Love and Hate at Hogwarts (London and MissBubbles)

"You thought I was gay," he said laughing, "Until last year I had a girlfriend. Her parents moved away so she had to transfer to a school in Japan." Pulling his pants on, "Other then that I usually keep my private life private." pulling his shirt on, Robert buttoned it up as he moved closer to her, "You sure you don't need me to take you? I can get around the school fairly quickly using the passages."
"Awwww do you miss her?, walking over Tess wrapped her arms around his neck. Tess kissed his lips softly and bit his bottom lip. Stopping him from completely buttoning up his shirt she slid her hands over his chest. "Yes Robert I am sure", kissing his lips again she pulled away from him completely. "but if you really want to walk me to class you can."
Smiling, "I did... But then your potion stopped that," he said as he returned her kiss. Placing his hands on her hips, Robert squeezed her ass as they kissed again. "If you can find your way... I would but I figure you need to talk to Tylor and I shouldn't be there for that..." he said as he finished getting dressed. "I'll be in your common room at 9 tonight. I think we should be able to find a couple books on magic and sex fairly quickly with both of us looking..."
She moaned against his lips when he kissed her. Letting him pull away Tess pulled in her robe. "I guess your right. How do you think he will take it." Tess was dreading doing this but she really had no choice, she wasn't willing to give up the amazing sex she was having with Robert. "9 o'clock it is", she spoke with a smile.
Robert hadn't given Tylor much thought until she asked him. "I don't know. If it's anything like the last one I heard about he probably won't believe you are breaking it off. From what I was told he hounded the girl until he decided to break it off a month later..." Robert hated Tylor but he wasn't to afraid of him becoming violent. He just wouldn't take no for an answer...

"9 it is then," he smiled. Pulling his robe on, Robert turn toward the door as he heard the warning bell for the next class, "We had better get moving..." he said wrapping his arm around her waist to kiss her deeply
Hearing what Robert had to say about tyler only made her worry more. She had hoped it wouldn't go anything like that. Smiling when he wrapped his arm around his waist Tess leaned up to kiss him goodbye. Pulling away she kissed him again quickly. "I'll see you later then ok." Tess left in deep thought. Not sure how to break the news to Tyler, she decided to just tell him she needed time for herself. She sighed softly to herself knowing she had class with Tyler and would have to get it over with.
Robert smiled, "Ok..." Watching her walk out, Robert shook his head at what had happened in just one day. The one girl he had hated the most had not only turned into a friend but one hell of a lover...

Tyler stood out side of their next class. Watching girls walk into the classroom, he wondered when he would be able to get with his lover again. What he hadn't told anyone was that he was cheating on Tess. All of the time she spent in the library, he was in his dorm with one of their housemates. Turning in time to see Tess walk up, Tyler smiled, "Hey baby..." he said moving to hug her.
For once Tess didn't get lost at all. She smiled when she saw Tyler standing outside of class. He moved to her and hugged her. Hugging him back loosely Tess pulled away, "Ummmm I need to talk to you real quickly. About us." She looked down as she spoke, truly feeling bad about the situation. Tyler had never actually done anything to make her want to break up with him and she felt horrible about that. "I was thinking maybe you and I should take a break." Biting her lips out of nervousness, Tess looked up into Tyler's eyes. "I don't want to hurt you or anything I just think taking a break would be a good idea for me right now." She had noticed until then that she wasn't breathing. Tess had no idea why she was letting this get to her, but she knew once she was back with Robert she would forget all about this situation. Knowing that was enough to keep her smiling.
"What do you want to talk about baby," Tyler said only half listening. 'Damn Tess..." he said looking at the classroom door, "If you had shown up earlier we could have skipped class... It's a little late to now though," he said completely misunderstanding her. Showing his usual thickness, "If you feel bad I'll take you to the hospital wing. I'm sure the professor would understand... Oh by the way... Just wait until you see what I have planned for this weekend. Sense we get to go to the village I'm going to get us a room so we can a little party with some of the others from the dorm... It's going to be a lot of fun..."
Tess wa actually kind of happy abou the way Tyler was acting. She kept feeling so bad about breaking up but here he was acting like his usual self. Tess knew he never listened to her when he spoke and this was a prime example. "Tyler your not listening to me" gently grabbing his face she forced him to look at her. "I'm breaking up with you." she let go of his face and smiled at him. "Sorry."
Looking at her, Tyler couldn't help but return her smile, "Oh don't be silly... You're not going to break up with me." Leaning down Tyler kissed her quickly on the lips, "Why would anyone want to break up with me... It's a good joke though..." he said. Pulling her into class, "I've invited everyone that counts to the party. Of course the only ones worth a damn are our fellow Slytherins. Baker is bringing the Butterbeer so he'll be bringing that girl he's seeing but everyone else will be from Slytherin," he said as if she hadn't even spoken.
He was beginning to really annoy her. "It's not a joke tyle, I'm serious" she interrupted him as he spoke about the party and pulled her hand back. "just listen to me for once because I'm being very serious. Also I have plans not that you would ever ask but I'm not going to this party." she never truly enjoyed them. Tyler would flirt with girls in front of her and then do who knows what afterwards. Tess was no idiot when it came to Tyler.
"Of course you're going to the party," he said as if that was the only thing that she said, "How would it look if my girlfriend wasn't there." Shaking his head, Tyler walked over to his desk, "You're just being ridiculous. You will love my party... You always do."

"Come to order class," the professor said walking up to the chalk board. Waving his wand, the asignment appeared on the board, "There is no need to talk." he said looking around at the class.
Tess walked over and took her seat next to Tyler. He was literally just ignoring her breaking up with him. She didn't know what else to say to him. Tess looked up front when the professor began to speak. She really didn't know what else to do. Tess told him 2 times and if he wasn't going to listen to her she didn't care.
Tyler knew all to well she was trying to break up with him, but he couldn't let that happen. He had a reputation that he needed to uphold. At least she wasn't like the last girl that nearly ruined his reputation by trying to break up with him in public. He'd give her a few days before he broke up with her... But until then he was going to use her as much as possible.

Slipping his hand over to rub her leg, Tyler grinned to himself thinking that she wouldn't do anything in class.
Feeling Tyler slide his hand over her leg she quickly smacked it away. Scooting her seat away from him she kept her attention towards the front. She was surprised that he was acting like this, just ignoring the fact that she broke up with him. Crossing her legs away from Tyler she hoped he would keep his hands to himself for the remainder of the class.
A soft growl sounded deep in Tyler's throat when she pulled away. Deciding to get back at her for not only pulling away but also breaking up with him, Tyler wrote her a note, adding a spell that would change it if anyone else looked at it. Sliding the note to her when the professor could see it, he grinned as he looked back to his book.

The note read: I'm sorry baby.

The professor walked over and picked up the note, looking at it. Shaking his head, "I expected better of you..." he said holding the note to were she could read it. Unlike when she might have read it, the note now read in Tess's handwriting: The professor is a moron. This is so much bullshit.
In Tyler's handwriting: Not funny Tess...
She read the note and was going to push it away before the professor grabbed it. She was completely confused with what he was saying to her. "Excuse me?" She looked over at Tyler to see him grinning looking down at his book. She sighed softly and looked back at the professor. "I'm sorry, it won't happen again." She was extremely pissed, he was listening to her and now he was going to act like an asshole. Tess smiled at the professor hoping she wasn't going to get attention for this.
"Since this is your first offense I think a warning is enough,,, Just don't let it happen again," the professor said slipping the note into his pocket. Turning back to the board he continued the class as if nothing had happened.

Tyler growled when he heard that she was only getting a warning. Leaning over, he tried to cover himself, "I'm sorry baby... I didn't mean to get you in trouble."
When he leaned over to whisper against her ear she smiled over at him. Leaning over she pressed her lips against his ear, "If you want to act like a dick that's fine but just try and remember who I am. I have no problem blowing this whole thing out of proportion and embarrassing you in front of this whole class." Pulling away with a smile. "OK baby." She should have known he would respond this way, he was an asshole after all. Returning her attention to the professor she opened up her book and tried her best to pay attention for the rest of class.
Tyler pulled back from her and smiled. He knew all to well she would do what she said. 'This is going to take planning...' he thought to himself. Setting back in his chair, Tyler tried to figure out what was happening. They slept together every night, spent all their free time together, and hated the same people. As far as he knew they were a perfect match. But something happened that had changed all of that... 'I'm going to figure this out one way or another...' he said to himself.
Tess glanced over at Tyler from time to time and could tell he was deep in thought. She knew Tyler very well by this point and assumed he was going to try and ruin her stay here. She thought it was a bit much since she was sure he didn't really care that much about her. It hurt her to admit it, but she new it was the truth. Once class ended and students began filing out she looked over at Tyler, "I really don't want this whole situation to get crazy. I know you and I know your mad, but we both know your just pissed because i broke up with you and you didn't get to break up with me." Grabbing her books Tess got up from her seat before Tyler could say anything back to her. Knowing him, there was nothing she could say or do, he was going to do whatever he wanted. He always did.
Tyler had excepted her to stay behind after class to talk, but when she left before he could say anything that was a different matter. Moving out of the class, he watched her walk down the hall. Thinking about following her, he slowly turned away from the direction she went. If he was going to pay her back for this he was going to have to be careful. Tyler knew that if someone saw him bugging her that he could get into trouble. That was the last thing he wanted...

Robert moved through the library after class. He had a free time and wanted to do as much research as he could before they came back that night. He had overheard a couple of the girls in his house talk about pleasure spells... After talking to them he had finally got them to tell him what book they found the spells in.
Tess looked back to see Tyler walking in the other direction. She was extremely happy he didn't follow after her because she was not in the mood for a confrontation with him. Heading off to her next class she was pretty sure she shared it with Robert. She rarely payed attention to who was in her classes besides fellow slytherins but it was different now. Her eyes scanne the room and she saw some of his friends but not him. Taking her seat in the back she decided it was for the best he wasn't in her class. She really didn't know how to act around him now that they were more friendly with one another. They're friends and classmates were around, so they weren't going to be all over one another.
Robert moved through the shelves of books as he searched for the book he wanted. He knew he wouldn't be able to take the book out so he had come ready to copy. looking at his watch he growled as he realized he was late for class. Moving quickly to the librarian he smiled, "I'm sorry... I was wondering if I could get a note for class. My research took longer then expected."

The little old witch looked at Robert slightly confused. She couldn't remember the boy walking past her but he would have had to to get into the section. "Of course..." she said shaking her head.

With a note in hand, Robert ran to his class, sliding into the room just as the professor was starting. Handing the teacher the note, Robert looked back at Tess, a little grin on his face. Moving to his seat, just a couple from Tess he set down and pulled out his book.
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