Love and Hate at Hogwarts (London and MissBubbles)

"Oh I think I can come up with some way to convence you," Robert smiled. Squeezing her hand, Robert opened the passage and moved out to the hall. Moving down the hall, robert kept his eyes out for anyone that might be close by. Moving to the statue of the one eyed witch, Robert looked around before taping the statue with his wand.

looking around again as the secret passage opened, Robert motioned to Tess, "Inside quick..."
Tess was amazed by how much he knew about the school. She would never be able to remember all these passages let alone remember where the halls go. Smiling when he squeezed her hand she followed him into the next passage. "So where exactly are we going?" Once inside the passage she let go of Roberts hand. She removed her robe and held it over her arm. She reached out for his hand again.
Turning to answer her question, Robert stopped dead in his tracks when he saw her take off her robe. "I... um... I... Wow... You look beautiful..." he said softly. "Sorry... We're going to a little restaurant I know. The owners know me so they won't think nothing about me appearing during the week."
taking her hand he smiled as they started walking again.
She smiled when he stuttered and she couldn't help but blush at his words. "Thank you" She couldn't wait to get to the restaurant. Holding his hand tight she walked along side him. Tyler had never once taken her out on a date and she was more then excited to go. Tess leaned over and kissed Robert's ear as they walked. "I'm really glad you asked me to go out to dinner, I haven't been out many times since I got here."
"I'm surprised that your friends didn't take you out and show you around," he said, "Well I guess I'll have to change that..." Reaching into his robe he pulled out the map he had made for her. Holding the parchment up, "I made you something. I thought you might like it..." he said handing it to her.
She smiled as he pulled the map and gave it to her. "First you ask me to dinner and now your giving me a gift. I think you might have a crush on me." Tess stopped and leaned in kissing him softly. Sucking on his bottom lip she grabbed his robe pulling him closer. Pulling her lips from his for a moment she whispered against them, "Thank you." She kissed him again, deeper this time and let her tongue slide in his mouth.
Smiling, "And here I thought you were the one with the crush..." he said knowing he could really say he didn't have one. "All it is is a map of the school... But you are welcome," he said returning her kiss. Sliding his tongue into her mouth, Robert pulled her close, his hand caressing her back. Slowly pulling back, "We should get going... We still need to get back to the library tonight..."
She pulled Robert back to her and kissed him again. "I could care less about the library or dinner for that matter right now. Yes, I'm excited about both but I want yo,u even if its just some quick kisses." Before he could deny her she gently pushed him against the wall and kissed his lips. Nibbling on his bottom lip her hands slid under his robe over his chest. They would get to dinner, Tess just wanted a little bit more.
Wrapping his arms around her, Robert pulled her close as he returned her passionate kiss. One hand caressed her back while the other moved lower to squeeze her ass. Kissing her deeply, his tongue danced with hers as his hand continued to squeeze and caress her. Moaning as she nibbled on his lip, Robert's hand slipped under her dress to continue to squeeze her butt.
Tess still wasn't wearing any panties, she thought Robert would like it. Moaning against his lips as she felt his hands slide over her, she let her lips move to his ear. She tugged at his ear lobe with her teeth before she whispered against his ear, "I just wanted a little bit of this, so we can go to dinner now." She would rather stay there and let this go further but she still wanted to get to the restaurant. Tess pulled away from him and pushed her dress down from where his hand slid under it.
Moaning softly when she pulled on his ear, Robert's hand squeezed her naked butt. Smiling, "Ok... Dinner it is," he said softly. Watching her push her dress down, Robert smiled as he held his hand out. "The end of the passage isn't to far... We'll be there shortly." Looking at her, Robert knew that he was in trouble of falling for her. Smiling he cleared his head, "Come on Slytherin... I'm going to eat a big meal so I can eat you later."
Tess smiled at him and took his hand. "I can promise you no Ravenclaw is half as fun as I am." She leaned up and kissed his neck softly as she walked next to him. "Well luckily I'll let you have me for dessert." Holding onto Roberts hand, Tess couldn't help but show her excitement for the night. As much as she wanted to think this was all about the sex , it wasn't. She was looking forward to spending time with Robert as much as she was looking forward to the sex.
"Oh really... I might take that as a challenge. I'll have to prove I'm more fun then you are... But wait... I've already showed how much fun I can be..." he laughed. Moaning when she kissed his neck, "Hmmmm. that sounds like the best dessert to me. I used to eat dessert first... But I'll wait." Wrapping his arm around her waist, Robert pulled her close, "I think it's only fair that you get me as your dessert..."
"You don't have to wait if you don't want to. Dessert is always available whenever you want it", she laughed as she spoke. Smiling as he wrapped his arm around her waist Tess realized she was liking Robert more and more. She didn't know if that was good or bad. Trying not to think on it too much she looked up at him, "Are we almost there yet? I'm getting really hungry."
"I'll make myself wait for dessert. It'll be that much better when I do eat it," he winked at her. "We're just about there. Just up the way... Then we'll be in town." he said pointing up the passage. "We'll come to a trap door in a minute then we'll go through the store and be on the street. After that it's just a short walk to the inn."
"Well if you just can't wait we can always sneak into the restroom during dinner." She smiled and walked with him down the passage. Tess couldn't help but lean up and nibble on the skin of his neck. It was hard not to be all over Robert when he was around her. She loved touching and kissing him. Hearing him moan was something she would do anything for.
"I'll just sneak me a taste while we're at the table..." he said moving his hand up to squeeze the side of her breast. Moaning as she nibbled on his neck, "If you keep doing that..." he said moaning. Leaning over to kiss her neck, Robert ran his hand over her breast, pinching her nipple.

Coming to a trap door, Robert slowly pushed the door open. Peaking out he smiled as he opened the door completely. Holding her hand, he walked her out and through the candy store. Turning down the street, Robert lead her down the street to the front of a comfortable looking inn. "Here we are."
She moaned as he nibbled on her neck and ran his hand over her breast. He was making her wet and want him more then she already did. She followed him out and smiled as she looked down the street. He lead her down the street and they stopped in front of an inn. "This looks pretty." She smiled up at Robert and kissed his lips softly.
Returning her soft kiss, Robert smiled as he opened the door. Holding it open for her, "I hope you like it... I know you'll love the tables," he smiled his hand running over her ass. Squeezing her butt, Robert walked her over to a table. Setting with his back to the wall, Robert waved over the waitress.

"How are you doing tonight," the waitress asked, "We have anything you want. So what can I get you to drink?"
Tess walked over and sat down at the table with him. Smiling she looked up when the waitress walked over to the table. "Ummm could I have a coke?" She looked around the restaurant and smiled. This was the first real date she had went on since she arrived her. She guessed it was a date. She didn't want to put to much thought into this. Tess wanted it to be a date. She liked Robert and hoped he was feeling the same way.
"Make it two cokes," he smiled to the woman. Moving to set a little closer to Tess, Robert smiled, "When she said they have anything she meant it. They can make anything you want. The cook is a top notch witch and a hell of a good cook." As he spoke, Robert's hand slipped under the table to caress her leg. "Listen... I'm really glad you came with me. After the last couple days I have to admit I was wrong about you... And I'm sorry..."
She smiled over at him and enjoyed feeling his hand on her leg. She leaned over and kissed him quickly. "I'm glad I came too and I was wrong about you too. So I'm sorry too." She kissed him again and rested her hand against his that was on her leg. "I... I like you and your not anything like what I thought you were." Smiling at Robert, she looked him in the eyes. "I'm kind of glad that I accidentally bumped into you with that potion."
Robert smiled when she apologized to him too. Returning the kiss, his hand squeezed her thigh before slowly moving a little higher. "I didn't think I would say this... But i'm glad you bumped into me too. And not only because of the sex. I'm enjoying talking to a beautiful girl... That I love to have sex with," he chuckled.
She giggled and moved to kiss his ear, "Your not so bad in bed either." Smiling when she felt his hand slide over her thigh it didn't do anything but excite her. Robert was always exciting her, more then any other guy had. It wasn't just the great sex he was just fun to be around. She honestly couldn't think of spending time with anyone else then him since they bumped into one another.
Turning his head, Robert kissed her lips. "I think we do pretty good for ourselves..." he smiled. Moving his hand higher, his finger started to slid under her dress and he caressed her thigh. Looking up as the waitress brought back their drinks, Robert turned to Tess, "Any idea of what you want?"
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