Viper looked eager at the thought of a bed and turned immediately to follow shay, feeling very tired. Draco watched them leave before he set up the silencing spell, feeling rather terrified of what Marvos was going to do to him, nodding at his friend. “they can't hear us now.” he promised, examining Marvos. “just don't bruise my face kay? I'd like to have an open casket at my funeral.” he admitted watching him closely, well aware he was probably going to be put through a lot of pain for this.
Marvos stared at him, before gaping a little. His jaw falling slightly before harsh laughter filled the room, doubling over with it. "Oh.oh damn Draco.You amuse me.Shit."He said struggling to calm down,his temper snapping in a rare way for him, falling into hysterics. Before straightening laughing softly as he walked over, slugging the man hard and just enough to bruise and not break anything as he rested a hand against Draco's shoulder to keep him from falling as he turned his head to whisper in his ear."You really do like her don't you?"He muttered, slightly amazed his friend had risked so much, knowing how his temper would snap if he found out. The slight amusement at vipers wonder, and amazement at Draco's stupid bravery, was keeping him from killing him.
Draco flinched when Marvos started laughing, looking confused when he realized Marvos wasn't beating the shit out of him, he actually looked more afraid of his best friend when he was laughing, staring at the man as if he was crazy, yelping as he felt the fist connect to his jaw, stumbling back only to be steadied by the arm, shaking his head to try and clear out the tiny stars that where blocking his vision. “i do not!” Draco protested automatically, though the blush on his cheeks gave him away as he managed to clear his vision and rub his jaw. “that's it? Your gonna punch me? Shit I thought you where gonna murder me.” he admitted sighing a little. “i'm sorry, I know we shouldn't have but we kept our eyes closed.” he promised. “besides she started it.” he complained pouting a little as he headed for the door, wary of another attack.

“your an honest person right?” Viper asked suddenly as he watched Shay closely. “what is it that you people want with me? Blondie wouldn't answer me and Marvos gave me some bullshit story about you people wanting to help me.” he hadn't believed Marvos after all. “are you gonna sell me?” he asked curiously. “or make me your rent boy?” whore him out? Draco wouldn't be capable of something like that, and despite his cold exterior Viper sort of doubted that Marvos was too, but he had to know what the hell these people where gonna do to him. No one was that nice, no one. “or are you gonna keep me for yourselves?” he asked wondering if maybe they where going to make him a personal slave instead, both Marvos and the Blondie did look like they could use a good lay, though he was going to have to refuse Shay, no offense to her but girls where gross, they where soft and had weird lumps everywhere and FAR too many clothes. If Viper was being honest with himself though, he wouldn't mind being a personal slave, he got good food, a nice bed, a REAL bed for that matter, a hot water bath, and he was even going to get new clothes, not to mention magic lessons...maybe. If he had to pay for all of that with a little sex and maybe some cleaning now and again, he was more than ready to bend over and let them do as they pleased.
Marvos snickered, a small evil sound. Taking revenge for this in making the blond jumpy. After all, he was just going to let it go because his friend seemed to like his sister, and not just jerking her chain. so for now, he'd let it go. Even if he was enjoying scaring the crap out of his best friend.You know, it really doesn't surprise me it was her idea."He mused shaking his head, black hair swirling slightly, before snickering."Now. I'm going to pretend like I don't know so if you want to continue, do so.BUT, closed eyes. Please."He said smirking a little.

Shay looked startled at the idea, before snickering."Yea I'm honest.Ah well, Marvos MIGHT keep you for himself. And just where did you grow up?Marvos wont say it, but he really is curious about you."she smiled a little. "After all, you amused him enough that he didn't murder Draco.Which. Is amazing."she giggled a little nervously. Worried about her friend, and hoping she hadn't gotten draco into to much trouble with marvos.
Draco nodded, looking amused. “it really scared the shit out of me when I crawled into the bath and looked over and she was sitting on the bench with her eyes closed.” he admitted chuckling. “then she started talking about something and we just... kept talking.” he admitted with a shrug. “i guess it's because the bathroom is the most private place in the house, I think she suspects the house elves of listening in.” he admitted looking a little amused as he slowly started to calm down. “i never open my eyes.” he promised. “i don't know if she does or not, I try not to look at her when I'm in the bath...” he admitted blushing furiously as he headed for Viper's new room, pausing and glancing at Marvos, pressing a finger to his lips as he heard the girl and boy talking.

Harry pondered that and then nodded, honestly not looking like he'd mind being kept. “how am I amusing!?” he demanded, suddenly feeling insulted. “i am intimidating damn you!” he cursed glaring at her, but he didn't look so intimidating now that he was clean, naked, and as pretty as Draco was. Even more so than Draco was. He paused and pondered her question then. “well, the streets mostly.” he admitted. “the lady and the fat man, they where my aunt and uncle, they where supposed to take care of me when my parents died, but when I started doing things, wizard things they loaded me into the trunk of their car and dropped me off in an alleyway and told me to never go back. Nightshade found me and took me in, he taught me how to steal and beg, and cry on command to get out of trouble.” he admitted smirking a little.

“he was furious when he found out I started whoring myself out, but it was my body and I was getting really hungry. When you start getting older people don't give you much money no more.” he admitted. “and I'm pretty, no matter how I feel about it I am, I get good money.” he grinned a little. “but, I like Marvos, I wouldn't mind bending over for him, I bet he could give me a wild ride.” he didn't seam to realize that a fifteen year old girl shouldn't be hearing topics like that. And Draco was blushing furiously. “hey, do you think they'll let me go home for a day or so? I gotta let Nightshade know I'm ok. He's as good as my father, he'll be worried when I don't go back...”
Shay's jaw fell a little, looking shocked and blushing. Knowing Marvos was goign to totally lose it when he realized just how much sexual content his 'curiousity' had just revealed to her. She knew her brother liked to think she knew nothing about sex. It was easier for him to do that then to actually consider her someday having it.Not that she was overly interested now it was just, someday."I'm sure Marvos wouldn't mind taking you to see nightshade. He does enjoy the occasional trip into the muggle's world."she said looking amused knowing her brother only went to remind himself that no matter how torn apart the wizarding world was, it was better then the muggle one.

"....I think I'd prefer you didn't discuss sex with my sister Viper."Marvos said coldly, though he looked slightly amused.Still mentally laughing over viper's wonder about women's peeing habits, that he really couldn't get upset. Later, yes. Right at the moment, he was amused. And more then a little shocked at the idea of viper not minding bending over for him. Or that the man thought he'd be a wild ride. After all, he didn't like sex. Hadn't ever really considered how beautiful he was, or that maybe he could be at sex if he tried. That was just way to much touching other people to be appealling to him
Viper looked amused at her dropped jaw and blush. “don't tell me your a virgin? At your age? That's really impressive.” he admitted looking rather impressed, of course in his world you either dished out, or got raped. And if you could manage to not dish out or get raped then they where worthy of admiration, in Viper's eyes Shay was one tough cookie. “why not? She's got to be old enough.” he stated simply at Marvos. “i think...” he pondered then shrugged. “Sex is a part of life, everyone does it eventually...” he stated looking at Draco funny as he silently motioned for Viper to shut up. “anyway.” Viper stated turning his attention to Marvos. “would it be alright it I went back tomorrow? I have things I need to pick up and I wanna let Nightshade know that I'm alright, he'll be worried.” he admitted picking at his towel. “and clothes maybe? I really would like some clothes it's kind of cold in here.” he stated crossing his arms a little making Draco gasp. “sorry!” he stated vanishing and then reappearing with new pants, underwear and shirt all in the softest material available. Viper ignored the underwear, and all three in the room as he shed the towel, giving Shay, and Draco far more of a look than they'd ever wanted of nude male body before he got dressed, looking amazed at how soft the cloth was on his skin. “these clothes are amazing...” Viper stated looking a little worried. “are you sure I can wear these? Their way too expensive...” “i outgrew them last year, wear them, no one else can. Might as well let someone have them.” he stated with a shrug, Viper still running his hands along his shirt, looking amazed that anything could be so soft and clean. “Nightshade is gonna crap his pants when he see's me.” Viper stated, looking amused. “i don't think I've ever been this clean and well dressed.”
Shay snickered, blusing a little at her older brother's look. Before smiling."Ah well, if you want to be marvos' personal slave then, you better get used to being well dressed. He's a whore for good fashion." "Am not!" "are to. Brother mine, you spent over a thousand galleons for shoes. Cloth whore."She teased getting up off the couch, dropping a kiss on viper's cheek."We'll go in the morning, as soon as everyone's up."She said, knowing that by the time everyone got moving the elder malfoy's would be gone. Marvos rolled his eyes a little kissing his sister's cheek as she hugged him."Goodnight."He said before smirking giving his friend a look,"And if you're sleeping in draco's bed, sleep clothed."He teased shoving them both out of the door, shutting it in their faces, having every intent of going to sleep curled up with viper.
Viper just smirked at the mention of being a slave to Marvos and yawned, rubbing his eyes a little as he was kissed, flinching away from her and looking at her like she was crazy, rubbing his cheek free of her 'germs' with an annoyed look, Draco chuckling a little before going beat red. “sh..she isn't going to sleep in my bed!” he protested, and poorly at that. They all knew if Shay wanted to, Draco wouldn't deny her. He groaned and shook his head, touching his cheek where Marvos had punched him. “you know, I expected him to be a lot more pissed off about all this... Viper came at a very good time.” he stated with a small nod.

Viper yawned again and crawled into the bed, sliding under the covers and snuggling into he soft, so soft mattress and cuddled into the fluffy pillow. “mmm I think I'm gonna like being a slave.” he mumbled, sounding happy and pleased. He'd even accept a good harsh beating for no reason so long as he got to keep the pillow and bed. He opened his sleepy emerald eyes and smiled at Marvos, looking, for once, the naive innocent boy he was. “i'm glad I tried to steal all your jewelry.” he mumbled. “this was the best day of my life.”
Shay smiled a little as she followed Draco into his room, looking towards marvos' door, biting her lip."I think...yes viper came at a good time, but he could have beaten you worse then that.Even if he was amused."she said walking towards the 16 year old, gentle fingers resting on his jaw, making sure the boy hadn't gotten a broken jaw. Sighing quietly."Good. No broken bones."she said wrinkling her nose a little, shaking her head as she crawled into his bed. To curious. And despite knowing it'd get her yelled at, she wanted to see just how far she could push her brother's temper."Goodnight Draco."She said snuggling down into the boy's soft fluffy bed.

Marvos laughed softly, ruffling soft black hair."Now, go to sleep. We have a busy day tomorrow."He said crawling into the other side of the bed, sighing quietly as he settled down, closing his eyes as he fell asleep. Wondering just what the visit to the muggle world would bring.
Draco offered her a smile and crawled into bed with her, sighing as he realized that he was just going to push Marvos closer to that intense murderous rage, but he couldn't deny Shay. In the night Viper had snuggled in tight to Marvos, and when Marvos woke it was to Harry's growling stomach and to a nice warmth warning his belly from Vipers hot body, the brunette sleeping peacefully, ignoring his hungry belly far too easily. He had clearly been hungry for a very long time. He shifted against Marvos and groaned a little, searching for something, finding a blanket and yanking it over his head before falling still once more, half waking only long enough to block the annoying morning sun before going straight back to sleep. It was kind of cute.
Marvos' lips quirked into a smile, for once finding someone cuddled up against him in the morning, not overly annoying him. Turning his head he brushed a absent kiss against his forehead like he would for shay sighing quietly as he listened to the man's stomach growl. Wincing slightly as he realized the man was used to ignoring it.Summoning a elf he paused, shaking harry's shoulder, not sure what to order him for breakfast."Harry, what do you want to eat?"

Shay yawned whining quietly as she snuggled closer to draco, her head resting against his chest. looking content and cute cuddled against the pale blond.Nuzzling his neck as she started waking up whining quietly as she pulled the blanket up over her head, not wanting to wake up just yet.
Viper groaned a little and shifted next to Marvos. “Saint, get out of my bed.” he groaned. “for a guy named Saint... you sure find your way in my bed a lot.” he mumbled sleepily. “give the food to Tom tom.” he ordered yawning a little. “he's the littlest...i ate...” he fell back asleep, snoring softly now as he rested against Marvos before he gasped, leaping out of the bed, rushing into the bathroom and slamming the door shut, doing what his body had been fighting against doing since he'd taken a first bite of the super rich food... he puked.

Draco snuggled a little more against her when she snuggled him, smiling a little as he watched her sleep, hesitantly stroking the hair out of her face, letting his adoration and emotions for the younger girl show on his face. If Marvos where to see the look on Draco's face he'd know there was no saving Draco, he belonged to Shay no matter how desperately Shay wanted her to remain alone for the rest of her life. “Shay? Are you hungry?” he finally asked, smiling a little. “it's morning...”
Mrvos sighed as he watched the other run into the other room, shaking his head at it. well now this was just nasty. Wrinkling his nose he truly disliked the idea of puke n the floor. Gently pushing open the door he sighed and kept from cussing at the smell of puke."Now. I guess that means breakfast is out before he go to where ever you want to go."He said rubbing a hand over his face.

Shay smiled slightly, wrinkling her nose, nuzzling his hand as he stroked her hand. For once, her guard completely down and showing just how cuddly she could be. After all, she was similar to Marvos, she didn't enjoy touching overly much, and had every intention of never letting anyone close. After all, she'd seen what kind of emotional torment it'd had on her parents when they'd been forced to mrry, and the loving if slightly cool feelings between the malfoy elders were the only examples of what a good marriage could be, so she figured it was better to stay alone if only so not to get hurt. Yet, sleeping, she snuggled and cuddled the blond in her arms." is good..."She muttered blinking sleepily looking up at him with a smile.
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