Love and Hate at Hogwarts (London and MissBubbles)

Robert knew what she wanted. Moving his fingers over her clit, he started to rub the hard nub with the timing of his thrust. "Cum for me..." he moaned as his dick moved in and out of her tight pussy. "I'm going to fill you up with my cum again..." he panted between thrust. Pinching her clit lightly, his thumb flicked across it before he started to rub her again. Kissing her passionately, his hard shaft moved along her lips and walls as he started to thrust faster in his excitement. Knowing that he would be able to hold out much longer, Robert worked her clit faster, pressing on the hard nub as his cock worked in and out.
Tess bit his lip and pulled away enough to speak. "Beg me to cum for you." She moaned, breathing heavily. Tess couldn't help but smile knowing she was seconds away from cumming for him. His finger rubbing over her clit made her hips rock back against him faster. Hearing him tell her he was going to fill her up with his cum turned her on more. She couldn't think of anything else she wanted more at this moment.
Robert chuckled, "You want me to beg," he said thrusting harder into her, "I can feel the way your body is begging me to make you cum..." he said kissing her deeply. Rubbing her clit faster, "Don't you want to cover... my dick with your juices... To squeeze me hard... with your quivering... pussy... to milk all of my cum from me..." he panted. Pinching her nipple, his other hand followed it's example by pinching her clit, "Cum for me..." he said as his cock moved deep before pulling out only to thrust in hard.
Tess was breathing heavily against his lips. She kissed him every time he took a breath to speak. Her eyes were locked on his. He was right, she did want all of that. Her hand was still holding onto his wrist but she was gripping it from pleasure now. Her body almost reacted instantly when he told her to cum for him. Tess bent over resting her hands against the wall when she started cumming for him. When he thrust into her hard she rocked back against him hard. "Cum in me" she panted out.
Feeling her orgasm quickly pushed him over the edge. Thrusting faster, his hard dick reached deep as he groaned with his own orgasm. Rope after thick rope of his seed entered her wet core. Kissing her passionately, he moaned in her mouth as his hot cock expanded in her pussy. Panting he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. "Oh... fuck..." he panted, "You really... Are the best..." he said as his hands teased her breast.

Looking down the hall, Robert couldn't help but chuckle when he didn't see anyone, "Damn... I'm surprised no one saw that..." he said as he stayed in her.
Feeling him cum in her, Tess pushed back against him. She was breathing easily when he wrapped his arms around her. She thought he would collapse if he wasn't holding onto her. Leaning back she kissed over his ear. Tess giggled softly against it when he spoke. "So are you."

Tess looked around when he mentioned no or seeing them. "I am surprised to especially with how loud you are" she said jokingly. Her lips moved to his neck kissing over it gently. She nipped at te skin of his neck before moving to kiss his lips.
Kissing her, he couldn't help but laugh, "You were just as loud... But we really should get out of the middle of the hall." Slowly pulling his dick from her wet pussy, Robert groaned as he pulled his boxers and pants up. Robbing her ass, Robert quickly picked up her panties. Pushing them into his pocket, "I'll give them back later," he said with a smile. Kissing her passionately, his hands squeezed her breast as his tongue slipped into her mouth.

"When do you have to go back to the jackass..." he asked. He still couldn't figure out why he cared that she was with Tyler. The thought that he would be touching her just turned his stomach.
"awwww scared of getting caught? I see why you weren't a slytherin." she moaned softly as he pulled out of her. Tess pushed her robe and skirt down before kissing him bal deeply. She bit hit tongue gently before pulling away. She giggle when he mentioned Tyler. She was sure she heard a hint of jealousy but she decided it was best to not say anything. "when I'm don't with you of course." she said kissing his lips again.
"I'm not scared of anything," he growled, "And I'm not in Slytherin because I'm not a power hungry idiot with delusions of godhood." Unable to keep from kissing her, Robert put his heart into it as his hands roamed over her body. "Oh what a shame..." he said, "What happens if I'm done with you for now..." he said before the kiss. Nibbling on her bottom lip, Robert smiled before pulling away. Turning to walk away, he looked over his shoulder and smiled at her, "Are you coming or what?" he asked flicking his fingers as he held out his hand.
She scoffed when he summarized her house such included her. Before she could fuss at him he kissed her. His kisses seemed to make her forget about anything. Her arms wrapped around when she felt his hands move over her body. It amazed her that this boy she once hated could maker feel this way.

When Robert pulled away and said he might be done with her she didn't know how to respond. She couldn't help but frown as she wondered whether he was serious or not. He turned and smiled asking if she was coming or not. She quickly went over and grabbed his hand. She leaned in biting his neck hard. "I'm not a power hungry idiot. I'm actually very smart and If I want something i just go and get it. That doesn't make me power hungry it just means I won't settle for less then what I want."
Chuckling, "Ok you're not power hungry," he said a wicked grin spreading across his face, "You're just really randy... Or Horny as you American say." Walking a little way down the hall, "So what was your plan for that potion yesterday?" he asked as he pulled her down another hall. "I know it wasn't for that moron boyfriend of yours. He would have no problem sleeping with you... So who were you planning on using it on?"
"I can't help it." she said with a smile. Tess wondered whether or not she should lie to him about the idea she had. She decided against it. "I was going to use it on you. But i sure wasn't going to actually have sex with you. I was just going to..."She leaned in and bit his ear gently. "Well I can't tell you because I might still use that plan in the future." Tess held onto Roberts hand tight and she really liked holding his hand. When they were actually talking he didn't seem that bad either. She shook the thoughts away not wanting to make things complicated. She was enjoying the relationship they had right now. No strings attached.
"Don't get me wrong... I'm not complaining. I like that you're randy... Um... Horny," he smiled. Looking at her, Robert looked angry for a moment before he started laughing, "So you were going to use it on me... You wanted me horny and desperate..." he chuckled, "And just think you would have missed all this..." he said as he reached up to squeeze her breast. Laughing, "Be careful lass... I have a few plans of my own. If you're not careful I won't tell you about them before it's to late," he winked.

Walking down a dead end hall, Robert turned around twice more before the door appeared. Opening the door to the magical room, Robert lead her into the same bedroom as before but now with a large bathtub.
"Well I might have let you pleasure me just to rub that in your face afterwards but that seems like rape. Plus at the time it grossed me out to think about you touching me." She looked over at him when he winked. She assumed they would be some what civil for the time being. "Thats off limits for right now because i can promise you, If i'm actually mad at you i'm not going to be a randy as i am now. "She couldn't help but giggle when she said randy. "You can go back to being totally mean when were not having sex with each other. It's like a silent truce for the time being."

She smiled and followed him to the room. Tess smiled even brighter when she saw that bathtub. "That wasn't in here last time. What is this room anyway? And how do you know all these halls and secret passages?" She had a feeling he would have never told anyone about any of this had it not been for the potion.
"Well I thank you for not raping me," he chuckled, "Yeah... Two days ago the thought of touching you turned my stomach... But now it's a huge turn on." Smiling when she said randy, "Well I don't want you mad right now... I much prefer you being randy." Looking at her, Robert smiled, "A silent truce... I can live with that. Although I might save you from some of my plans for your housemates..."

"This is the Room of Requirements. Anything that you need this room will become... I was looking for a place to hide one night my first year here and the room appeared. Sense then I was able to learn what the room really is and here we are," he said moving up behind her and wrapping his arms around her. "I've spent five years exploring the school... I know ever passage way and every room in the place... Including all of the ways into town," he said wondering why he was telling her.
"It is huh?" Tess leaned over nipping his ear. "The thought of you touching me is a huge turn on too." Tess smiled when he agreed to the silent truce. As he explained the room and all he knew about the school Tess pulled away to explore the room. "All i do is get lost. No matter what. Maybe you could give me a proper tour and i won't get so lost all the time."

She removed her robe and threw it on the bed before walking over to the bathtub. She smiled back at him as she started unbuttoning her shirt. "So are we taking a bath today?" Unbuttoning her shirt completely, she dropped it on the ground. She set back against the edge of the tub and motioned for Robert to come over to her. "I'm missing your hands and it's making me hate you again" she smiled as she spoke. She doubted she could ever really hate Robert again, he gave her too much pleasure.
Smiling, "I don't usually like to give out information... But I think I can this time. I know someplace I can get a map if you really want one..." he said softly, teasingly. "But the question is what are you willing to give me for such valuable information," he chuckled, knowing that he would give her the map and tour for nothing. Robert still hadn't figured out what it was about Tess... There was just something about her that not only turned him on but mad him want to be with her.

Smiling as he watched her take her robe off, "Oh I think a bath if a perfect idea..." he said as he dropped his on robe onto a chair. Moving across the room, Robert took his shirt off as well as kicked off his shoes. Moving up to her, "Well I would hate for you to hate me just because I wasn't touching your beautiful body," he said wrapping his arms around her waist. Kissing her neck, he nibbled on her flesh as his hands moved to unzip her skirt.
She smiled happily when he wrapped his arms around her. She couldn't explain it nor would she ever admit it, but she loved being in his arms. "You think it's beautiful huh?" She teased, moving her arms around his neck. Tess moaned feeling his lips over her neck. She could stay locked in this room forever with him if he allowed it. "We have to start the bath" she giggled pulling away from him and letting her skirt drop to the floor. Turning around, she smiled back at him "Can you unclasp my bra please." Tess was trying to not rush things like she had in the hallway. She knew this was nothing more then sex but she still didn't want it to end to quickly.
Smiling, "Yes... You have a beautiful body... But if you ever tell anyone I said that I'll deny I ever said it," he chuckled as his hands roamed over her body. Groaning, "Damn bath... Ok," he said as he let her slip from his arms. Looking at her naked ass, "Robert smiled, "Yeah I'll unhook it..." he said as he pushed his boxers down. Stepping up behind her he let his hard dick brush her ass cheek as his hands unhook her bra. Wrapping his arms around to caress her breast, he lightly pinched her nipples.
Tess felt how hard he was for her and rubbed her ass back against him. Moaning as he pinched her nipples she leaned back biting his ear gently. "I want my bath, with bubbles. Then you can have me and do whatever you want with me." She whispered against his ear. Tess pushed his hands away gently. "Your trying to distract me with your hand and it's not happening." Tess giggled knowing he could distract her easily.
"Bubbles..." he said as she pushed his hands away, "I think I can give you bubbles..." Leaning across the tub, Robert turned one of the four values. As the water started to fill the tub, bubbles started to flow from the facet. "This one is like the baths in the Head boys and girls bathroom... Just a lot smaller..." he said. Smiling he stepped closer to her, "Now... You have your bubbles and I get you..." Laughing, "Do you think I would do anything that might distract you... I'm just giving you what you want..." he said scooping her up in his arms. Stepping into the tub, Robert slowly set down, keeping her on his lap while he did, "I think that tonight I'm going to sneak into the forbidden section of the library... I wonder what kind of sex spells I can find..."
"Your lips and hands are always distracting me." he smile when he lifted her up an stepped into the tub. She scooted back, laying against him and kissed his neck. "What I want is you." Nibbling over the skin of his neck she rubbed back against his dick. "I wanna go with you. Thats where I got the love spell for you." Tess grabbed his wrist gently and pushed it uner the water towards her pussy. "Can't we just spend the night in here tonight?"
Moaning as she rubbed back into his dick, he gasped when she spoke. "Go... With me..." he said softly, "I guess you can..." Chuckling, his hand moved around her to squeeze her breast, "I saw you go into the Forbidden section. I found a book there once that had a lot of spells from some witch that went made from sex... Something about sex magic being more powerful and harder to control..." Letting her pull his free hand down to her pussy, his fingers started to make small circles around her clit, "I don't see why we can't stay here tonight... But we'll have to wait until after classes. We already missed one class yesterday," he said nibbling on her neck, "We can come back here after the library..."
"So we could possibly go mad from sex with the spells." she giggled against his neck as she spoke. Feeling his hands Tess moaned softly nipping at his neck. Her hips moved against his finger when he rubbed over her clit making the bath water splash. "So we will meet at the library later?" she asked moaning again. She pushed back against his dick, teasing him.

Tess wanted to spend the night with Robert but she usually slept with Tyler. She knew she was going to have to make some kind of decision because she couldn't just sleep with both of them. She also didn't enjoy lying and evading Tyler. "I was thinking of maybe breaking up with Tyler, you know until this is over. I don't really like the idea of cheating on someone and I'm willing to admit I don't want this to end yet." She felt like being honest was the best thing. Things could quickly get out of hand with this situation and she preferred it to go as smoothly as possible.
"Yeah... But is that really such a bad thing. I mean sure that one witch went crazy... But if you have to go, could you think of a better way," he said winking. Moaning as her hips moved against his hard cock, "Mmmm... Yeah... We can meet at the library..." he said as she teased him. Moving his hand a little lower, his finger slipped into her wet pussy. Curling his finger he started to teased the top edge of her pussy, slowly moving closer to her g spot until he finally started teasing it.

Kissing her neck, Robert moved so he could nibble n Tess's ear, "Go ahead and break up with him... To be honest I never understood what you saw in him. I've known him a lot longer then you have. In another few months he would have broke up with you... Once he got what he wanted from you. I've seen it happen before."
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